Pebeo Catalogue 2013 CZ

Page 1

Catalogue More ideas, More info, More videos on

Fine-Art Creative Leisure Children

Fabricant de couleurs


creative leis u re


NA HEDVÁBÍ p.62 BARVY fabric colours/silk Setasilk Silk Auxiliaries

OLEJOVÉ BARVY OIL COLOURS Studio XL Oil Huile d’Art Super Fine Oil Oil Auxiliaries Fragonard Extra Fine Oil

AKRYLOVÉ BARVY p.19 ACRYLIC COLOURS Studio Acrylics Fine Acrylic Studio Auxiliaries Pop Art Acrylic for school Extra fine Artist Acrylics Extra fine Artist Acrylics Auxiliaries Artist Acrylics Ink Mat Pub Extra Fine Acrylics

GRAFICKÉ UMĚNÍ p.33 Graphic arts Colorex Ink Fine Studio Gouache T7 Extra Fine Gouache

p.72 fabric colours/cotton BARVY NA HEDVÁBÍ Setacolor Opaque / Shimmer Setacolor Transparent Setacolor Soleil Setacolor Auxiliaries Touch Textile Setaskrib+ and Setaskrib p.80 Painting Surfaces/cotton Arty’s cottons

DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY p.84 decorative colours P.BO deco Basic P.BO deco Cream of colour P.BO deco Stencil Cream GRAFICKÉ UMĚNÍ P.BO deco Concrete Cream p.46 p astels, fusains A DOPLŇKY P.BO deco Al Fresco colour and auxiliaries P.BO deco Glazing colour Pastel & Charcoals Watercolours gouache, P.BO deco Auxiliaries P.BO deco Chalkboard Paint / ink and pastels, auxiliaries + Effect Magnet p.48 PIGMENTY Pigments PIGMENTY P.BO deco Gilding Fragonard Pigments P.BO deco Stencil/Accessories A AKVARELOVÉ MATERIÁLY p.50 OLEJOVÉ oil and acrylic material P.BO deco Outdoor Painting Knives Touch Deco Easels Fantasy Prisme Fantasy Moon MALÍŘŠKÉ POVRCHY p.52 Painting surfaces Fantasy Accessories Canvas on Rolls Vitrail Fragonard Expert Linen Stretchers Vitrail Auxiliaries Standard linen Stretchers Ceramic Cotton Canvas Stretchers Vitrea 160 Cotton and Linen Vitrea 160 Auxiliaries 3D/Cotton Stretchers Porcelaine 150 Ariane Canvas Stretchers Porcelaine 150 Auxiliaries Canvas Boards Marbling Cotton Canvas Pad Pricing of the Non p.116 GEDEO Standard Sized Stretchers Casting Molding Modeling Cases Moulds Candles Gilds and Patinas

p.41 Watercolours AKVARELOVÉ BARVY Watercolours Fragonard Extra Fine Watercolour

Fabricant de couleurs

p.64 Painting Surfaces/SILK Arty’s silks Arty’s Accessories & Auxiliaries




KRESLENÍ p.126 Drawin g Drawing, pastels



p.124 MALOVÁNÍ PAINTING Tactilcolor finger paint Tactilcolor textile Tactilcolor 3D Bubble Gouache cakes Tempera in tubes Tempera in blistered tubes Primacolor liquid tempera Primacolor paste tempera Prima Magic bright and transparent tempera Brillo glossy poster paint Solugouache liquid concentrated poster paint Solucolor powder tempera Tempera auxiliaries Sparkling Gel transparent tempera Acrylcolor glossy acrylic Artist kid Children cases


DOPLŇKY p.153 accessoRIes Palettes, brush cleaners and smocks

p.154 i DECORATE The windows, Arti’stick window colour Surfaces, initiation cases Glass, water based Vitrail

OIL and acrylic Mistral Carded Mistral White Bristle Carded White Bristle Pure Sable and Kolinsky Sable Cobra Carded Cobra Gala Carded Gala Orion Carded Orion Lotus Carded Lotus

P.172 ALL techniques Spalters P.172

GRAPHIC ARTS Aqua Pocket Aqua Carded Aqua Squirrel Carded Squirrel


DECORATIVE ARTS Cobra Deco Carded Cobra Deco Iris Carded Iris Lotus Deco Carded Lotus Deco Stencil Brushes Oval Wash Brushes Foam Brushes and Rollers


CHILDREN School Brushes Carded School Brushes Brushes in cylinder






FINE ART Artist quality colours have historically been the showcase of our profession as colour makers. They bring together

O i l Co l o u rs OLEJOVÉ BARVY

Studio XL Oil Huile d’Art Super Fine Oil Oil Auxiliaries Fragonard Extra Fine Oil

> > > >

6 10 13 16

> > > > > > >

19 23 24 25 28 31 32

AKRYLOVÉ BARVY ac ry l ic col ours





technical excellence of both amateur and professional artists as well as students and graphic artists. Since 1930 Pébéo’s history has been written both for, and by artists. It is due to

Studio Acrylics fine Acrylic Studio Acrylics Auxiliaries Pop Art Acrylic for school Extra fine Artist Acrylics Extra fine Artist Acrylics Auxiliaries Artist Acrylics liquid ink Mat Pub Extra fine Acrylic G r a p h ic aUMĚNÍ rt s GRAFICKÉ

Colorex ink Fine Studio Gouache T7 Extra Fine Gouache

> 33 > 36 > 38


this close collaboration that many

Watercolours Fragonard extra fine watercolour

Pébéo products have seen the light of

Pa s t e l s , f u s a i n s e t a u x i l i a i r e s

day, primary colours, acrylic colours

Pastel & Charcoals Watercolours,Gouache, ink and pastels auxiliaries

and now the Fragonard colours. Pébéo

P ig m e n t s

Fragonard pigments

> 41 > 43

> 46 > 47 > 48

creates the link between tradition and F i n e Ar t m a t e r i a l s

modernity in fine art.

Painting Knives Easels

> 50 > 51

Pa i n t i ng s u r fac e s

Canvas on Rolls Fragonard Expert Linen Stretchers Standard Linen Stretchers Cotton Canvas Stretchers Linen 3D Stretchers / 3D cotton Ariane Canvas Stretcher Canvas Boards Cotton canvas The sequence of this price list follows the general catalogue by product group: Product group 3: Creative leisure products Product group 4: Fine Art Product group 5: Children products Product group 7: Painting surfaces Product group 10: Brushes Product group 16: Gédéo Product group 18: Arty’s

> > > > > > > >

52 53 55 56 57 58 59 59


Studio XL Oil

The range řada offersnabízí 64 colours 37 ml, 180 mlbarev and v 37 Produktová škáluin 64 odstínů 200 ml tubes, and 5 colours in 650 ml jars, an ml, 80 ml, 180 ml a 200 ml balení a 5 odstínů barev v economic size particularly suited forjelarger works. 650 ml ekonomickém balení, které vhodné Ideal for working with matter, XL oil dries quickly především pro práci na větších plochách. Jsou rychle to the touch and allows for additional coats after schnoucí na dotek a další vrstvu je možné nanášet po 3 days. This year, 7 Dyna and 5 Glaze colours will 3 dnech. be introduced. Studio XL oil is the only oil brand V minulém roce bylo nabright, trh uvedeno nově 7 Dyna a5 offering classic, pastel, Dyna and glaze colours. Glaze odstínů barev. The originality of thisOlejové oil rangebarvy makesXL Oil jsou ve všech směrech moderní it a highly modern oil. - barvy jsou zářivé, rychle schnoucí a trvanlivé.

Produktová skupina Product group44




937 937 937 980 980 980 200 200 200 700

> Studio xl oil : 64barev colours 37 37ml mltubent tuba: 64 52 barev 52 colours 7 colours Dyna 7 barev Dyna 5 Glaze 5 Glazecolours barev 80 ml tubent tuba: 64 80 ml : 64barev colours 52 barev 52 colours 77 Dyna barevcolours Dyna 5 Glazecolours barev 5 Glaze 180 mltubent tuba: 64 : 12barev colours 180 ml 7 Dyna colours 7 barev Dyna 55 Glaze Glazecolours barev : 52barev colours 200 200 ml ml tubent tuba: 64 52 barev 52 colours : 5 colours 5 barev 650 ml 650 ml jar plechovka: 5 barev 5 colours

5 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 1


NEPŘEHLÉDNĚTE! Check it out!


Bezbarvé The 200 mlmalířské Studio XLmédium Studio XL 200 ml vmedium sekci in colourless painting Doplňky pro olejové barvy! the oil auxiliaries!

Ref. 937115 >

< 180 ml DYNA

200 ml >

80 ml > 650 ml > 37 ml GLACIS >

Další infoinfo Další

37 ml >

Dyna & Glaze

The glaze-colours are formulated to bebez transparent andpřidání ready to use without adding a medium. Glaze transparentní barvy nutnosti média. Dyna - dynamické (dvojbarevné) Obsahují interferenční As for the Dyna colours, they are formulatedbarvy. from interference pigments that allow pigmenty the colours to umožňující barvám měnit odstín podle úhlu dopadu světla. change depending on the angle of light refraction. Kompatibilní ostatními a doplňky. These colours are scompatible withXL thebarvami other colours of the range.


Example of the blue Příklad modré glaze barvycolour Glaze

Příklad barvy: Example of the colour: Dyna blue modrá DynaRed červená,

Product Bright yellow Lemon cadmium yellow hue Primary cadmium yellow hue Aureoline Cadmium yellow deep hue Cadmium orange hue Vivid orange Vivid red Cadmium light red hue Cadmium red deep hue Magenta Madder carmine Crimson Bright red Dioxazine purple Vivid pink Cobalt violet light Madder Prussian blue Steel blue Ultramarine blue Cobalt blue hue Primary phthalo blue Cerruleum blue hue Vivid turquoise Bright blue Bright green English light green Cadmium green hue Phthalocyanine emerald Sap green Green earth Chartreuse yellow Naples yellow Yellow ochre Stil de grain Venetian yellow orange Raw sienna Bright pink Red ochre Burnt sienna Brun Van Dyck Raw umber Burnt umber Payne’s grey Neutral grey Ivory black imit. Vivid white Imitation zinc white Titanium white Ivory white Precious gold Iridescent orange yellow Iridescent red blue Iridescent blue green Iridescent blue black Iridescent green yellow Iridescent violet blue Iridescent blue parma Glaze Yellow Glaze Red Glaze Blue Glaze Payne’s grey Glaze Red earth

Barcode 64 colours, 37 ml tube 316786 937031 0 316786 937001 3 316786 937002 0 316786 937049 5 316786 937003 7 316786 937004 4 316786 937035 8 316786 937036 5 316786 937005 1 316786 937006 8 316786 937007 5 316786 937008 2 316786 937043 3 316786 937032 7 316786 937009 9 316786 937037 2 316786 937028 0 316786 937050 1 316786 937010 5 316786 937047 1 316786 937014 3 316786 937012 9 316786 937011 2 316786 937013 6 316786 937038 9 316786 937033 4 316786 937034 1 316786 937015 0 316786 937016 7 316786 937018 1 316786 937017 4 316786 937044 0 316786 937052 5 316786 937019 8 316786 937020 4 316786 937053 2 316786 937041 9 316786 937021 1 316786 937027 3 316786 937042 6 316786 937022 8 316786 937030 3 316786 937029 7 316786 937023 5 316786 937045 7 316786 937048 8 316786 937024 2 316786 937040 2 316786 937046 4 316786 937025 9 316786 937065 5 316786 937055 6 316786 937353 3 316786 937354 0 316786 937357 1 316786 937360 1 316786 937359 5 316786 937361 8 316786 937362 5 316786 937401 1 316786 937402 8 316786 937403 5 316786 937440 0 316786 937463 9

Barcode 64 colours, 80 ml tube 316786 980031 2 316786 980001 5 316786 980002 2 316786 980049 7 316786 980003 9 316786 980004 6 316786 980035 0 316786 980036 7 316786 980005 3 316786 980006 0 316786 980007 7 316786 980008 4 316786 980043 5 316786 980032 9 316786 980009 1 316786 980037 4 316786 980028 2 316786 980050 3 316786 980010 7 316786 980047 3 316786 980014 5 316786 980012 1 316786 980011 4 316786 980013 8 316786 980038 1 316786 980033 6 316786 980034 3 316786 980015 2 316786 980016 9 316786 980018 3 316786 980017 6 316786 980044 2 316786 980052 7 316786 980019 0 316786 980020 6 316786 980053 4 316786 980041 1 316786 980021 3 316786 980027 5 316786 980042 8 316786 980022 0 316786 980030 5 316786 980029 9 316786 980023 7 316786 980045 9 316786 980048 0 316786 980024 4 316786 980040 4 316786 980046 6 316786 980025 1 316786 980065 7 316786 980055 8 316786 980353 5 316786 980354 2 316786 980357 3 316786 980360 3 316786 980359 7 316786 980361 0 316786 980362 7 316786 980401 3 316786 980402 0 316786 980403 7 316786 980440 2 316786 980463 1

Barcode 12 colours, 180 ml tube - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 316786 200353 6 316786 200354 3 316786 200357 4 316786 200360 4 316786 200359 8 316786 200361 1 316786 200365 8 316786 200401 4 316786 200402 1 316786 200403 8 316786 200440 3 316786 200463 2

Barcode 52 colours, 200 ml tube 316786 200031 3 316786 200001 6 316786 200002 3 316786 200049 8 316786 200003 0 316786 200004 7 316786 200035 1 316786 200036 8 316786 200005 4 316786 200006 1 316786 200007 8 316786 200008 5 316786 200043 6 316786 200032 0 316786 200009 2 316786 200037 5 316786 200028 3 316786 200050 4 316786 200010 8 316786 200047 4 316786 200014 6 316786 200012 2 316786 200011 5 316786 2­­­­00013 9 316786 200038 2 316786 200033 7 316786 200034 4 316786 200015 3 316786 200016 0 316786 200018 4 316786 200017 7 316786 200044 3 316786 200052 8 316786 200019 1 316786 200020 7 316786 200053 5 316786 200041 2 316786 200021 4 316786 200027 6 316786 200042 9 316786 200022 1 316786 200030 6 316786 200029 0 316786 200023 8 316786 200045 0 316786 200048 1 316786 200024 5 316786 200040 5 316786 200046 7 316786 200025 2 316786 200065 8 316786 200055 9 - - - - - - - - - - - -


Studio xl oil


Barcode 5 colours, 650 ml jar 316786 700002 8* 316786 700007 3* 316786 700011 0* 316786 700024 0* 316786 700025 7 -

The colours are classified in chromatic order.

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies


> Colour-CHART studio xl oil 31 Bright yellow


34 Bright green

***/I PY3 PW6

***/I PG7 PY3 PW6

01 Lemon cadmium yellow hue •••

15 English light green

**/II PY3 PW6

**/II PG7 PY1 PY65 PW6

02 Primary cadium yellow hue


16 Cadmium green hue


49 Aureoline


18 Phthalocyanine emerald


17 Sap green


44 Green earth


52 Chartreuse yellow


19 Naples yellow


20 Yellow ochre


53 Stil de grain


41 Venetian yellow orange


21 Raw sienna


27 Bright pink


42 Red ochre


22 Burnt sienna


30 Brun Van Dyck


29 Raw umber


23 Burnt umber


45 Payne’s grey


48 Neutral grey


24 Ivory black imit.

11 Primary phthalo blue


40 Vivid white


46 Imitation zinc white

38 Vivid turquoise


25 Titanium white


65 Ivory white

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent


Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies



55 Precious gold ***/I

• • • • •

37 ml 80 ml 180 ml 200 ml 650 ml

354 Iridescent red blue


357 Iridescent blue green


359 Iridescent green yellow


360 Iridescent blue black




361 Iridescent violet blue




362 Iridescent blue parma ***/I

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••• •••

***/I PW6 PY42

***/I PB29 PW6



***/I PW6

***/I PB15 PG7 PW6

33 Bright blue


***/I PW6

***/I PB15 PB29 PW6

353 Iridescent orange yellow


***/I PW6 PB29

***/I PB15

13 Cerruleum blue hue


***/I PBk7

***/I PB15 PB29 PW6

> Dyna


***/I PBk7 PW6

***/I PB29

12 Cobalt blue hue


***/I PB29 PBk7

***/I PB15 PB27 PBk7

14 Ultramarine blue



***/I PBr7 PBk7

**/II PB27

47 Steel blue


***/I PBr7 PY42 PY74 PBk9

**/II PR83 PV23

10 Prussian blue


***/I PR101 PBk9

***/I PV19 PV23 PW6

50 Madder

440 Glaze Payne’s grey


***/I PBr7

**/II PR122

28 Cobalt violet light



***/I PR101

**/II PV23

37 Vivid pink

463 Glaze Red earth


***/I PO20 PR108:1 PW6

**/II PR112 PY74 PW6

09 Dioxazine purple



***/I PBr7 PY42 PY74

**/II PR83 PBk7

32 Bright red

403 Glaze Blue


***/I PY42

**/II PR5 PR12 PG8

43 Crimson



**/II PY83 PR101

**/II PR5

08 Madder carmine


***/I PY42

**/II PR112 PR170

07 Magenta

402 Glaze Red ***/I

***/I PY35 PY42 PW6

**/II PR112 PO34

06 Cadmium red deep hue


**/II PG8 PY6 PW6 PBk7

**/II PR112 PY65

05 Cadmium light red hue



**/II PG8 PY3 PW6

**/II PO34 PY74

36 Vivid red

401 Glaze Yellow

**/II PG8

***/I PO20 PO34 PY65

35 Vivid orange


***/I PG7

***/I PO20 PY65 PW6

04 Cadmium orange hue

> Glaze

***/I PG7 PY3 PW6

*/III PY65 PY1

03 Cadmium yellow deep hue







Sortiment > Assortments 937099 Primary 316786 937099 0 Základníset sada různých barev 37 ml 37 ml assortis. 55 tubes Výběrováset sada 937098 Selection 316786 937098 3 10 různých ml, 1 štětec 37 ml barev tubes +371 brush 10 ass. Sada of10x20ml 10 tubes 20 ml 920111 Set 316786 920111 9 10 různých 20 barev 20 ml,1 brush 1 štětec ml tubes, 10 assorted 20 tubes 20 ml 920221 Sada Set of20x20ml 316786 920221 5 20 assorted různých 20 barev 20 ml,1 brush 1 štětec ml tubes, 20 30 tubes 20 ml 920231 Sada Set of30x20ml 316786 920231 4 30 vybraných barev, 1 štětec 20 20 ml ml tubes, 1 brush 30 assorted 40 tubes 20 ml 920241 Sada Set of40x20ml 316786 920241 1 40 různých 20 ml barevtubes 20 ml 40 assorted 920881 Impressionism 316786 920881 1 Umělecká sadaimpresionismus Art Movement Set různých barev 20 ml, 116 6 assorted 20 ml tubes, 1 canvas 1 plátno na desce 30x30 cm, board 30 x 30 1 white bristle 1 štětec whitecm, bristle, 1 leták brush, 1 leaflet on art movements. 920882 Fauvism 316786 920882 8 Umělecká sadafauvismus Art Movement Set 16 různých barev 20 ml, assorted ml tubes, 1 canvas 16 1 plátno na20 desce 30x30 cm, board 30 white x 30 cm, 1 white bristle 1 štětec bristle, 1 leták brush, 1 leaflet on art movements.


Produktová skupina Product group 4 4






Kufříky > Cases kufřík pro začátečníky316786 920861 3 920861 Bamusový Starter Bamboo Case 88 různých 20 ml, 1 assorted barev 20ml tubes, bezbarvé malířské méduim 75 1 colourless painting medium 75ml, ml, 1 štětec White Bristle n°6, 11 white paletabristle brush n°6, 1 palette 920660 Bambusový Bamboo case kufřík 316786 920660 2 10 různých 20 barev 20 ml,2 tubes 2 tuby 10 assorted ml tubes, 37 ml, 11white štetec Whitebrush, Bristle, 1 bristles 37 ml, malířský nůž, 1 bezbarvé 1malířské paintingmédium knife, 1 colourless 75 ml, 1 mediumkalíšek 75 ml, na 1 double paintingkovový dvojitý vodu, paleta metal 1water cup, 1 palette. 920850 Sada Easel set 316786 920850 7 se stojanem různých20 barev 20 ml, 2 barvy ml tubes, 2 tubes 88 assorted 37ml, ml,1 1 bezbarvé médium 75 37 colourless painting ml, 2 štětce White Bristle, 1 ml, 2 white bristles medium paleta, 175bavlněný sáček na brushes, 1 cotton štětce, 11 palette, malířský nůž, pocket dřevěný malířský stojan brushes, 1 painting knife, for wooden easel box. KolekceCollection Atelier 937810 Atelier 316786 937810 1 10 assorted různých 37 ml barevtubes, 37 ml, 1 10 titanově barva 80 ml, 1 Titaniumbíláwhite 80 ml tube,2 štětce White Bristle, 1 paleta 1 colourless painting medium 80 ml, 2 white bristles brushes, 1 palette.

3 3 6 6 6 3 6


< Ref. 920241








< Ref. 920111

Sada Set of40x20 40 tubes ml 20 ml

Sada Set of10x20 10 tubes ml 20 ml



< Ref. 920881

<  Ref. 920882

Impressionism Umělecká sada Art Movement Set Impresionismus

Umělecká Fauvism sada Fauvismus Art Movement Set

< Ref. 920861 Starter bamboo Bambusový kufříkcase pro 8začátečníky tubes 20 ml



Produktová skupina Product group 4 4


Huile d’art Super fine oil Huile velmi kvalitních Huile d'Art d’Art je is ařada range of superfine oil olejových colours. barev. Jsou dostupné v 60 barvách a ve 3 sérií Available in 60 colours and in 3 series of intense intenzivních a hlubokých odstínů. Bohatost depth, the colour has remarkable stability over těchto barev je vhodná každého, time. The richness of thepro colours makes kit ready vyjádření své kreativity, použitím různých for anyone to express their creativity using any technik. technique. 200 ml >

80 ml >

Ref. 013 014 015 016

Product barev tuba 60 20 ml tubes : 60 colours Série barev Series 1 : 33 colours Série 2 : 20 colours Series barev Série barev Series 3 : 7 colours tuba 60 37 ml tubes : 60barev colours

Series 1 : 33 colours Série barev Série Series 2 : 20 barev colours barev Série 3 : 7 colours Series

: 40barev colours 80 ml tubes tuba 40 Série barev Series 1 : 25 colours Série 2 : 10 colours barev Series Série 3 : 5 colours barev Series 200 ml tuba tubes 2: 2barvy colours Série 1 : 2 colours barvy Series


Produktová skupina Product group 4 4 RRP each

20 ml >

37 ml >

3 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 1

< Ref. 013802 Selection set Výběrová sada 12 ass. 20 ml tubes



Produktová skupina Product group 4 4 RRP Barcode Pack each

SADY A KUFŘÍKY > SETS AND CASES 013500 Základní Primary setsada 316786 013500 0 3 6 různých 6 ass. 20 ml barev tubes 20 ml 013802 Výběrová Selection setsada 316786 013802 5 3 12 různých barev 20 ml 12 ass. 20 ml tubes Sada Atelier 013801 Atelier set 316786 013801 8 3 různých 99 ass. 20 mlbarev tubes,20 ml, 60 ml Titanium White, 11tube 60 ml Titanium white, bezbarvé malířské médium Ref. 013801 111colourless painting medium, esenciální petrolejový oleje Atelier set Sada Atelier 12essence of pretroleum, štetce, oil 1 grafitová tužka, 9 ass. 20 ml tubes 21 brushes soie blanc, guma, 1pures plátno nabeau desce + 1 tube 60 ml 1 paleta, 13P, pencil, 1 erase,1 1leták canva borad 3P, 1 palette, 1 leaflet.




