Volume 1 / Issue 2
Featuring. ..
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Texas Hill Country Music’s Magazine Texas Hill Country Music/ Contributors Gary Delz Ronnie Ratliff Jesse Ratliff Courtney Reed Cover Photo provided by Courtney Reed
Texas Hill Country Music “Live & Loud” Magazine www.TexasHCmusic.com www.LiveMusicLivesHere.com 832-384-LIVE(5483) Published by JARco Publishing, LLC www.JARcoPublishing.com 830-201-0830 ©2014 Texas Hill Country Music & ©2014 JARco Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Buchanan Dam Beach Club Intersection of Hwy 29 & CR 301 Buchanan Dam, Texas 512-793-2725 www.bdbeachclub.com
Ryder’s Bar & Grill Dance Hall 7911 Hwy 1431 W. Granite Shoals, Texas 830-598-8232 www.rydersdancehall.com
Joe’s Bar 107 W. Main St Llano, Texas 325-247-5500 Follow Us on Facebook!
Harry’s on the Loop 2732 FM 1323 Willow City, Texas 512-919-9130 Follow Us on Facebook!
Shade Tree Saloon & Grill 13430 Hwy 281N Spring Branch, Texas 830-885-5550
Poodie’s Hilltop 22308 Hwy 71W Spicewood, Texas 512-264-0318
Gruene Hall 1281 Gruene Rd. New Braunfels, Texas 830-606-1281 www.gruenehall.com
Luckenbach Dance Hall 412 Luckenbach Town Loop Fredericksburg, Texas 830-997-3224 www.luckenbachtexas.com
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rowing up, Courtney Reed was surrounded by all genres of music; BB King and all the fellow bluesmen, Hank Williams Jr., Bonnie Raitt, Led Zepplin, and Tom Petty. There was also the more traditional, Patsy Cline, The Judds, Reba, and the likes. Courtney spent much of her time behind a strategically placed microphone stand as a girl with a single plug into her dad’s Fender Amp singing songs with The Judds via the cassette player (cassettes = Old School!) She’s always known that music was going to be a part of her life and made the plunge at about age 23 to purchase her first PA. Sje was scared to death to take that risk, but thanks to her mom and dad for their full support, she hasn’t looked back. Courtney started playing shortly after that with her Dad, Allan Ray Reed, who has always been a guitar player and songwriter, and now is a solo artist. They were a father/daughter duo and played together for 8 years all over the Hill Country along with her younger brother Cameron Reed on percussion. She released her first album in 2012, with songs all about love; from wanting it, to having it, to the break ups, starting over, and being a woman and giving yourself a chance to realize that you will find love (again). You can find her first album, Somewhere Down this Road, on iTunes. She enjoys her time behind the mic, and wouldn’t trade the time she got to play alongside her Dad. They are precious memories that will never be forgotten. In 2012, Courtney was a nominee of the Texas Music Awards, (TMA) as female vocalist of the year. It was certainly an honor for her to be nominated. Her individual style is a mix of bluesy rock, with a little bit of country twang, and a lot of soul.
n 2012, opportunity knocked on Allan Reed’s door and he was no long able to play, so Courtney and Divad Nedloh decided to give it a go. Unbeknownst to them, how things would fall into place as performing artists, and shows on the books, they got together and realized that although they had come from totally different musical worlds, the sound that they
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“Sharing the stage with these two amazing singer-songwriters has been the happiest I’ve ever been in a band!” ~ Courtney Reed had was one. It was real, and it felt right. Growing up, Divad listened to metal; 90’s grunge, including, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Dog Fashioned Disco and others, though his style was undoubtedly unique. Using a looping station and detuning processor to play both guitar and bass tracts live, along with some fancy foot work, he lays down live backing tracks for the duo to entertain the crowd, along with harmonies and a lead guitar player. Divad was a part of several Metal bands in Waco Texas, starting in 2005. He started a metal band of his own, called Divad, in 2008 debuting his first album at 2009 before relocating to Llano in 2010. Courtney and Divad met several years ago, but did not start playing together until 2012. Nedloh has been writing songs and performing as a solo artist for several years in the Waco area, and performed some here in the Hill Country. Unique styles with loopers, beat boxing, and an obscure, unique group of cover tunes help add to the individual sound that they have as a duo. Adding a third member, and working on a full band at the moment, they are writing songs, and preparing for a new project. .
