Spring expo supplement 9

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hire.bgsu.edu This guide can be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities. To request this item in enlarged print, in Braille, on cassette tape, or on computer disk, contact the Career Center.


INTERVIEW DAY (scheduled at EXPO)

Wednesday, Tuesday, February 10, 2009 February 11, 2009 Perry Field House 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Perry Field House 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.


For a current listing of registered organizations, login to your WorkNet account via MyBGSU.

1001 E. Wooster Street • 322 Saddlemire Student Services at Conklin North • Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0150 • 419-372-2356

Spring EXPO


Ten Ways to Make EXPO a Success employers with the shortest lines first and not waste valuable time waiting in a long line. This strategy will enable you to speak with the most employers. You can also prioritize by your level of interest in the organization. Keep in mind you may not want to go directly to your number one organization because you may be nervous. Visit other employers first to gain your composure and rehearse your one-minute commercial. (Below is an article about creating a winning one-minute commercial using skills employers value most). With a little planning and a small investment of time, you can greatly increase your effectiveness at Spring EXPO 2009 or any other job fair. Whether you are seeking full-time employment or an internship, the following tips can help you make the most of this career fair.

your career interests and goals. Visit their websites to learn even more about the organization. This will give you a competitive advantage over students who just show up because you will be able to link your professional interests to the position and ask better questions of the recruiters.

1. Before you attend the fair, read this

2. Once you are at EXPO, take a quick

EXPO Guide thoroughly. It contains a listing of organizations registered to attend EXPO and the positions for which they are recruiting. Information about these organizations and available/anticipated openings are listed on WorkNet, accessible from your MyBGSU web portal. We highly recommend you review this information prior to the job fair to target organizations offering opportunities matching

walk through the job fair and pick up information from companies of interest. You do not have to wait in line to get these materials.

3. Prioritize the order in which you will

visit your targeted employers. One way you can decide the order is by the length of the line of students waiting to speak with the recruiter. We suggest you visit

4. To make a strong, positive first

impression, wear a suit, give a firm handshake, and make a brief introduction. As you speak with the recruiter, maintain direct eye contact and remember to smile. Offer your resume to the recruiter and be ready to answer questions about your career goals and knowledge about the employer.

5. If you choose to wait in a long line, use

the time to read through the company’s literature. Pay attention to the questions the recruiter is asking other candidates. This allows you to gather more information before speaking to the recruiter.

6. If the line is too long, you can leave your

resume on the table, pick up a business card, and contact the recruiter directly after the job

fair. You may also want to check periodically to see if the line has shortened.

7. Be open-minded and amenable to other options. If you are drawn to a company interested in majors other than yours, inquire about other opportunities that may be more fitting with your interests and qualifications. 8. Do not be overly concerned about your graduation or availability date. At EXPO, many companies recruit for May and August graduates as well as December graduates. It is not too early to begin your job search for full-time employment or coop and internship positions. 9. After you are finished speaking with an employer, be sure to ask for a business card before you leave the table. You may also want to write down a few notes on the back of the business card to jog your memory about the most important details of your conversation. Remember you will be speaking with many employers throughout the day and taking notes is an excellent way to help you avoid confusion. 10. Immediately following Spring EXPO 2009, send follow-up letters and resumes to all recruiters with whom you spoke. This keeps your name fresh in the recruiter’s mind.

Be Ready: The One-Minute Commercial The impression you make when approaching employers is critical to your success as a job hunter. On average, employers attending EXPO stated that they spend between three and five minutes with each student so be sure to make the most of the time you have with them. To improve your chances of making a favorable impression, prepare and practice delivering a oneminute commercial about yourself and the contributions you could make to an organization. EXPO employers stated when meeting a candidate for the first time, they want to find out the candidate’s major, GPA, year in school, career interests and goals, attitude, unique qualifications, and relevant experiences (e.g., internships, leadership, and extracurricular activities). The following format will help you develop a one-minute commercial suitable for use at EXPO and other career fairs:

1. Introduce yourself by first and last name, major, and class standing. 2. Share your knowledge about the organization, field, or industry. 3. Explain what you can offer, highlighting your major skills and


4. Express your interest in learning more about the organization by asking a direct question.

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Example of a One-Minute Commercial Hello. My name is Kathy Thompson, and I am a senior economics major. Thank you for being at EXPO; I have been looking forward to speaking with you today. I noticed on your website that you have openings for financial analysts, and I am interested in this type of position. I have been involved with the Economics Club for four years, and I am currently serving as the Treasurer. Being a member of this club has enhanced my understanding of financial economics and has complemented the knowledge I have gained through my coursework. One of our recent projects has been helping a local business owner with sales forecasting by investigating economic indicators and competition in the region. Last summer, I had an internship with Johnson Financial, and completed various rotational assignments and special projects. The most interesting assignment I worked on was a team project investigating a pricing model and business strategy to increase market share and optimize profitability. This was an invaluable experience because it gave me greater insight into the finance industry and allowed me to develop my skills in project management and risk assessment. Perhaps best of all, it confirmed my desire to become a financial analyst for a world-class company, such as Acme Financial. I have been following your company’s expansion into the greater Los Angeles area in the L.A. Times. I also read in your annual report that you are expanding your operations in Southern California. Could you tell me more about this proposed expansion? Also, I am especially interested in learning more about what you think are the greatest challenges your organization may encounter in the next five years.

Spring EXPO


Make a Great First Impression Ninety-six percent of the EXPO employers who responded to our survey indicated first impressions made at job fairs are important to them. Keep in mind the following dos and don’ts for making a favorable first impression.

1. Don’t cruise the booths with a group of friends. Recruiters will perceive this negatively. Approaching a recruiter as a group leaves the impression you lack confidence or are merely shopping around. EXPO is the place to launch your career, not hang out with your friends. Do interact with the recruiters on your own to make the best impression.

2. Don’t carry your backpack, a large purse, coat, or other bulky items with you, because they can detract from your professionalism. Do carry your resume in a professional portfolio. It will keep your resume neat and handy and provides a place to file

recruiter business cards. There will be a place at the fair for you to hang up your coat and stow anything bulky.

3. Don’t come dressed casually to the

fair. Ninety-six percent of employers attending EXPO indicated professional dress is important to them and valued by their organization. Do come to the fair dressed in a suit. A career fair is a professional activity, perhaps your first contact with a future employer, so you want to leave the recruiters with a favorable impression. For more information, review the “Dress for Success” portion of The B!G Job Search Guide, Chapter Five - Interviewing, on the Career Center website.

4. Don’t hand the recruiter a resume

with typos or grammatical mistakes. In a national poll, one-third of senior executives stated typos and grammatical errors were the most common mistake job seekers make on their resumes (www.naceweb.org).

Do have someone proofread and review your resume. Stop by the Career Center (322 Conklin North) for DropIn Hours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 2:00-4:00 p.m. or visit the Career Center’s Satellite office in Founders Hall on Wednesdays from 5:00-7:00 p.m. for a resume review.

5. Don’t “wing it” with employers. You

do not want to ask a question like “What does your company do?” This is a sure sign you are not prepared and gives employers the impression you are not interested in their organization.

more about its mission and vision, services and/or products, financial position, organizational structure, new developments, and recent news reports. Researching an organization thoroughly helps you formulate an answer for the inevitable questions “Why do you want to work for our organization?” and “What do you have to offer?” frequently asked by recruiters.

6. Don’t say, “I’ll take anything” or “I don’t know” when asked about your interests. These responses show a serious lack of focus. Do explore your skills, values, and interests before attending a job fair so you will be able to discuss them with an employer. (Remember to seek the expertise of Career Center professionals to help you with this process).

Do your homework! Research the companies just as you would for an interview. This EXPO Guide is an excellent starting point for your research because it provides background information about the organization, its URL, and the positions available. Investigate the company in greater detail to learn

If you follow these tips, you will be on your way to a successful job fair experience.

