Share your valuable work experiences and best advice on what it takes to succeed in your industry or company by participating in one of several employer panels coordinated by the Career Center each year. Students who attend these sessions gain insight into employers’ expectation of new hires. They also learn about the importance of networking and gaining relevant experience while in college. Let us know if you or another representative from your organization is interested in serving on an employer panel.
Representatives from the Career Center visit employers to learn more about their co-op and internship programs and to connect with BGSU students on assignments. Through on-site visits, we observe your corporate culture first hand and have the opportunity to meet and thank your managers and supervisors who train and mentor our students. Occasionaly, we are invited to observe our students in action as they present their individual or group internship projects. On-site visits are invaluable and enable us to share our experiences and perceptions with students considering various internship and co-op options. The summer months are the best for staff members to visit employers, although other times can be arranged.
LIST OF COLLEGES College of Arts & Sciences College of Business Administration
Established in 2000 at BGSU, the Job Location and Development (JLD) program is a federally funded service that helps employers hire college students for part-time, seasonal, and temporary positions. Many BGSU students work part-time during the school year and full-time in the summer to earn money to offset their college expenses. At the Career Center, we promote the value of all types of work experiences in helping students gain marketable skills and relevant job experiences. Peg Bucksky, the Student Employment Services JLD Coordinator, can help you evaluate your recruiting options, schedule rooms on-campus, and advertise your openings on WorkNet. She can suggest academic majors that best meet your needs, and forward resumes of students seeking part-time, seasonal, and temporary jobs upon request. To discuss your hiring needs, contact Peg Bucksky at 419.372.9294 or by e-mail at
We are excited to share information about the Cooperative Education and Internship Program in the Career Center at Bowling Green State University! On a daily basis, we consult with line managers and human resource professionals to help them build visibility and name recognition on campus, establish relationships with key faculty and student leaders, and recruit our talented students for their cooperative education and internship opportunities. While many people use the terms co-op and internship interchangeably, there are differences in the length and nature of the assignments. At the Career Center, we have adopted the following definitions:
Graduate College
College of Health & Human Services College of Musical Arts College of Technology
Annette Badik, Director Bill Pargeon, Recruiting Manager Micheline Krise, Administrative Assistant ®
Cooperative Education and Internship Program • 318C Math Sciences Building • Bowling Green, Ohio • 43403-0159 • 419-372-2451
• • • • • •
College of Education & Human Development Firelands College
The Cooperative Education and Internship Program supports the BGSU vision by providing meaningful, career-related experiences to help students achieve the following outcomes:
Cooperative Education: a paid assignment for two
consecutive semesters on a full-time basis or two- or threesemester assignments with the same employer that alternate with semesters in school. Lengthier assignments enable co-op students to gain more in-depth knowledge about their field and assume responsibility for larger or multiple projects.
Internship: a one-term assignment with the same employer, which gives students insight into their academic discipline and employer’s core business. These assignments can be with local, regional, national, or international employers, either compensated or volunteer, or on a full-time or part-time basis. What distinguishes a co-op or internship from a part-time job is the intentional learning agenda, which complements the student’s academic program and is an integral component of an applied learning experience.
Understand their academic discipline more fully and gain practical experience by applying classroom learning at the workplace. Enhance their professional skills, including critical thinking, written and oral communication, teamwork, leadership, organization, problem-solving, judgment, and decision-making. Gain experience working with people from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds and age groups. Demonstrate work behaviors and attitudes essential for workplace success, including initiative, flexibility, self-confidence, maturity, integrity, and responsibility. Increase their understanding of strengths and weaknesses through performance feedback and formal appraisal. Discover employment options and career paths in their field, and the importance of professional development and life-long learning.
BGSU’s programs of study are designed not only to nurture learning, but also to enable students to apply what they have learned. By graduation, BGSU students are expected to demonstrate substantial mastery of the learning outcomes in their major fields of study; be able to think critically and constructively; communicate skillfully; and engage others actively and effectively so that they participate fully in society as well-informed citizens.
COOPERATIVE EDUCATION AND INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 318C Math Sciences Building Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0159 419-372-2451
dream it. experience it. get it!
There are many advantages to employing BGSU co-op and internship students. Employers gain talented, highly-motivated pre-professionals who are eager to learn and tackle special projects in their academic specialization, which allows permanent employees to be redeployed to more critical business issues. Employers are able to keep a “real job” filled by hiring several students year-round at a fraction of the cost for a permanent employee’s salary and benefits. Supervising and mentoring an intern or co-op student is very rewarding and can be a developmental experience for a new supervisor. Intern and co-op students produce tangible results and bring fresh perspectives and creative ideas to the workplace. With these students, employers realize an early return on their investment. They have an opportunity to observe and assess the performance potential of future employees without obligation to hire. As the competition in the talent wars has intensified, many employers are regarding their co-op or internship program as the vital link for new college hires. Many have had success with hiring a more diverse work force through these programs. A well-established co-op or internship program helps reduce recruiting, training and orientation costs by hiring graduates who are committed to and already have experience with the organization. In addition, employers gain name recognition on campus as returning co-op and intern students share stories about their rewarding experiences. Participating in the BGSU Cooperative Education and Internship Program helps employers strengthen relationships with faculty members who can lend their expertise and knowledge of their students to the organization’s recruitment efforts. Additionally, employers keep faculty members abreast of current trends and changing requirements in their professional field and provide valuable feedback through co-op and intern evaluations, which help to ensure a viable, effective curriculum. Faculty often report observing noticeable changes in students’ behavior after they have completed a co-op or internship. Students tend to be more self-confident, attentive in class, and grasp key concepts quicker. In return, employers benefit from an enhanced image in the community through their contributions to the development of tomorrow’s workforce.
