This picture was taken in Rikugi-en, a magnificent garden of the Edo period, built by Yoshiyasu Yanagisawa, a favorite of the Shogun Tsunayoshi Tokugawa, as his villa in 1702.
This is the 4th edition of the DISCOVER magazine series. You can purchase DISCOVER China, Japan and Korea in any local bookstore. Discover Japan is about Japan during the Meiji Restoration that occurred between 1868-1912.
Inside this Issue BREAKING NEWS
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Incredible Victory Shocks Countries Japan Does It Again!
EDITORIAL Life Through a Woman’s Eyes
LIFESTYLE Westernization Takes Over Japan
OTHER TIDBITS Interview With Ito Hirobumi
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BREAKING NEWS Incredible Victor y Shocks Countries By: Birgitta Cheng
Who would’ve thought that a small country like Japan could destroy a large, powerful country such as China? In 1894, August 1st, Japan declared a huge war against China. During that war, which had happened in China, Japan and China fought over Korea. Japan want ed Korea t o be an independent country but China wasn’t ready to give that up. The war had started after the King of Korea requested that China and Japan send troops to Korea to help defeat a rebellion. But by the time they arrived, the rebellion was over.
B o t h c o u n t r i e s re f u s e d t o withdraw their troops until the Japanese troops held the King of Korea captive and ordered him to declare Korea ’s independence from China. The King of Korea was forced to sign an order to expel the Chinese. The Chinese, in an attempt to bring reinforcements into Korea, lost a ship which the Imperial Japanese Navy had sunk. War between Japan and China had begun. The SinoJapanese war lasted under a year and Japan remained victorious throughout the war. Western powers were ver y surprised with the success of the Japanese. They had quic k victories at P’yongyang on the 16th of September, defeated
Chinese warships at the Yalu River on the 17th of September, and on the 21st of November, Port Arthur and Manchuria fell to the Japanese. There was the final collapse of the Chinese fleet at Weihaiwei on the 12th of February. A big event that happened during the war was the Port Arthur Massacre, on the 21st of November in 1894. It had happened af ter Japanese soldiers entered the town of Ports Arthur and saw the head of a Japanese soldier displayed on a wooden stake. They went mad with rage and destroyed anything in their path. Almost 60,000 Chinese soldiers had been massacred, yet there were no more than 300 Japanese casualties. This massacre damaged Japan’s international reputation, because it showed the rest of the world how Japanese soldiers lost control. Finally, on April 17th 1895, the Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed to officially end the war. The most important parts of the treaty were that China had to recognize Korea as an independent state, the Liaotung Peninsula, Formosa, and the Pescadores Islands were given to Japan, 4 new Chinese ports opened to Japanese trades, Japan gained most favored nation rights on China, a privilege long desired and China had to pay an indemnity of 200 million taels.
‘Jap the Giant Killer’
This is a British cartoonist’s view of Japan’s victory in 1895.
Japan Does It Again! By: Itachi Uchiha
In less than 10 years, Japan was involved with a second war with another country. This time it was against Russia in 1904. It was a short war, lasting only one year just like the previous war. Japan wanted Russia to recognize its interests in Korea a n d i n re t u r n , t h ey wo u l d recognize Russia’s rights in Manchuria. Yet Russia refused and Japan was left with only one choice; to win control of Korea This is as map showing where battles at all costs. took place, and the paths of the Russian J a p a n n a v a l f o r c e s and Japanese armies and fleets. torpedoed the Russian naval fleet that was anchored at Port captured Port Arthur after a five Arthur on the 8th of February, month siege and the city of 19 04 . T h ey c a u s e d s eve r e Mukden after two months of damage and two days afterward battle on land. war was declared. In less than Japan’s defeat over Russia three months, Japanese troops was a surprise. It was the first had driven Russian troops out of time an Asian power had beaten Korea. They suffered great losses a established European nation. but were persistent and pushed Although the Japanese army was nor th into Manchuria and victorious, they had many serious casualties. Japan had shown the world how powerful their tiny “I came to Japan expecting to nation was, and had gained the see some miserable parody of respect of many Western powers. a third-rate European soldier; On the 5th of September, 1905, the Treaty of Portsmouth instead, I find an army in brought the entire war to an end. every sense of the word It happened in New Hampshire in admirably organized, the United States of America, splendidly equipped, with the U.S. President, Theodore thoroughly drilled, and the Roosevelt as the peacemaker. It strangest thing of all in an stated t hat Russia had to recognize Japan’s interests in Oriental people, cheaply and Korea, the lease of the Liaotung honestly administered.” Peninsula was transferred to - British lieutenant Japan, Russia surrendered its
control of the South Manchurian Railway to the Japanese, Japan acquired the southern half of the island of Sakhalin and both nations agreed not to interfere with any decision China might make in the future to develop Manchuria. In two wars, Japan had gained a lot of territory like Formosa, which is now known as Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands. They also gained the Liaotung Peninsula, which had been taken from them unfairly at the Triple Intervention, and the South Manchurian Railway. They were now on the way to a successful nation.
