How To Use Your Boomer Preneur Network TVD
Preneur Network
Don´t let your age stand in the way of your vision, but take advantage of your unique boomer preneur network. When you think for a minute about potential new digital entrepreneurs in your entire preneur network, probably you are thinking about “gurus” like Mark Zuckerberg. The truth, however, is that the most important group when it comes to creating new ventures, is found among the ages of 55-64 years. This is the typical baby boomer group. The number of boomers starting their own business is so important that even the word “boomerpreneurs” has been created. It has been estimated that this growth of boomers re-inventing themselves to become a self-employed entrepreneur will continue at least for the next 25 years. So, if you are a baby boomer trying to balance life and business, you are not alone. Before the digital era became a reality in our lives, a lot of boomers had a fear of starting something new at their age, as it frequently requires significant investments. Today that situation has changed completely and for a couple of hundred dollars, anyone can start their own business online. The next hurdle uses to be the scarcity about the new technology.
“This is for the younger generation”, or “I never had the opportunity to learn this”, are two example of classical excuses to refuse a try. The fact is that today everyone can learn anything about Internet, digital platforms, and online businesses. Wherever you search on the Internet you will find tutorial courses for literally everything. There are many reasons why boomers going to retire or who already have retired, search for new opportunities as self-employed. (Read my blog post “Retired But Not Tired: The Truth Behind It” , published on the 3rd of May, 2016.)
Baby Boomers And their Preneur Network Most of us boomers have spent our careers working in many different corporations or as entrepreneurs networking with multiple of different persons, providers, investors or partners. The fortune to be in this group is that our preneur network represents one of our most valuable assets going forward. This asset comes with time and experience and by nature, the younger generation still needs to create such network. This preneur network can be the flying start to a new venture in the entrepreneurial world. The whole generation of baby boomers searching for new opportunities is forming a new community of self-employed entrepreneurs. For many, entrepreneurship has become the new retirement plan. However, there are some common traits to watch out for, such as motivation, flexibility, passion, energy and health. Look after that these parts are well in place, and just go for it. Once and for all you need to kill forever the famous age myth. Your official age is just a number. Your real age is what you make it be. “ Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t’ matter.” – Mark Twain Maybe you have something that’s a hobby or interest for you, something you are passionate to do. Tweak it a bit and maybe it’s something you can turn into a business or career. How much longer are you going to wait? As a person loving all kind of sports, I decided at the age of 56 to start training for marathon running. It was a challenge that triggered me and 8 years later, I have so far done over 20 marathons and hundreds of other shorter races. The challenge is the passion, and the passion forces me to have a proper plan. The plan gives a new challenge, and here we go around in an endless circle of pure passion. How about making a business of your passion? One day I’m going to make a business of my passion for running, and therefore I signed up for a system to learn how the online marketing works and can be useful to market whatever segment within the running niche. It’s not enough with a product or service. You will also need tools to find your potential customers. The online market is absolutely the best way to make my business idea real.
The world is my potentially market, I can work and train wherever I want with my laptop available and an Internet connection. My passion for running suddenly created a new passion, the passion for being my own boss and working on my terms, the laptop lifestyle or the path toward the ultimate freedom. As a baby boomer, newcomer to the digital world and close to a complete technophobe I needed a system where I got all the training and support needed, a platform that could manage my business on a kind of “autopilot”. Leverage all your passions in one concept is the way to live life as a baby boomer. Use your preneur network and start living the lifestyle you desire! —–
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