Huile d’art Super fine oil Serie

2 Light yellow Permanent lemon yellow 1 Light yellow cadmium 2 Cadmium yellow medium 2 Cadmium 2 yellow deep Cadmium orange 3 Vermilion 2 Cadmium red light 3 Cadmium 3 red medium Oriental red 2 Carmine 2 Quinacridone magenta 3 Carmine lake 2 Madder lake deep 2 Alizarin crimson 3 Quinacridone red violet 3 Cobalt violet light 1 Dioxazine purple 2 Indigo 1 Prussian blue 1 Oriental blue 2 Ultramarine blue 2 Cobalt blue 1 Primary phthalo blue 1 Royal blue 3 Cerruleum blue 1 Light blue 1 Turquoise blue 1 Viridian green 1 Phthalocyanine emerald 2 Sap green 2 Earth green 1 English green deep 2 English green medium 1 Permanent 1 green English green light 1 Cinabre green 1 Naples yellow 1 Portrait pink 1 Indian yellow 1 Oriental yellow 2 Yellow ochre 1 Mars yellow 1 Raw sienna 1 Mars red 1 Red ochre 1 Burnt Sienna 1 Burnt umber 1 Van Dyck 1 Brown Raw umber 1 Sepia 1 Payne’s grey 1 Mars black 1 Ivory black 1 Titanium white 1 Zinc and titanium white 1 Copper 2 Silver 2 Gold 2 Rich gold 2





60 colours, 20ml tubes 316786 013269 6 316786 013146 0 316786 013220 7 316786 013222 1 316786 013221 4 316786 013331 0 316786 013239 9 316786 013332 7 316786 013333 4 316786 013271 9 316786 013219 1 316786 013350 1 316786 013265 8 316786 013225 2 316786 013334 1 316786 013363 1 316786 013145 3 316786 013248 1 316786 013167 5 316786 013116 3 316786 013272 6 316786 013215 3 316786 013113 2 316786 013117 0 316786 013374 7 316786 013112 5 316786 013114 9 316786 013118 7 316786 013144 6 316786 013243 6 316786 013253 5 316786 013161 3 316786 013266 5 316786 013141 5 316786 013142 2 316786 013140 8 316786 013175 0 316786 013124 8 316786 013138 5 316786 013173 6 316786 013270 2 316786 013127 9 316786 013164 4 316786 013136 1 316786 013168 2 316786 013128 6 316786 013135 4 316786 013129 3 316786 013160 6 316786 013130 9 316786 013162 0 316786 013149 1 316786 013147 7 316786 013126 2 316786 013111 8 316786 013110 1 316786 013278 8 316786 013276 4 316786 013277 1 316786 013279 5

60 colours, 37ml tubes 316786 01426 9 316786 014146 9 316786 014220 6 316786 014222 0 316786 014221 3 316786 014331 9 316786 014239 8 316786 014332 6 316786 014333 3 316786 014271 8 316786 014219 0 316786 014350 0 316786 014265 7 316786 014225 1 316786 014334 0 316786 014363 0 316786 014145 2 316786 014248 0 316786 014167 4 316786 014116 2 316786 014272 5 316786 014215 2 316786 014113 1 316786 014117 9 316786 014374 6 316786 014112 4 316786 014114 8 316786 014118 6 316786 014144 5 316786 014243 5 316786 014253 4 316786 014161 2 316786 014266 4 316786 014141 4 316786 014142 1 316786 014140 7 316786 014175 9 316786 014124 7 316786 014138 4 316786 014173 5 316786 014270 1 316786 014127 8 316786 014164 3 316786 014136 0 316786 014168 1 316786 014128 5 316786 014135 3 316786 014129 2 316786 014160 5 316786 014130 8 316786 014162 9 316786 014149 0 316786 014147 6 316786 014126 1 316786 014111 7 316786 014110 0 316786 014278 7 316786 014276 3 316786 014277 0 316786 014279 4

40 colours, 80ml tubes - 316786 015146 8 316786 015220 5 316786 015222 9 316786 015221 2 316786 015331 8 316786 015239 7 316786 015332 5 316786 015333 2 - 316786 015219 9 316786 015350 9 - 316786 015225 0 316786 015334 9 - 316786 015145 1 316786 015248 9 - 316786 015116 1 - 316786 015215 1 316786 015113 0 316786 015117 8 - 316786 015112 3 316786 015114 7 316786 015118 5 316786 015144 4 316786 015243 4 316786 015253 3 - - 316786 015141 3 316786 015142 0 316786 015140 6 - 316786 015124 6 316786 015138 3 - - 316786 015127 7 - 316786 015136 9 - 316786 015128 4 316786 015135 2 316786 015129 1 - 316786 015130 7 - 316786 015149 9 316786 015147 5 316786 015126 0 316786 015111 6 316786 015110 9 - - - -

2 colours, 200ml tubes 316786 016111 5 316786 016110 8 -

The colours are classified in chromatic order.




> Colour-CHART huile d’art super fine oil 269 Light yellow


272 Oriental blue

***/I S2 PY35 PW6

146 Permanent lemon yellow


215 Ultramarine blue

**/II S1 10G PY3 PW6

220 Light yellow cadmium


113 Cobalt blue

221 Cadmium yellow deep


117 Primary phthalo blue


374 Royal blue

239 Vermilion


112 Cerruleum blue


114 Light blue

333 Cadmium red medium


118 Turquoise blue


144 Viridian green

219 Carmine


243 Phthalocyanine emerald


253 Sap green

265 Carmine lake


161 Earth green


266 English green deep

334 Alizarin crimson


141 English green medium


142 Permanent green

145 Cobalt violet light


140 English green light


175 Cinabre green

167 Indigo


124 Naples yellow


138 Portrait pink

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent


Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque



173 Indian yellow ***/I S1 PY65 PR101

• • • •

20 ml 37 ml 80 ml 200 ml


128 Red ochre


135 Burnt Sienna


129 Burnt umber


160 Brun Van Dyck


130 Raw umber


***/I S1 PBr7


162 Sepia


***/I S1 PBr7 PY74LF PBk9


149 Payne’s grey


***/I S1 PBk7 PB29


147 Mars black


***/I S1 PBk11


126 Ivory black


***/I S1 PBk9


111 Titanium white


***/I S1 PW6 PW4


110 Zinc and titanium white


***/I S1 PW4 PW6


278 Copper


***/I S2 Poudre de bronze


276 Silver


***/I S2 Poudre d’aluminium


***/I S1 PW6 PO20 PR108

**/II S1 PB27-1

168 Mars red

***/I S1 PR101 PBk9

***/I S1 PY35 PY42 PW6

**/II S1 PB27-1 PBk7 PV23RS

116 Prussian blue


***/I S1 PG17 PY74LF PY42

***/I S2 PV23RS


***/I S1 PBr7

**/II S1 PY1 PG7 PY65 PW6

***/I S1 PV23RS PW4 PR122

248 Dioxazine purple


**/II S1 PW6 PG7 PY3

***/I S3 PV19

136 Raw sienna

***/I S1 PBr7

**/II S1 PY1 PY3 PW6 PB15

*/III S3 PR83

363 Quinacridone red violet


**/II S2 PW6 PY1 PB15

***/I S2 PR149 PR122


***/I S1 PR101

***/I S1 PG23

**/II S2 PR5 PR149 PV29

225 Madder lake deep


*/III S2 PG8

***/I S3 PR122 PV19

164 Mars yellow

***/I S1 PBr7 PR149

***/I S2 PG7

**/II S2 PR5 PR149

350 Quinacridone magenta


***/I S1 PW6 PG7 PY74LF

**/II S2 PR170 PR5


***/I S1 PBr7

***/I S1 PW4 PG7 PB15

***/I S3 PR108 PR123

271 Oriental red


***/I S1 PB15 PW6 PG7

***/I S3 PO20 PR108 PR188

127 Yellow ochre

***/I S1 PR101 PY42 PY74LF

***/I S1 PW6 PB29 PB15

**/II S2 PY65 PR9

332 Cadmium red light


***/I S3 PB28 PW4

***/I S3 PY65 P020 PW6


***/I S1 PY42

***/I S1 PB15

***/I S2 PY65 P020 PW6

331 Cadmium orange


***/I S1 PW6 PB15 PB29

***/I S2 PY35 PY74LF PW6

270 Oriental yellow ***/I S2 PY65 PR101

***/I S2 PB29

***/I S2 PY35 PY74LF PW6

222 Cadmium yellow medium


***/I S2 PB15 PV23RS

277 Gold


***/I S2 Poudre de bronze


279 Rich gold ***/I S2 Poudre de bronze




650301 650302 650303 650304

> ROZPOUŠTĚDLA solvents Rectified turpentine Rafinovaný terpentýn 75 ml lahvička bottle lahev 245 ml bottle lahev lahvička lahvička 495 ml bottle lahvička 1 litre botlle

650306 650307 650308 650309

Odourless líh mineral spirit Minerální bez zápachu lahvička 75 ml bottle



316786 316786 316786 316786

650301 650302 650303 650304

650306 650307 650308 650309



Oil auxiliaries


Produktová skupina Product group 4




8 5 2 9

6 1 1 1

Obtained by thekterý distillation of certain varieties of pine, it gives Prchavý olej, se získává destilací pryskyřice aurčitých matt aspect which is lessPoužívá accentuated thatolejových achieved druhů borovic. se kthan ředění barev. with Essence of Petroleum. It is used to thin the first coats of colour.

3 0 7 4

6 1 1 1

K ředění olejových To dilute oil colours barev. Bez zápachu.

245 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 495 ml bottlel lahvička 1 litre botlle

316786 316786 316786 316786

Ess. Oilpetrolejový of pretroleum Čistý olej lahvička 75 ml bottle

316786 650305 6


An excellent diluant, Essencekteré of Oilseofvypařuje Petroleummnohem evaporates much Jde o výborné ředidlo, faster thannež Turpentine and Přidáním allows a longer workingzískávají time with the rychleji terpentýn. do barev barvy Itmatný vzhled. paints. also makes the colours more matt.

CLP 1272-2008 Flammable liquid Category 3 Aspiration Hazard Category 1 Corrosive / Skin Irritation category 2 Skin Sensitisation Category 1 Ocular Damage /Irritation Category 2 Acute Inhalation Toxicity category 4 Chronic Aquatic Toxicity Category 2

CLP 1272-2008 Aspiration Hazard Category 1

CLP 1272-2008 Aspiration Hazard Category 1

650101 650102 650103 650104 650201 650202 650203 650601 650602 650603 937115

650604 650605 650606

OLEJE > oils lahvička 75 ml bottle 245 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 495 ml bottle 1 litre lahvička bottle

316786 316786 316786 316786

650101 4 650102 1 650103 8 650104 5

6 1 1 1

Clarified oil Čirý olej poppy z mak.seed zrníček lahvička 75 ml bottle lahvika

316786 650201 1 316786 650202 8 316786 650203 5

6 1 1

> MÉDIA Mediums

316786 650601 9 316786 650602 6 316786 650603 3

6 1 1

316786 937115 7


316786 650604 0 316786 650605 7 316786 650606 4

6 1 1

Rafinovaný lněný Refined linseed oil olej

245 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 495 ml bottle

Bezbarvé medium Colourless malířské painting medium lahvička 75 ml bottle 245 ml lahvička bottle 495 ml lahvička bottle

XL barvivo XL bezbarvé colourless malířské painting medium

200 ml tuba tube

Fragonard gelové medium Fragonard gel medium lahvička 75ml bottle lahvička 245ml bottle lahvička 495ml bottle

Výtažek z lněných semen. Vynikající olej, který zprostředkovává sloučení barev a jejich zvláčnění, čímž usnadňuje práci s barvami. Vytváří pastu, se kterou Extracted from linseed seeds, this oil is an excellent binder,seit velmi the snadno velmi rychlethem suchá. Po makes paintspracuje, pleasantatokterá workjewith, hardens faster zaschnutí vytváří vysoce filmgreat vysoké kvality. and gives a resistant finish ofodolný depth and beauty. Mícháním s barvou ji zředí a zvyšuje její zářivost.

This oil olej comes from blackz poppyseeds and isjeparticularly Tento je vyráběn černého máku, ideální pro suitable for grinding light Pomalu colours. Itschnoucí. is more luminous ředění světlých barev. Zvyšujethan lesk a měl byoil seand používat pouzeand se Sikativem. linseed less siccative does not yellow at all. This excellent binder gives brilliance without using a siccative. Používá se ředění barev ztrátyoil, konzistence Composed ofkacrylic resin and bez carthame this mediumamakes takécolour zvyšuje a hloubku. the morejejich fluidprůhlednost without thinning it While Nežloutne, increasing its schne vypařováním zlepšuje barev. brilliance, transparencyaand depth. Itpřilnavost is used progressively to obtain deep and luminous glazes. It dries by evaporation of the solvent and reinforces the adherance of layers. It is non-yellowing.

This fluidifies the colour it, While Totomedium médium se používá bez without ředění athinning zároveň zvyšuje increasing the transparency and vzhled. satin finish. Goododolnost resistance to transparentnost a saténový Dobrá proti žloutnutí. Barva viskozitaofmédia nemění yellowing. The colour anda viscosity the medium cančasem evolve . its characteristic. insvou timecharakteristiku without changing

Tixotropní gelové medium se liší od bezbarvého media With a base of alkyd resins, acrylic and polyamid wax this tím, že ředí barvy bez redukování jejich trvanlivosti a medium stands out by having more body : it makes the colour odolnosti. Má vysokou kvalitu zářivosti a průhlednosti. more fluid without losing its liveliness. It has great brilliance Posiluje přilnavost a urychluje schnutí barev. Používá and transparency and givesvrstvy. an exceptionally brilliant glaze. se zejména na svrchní Ředí se minerálním lihem.

650608 650622

Florentine medium tuba 60ml tube tuba 200ml tube

316786 650608 8 316786 650622 4

3 1

This satin medium composed alkyd maleique, resin Saténové medium vytváří of pevnější pastu přiacrylic menších and colloidal waxamakes the paints harder weak concen­ koncentracích více průhlednou pastuinpři vyšších tration and more transparent in strong concentration. koncentracích. Tímto mediem dosáhnete příjemných povrchů. Itsaténových is used to obtain a satin finish and stronger thickness than Dutch Medium. Semi paste, it retains the imprint of the stroke and gives a subtle satin glaze.




316786 650610 1 316786 650623 1

3 1

Coating medium tuba 650612 60 ml tube 316786 650612 5 tuba 316786 650624 8 650624 200 ml tube tuba

3 1

Ref. 650610 650623

Product Dutch medium 60 ml tube tuba tuba 200 ml tube

RRP each

Produktová skupina Product group 4 4

Description This medium gives exceptional possibilities. Totobrilliant, lesklé,transparent transparentní médium nabízí možnosti pro a prakticky Itvyjímečnou is made frompráci. a baseSchne of alkydoxidací resins and acrylic andnikdy is semi nežloutne. se vand menších dávkách. Zvyšuje paste, it driesPoužívá by oxidation practically never yellows. Used barev a dává barvám inhloubku small amounts it makes the paintspotřebnou richer and konzistenci gives them a pro precizní prá Při vyšších zvyšuje stiffness for precise In strongdávkách concentration it gives pastéznost lesk. brilliance and aa beautiful depth and glazes with a flowing roundness. This thick opaque paste - umožňuje polyurathane resin, silicate of Silné a krycí medium, pracovat s velkými vrstvami barev. rychle a powork zaschnutí matný aluminium hydrate,Schne beeswax - allows in strongmá thicknessMůžeme jej zjemnit esvzhled. and creation in relief. It driespřidáním rapidly andFlorentine makes themedia. colours matt. It can be made supple with the addition of Florentine Medium.

650614 650625

Heavy Těžký gel gel tuba 60 ml tube tuba 200 ml tube

316786 650614 9 316786 650625 5

3 1


Sikativ Siccativemedium medium

316786 650616 3


75 ml lahvička bottle

316786 650501 2


650401 650402

Coutrai Courtaisiccative sikativ 75 ml lahvička bottle 245 ml lahvička bottle

316786 650401 5 316786 650402 2

6 1

650701 650702 650703 650801 650802 650803 650804 650706 650806 650809 650810 650811 650707 650807

LAKY > Varnish Crystal varnish Kříšťálový lak lahvička 75 ml bottle 245 ml lahvička bottle 1 litre lahvička bottle

316786 650701 6 316786 650702 3 316786 650703 0

6 1 1

Superfine picture varnishlak Jemný lesklý malířský

316786 650801 3 316786 650802 0 316786 650803 7 316786 650804 4 316786 650706 1 316786 650806 8

6 1 1 1 6 6

lahvička 495 ml bottle 200 ml sprej spray sprej 400 ml spray

316786 650809 9 316786 650810 5 316786 650811 2 316786 650707 8 316786 650807 5

6 1 1 6 6

Fast drying varnish, lak, it gives a uniform satin aspect, invzhled, between Rychle schnoucí dává jednotný saténový gloss matt.aComposed of složen acrylic resin and polythene waxa meziand leskem matem. Je z akrylové pryskyřice použitím a itpolyetylénového is very easy to setvosku. down, Před transparent and protřepejte discreet. Shake používejte v jednom směru. before use and apply once and in one direction. The thermoplastic film allows the possibility to restore.

Matt varnish Matnýpicture malířský lak lahvička 75 ml bottle lahvička 245 ml bottle lahvička 495 ml bottle 1 litre lahvička bottle sprej 200 ml spray 400 ml sprej spray

316786 650812 9 316786 650813 6 316786 650814 3 316786 650815 0 316786 650717 7 316786 650817 4

6 1 1 1 6 6

Matný lak založený akrylové pryskyřici a Matt varnish based on na acrylic resin and polyethylene wax, polyetylénovém Dává práci matný vzhled. performs well and vosku. is easy to set down. Gives works an even Výhoda tohoto laku je úžasná trasnparentnost. Před matt finish. The strong points of this varnish are its’ perfect použitím jej and protřepejte a používejte v jednom směru. transparency strong matt finish. Shake before use, apply once and in one direction. The thermoplastic film allows the possibility to restore.


650812 650813 650814 650815 650717 650817


lahvička 75 ml bottle

SIKATIVY > Siccatives Kobalt sikativ Cobalt siccative

75 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 245 ml bottle lahvička 495 ml bottle 1 litre lahvička botlle sprej 200 ml spray sprej 400 ml spray Satin picture varnish Saténový malířský lak lahvička 75 ml bottle lahvička 245 ml bottle

This translucid based jemně on alkydsaténovou resin, siccative oil and silico Průsvitný gel,gel vytváří pastu. Používá aluminate of sodium extends thea colour for economy se ve vysokých proporcích je vhodný pro živéofa use. Lze jej míchat až do poměru 50%bright Itdynamické gives a lightpráce. satin finish. If used in good measure it gives pro lively většíwork ekonomičnost. and and a colour which responds to all needs. It can be mixed up to 50% without losing consistency.

Similar to Dutch Medium and composed of Chinese wood Je podobné Dutch medium, je vytvořené z oleje z oil and formophenolic oil it givespryskyřice. very similarUrychluje possibilities. čínského dřeva a z fenolové zvyšuje jehotheir odolnost a Ittvorbu speedsochranného the formationfilmu, of films, improves resistance umožňuje Takéamber dává and improvesřádné dryingproschnutí at depth. Itdo alsohloubky. gives a light světlé jantarové zbarvení. colouration. This siccative based on octatena of cobalt zirconium works Tento sikativ je založený octanuand kobaltu a zirkonia, above all on it favours fastMěl and efficient strokes. používá sethe nasurface, všechny povrchy. by se používat slabé je tmavý, a Itpouze must bepro used onlyvrstvy. for finePřed coats.nanášením Before application it appears by and se měl používat toproto be dark it must be usedopatrně. with care, excessive use will curl the colour. This siccative on octate zirconium and calcium works Tento sikativbased je založený naofoctanu zirkonia a kalcia, on the surface anddobře the depth. It accelerates drying Urychluje and allows účinkuje stejně na povrchu i v hloubce. schnutí, musí se používat thick coatsjetovysoce hardenúčinný evenly.aVery powerful, it musts be opatrností.with Je bezbarvý a nemá vliv barvy. controlled care. It is colourless andna willsvětlé not alter light colours and is very efficient for blacks and lacquers. Velmi čirý, easy snadno se swith nímand pracuje a je vysoce Very limpid, to work particularly covering, this chránící. Vyznačuje se velice filmem nízkým varnish composed of acrylic resin isjemným very brilliant anda has a stupněm odlesku. vynikajíci odolnost proti of the stronger viscosity thanMá Superfine varnish. The sublety fotooxidaci. a nežloutnoucí. film, the sheenJe andintenzivní depth gives a varnish that is ideal for giving value to the strongest forms in a work as well as subtle nuances.

A suppleaand responsive finishing varnish, very transparent Pružný dobře reagující lak, velmi transparentní a it dobře držíon nathe štětci. jas abrilliance odolnost.Tento holds well brushDodává and addssilný a strong and lak schnetovelmi nanáší se na the zcela suchý durability evenrychle pooreraworks. It makes colours brilliant povrch. and resonant. This varnish dries rapidly and must be applied to a completely dry work (6 months to 1 year). The thermoplastic film allows the possibility to restore.


Dammar picture varnish Dammar malířský lak lahvička 650818 75 ml bottle 650819 * 245 ml lahvička bottle

316786 650818 1 316786 650819 8

6 1

650820 650821 650822 650724 650824

Retouching varnish Retušovací lak lahvička 75 ml bottle lahvička 245 ml bottle bottle 495 ml lahvička sprej 200 ml spray sprej 400 ml spray

316786 650820 4 316786 650821 1 316786 650822 8 316786 650724 5 316786 650824 2

6 1 1 6 6

523250 523200 523300

DOPLŇKY > Auxiliaries Umělecké Gesso One coat Gesso 500 ml nádoba jar nádoba 1 litre jar 4 litre jar nádoba

316786 523250 6 316786 523200 1 316786 523300 8

1 1 1

650315 650316

Brush cleaner Čistič štětců 75 ml lahvička bottle




Jemný varnish jantarový mající přírodní pryskyřičný Dammar is a lak lightly ambered finishing základ.based Vytváří lesklýresin. a bohatý Jeho jemná, varnish on natural Brightfilm. and responsive, příjemný patinový itzlatá needsbarva to be dává appliedmalbě rigorously. Rich and very covering Máand střední odolnostand proti itnádech. holds well gives generous veryfotooxidaci. brilliant films which become the most pronounced matt. The lightly gilded colouration gives a pleasing patina to works. Average resistance to photo oxidation. A very jemný fine andadiscreet varnish of acrylic Velmi diskrétní lak z composed akrylové pryskyřice se na malé plochy během malování k resinpoužívá and plastified polymeric, used in smaller areas, vylepšení určitých vrstevcoats malby. Schne rychle during painting, to correct which sometimes (během minut) an a poskytuje dočasnou accidently15produce unneeded matt sheen. ochranu. It unifies Vždy musí nanášen v tenkýchIt vrstvách. Má the gloss andbýt corrects the problem. is always used excelentní odolnost proti fotooxidaci, je intenzivní in fine coats and dries rapidly (about 15 minutes) and a nežloutnoucí. gives temporary protection. The thermoplastic film allows the possibility to restore. Výborná krycí schopnost povrchů, A very covering white finishpro for příppravu preparing surfaces to které chceme Nanáší rovnoměrně be painted. It ismalovat. applied evenly andsenot too thickly. ve slabých vrstvách. rychle a It dries rapidly and Schne leaves avelmi light matt surface which zanechává matný vzhled. Používá se pro gives a key to coats subsequently applied, whether oil vytvoření povrchů s vynikající přilnavostí před or acrylic. pomocí olejů nebo akrylů. malováním Ostatní akrylové pro for připravu povrchu na N.B. : Other acrylicdoplňky auxiliaries the preparation ofmalování painting surfaces nejdete on pagesna23,stránkách 28 to 30. 23, 28 až 30.

lahvička 245 ml bottle

Univerzální odstraňovač Universal paint remover barvy lahvička 650310 75 ml bottle lahvička 650311 245 ml bottle

Další info

316786 650315 5 316786 650316 2

6 1

316786 650310 0 316786 650311 7

6 1

This cleaner forpro useveškeré with all painting utensils. Tento čističisjesuitable vhodný malířské náčiní. Rospouští oleje ieven lakywhen a to idry po and zaschnutí. It dissolves oil and varnish it retains Zachovává pružnost tvar štětců. the suppleness and forma of brushes.