Don’t Forget to Say “Thank You” You did it! You attended the job fair, made e many excellent connections, received interviews, and now you feel confident your job search is off and running. Before e you put the job search on the back burner,, you need to follow-up and send a thankyou letter/email to all the employers you met at EXPO to reaffirm your interest and reassert your qualifications and fit with the organization. Sending a thank-you letter/email is not only proper etiquette, it also reinforces the positive impression you want employers to have of you. When sending thank-you letters/emails, please keep the following tips in mind:

Send letters/emails out in a timely manner, the next day at the latest. If your letter arrives within a day or two after your meeting with the recruiter, you have a better chance of being remembered.

Address your letter/email to an individual instead of an office or department name. Request business cards from the representatives you meet at EXPO. Also, ask for recruiting brochures, job descriptions, and other company materials, so you can use the information to personalize your letter/email and emphasize how your skills and goals correspond with the company’s needs.

Remember to keep your letter/email concise; a one-page letter/email is the most powerful. As you highlight your abilities in the letter, the focus should be on the company’s needs rather than your own. Your letter is an opportunity to tell the recruiter what you can offer his/her organization.

Always include your resume when sending your thank-you letter/email. To see an example of a thank-you letter/ email, be sure to review the “Job Search Letters” chapter of The B!G Search Guide on our website at the following url: http://www. bgsu.edu/downloads/sa/file59133.pdf.

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Spring EXPO


Employers are Looking at Your MySpace and Facebook Sites Is my resume updated? Check. Did I research the companies I am

most interested in? Check.

Have I practiced interviewing? Check.

Am I dressed for success? Check. Great job! It seems like you are ready for the Spring EXPO 2009 Job and Internship Fair. One more question - have you edited your Facebook or MySpace profile lately? If you have not thought about this question you may want to reconsider. While social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Xanga allow you to keep in touch with old friends or make new ones, they can also disclose more than you bargain to potential employers. In a recent article, MSNBC.com noted that 35% of hiring managers use Google to perform background checks for job candidates and 23% look at social networking sites.

Red flags can include risqué pictures and questionable interests (partying and getting trashed) that reflect immaturity and an unprofessional demeanor at best. “Job candidates who maintain personal sites on Facebook or MySpace are learning—sometimes the hard way—that the image they present to their friends on the internet may not be best suited for landing the position they’re seeking.” Hiring managers, interviewed by MSNBC and The New York Times, admitted there have been cases where candidates did not get a job based on what was posted on their social networking sites.

greater access to these sites. Adecco, a consulting firm, reported that 66% of teens and 20-somethings did not realize that online information can factor into hiring decisions. A question you should ask yourself when using social networking sites is “Would I feel uncomfortable if my parents or grandparents read the contents of my site?” If your answer is yes - you should remove all questionable information. Here are a few more suggestions:

Google yourself often to review the information about you posted online. If there is false information, seek to have it removed.

Use the privacy settings that social networking sites offer. The illusion of privacy, in many cases, can give students a false sense of safety about their personal sites. However, as system restrictions for social networking sites become looser, companies will have

Create a positive virtual image that you can use to market yourself to potential employers.

If you are unsure if information on your social networking site is appropriate,

contact or visit the Career Center for advice.

For an interactive look at the dangers and precautions of Facebook, visit BGSU’s Dean of Students “Clear Eye for the Facebook Guy” website at: http://www.bgsu. edu/offices/sa/studentdiscipline/ page29925.html. The image you project online can have a powerful and long-lasting impact. Make sure the face you present to the world is one you can be proud of and that it will make a positive impression on a potential employer. Benjamin Martin, Graduate Assistant BGSU Career Center 2007-2008

What You Should Know About Behavioral Interviews


Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Therefore, employers may ask questions about your performance in the following areas: grades, leadership roles, co-op or intern assignments, part-time and summer jobs, and community service or volunteer projects. Behavioral interview questions help interviewers assess how you would handle yourself in similar situations. Give an example of a situation with a positive outcome, or if asked for a Respond to tough behavioral negative example, talk about what you interview questions by using learned from the experience. the SOAR model to provide the employer with a thorough response. The SOAR model Describe any stands for Situation, Obstacle, obstacles you encountered in the Action, and Result, and provides situation. employers with great insight into the extent of your skills, Specify what specific knowledge, and experience. Be actions you took to overcome the sure to use recent examples obstacles and to achieve your results. when responding to behavioral interview questions because the more recent the behaviors Highlight and stress the discussed, the better their positive outcomes. predictive value of future behaviors.



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Spring EXPO


Job Search 101: Research Organizations To prepare effectively for the job search, you need to know as much as possible about the organizations of interest to you. This EXPO guide provides a brief introduction to the employers and companies attending Spring EXPO 2009. Remember, doing your homework about the companies and their opportunities will help you make a favorable first impression. Knowing how to research companies and organizations is crucial to a successful job-search campaign. Employers perceive “researching the company” as a critical factor in the evaluation of applicants because it reflects interest and enthusiasm. It shows you understand the purpose of this process and establishes a common base of knowledge where questions can be asked and information can be added, thus enabling both applicant and recruiter to evaluate the position fit more accurately. Try to locate the following items of general information about the company before attending EXPO: age, services or products, competitors within the industry,

growth pattern, reputation, divisions and subsidiaries, location/length of time established there, size, number of employees, sales, assets and earnings, new products or projects, number of locations, and foreign operations. The students who most impress recruiters at career fairs are those who demonstrate a familiarity with the organization, have intelligent questions, and have thought about the way they might fit into the organization. Do your research and you will be ahead of the game. Although students know that they should research companies, they usually do not know exactly what to look for and do not know how to work this information into an interview. Utilizing the resources noted in the sidebar will assist you in gathering more detailed information to give you the edge over other candidates. The end of the interview process is a perfect time to comment on the additional details you have learned about that business or organization.

Five Things To Take Away From Job Fairs including company brochures, CDs/DVDs, job descriptions, etc. Make sure you demonstrate interest in the organization rather than the “goodies” they provide.

1. Business cards from the recruiters you have met. Remember to send thankyou letters/emails to individual recruiters expressing your interest in his/her organization. 2. Notes about contacts you made. Writing notes on the back of a business card will help you to remember specific details about a conversation with the recruiter. Also, jot down the names of people who did not have business cards. Take a few minutes after you leave each table to write these notes.

3. Information about the types of positions and training programs available at various organizations. Most recruiters will have information for you to pick up,

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4. A better sense of your career options. If you have used your time effectively, you will have met with many recruiters whose organizations employ people with your skills and interests. Think about their hiring needs and requirements and evaluate whether your qualifications and background are a good match. 5. Increased confidence. A job fair gives you an opportunity to practice interacting with recruiters and managers in a less frightening environment than a formal interview. Use this experience to practice talking about your career interests and goals, academic and personal accomplishments, and relevant work experiences. Make the most of your time spent at job fairs to check out different employers, jobs, and career paths available in your field. Seize the opportunity to connect and network with potential employers who, ultimately, may offer you a job.

Resources for Researching Companies on the Web Bloomberg - Online Magazine http://www.bloomberg.com Business Week - Online Magazine http://www.businessweek.com Crains Detroit - Business Newspaper Online http://www.crainsdetroit.com Fortune - Online Magazine http://www.fortune.com Hoover’s Online - The Business Network http://www.hoovers.com U.S. Department of Labor - Database & Research Information http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos042.htm Value Line - Online Investment Magazine http://www.valueline.com Vault.com - The Insider Career Network http://www.vault.com (adapted from Wall Street Journal - Online Newspaper How to Research Companies http://www.wsj.com by Karmen N. T. Crowther)


Post Internships Part Interviewing Graduation Time Day


City Year Cleveland



Marathon Petroleum Company



National Interstate Insurance Company


Pry Professional Group


Sherwin-Williams Company





Washington Center, The




Reynolds & Reynolds Company


Sherwin-Williams Company




Therma-Tru Corp


Washington Center, The






Post Internships Part Interviewing Graduation Time Day


Therma-Tru Corp

City Year Cleveland

Career Section


Lakeside Association, The


SeaWorld Orlando, Florida


Washington Center, The




AAdvanced Drainage Systems (ADS)




American Greetings Corporation


Associated Materials


City Year Cleveland


Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc.



