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7 Steps to Avoid Quitting on Your Goals (part 1 of 2) TVD

To quit is easy but to avoid quitting requires a method Avoid quitting is much more comfortable than what you think. But you need to know the steps to make it happen. The quitting is such an essential part of your life, no matter what you’re up to. Failure is something natural along the road, but when you quit, you’re throwing in the towel and become a part of the loser’s gang. Therefore this article is divided into two parts. This first part will be very much about how to plan things to avoid quitting. The second part, coming within five days, will focus more on how to get rid of roadblocks during the journey. If you read any biography about the most famous successful people, you will notice some things that stick out. Most of them do not have any higher degree of education. Some people do not even have more than primary school. They made a lot of mistakes during their progress towards their goal and dream. 1/5

Seldom they come from rich families but belong to the average middle class, and in some cases, they even come from the poor environment. Some of them struggled for years before reaching the goal. No one was exceptionally fast in developing what later should make them famous. However, they have one extraordinary quality in common. They Never Quit, and the question is then what did they do to avoid quitting? Even if I don’t know anything about dressage riding, this article about quitting has inspired me a lot for this blog post. Here are the 7 steps those successful people always apply. It’s not any rocket science, and you can avoid quitting as well by using the same formula.

Avoid Quitting by Setting and Using a Target The target is critical to your success. A journey without a well-identified destiny will be the biggest reason to give up. The first part is to set a goal. It will help you to visualize where you want to go. If you don’t set a goal, how will you then know when you get there? With your goal in mind, the target is much easier to define. Read more about targets in my article “Why It Is Important To Create A Solid Vision and Mission Statement.” To avoid quitting, do not stop with the goal but transform it into a target. A goal is an emotionally loaded dream, more intangible if you wish. A target is measurable with figures and facts.

Set targets to avoid quitting

Jeffrey Hayzlett nails the goal setting topic in his article “The 5 Golden Rules of GoalSetting.” A goal could be to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The same goal transformed into a target could be to leave the port of Machester to reach the port of Baltimore. The same journey but with different missions. To avoid quitting a tangible target is mandatory. 2/5

Set a Realistic Expectation to Avoid Quitting Coming back to the previous example, if your goal is cross the Atlantic Ocean and you target two days to sail from Manchester to Baltimore, your expectation isn’t realistic. Many people quit because they put unrealistic expectations of how quickly they want to reach their goal. Do not run through your goal setting too fast. A good exercise is to make one best scenario plan and another worst scenario plan. It’s funny, but experience has shown me that a realistic target often is between the two different scenarios.

Avoid quitting with realistic expectations

Also take into consideration that everything around you is moving and when into your project, it can happen that certain circumstances that are important for your target setting have changed.

Plan for Roadblocks to Avoid Quitting Influenced by passion and a high degree of motivation while setting your goals, there are no clouds in your blue sky. All is great! However, the reality is not always like that. If you don’t prepare for obstacles and hurdles, the surprise will be your biggest frustration when a problem occurs. Take a look at this Huffington Post article about some roadblocks and how to solve them. Organize your plan in such way that you always have a kind of plan B, when those tough days with roadblocks appear. As a passionate marathon runner, I never quit a race. After 20 42k races, I have probably faced all possible obstacles. To avoid quitting the race, I use two practical steps: 1) Quitting as an alternative doesn’ exist. And when I say “doesn’t exist,” I really mean it. 2) I have developed several plans B for all possible obstacles, and when it’s time to use it, it’s just another gear ready to take. 3/5

Get rid of roadblocks to avoid quitting

Online Marketing – Alternative For Non-Quitters When starting my online marketing and affiliate business some years ago, I thought that this shouldn’t be anything long-lasting. Fortunately, I was completely wrong in my initial perception. Once you’re into it, you get so thrilled and motivated. When you are struggling, there is always somebody in the community who is there to support you. Try it out for yourself! Do it part time to start with without any pressure from anybody. Step by step you will find out what a fantastic opportunity this really is. You need to do some work, yes, that’s true. However, the whole concept is backed up by a complete platform and corresponding coaching and support.

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