This strong solvent strips dried-on oil, acrylic Silné a velice efektivní rozpouštědlo pro and odstranění Po použití štětce other materiali zaschlých from all painting Very efficient, tekoucí itpropláchněte works in 15-30pod minutes and vodou. can be rinsed off in water. Rinse well in the event of contact with the skin.

MÉDIUM MÁ SPECIFICKOU EKAŽDÉ ach medium has a specificROLI. role.

Added to do thebarvy paint,obohacuje while enriching paste, itjeho modifies its structure, brilliance and transparency. Přidáním pastu athe modifikuje strukturu, lesk a transparentnost. 75, 495ml bottles nebo or 6060 and 200ml 75,245 245and a 495 ml lahvičky a 200 ml tubes tuby. depending on the product.

Properties Bezbarve malířské Colourless paintingmédium medium

Becomes Thickens Thinner : Fluid Paste Jellified fluid the mineral consistency without consistency consistency spirit thinning paste

Increases gloss

Reduces gloss

Increases Accelerates Remark transparency drying

(acrylic resin and safflower oil)

Fragonard medium Fragonard gel gelové médium


(alkyd and acrylic resins)

Florentine medium (alkyd and acrylic resins) Těžký gel Heavy gel (alkyd resin, siccative oil, hydrated silicate of alumina)


Siccative medium Sikativ medium (metal salts, acrylic and formophenolic resins)


Dutch medium medium (alkyd and acrylic resins, safflower oil)

Coating medium


(polyurethane resin, hydrated silicate of alumina)

• Strong property : Silné stránky (1) Při míchání se stává (1) Becomes liquid whentekutým. stirred. (2) Proobtain ekonomičnost beze změny paint, konzistence míchejte až do 50%. (mix up to 50%). (2) To a more economical with the same consistency (3) Vytváří světle jantarovou barvu. (3) Produces a light amber colour. (4) Used alone without mixing to create large reliefs, it is then painted.

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies





Produktová skupina Product group 4 4




Extra fine Oil

Product group 4 4 Produktová skupina Ref.


ml tubes: tuby, 103 500 37 37 ml 103 barev colours barev Series 1: 17 colours barev 2: 33 colours Series Série barev Series 3: 32 colours. Série Série Series 4: 11 colours. barev barev Série Series 5: 7 colours. barvy Série Series 6: 3 colours. ml tubes:3838barev 505 80 ml tuby, colours 80 Série barev 1: 7 colours Series Série 2: 11 colours Series barev Series 3: 6 colours Série barev barev Series 4: 5 colours Série Série 5: 7 barev colours Series


Série barvy Series 6: 2 colours 200 ml tuby, tubes:2020barev colours 200 ml Série 1: 4 colours barvy Series barev Série Series 2: 5 colours

Série 3: 9 colours Series barev

Series 4: 2 colours Série barvy


Pack 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1


FFRAGONARD ragonard - a- universe of colours SVĚT BAREV PRO NÁROČNÉ UMĚLCE for demanding artists. The Fragonard Fine Oil colour rangev consists Olejové barvyExtra Fragonard nabízíme 37ml tubách a 104inbarevných výběr of 104 colours 37 ml tubes,odstínech, a selection of 39 z 39 barev (36 monopigmentů a 33 primaries) základní)inv80 ml 80ml colours (36 monopigments and tubách a 20 základních barev v 200ml tubách. tubes, and basic colours in 200 ml tubes. Fragonard oleje vyráběny z lněného, The Fragonard Oilsjsou are made from linseed, poppy makového a slunečnicového oleje. Konečné seed and sunflower oils. This composition has been složenífollowing barev bylo zvoleno na základě chosen numerous specialist laboratory speciálních laboratorních testů, provedených tests undertaken to guarantee the best compromisek dosažení rovnováhy mezi žloutnitím a UV between yellowing and UV ageing. All the pastes stárnutím barev. Čisté odstíny pigmentů zaručí are ground many times on tri-rollers to guarantee jejich perfektní kompatibilitu. Tato řada barev their extra fine quality. The extreme purity of the má velmi dobrou balanci mezi neprůhledností a pigments used guarantees transparentností barev.their perfect mixability. This range offers a very good balance between opaque and transparent colours.

200 ml >

80 ml >

37 ml >

Produktová skupina Product group 4 4

Ref. 050110 *


Product > Sortiment Assortments Základní sada Fragonard Fragonard trial set různých15barev v 15 ml 88 assorted ml tubes, tubáchcolours classic and Fragonard colours

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies

Barcode 316786 050110 2

Pack 3



< Ref. 050110* Fragonard Základní sada Trial set Fragonard 8 tubes 15 ml

Barvy jsouare řazeny v chromatickém pořadí. The colours classified in chromatic order.



103 couleurs, tube 37 ml 316786 500229 1 316786 500304 5 316786 500502 5 316786 500228 4 316786 500508 7 316786 500305 2 316786 500205 5 316786 500307 6 316786 500503 2 316786 500206 2 316786 500207 9 316786 500306 9 316786 500404 2 316786 500308 3 316786 500403 5 316786 500507 0 316786 500321 2 316786 500320 5 316786 500313 7 316786 500500 1 316786 500416 5 316786 500417 2 316786 500314 4 316786 500501 8 316786 500418 9 316786 500213 0 316786 500211 6 316786 500319 9 316786 500212 3 316786 500327 4 316786 500311 3 316786 500303 8 316786 500300 7 316786 500312 0 316786 500242 0 316786 500600 8 316786 500601 5 316786 500344 1 316786 500203 1 316786 500222 2 316786 500324 3 316786 500202 4 316786 500201 7 316786 500124 9 316786 500506 3 316786 500219 2 316786 500330 4 316786 500223 9 316786 500602 2 316786 500200 0 316786 500400 4 316786 500351 9 316786 500409 7 316786 500220 8 316786 500243 7 316786 500401 1 316786 500331 1 316786 500221 5 316786 500115 7 316786 500326 7 316786 500217 8 316786 500325 0 316786 500322 9 316786 500405 9 316786 500216 1 316786 500315 1 316786 500302 1 316786 500345 8 316786 500111 9 316786 500402 8 316786 500100 3 316786 500214 7 316786 500249 9 316786 500259 8 316786 500224 6 316786 500209 3 316786 500316 8 316786 500106 5 316786 500210 9 316786 500114 0 316786 500208 6 316786 500226 0 316786 500227 7 316786 500107 2 316786 500112 6 316786 500113 3 316786 500301 4 316786 500225 3 316786 500108 9 316786 500318 2 316786 500104 1 316786 500109 6 316786 500215 4 316786 500407 3 316786 500218 5 316786 500204 8 316786 500105 8 316786 500139 3 316786 500153 9 316786 500151 5 316786 500152 2 316786 500317 5 316786 500310 6 316786 500309 0



38 couleurs, tube 80 ml 20 couleurs, tube 200 ml - - 316786 510304 2* 316786 505502 0* 316786 505228 9* 316786 510228 1* 316786 505508 2* - 316786 505205 0* - 316786 505503 7* - 316786 505207 4* - 316786 510306 6* 316786 505404 7* - - 316786 505507 5* - - - 316786 510313 4* - 316786 505500 6* - - - 316786 510314 1* 316786 505501 3* - 316786 505213 5* 316786 510213 7* - - 316786 510319 6* - - - 316786 505303 3* 316786 505300 2* 316786 510300 4* 316786 505312 5* - 316786 505600 3* - 316786 505344 6* 316786 505203 6* - - 316786 505202 9* 316786 505201 2* - 316786 505506 8* 316786 505219 7* 316786 510219 9* 316786 505330 9* 316786 510330 1* - 316786 505602 7* - 316786 505400 9* 316786 510400 1* - 316786 505409 2* - - 316786 505401 6* 316786 510401 8* - 316786 510331 8* 316786 505221 0* - - - - - - - 316786 510216 8* - - - - 316786 510111 6* 316786 505402 3* - - - 316786 505259 3* - - - 316786 510316 5* 316786 505106 0* - - 316786 505208 1 - - 316786 505107 7* 316786 510107 9* - 316786 505113 8* 316786 505301 9* - 316786 505108 4* - - - - - - 316786 505204 3* 316786 510204 5* - 316786 505139 8* 316786 505153 4* 316786 510153 6* 316786 505151 0* 316786 510151 2* - - - - -

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies




Bright yellow 2 Lemon cadmium yellow 3 True lemon cadmium yellow 5 Permanent primary yellow 2 Fragonard aureoline 5 Cadmium yellow light 3 Chrome yellow light hue 2 Cadmium yellow medium 3 True cadmium yellow medium 5 Chrome yellow medium hue 2 Chrome yellow deep hue 2 Cadmium yellow deep 3 True cadmium yellow deep 4 Cadmium yellow orange 3 True cadmium yellow orange 4 True cadmium orange 5 Orange cadmium red 3 Vermilion 3 red light Cadmium 3 True cadmium red light 5 Oriental red light 4 Oriental red medium 4 Cadmium red deep 3 True cadmium red deep 5 Oriental red deep 4 Quinacridone magenta 2 Solid carmine light 2 Pink solid madder lake 3 Carmine lake 2 Alizarin crimson 3 Solid madder lake deep 3 Garnet 3 Fragonard pink 3 Solid madder lake rubine 3 Cobalt violet light hue 2 True cobalt violet light 6 True cobalt violet deep 6 Oriental violet deep 3 Prussian blue 2 Indigo 2 Oriental blue deep 3 French ultramarine deep 2 French ultramarine light 2 Cobalt blue hue 1 True cobalt blue 5 Primary phthalocyanine blue 2 Royal blue 3 Cerruleum blue hue 2 True Cerruleum blue 6 Bright blue 2 Fragonard turquoise blue 4 Turquoise green 3 True cobalt green 4 Veronese green 2 emerald Phtalocyanine 2 Fragonard chrome green 4 green Fragonard 3 Sap green 2 Earth green 1 Cadmium green deep 3 English green medium 2 English green deep 3 Oriental green 3 Cadmium green light 4 English green light 2 English green extra light 3 Chartreuse yellow 3 Cinabre green extra light 3 Naples yellow deep 1 Fragonard earth yellow 4 Bright yellow 1 Reddish naples 2 Portrait pink 2 Venetian orange 2 Oriental yellow 2 Indian yellow 2 Stil de grain yellow 3 Yellow ochre 1 Mars yellow 2 Raw sienna 1 Venitian red 2 Mars orange 2 Mars red 2 Red ochre 1 Pouzolles red 1 Burnt sienna 1 Fragonard red brown 3 Mars brown 2 Burnt umber 1 Still de grain brown 3 Van dyck brown 1 Raw umber 1 Sepia 2 Fragonard brown 4 Payne’s grey 2 Fragonard black 2 Ivory black 1 Intense black 1 Titanium white 1 Zinc white 1 Zinc and titanium white 1 Silver 3 Copper 3 Gold 3

> Colour-CHART Fragonard extra fine oil •

229 Bright yellow

***/I S2 PY35 PW6


601 True cobalt violet deep

***/I S6 PV14


304 Lemon cadmium yellow ***/I S3 PY35 PY138 PW6 ***/I S5 PY35


***/I S2 PY35 PY74 PW6

344 Oriental violet deep



**/II S5 PY40

203 Prussian blue


***/I S3 PY35 PY134 PW6

222 Indigo


324 Oriental blue deep

307 Cadmium yellow medium

202 French ultramarine deep


201 French ultramarine light


503 True cadmium yellow medium ••

124 Cobalt blue hue

506 True cobalt blue


**/II S2 PY74 PY65

207 Chrome yellow deep hue


306 Cadmium yellow deep


404 True cadmium yellow deep


**/II S2 PY65

403 True cadmium yellow orange

507 True cadmium orange


321 Orange cadmium red

• •

320 Vermilion

**/II S3 PY65 PR9


***/I S3 PR9 PR108 PR188 PO20


***/I S5 PR108

**/II S4 PY1 PR112

**/II S4 PR5 PR112

314 Cadmium red deep

***/I S2 PR149 PBr7

107 Red ochre


501 True cadmium red deep

602 True Cerruleum blue


112 Pouzolles red

113 Burnt sienna


301 Fragonard red brown


***/I S1 PR101 ***/I S1 PR101 PY42

200 Bright blue

***/I S1 PBr7

400 Fragonard turquoise blue


***/I S3 PBr25

351 Turquoise green

409 True cobalt green


220 Veronese green

243 Phtalocyanine emerald

•• •


***/I S2 PR5 PV19 PR122

319 Pink solid madder lake


***/I S3 PO43 PR01 PR209 PR122 ***/I S2 PV23 PR12 PR5 PR149 PBk7

327 Alizarin crimson 311 Solid madder lake deep


221 Sap green


326 Cadmium green deep

217 English green medium

325 English green deep

322 Oriental green

405 Cadmium green light

315 English green extra light

•• •••

***/I S3 PR122


242 Cobalt violet light hue

***/I S2 PV23 PW4 PV19

Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque

407 Fragonard brown

218 Payne’s grey

• ••• •

***/I S1 PBk9 PBk7

139 Intense black


153 Titanium white


151 Zinc white


***/I S1 PBk11 ***/I S1 PW6 ***/I S1 PW4


152 Zinc and titanium white

317 Silver

310 Copper

309 Gold

***/I S1 PW6 PW4

***/I S3 Poudre d’aluminium

302 Chartreuse yellow

345 Cinabre green extra light

***/I S3 Poudre de bronze ***/I S3 Poudre de bronze

111 Naples yellow deep


402 Fragonard earth yellow


***/I S4 PBr24

The colours are mixed in a gradient of values with Titanium White. The three whites are applied on a black background to measure the degree of opacity.

215 Sepia

105 Ivory black

***/I S1 PY35 PW6 PY42

***/I S3 PV19

***/I S2 PBk28

***/I S3 PY42 PY74 PB29 PW6

312 Solid madder lake rubine

109 Raw umber

204 Fragonard black

***/I S3 PB29 PY65 PY74

300 Fragonard pink

***/I S2 PB29 PBk7

**/II S3 PY65 PY74 PG7 PW6

***/I S3 PV19

104 Van Dyck brown

***/I S4 PG36 PR149

115 Earth green

216 English green light

***/I S2 PY74 PBk9 PBr7

**/II S2 PY1 PY65 PW6 PG7

***/I S3 PR149 PR122

303 Garnet

331 Fragonard green

***/I S4 PG7 PY35

**/II S3 PR83 PBk7

318 Still de grain brown

***/I S1 PY74 PBk9 PY42 PBr7

***/I S3 PG7 PY65 PY74

212 Carmine lake


***/I S3 PG7 PY35

***/I S2 PR12 PR5 PR149


***/I S1 PBk9 PR101

**/II S2 PB15 PY1 PW6 PY3

211 Solid carmine light

108 Burnt umber

***/I S3 PG36 PR149

**/II S3 PB15 PY1 PW6

**/II S4 PR5 PR170

***/I S1 PBk7

***/I S1 PG36 PBr7

418 Oriental red deep 213 Quinacridone magenta

401 Fragonard chrome green

225 Mars brown

***/I S2 PY65 PBr7 PBk9

**/II S2 PG8

***/I S5 PR108


223 Cerruleum blue hue

***/I S3 PG6 PV19

***/I S3 PR112 PR188 PR108 PR170

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent


***/I S4 PG26

417 Oriental red medium

227 Mars red

330 Royal blue

***/I S2 PG7 PB29 PBk7

416 Oriental red light

210 Mars yellow

***/I S2 PY74 PW6 PG7

500 True cadmium red light


***/I S2 PY65 PR101 PBr7

***/I S4 PB36

313 Cadmium red light

106 Yellow ochre

226 Mars orange

***/I S3 PB15 PW4 PG7

***/I S3 PO20 PO43 PR188


219 Primary phthalocyanine blue •••

***/I S4 PG50

***/I S5 PO20

316 Still de grain yellow

***/I S2 PB15:3 PW6 PG7

***/I S4 PY35 PO20

***/I S1 PY74 PY42 PBr7

***/I S6 PB35

***/I S3 PY65 PW6 PO20

209 Indian yellow

114 Raw sienna

***/I S2 PB15:3 PW6 PB29

308 Cadmium yellow orange

***/I S5 PB28

***/I S3 PB28

***/I S4 PY35

224 Oriental yellow

***/I S2 PB29 PY74 PY42 PR101

***/I S1 PW6 PB15:3 PB29

***/I S2 PB15:3

***/I S3 PY65 PW6 PO20


***/I S1 PY42

***/I S2 PB29

206 Chrome yellow medium hue

259 Venetian orange

***/I S3 PR101 PY83

***/I S3 PY35 PY74 PY65 PW6 ***/I S5 PY35

***/I S2 PY65 PR101

***/I S2 PB29

**/II S2 PY74

249 Portrait pink

***/I S2 PY65 PR101

***/I S3 PV23 PB15

205 Chrome yellow light hue

***/I S2 PR101

**/II S2 PB27 PV23 PBk7

305 Cadmium yellow light

214 Reddish naples

***/I S2 PW6 PY42 PO20 PR108

**/II S2 PB27

508 Fragonard aureoline

***/I S2 PY42 PO20 PW6

***/I S3 PV23

228 Permanent primary yellow

100 Bright yellow

***/I S1 PY35 PY42 PW6

***/I S6 PV14 PR122

502 True lemon cadmium yellow ••


600 True cobalt violet light

• 37 ml • 80 ml • 200 ml

STUDIO acrylics STUDIO HIGH VISCOSITY ACRYLIC Studio a satin finish Studio High High Viscosity ViscosityAcrylic Acrylicisjsou akrylové acrylic with the same precision as barvy sdeveloped jemným saténovým vzhledem vyvíjené se stejnou jemností jako barvy extrathe extra-fine acrylics. It is particularly suited finework acrylics. Díky svébecause husté konzistenci to in dimension, of its thickjsou vhodné pro práci na velkých plochách. consistency. It retains the brush or painting Nanáší se and štětcem nebo malířským nožem, knife mark can be used pure or with the používá se nezředěný nebo s akrylovými Pébéo Studio Acrylic auxiliaries, depending doplňky, záležíeffect. na požadovaném efektu. on the desired Very adherent and Po zaschnutí velmi přilnavý a pernamentní. indelible once dry.


Ref. 831 832 832 832 169 169 169 171 172 174

> Studio acrylics - high viscosity 62 colours, barev, 100 62 100ml mltuby tubes barev 48 colours barvy 4 metalické metallic colours barev 7 Dyna colours barvy 3 fluorescentní Fluorescent colours 50 250mlmltuby tubes 50 colours, barev, 250 barev 39 colours barvy 4 metalické metallic colours 7 Dyna colours barev 25 colours, barev, 500 500mlmlnádoba jar 25 22 colours barev metalické barvy 3 metallic colours > Studio acrylics - fluid 88 barev, colours,1000 1000mlmlnádoba jar 8 barev colours

Product group 4 4 Produktová skupina RRP Pack each

STUDIO FLUID ACRYLIC Studio a satin finish acrylic. Studio Fluid FluidAcrylic Acrylicisjsou akrylové barvy se Because of its fluid consistency, it is particularly saténovým vzhledem. Díky své tekuté suited for application with a brush. Very adherent konzistenci, jsou obzvlášť vhodné k aplikaci and indelible Po once dry, it is suitable for most se štětcem. zaschnutí jsou přilnavé a surfaces. It can vyhovující be used pure or with the Pebeo pernamentní, všem povrchům. Studio Acrylic auxiliaries, depending on the Používají se nezředěné nebo s akrylovými desired doplňky,effect. záleží na požadovaném efektu. The formula of a the HighStudio Viscosity and Fluid Studio Acrylic Fluid Acrylic jsou bez Studio Acrylic pastes is free of heavy metals. těžkých kovů a jsou vysoce viskozní.