Consolidated Graphics, Inc.





Emerson Climate Technologies/Copeland Brand Prdts



Lakeside Assocation, The


Marathon Petroleum Company


City Year Cleveland

Peace Corps


Sears Holding Corporation/Kmart Distribution Ctr



Clear Channel




Consolidated Graphics, Inc.


Emerson Climate Technologies/Copeland FOX Toledo National Interstate Insurance Company


SeaWorld Orlando, Florida




Sherwin-Williams Company


Target Stores, Inc.


Ohio Department of Transportation


Washington Center, The



Therma-Tru Corp Walgreens Co.





Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes Corp.






Post Internships Part Interviewing Graduation Time Day

Automatic Data Processing (ADP)


Becker Professional Review


C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.




City Year Cleveland


Edgepark Medical Supplies




Family Heritage Life Insurance Company of America


FOX Toledo


Hyland Software, Inc.


Kraft Foods


Lakeside Assocation, The



Liberty Mutual Group



Marathon Petroleum Company




Maxim Healthcare Services




National Interstate Insurance Company


Northwestern Mutual Financial Network


Prudential Financial Services


Reynolds & Reynolds Company


Root Learning, Inc.









SeaWorld Orlando, Florida Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes Corp.


SpyGlass Group, The


Therma-Tru Corp










Battelle Memorial Institute Bechtel Corporation






Bendix Commericial Vehicle Systems



C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.


American Greetings Corporation


Edgepark Medical Supplies



DSC Logistics


City Year Cleveland


Peace Corps



Emerson Climate Technologies/Copeland Brand Prdts



Wood Haven Health Care


Therma-Tru Corp



Washington Center, The

Giant Eagle


Goodrich Corporation


Huntington National Bank




Hyland Software, Inc.



Marathon Petroleum Company




National Interstate Insurance Company


Progressive Insurance




Reynolds & Reynolds Company


Root Learning, Inc.






Therma-Tru Corp


United McGill Corporation




INVESTIGATIONS, SECURITY Wright-Patterson Air Force Base


Washington Center, The





American Greetings Corporation





Wright-Patterson Air Force Base





Emerson Climate Technologies/Copeland Brand Prdts


Lakeside Assocation, The


Peace Corps X


Total Quality Logistics, Inc.

City Year Cleveland



Plastipak Packaging, Inc. United McGill Corporation




For a complete listing of all organizations attending Spring EXPO 2009, access your WorkNet account in your MyBGSU web portal under Misc Services. Organizations can register to attend up to the time of the fair.






Career Section

Spring EXPO


Tips for a Successful Job Search in a Bad Economy The current economic downturn in the United States can make job searching a very intimidating and difficult task for current students and new graduates. With rising national unemployment rates and massive layoffs from big name companies, you will need to put forth extra effort to market yourself to employers and to ensure that your job search is a successful one. Use the following job search tips to help yourself rise above the competition in a tough economy. Research companies. If you don’t take the time and energy to investigate a position or a company, don’t expect an employer to take the time to review your resume and consider you for the position. Employers want to know you are familiar with the company and how you would be a good fit. Don’t expect an employer to read your cover letter and resume and make a match between your qualifications and the company’s needs. Be intentional about

researching the company (What does the company do? What are the mission, vision, values, and goals of the company? What experiences and skills do you have that relate to the company’s operations?) and convey your knowledge of the company and the position in your cover letter. Focus on what you have to offer. Employers are looking for talented and focused individuals who can bring strengths to the company. Be sure to highlight your transferable skills (skills you have acquired through various activities, such as work experiences, college courses, hobbies, and sports, that can be transferred and applied to the position you are applying for) in your resume and cover letter and when interviewing for positions so employers can see how your strengths relate to the position they are seeking to fill. Polish your resume. For each position you apply for, be sure to refine your resume to highlight experiences and skills that


SUMMER JOB FAIR •Get a head start on summer job opportunities •Meet with employers •Summer jobs and internships throughout Ohio and Midwest •Business casual attire recommended •Bring copies of your resume FOR A CURRENT LISTING OF REGISTERED ORGANIZATIONS, LOGIN TO YOUR WORKNET ACCOUNT VIA MYBGSU.

Thursday, March 19, 2009 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Bowen-Thompson Student Union Lenhart Grand Ballroom Look for the “Guide to th Summer Job e at BGNews stFair” an beginning ds March 3rd!



specifically relate to that position. Do not use a generic or outdated resume if you are targeting a specific position, and always include the most up-to-date and accurate information about your experience and skills. When writing or refining your resume, have copies of the job descriptions and qualifications for positions you intend to apply for on hand and reference the necessary and desired qualifications when deciding what information to include on your resume. Stop by the Career Center’s Resume Critique Drop-In Hours (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 9:30-11:30 am and 2-4 pm) for more help refining your resume. Write targeted cover letters. After researching a company you want to apply to, use the information you find about the company and the position to write a targeted cover letter that will show the employer you are qualified for the position. You can do this by drawing parallels between the necessary qualifications for the position and your own experiences and skills and highlighting your strengths as they relate to the company’s needs. This will entice the employer to review your attached resume and perhaps invite you to interview for the position. Call the Career Center (419-372-2356) and make an appointment with a Career Consultant if you would like more help writing targeted cover letters. Expand your network. Networking is a process of talking with others to share information and to get referrals about jobs. Many positions within your industry can be found through “word-of-mouth” advertising, which makes it very important to connect with professionals in your field and to expand your personal network. Discuss your job search goals and career plans with your professors, co-workers, family, friends, neighbors, academic advisors, social club members, and professionals

within your field. This will help you to expand your network and share your job search and career goals with individuals who may be able to give you a referral or connect you with a person who has the power to hire you. Tap into the hidden job market. Although many positions are posted in newspapers and on job listing databases (such as Monster Jobs, Yahoo! Hot Jobs, and Career Builder) the vast majority of positions (approximately 80 percent) are not advertised by the employer. These positions comprise what is known as the “hidden job market,” which consists of positions that are filled or created for candidates who come to an employer’s attention through referrals from trusted associates, employee recommendations, and direct contact with candidates. Networking is the key to tapping into the hidden job market – you can use your professional contacts to connect with your ideal employer’s contacts and obtain an interview. Refine your interviewing skills. Before you go to an interview, be sure to thoroughly research the company and practice articulating your skills and abilities as they relate to the position. Reflect on your experiences (such as work, school, travel, projects, and internships) and practice describing each significant experience in detail. Check the Career Center website at hire.bgsu.edu for interviewing tips, video clips of student interviews, and attend Spring EXPO “prep” events, including the “Interview Fishbowl” (observe live student interviews with employers) and “Interviewing Tips and Practice” – two of the many programs and services offered to insure your Spring EXPO success! Michelle Garnsey Scientific and Technical Communication Technical Writing Intern BGSU Career Center

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Spring EXPO


For a complete description of the organization’s profile and opportunities, please access your WorkNet account within your MyBGSU web portal under Misc Services. Organizations can register to attend up to the time of the fair.

A ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS (ADS) Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. is the world’s largest manufacturer of polyethylene drainage products. At ADS, we have seen the enormous cost of rebuilding yesterday’s infrastructure as metals and concrete complete their often limited service life. Today, the engineered plastic system is a reality, providing better hydraulic performance, extended service life, and reductions in installation and maintenance costs. Tomorrow, you will continue to see new products and applications from ADS, the world leader in HDPE drainage systems. Our total commitment to quality products and uncompromising customer service has made us the largest, most experienced manufacturer of corrugated polyethylene pipe products in the world. OPPORTUNITIES: MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.ads-pipe.com AEROTEK, INC. Aerotek, Inc. is a member of Allegis Group, Inc. family of hiring companies — the largest privately held staffing company in the world. Allegis Group is a $5 billion company with more than 8,000 clients (including 99% of the Fortune 500) around the world. We are ranked among Forbes top 100 largest private companies overall. Aerotek provides clients with commercial, industrial, professional and technical professionals, in a variety of industries. We have over 150 field offices located across the United States, Canada, and Europe. OPPORTUNITIES: RECRUITER/SALES TRAINEE (Career Post graduation, Co-op/ Internship) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.aerotek.com ALDI INC. ALDI is a multi-billion dollar retail business with over 900 locations in the U.S. As a leader in the limited assortment grocery store format, our highly successful business model is built on creating efficiencies at every level-like stocking only the fastest moving grocery items-with over 95% of our products being our very own high-quality private label brand. It’s just one of the many ways that ALDI is

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revolutionizing the business. We thrive because of a single principle that guides everything we do: if it doesn’t maximize sales or reduce expenses, then it’s not right for ALDI. OPPORTUNITIES: DISTRICT MANAGER (Career Post graduation, Co-op/ Internship) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

outsourcing solutions. Leveraging nearly 60 years of experience, ADP offers the widest range of HR, payroll, tax and benefits administration solutions from a single source. OPPORTUNITIES: OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Cleveland, OH



AMERICAN GREETINGS American Greetings is the number two U.S. maker of greeting cards (behind Hallmark); the company makes American Greetings, Carlton Cards, and Gibson Greetings brand missives. While greeting cards make up nearly two-thirds of the company’s sales, the company also produces DesignWare party goods, PlusMark gift wrap, and Designers’ Collection stationery. Subsidiaries include AmericanGreetings.com (online greeting cards). OPPORTUNITIES: AREA SUPERVISOR IN TRAINING, FULFILLMENT ANALYST, PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR, SUPPORT SPECIALIST (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Cleveland, OH

http://www.americangreetings.jobs ASSOCIATED MATERIALS, INC. Associated Materials is a leading manufacturer of professionally installed exterior building products. We are able to meet the wide variety of homeowner, architect, builder, and contractor needs through our Alside, Gentek, Revere, Ultraguard, Preservation, and Alpine brands. Materials include premium vinyl, aluminum, or steel. Products include siding, windows, fencing, decking, and railing. This unique position in the industry enables Associated Materials to gain a larger share of America’s home exteriors. Associated Materials has been a leader in the building materials industry for over 57 years. OPPORTUNITIES: MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.associatedmaterials.com AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING (ADP) ADP, A Fortune 300 Company, was named in America’s Most Admired Companies by Fortune Magazine and ranked number one in the Payroll Services category! Our Small Business Payroll Division services the fastest growing segment of the U.S. Market, over 10.5 million businesses. Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (NYSE: ADP), with nearly $9 billion in revenues and over 585,000 clients, is one of the world’s largest providers of business

B BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE Battelle is an international science and technology enterprise that explores emerging areas of science, develops and commercializes technology, and manages laboratories for customers. Battelle supports community and education programs to promote an enhanced quality of life for our community neighbors. Battelle is a global science and technology enterprise that develops and commercializes technology and manages laboratories for customers. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, we have a vast science and technology reach. With the national labs we manage or co-manage, we oversee 19,000 staff members and conduct $2.9 billion in annual research and development. Battelle is one of the top 100 Government Contractors. OPPORTUNITIES: SUPPLY CHAIN (Co-op/ Internship) LOCATION(S): Columbus, OH

http://www.battelle.org BECHTEL CORPORATION Bechtel is one of the world’s largest engineering-construction firms. Founded in 1898, we provide premier technical, management, and directly-related services to develop, engineer, procure, build, and operate infrastructure and installations for our customers worldwide such as the high-speed Channel Tunnel Rail Link in England, construction and operations of cellular sites for nationwide cellular networks, and construction of the first large-scale suspension bridge built in the United States in over 30 years - the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Our 45,000 employees are teamed with customers, partners, and suppliers on 950 projects in 67 countries. OPPORTUNITIES: PURCHASING/ SUBCONTRACT SPECIALIST (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.bechtel.com BECKER PROFESSIONAL REVIEW Becker Professional Review specializes in helping individuals obtain professional

certifications. The two review courses offered are: Becker CPA Review and Stalla Review for the CFA Exam. Our mission is to service the global accounting and finance profession, one professional at a time, through innovative, high-quality educational solutions and service from career start to finish. OPPORTUNITIES: CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE (Co-op/Internship) LOCATION(S): Bowling Green, OH

http://www.beckercpa.com BENDIX COMMERCIAL VEHICLE SYSTEMS, LLC Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems, a member of the Knorr-Bremse Group, develops and supplies leading-edge active safety technologies, air brake charging, and control systems and components under the Bendix brand name for medium- and heavy-duty trucks, tractors, trailers, buses, and other commercial vehicles throughout North America. An industry pioneer, employing more than 2,000 people, Bendix is driven to deliver solutions for improved vehicle performance, safety, and overall operating cost. Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems is headquartered in Elyria, Ohio, with manufacturing plants in Acuña, Mexico; Bowling Green, KY; and Huntington, IN. OPPORTUNITIES: MATERIALS/SUPPLY CHAIN, SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (Coop/Internship) LOCATION(S): Elyria, OH


C C.H. ROBINSON WORLDWIDE, INC. At C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. we have roots that run deep and far. CHRW got its start in 1905 as a small produce broker. Today we are a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Minneapolis, MN with 5,700 employees in over 200 branches worldwide. With gross revenues over $5.7 billion and an annual growth rate exceeding 15% per year, we recognize that success is based on innovation. Over our 100-year history, we’ve developed strong relationships with customers and carriers across the globe. Our strength lies in all of our people, who have extended our tradition of service and integrity to companies in every location and situation, and who take pride in making us one of the most resilient resources in the transportation industry. The energy that resonates from our office is electric. We stride confidently forward in our quest to effect positive change, develop innovative technology, and provide exceptional services. CHRW provides international logistics and multimodal transportation services through the trucks, trains, boats, and

EMPLOYER GUIDE airplanes belonging to other firms. It also buys, sells, and transports fresh produce throughout the U.S. and provides the T-Chek smart card fueling service for motor carriers. CHRW employees own a significant share of the company. OPPORTUNITIES: TRANSPORTATION SALES REPRESENTATIVE (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.chrobinson.com CAMPBELL-EWALD Campbell-Ewald is the nation’s eighth largest advertising and digital communications agency, with more than 1,300 employees and offices in Detroit and Los Angeles. A part of The Interpublic Group of Companies, Campbell-Ewald partners with a score of national brands, including Alltel Wireless, Carhartt, Chevrolet, Kaiser Permanente, Olympic Paints and Stains, OnStar, the United States Mint, the United States Navy, and the United States Postal Service. OPPORTUNITIES: ACCOUNT COORDINATOR (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Warren, MI

http://campbell-ewald.com CITY YEAR CLEVELAND An Action Tank for national service, City Year seeks to demonstrate, improve and promote the concept of national service as a means for building a stronger democracy. From a 50 person pilot program launched in 1988, City Year has grown to 1,000 corps members serving in fifteen cities and states across the U.S.: Boston, MA; Chicago, IL;, Columbia, SC; Cleveland and Columbus, OH; Detroit, MI; Little Rock, AR; New Hampshire; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Rhode Island; San Antonio, TX; San Jose, CA; Seattle, WA; and Washington, D.C. In Cleveland and across the country, City Year unites a diverse group of 17-24 year-old young people for a year of full-time community service, leadership development, and civic engagement. The program fosters a commitment to community involvement and develops essential leadership skills among the region’s young adults - two vital components of molding a prosperous future for the Cleveland community. OPPORTUNITIES: CORPS MEMBERS (Off-Campus Part-Time/Seasonal, Co-op/ Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Boston, MA