on Garner is Courtney and Divad’s lead guitar player. He has been playing guitar for about 20 years, a year and a half with Courtney and Divad. Jon’s primary influences are Jeff
Beck, David Gilmour of Pink Floyd and U2’s The Edge. He has quite a collection of guitars (around forty at last count) and amps. He is quiet and reserved off stage but makes his presence known when the music starts. He has played with many different artists in the Hill Country and beyond including the late, Larry Salinas. He adds an exclusive edge to the music, and as a trio, they can bring the house down without setting anything on fire except for with a few smoking hot guitar licks, of course. The trio Plays everything from Johnny Cash with a side of Jimmy Hendrix, Michael Jackson with a twist, original tunes from both Divad Nedloh and Courtney, a soulful a Capella rendition of Crazy by Patsy Cline to Poker face by Lady G, and a looped up acoustic version of Wicked Games by Chris Isaak. Definitely a unique mixture of all walks of music with a common acoustic rock flare.
ou can find us at wineries, restaurants, and pub bars all over the hill country along with exclusive spots in Waco and in Austin. Courtney Reed and Divad Nedloh are dedicated musicians, different in their own artistic flare, but share one common ground, making uniquely styled music. Two worldsone sound. Catch them at a venue near you!
“Courtney Reed performs regularly for us at Doc’s Fish Camp & Grill in Marble Falls, Texas and she always brings down the house with her powerful, beautiful voice. Her band jams it out right along with her. We love her at Doc’s!” ~ Lynn W. , General Manager of Doc’s Fish Camp and Grill
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Cadillac Gypsies Country Llano, Texas 325-423-0693
Glen Collins & the Alibis Americana Austin, Texas 512-921-9039
Manzy Lowry Band Folk, Americana Ballinger, Texas 325-423-0693
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The Lucas Brothers Country Lampasas, Texas 512-734-3305
The Texas K.G.B. Americana Austin, Texas 404-821-0292
Southern Underground Band Texas Country / Blues Buchanan Dam, Texas 325-248-1508
Courtney Reed Band Your Genre Band Hometown Booking Phone Number
Allen Ray & Southern Comfort Southern Rock Llano, Texas Booking Phone Number
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Local Artists Then & Now in the Texas Hill Country
lot has changed in the music we hear in Hill Country music venues over the years...back in the day the sound was pure country and western swing across the region, names such as Bert Rivera and The Night Riders, Arkey Blue, People’s Choice, Mark Scott Band, The Ramblin’ Rose Band, Adolph Hofner, The Boerne Village Band, Dusty Britches, Hoyle and Jody Nix, and these are just a few that I personally spent a lot of time watching do their thing, to name them all that played the dance halls and nightspots would take pages and pages to list.
The Legendary Adolph Hofner and his Pearl Wranglers
n the 70’s the sounds began to change as rock and roll became much more popular in Texas. There was Sixgun, Randy Lee Miller, Sunrise, Ben Beckendorf, and so many others that I was too young to see unless we snuck in the back door. A trip into Austin to Armadillo World Headquarters, Antone’s or Vulcan Gas Company was required to see the touring rock artists, but at 65 to 79 cents a gallon and an average ticket price of 2.50 it was worth the trip. Into the early 80’s rock and blues was the growing trend and also brought forth songwriters and blues artists such as John Arthur Martinez, W.C. Jameson and George Ensle, Hal Ketchum, Walt Wilkins, Graham Warwick, Debbi Walton, each of whom paid their dues in many nightspots weekly in front of packed houses.
Ben Beckendorf
he artists who are trending currently West of Austin include Courtney Reed, Tessy Lou and The Shotgun Stars, Kim and her Bad Habits, Southern Underground, The Lucas Brothers, Jamie Hanks, Texas KGB, Manzy Lowry and Cadillac Gypsies. If there are artists or bands in your town we need to know about please drop us an email and let us know so we can get out and give ‘em a listen. There is so much talent out here in the hills, get out and check out your local taverns, festivals, dance halls and nightclubs and listen to the fine talents that are just waiting for your support.
Delzhaus Entertainment Agency is owned by Gary Delz , a retired 30 year Texas Music drummer, songwriter and recording artist who lives on his farm near Marble Falls. He writes independent music columns to better educate music fans on our area history and artists. His company that was founded in 1995 specializes in promoting everything from area festivals to fundraiser golf and softball tournaments. For more information on Gary Delz the artist see www.powertrio.com There are also Facebook pages for both Gary personally and Delzhaus Entertainment Agency. The Agency can be reached by email at Delzhaus@yahoo.com
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The amount of content and thickness of the magazine is proportional to the number of ads sold. If you enjoy reading the articles, getting to know local artists, and just having something interesting and entertaining lying around the coffee table, please help us spread the word to live music venues and other industry-related businesses. We enjoy bringing the entertainment to you in this magazine, but it does cost money to print. Thank you for picking up your copy of Live & Loud Magazine. Don’t forget to “LIKE” us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/TexasHillCountryMusic pg. 8