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1

Fluid 1 L > 250 ml >

100 ml Fluo >

100 ml >

500 ml >



BARVY AAKRYLOVÉ crylic colours

BARVY AAKRYLOVÉ crylic colours

Product Buff titanium Bright yellow yellow hue Lemon cadmium Primary yellow Light azo yellow Medium cadmium yellow hue Dark cadmium yellow hue Cadmium orange hue vermilion Transparent Cadmium red hue hue Dark cadmium red Quinacridone scarlet Primary magenta Naphtol carmine Alisarin crimson pink Azo Vivid pink Oriental violet hue Dark cobalt violet Prussian blue hue blue Dark ultramarine ultramarine Light blue Cobalt blue hue Phthalocyanine blue Primary cyan Cerulean blue Turquoise blue Cadmium green hue green Phthalocyanine green Sap Hooker’s green Green earth Chrome green hue Naples yellow hue Yellow ochre Venice yellow Raw sienna ochre Red Venice red sienna Burnt Terra rossa Raw umber Burnt umber Payne’s grey Neutral grey black Mars Titanium white white Vivid Iridescent silver Iridescent gold gold Iridescent precious Iridescent copper yellow Iridescent orange Iridescent red blue Iridescent violet blue Iridescent blue green Iridescent green blue Iridescent green yellow Iridescent blue black Fluorescent orange Fluorescent pink Fluorescent yellow

Studio Acrylics Barcode 62 colours, 100 ml tubes. 316786 831065 2 316786 831051 5 316786 831022 5 316786 831048 5 316786 831013 3 316786 831023 2 316786 831052 2 316786 831032 4 316786 831019 5 316786 831033 1 316786 831053 9 316786 831020 1 316786 831050 8 316786 831018 8 316786 831054 6 316786 831055 3 316786 831045 4 316786 831021 8 316786 831047 8 316786 831056 0 316786 831015 7 316786 831025 6 316786 831014 0 316786 831017 1 316786 831049 2 316786 831028 7 316786 831030 0 316786 831043 0 316786 831042 3 316786 831059 1 316786 831044 7 316786 831061 4 316786 831060 7 316786 831024 9 316786 831027 0 316786 831035 5 316786 831036 2 316786 831034 8 316786 831039 3 316786 831038 6 316786 831063 8 316786 831064 5 316786 831029 4 316786 831040 9 316786 831046 1 316786 831026 3 316786 831011 9 316786 831041 6 316786 832351 5 316786 832352 2 316786 832350 8 316786 832355 3 316786 832353 9 316786 832354 6 316786 832356 0 316786 832357 7 316786 832358 4 316786 832359 1 316786 832360 7 316786 832370 6 316786 832371 3 316786 832372 0


50 colours, 250 ml tubes. 316786 169065 2 - - 316786 169048 5 316786 169013 3 316786 169023 2 316786 169052 2 316786 169032 4 316786 169019 5 316786 169033 1 316786 169053 9 316786 169020 1 316786 169050 8 316786 169018 8 316786 169054 6 316786 169055 3 316786 169045 4 316786 169021 8 - 316786 169056 0 316786 169015 7 - - 316786 169017 1 316786 169049 2 316786 169028 7 316786 169030 0 316786 169043 0 316786 169042 3 316786 169059 1 - 316786 169061 4 316786 169060 7 316786 169024 9 316786 169027 0 - 316786 169036 2 - - 316786 169038 6 316786 169063 8 316786 169064 5 316786 169029 4 316786 169040 9 316786 169046 1 316786 169026 3 316786 169011 9 316786 169041 6 316786 169351 6 316786 169352 3 316786 169350 9 316786 169355 4 316786 169353 0 316786 169354 7 316786 169356 1 316786 169357 8 316786 169358 5 316786 169359 2 316786 169360 8 - - -



25 colours, 500 ml jars. - - 316786 171022 0 316786 171048 0 - 316786 171023 7 - 316786 171032 9 - 316786 171033 6 - - 316786 171050 3 316786 171018 3 - - - - 316786 171047 3 - 316786 171015 2 - 316786 171014 5 316786 171017 6 316786 171049 7 - - 316786 171043 5 316786 171042 8 - 316786 171044 2 - - 316786 171024 4 316786 171027 5 - 316786 171036 7 - - 316786 171038 1 - - 316786 171029 9 - - 316786 171026 8 316786 171011 4 - 316786 172351 0 316786 172352 7 - 316786 172355 8 - - - - - - - - - -

FLUID 8 colours, 1000 ml jars. 316786 174048 7 316786 174023 4* 316786 174050 0 316786 174015 9* 316786 174049 4 316786 174029 6* 316786 174026 5 316786 174011 1 -

The colours are classified in chromatic order.


výrobalast. * Ukončena While supplies

65 Buff titanium


43 Cadmium green hue

***/I PW6 PY42

51 Bright yellow

42 Phthalocyanine green

***/I PW6 PY3

22 Lemon cadmium yellow

59 Sap green


44 Hooker’s green


61 Green earth ***/I PG7 PY12 PBk7 PW6

23 Medium cadmium yellow hue ••••

60 Chrome green hue

***/I PW6 PY83 PO13 PY12

**/II PG7 PBk7 PY12 PW6


24 Naples yellow hue

**/II PW6 PY83 PR12

32 Cadmium orange hue


27 Yellow ochre


35 Venice yellow


36 Raw sienna


34 Red ochre


39 Venice red


38 Burnt sienna


63 Terra rossa


64 Raw umber


29 Burnt umber


40 Payne’s grey


46 Neutral grey


26 Mars black


11 Titanium white

•••• •• •• •••• ••••

***/I PW6


41 Vivid white

***/I PB29 PR19 PB15:3

25 Light ultramarine blue


***/I PBk7 PBk11

**/II PB15:0 PV23 PY3

15 Dark ultramarine blue


> Iridescent


351 Iridescent silver



352 Iridescent gold


***/I PW6 PB15:3

28 Cerulean blue


350 Iridescent precious gold


355 Iridescent Copper

**/II PB28 PB15:3

30 Turquoise blue ***/I PW6 PB15:3 PG7

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent

Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque


358 Iridescent green blue


359 Iridescent green yellow


360 Iridescent blue black


372 Fluorescent yellow

370 Fluorescent orange

371 Fluorescent pink

101 Yellow

102 Red

103 Blue

140 Payne’s grey

163 Red earth

> Glaze

> Phosphorescent

***/I PB15:3

49 Primary cyan

357 Iridescent blue green


***/I PW6 PB29 PV19

17 Phthalocyanine blue


***/IPW6 PB29

**/II PB29 PW6

14 Cobalt blue hue

356 Iridescent violet blue


***/IPBk7 PW6

**/II PW6 PV23

56 Prussian blue hue


***/I PB29 PBk7

**/II PV23 PR19 PB15:3

47 Dark cobalt violet hue.

***/I PR101 PBk11 PBk7 PR22

**/II PR122

21 Oriental violet


> Fluorescent

**/II PY42 PY83 PR22 PBk7

*/III PR48:1 PW6

45 Vivid pink

354 Iridescent red blue

***/I PY42 PG7

**/II PR146 PR22 PBk7

55 Azo pink


***/I PR101 PBk11

**/II PR146 PR12 PO13

54 Alisarin crimson


**/II PR101

**/II PR19 PR146

18 Naphtol carmine


***/I PR101

**/II PR112 PR122

50 Primary magenta


***/I PY42 PR101 PBk11

**/II PW6 PR112 PR22 PR112

20 Quinacridone scarlet


353 Iridescent orange yellow

**/II PY42

**/II PR112 PR22 PW6

53 Dark cadmium red hue


***/I PY42

**/II PR112 PO13

33 Cadmium red hue


***/I PW6 PY74 PY42

**/II PW6 PO13

19 Transparent vermilion


**/II PG7 PY42 PB15:3 PBk7 PY74

***/I PY74 PY83

52 Dark cadmium yellow hue


**/II PG7 PY12 PBk7

***/I PW6 PY74

13 Light azo yellow

> Dyna

***/I PG7

**/II PW6 PY111

48 Primary yellow


**/II PW6 PY111 PG7


> Colour-CHART Studio acrylics

• • • •


112 Green

113 Turquoise

114 Blue

116 Yellow


100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 1L


Produktová skupina Product group 4 4


Produkt Product


Sortiment > Assortments Primary pack 316786 833000 1 833000 Základní sada 5 různých barev ml 5 assorted 100 ml100 tubes 833100 Sada Pack of6x100 6 x 100ml mltub tubes 316786 833100 8 Primary pack 316786 035004 5 035004 Základní sada 4 různé barvy ml 4 assorted 250 250 ml tubes ml, 316786 833311 8 833311 Sada Set of 10 10 různých assorted barev 20 ml 20 tubes 1 + 1štětec whiteWhite bristlesBristle brush 833421 Sada Set of20 20různých assortedbarev 20 ml20 tubes ml, 316786 833421 4 1+ štětec 1 whiteWhite bristlesBristle brush 833431 Set of 30 30 různých assorted barev 20 ml 20 tubes Sada ml, 316786 833431 3 +1 1štětec white White bristlesBristle brush 833441 Sada Set of 40x20 316786 833441 2 40 x 20mlmltub tubes ml tuby: 831301 Sada Set of 8x100 316786 831301 1 8 x 100 ml tubes Titanium white, mars black, primary yello, primary magenta, primary cyan, burnt umber, vivid pink, turquoise blue. 861297 * Maxi Maxi balení 316786 861297 8 pack 11x100 ml tubes tuby ++ 1 1 tuba ml x 100 ml tube 250 250 ml 11 833401 Umělecká Cubism sada- Kubismus 316786 833401 6 Art Movement Set 16 různých barev 20ml, 16plátno assorted colours, 1 canvas 1 na20ml desce 30X30 cm, board 30x30cm, 1 white bristle 1 štětec White Bristle, 1 leták brush, 1 leaflet on art movement. 833402 Umělecká Neo-expressionism 316786 833402 3 sada- Neoexpresionismus Art Movement Set 16 assorted 20ml colours, 1 canvas 16 různých barev 20ml, board 30x30cm, 1 white bristle 1 plátno na desce 30X30 cm, 1 štětec Whiteon Bristle, 1 leták brush, 1 leaflet art movement.

Pack 1



1 1 6 6 6 3 3

3 6


Produkt Product

Ref. 834861 834660 834850*

Kufříky > Cases

Začátečnický kufřík Bamboo Starter Set Bamboo 10 různých 20 barev 20 ml,11white 10 assorted ml tubes, štětec White Bristle n°6, paleta


Atelier 834852 Kolekce Atelier Collection 316786 834852 5 různých barev ml 66 assorted 100ml 100 colours (Titanium white, mars black, primary yello, primary magenta, primary cyan, burnt umber), 11 Dyna bindex Dyna violet100ml, 100 ml, violet bindex 11 bindex index lesklý 100 ml,2 white gloss 100ml, 2 štětce Bristle, 1 spatler bristle brushes, 1 spalter 810851 Sada Easel Easel 316786 810851 8 set 88 různých ml assorted barev 100ml 100 colours (Titanium white, mars black, primary yello, primary magenta, primary cyan, burnt umber, vivid pink, turquoise blue), štětce ++ 1 1 spalter 22 brushes spalter.


1 gloss gel 100 ml.

Ref. 833441 > Set 4040x20 x 20 ml Sada ml tubes


< Ref. 833402 Neo-expressionism Umělecká sada- Neoexpresionismus Art Movement Set

< Ref. 810851 Easel Sada set Easel 8 x 100 ml tubes

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies

316786 834660 6 4

316786 834850 1

< Ref. 833401


316786 834861 7 4

bristle brush n°6, 1 palette

Bamboo kufřík Bamboo case 12 různých 20 barev 20 ml, 12 assorted ml tubes, 1 modelovací pasta 100 ml, 11 modeling paste 100 ml, 1 gloss lesklý gel 100 ml, 1 štětec gel 100Bristle, ml, 1 white bristles brush, White 1 malířský nůž, 11 painting paleta knife, 1 palette. Easel Easel set Sada 55 assorted různých barev ml, 100 ml100 tubes, 11 white plochýbristles štětec flat White Bristle, brush, 1 lesklý gel 100 ml


Umělecká Cubism ArtsadaMovement Set Kubismus

Produktová skupina Product group 4 4 RRP Barcode Pack each


New products





Produktová skupina Product group 4 4




> gesso


Studio Gesso Gesso Studio

tuba 250 ml tube

316786 524110 2


524102 524122 524142

nádoba 500 ml nádo jar 1 litre jar nádoba ba 4 litres nádoba jar

316786 524100 3 316786 524120 1 316786 524140 9

1 1 1

524111 524135 524105

Studio Gesso černý Black Gesso Studio

316786 524111 9 316786 524135 5

3 1

316786 524105 8


524129 524130 524150 524160

MODELOVACÍ PASTA > Modeling paste Modeling paste Studio Reliéfní modelovací pasta 100 ml tube 316786 tuba 250 ml tuba tube 316786 jar 500 ml nádoba 316786 1000 ml nádoba jar 316786

831115 169115

Studio modelovací pasta s vysokou Modeling paste Studio High viscosity viskozitou tuba 100 ml tube 316786 831115 4 3 250 ml nádoba 316786 169115 4 1 jar


To the adherence of výsledku the modelling facilitate the appearance Modelovací pasta s popraskaným efektem Proincrease dosažení nejlepšího se and doporučeje použít Under Crackling Effect Modeling paste of cracks, it is strongly recommended to prepare the surface with the Step coat medium (krok 1), Modalovací pasta s popraskaným tuba 100ml krok 1 tubes 316786 524440 0 1 Step 11 (krok 2). Může být nanášena malířským 1efektem Under Coat medium. The Crackling Effect Modelling Pastenožem. (step 2),Lze of a ji krok 22 + 1 tuba tube 250ml Step používatconsistency, bez ředěnícan nebo smícháním barvami Stuido paste-like be applied with a spainting knife. It can Acrylic be used (poměr: 75%with modelovací pasty, 25%(75 % barva). modelling / 25% colour). pure or mixed Studio Acrylics colours

524240 524250 524260 524270 524280

GELY > BINDEX Bindex &AGeLS Bindex Studio 100 ml tube tuba 250 ml tuba tube 500 ml nádoba jar 1000 ml nádoba jar nádoba 4 litres jar

524241 524242 524243

LesklýBindex Bindex Studio Acrylicbinder pojivoDYNA, DYNA, 100 ml tuba Gloss Acrylics Studio 100 ml tube Fialová Dyna Violet 316786 524241 3 3 Zelená Dyna Green 316786 524242 0 3 Dyna Blue 316786 524243 7 3 Modrá

524170 524180

Lesklý Gloss gel Gel Studio tuba 100 ml tube 250 ml tuba tube

524210 524220 832112 832113 832114 832116 832117

Matný gel Studio Matt Gel 100 ml tube 316786 524210 9 tuba 250 ml tube 316786 524220 8 tuba Fosforescentní Phosphorescent gel, Gel,100 100 ml ml tuba tube Green 316786 832112 2 Zelená Tyrkysová Turquoise 316786 832113 9 Modrá Blue 316786 832114 6 Modrá Žlutá Yellow 316786 832116 0 Colourless - Green 316786 832117 7

525002 525012 525022 525032 834101* 834102* 834103* 834140* 834163*

Strukurovací gel,250 250ml mltube tuba Sand texturedpískový gel Studio,

250 ml tuba tube jar 500 ml nádoba Studio Gesso šedý Grey Gesso Studio 500 ml nádoba jar

Žlutá Yellow

316786 316786 316786 316786 316786

AMatný matt and covering coating for preparing surfaces to bekpainted. a podkladový materiál pro přípravu povrchu na čistý a odmaštěný Itmalování. is appliedNanášíme on a clean and non-greasy surface. povrch.

Hustá pasta matného vzhledu s jejíž pomocí lze na daném

524129 524130 524150 524160

524240 524250 524260 524270 524280

4 0 8 7

6 5 4 3 2

316786 524170 6 316786 524180 5

316786 525002 9 316786 525012 8 Černá Black 316786 525022 7 Bílá White 316786 525032 6 Studio glaze,barvy, 250 ml250ml jar nádoba Studio colored glazurovací Žlutá Yellow 316786 834101 4 Červená Red 316786 834102 1 Modrá Blue 316786 834103 8 Payne’s Grey 316786 834140 3 Brown Earth 316786 834163 2

Red Červená

White coating for the preparation of také the surfaces to bespainted. Bílý podkladový materiál, známý jako šeps, výbornou krycí schopností, kterýwhite se používá pro přípravu a Its viscosity and titanium concentration makes itpovrchů particularly materiálů, chceme malovat. Musí být nanášen na čistý covering. It iskteré applied on a clean and non-greasy surface. Dries a odmaštěný Rychle má lehce quickly and has povrch. a light matt finish,schne whichaimproves thematný adhesion of vzhled. Používá se pro vytvoření povrchů s vynikající the acrylic or oil layers. přilnavostí před malováním pomocí olejů nebo akrylů.

3 3 1 1

3 3 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

podkladu (plátno, dřevo, kov,toneglazovaná keramika, Opaque paste of heavy texture create dimension and make coatings. kameny...) vytvořit zajímavé reliéfy vytvářet tak opticky Can be applied with avelmi painting knife and mixeda with the moist colour; 3D efekt. Nanáší se za malířského nože a vlhkém when mixed, the colour is pomoci slightly lightened. It retains theveimprint of stavu je možné ji míchat s akrylovými barvami. Perfektně drží the tool, can be sculpted, painted and rubbed down once dry. Keeps it svůj objem a po zaschnutí nepraská. Lze ji ředit vodou nebo volume perfectly and does not lze cracktónovat after drying. It has barvami. a matt finish. mediem. Tuto reliéfní pastu akrylovými

Heavy textured opaquevysokou paste toviskozitou create dimensions and obrysů coatings. Krycí pasta s velmi pro tvorbu nebo Používá se nezředěná nebo se Studio Can bevzorů. used pure or mixed with the Studio acrylics colours. akrylovými barvami.

Non-yellowing binder for the preparation of thekolážovou colours. Nežloutnoucí,liquid vodou ředitelné pojidlo. Umožnoje anebo vykládanou práci smícháním barvouto Can be used for collages andvšech inlaysdruhů, and mixed with the scolours dodáthem intenzivní jas.brightness. Vytváří pružný a saténový film. Udržujte give depth and Translucent and indelible once dry, mimo chlad. gives a flexible and satin film. Keep out of cold.

Fluid acrylic binderspojidlo for collages and dilution of colours. They are Tekuté akrylové pro koláže a ředění barev. Jsou formulovány s ovlivňováním pigmentu, formulated with interference pigments thatkterý allowumožňuje applications to aplikaci ke změně barvyonzávisle na of úhlu světla. change colour depending the angle light.

Lesklý matný gel, nežloutnoucí, smícháním s barvou Gloss ornebo matt gel, non-yellowing, can be mixed with the paint to vede kethe zvýšení transparentnosti. Ideálnítime. proIdeal koláže increase transparency, volume and drying for acollages vykládané práce. Lesklý nebo matný vzhled, po zaschnutí and inlays. Gloss or matt finish, translucent after drying. průhledný.

Fosforescentní gelygels absorbují denní nebo a po The phosphorescent absorb the natural or umělé artificialsvětlo light and setměníit svítí světlem. Tyto gely tinted jsou lehce re-emit in thefosforovým darkness. These gels are slightly so that the tónované, jejich barvu poznáte i za světla, colours maytakže be recognized in daylight, with thedenního exception of thekromě untinneobarveného zeleného fosforescentního gelu. K dosažení ted green phosphorescent gel. For best results, apply the gels thickly, nejlepšího výsledku nanášejte gely v silné vrstvě malířským with a painting knife. nožem.

3 3 3 3

Polymerpolymerový and colouredpískový sand based is ready tokuse and has a Tento gelgel. je Itpřipraven vytváření velmi a zrnitých struktur. Je amožno ním granularzajímavých texture. It istextur recommended to apply it with paintings knife pracovat či ho přimíchávat do barev. and allowssamostatně, to obtain dimensional granular effects.

1 1 1 1 1

Glazurované barvy jsou vytvořeny aby bylyand transparentní The glaze colours are formulated to betak, transparent ready to use a připraveny použití bezto přidání dosáhnutí glazury. without addingkany medium obtainmédia a glaze.kThe acrylic binder, Akrylové pojidlo, obsahuje těchto 5 Studio akrylových barev, contained in these 5 Studio Acrylics colours, allows obtaining umožňuje okamžité získání transparentnosti po nanesení a immediate transparency upon and very little difference nepatrné rozdíly v barvě zaapplication morka a sucha. in colour between wet and drying.

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies



Studio auxiliaries

AKRYLOVÉ BARVY A crylic colours

AKRYLOVÉ BARVY A crylic colours

Pop Art Acrylic Pop Art Art Acrylic jsou viskózní a grade The Pop Acrylic is a vysoce high viscosity student kvalitní akrylové Pop quality acrylic. Thebarvy. productVlastnosti quality andbarvy the large Art a praktické malování opening of the jarbalení make umožňují the paint suited for na velké plochy s pomocí velkého štětce generous applications on large surfaces usingnebo large "spalterů". balení the je paste can brushes and Předností spalters. Versatile, transparentnost a praktická rukojeť na víčku. be worked with a brush or a painting knife. The packaging is trendy as well as the product name; high transparency of the jar and handle on the cover.



18 barev, 700 18 colours, 700mlmlnádoba jar barev 810 15 colours 810 fluorescentní barvy 2 fluorescent colours perleťová barva 810 1 pearl colour

Pack 1 1 1

Produktová skupina Product group 4 4 RRP

Product group 4 4 Produktová skupina Ref. 810110

Product Doplňky Auxiliary Gesso 700 ml jar





316786 810110 6 1




Titanium white Lemon yellow Primary yellow orange Cadmium Vermilion Primary magenta Ultramarine blue Primary cyan Phthalo green Hooker’s green Yellow ochre Burnt umber Mars black Silver Gold Yellow fluorescent Pink fluorescent White pearl

700 700mlmlnádoba, jars, 18 18 barev colours

316786 810001 7 810002 4 316786 316786 810003 1 810004 8 316786 316786 810005 5 810006 2 316786 316786 810007 9 810008 6 316786 316786 810009 3 810010 9 316786 316786 810011 6 810012 3 316786 316786 810013 0 316786 810014 7 316786 810015 4 316786 810020 8 316786 810021 5 316786 810030 7 The colours are classified in chromatic order.

< 700 ml > Colour-CHART pop art acrylic 02 Lemon yellow

10 Hooker’s green

**/II PW6 PY111

**/II PG7 PY42 PB15:3 PBk7 PY74

03 Primary yellow

11 Yellow ochre

20 Fluorescent yellow

***/I PW6 PY74

***/I PY42


04 Cadmium orange

12 Burnt umber

21 Fluorescent pink

**/II PW6 PO13

***/I PR101 PBk11 PBk7 PR22


05 Vermililon

13 Mars black

**/II PR112 PO13

***/I PBk7 PBk11

06 Primary magenta

01 Titanium white

**/II PR19 PR146

***/I PW6

07 Ultramarine blue **/II PB29 PW6

08 Primary cyan ***/I PW6 PB15:3

09 Phthalo green ***/I PG7


14 Silver 15 Gold

> Fluorescent

> Pearl 30 Pearl white

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent

Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque

Artist acrylics Extra fine Pébéo Artist is a performing extra extra Pébéo VámAcrylics představuje barvy Acrylic fine acrylic developed following the latest fine, které byly vytvořeny nejnovějšími developments inmoderní modern chemistry. technologiemi chemiie. This product has been designednainzákladě conjunction with Tento produkt byl navržen artists from around the world to make an acrylic spolupráce s umělci z celého světa tak, aby with a high pigment concentration, versatile for vznikla jedinečná barva s vysokou easy application withakrylová both brushes and painting koncentrací pigmentu. Snadná aplikace knives. Its 79 bright and intense colours offer ajak satin se štětcem, tak i s malířským nožem. gloss finish and excellent resistance to light79and jasných aging. a intenzivních barev nabízí saténově lesklý vzhled a vynikající odolnost vůči světlu a stárnutí.

Ref. 906 907 908 909 910 929 930 931 932 933 970 971

Product 37 ml 37 mltubes, tuby,79 79colours barev zoftoho Dyna barvy which1010jsou are Dyna barev barev Série Series 1 : 11 colours

Series 2 : 24 colours barev Série Series 3 : 33 colours barev barev Série Série Series 4 : 7 colours barev barvy Series 5 : 4 colours Série

60 colours 60 ml, ml 79 tuby, 79 barev z toho Dyna barvy of which10 10jsou are Dyna barev Série Series 1 : 11 colours Series 2 : 24 colours barev barev Série barev Série Series 3 : 33 colours Série Series 4 : 7 colours barev Series 5 : 4 colours Série barvy 250 mljar nádoba, 3 barvy 250 ml : 3 colours Series 1 : 3 couleurs barvy Série 500 ml ml jar : 1 colour 500 nádoba, 1 barva Series 1 : Titanium White Série

Product group 4 4 Produktová skupina RRP



3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 1 1

37 ml >

60 ml >

Produktová skupina Product group 4 4





Různé krabice > Assorted boxes setsada 820000 Primary 316786 820000 7 3 Základní různých37barev 37 ml 55 assorted ml tubes. 823001 Výběrová Selection set 316786 823001 1 3 sada 10 různých37barev 37 ml, 1 štětec ml tubes, 1brush. 10 assorted 825000 Sada TravelTravel set 316786 825000 2 3 77 assorted různých37barev 37 ml, ml tubes, 1x60 ml tuba, doplňky 1 x 60 ml tube, accessories. 823100 Sada AtelierAtelier Set 316786 823100 1 3 99 různých ass. 20 mlbarev tubes,20 ml, 1 titanově bílá 60 ml, 1 tube 60 ml Titanium white, 1 lesklý médium 75 ml, 12 gloss medium 75 ml, štětce, 1 tužka, 2 brushes soie blanc, 1 guma, 1pures plátno na beau desce, 1 dřevěná paleta 1 pencil, 1 erase, 1 canva borad 3P, 1 wood palette.