Showcase your organization by hosting a recruitment presentation on campus to share information about your available internship and cooperative education positions, recruiting practices, and hiring needs. To accommodate student class and work schedules, evening hours are recommended for Spotlights To allow us sufficient time to promote your Spotlight, we request at least three weeks advanced notice.
BGSU Career Center job and internship fairs offer employers an outstanding venue to meet our talented students face-to-face. For your convenience, our job and internship fairs are designed to allow recruiters the option of conducting interviews with candidates they select at career fairs. During the Fall and Spring, we have large-scale career fairs for all career fields. Our career fairs are well-attended by students, alumni, and faculty. Many employers participate in several career fairs annually to build visibility for their companies on campus and beat the competition to hire our best and brightest. For up-to-date information, please access our employer page at
their career interests and goals. • Clarify Identify internships and cooperative education • assignments germane to their professional and personal interests. essential skills in resume and cover letter writing, • Gain interviewing, and networking. about employers’ recruiting and hiring practices for • Learn interns and co-ops. learning objectives and action plans to enhance • Develop their on-the-job learning and success. • Understand workplace protocol and behavioral expectations.
Want your employer profile or job opportunities to stand out above the rest? Consider the advantages of advertsing in one or more of the Career Center’s publications. See for details.
B!G Job Search Guide
We streamline the hiring process by helping employers navigate the University structure and comply with academic requirements, where applicable. We strive to prepare our students for all aspects of the job search and ease their transition into the world of work.
Our career consultants help students:
Job announcements can be posted for free on WorkNet, our web-based recruiting system powered by NACElink. More than 5,000 students annually use WorkNet to search for career (post-graduation) positions, co-ops, internships, and summer and part-time jobs. Students interested in your position can apply through the system and their resumes will be forwarded automatically. Additionally, a resume bundle of qualified students can be sent to you electronically to screen and contact students directly. To list a co-op or internship position, simply complete the short job posting form accessible at:
In addition to career fairs, recruiters are invited to conduct interviews on-campus at the Career Center throughout the year. On-campus recruiting is a convenient, cost efficient solution for sourcing new hires. We handle all the details and logistics, including notifying students and faculty of your visit and career opportunities, managing the interview sign-up process to comply with your schedule specifications, and coordinating any special arrangements for pre-nights or faculty luncheons. Our goal is to ensure the most productive day possible for your recruiters. To arrange a recruiting date, contact Bill Pargeon, Recruiting Manager, at 419.372.2968 or via e-mail at
Students consult this publication all year long! The Guide is a comprehensive job search publication distributed to 4,500 graduating students annually. Written and published by the BGSU Career Center staff, the Guide is used as a supplemental reference in classes, career advising appointments, and workshops. It includes chapters on writing resumes and cover letters, interviewing, job hunting, and transitioning into the workplace.
Job and Internship Fair Newspapers
Students identify employers to target at job and internship fairs through these newspapers. Copies are distributed through academic departments and newspaper stands all across campus. Each newspaper features articles on today’s job market for college graduates, brief employer profiles, and descriptions of job and internship opportunities. Advertising in job fair newspaper is a proven strategy for positioning your company as an employer-of-choice with our students.
We can connect you with faculty members and student organization leaders to arrange a guest appearance or presentation in a class or club meeting. Our faculty make a concerted effort to involve industry experts in the classroom to enrich student learning. BGSU offers more than 300 student organizations and clubs to accommodate the diverse array of personal and professional interests of our students. Student leaders frequently request our assistance with identifying guest speakers to present on a wide range of topics. To learn more about student organizations, please access the BGSU Student Organization Directory at http://www.bgsu. edu/offices/sa/getinvolved/ page96469.html or contact a member of the Career Center staff for recommendations on student groups to target.
co-op or internship is a collaborative program between the University, the students, and approved employers. The employer • Aprovides supervision, facilities, and instruction that help students acquire the skills and knowledge needed in their chosen field of study or occupation. agreement is for the period agreed upon between the employer, the student, and the Cooperative Education and Internship • This Program (CEIP). agreement may be terminated by the employer or CEIP for good and sufficient cause by providing reasonable advance • This written notice to the other. • The employer and the Cooperative Education and Internship Program agree to indemnify each other from any claims or liability.
