How to benchmark passion values and goals the best way

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How To Benchmark Passion, Values, And Goals The Best Way /passion-values-and-goals/ TVD

Do you know in detail all about your passion, values, and goals? Passion, values, and goals…? Don’t you? Don’t worry you’re in good company. And if you have been around for a while, you know that every single “guru” talk about the importance of following your passion, values, and goals. In one way they are right, but most of the so-called “experts” mix it all up. Something in their argumentation doesn’t make sense. Let’s take values. What are the values you are striving for? Well, I believe that we can agree on, that they are different from person to person, and are very much based on your personal background from the education you got at home, school, environment, work, etc. Passion is not even tangible but completely emotion based. If you’re passionate about something, you will always explain it to other people in a very emotional way. A goal is the only variable among the three, passion, values, and goals, that you can describe in detail with words and numbers.

Passion Is A Feeling Can you recognize somebody saying: “Follow your passion…!”? How do you follow a feeling when it isn’t a plan but just a pure feeling? The passion can be strong, but to hook up a plan only on a feeling doesn’t sound very solid. Take a look at the following video shot. Probably you will agree with me that the way Terri Trespicio minimizes the importance of searching for your passion, is one of the best talks ever about the topic. I have to admit that I belonged for a long time to the group of people who thought that you have to combine your passion in all aspects. I mean, I’m a passionate marathon runner, but how to make a living out of it? (And I’m not 25 years old, tall, tiny, and an African athletic type of person.) The Terri Trespicio speech will finally help you to understand the role of passion in life. The passion will find you when you are doing the right things, and not the other way around.

Passion, Values, And Goals Are More Connected Than What You Can Imagine. If now Terri Trespicio could get us to understand the “frustration” of finding your passion, and that you don’t need to search for it, the question might arise how the passion will find you. Benjamin Todd gives the answer in the following video: “To follow your passion is dead!” – Pretty strong statement.


Both Terri Trespicio and Benjamin Todd, in two different events, agree on the same strategy: Do not follow your passion but do what’s valuable for other people, and the passion will come by itself. Take a look at my article “How To Find Your P Point” from July 28, 2015. As you can see, your passion, mission, vocation and profession are all linked together. A legendary entrepreneur like Steve Jobs, most probably started with something he loved to do and it turned out to be a passion for him. He found out pretty soon that there was a need for his product and without even being aware of it, his profession as an innovator in a very particular area became a reality. He never searched for his passion, but the passion found him. Not without struggling a lot before he came to that point in his life, but by then, nothing could stop him. As we all know, Steve Jobs’ vocation changed the entire world. By the way, he also earned some money without searching for it. Your purpose through passion, values, and goals

Goals And Goal Setting Will Close The Circle

Out of the formula passion, values, and goals, goals represent the only measurable variable. And as you probably know since before, what you can measure most probably you will fulfill and do. There are many different ideas on how to set goals the right way. No one is better than the other, as long as they fulfill the S.M.A.R.T. formula. Specific – the goal must be crystal clear and impossible to interpret in more than one way Measurable – you must be able to measure every single step of what you achieve withing the frame of your goal Attainable – the goal must be possible to achieve. As a famous quote goes: “Goals should be like a mountain, high but visible.” Relevant – when writing down your goal and at the same time are in the “right” mode, it’s easy to extend the goal setting to things that aren’t relevant to the project. Time bound – every serious goal must be time-related. It’s curious, but goals without a time frame have a tendency never reach their final destiny. Viewing the passion and value variables as the two emotional but important parts of any project, doing your goal setting the right way, you’ll notice that passion, goals, and values will perform as a self-playing piano. You just have to touch the right button, and the piano will start to play.

Passion, Values, And Goals In Practice When starting my online business some years ago, I always struggled to explain to people what I was doing. Partly the reason is that the online business in all shapes is such a new activity that a lot of individuals don’t understand what it is, no matter how much you try to explain.


The other reason is that I didn’t know myself how to explain what I’m doing. Then I learned the 5 step formula, and from then I have no problem to tell people in an interactive way what I’m up to. The interesting thing about this 5 step method, is that only 2 of the steps are about me and the other three about the people I serve. Who are you – your name. Simple like that What are you doing – In my case: I’m doing online affiliate marketing as an independent entrepreneur For whom are you doing it – In my case: After learning and set up my own system, the mission is to teach other people also to become independent online marketers and run their own business What do those people want – In my case: they want to have more time with their families, more flexibility to do things they love in life and financial freedom to really make it happen What do those people get out of it, how does it change their lives – In my case: the persons who give it a fair chance and are committed 100%, they have found the freedom and the joy in life that earlier only existed in their dreams

From Values Via Passion To Goals Now when people ask me what I’m doing, my answer will be: “I teach people how to get more time with their families, more flexibility to do things they love in life and financial freedom to really make it happen.” This response to friends, family and other people you meet, gives you two very significant advantages: Every single person exactly understands what you’re saying Normally, the next question immediately popping up is: “And how are you doing that?” The laptop lifestyle is now much easier to explain, and at the other end, you’ll have somebody who is listening. It’s not primarily about money but about another lifestyle, that will allow you to do what you love to do completely on your terms. This article has been revised and corrected by using Grammarly®. Click here and get your free app for free to start using immediately.

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