< Ref. 823100 Atelier Set Sada Atelier 9 x 60 ml tubes



AKRYLOVÉ BARVY A crylic colours

Artist acrylics extra fine

BARVY AAKRYLOVÉ crylic colours Product Cadmium lemon Light Hansa yellow Light cadmium yellow Permanent primary yellow Medium cadmium yellow Golden Hansa yellow Deep cadmium yellow Oriental yellow Orange cadmium yellow Orange Hansa yellow Cadmium orange Vermilion Light cadmium red Light naphtol red Deep cadmium red Naphtol carmine Alizarin crimson Quinacridone scarlet Quinacridone magenta Quinacridone garnet Quinacridone pink Thioindigo violet Light cobalt violet imit. Deep cobalt violet imit. Permanent violet Brilliant purple Indigo Steel blue Cosmos blue Ultramarine deep True cobalt blue Cerruleum blue Phthalocyanine blue Permanent cyan Azure blue Oriental blue Royal blue Turquoise blue Veronese green Permanent green Phthalocyanine emerald Hooker’s green Chrome oxide green Deep cadmium green Light cadmium green Bright green Light green Greengold Naples yellow Portrait pink Yellow ochre Raw sienna Red ochre Burnt Sienna Raw umber Burnt umber Sepia Payne’s grey Velvet grey Graphite Ivory black Mars black Titanium white Iridescent pearl Iridescent silver Iridescent gold Iridescent vermeil Iridescent bronze Iridescent copper Orange-Yellow Dyna Red-Blue Dyna Fuchsia-Blue Dyna Blue-Violet Dyna Blue-Green Dyna Green-Blue Dyna Green-Yellow Dyna Yellow-Green Dyna Black-Blue Dyna Gold-Green Dyna

Series 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 3 5 3 5 3 4 4 3 4 2 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 5 5 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Barcode 37 ml tubes 79 colours 316786 908304 3 316786 907252 8 316786 908305 0 316786 908356 2 316786 908301 2 316786 907253 5 316786 908306 7 316786 907254 2 316786 909407 0 316786 907255 9 316786 909402 5 316786 908307 4 316786 910513 4 316786 908308 1 316786 910514 1 316786 908309 8 316786 909405 6 316786 909406 3 316786 908326 5 316786 909400 1 316786 907262 7 316786 909408 7 316786 908302 9 316786 908317 3 316786 908300 5 316786 907263 4 316786 907222 1 316786 907265 8 316786 908310 4 316786 907201 6 316786 910502 8 316786 910550 9 316786 907239 9 316786 907227 6 316786 907205 4 316786 907203 0 316786 908340 1 316786 907207 8 316786 907220 7 316786 908376 0 316786 907219 1 316786 907221 4 316786 907232 0 316786 908318 0 316786 908320 3 316786 907223 8 316786 907224 5 316786 909429 2 316786 907211 5 316786 907249 8 316786 906106 5 316786 906114 0 316786 906112 6 316786 906113 3 316786 906109 6 316786 906108 9 316786 907260 3 316786 907229 0 316786 906120 1 316786 906134 8 316786 906105 8 316786 906126 3 316786 906118 8 316786 908350 0 316786 908351 7 316786 908352 4 316786 908353 1 316786 908354 8 316786 908355 5 316786 908357 9 316786 908358 6 316786 908359 3 316786 908360 9 316786 908361 6 316786 908362 3 316786 908363 0 316786 908364 7 316786 908366 1 316786 908365 4



60 ml tubes 250 ml jars 79 colours 316786 931304 1 - 316786 930252 6 - 316786 931305 8 - 316786 931356 0 - 316786 931301 0 - 316786 930253 3 - 316786 931306 5 - 316786 930254 0 - 316786 932407 8 - 316786 930255 7 - 316786 932402 3 - 316786 931307 2 - 316786 933513 5 - 316786 931308 9 - 316786 933514 2 - 316786 931309 6 - 316786 932405 4 - 316786 932406 1 - 316786 931326 3 - 316786 932400 9 - 316786 930262 5 - 316786 932408 5 - 316786 931302 7 - 316786 931317 1 - 316786 931300 3 - 316786 930263 2 - 316786 930222 9 - 316786 930265 6 - 316786 931310 2 - 316786 930201 4 - 316786 933502 9 - 316786 933550 0 - 316786 930239 7 - 316786 930227 4 - 316786 930205 2 - 316786 930203 8 - 316786 931340 9 - 316786 930207 6 - 316786 930220 5 - 316786 931376 8 - 316786 930219 9 - 316786 930221 2 - 316786 930232 8 - 316786 931318 8 - 316786 931320 1 - 316786 930223 6 - 316786 930224 3 - 316786 932429 0 - 316786 930211 3 - 316786 930249 6 - 316786 929106 6 - 316786 929114 1 - 316786 929112 7 - 316786 929113 4 - 316786 929109 7 - 316786 929108 0 - 316786 930260 1 - 316786 930229 8 - 316786 929120 2 - 316786 929134 9 - 316786 929105 9 316786 970005 6 316786 929126 4 316786 970026 1 316786 929118 9 316786 970018 6 316786 931350 8 - 316786 931351 5 - 316786 931352 2 - 316786 931353 9 - 316786 931354 6 - 316786 931355 3 - 316786 931357 7 - 316786 931358 4 - 316786 931359 1 - 316786 931360 7 - 316786 931361 4 - 316786 931362 1 - 316786 931363 8 - 316786 931364 5 - 316786 931366 9 - 316786 931365 2 -

Barcode 500 ml jar 1 colour 316786 971118 2 -

The colours classifiedpodle in chromatic order. Barvy jsouare seřazené odstínů.


304 Cadmium lemon


***/I S3 PY35

252 Light Hansa yellow


356 Permanent primary yellow

•• •• •• ••

254 Oriental yellow

•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

**/II S2 PG7 PV23RS PW6

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent

Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque

351 Iridescent silver


376 Permanent green


352 Iridescent gold


***/I S3


219 Phthalocyanine emerald

353 Iridescent vermeil


***/I S3


221 Hooker’s green

354 Iridescent bronze


***/I S3


232 Chrome oxide green

355 Iridescent copper


***/I S3


318 Deep cadmium green


320 Light cadmium green


223 Bright green



224 Light green

357 Orange-Yellow Dyna


358 Red-Blue Dyna


***/I S3 PR170


429 Greengold

359 Fuchsia-blue dyna


***/I S3 PR122


211 Naples yellow

360 Blue-violet dyna


**/II S3 PB15/PV23


249 Portrait pink

361 Blue-green dyna


***/I S3 PB15:3


106 Yellow ochre

362 Green-Blue Dyna


***/I S3 PG7


114 Raw sienna


112 Red ochre

363 Green-Yellow Dyna


***/I S3 PG7

364 Yellow-Green Dyna


***/I S3 PG7 PY13


113 Burnt Sienna

365 Gold-Green Dyna


***/I S3 PY83 HR 70


109 Raw umber ***/I S1 PBr7 PY42 PBk11


> Dyna ***/I S3 PV19

***/I S1 PBr7 PR101 PBk11

**/II S2 PB29 PG7 PBk7

265 Steel blue


***/I S3 PBk7

***/I S1 PR101

**/II S2 PW6 PV23RS

222 Indigo


220 Veronese green

***/I S1 PBr7 PY42 PR101 PBk11

**/II S3 PV23RS

263 Brilliant purple

350 Iridescent pearl ***/I S3

***/I S1 PY42

**/II S3 PW6 PV23RS PR122

300 Permanent violet

> Iridescent


207 Turquoise blue

***/I S2 PW6 PO20

**/II S3 PW6 PR122 PV23RS

317 Deep cobalt violet imit.


340 Royal blue

***/I S2 PW6 PY35 PY42

***/I S4 PV19 PV23RS

302 Light cobalt violet imit.



203 Oriental blue

***/I S4 PY129

***/I S2 PW6 PR122

408 Thioindigo violet

118 Titanium white ***/I S1 PW6

**/II S2 PY3 PG7 PW6

***/I S4 PR122

262 Quinacridone pink


205 Azure blue

***/I S2 PY74 PY65 PG7 PW6

***/I S3 PR122 PV19

400 Quinacridone garnet


***/I S1 PBk11

***/I S3 PY35 PG7

***/I S4 PR209

326 Quinacridone magenta

126 Mars black

***/I S3 PY35 PB15:3 PG7

***/I S4 PR209 PR170 PBk7

406 Quinacridone scarlet


227 Permanent cyan

***/I S2 PG17

**/II S3 PR170

405 Alizarin crimson


***/I S1 PBk9 PBk7

***/I S2 PG7 PO20 PY35

***/I S5 PR108

309 Naphtol carmine

105 Ivory black

***/I S2 PG7

***/I S3 PR112

514 Deep cadmium red


239 Phthalocyanine blue

***/I S3 PG7 PY83

***/I S5 PR108

308 Light naphtol red


***/I S1 PBk10

**/II S2 PW6 PY3 PG7

***/I S3 PR188

513 Light cadmium red

134 Graphite

***/I S2 PW6 PB15 PG7

***/I S4 PO20

307 Vermilion


550 Cerruleum blue

***/I S3 PB28 PW6

***/I S2 PO43 PY65

402 Cadmium orange


***/I S1 PW6 PBk7

***/I S2 PW6 PB15:3 PG7

***/I S4 PO20

255 Orange Hansa yellow

120 Velvet grey

***/I S2 PW6 PB15:3

***/I S2 PY65 PY74LF PR101

407 Orange cadmium yellow


502 True cobalt blue

***/I S2 PW6 PB15:3

***/I S3 PY35


***/I S2 PB29 PBk7

***/I S2 PB15:3

***/I S2 PY65 PW6

306 Deep cadmium yellow

229 Payne’s grey

***/I S5 PB28 PW6

***/I S3 PY35

253 Golden Hansa yellow


201 Ultramarine deep

***/I S5 PB28

***/I S3 PY74LF PY35

301 Medium cadmium yellow

***/I S2 PR209 PY83 PBk11 PG36

***/I S2 PB29

***/I S3 PY35


260 Sepia

**/II S3 PB15:3 PV23RS

**/II S2 PY3 PY1 PW6

305 Light cadmium yellow


310 Cosmos blue

366 Black-Blue Dyna


***/I S3 PBk7


108 Burnt umber ***/I S1 PBr7 PR101 PBk11

The colour was shaded from titanium white going over a zebra black to measure the degree of opacity.

• • • •

37 ml 60 ml 250 ml 500 ml



> Colour-CHART extra fine artist acrylic

Artist Acrylics Extra fine

AKRYLOVÉ BARVY A crylic colours

DOPLŇKY A uxiliaries

Produktová skupina Product group 4 4

Ref. 523250 523200 523300

Product > GESSO One coat Gesso Umělecký šeps 500 ml nádoba jar litr nádoba 1 litre jar nádoba 4 litr litrenádoba jar

Transparentní šeps Transparent GESSO nádoba 523850 500 ml jar 523800 1 litr litrenádoba jar



316786 523250 6 316786 523200 1 316786 523300 8

1 1 1

316786 523850 8 316786 523800 3

1 1

316786 521900 2 316786 521950 7

1 1

521900 521950

MODELOVACÍ PASTA > Modeling paste Těžká pasta Heavy modelovací modeling paste

521800 521850

Light modeling paste Lehká modelovací pasta jar 500 ml nádoba litr nádoba jar 1 litre

316786 521800 5 316786 521850 0

1 1

523600 523100 523150

> Binder LesklýBindex Bindex Gloss jar 500 ml nádoba litrenádoba jar 1 litr litr nádoba jar 4 litre

316786 523600 9 316786 523100 4 316786 523150 9

1 1 1

jar 500 ml nádoba litr nádoba 1 litre jar




Bílý materiál, se surfaces používátopro přípravu A verypodkladový covering white finish for který preparing be painted. It is povrchu k malování. rovnoměrně ve slabýych applied evenly and not tooNanášejte thickly. It dries rapidly and leaves a light vrstvách. rychle a zanechává lehce matný matt surfaceSchne which gives a key to coats subsequently applied, whether povrch, který dodává klíčovou vrstvu před malováním oil or acrylic. pomocí olejů nebo akrylů.

A transparent coating used formateriál, preparingkterý the surfaces to bepro painTransparentní podkladový se používá ted. It is applied clean and nongreasy Dries přípravu povrchuonkamalování. Nanáší sesurface. na čistý a quickly and has a light matt finish, which improves the adhesion odmaštěný povrch. Schne rychle a má lehce matný of the layers ofkterý paint.zlepšuje přilnavost vrstev laku. vzhled, Neprůhledná pasta husté struktury s reliéfem, je Opaque paste with a heavy texture for relief works andkterá impasto. prowith techniku tzv.knife pastózní malba. Nanáší se when Itmožná is applied a painting and is mixed with the colour malířským nožem a ve vlhkém stavu je možné míchat moist. It retains the imprint of the tool and can be sculpted and s barvami. Zanechává otisk malířského a může být painted when dry. Perfectly retains its’ volumenářadí and does not crack. tvarována a malována v suchém stavu. Zachovává Matt finish. objem a nepraská. Má matný vzhled.

kryvá pasta se používá k tvoření dimenze a ALehce light opaque paste used to create dimension and make vrstvy. Může použita samostatně nebo smíchaná s coatings. Can bebýtapplied pure or mixed with colour. Keeps its barvou.perfectly Po zaschnutí si udržuje a nepraská. volume and does not crackobjem after drying.

Non-yellowing preparekacrylic colours. Can be Nežloutnoucíbinder pojidloused se to používá přípravě akrylových barev. jako pojidlo pro koláže pro used as aPoužívá binder forsecollages and material effects.a Translucent různorodé na vytvoření Nežředěné and indeliblemateriály it gives a supple satin film.efektu. Conserves the covering dává of the jemný gel. saténový povrch. Chrání vrchní vrstvu gelu.

523700 523710 523720

Matt MatnýBindex Bindex 500 ml nádoba jar litr nádoba jar 1 litre litr nádoba jar 4 litre

520800 520900 520950 520960

> Mediums MEDIA Lesklémedium medium Gloss bottle 75 ml lahvička bottle 250 ml lahvička 500 ml lahvička bottle litrelahvička bottle 1 litr

316786 316786 316786 316786

6 3 8 7

6 1 1 1

521000 521100 521150 521160

Matnémedium medium Matt 75 ml lahvička bottle bottle 250 ml lahvička 500 ml lahvička bottle litrelahvička bottle 1 litr

316786 521000 9 316786 521100 6 316786 521150 1 316786 521160 0

6 1 1 1


316786 523700 6 316786 523710 5 316786 523720 4

520800 520900 520950 520960

1 1 1

Non-yellowing to prepare acrylic colours. Nežloutnoucí binder pojidloused používané k přípravě akrylových Recommended for collages and inlays. Once dry, it becomes barev. Doporučeno pro koláže a ozdobné vykládání. Po translucent andprůsvitné, matt and matné is indelible. Can be diluted with water. zaschnutí je a neodstranitelné. Může se Keep of theUchovávejte cold. ředit out s vodou. mimo chlad.

Lesklépolyurethane polyuretanové akrylové médium, v suchém Glossy acrylic medium, non-yellowing and stavu nežloutne a jeittransparentní, lesk transparent when dry boosts the shinezvyšuje of the colours. barev.finish. Lesklý vzhled. Doporučuje glazury. Gloss Particularly recommendedseforpro glazes.

Matné polyuretanové akrylové přinášející Matt polyurethane acrylic medium,médium, brings a degree of matt stupně matného které podporují which supports thevzhledu, density of the colour. Mixhustotu with gloss barvy. s lesklým médiem vzknikne mediumSmícháním for a satin finish. Non-yellowing and translucent. saténový vzhled. Nežloutnoucí a průhledný.

Product group 4 4 Produktová skupina Ref.




RRP each


521330 521300 521350

GELY > Gels Lesklýgel gel Gloss jar 250 ml nádoba 500 ml nádoba jar 1 litre nádoba jar

316786 521330 7 316786 521300 0 316786 521350 5

1 1 1

521530 521500

Matnýgel gel Matt 250 ml jar nádoba 500 ml nádoba jar

316786 521530 1 316786 521500 4

1 1

521730 521700 521750

Těžký gel Heavy gel 250 ml nádoba jar 500 ml nádoba jar 1 litre jar nádoba nádoba

316786 521620 9 316786 521700 8 316786 521750 3

1 1 1

Dense the colours, it allows work in thick layers. Hustýgel, gel,adpotopřidání do barvy, umožňuje práci v silných vrstvách. Opalizuje a nežloutne. ekonomičnost může Opalescent and non- yellowing it canPro be added to the colour in a být smíchán s barvou v poměru 50% barvy, 50% mix of up to 50%, for economy. It extends the drying time.

522000 522110 522150

Zlatý interferenčnígel gel Gold interference tuba 60 ml tube 250 ml jar nádoba 500 ml nádoba jar

316786 522000 8 316786 522110 4 316786 522150 0

3 1 1

Can be usedsepure or mixed nebo with colours to obtain gold iridescent Používá nezředěný smíchaný s barvami k dosáhnutí Dilute zlato duhových odlesků. reflections. with water or fluidize with a medium.


Interference Interferenčnígel gel 60 ml tuba tube

316786 522050 3


Používá se nezředěný nebo barvami k Can be used pure or mixed withsmíchaný colours to sobtain iridescent dosažení měňavých odlesků. Ředíme vodou nebo reflections. Dilute with water or fluidize with a medium. příslušným médiem.

316786 523050 2


Facilitates theředění dilution and dispersion of acrylic colours. Ideal Usnadňuje a rozptyl akrylových barev. Ideální profor airbrush watercolour work. airbrushand a práci s akvarely.

37ml tuba tube

316786 522900 1


F Pro or slowing downdoby the drying time,smíchejte mix up to 10% Retarder with zpomalení schnutí, až 10% retardéru venku nebo práci the colour. sDobarvou. not use Nepoužívejte outside or for works that will při be exposed vehumid vlhkém prostředí. to conditions.

MALTY > Mortars nádoba 250 ml jar 500 ml nádoba jar

316786 522700 7 316786 522800 4

1 1

523400 523500

Pemzová malta Pumice stone mortar nádoba 250 ml jar nádoba 500 ml jar

316786 523400 5 316786 523500 2

1 1

522500 522600

Písková Raw sandmalta mortar

316786 522500 3 316786 522600 0

1 1

522300 522400

Křišťálová malta Crystal mortar

316786 522300 9 316786 522400 6

1 1

Difuzér Diffuser lahvička 523050 75 ml bottle


522700 522800

Retardér Retarder

Černá slídová malta Black mica mortar

nádoba 250 ml jar 500 ml nádoba jar

nádoba 250 ml jar 500 ml nádoba jar

Totožná konzistence Pébéo The identical consistencys to PébéoAcrylic AcrylicExtra Extra Fine, Fine, mix with smícháním barvoudepth se zlepšujě sytost a transparentnost. the colour tosimprove and transparency. Ideal for collages Ideální proGloss koláže a ozdobné vykládání. Lesklý and inlays. finish which is very transparent aftervzhled, drying. který je po zaschnutí průhledný.

Stejná lesklým po zaschnutí Identicalcharakteristika characteristics tos Gloss Gel gelem, with a transparent matt matný vzhled. finish after drying.

těžkého gelu. Prodlužuje dobu schnutí.

Made from azemixture of acrylic polymer andakrylů iron oxide mica,dává it gives Vyrobena směsice polymerovýho a slídy, efekt.ItDobře pracuje s nožem nebo ametalový metallic effect. works well with knife or brush. Canštětcem. be diluted Může se ředit vodouwith nebo s gely a médii. with water and thinned gelsřídce or mediums. Vyrobena z polymerovýho a jemně drcené Made from acrylic polymers andakrylu finely crushed pumice stone, it pemzy, vyvolává Používá se with gives a finely grainedjemně effect. Itzrnitý can beefekt. used as is or mixed samotná, nebo míchá s akrylovými barvami. acrylic colours andse retain its’ metallic aspect. Can be diluted with Udržuje si metalový water, thinned with gels vzhled. and mediums. Semi matt finish.

Vyrobena z akrylového oxidua křemičitého Made from acrylic polymerpolymeru and silica, ita gives thick and granular (křemene). Preferably Má hustou a zrnitou konzistenci. Pokud consistency. used with a knife. Use as is or mixed with možno při použítí použít nůž. Používat nezředěnou, colour. It gives grainy effects. Dilute with water and Bindex. Semi nebo smíchat s barvou. Udává zrnitý efekt. Míchát s matt finish. vodou nebo s Bindexem. Vzhled je částečně matný. Vyrobeno směsice akrylových polymerů a křemene, Made from aze mixture of acrylic polymer and quartz crystals, it is used používá se k vytvoření transparentního zrnitého to create transparent and granular materials whicha react with the light. reaguje na světlo. Je hustší a težší než Itmateriálu, can be usedkterý as is, or in gradations with colour. Preferably use with ostaní malty. Ke Itzlepšení přilnavosti k malířskému transparent colours. is thicker její and heavier than other mortars and podlkadu být smíchána Bindexem. Máthe lesklý with Bindex to improvesits’ adherence to painting can be mixedmůže vzhled. surface. Gloss finish.



> Artist Acrylics Extra fine Auxiliaries Doplňky

Doplňky > Artist Acrylics Extra fine Auxiliaries Ref.


520100 520200 520250 520300

> LAKY Varnishes Lesklývarnish lak Gloss lahvička 75 ml bottle lahvička 250 ml bottle 500 ml lahvička bottle 1 litre bottle lahvička lahvika

520400 520500 520550 520560

Matnývarnish lak Matt 75 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 250 ml bottle 500 ml lahvička bottle 1 litre lahvička bottle

520150 520180

Saténový Satinated lak varnish



RRP each

Produktová skupina Product group 4 4


316786 316786 316786 316786

520100 520200 520250 520300

7 4 9 1

6 1 1 1

316786 316786 316786 316786

520400 520500 520550 520560

8 5 0 9

6 1 1 1

Nežloutnoucíopalescent opalescentní lak,which kterýgives tvořía ochranný, Non-yellowing varnish covering film přiléhavý, odolnýtight, a pružný Má matný vzhled. which is perfectly supple film. and indelible. Matt finish.

75 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 250 ml bottle

316786 520150 2 316786 520180 9

6 1

ANežloutnoucí non-yellowinglak. varnish. Once applied, it gives a perfectly tight, Po aplikaci jeho film je perfektně supple and indelibile přiléhavý, pružný afilm. odolný.

520230 520210

Lesklý lakvarnish Solventmalířský based gloss

316786 520230 1 316786 520210 3

6 6

APružný, supple and responsivelak, finishing very transparent it holds závěrečný velmivarnish, transparentní a well on the brushlak andschne adds arychle strong brilliance to odolný.Tento a nanášíand se durability na kompletně zaschlou měsíců 1 rok). Lze také použít kThis even poorerpráci works.( It6 makes theažcolours brilliant and resonant. restaurování. varnish dries rapidly and must be applied to a completely dry work (6 months to 1 year). The thermoplastic film allows the possibility to restore.

520225 520220

Matný lakvarnish Solventmalířský based matt

316786 520225 7 316786 520220 2

6 6

Matt varnish acrylic resin and polyethylenevosku. wax, Matný lak nabased bázion pryskyřice a polethynélovém Skvěle přilne na ispovrch.. Je transparentní a má peforms well and easy to set down. Gives works anmatný even vzhled. Před promíchejre, nanášejte matt finish. Thepoužitím strong points of this varnish are its’vperfect jednou směru. také používat k restaurování. transparency andLze strong matt finish. Shake before use, apply once and in one direction. The thermoplastic film allows the possibility to restore.

520235 520215

Solvent based satin varnish Saténový malířský lak

316786 520235 6 316786 520215 8

6 6

520730 520700 520750 520760

Anti UVbased lak UV varnish Solvent

200 ml sprej spray 400 ml sprej spray

200 ml spray sprej 400 ml spray sprej

200 ml sprej spray 400 ml sprej spray

Fast drying varnish, lak, it gives a uniform satinsaténový aspect, invzhled, between Rychle schnoucí udává jednotný mezi and leskem matem. Složen z akrylové a it gloss matt.aComposed of acrylic resin and pryskyřice polythene wax Je transparentní nenápadný. ispolythynelu very easy tovosku. set down, transparent anda discreet. ShakePřed before použitím protřepejte v jednom směru. Lzefilm use and apply once andainpoužívejte one direction. The thermoplastic také použít k restaurování. allows the possibility to restore.