that our operation encompasses all of the important technology and techniques that are used today. This experience will be invaluable to anyone considering broadcasting as a career. The largest market in NW Ohio, Clear Channel Toledo is home to five radio stations, including WVKS-FM, WRVF-FM, WIOT-FM, WSPD-AM, and WCWA-AM. OPPORTUNITIES: INTERNSHIPS (Co-op/ Internship) LOCATION(S): Toledo, OH

http://www.clearchannel.com CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS, INC. In 1957, the two locations of the Electric Corporation of San Francisco became Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc. CED has since expanded into a coast-to-coast network of sales and distribution warehouses, with more than 500 locations nationwide. The CED management philosophy allows each manager to operate an independent business, or “Profit Center,” remaining sensitive to local customers’ needs while still deriving the advantages of a national distributor. OPPORTUNITIES: MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.cedcareers.com CONSOLIDATED GRAPHICS, INC. Consolidated Graphics (CGX) is North America’s leading general commercial printing company. With 70 printing facilities, 12 fulfillment, and two technology centers strategically located across 27 states and in Canada, we offer an unmatched geographic footprint with extensive capabilities supported by an unparalleled level of convenience, efficiency, and service. Our clients consist of the top Fortune 500 companies in addition to over 19,000 clients nationwide. In addition to our traditional printing services, Consolidated Graphics is committed to providing customers with the latest technology for print. The CGXSolutions group offers an extensive range of online applications that complement our core printing services. OPPORTUNITIES: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Cleveland, OH and Nationwide




CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Clear Channel’s Toledo Radio Division is a state of the art broadcast facility in

DSC LOGISTICS DSC Logistics, a leading supply chain management company with a nationwide

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network, focuses on supply chain capabilities that are adaptable, versatile, and based on changing customer needs. DSC services include supply chain analysis and design, strategic solutionsbased consulting, business process integration, process improvement, and management of logistics operations, such as warehousing, transportation, packaging, and fulfillment. In today’s business environment, filled with rapid and unpredictable change, DSC manages change and information in the supply chain by being ready for anything! OPPORTUNITIES: SUPPLY CHAIN (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Allentown, PA; Columbus, OH; Colonial Heights, VA


E EDGEPARK MEDICAL SUPPLIES Edgepark Medical Supplies is the largest family-owned, nationwide medical supply distributor. Our headquarters are located in Twinsburg, Ohio with other strategically placed distribution centers in California, New York, Texas, and Florida. The supplies that we carry are sold to end users and other businesses. We take great pride in our growth since the Harrington Family purchased our company in 1990 and we are always looking to continue to achieve the aggressive goals that are set. We are looking for motivated, positive individuals that would like to join our family of 825 dedicated employees. Edgepark Medical Supplies is a company that places high value on service. Our customers always come first! OPPORTUNITIES: MEDICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Twinsburg, OH

http://www.edgepark.com EMERSON CLIMATE TECHNOLOGIES COPELAND BRAND PRODUCTS Emerson Climate Technologies, a business of Emerson, is the world’s leading provider of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration solutions for residential, industrial, and commercial applications. The group combines best-in-class technology with proven engineering, design, distribution, educational, and monitoring services to provide customized, integrated climatecontrol solutions for customers worldwide. Emerson Climate Technologies’ innovative solutions, which include industryleading brands such as Copeland Scroll and White-Rodgers, improve human comfort, safeguard food, and protect the environment. OPPORTUNITIES: ELECTRICAL



F FAMILY HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA The seed for Family Heritage was planted by a group of dedicated men and women with a vision to provide great insurance products to American families, and to always treat people like they’re part of our family. Family Heritage has seen consistent and fantastic growth, but through it all the company remains true to its roots and true to the principles that have made the company great. Today Family Heritage serves American families from coast-to-coast and border-to-border and is recognized as one of the country’s leading providers of supplemental insurance products. Today we serve well over 100,000 American families, and every day hundreds more are finding out about Family Heritage! OPPORTUNITIES: SALES (Co-op/ Internship) LOCATION(S): Cleveland Area, OH

http://www.familyheritagelife.com FOX TOLEDO WUPW FOX - Toledo signed on the air in 1985 as an independent and became a FOX affiliate in 1986. Toledo Telecasting was the first station owner followed by Ellis Communication, Raycom Media and Sunrise Television Corp. In 2002, LIN TV took over management of the station and is the current owner. OPPORTUNITIES: NEWS, CREATIVE SERVICES, SALES (Co-op/Internship) LOCATION(S): Toledo, OH


G GIANT EAGLE INC. From the beginning, Giant Eagle has been committed to improving the shopping experience for our customers, as well as the work environment for our employees. OPPORTUNITIES: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Co-op/Internship) LOCATION(S): Pittsburgh, PA

http://www.gianteagle.com GOODRICH CORPORATION Goodrich Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, is a global supplier of systems and services to the aerospace, defense, and homeland security markets. With annual revenues of $6.4 billion, Goodrich

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is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, and employs more than 24,000 people worldwide in approximately 90 facilities across 16 countries. Goodrich offers an extensive range of products, systems, and services for aircraft and engine manufacturers, airlines and defense forces around the world. The company’s transformation into one of the globe’s largest aerospace companies has been driven by strategic acquisitions and internal growth fueled by innovation and quality. From aero structures and actuation systems to landing gear, engine control systems, sensors, and safety systems, Goodrich products are on almost every aircraft in the world. OPPORTUNITIES: FINANCE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide


H HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN) is a $56 billion regional bank holding company headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. Huntington has more than 142 years of serving the financial needs of its customers. Huntington’s banking subsidiary, The Huntington National Bank, provides innovative retail and commercial financial products and services through over 600 regional banking offices in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Huntington also offers retail and commercial financial services online at huntington.com; through its technologically advanced, 24-hour telephone bank; and through its network of almost 1,400 ATMs. OPPORTUNITIES: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Co-op/Internship) LOCATION(S): Columbus, OH

http://www.huntington.com HYLAND SOFTWARE, INC. Hyland Software, Inc., established in 1991, is a software development company based in Cleveland, Ohio. We are a leading provider of electronic document solutions and a globally recognized player on the information technology landscape. Hyland Software develops software that addresses an end user’s electronic document management needs at the department and enterprise levels as well as the core component in the infrastructure of e-business. We continue to provide solutions that allow our customers to gain new efficiencies and maintain a competitive advantage in their respective industries. At its core, Hyland Software is a team of people who not only have a vision of greatness, but in fact possess the talent and dedication

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to turn that vision into reality for its customers and partners. OPPORTUNITIES: MULTIPLE POSITIONS (Co-op/Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Westlake, OH


K KRAFT FOODS Wherever you are in the world, you’re probably familiar with many of our food and beverage brands -- from Kraft and Philadelphia, to Toblerone, Jacobs, Maxwell House, and Milka. But there’s much more about us you might not know. Whether you’re an investor, a supplier, a potential employee, or a non-profit seeking corporate support, we’ve tried to provide a wide range of useful information and links, and we’ve tried to organize it for easy access. We’re there at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and anytime in between. You can find our brands at a French hypermarket, in a vending machine in Japan, or in any American grocery store. Around the globe, in more than 150 countries, our approximately 109,000 employees are dedicated to bringing the world its favorite foods: brands like Kraft, Jacobs, Philadelphia, Maxwell House, Nabisco, Oscar Mayer, and Post. Our business spans five core sectors: snacks, beverages, cheese, grocery, and convenient meals. We hold the number one share position in 21 of our 25 top categories in the U.S. and 21 of our top 25 categories internationally. In the United States, our home country, you can find our products in more than 99% of all households. Our consumer websites -- the Kraftfoods.com, NabiscoWorld, and Candystand, to name a few -- are among the most popular of any consumer packaged goods company and provide a wide range of services and fun. OPPORTUNITIES: SALES (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide




LIBERTY MUTUAL GROUP Boston-based Liberty Mutual Group (LMG) is a leading global insurer and sixth largest property and casualty insurer in the U.S. whose largest line of business is private passenger automobiles based on 2004 direct written premium. LMG offers a wide range of insurance products and services, including personal automobile, homeowners, workers compensation, commercial multiple peril, commercial automobile, general liability, global specialty, group disability, assumed reinsurance, fire, and surety. OPPORTUNITIES: SALES (Co-op/ Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide


M MARATHON PETROLEUM COMPANY LLC Marathon is a company that strives to bring value and values together. We create value for our shareholders and provide quality products and services for our customers. In doing so, we act responsibly toward those who work for us, the communities in which we operate, and our business partners. These are the core values that guide Marathon’s approach to business: 1) Health and Safety: we conduct our business with high regard for the health and safety of our employees, contractors, and neighboring communities; 2) Environmental Stewardship: we are committed to minimizing environmental impacts by reducing wastes, emissions, and other releases; 3) Honesty and Integrity: we uphold high standards of business ethics and integrity, enforce strict principles of corporate governance, and support transparency in all of our operations; 4) Corporate Citizenship: we live by our principles of corporate social responsibility and make a difference through our philanthropic, social development, and volunteer programs; 5) High Performance: we create sustainable value through a high performance team culture and provide a collaborative, supportive work environment where employees are encouraged to reach their full professional potential. OPPORTUNITIES: ACCOUNTANT, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES, MARKETING, TERRITORY MANAGER, REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE, SPECIAL PRODUCTS MANAGER, SCHEDULER (Career Post graduation, Co-op/ Internship) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.marathonpetroleum.com MAXIM HEALTHCARE SERVICES Maxim Healthcare Services is one of North America’s largest and fastest

growing healthcare companies. Having over a decade of experience, we offer a full line of homecare, supplemental staffing, and wellness services. We have earned an excellent reputation in our industry by placing emphasis on quality service provision, recruiting talented personnel, and embracing an uncompromising dedication to customer service. Maxim is located in most major cities across the nation and employs over 15,000 caregivers. All offices are corporately owned and operated with established policies and procedures, and most are accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Maxim Healthcare Services is dedicated to its people and will ensure that each individual is treated fairly and with respect at all times. Opportunity is available to all who put forth the dedicated effort it takes to continue the company’s growth. OPPORTUNITIES: HEALTHCARE RECRUITERS/SALES (Co-op/Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide


N NATIONAL INTERSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY We’re a leading specialty property and casualty insurance company with a niche orientation and focus on the transportation industry. We have been providing innovative and customized insurance products and services to specialty markets since 1989. We have prospered thanks to the vision and dedication of our employees. We are an established, continuously growing, employee-conscious company, seeking candidates with that same enthusiasm, professionalism, and passion! Our corporate headquarters is located in Northeast Ohio. We also have offices in GA, PA, HI, and USVI. OPPORTUNITIES: CLAIMS ADJUSTER TRAINEES, ENTRY LEVEL PROGRAMMER, MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE, STAFF ACCOUNTANT, UNDERWRITER TRAINEE, (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Richfield, OH

http://www.nationalinterstate.com NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL FINANCIAL NETWORK Northwestern Mutual exists to help policy-owners and clients protect against financial risk and achieve financial security. The company, with its subsidiaries and affiliates, offers insurance products, investment products, and advisory services that address client needs for financial security and protection, capital accumulation, asset

EMPLOYER GUIDE distribution, and estate preservation. Northwestern Mutual is the leading direct provider of individual life insurance. Northwestern Mutual receives the highest possible ratings for financial strength from all four major financial ratings agencies. As a mutual company, Northwestern Mutual leads its industry in dividends and expects to pay a record $3.9 billion in dividends to participating policy-owners. OPPORTUNITIES: FINANCIAL REPRESENTATIVE (Co-op/Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Toledo, OH


O OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The mission of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is to seamlessly link Ohio’s highways, railways, transit, aviation, and port facilities and promote a world-class, integrate multi-modal transportation system that is efficient, cost effective, and reliable for all of the state’s citizens, businesses, and travelers. OPPORTUNITIES: PUBLIC INFORMATION (Co-op/Internship) LOCATION(S): Bowling Green, OH


P PEACE CORPS After a day of campaigning for the presidency, John F. Kennedy arrived at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on October 14, 1960, at 2:00 a.m. to get some sleep, not to propose the establishment of an international volunteer organization. Members of the press had retired for the night, believing that nothing interesting would happen. But 10,000 students at the University were waiting to hear the presidential candidate speak, and it was there on the steps of the Michigan Union that a bold new experiment in public service was launched. The assembled students heard the future President issue a challenge: how many of them, he asked, would be willing to serve their country and the cause of peace by living and working in the developing world? The reaction was both swift and enthusiastic, and over the last 47 years, more than 165,000 Americans have responded to this enduring challenge. And since then, the Peace Corps has demonstrated how the power of an idea can capture the imagination of an entire nation. OPPORTUNITIES: VOLUNTEERS (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide


PLASTIPAK PACKAGING, INC. Plastipak Packaging is a leading supplier of plastic containers, manufacturing technologies, equipment, and services. We have facilities across North America, South America, and Europe and are amongst the largest users of PET and HDPE bottle resin in the Western hemisphere. In addition, Plastipak licenses technologies around the world. The Jackson Center Ohio operation, established in 1967, makes more than 1 billion plastic bottles a year. It makes all the soap bottles - 350 million annually for Procter & Gamble’s Lima plant, which is P & G’s only site for manufacturing liquid detergent and liquid fabric products. OPPORTUNITIES: ENGINEERING (Co-op/ Internship) LOCATION(S): Jackson Center, OH

http://Plastipak.com PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Progressive is not what you would expect from an insurance company. Based in Mayfield Village, Ohio, we offer a highly competitive, challenging place to work, combining interesting projects with excellent work/life balance. Progressive Insurance is the third largest auto insurance company in the U.S., providing immediate claims response with competitive rates and 24-hour inperson services. Customers can purchase products by phone, online at progressive. com, and through more than 40,000 independent agents. In business since 1937, Progressive has built its reputation on insuring integrity, the “Golden Rule,” and exceeding personal and financial objectives. OPPORTUNITIES: IT NETWORKING, IT QUALITY ASSURANCE ANALYST ASSOCIATE, IT OPERATIONS ANALYST, (Coop/Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Mayfield Village, OH

http://www.progressive.com PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES Prudential Financial companies serve individual and institutional customers worldwide and include The Prudential Insurance Company of America, one of the largest life insurance companies in the U.S. These companies offer a variety of products and services, including life insurance, property and casualty insurance, mutual funds, annuities, pension and retirement-related services and administration, asset management, securities brokerage, banking and trust services, real estate brokerage franchises, and relocation services. OPPORTUNITIES: FINANCIAL SERVICE ASSOCIATE (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide


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PRY PROFESSIONAL GROUP Pry Professional Group prides itself on its ability to work with the client’s holistic finances, helping our clients build their businesses from birth to final succession. We work with our clients at the multiple stages of their life and help them look for every opportunity to maximize their returns, minimize their taxes, and enjoy life to the fullest. OPPORTUNITIES: ACCOUNTANTS (Co-op/ Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Findlay, OH


R REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS COMPANY The Reynolds & Reynolds Company delivers information technology, software solutions, and professional services that support every aspect of automotive retailing. We are in the business of helping automobile dealers sell cars and take care of customers. Our leadership is built on deep automotive industry experience, technological knowledge, and the unique ability to bring both together in solutions that connect car companies, automobile retailers, and consumers. OPPORTUNITIES: SALES & MARKETING, PC SUPPORT, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PAYROLL, FINANCE (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Dayton, OH



http://www.rootlearning.com/www/ index.htm ROSETTA Rosetta is one of the nation’s leading interactive agencies and is focused on translating personalized customer solutions into business results. Our industry-focused consultants and worldclass technology and creative teams build personally relevant programs that are continuously measured and optimized to drive business impact. Rosetta recently acquired Brulant (www. brulant.com), creating one of the largest interactive marketing agencies in the world. The combination of Rosetta’s proven expertise in building robust personalized marketing programs for large brand companies and Brulant’s experience in building fully integrated on-line solutions, has created an agency that will re-define the meaning of customer experience. If you want to challenge yourself and participate in marketing innovation, Rosetta is a company you need to explore. OPPORTUNITIES: BUSINESS ASSOCIATE, TECHNICAL ASSOCIATE (Co-op/Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Beachwood, OH


ROOT LEARNING, INC. We are a team 95 strong, headquartered at three points on the globe in the United States and Europe. We are educators, trainers, artists, writers, technology specialists, designers, researchers, and businesspeople. The left brain and right brain, and we enthusiastically dispel the myth that implies these two hemispheres are an either/or proposition. Make that passionately dispel. We’re certain that the best learning and training engages both the hemispheres, no matter what is being communicated because we provide the best. Over 400 companies throughout the world will attest to that. Root Learning is here to help your business initiate, implement, and sustain meaningful change. By interpreting and then simplifying complex business issues in creative ways, we deliver innovative learning solutions that speed up alignment, understanding, and the launch of strategic concepts. Our unique and multi-disciplined team is committed to developing and fine-tuning strategic learning methods that engage and connect people to create success, achieve business goals, and implement strategy.

S SEARS HOLDINGS CORPORATION/KMART DISTRIBUTION CENTER Sears Holdings Corporation, the publicly traded (NASDAQ: SHLD) parent of Kmart and Sears, Roebuck and Co., is the nation’s third largest broadline retailer, with approximately $55 billion in annual revenues, and with approximately 3,800 full-line and specialty retail stores in the United States and Canada. Sears Holdings is the leading home appliance retailer as well as a leader in tools, lawn and garden, home electronics, and automotive repair and maintenance. Key proprietary brands include Kenmore, Craftsman and DieHard, and a broad apparel offering, including such well-known labels as Lands’ End, Jaclyn Smith and Joe Boxer, as well as the Apostrophe and Covington brands. Sears Holdings also has Martha Stewart Everyday products, which are offered exclusively in the U.S. by Kmart and in Canada by Sears Canada. The company is the nation’s largest provider of home services, with more than 13 million service calls made annually. The merger of Kmart and Sears as Sears Holdings Corporation closed on March 24, 2005,

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following affirmative shareholder votes of both companies. The company’s corporate headquarters is in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. Kmart also maintains a headquarters office in Troy, Michigan. Sears Holdings operates Sears and Kmart stores, and began opening a combined format named Sears Essentials during the second quarter of 2005. The company continues to market products under brands held by both companies. OPPORTUNITIES: AREA COACH IN TRAINING (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.mykmart.com SEAWORLD ORLANDO, FLORIDA Whether you are beginning your college career or about to graduate, SeaWorld, Discovery Cove, and Aquatica provide you with an opportunity to obtain practical work experience, develop leadership skills, and earn college credit. Through our Internship and Co-op programs, students can work in a variety of areas that will help you learn more about this intriguing business while earning a competitive hourly wage. We offer flexible schedules, free uniforms, free admission, and complimentary tickets. To learn more about the Internships and Co-op programs at one of our parks, please feel free to contact us. OPPORTUNITIES: COLLEGE EXPERIENCE (Co-op/Internship) LOCATION(S): Orlando, FL

http://www.becjobs.com SHERWIN-WILLIAMS AUTOMOTIVE FINISHES CORP. In 1866, Henry Sherwin and Edward Williams founded Sherwin-Williams. Since then, Sherwin-Williams has continually pushed the envelope of coatings technology. Sherwin-Williams started painting carriages and buggies, which were at that time the most popular form of transportation. The company thrived, building its reputation on its high-quality work. However, the invention of the automobile brought new challenges and opportunities. Sherwin-Williams was quick to adapt to the new materials and requirements of the automobile. This adaptability meant that as carriages and buggies disappeared, Sherwin-Williams didn’t. Now, with over 140 years of experience, Sherwin-Williams is a top name in vehicle refinishing. Sherwin-Williams is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of automotive refinishing products and supplies worldwide, making SherwinWilliams Automotive Finishes and YOU the true reflection of a winner. OPPORTUNITIES: MULTIPLE INTERNSHIPS, MANAGER TRAINEE (Co-op/Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide


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SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY, THE The Sherwin-Williams Company, established in 1866, is a Fortune 400 Company that for three years appeared on Fortune Magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For with over $8 billion in sales. We are America’s largest manufacturer and marketer of paint, commercial coatings, and industrial coatings. Every type of structure, building, or product that is manufactured from wood, plastic, or metal requires a finish coating. The Sherwin-Williams Company manufactures and sells those coatings. We market products under dozens of labels, including the following brands: SherwinWilliams, Promar, Dutch Boy, Weatherbeater, Kemtone, Minwax, Thompson, Martin Senour, and many others. OPPORTUNITIES: FIELD AUDITOR, MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.sherwin-williams.com SPYGLASS GROUP, INC., THE The SpyGlass Group, Inc. is a specialized cost consulting firm headquartered in Westlake, Ohio, approximately 15 miles west of downtown Cleveland. SpyGlass markets its services to middle market and large market businesses. SpyGlass is totally independent and works exclusively with the fiscal executives of its clients to reduce communications operating costs through its unique analytical process. SpyGlass has over 500 clients operating in a wide array of industries, including manufacturing, retail, consumer finance, commercial finance, investment banking, accounting, law, collection and credit, health care, commercial air travel, information technology, sports management, non-profit, government, and education. SpyGlass’ current client list includes organizations ranging from local, privately owned businesses to the Fortune 500. OPPORTUNITIES: BUSINESS, BUSINESS SALES (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Westlake, OH


T TARGET CORPORATION See Yourself Here. As the second-largest general merchandise retailer, Target is an upscale discounter focusing on trendright merchandise and everyday basics at affordable prices. Great design, innovative products, friendly in-store experiences, and community partnerships put us high above the rest. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Target Corporation alone employs over 300,000 team members across the country and even the world. We’ve grown from 17 stores in 1969 to

over 1400 stores in 47 states today. Our team members bring more than their great energy to work every day. They bring their unique perspectives, experiences, and differences to work, too. They give us the strength to dare ourselves to be the best—and the power to achieve it. Beyond our stores, Target is also a well-respected and recognized leader in your community. Target donates over $2 million each week, and thousands of volunteer hours each year, to nonprofit organizations that directly benefit your community. It’s just another way Target is quickly becoming the best company ever. OPPORTUNITIES: STORE LEADERSHIP (Coop/Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.target.com THERMA-TRU CORP. Therma-Tru participates in the building products industry as the leading manufacturer and marketer of residential entry doors and related products. The company, founded in 1962 by David K. Welles, Sr., has developed a reputation as a creative corporation using an aggressive marketing strategy with major emphasis on product research and development. OPPORTUNITIES: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, HUMAN RESOURCES, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PRODUCT MARKETING, SUPPLY CHAIN, (Co-op/ Internship) LOCATION(S): Maumee, OH

http://thermatru.com TOTAL QUALITY LOGISTICS, INC. TQL works with customers that won’t settle for transportation sources who give back loads, have late pickups and deliveries, have no-show trucks, or who don’t give 110% one hundred percent of the time to the customer. We do everything right or we don’t do it -- it’s that simple. TQL partners with companies in assisting them with their freight movements. Once a company contacts us to handle their truckloads, we locate approved and reliable trucks, then follow up and monitor the trucks until delivery. We then communicate the progress and any issues promptly to the customer. We relieve the burden and hassle from the customers of finding dependable trucks and handling the many obstacles that occur in transit. TQL’s competitive advantage is the high level of service we provide our customers coupled with our impeccable reputation -- a result of upholding the highest of ethical standards with customers and carriers alike. OPPORTUNITIES: LOGISTICS SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM (Career Post graduation)

