2 minute read
Power-Hungry Yacht Feeding a
By Captain Shane Granger, HV Vega
based on tail current, system loads and the battery C state, along with voltage and temperature measurements - both at the batteries and the alternator - it delivers the most precise and efficient charging possible.
Unlike other controllers, the WS500 Zero Output Technology actively regulates battery current to zero amps when the batteries are fully charged. And it actively regulates output according to the alternator temperature, rather than only responding when an extreme temperature state occurs – which usually means that expensive alternator is already fried.
Idon’t profess to be an electrical genius; in fact, I still have troubles figuring out a smart phone. But, these days some things are perfectly clear. Building a state of the art, safe, reliable high-energy DC electrical system requires smarter and more sophisticated energy delivery than ever before. Gone are the old days of running a wire from the back of your alternator to the batteries and depending upon a not-so-smart internal alternator regulator to control the charging output. Let’s face it, the growing demand for high-energy battery systems and effective solutions for keeping them charged has fundamentally turned the way we old school yachties look at battery management on its head. I, for one, find the whole thing daunting. But, at least one solution is clear.
Considered by many to be the RollsRoyce of advanced alternator regulators, the way I see it, Wakespeed’s WS500 offers the best possible combination of installation simplicity, advanced communication, rugged construction and intelligent charge control - bar none. The installation instructions were so clear even I could figure them out on the first go.
Ideal for charging lead acid, or the latest hi techLiFePO4 battery banks, WS500 is the only alternator regulator that utilizes a dedicated shunt to measure the actual rate of charge
These days, every aspect of our charging system, from alternator to inverter charger to solar or wind regulators must be closely integrated and actively talking with each other or the whole system goes cross-eyed, and then nasty things begin happening. Unlike most alternator regulators the WS500 is a 100% CANbus friendly team player that integrates directly with systems such as those from Victron, and it communicates directly with modern CANbus capable LiFePo4 batteries such as those from Battleborn, Victron or Master volt.
And now here’s the skinny on this amazing piece of kit. Simply said, what other manufacturers claim their regulators do, the Wakespeed WS500 actually does, beautifully, and so much more. What I like best is that it doesn’t guess, but actually measures amps going into the batteries with a dedicated shunt, AFTER the house loads are taken into consideration. And, it regulates the alternator output based on the alternator’s temperature. What that means is, should the alternator reach the pre-set safe working temperature the WS500 cuts back the charge rate - effectively bringing the temperature back into the safe zone and keeping it there while still charging my batteries. Since we are performing a step by step conversion to LiFePo4 batteries, I especially appreciated the battery manufacturer’s recommended settings for both AGM and LiFePo4 batteries and the fact the WS500 will be able to talk directly to the BMS in our new batteries and make adjustments accordingly. All in all, I give the Wakespeed WS500 two thumbs up. And best of all, you don’t need to be a computer programmer to figure out the settings.
(You can contact this author via the website www.vega1892.com).