75 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 250 ml bottle 500 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 1 litre bottle

316786 316786 316786 316786

6 9 4 3

6 1 1 1

Particularly recommended forděl protecting works exposed to the Doporučeno pro ochranu vystavených v exteriéru. Nežloutnoucí. Ochrana před UV zářením. Saténový exterior. Imperious and non-yellowing, it filters UV light. Satin vzhled. Po dry zaschnutí býtwith odstraněn lihem bez spirit finish. Once it can bemůže removed petroleum or white poškození akrylových barev. without altering the acrylic colour.

DOPLŇKY > Auxiliaries

316786 650315 5 316786 650316 2

6 1

This cleaner is suitable for use with all paintingnáčiní. utensils.PoIt disolves Vhodný k čištění veškerého malířského zaschnutí rozpouští oleje laky. Zejména proand oil and varnish even when dryi and it retains the vhodný suppleness čištění štětců, zachovává jejich tvar i pružnost. form of brushes.

Univerzální odstraňovač Universal paint remover barvy 650310 75 ml lahvička bottle 316786 650310 0 lahvička 316786 650311 7 650311 245 ml bottle lahvička 650313 495 ml bottle 316786 650313 1

6 1 1

This strong solvent strips dried on oil, acrylic other material Silné a velice efektivní rozpouštědlo proand odstranění i zaschlých barev. Pokud from all painting tools. Very použijete efficient, it štětec, works inpropláchněte 15-30 minutes ho pod tekoucí vodou. and can be rinsed off in water. Rinse well in the event of contact with the skin.

650315 650316


Brush cleaner Čistič štětců 75 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 245 ml bottle

520730 520700 520750 520760

Non-yellowing particularly transparent varnish. It gives a Nežloutnoucíand a transparentní lak. Má perfektní přiléhavýtight film,film, pružnost, odolnost a jednotný perfectly supple and indelible, as well as lesk. a very uniform gloss.


Artist Acrylics Liquid ink

Artist Acrylics Liquid has been specially designed for airbush work and for use with graphic instruments. It is an ink made from acrylic pigments and is very easy to use. Its surprising fluidity and the fineness and dispersion of the pigments assures ease of use and precision whichever tool is used. Product


Ref. 317 346 398000

Product group 4 RRP Pack each

> Artist Acrylics Liquid ink 26 colours, in 45ml bottle with dropper barev 26 colours 5 5 colours, 250 ml bottle barev 5 colours 1 > auxiliary Cleaner lahvička 250 ml bottle 316786 398000 3 1

45 ml >

< 250 ml


Primary yellow Light yellow Orange Vermilion Magenta Purple Violet Light blue Cyan Navy blue Oriental blue Ultramarine blue Emerald Light green Moss green Naples yellow Flesh Portrait pink Yellow ochre Raw sienna Sanguine Sepia Raw umber Payne’s grey Black White


26 colours, 45 ml bottle 5 colours, 250 ml bottle dropper 316786 317059 6 316786 346059 8 316786 317019 0 316786 317025 1 - 316786 317037 4 - 316786 317060 2 316786 346060 4 316786 317029 9 316786 317046 6 316786 317005 3 316786 317058 9 316786 346058 1 316786 317006 0 316786 317007 7 - 316786 317008 4 316786 317039 8 316786 317042 8 316786 317043 5 316786 317071 8 316786 317069 5 316786 317070 1 316786 317024 4 316786 317035 0 316786 317033 6 316786 317034 3 316786 317068 8 - 316786 317016 9 316786 317023 7 316786 346023 9 316786 317002 2 316786 346002 4 The colours are classified in chromatic order.

> Colour-CHART Artist acrylic liquid 59 Primary yellow


05 Light blue

35 Raw sienna

19 Light yellow

58 Cyan

25 Orange

07 Oriental blue

33 Sanguine

37 Vermillion

39 Emerald

34 Sepia


42 Light green

68 Raw umber

29 Purple

43 Moss green

16 Payne’s grey

46 Violet

71 Naples yellow

23 Black


06 Navy blue

69 Flesh

02 White


08 Ultramarine blue

70 Portrait pink

60 Magenta

Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque

• 45 ml • 250 ml


24 Yellow ochre



A crylic

BARVY AAKRYLOVÉ crylic colours

Mat pub Akrylová barva s vysokým pigmentu Highly pigmented acrylicpodílem paint for exteriorpro exteriérové fresky. frescoes. Mat Pub combines the qualities of Barva Mat Pub kombinuje kvalitu tradičního kvaše a traditionalbarvu gouache and acrylic colour and is akrylovou a je především určena k dekoracím, predominantly used by decorators, graphic and grafice a k písmomalířství umělců. Tato krémová akrylová barva má vynikající lettering artists. This creamy acrylic has světlostálost excellent a zůstává ohebná i po zaschnuttí, což umožňuje malování light resistance and remains supple when dry which na všechny exteriérní povrchy.

allows it to be used on all exterior surfaces.


Produktová Productskupina group 44

Ref. 252 291 292

Product 24 kgnádoba jar 24 colours, barev, 1 1kg Serie 1 : 11 colours Serie 2 : 10 colours Serie 3 : 3 colours




1 1 1

< 1 kg



Golden yellow 1 Primary yellow 2 Bright orange 2 Dark vermilion 2 Magenta 2 Carmine 2 Cobalt violet 2 Cobalt blue 2 Cerruleum blue 1 Cyan 2 Ultramarine blue 2 Light green 1 Spring green 1 Emerald green 2 Yellow ochre 1 Burnt sienna 1 Raw sienna 1 Burnt umber 1 Raw umber 1 Ivory black 1 Permanent white 1 Fluorescent yellow 3 Fluorescent orange 3 Fluorescent green 3

24 24 barev, colours, 1 kg 1 kgnádoba jar

316786 252123 8 316786 291246 3 316786 291232 6 316786 291241 8 316786 291250 0 316786 291218 0 316786 291247 0 316786 291214 2 316786 252113 9 316786 291249 4 316786 291215 9 316786 252143 6 316786 252145 0 316786 291242 5 316786 252127 6 316786 252138 2 316786 252139 9 316786 252129 0 316786 252130 6 316786 252126 9 316786 252111 5 316786 292311 7 316786 292312 4 316786 929314 8

Barvy jsou seřazeny podle odstínů. order. The colours are classified in chromatic

> Colour-CHART Mat pub


246 Primary yellow

214 Cobalt blue

138 Burnt sienna

123 Golden yellow

249 Cyan

129 Burnt umber

232 Bright orange

113 Cerruleum blue

130 Raw umber

241 Dark vermilion

143 Light green

126 Ivory black

218 Carmine

145 Spring green

111 Permanent white

250 Magenta

242 Emerald green

311 Fluorescent yellow

247 Cobalt violet

127 Yellow ochre

312 Fluorescent orange

215 Ultramarine blue

139 Raw sienna

314 Fluorescent green

GRAFICKÉ UMĚNÍ G raphic arts


Colorex Inkoustyin Colorex jsou velmi známy jak v Known art schools anddobře by designers worldwide uměleckých školách, tak u designérů světového as the reference point for ink. The lively range formátu jako špičkový inkoust. Řada 60 živých barev s of 60 colours and amazing make úžasnou koncentrací na vodníconcentration bázi je perfektním Pébéo Colorex water based inks the referencekteří produktem pro profesionální ilustrace a designéry, jistě ocení svítivost aillustrators perfektní schopnost points forjejich professional and designers sjednotit se. Tyto inkousty mají sametový závěr a dají who appreciate its luminosity and its perfectly se též použít jako náhrada prvotřídních akvarelů. flat, uniform, velvety finish.

1 litre >

Produktová Product skupina group 44



45 ml bottle: 60 colours dropper 341 Series 1: 57 colours 342 Series 2: 3 metallic colours 250 ml bottle: 49 colours 303 Series 1: 49 colours 1 litre bottle: 24 colours 313 Series 1: 24 colours


Pack 5 5 1 1


250 ml >

45 ml >

Produktová Productskupina group 44

VYBRANÉ SADY > assorted boxes

< Ref. 320299 Assorted box Vybrané sady





035076 359000 355000 320299 341999 303991

> Assorted Vybrané boxes sady vybraných 45ml lahviček 55 ass. 45 ml bottles zákládní barry, white, ivory black 33 primaries, white, ivory black vybraných 45ml lahviček 45 ml bottles 55 ass. 3 základní odstíny, white, indický 3grafický primaries, white, Indian ink inkoust 10vybraných assorted 45 ml Box Sadaof10 barev ml bottles 45 88 vybraných lahviček assorted 2020ml ml bottle set v sadě 8 assorted 20 ml colours, 8 vybraných 20ml barev, kreslící 1 drawing 20 grafický ml, 1 India ink guma 20ml,gum indický inkoust 20ml, 20 ml,3 3plastová plastickapátka droppers Ateliérový Atelier Casekufřík “Plastic"Plastový Box” 8set" assorted 45 ml colours, 8 vybraných 45ml barev, kreslící 1guma drawing 45 ml, 1 India ink 45ml,gum indický grafický inkoust 45ml, sobolí štětec velikost 45 ml,kulatý, 1 round sable brush no 10, 10, paleta s 6 kalíšky, leták 1 palette with 6 cups, 1 leaflet. 10assorted vybraných 250ml lahviček 10 250 ml bottle White, primary yellow, cyan, magenta, light green, ivory black, vermilion, orange, sepia, ultramarine blue.

316786 035066 3


316786 359000 4


316786 355000 8




316786 320299 0 1

316786 341999 2 2

316786 303991 2 1

Ref. 341999 > Ateliérový kufřík Atelier case eve

d sle


rp Clea


G raphic

arts Product

Colorex Serie

Grapefruit 1 Lemon yellow 1 Primary yellow 1 Light yellow 1 Dark yellow 1 Golden yellow 1 Orange 1 Indian pink 1 Cartham 1 Vermilion 1 Cyclamen 1 Turkish red 1 Pink madder 1 Carmine 1 Magenta 1 BougainvillÊa 1 Parma 1 Purple 1 Amaranth 1 Plum 1 China blue 1 Cyan 1 Light blue 1 Turquoise blue 1 Navy blue 1 Ultramarine blue 1 Cobalt blue 1 Victoria blue 1 Night 1 Violet 1 Yellow green 1 Light green 1 Oriental green 1 Spring green 1 Firefly green 1 Jade 1 Emerald green 1 Oriental blue 1 Bottle green 1 Chartreuse 1 Moss green 1 Olive 1 Greengold 1 Fawn 1 Indian yellow 1 Saffron 1 Mars orange 1 Yellow ochre 1 Raw sienna 1 Sanguine 1 Tobacco 1 Sepia 1 Payne’s grey 1 Turtle dove grey 1 Ivory black 1 Trichromatic black 1 White 1 Silver 2 Rich gold 2 Pale Gold 2 The colours are classified in chromatic order.


* While supplies last.




60 colours, 45 ml bottle dropper 316786 341027 2 316786 341018 0 316786 341059 3 316786 341019 7 316786 341021 0 316786 341020 3 316786 341025 8 316786 341030 2 316786 341012 8 316786 341037 1 316786 341014 2 316786 341031 9 316786 341015 9 316786 341011 1 316786 341060 9 316786 341051 7 316786 341028 9 316786 341029 6 316786 341001 2 316786 341057 9 316786 341003 6 316786 341058 6 316786 341005 0 316786 341009 8 316786 341006 7 316786 341008 1 316786 341004 3 316786 341010 4 316786 341055 5 316786 341046 3 316786 341040 1 316786 341042 5 316786 341044 9 316786 341045 6 316786 341041 8 316786 341054 8 316786 341039 5 316786 341007 4 316786 341052 4 316786 341013 5 316786 341043 2 316786 341056 2 316786 341017 3 316786 341053 1 316786 341022 7 316786 341032 6 316786 341026 5 316786 341024 1 316786 341035 7 316786 341033 3 316786 341036 4 316786 341034 0 316786 341016 6 316786 341047 0 316786 341023 4 316786 341061 6 316786 341002 9 316786 342048 6 316786 342049 3 316786 342050 9

49 colours, 250 ml bottle 316786 303027 2* 316786 303018 0 316786 303059 3 316786 303019 7 316786 303021 0 316786 303020 3 316786 303025 8 - - 316786 303037 1 - 316786 303031 9 316786 303015 9 316786 303011 1 316786 303060 9 316786 303051 7 316786 303028 9 316786 303029 6 - 316786 303057 9 316786 303003 6 316786 303058 6 316786 303005 0 316786 303009 8 316786 303006 7 316786 303008 1 316786 303004 3 316786 303010 4 - 316786 303046 3 316786 303040 1 316786 303042 5 - 316786 303045 6 316786 303041 8* - 316786 303039 5 316786 303007 4* 316786 303052 4* 316786 303013 5* 316786 303043 2* - 316786 303017 3* 316786 303053 1* 316786 303022 7 316786 303032 6 316786 303026 5 316786 303024 1 316786 303035 7 316786 303033 3 316786 303036 4 316786 303034 0 316786 303016 6 316786 303047 0 316786 303023 4 316786 303061 6 316786 303002 9 - - -

24 colours, 1 litre bottle 316786 313018 7 316786 313059 0 316786 313019 4 316786 313020 0 316786 313025 5 316786 313037 8 316786 313031 6 316786 313015 6* 316786 313011 8 316786 313060 6 316786 313029 3* 316786 313003 3 316786 313058 3 316786 313009 5 * 316786 313008 8 316786 313004 0 316786 313046 0 316786 313042 2 316786 313045 3 316786 313039 2 316786 313034 7 316786 313023 1 316786 313061 3* 316786 313002 6 -

27 Grapefruit




17 Greengold


18 Lemon yellow



05 Light blue



53 Fawn

09 Turquoise blue

19 Light yellow



22 Indian yellow

06 Navy blue

21 Dark yellow



32 Saffron

08 Ultramarine blue

20 Golden yellow



26 Mars orange

04 Cobalt blue

25 Orange



24 Yellow ochre

10 Victoria blue

30 Indian pink


35 Raw sienna

55 Nignt

12 Cartham

33 Sanguine

46 Violet

37 Vermillion



36 Tabacco

40 Yellow green

14 Cyclamen


34 Sepia

42 Light green

31 Turkish red



16 Payne’s grey

44 Oriental green

15 Pink madder



47 Turtle dove grey

45 Spring green

11 Carmine


23 Ivory black

41 Firefly green

60 Magenta


54 Jade




61 Trichromatic black




















































59 Primary yellow



51 Bougainvilléa


39 Emerald green




28 Parma


07 Oriental blue


29 Purple


52 Bottle green


01 Amaranth

13 Chartreuse


57 Plum



43 Moss green




56 Olive

48 SIlver

49 Rich gold

50 Pale gold S2


03 China blue





02 White




> Dyna S1



Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque

58 Cyan


• 45 ml • 250 ml • 1L



> Colour-CHART colorex

GRAFICKÉ UMĚNÍ G raphic arts


gouache Pébéo Studio Gouacheand jsou vysoce alike, Developed for students professionals kvalitní, temperové barvy, které jsouand very Pébéo Studio Gouache is fine, opaque neprůhledné a bohaté na pigment. Jsou rich in pigments. The colours are intense and intenzivní, živé a uchovávají si lesk i po lively and retain their brilliance after drying. zaschnutí. Ideální pro kresby, a Ideal for studies, illustration and ilustrace decoration. dekorace.


Ref. 230 290 290 171

Produktová skupina 4 Product group 4 RRP Pack each

> Studio Gouache 23 barev, 2020mlmltuba 23 colours, tubes


barev 48 colours 28 colours, barev, 100 28 100mlmltuba tubes 23 barev colours 5 Dyna colours barev 22 colours, barev, 220 22 220mlmltuba tubes 22 colours barev

3 3 1 20 ml >



220 ml >

Produktová skupina 4 Product group 4 RRP Barcode Pack each

krabičky >  Různé Assorted boxes Základníset sada 230100 Primary 316786 230100 7 různých 66 ass. 20 mlbarev tubes 20 ml Výběrová sada 230200 Selection set 316786 230200 4 + 1 štětec 1212 různých ass. 20 mlbarev tubes20ml + 1 brush Základníset sada 230300 Primary 316786 230300 1 100ml mltubes tuba 55 xx 100 sada 230400 Základní Primary set 316786 230400 8 4 220ml mltubes tuba 4 xx 220 230199 Sada Starter set 316786 230199 1 pro začátečníky 10 různých ml, 1 štětec 10 ass. 20 mlbarev tubes,20 1 brush 230197 Sada Bamboo starter set Bamboo 316786 230197 7 pro začátečníky barev ass. 20 ml tubes,201 ml, brush, 1010různých 1 paleta 1 štětec, 1 palette.


100 ml >

3 3 1 1

< Ref. 230199 Sada Starter setzačátečníky pro

6 4

< Ref. 230200

< Ref. 230197

Selection set Výběrová sada

Bamboo Sada pro začátečníky Starter BambooSet

Product Lemon yellow Primary yellow Golden yellow* Bright orange Vermilion Cadmium red imit. Carmine Primary magenta Cobalt violet imit. Ultramarine blue Cobalt blue imit. Primary cyan Cerruleum blue Light green Spring green Emerald green Yellow ochre Burnt sienna Burnt umber Ivory black Trichromatic black Permanent white Gold Silver Iridescent red blue Iridescent blue green Iridescent blue parma Iridescent violet blue Iridescent green yellow


Studio Gouache

GRAFICKÉ UMĚNÍ G raphic arts




23 colours, 20 ml tube 316786 230022 2 316786 230048 2 - 316786 230032 1 316786 230039 0 316786 230033 8 316786 230018 5 316786 230050 5 316786 230047 5 316786 230015 4 316786 230014 7 316786 230049 9 316786 230013 0 316786 230043 7 316786 230045 1 316786 230042 0 316786 230027 7 316786 230038 3 316786 230029 1 316786 230026 0 316786 230051 2 316786 230011 6 316786 230001 7 316786 230002 4 - - - - -

28 couleurs, tube 100 ml 316786 290022 4 316786 290048 4 - 316786 290032 3 316786 290039 2 316786 290033 0 316786 290018 7 316786 290050 7 316786 290047 7 316786 290015 6 316786 290014 9 316786 290049 1 316786 290013 2 316786 290043 9 316786 290045 3 316786 290042 2 316786 290027 9 316786 290038 5 316786 290029 3 316786 290026 2 316786 290051 4 316786 290011 8 316786 290001 9 316786 290002 6 316786 290354 6 316786 290357 7 316786 290362 1 316786 290361 4 316786 290359 1

22 couleurs, tube 220 ml 316786 270022 0 316786 270048 0 316786 270023 7 316786 270032 9 316786 270039 8 316786 270033 6 316786 270018 3 316786 270050 3 316786 270047 3 316786 270015 2 316786 270014 5 316786 270049 7 316786 270013 8 316786 270043 5 316786 270045 9 316786 270042 8 316786 270027 5 316786 270038 1 316786 270029 9 316786 270026 8 316786 270051 0 316786 270011 4 Barvy jsou seřazené podle odstínů. order. The colours are classified in chromatic

> Colour-CHART gouache studio 22 Lemon yellow



48 Primary yellow

••• • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••


15 Ultramarine blue




29 Burnt umber





359 Iridescent green yellow ***/I



51 Trichromatic black


11 Permanent white

361 Iridescent violet blue

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent ••• **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent

26 Ivory black

362 Iridescent blue parma

Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque • 20 ml • 100 ml • 220 ml





49 Primary cyan

38 Burnt sienna

357 Iridescent blue green



14 Cobalt blue imit.

27 Yellow ochre



47 Cobalt violet imit.

42 Emerald green

354 Iridescent red blue




50 Primary magenta




18 Carmine

45 Spring green

> Dyna ***/I



33 Cadmium red imit.




39 Vermililon

43 Light green **/II


32 Bright orange




23 Golden yellow*

13 Cerruleum blue

01 Gold




02 Silver



Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies


G raphic


Gouache T7 Extra fine Pébéo T7 is very opaque and rich in pigments and is a very high quality extra fine gouache. This fine paste is both supple and adherent and allows delicate work on a variety of surfaces. The range consists of 74 matt, velvety colours. Based on organic mineral pigments, the colour is covering, dense and luminous and gives an excellent veneer.



20 ml tube: 74 colours 120 Series 1: 9 colours 121 Series 2: 37 colours 122 Series 3: 28 colours ml tube: 2 colours 60 131 Series 1: 2 colours

Pack 6 6 6 3

Product group 4 RRP each

20 ml >

Ref. 350000 351000

Product > Assortment boxes Primary set 6 assorted 20 ml tubes Selection set 12 assorted 20 ml tubes, 1 brush

Product group 4 RRP Barcode Pack each 316786 350000 3


316786 351000 2


< Ref. 350000 Primary set

< Ref. 351000 Selection set


60 ml >


Lemon cadmium yellow 3 Light chrome yellow 2 Primary yellow 3 Middle cadmium yellow 3 Golden chrome yellow 2 Golden cadmium yellow 3 Light orange 3 Bright orange 3 Vermilion red 2 Light cadmium red 3 Oriental red 3 Dark cadmium red 3 Superfine carmine 3 Turkish red 3 Carmine lake 2 Dark madder lake 3 Magenta 3 Bengale rose lake 3 Tyrian pink lake* 3 Rubine* 3 Purple 3 Lilac 3 Light cobalt violet* 3 Heliotrope 3 Parma Violet 3 Dark cobalt violet 3 Prussian blue 2 Dark ultramarine lake 2 Cerruleum blue 2 Light blue 2 Cyan 3 Dark cobalt blue 2 Light ultramarine lake 2 Ultramarine blue 2 Oriental blue lake 2 Turquoise blue 2 Oriental green lake 2 Emerald green 2 Light chinese green 2 Light green 2 Light bright green 2 Veronese green 2 Middle bright green 2 Spring green 2 Dark bright green 2 Light emerald green 2 Brunswick green 2 Olive green 2 Bronze green 2 Greengold 3 Chartreuse 3 Naples yellow 2 Flesh 2 Figurine pink 2 Yellow ochre 1 Saffron 2 Raw sienna 1 Bright red ochre 1 Burnt sienna 1 Velvet brown 3 Brown madder lake 3 Burnt umber 1 Sepia 1 Raw umber 1 Warm grey 2 Payne’s grey 2 Trichromatic black 3 Black lake 2 Silver 2 Rich gold 2 Pale gold 2 Permanent white 1 Covering white 2 Special titanium white 1 The colours are classified in chromatic order.