EMPLOYERS AGREE TO: 1. Notify the Cooperative Education and Internship Program (CEIP) of available co-op or internship positions well in advance of the anticipated hiring date and provide adequate job descriptions. 2. Respond promptly to referrals of students by the Program, within 30 calendar days of receipt of resumes or from the date of on-campus interview, and inform the University which students the Employer plans to hire. 3. Hire a co-op or intern student referred by the University without discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. 4. Complete and return the Employer Verification form. 5. Provide Workers’ Compensation and/or other employment benefits to the student to the extent required by law. 6. Orient the student to his or her specific role and responsibilities and to company/organization rules, policies, procedures, methods, and operations. 7. Relate work assignments as fully as possible to each student’s field of study and/or career interests. Make every effort to maximize the student’s learning on the co-op or intern assignment. 8. Provide meaningful supervision throughout the term of employment and conduct periodic appraisals of each student’s performance (to be shared with the student).
9. Complete the online CEIP Employer Evaluation and share this performance appraisal with the student. 10. Inform CEIP of any cause of dissatisfaction with or of misconduct on the part of the student. Notify CEIP of any changes in the student’s status including employment and termination dates, promotions, and adverse actions.
CEIP AGREES TO: 1. Designate a staff member as a liaison with the employer. 2. Help employers identify a pool of qualified candidates by recommending appropriate academic majors and informing all eligible students of the employer’s cooperative education and internship opportunities. (Employer reviews selected resumes and decides whom to interview and hire). Assist new employers with developing and implementing a Cooperative Education or Internship Program. 3. Furnish requested information to the employer about the student’s field(s) of study, academic standing, and other pertinent information. 4. Assist students with establishing learning goals and objectives appropriate to their particular needs to be achieved on their co-op or internship assignments. 5. Maintain communication with the co-op or intern student and the employer as necessary throughout the work assignment. 6. Inform the employer of any concerns expressed by the student regarding assignments and projects, supervision, reactions to evaluation, or other related matters.
7. Distribute an online Employer Evaluation near the end of the term to solicit employer feedback on the student’s performance.
STUDENTS AGREE TO: 1. Register their internship or co-op with the BGSU Cooperative Education and Internship Program upon acceptance of an offer. Complete and sign all required documents, including the Student Letter of Agreement and Liability Waiver Form. 2. Maintain personal health insurance or student health insurance. Have automobile liability insurance in force if driving an automobile as a condition of employment. 3. Acquire professional liability insurance through Bowling Green State University if so desired or required by the employer. 4. Attend a Workplace Success Orientation session before their first assignment. 5. Perform all assigned duties on their co-op or internship to the best of their ability; and comply with all rules, regulations and policies of the employer and the University while on assignment. 6. Report changes in student status (e.g. change in major, failure to maintain required standards of the University) or any serious personal or work problems, including safety and personnel concerns to the Cooperative Education and Internship Program and their on-site supervisor. 7. Complete the online Student Assessment at the end of each assignment.
Cooperative Education and Internship Program • 318 Math Sciences Building • Bowling Green, Ohio • 43403-0159 • 419-372-2451
BGSU LEARNING OUTCOMES BGSU graduates are critical and constructive thinkers, as shown by proficiency in inquiry, creative problem solving, and examining values in decision making. Students on co-op and internship assignments engage in investigation through career • INQUIRY: exploration (e.g., evaluation of the fit between the work assignment and personal and professional
goals, consideration of different academic majors or concentrations, career options), identification of issues that arise in the workplace, and analysis of evidence from a wide array of sources to make well-reasoned decisions on the job.
PROBLEM SOLVING: Students on co-op and internship assignments synthesize • CREATIVE knowledge gained in the classroom with information acquired in the workplace. Additionally, students who have opportunities to interact with individuals from diverse cultures and backgrounds gain a deeper understanding of the increasingly global and complex society.
VALUES IN DECISION MAKING: Students on co-op or internship assignments have • EXAMINING opportunities to critically observe the professional standards of their field, understand the significance of integrity in organizational life, and recognize and evaluate the ways values influence decisions.
BGSU graduates communicate skillfully in multiple forms of expression, such as logical, mathematical, visual, or musical. All students have proficiency in written and oral communication, with additional expertise in other symbol systems necessary to a major field of study. Students on co-op and internship assignments communicate in a written form with their • WRITING: co-workers, supervisors, and clients through e-mail, memoranda, and reports. They also learn about multiple forms of writing, styles and the conventions of their field.
Students on co-op and internship assignments develop their oral communication skills • PRESENTING: through presentations to small and large groups of co-workers, supervisors, or clients. Additionally, they learn about the use of non-verbal communication and various presentation media.
BGSU graduates engage others in action, as shown by proficiency in participating and leading. Students on co-op • PARTICIPATING: and internship assignments are actively involved at their worksites. They interact with supervisors and co-workers in various departments and with clients in different settings Additionally, they may be asked to contribute to decision making discussions.
Students on co-op and • LEADING: internship assignments demonstrate
leadership by influencing procedures and policies at work, respecting the opinions of others, and acting with integrity in the workplace.
Cooperative Education and Internship Program • 318 Math Sciences Building • Bowling Green, Ohio • 43403-0159 • 419-372-2451