LOCATION(S): Chicago, IL; Cincinnati, OH


U UNITED MCGILL CORPORATION United McGill Corporation is a familyowned company, founded in 1951 in Columbus, Ohio. We are a medium size company with annual sales of about $50 million. With headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, we have a nationwide team of about 400 Associates. We operate eight manufacturing plants and more than 30 sales engineering offices throughout the United States. The Company has five operating companies and each has been active for decades. OPPORTUNITIES: NET PROGRAMMER, CONSTRUCTION TRAINEE, PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Columbus, OH


W WALGREENS CO. Walgreens, the nation’s premier retail drugstore, has opportunities nationwide. With over 7,000 stores planned by the year 2010, we’re creating opportunities for talented, ambitious individuals ready to contribute to future success. Walgreens is America’s best-known, largest volume, most-trusted pharmacy retailer. We lead the U.S. chain drugstore industry in sales, store growth, and profits. We’re also one of the nation’s largest retailers overall fourteenth largest - and one of its most progressive and successful companies. Distribution centers are located in CA, AZ, TX, IL, WI, OH, PA, SC, FL and CT. OPPORTUNITIES: RETAIL MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (Co-op/Internship, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Nationwide

http://www.walgreens.com WASHINGTON CENTER, THE The Washington Center Internship Program (TWC) seeks students of all majors, for a variety of internships in Washington, D.C. TWC is an independent, nonprofit organization that provides forcredit internship programs to students from around the world. TWC is affiliated with more than 850 colleges and universities nationwide and works with 2,000-3,000 internships placements in Washington representing major professional fields in the private, public and nonprofit sector. The Washington Center has over 30,000 alumni. OPPORTUNITIES: MULTIPLE INTERNS (Coop/Internship)

EMPLOYER GUIDE LOCATION(S): London, Monterrey; Oxford; Quebec; Sydney; ABROAD; Washington DC

http://www.twc.edu WOOD HAVEN HEALTH CARE Wood Haven Health Care is a public, nonprofit organization owned and operated by the Board of Wood County Commissioners and is managed by a dedicated team of experienced professionals and support staff. OPPORTUNITIES: STATE TESTED NURSING ASSISTANT (Off-Campus Part-Time/ Seasonal, Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Bowling Green, OH

http://www.woodhavenhealthcare.com/ WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) is responsible for the development, acquisition, modification and support of new and active weapons systems. WPAFB is one of the largest and most important bases in the United States Air Force, and is the birthplace, home, and future of aerospace. WPAFB is managed and maintained by Aeronautical Systems Center, the Air Force organization responsible for developing,

acquiring, modernizing, and sustaining the world’s best aerospace systems. It is in many measures the largest, most diverse, and organizationally complex base in the Air Force. Missions range from acquisition and logistics management, to research and development, education, flight operations, and many other defense related activities. WPAFB is home to the foremost aeronautical and aerospace research organization in the Air Force, the Air Force Research Laboratory, and has a workforce numbering approximately 22,000 people, making it the fifth largest employer in the state of Ohio and the largest employer at a single location. Nearly 10,000 of these people are civilians. It includes the Air Force Institute of Technology which trains thousands of students each year and the Air Force Museum which receives more than 1.2 million visitors a year. OPPORTUNITIES: PURCHASING: CONTRACT SPECIALIST (Career Post graduation) LOCATION(S): Kirtland Air Force Base, NM; Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH

http://www.wpafb.af.mil/library/ factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=6674

Spring EXPO



• Career Advising • On & Off Campus Jobs • Cooperative Education & Internship Experiences • Online Career Planning & Job Search Resources • Campus-Wide & Specialized Job Fairs • Interviews with Recruiters • Professional Preparation • • • •

Resumes & Cover Letters Professionalism in the Work Place Interviewing New Employee Transition & Adjustment

• Career Resource Library hire.bgsu.edu


15 X



CAREER CENTER SPRING 09 1001 E. Wooster Street • 322 Saddlemire Student Services at Conklin North • Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0150



Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm • Perry Field House INTERVIEW DAY


Wednesday, Febraury 11, 2009 8:00 am - 4:00 pm • Perry Field House


Thursday, March 19, 2009 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Bowen-Thompson Student Ballroom STUDENT EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION AND SCHOLARSHIP RECEPTION Tuesday, April 14, 2009 3:00 - 5:00 pm • Olscamp Hall 101


Thursday, April 23, 2009 8:00 am -5:00 pm • Perry Field House


Room 322 at Conklin Nor th • 15-Minute Sessions, Fir st-Come, Fir st-Ser ved • Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thur sdays • 9:30 – 11:30 am & 2:00 – 4:00 pm


• Wednesdays from 5:00 – 7:00 pm

RESUME CRITIQUE SESSIONS Paulsen Room, 116 Conklin Nor th • Friday, Januar y 23, 2009 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm • Friday, Febr uar y 6, 2009 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm


Wednesday, January 14, 2009 • 4:00 - 5:30 pm Paulsen Room, 116 Conklin Nor th

FISHING FOR THE PERFECT INTERVIEW: HOW TO ACE EXPO INTERVIEWS Thursday, January 29, 2009 • 7:30 - 9:00 pm Business Administration Building 114


Tuesday, February 3, 2009 • 5:30 - 7:00 pm Bowen-Thompson Student Union 308

HOW TO WOW THEM WITH YOUR WORDS: INTERVIEWING TIPS & PRACTICE Thursday, February 5, 2009 • 3:30-5:00 pm Bowen-Thompson Student Union 308


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 • 5:30 - 7:00 pm Bowen-Thompson Student Union 201

HOW TO WORK THE SUMMER JOB FAIR Tuesday March 3, 2009 • 4:00-5:30 pm Bowen-Thompson Student Union 201

HOW TO GET THE OFFER: EFFECTIVE JOB/INTERNSHIP SEARCH TECHNIQUES Wednesday, March 18, 2009 • 3:30 - 5:00 pm Bowen-Thompson Student Union 201

EXPERIENCE MATTERS: LEARN ABOUT CO-OPS AND INTERNSHIPS Thursday, April 2, 2009 • 5:00 - 6:00 pm Paulsen Room, 116 Conklin Nor th


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 • 4:30-5:30 pm Wednesday, April 22, 2009 • 4:00-5:00 pm Friday, April 24, 2009 • 3:00-4:00 pm Monday, April 27, 2009 • 3:00-4:00 pm All sessions in Paulsen Room, 116 Conklin Nor th


Monday, February 16, 2009 • 1:00-5:00 pm Location to be announced


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 • 4:30-6:00 pm Education Building Computer Lab 222

EDUCATION MOCK INTERVIEWS Tuesday, March 31, 2009 • 3:30-8:30 pm Bowen-Thompson Student Union Ballroom

HOW TO ACE TEACHER INTERVIEWS Monday, April 20, 2009 • 5:00-7:00 pm Olscamp Hall 101 A

For details visit hire.bgsu.edu


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