74 colours, 20 ml tube 316786 122303 4 316786 121207 6 316786 122326 3 316786 122305 8 316786 121208 3 316786 122304 1 316786 122313 3 316786 122314 0 316786 121216 8 316786 122315 7 316786 122317 1 316786 122316 4 316786 122301 0 316786 122318 8 316786 121211 3 316786 122307 2 316786 122328 7 316786 122308 9 316786 122311 9 316786 122319 5 316786 122324 9 316786 122312 6 316786 122320 1 316786 122323 2 316786 122322 5 316786 122321 8 316786 121204 5 316786 121213 7 316786 121200 7 316786 121202 1 316786 122327 0 316786 121201 4 316786 121212 0 316786 121203 8 316786 121210 6 316786 121205 2 316786 121214 4 316786 121222 9 316786 121221 2 316786 121224 3 316786 121218 2 316786 121227 4 316786 121219 9 316786 121226 7 316786 121220 5 316786 121223 6 316786 121228 1 316786 121225 0 316786 121230 4 316786 122325 6 316786 122302 7 316786 121209 0 316786 121217 5 316786 121215 1 316786 120100 1 316786 121229 8 316786 120105 6 316786 120101 8 316786 120104 9 316786 122300 3 316786 122306 5 316786 120102 5 316786 120106 3 316786 120103 2 316786 121206 9 316786 121231 1 316786 122329 4 316786 121013 3 316786 121015 7 316786 121016 4 316786 121014 0 316786 120010 3 316786 121012 6 316786 120011 0

2 colours, 60 ml tube 316786 131010 9 316786 131011 6 výrobalast. * Ukončena While supplies




> Colour-CHART t7 extra fine gouache 303 Lemon cadmium yellow

***/I S3 PY3 PY35 PW6

207 Light chrome yellow

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies

222 Emerald green 221 Light chinese green 224 Light green 218 Light bright green 227 Veronese green 219 Middle bright green 226 Spring green 220 Dark bright green 223 Light emerald green 228 Brunswick green 225 Olive green 230 Bronze green

325 Greengold ***/I S3 PY35 PBk11 PY42

• 20 ml • 80 ml

300 Velvet brown

306 Brown madder lake

102 Burnt umber

***/I S1 PBk9 PR101 PBk11 PBr7

106 Sepia

***/I S1 PBr7 PBk9 PY74LF

103 Raw umber

***/I S13 PY42 PR101 PBk9 PBk7

206 Warm grey

***/I S2 PW6 PBk9

231 Payne’s grey

***/I S2 PW6 PBk9 PB29 PV16

329 Trichromatic black

***/I S3 PBk7 PR4

13 Black lake

***/I S2 PBk9 PBk7 PB29

15 Silver

***/I S2 Aluminum powder

16 Rich gold

***/I S2 Bronze powder

14 Pale gold

***/I S2 Bronze powder

10 Permanent white


***/I S1 PW6

12 Covering white

***/I S2 PW6

**/II S2 PY1 PY42 PW6 PO13 PG8

*/III S3 PW6 PB15:3 Red Fluo

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent

**/II S2 PG8 PY1 PG17

*/III S3 PW6 PV2

322 Parma Violet

214 Oriental green lake

104 Burnt sienna

**/II S3 PR4 PR12 PR101 PBk11

**/II S2 PG8 PG7 PB15:3 PW6

*/III S3 PV2 PW6

323 Heliotrope

***/I S2 PW6 PG7 PY3

**/II S3 PW6 PR122

320 Light cobalt violet *

205 Turquoise blue

***/I S3 PBr7 PR101 PBk11 PBk9

***/I S2 PY35 PW6 PG7

*/III S3 PV2 PR12 PW6

312 Lilac

***/I S2 PY35 PG7


324 Purple

210 Oriental blue lake

101 Bright red ochre

***/I S1 PY42 PR101 PBk11 PBr7

***/I S2 PY35 PY3 PW6 PG7


319 Rubine *

***/I S2 PW6 PG7 PY3

*/III S3 PR169 PR122

311 Tyrian pink lake *

203 Ultramarine blue

***/I S1 PR101

***/I S2 PY35 PY3 PW6 PG7

*/III S3 PR169 PR2 Red Fluo

308 Bengale rose lake

***/I S2 PY35 PY3 PG7 PW6

**/II S3 PR12 PR112

328 Magenta

212 Light ultramarine lake

105 Raw sienna ***/I S1 PY42 PR101 PBk11

**/II S2 PY3 PG7 PW6

**/II S2 PR4 PR12 PR3

307 Dark madder lake

***/I S2 PG7 PB15:3 PY35

**/II S3 PR4 PR112 PR12

211 Carmine lake

201 Dark cobalt blue

229 Saffron ***/I S2 PY1 PO20 PR101 PW6 PR108

***/I S2 PW6 PG7 PB15:3

**/II S3 PR5 PR146

318 Turkish red

***/I S2 PW6 PB15:3 PG7

***/I S3 PR112 PR108

301 Superfine carmine

327 Cyan

100 Yellow ochre ***/I S1 PY42 PY65

***/I S2 PW6 PB15:3 PG7

**/II S3 PR112 PR108

316 Dark cadmium red

***/I S2 PB29

***/I S3 PR9 PR108

317 Oriental red

202 Light blue

215 Figurine pink ***/I S2 PY42 PR101 PB29 PW6

***/I S2 PB29

**/II S2 PR4 PO13

315 Light cadmium

***/I S2 PB15:3 PG7 PB29 PW6

**/II S3 PO13 PR108 PO20

216 Vermilion red

200 Cerruleum blue

217 Flesh ***/I S2 PBr7 PO20 PW6

***/I S3 PB15:3 PG7

**/II S3 PO13 PO20 PY65 PY35

314 Bright orange

***/I S2 PW6 PB15

***/I S3 PY65 PY35 PW6

313 Light orange

213 Dark ultramarine

209 Naples yellow **/II S2 PY42 PY65 PY3 PW6

***/I S2 PW6 PB15:3 PB29

**/II S2 PY65 PO13 PW6

304 Golden cadmium yellow

***/I S2 PB29

***/I S3 PY1 PY35 PY65 PW6

208 Golden chrome yellow

204 Prussian blue

302 Chartreuse ***/I S3 PY35 PY3 PBk9 PW6

**/II S2 PB29 PB15 PV23 PG7

***/I S3 PY3 PY1 PY35

305 Middle cadmium yellow

*/III S3 PV23 PB15 PW6

**/II S2 PY3 PY1 PW6

326 Primary yellow

321 Dark cobalt violet

11 Special titanium white ***/I S1 PW6


Watercolours Designed in the craftsman traditiontradice of Pebeo Jsou navrženy podle řemeslné watercolours, 28Pébéo, colours těchto have been akvarelovýchthese barev 28 barev carefully selected to suitaby the vyhovovaly amateur bylo pečlivě vybráno, i začátečníkům. Barvy se snadno a water­ colourist. The colours are very míchají easy mají a transparentnost, která se to mixhluboký and havetón a depth of tone and transparency uchovává po disappear zaschnutíasbarev. which does inot the colour dries.




pans: Akvarelové kostičky, 28 barev 300 Carded half 28 colours 301 10 ml 28barev colours 10 ml tubes: tuby, 28

1/2 poured  pan >

Primary lemon yellow yellow pale Cadmium Dark cadmium yellow Orange Produktová skupina 4 Product group 4 Primary red cadmium RRP Carmine Pack each Permanent pink 6 crimson Alizarine 5 Permanent violet Ultramarine blue Primary phtalo blue blue Cerruleum Cobalt blue blue Prussian Indigo green Permanent Phtalocyanine green Sap green Hooker’s green Earth green Yellow ochre Raw sienna 10 ml > Burnt sienna Burnt umber Sepia Payne’s grey Ivory black China white

Barcode 28 28 barev, colours, kostičky 1/2 pans

Barcode 2828 barev, colours, 1010 mlml tuba tube

316786 300001 5 316786 301001 4 316786 300002 2 316786 301002 1 316786 300003 9 316786 301003 8 316786 300004 6 316786 301004 5 316786 300005 3 316786 301005 2 316786 300006 0 316786 301006 9 316786 300007 7 316786 301007 6 3 316786 300008 4 316786 301008 316786 300009 1 316786 301009 0 316786 300010 7 316786 301010 6 316786 300011 4 316786 301011 3 316786 300012 1 316786 301012 0 316786 300013 8 316786 301013 7 316786 300014 5 316786 301014 4 316786 300015 2 316786 301015 1 316786 300016 9 316786 301016 8 316786 300017 6 316786 301017 5 2 316786 300018 3 316786 301018 316786 300019 0 316786 301019 9 5 316786 300020 6 316786 301020 316786 300021 3 316786 301021 2 316786 300022 0 316786 301022 9 316786 300023 7 316786 301023 6 3 316786 300024 4 316786 301024 316786 300025 1 316786 301025 0 316786 300026 8 316786 301026 7 316786 300027 5 316786 301027 4 316786 300028 2 316786 301028 1 The colours are classified in chromatic order.

> Colour-CHART watercolours 01 Primary lemon yellow

11 Primary phtalo blue

21 Yellow ochre

02 Cadmium yellow pale

12 Cerruleum blue



22 Raw sienna

03 Dark cadmium yellow

13 Cobalt blue



04 Orange

14 Prussian blue





05 Primary red cadmium

15 Indigo



06 Carmine

16 Permanent green



07 Permanent pink

17 Phtalocyanine green



08 Alizarine crimson

18 Sap green



09 Permanent violet

19 Hooker’s green



10 Ultramarine blue

20 Earth green



***/I ***/I

23 Burnt sienna ***/I

24 Burnt umber ***/I

25 Sepia ***/I

26 Payne’s grey ***/I

27 Ivory black ***/I

28 China white ***/I

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent




Ref. 300079 300080 300075 300078 300035

Product Sady a krabičky > SETS AND CASES Kulatá kovová krabička Round metal box "Mediterranean" “ Mediterranean “12 12 kostiček half pans

Product group 4 Produktová skupina 4 RRP Barcode Pack each 316786 300079 4 6

Kulatá krabička Round kovová metal box "Provence" “ Provence “12 12 kostiček half pans

316786 300080 0 6

Round metal box Kulatá kovová krabička 12 kostiček 12 half pans

316786 300075 6 6

Round metal box Kulatá kovová krabička 24 kostiček 24 half pans

316786 300078 4 3

Kapesni kovová Pocket metal boxkrabička 12 akvarelových kostiček 12 half pans of watercolours

316786 300035 0 1

Ref. 300079 >

Kulatá Roundkovová metal krabička box « Mediterranean « "Meditarranean"

Produktová skupina 4 Product group 4 RRP Barcode Pack each



300042* 300068

Atelier boxAtelier Krabička 16half kostiček, kapesní kulatý 16 panf, 11pocket round štětec n°4 brush n°4. Pocket metal boxkrabička Kapesni kovová 12half akvarelových kostiček 12 pans of watercolours

Ref. 300080 >

12 half pans

< Ref. 300078 Kulatá Round kovová metal box krabička, half pans 24 24 kostiček

Ref. 300035 > KapesníPocket box kovovámetal krabička

< Ref. 300042* Atelier box Krabička Atelier

Ref. 300068 >


Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies

316786 300068 8 1

Ref. 300075 >

Roundkovová metal krabička box Kulatá « Provence « "Provence"

12 half pans

316786 300042 8 1

Metal box Kovová krabička

Roundkovová metal box Kulatá krabička 12 half pans 12 kostiček




Extra Fine Watercolours

33 series in 33packagings with 60 colours enriched řady ve balení s 60 barvami obohacené with honey a stickystrukturu. texture and to aid medem profor lepivou Barvy jsou intenzivní a transparentní s vynikající dilution with water. The colours are intense and odolností vůči Fragonard Fine transparent withsvětlu. excellent resistanceExtra to light. Watercolour je Fine řadaWatercolour založená hlavně nabased Fragonard Extra is a range organických, minerálních monopigmentech mainly on organic, mineral monopigments with s vynikající světelnou odolností pro celou škálu excellent light resistance even for those colours odstínů. traditionally known to be very susceptible, such as the madders and the carmines.

Produktová skupina 4 Product group 4



Carded poured half pans: 52 colours barev 610 Series Série 1: 24 colours 610 barev Série Series 2: 24 colours barev 610 Série Series 3: 12 colours ml tubes: tuby, 53 55 ml 53 barev colours 600 600 600

barev Série 1: 24 colours Series

Série Series 2: 24 colours barev Série Series 3: 12 colours barev



3 3 3 3 3 3




060100 060105 060110 060205

Produktová skupina 4 Product group 4 RRP Barcode Pack each

Doplňky > Assortments Kapesní kovová Pocket metal box krabička 12 různýchhalf kostiček 12 assorted pans

316786 060100 0


Standard metal box krabička Standartní kovová 12 různýchhalf kostiček 12 assorted pans

316786 060105 5


Standartní kovová Standard metal box krabička 24 různýchhalf kostiček 24 assorted pans

316786 060110 9


Kufříky > Case

316786 060205 2


Genuine oak case Genuie Dubový kufřík 24 kostiček,box boxwith clean/dearty 24 half-pans, water systém, paleta, kulatý clean/dirty water system, štetec Kolinsky n°6, kulat palette,veverčí 1 pure Kolinsky štětec n°10 sable

round brush no 6 and 1 squirrel round brush no 10.

Ref. 060205* > Kostičky 1/2 pans >

5 ml >

V akvarelovém kufříku Fragonardcase’s je The Fragonard watercolour “clean/dirty water system” skutečná inovace "clean/dirty water is a true Čištění innovation. Colour washing : system". barev, optimálních dávekoptimised dosáhnetedosage "pumpobtained system". with pump system. Thesystem" “clean/dirty water "Clean/dirty water poskytuje system”samostatnost. provides true autonomy. skutečnou

< Ref. 060105* Standard metal box Standartní kovová krabice sleeve 12 různých swith 12 pouzdry odstínů 12 assorted half pans

Další info Vytváříinse pasta, která vylévá into do krychlové Následují artists’ tři stádia procesu schnutí. Tato metoda3výroby umožňuje Made paste and thensepoured each halfformy. pan, Fragonard watercolour follows a specific stage drying process. okamžité použití barev, prostřednictvím štětce. This method of manufacture allows thevlhkého immediate dilution of the colour.

Ukončená výrobalast. * While supplies






52 colours, carded half pans 53 colours, 5 ml tubes Titanium yellow * 1 316786 610100 9 316786 600100 2 Lemon cadmium yellow* 3 316786 610331 7 316786 600331 0 Permanent lemon yellow * 2 316786 610238 9 316786 600238 2 Permanent light yellow * 2 316786 610239 6 Light cadmium yellow* 3 - 316786 600332 7 Permanent dark yellow * 2 316786 610240 2 316786 600240 5 Dark cadmium yellow* 3 316786 610333 1 316786 600333 4 Saffron yellow * 2 316786 610227 3 Orange cadmium yellow* 3 316786 610334 8 316786 600334 1 Permanent orange * 2 316786 610242 6 316786 600242 9 Vermillon red * 2 316786 610243 3 316786 600243 6 Red cadmium* 3 316786 610335 5 316786 600335 8 Permanent scarlet* 2 316786 610234 1 316786 600234 4 Madder lake * 2 316786 610226 6 Permanent carmine * 2 316786 610233 4 316786 600233 7 Permanent magenta* 2 316786 610241 9 316786 600241 2 Tyrien pink* 2 316786 610224 2 316786 600224 5 Pink madder * 2 316786 610235 8 316786 600235 1 Fragonard violet* 2 316786 610225 9 316786 600225 2 Ruby madder* 2 - 316786 600236 8 Red violet * 3 316786 610339 3 316786 600339 6 Cobalt violet* 3 316786 610338 6 316786 600338 9 Permanent violet * 2 316786 610248 8 316786 600248 1 Prussian blue hue * 1 316786 610120 7 Indigo* 1 316786 610125 2 316786 600125 5 Light ultramarine * 2 316786 610228 0 316786 600228 3 Ultramarine* 2 - 316786 600232 0 Cerruleum blue * 3 316786 610329 4 316786 600329 7 Fragonard blue* 2 316786 610230 3 316786 600230 6 Cyanine blue* 2 316786 610231 0 316786 600231 3 Blue lavender* 3 316786 610328 7 316786 600328 0 Cobalt blue* 3 316786 610330 0 316786 600330 3 Turquoise blue* 1 316786 610121 4 316786 600121 7 Cyanine green* 2 316786 610246 4 316786 600246 7 Emerald green * 3 - 316786 600337 2 Veronese green * 1 - 316786 600138 5 Light cadmium green* 3 - 316786 600336 5 Light hooker green * 2 316786 610244 0 316786 600244 3 Dark hooker green* 2 316786 610245 7 316786 600245 0 Green earth* 1 316786 610137 5 316786 600137 8 Green olive* 1 316786 610116 0 316786 600116 3 Sap green* 2 316786 610247 1 316786 600247 4 Naples yellow* 1 316786 610126 9 316786 600126 2 Gutte rubber* 1 316786 610124 5 Yellow ochre* 1 316786 610129 0 316786 600129 3 Raw sienna* 1 316786 610135 1 316786 600135 4 Burnt sienna* 1 316786 610134 4 316786 600134 7 Red ochre * 1 316786 610117 7 316786 600117 0 Venician red * 1 316786 610132 0 316786 600132 3 Burnt umber* 1 316786 610130 6 316786 600130 9 Van dyck brown * 1 316786 610122 1 316786 600122 4 Raw umber* 1 316786 610131 3 316786 600131 6 Sepia* 1 316786 610133 7 316786 600133 0 Neutral shade* 1 316786 610136 8 316786 600136 1 Payne’s grey* 1 316786 610123 8 316786 600123 1 Candle black * 1 316786 610127 6 316786 600127 9 Ivory black* 1 316786 610128 3 316786 600128 6 Titanium white * 1 316786 610118 4 316786 600118 7 The colours are classified in chromatic order.


výrobalast. * Ukončena While supplies

100 Titanium yellow *


***/I S1 PY3

331 Lemon cadmium yellow *

•• •• • • •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• •• ••

231 Cyanine blue * 328 Blue lavender * 330 Cobalt blue Fragonard * 121 Turquoise blue * 246 Cyanine green * 337 Emerald green * 138 Veronese green * 336 Light cadmium green * 244 Light hooker green *


245 Dark hooker green * ***/I S2 PY65 PY74 PG7

124 Gutte rubber * 129 Yellow orche *


135 Raw sienna *


134 Burnt sienna *


117 Red ochre *


***/I S1 PR101


132 Venician red *


***/I S1 PR101 PR122


130 burnt umber *


***/I S1 PR101 PY1 PBk7


122 Van Dyck brown *


***/I S1 PR101 PBk7


131 Raw umber *


***/I S1 PBr7


133 Sepia *


***/I S1 PR101 PBk7 PG8

136 Neutral shade *


***/I S1 PR9 PBk7

123 Payne’s grey *


***/I S1 PV19 PB15:0 PBk7

127 Candle black *


***/I S1 PBk7


***/I S2 PY65 PY74 PG7

***/I S2 PV23

236 Ruby madder *


***/I S3 PY35 PG7

***/I S2 PY65 PR209

225 Fragonard violet *

230 Fragonard blue *


***/I S1 PR101

***/I S1 PG50 PY3

*/III S2 CBV10

235 Pink madder *


***/I S3 PG7 PG17

***/I S2 PV19

224 Tyrien pink *

329 Cerruleum blue *

126 Naples yellow *

***/I S1 PR101

***/I S2 PG7

***/I S2 PR5

241 Permanent magenta *

***/I S1 PB15:3 PG7

**/II S2 PR3

233 Permanent carmine *

232 Ultramarine *


***/I S1 PY42

***/I S3 PB15:0 PB29

***/I S2 PR9 PR5

226 Madder lake *


***/I S3 PR9 PB28

***/I S3 PR108

234 Permanent scarlet *

228 Light ultramarine *

247 Sap green *

***/I S1 PY42 PY74 PR101

***/I S2 PB15:3

***/I S2 PR279

335 Red cadmium *


***/I S2 PB15:3 PG7

***/I S2 PY65 PR9

243 Vermillion red *

125 Indigo *


***/I S1 PY42 PY74 PR101

***/I S3 PB36

***/I S3 PO20

242 Permanent orange*

***/I S2 PB29

***/I S2 PY74 PO5

334 Orange cadmium yellow *

120 Prussian blue hue *

116 Green olive *

***/I S2 PY65 PG7

***/I S2 PB29

***/I S3 PY74 PO13

227 Saffron yellow*


***/I S1 PG7 PV23

***/I S2 PY65

333 Dark cadmium yellow *

248 Permanent violet *


***/I S1 PG7 PY74

***/I S1 PG7 PB15:0 PV23

***/I S3 PY35

240 Permanent dark yellow *


***/I S2 PV23

***/I S2 PY74

332 Light cadmium yellow *

338 Cobalt violet *

137 Green earth * ***/I S1 PG8 PB29 PR170

***/I S3 PV14

***/I S2 PY138

239 Permanent light yellow *


***/I S3 PV19

***/I S3 PY35

238 Permanent lemon yellow*

339 Red violet *

128 Ivory black *


***/I S1 PBk9 PBk7


118 Titanium white *


***/I S1 PW6

***/I S2 PR122

Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent

Ukončená výrobalast. * While supplies



> Colour-CHART Fragonard extra fine watercolours

GRAFICKÉ UMĚNÍ G raphic arts

& PPASTELY astels & UHLY harcoals C Pastels: Pebeo’s pastels an be used their own Pastely: Pebeooilolejové pastely seon používájí or diluted withnebo turpentine. Ours selection of soft samostatně zředěné terpentýnem. pastels isjebest used onpoužít paper na andpapír is accessible Pastely nejlepší a jsou to amateur artists for drawing. Oil pastels or softa vhodné i pro začátečníky. Naše olejové pastels allow for spontaneity in gesture. měkké pastely Vám dovolí popustit uzdu fantazie a lehce ji vyjádřit na papíře. Charcoals: Pebeo natural charcoals are made in the traditional craft way from carbonised wood Uhly: Pebeo přírodní jsou vyrobeny and in collaboration withuhly design professionals. tradičniční řemeslnou cestou z Indispensable tools for drawing, Pébéo soft karbonizovaného dřeva a and jsouregular vyvinuty charcoals enable tracing soft linesve spolupráci s profesionálními návrháři. of a deep black. Nepostradatelné náčiní pro kreslení.

Pastely > Pastels Ref. 400300 400350 400400* 400450*

Produktová skupina Product group 4 4 RRP Barcode Pack each


Suchý pastely Hard pastels 12 různýchcolours barev 12 assorted

316786 400300 8 10

Hard pastels Suchý pastely 24 assorted 24 různých colours barev Olejové pastely Oil Pastels 12 různýchcolours barev 12 assorted

316786 400400 5 10

Oil Pastels Olejové pastely 24 assorted 24 různých colours barev

316786 400450 0 5

316786 400350 3


Uhly > Charcoals

Produktová skupina Product group 4 4



383100 383110 383120 383130 383140

> UHLY Charcoals uhlů,diameter průměr 4-6 mm 12 jemných soft charcoals, charcoals, diameter 6 soft jemných uhlů, průměr 4-6mm jemný uhel, průměr jemný uhel, charcoals, diameter 6 soft jemných uhlů,průměr průměr 8-10 mm jemných uhlů,průměr průměr 13-15 mm charcoals, diameter 3 soft jemný uhel, jemný uhel, jemných uhlů,průměr průměr 20-24 mm 3 soft charcoals, diameter





316786 383100 8 10 316786 383110 7 10 316786 383120 6 5 316786 383130 5 5 316786 383140 4 5

< Ref. 400300 12 různých barev 12 assorted colours

24 assorted různých barev 24 colours

< Ref. 400400* 12assorted různých barev 12 colours


Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies

< Ref. 400450* 24 colours 24 assorted různých barev

< Ref. 383100

< Ref. 383110

< Ref. 383120

< Ref. 383130

< Ref. 383140

< Ref. 400350

Doplňky Auxiliaries


GRAFICKÉ UMĚNÍ G raphic arts

Pro akvarely, tempery, watercolours, gouache, inkousty a pastely ink and pastels Produktová skupina Product group 4 4





349000 316000 319000

> Graphic ink INKOUST INDICKÝ India GRAFICKÝ lahvička 45 ml bottle 316786 349000 7 250 ml lahvička bottle 316786 316000 9 litr lahvička 1 litre bottle 316786 319000 6

5 1 1

033000 372000

KRESLÍCÍ Gum GUMA > Drawing lahvička 45 ml bottle lahvička 250 ml bottle

316786 033000 9 316786 372000 5

5 1

316786 650550 0





Black,černý, opaque and with a satin finish, India Ink is aIndický carbon black Má neprůhledný a saténový vzhled. inkoust karbonově s dobrou protican with goodje light strength.černý It is fluid but doesodolností not drip and světlu. Vodou ředitelný. Po zaschnutí a be diluted with water for washes. Once dryjeit voděodolný is water resistant nelze ho vygumovat. and cannot be rubbed out. Při malování s vodovými barvami, kvaši nebo inkousty Peelable rubberpoužívá solution used to keep bílých areas colour when se tato guma k uchování mí Nanáší se štětcem. Nechá se a můžeme using ink, watercolour or zaschnout gouache. Rubbed off whenpřes the ni colour bez malovat. Popaper skončení práce je odstranitelná. is dryobtíží to reveal the plain beneath.

