How You Can Help
3 Furnish a room, in memory or in honor of a loved one, etc.
3 Donate new or gently used furniture, kitchen equipment or supplies, etc 3 Volunteer your time, i.e. cleaning and upkeep, etc
3 Pray that it will be used for God’s kingdom building
Alumni House
Tear Off thing
How you can benef it from the alumni house:
3 stay overnight when you visit OWU, convenient to campus 3 schedule a small gathering, meeting or event there
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Mission Statement for alumni House Here...
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$ 0.00
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
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This room - used for: Nim velit praessisim augue mod min henibh eugue consed min ulla feugiam ver inibh et atuer
3 Provide a comfortable place to stay for out of town guests/alumni/parents who are visiting OWU.
3 Provide a place to connect and establish relationships with current students.
This room - used for: Molobor atueril ismodiatuer si enibh erilisim ipisit vel dipsustis et, se faci tie do digna alit eui eu feu faccum
3 Provide a place to host events and meetings for OWU alumni and the OWU campus community.
3 Serve as a place to welcome alumni to campus and an informal place for alumni to perpetuate old friendships.
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3 Serve as a physical connection between OWU and its alumni, linking alumni more effectively to their Alma Mater and to each other.
3 Serve as a symbolic and physical connection between OWU and its alumni that will demonstrate to alumni how valuable they are to the institution.
Purpose / Mission
Picture of outside of house
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A quote, or something that you want to stand out