Textbook Corner
Jan. 2013
............................................... NEEBO# 249 CRAIG VENTERS, MANAGER Textbook Corner | Emporia State University 1121 Commercial St. Emporia, KS 66801 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Working for the Students and Instructors
P: 620.343.8454 | F: 620.343.8039 Follow us on Facebook! Textbook Corner
Textbook Corner is striving to build a better connection with both the
Spring 2013 Promotions
students and instructors
Here are a few things that TBC is doing to make back to school a little more exciting for teachers and students!
of ESU. We wanted to remind you that if you need anything from us
Neebo Best Price Promise
we are only a phone call
This year TBC powered by Neebo will be doing
away. This semester we
even more to attempt to save students money. If a
received multiple phone
student finds a textbook price lower than what we
calls from instructors for
have posted in store, they simply need to bring in a
textbook adoptions or to
print out of the price and we will beat the price by
make sure we had your
10%. This promotion is valid both for both local
books in stock. This type
and online sellers, excluding private sellers.
of communication is crucial for building a
Student/Teacher Giveaway Promotion!
strong relationship
This pas semester Textbook Corner decided to do something a
between instructors and
little different. We decided to get the teachers involved in our
bookstore personnel. If
promotional giveaways! We had a fairly decent response, and
there is anything you need from us, or if you
both of our winners were really excited!
just want to chat give us
Jeff Miller was our student winner. Jeff walked away with a 32’
a call at the store.
Vizio flat screen TV. The corresponding instructor was Kevin Johnson. Kevin received a $50 Applebee’s gift card.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Reminders • We Would Like Your Feedback! Textbook Corner wants to make sure we are providing the students and instructors with the best service we possibly can. In order to make that happen, we ask that you take advantage of this newsletter and the contact information provided at the top. If we can help you in any way, feel free to let us know!
• Summer & Fall Adoptions Please remember to turn your summer & fall adoptions into the Memorial Union Bookstore.