Kimonos For Sale If you want to feel like a Japanese woman from the Meiji Restoration Period, purchase a kimono from Sakura Industries or call 555-0414.
Available in many designs and colors.
Editorial Life Through a Woman’s Eyes By: Hinata Hyuga
D u r i n g t h e e n t i re M e i j i Restoration Period, Japan has been improving its economy, its government and its education. They have gone from a feudal society to a world power in less than fifty years and won two wars. Yet one thing that hasn’t changed at all despite all these ac hievements is a women’s status. They were considered inferior to men because of social customs, economic realities and political and legal systems. Fukuzawa Yukichi, an advocate of liberal reform said, “At home she has no personal property, outside the house she has no status. The house she lives in belongs to male members of the household, and the children she rears belong to her husband. She has no property, no rights, and no children. It is as if she is a parasite in a male household.”
When the new constitution was set in 1889, women hoped that it would allow them political rights, but in reality the political
These are two young females that were sold to be prostitutes.
situation for women grew more restrictive. In 1882, they weren’t a l l ow e d t o m a k e p o l i t i c a l speeches but by 1889, women were banned from participating in any political activity, even listening to speeches. Another unfair thing during the Meiji Restoration Period was how many poor peasant families were forced to sell their daughters to brothels. They were sold to a life of prostitution, eit her staying in Japan or abroad. The treatment women get is astonishing. Women have been ranked lower than men, despite the fact that they are equal, and in some ways, superior to males. Even in the economy today, males earn more than females who have the exact same job. Hopefully in the next generation, women will be treated the way they should be.
Interview with Ito Hirobumi By: Kakashi Shikamaru Ito Hirobumi’s career spanned over the entire Meiji period, so interviewing him was a great idea. He offered to answer a few questions readers have sent in. Kakashi: How did you grow up? Ito: I was the son of a peasant farmer, and I was born in the Choshu province in 1841. Kakashi: What was your greatest achievement? Ito: It was when I helped create the Constitution of the Empire of Japan. Kakashi: What other things have you done besides create the Constitution? (Continued on Pg. 5)
Lifestyle Westernization Takes Over Japan By: Tsunade Hideyoshi
Western fashions have become popular lately with both Japanese men and women. The old Japanese customs have been replaced with food and clothing from the west. Ever since the Meiji Restoration, there has been a fascination with all things Western throughout the Japanese society. The government declared that Western dress should be worn for all court and official ceremonies. Western haircuts have been popping around Japan too, replacing the traditional Samurai topknot. Not only have the Japanese began changing their fashion, but also their eating habits. Meat eating had been discouraged before, because traditional Buddhist beliefs considered it immoral. Now, beef dishes such as teriyaki and sukiyaki are very popular. Included in this article is a recipe for traditional beef teriyaki which you can make at home.
Kakashi: You were deeply involved with politics, am I right? Ito: Yes, I was prime minister of Japan on four separate occasions. Kakashi: Why did you go to Europe in 1882? Ito: I was determined to base the second constitution on the best practices of the west and adapt it to Japan’s special needs. I decided to use a constitutional system that operated under an emperor, based on the Prussian (german) parliamentary system. Kakashi: What were the main points of the constitution?
* 1 1/2 cups uncooked white rice * 1 2/3 cups water * 1 pound boneless beef sirloin steak (3/4 in thick) * 2 tablespoons cornstarch * 1 (14 oz) can beef broth * 2 tablespoons soy sauce * 1 tbsp packed brown sugar * 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder * 4 cups fresh broccoli florets Directions
Ito: I was an ex-samurai, and I helped restore the emperor to power. I was also a member of the new government.
Beef Teriyaki made according to the recipe
1.In a saucepan bring water to a boil. Add rice and stir. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. 2.Meanwhile, slice beef into very thin strips. 3.In a mixing bowl, combine the cornstarch, broth, soy sauce, sugar and garlic powder. Mix thoroughly. 4.In a large skillet, over medium/high heat, saute the beef strips until browned and juices evaporate.
Ito: The emperor was the absolute ruler and had complete control of the armed forces and the nation’s foreign policy. He could also dissolve the parliament, which was also known as The Diet, create his own legislation and had complete veto power. The parliament was compromised of two houses, the house of peers and the house of representatives. Kakashi: Well I learned a lot from this interview. Thank you for answering these questions and letting our readers know more about you. Ito: It was my pleasure.
5.Stir broccoli and cornstarch mixture into meat. Cook until mixture boils and thickens, stirring frequently. Serve over the cooked rice.