POJIDLO > Ox gall PRO KVAŠ lahvička 650550* 75 ml bottle

Pojidlo používá s kvaši.Several Stačídrops přidatadded pár kapek do Ox Gall isse used with gouaches. to the colour barvy a docílíte zdokonalení jako lepší are enough to improve the veneer barvy. as well asStejně the adherence to přilnavosti k voděodolným povrchům jako je plast a water resistant surfaces such as plastic and acetate. celulóza.

213000* 239000* 244000

KŘIŠŤÁLOVÝ LAK KE KVAŠŮM > Crystal varnish 75 ml lahvička bottle 316786 245 ml lahvička bottle 316786 can 1 litre Metal 316786 1 litr kovová plechovka

213000 3 239000 1 244000 3

6 1 1

AHustý solventabased varnish which androzpouštědel. very covering. Once vysoce krycí lak isnathick bázi Po dry, zanechává obzvláště jasný film, který itzaschnutí forms a particularly brilliant film which reinforces the depth of prohlubuje odstín barvy. čistí pomocí the colour. Clean brushes withŠtětce Essencese of Petroleum. petrolejové esence.

582100 246000* 250000* 582020 582120

LAK KE KVAŠŮM SurfineLESKLÝ varnish > JEMNÝ gouache bottle 75 ml lahvička 316786 582100 7 245 ml lahvička bottle 316786 246000 1 495 ml lahvička bottle 316786 250000 4 sprej 200 ml spray 316786 582020 8 400 ml spray 316786 582120 5 sprej

KVAŠOVÝ LAK NA VODNÍ > Waterbased gouache BÁZI varnish

603701 261000 260000 267000

bottle 45 ml lahvička lahvička 250 ml bottle 500 ml lahvička bottle lahvika litr lahvička 1 litre bottle

316786 316786 316786 316786

603701 8 261000 0 260000 1 267000 4

5 1 1 1

Apply with brush over dry colour. Water based and Nanáší se aštětcem na zaschlé barvy. Založen na vodní bází, bez zápachu a dává vzhled. odourless it gives a satin finish and asaténový durable protection Poskytuje ochranu Vaší práce. to work. CE trvalou compliant.


AKVARELOVÝvarnish LAK > Watercolour 75 ml lahvička bottle

316786 372001 4


Allows to protect your work withoutNežloutne. altering the shades. Chráníyou práci před změnou odstínů. Non-yellowing.

PROCharcoals PASTELY A > PFIXATIV astel and UHLY fixative 75 ml lahvička bottle sprej 200 ml spray 400 ml spray sprej

316786 571100 1 316786 571140 7 316786 571120 9

6 6 6

571100 571140 571120

6 1 1 6 6

Lak založený na nežloutnoucí pryskyřici, Based on a non-yellowing acrylic andakrylové giving a fine protective satin kterýIt zanechává film.with film. enhances the jemný sheen ofochranný the colours.saténový Clean brushes Zlepšuje zářivost barev. Štětce se čistí pomocí Essence of Petroleum. petrolejové esence.

Produktová skupina Product group 5 5

Colourless acrylic based, non-yellowing. Fixesakrylové the colour Bezbarvý,and nežloutnoucí fixativ založený na bázi. Fixuje barvy změny vzhledu. without altering the beze appearance.

Ukončená výrobalast. * While supplies


P igments

Fragonard Pigments

Amongst the thousands of pigments and possible combinations, we are proposing an essential selection of 30 very pure monopigments with excellent light fastness resistance. They are properly distributed over the whole colour spectrum and allow to obtain, by thorough grinding, vivid monopigment colours.

Ref. 040

Product 100 ml jars : 30 colours Series 1 : 6 colours Series 2 : 4 colours Series 3 : 5 colours Series 4 : 9 colours Series 5 : 6 colours

Pack 1 1 1 1 1

Product group 4 RRP

< 100 ml


4 00100*

Product Assortment Fragonard trial set 4 assorted 30 ml jars : True cadmium yellow light True cadmium red True ultramarine blue Red iron oxyde

Product group 4 RRP Barcode Pack each 316786 400100 4 3

< Ref. 400100* Trial set


* While supplies last.



100 ml jars : 30 colours True cadmium yellow light* Cadmium yellow hue * Cadmium yellow orange hue* True cadmium orange * True cadmium red* Napthol red* Carmine red* Quinacridone pink* Quinacridone violet* True cobalt violet * Phtalocyanine blue * True Cerruleum blue* True cobalt blue* True ultramarine blue* True prussian blue* Cobalt turquoise* Phthalocyanine green* Cobalt green light* Cobalt green deep* True chrome green* Raw sienna* Burnt sienna* Raw umber* Burnt umber* Red iron oxyde* Smoked black* Titanium white* Pearl* Bronze* Iridescent gold*

Series 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 5 5 2 2 4 3 5 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5

Barcode 316786 040001 6 316786 040002 3 316786 040003 0 316786 040004 7 316786 040005 4 316786 040006 1 316786 040007 8 316786 040008 5 316786 040009 2 316786 040010 8 316786 040011 5 316786 040012 2 316786 040013 9 316786 040014 6 316786 040015 3 316786 040016 0 316786 040017 7 316786 040018 4 316786 040019 1 316786 040020 7 316786 040021 4 316786 040022 1 316786 040023 8 316786 040024 5 316786 040025 2 316786 040026 9 316786 040027 6 316786 040028 3 316786 040029 0 316786 040030 6

01 True cadmium yellow light *

11 Phtalocyanine blue *

21 Raw sienna *

***/I S4 PY35

***/I S3 PB15

***/I S1 PBr7

02 Cadmium yellow hue *

12 True Cerruleum blue *

22 Burnt sienna *

***/I S2 PY1

***/I S5 PB35

***/I S1 PBr7

03 Cadmium yellow orange hue *

13 True cobalt blue *

23 Raw umber *

***/I S3 PY65

***/I S5 PB28

***/I S1 PBr7

04 True cadmium orange *

14 True ultramarine blue *

24 Burnt umber *

***/I S4 PO20

***/I S2 PB29

***/I S1 PBr7

05 True cadmium red *

15 True prussian blue *

25 Red iron oxyde *

***/I S4 PR108

***/I S2 PB27

***/I S1 PR101

06 Napthol red *

16 Cobalt turquoise *

26 Smoked black *

***/I S4 PR188

***/I S4 PG50

***/I S1 PBk7

07 Carmine red *

17 Phthalocyanine green *

27 Titanium white *

***/I S4 PR5

***/I S3 PG7

***/I S2 PW6

08 Quinacridone pink *

18 Cobalt green light *

28 Pearl *

***/I S4 PR122

***/I S5 PG50

***/I S3 NACRE

09 Quinacridone violet *

19 Cobalt green deep *

29 Bronze *

***/I S4 PV19

***/I S5 PG26


10 True cobalt violet *

20 True chrome green *

30 Iridescent gold *

***/I S5 PV14

***/I S3 PG18


Light fastness ***/I : Excellent **/II : Very good */III : Fair/non-permanent

Degree of opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque


> Colour-CHART Fragonard pigments


P igments

for pigments Ref.



> Grinding binder

for oils 040400* 75 ml bottle


316786 040400 7


> Grinding binder

for acrylic 040410* 75 ml bottle 040411* 245 ml bottle > Grinding binder for watercolour 040420* 75 ml bottle 040421* 245 ml bottle > Grinding binder for gouache 040431* 245 ml bottle

316786 040410 6 316786 040411 3

6 1

316786 040420 0 316786 040421 2 316786 040431 1

6 1 1

> Beeswax 040470* 500 ml pot

316786 040470 0


> Dispersants 040460* 75 ml oil dispersant 040461* 75 ml dispersant for aqueous phases

316786 040460 1 316786 040461 8

6 6

RRP each

Product group 4 Description Grind the pigment by adding the ready-to-use binder in small quantities. Content : a mix of linseed, poppy seed and sunflower oils and diffusing agent. Thinner : poppy seed oil or turpentine. Grind the pigment by adding the ready-to-use binder in small quantities. Content : emulsion of acrylic resin and diffusing agent. Thinner : water. Grind the pigment by adding the ready-to-use binder in small quantities. Content : sterilized solution of Arabic gum and diffusing agent. Thinner : water. Grind the pigment by adding the ready-to-use binder in small quantities. Content : corn starch based yellow dextrin solution and diffusing agent. Thinner : water.

Thin the bee wax with turpentine or essential oil of petroleum and then grind the pigment with this mix.

The dispersant is useful to grind some delicate pigments (hard or very absorbent pigments).

* While supplies last.


O il

Painting Knives

and acrylic materials

Product group 4 Ref.



100-100 Painting knife Ref. 1058 100-101 Painting knife Ref. 1023 100-103 Painting knife Ref. 1021 100-106 Painting knife Ref. 1108 100-108 Painting knife Ref. 1109 100-109 Painting knife Ref. 1014 100-110 Painting knife Ref. 1094 100-112 Painting knife Ref. 1009 100-113 Painting knife Ref. 1066 100-114 Painting knife Ref. 1063 100-116 Painting knife Ref. 1002 100-118 Painting knife Ref. 1078 100-119 Painting knife Ref. 1072 100-121 Painting knife Ref. 1006 100-126 Painting knife Ref. 1017 100-127 Painting knife Ref. 1018 100-128 Painting knife Ref. 1019 100-129 Painting knife Ref. 1024


316786 001013 0 316786 001014 7 316786 001015 4 316786 001016 1 316786 001017 8 316786 001018 5 316786 001019 2 316786 001020 8 316786 001021 5 316786 01022 2 316786 001023 9 316786 01024 6 316786 001025 3 316786 001026 0 316786 001027 7 316786 001028 4 316786 001029 1 316786 001030 7

Ref. 100-116

Ref. 100-127

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Ref. 100-201 Ref. 100-202 Ref. 100-203 Ref. 100-204 Ref. 100-205

Ref. 100-103 Ref. 100-114 Ref. 100-100

Ref. 100-106

Ref. 100-108

Ref. 100-110

Ref. 100-306

Ref. 100-112

Ref. 100-304 Ref. 100-305

Ref. 100-113

Ref. 100-126 Ref. 100-129


RRP each

Ref. 100-121

Comb Painting knives 100-201 Comb Painting knife 100-201 316786 100201 1 100-202 Comb Painting knife 100-202 316786 100202 8 100-203 Comb Painting knife 100-203 316786 100203 5 100-204 Comb Painting knife 100-204 316786 100204 2 100-205 Comb Painting knife 100-205 316786 100205 9 XL Painting Knives 100-301 XL Painting knife 100-301 316786 100301 8 100-302 XL Painting knife 100-302 316786 100302 5 100-303 XL Painting knife 100-303 316786 100303 2 100-304 XL Painting knife 100-304 316786 100304 9 100-305 XL Painting knife 100-305 316786 100305 6 100-306 XL Painting knife 100-306 316786 100306 3


Ref. 100-119

Ref. 100-128


Ref. 100-118


Ref. 100-109

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Ref. 100-101

RRP each

Product group 4

Ref. 100-301 Ref. 100-303

Ref. 100-302

EMALÍŘSKÉ asels STOJANY Produktová Productskupina group 44









Stolní stojan, borovice Pine table easel

316786 621500 3


Základní rozměry: ve složeném stavu: 77cm Base dimension : 29,529,5x32cmVýška x 32 cm. Folded height : 77 cm. Max’ range. Canvas 10. Váha: 1kg Weight : 1 kg


Malířský stojan, borovice Pine country easel "country"

316786 622500 2


Maximální cm,height výška: ve stavu:Canvas 89 cm,15.váha 1,2kg Weight : 1,2 kg Max. Height výška: : 181 cm.181 Folded 89 složeném cm. Max’ range.

Malý,table stolní stojan 623999* Mini easel

316786 623999 3


Masivní bukové dřevo olejem. Váha3.250g, ???? 42x13 cm. Oiled beech. Weight: 250ošetřené g Max’ range: Canvas Dimensions:

Field easel

316786 619000 3


Varnished beech. Use horizontal for watercolour. Weight: 1,3 kg. Max’ range: canvas 20. Dimensions: 145x80cm.

623000 Table easel

316786 623000 6


Varnished beech. Weight: 1.5 kg. Max’ range: Canvas 20. Dimensions: 84x28x9,5 cm.

145000* Metal easel

316786 145000 3


622000 Three-legged easel

316786 622000 7



Metal tripod, flexible, adjustable. Folds up to 85x10 cm. Weight 3 kg. Max’ range: Canvas 20. Dimensions: 80x10 cm. Varnished beech. Metal rack. Weight: 5 kg. Max’ range: Canvas 50. Dimensions 160x57 cm.

< Ref. 623999* Mini table easel

< Ref. 621500 Pine table easel

< Ref. 623000 Table easel

< Ref. 622500 Pine country easel

< Ref. 622000 Three-legged easel

< Ref. 619000 Field easel

< Ref. 145000* Metal easel

výrobalast. * Ukončená While supplies



OLEJOVÉ A AKRYLOVÉ MATERIÁLY O il and acrylic materials



Canvas on rolls The quality and aspect of a canvas is strongly dependant on the origin of the fabric and the treatment that it has been subjected to, all these points will have an influence on the regularity and strength of the canvas. The weave gives the canvas it’s structure which in turn determines it’s resistance and pattern. Pébéo assures the homogeneity of the canvas, that is to say an aspect and resistance identical in warp and weave; to achieve this, the weaving is done with the same number of threads per centimetre in length and width. All Pébéo canvasses are thus guaranteed. Product group 7 Ref.


792221 792222 792229* 792721 792722

> Expert LINEN Roll of 10 m x 2,14 m, universal coating Roll of 5 m x 2,14 m, universal coating Roll of 10 m x 2,24 m, unbleached canvas > Standard linen Roll of 10 m x 2,14 m, universal coating Roll of 5 m x 2,14 m, universal coating

792421 792422 792429 792423 792424 792521 792522 792529

> Ariane canvas Roll of 10 m x 2,14 m, univers al coating. Tinted linen. Roll of 5 m x 2,14 m, universal coating. Tinted linen. Roll of 10 x 2,22 m, unbleached canvas Roll of 2,14 x 0,70 m Ariane canvas Roll of 2,14 x 1,40 m Ariane canvas > Cotton canvas Roll of 10 m x 2,14 m, universal coating linen tinted cotton Roll of 5 m x 2,14 m, universal coating linen tinted cotton. Roll of 10 x 2,22 m, unbleached canvas




316786 792221 4


316786 792222 1


316786 792229 0


316786 792721 9 316786 792722 6

1 1

316786 792421 8


316786 792422 5


316786 792429 4 316786 792423 2

1 4

316786 792424 9


316786 792521 5


316786 792522 2


316786 792529 1



Description Pebeos’ ‘expert’ linen canvasses are made from 100% spun linen fibre for greater regularity and strength. The research laboratory has formulated a gumming primer which guarantees the stability of the canvas. Their suppleness, strength and stability take away the cracking and crumbling which are a feature of traditional primers. (Weight of 340 gr./m2) Linen remains the traditional canvas ‘par excellence’. The principle qualities are strength and longevity. (Weight of 330 gr./m2)

An excellent value for money product, this sturdy canvas is unaffected by hygrometric variations. (Weight of 440 gr./m2)

Cotton canvas lends itself to all painting techniques. Pébéo cotton canvas has a regular appearance without knots. The strength is due to the weight (Weight of 400 gr./m2)

< Ref. 792423 Roll of 2,14 x 0,70 m Ariane canvas


* While supplies last.



Lin expert Fragonard Pebeo canvasses are nailed following ancient rules (weight of 340 gr./m2). Working from the centre outwards to avoid the formation of folds and to guarantee a regular and uniform tension. The folds at the back of the canvas are important to facilitate successive mounting and demounting. Pebeo canvasses are delivered shrinkwrapped and with a key to allow tension adjustment.

> Medium linen - universal coating Ref.



Medium linen universal coating 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 120




Portrait Landscape 316786 789400 9 6* 316786 789401 316786 789402 3 316786 789403 0 316786 789404 7 316786 789405 4 316786 789406 1 316786 789407 8 316786 789408 5 316786 789409 2 316786 789410 8 316786 789411 5 316786 789412 2 316786 789413 9 316786 789414 6 316786 789415 3 316786 789416 0 316786 789417 7 316786 789418 4 316786 789419 1

Product group 7 RRP



316786 789420 7 316786 789421 4* 316786 789422 1* 316786 789423 8 316786 789424 5 316786 789425 2 316786 789426 9 316786 789427 6 316786 789428 3 316786 789429 0 316786 789430 6 316786 789431 3 316786 789432 0 316786 789433 7 316786 789434 4 316786 789435 1 316786 789436 8 316786 789437 5 316786 789438 2 316786 789439 9

316786 789440 5 316786 789441 2* 316786 789442 9 316786 789443 6 316786 789444 3 316786 789445 0 316786 789446 7* 316786 789447 4 316786 789448 1 316786 789449 8 316786 789450 4 316786 789451 1 316786 789452 8 316786 789453 5 316786 789454 2 316786 789455 9 316786 789456 6 316786 789457 3* 316786 789458 0 316786 789459 7

Product group 7 Ref. 7894



Medium linen universal coating European formats 30x40 316786 789467 40x50 316786 789470 Square 20x20 316786 789461 30x30 316786 789466 40x40 316786 789469 50x50 316786 789472 60x60 316786 789476 70x70 316786 789487


2 2

3 3

0 5 6 6 4 0

3 3 3 3 3 2

RRP each


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Product group 7 Ref.




RRP each

80x80 316786 789479 5 2 90x90 316786 789481 8 2 100x100 316786 789482 5 2 Double square 20x40 316786 789463 4 3 30x60 316786 789468 9 3 40x80 316786 789471 9 3 50x100 316786 789475 7 2 60x120 316786 789478 8 2 Triple square 20x60 316786 789464 1 3 25x75 316786 789488 7 3

* While supplies last.




> Natural linen - universal coating Product

Ref. 7952


Natural linen universal coating 5 6 8 10 12


RRP each

Portrait 316786 316786 316786 316786 316786 316786


795205 795206 795207 795208 795209 795210

1 3 8 3 5 3 2 3 9 3 5 3

Product group 7 Product


Square 20x20 30X30 40X40 50X50 60X60 Double square 20X40 30X60 Triple square 20X60



RRP each

795261 7 3 795266 2 3 795269 3 3 795272 3 3 795276 1 3 316786 795263 5 3 316786 795268 6 3 316786 795264 8 3 316786 316786 316786 316786 316786

Fragonard expert linen

The Fragonard expert linen stretcher is mounted with 100% linen canvas. This canvas is weaved with pre-washed long fibres, which gives it its clean look and very good regularity. The Pébéo research laboratory has formulated a new type of coating, guaranteeing very good stability of the canvas, good adhesion and total protection of the fibres: its flexibility, strength and waterproofness will avoid the appearance of cracks and the crumbling-away, which characterizes traditional skin glue based coatings. Two layers of this coating are successively applied. Two layers of a white semi-absorbent coating rich in titanium, offers an excellent adhesive surface. The Fragonard expert linen canvas mounted stretchers are offered in 5 versions: - 4 types of grain fineness with white primer: extra-fine, fine, medium and strong. - 1 version of medium grain without white primer to allow painting on a raw canvas. The painting surface is an important element in order for the artist’s work to be fully expressed. Because of that, we offer the artists quality canvasses with different grain fineness allowing for all types of paints. The artist has the choice between these different types of grain depending on the technique and effect desired. If the artist wants to work in fine layers, he will be interested by the extra-fine grain quality. If the fineness of the painting surface doesn’t depend on the technique or if he wants to use the grain to give dimensional effects to his painting, he will use the medium grain or even the strong one. This choice will be done in accordance with the sensitivity of the artist towards the painting surface and the contact of the brush on the clean surface.

Canvas format

> europEen Format

Other 18x24 20x25 24x30 30x40 35x50 40x60 50x60


Square 20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 60x60 70x70 80x80

Double square

Triple square

20x40 20x60 30x60 25x75 40x80 50x100 60x120 - - -

Format 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 120

Portrait 65x54 73x60 81x65 92x73 100x81 116x89 130x97 146x114 162x130 195x130

Other Square 50x70 90x90 60x80 100x100 60x90 120x120 70x100 150x150 80x100 200x200 80x120 -

Lanscape 65x50 73x54 81x60 92x65 100x73 116x81 130x89 146x97 162x114 195x114

Seascape 65x46 73x50 81x54 92x60 100x65 116x73 130x81 146x89 162x97 195x97

Double square

Triple square

- - - - - -


Portrait Landscape Seascape

Same length for P, L and S.


Lanscape Seascape 18x12 18x10 22x14 22x12 24x16 24x14 27x19 27x16 33x22 33x19 35x24 35x22 41x27 41x24 46x33 46x27 55x38 55x33 61x46 61x38


Portrait 18x14 22x16 24x19 27x22 33x24 35x27 41x33 46x38 55x46 61x50


Format 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12





linen stretchers

Linen is the traditional fabric of excellence. Its main natural qualities are its strength, stability and longevity, which made it the painting base that replaced wood. The quality of a canvas depends on the choice of the threads. To obtain a canvas of regular appearence, you need to use quality thread. The best quality threads are from long fibres, which are more regular, homogeneous and solid. Apart from the long fibres, the thread selected by Pébéo is small in diameter (Nm 15) and that increases its cleaniness. Pébéo offers a homogeneous and strong linen canvas and to attain that, the weaving is done so that the canvas has an equal number of treads (12 in warp and 12 in weft). The coating of the Pébéo linen is done industrially (very regular) with modern formulas: the impregnation layer that does not crack (contrary to skin glue) and stabilizes the canvas, 2 white finishing layers that allow the canvasses to accept all types of paint. Product group 7 Ref. 7762



Standard linen - universal coating 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 120


Portrait Landscape 316786 776200 1 316786 776220 9 776201 8 316786 316786 776221 6* 316786 776202 5 316786 776222 3 316786 776203 2 316786 776223 0 316786 776204 9 316786 776224 7 316786 776205 6 316786 776225 4 316786 776206 3 316786 776226 1 316786 776207 0 316786 776227 8 316786 776208 7 316786 776228 5 776209 4 316786 316786 776229 2 316786 776210 0 316786 776230 8 316786 776211 7 316786 776231 5 316786 776212 4 316786 776232 2 316786 776213 1 316786 776233 9 316786 776214 8 316786 776234 6 316786 776215 5 316786 776235 3 316786 776216 2 316786 776236 0 316786 776217 9 316786 776237 7 316786 776218 6 316786 776238 4 316786 776219 3 316786 776239 1*





Standard linen European 7762 universal coating formats 30x40 316786 776267 4 3 40x50 316786 776270 4 3 Square formats 20x20 316786 776261 2 3 30x30 316786 776266 7 3 40x40 316786 776269 8 3 50x50 316786 776272 8 3 60x60 316786 776276 6 3 70x70 316786 776287 2 2 80x80 316786 776279 7 2




90x90 100x100 Double square formats 20x40* 30x60 40x80 50x100 60x120* Triple square formats 20x60 25x75


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Product group 7 RRP



Barcode 316786 776281 0 316786 776282 7 316786 776263 6 316786 776268 1 316786 776271 1 316786 776275 9 316786 776278 0 316786 776264 3 316786 776288 9

Product group 7 RRP Pack each

2 2

3 3 3 2 2 3 3

* While supplies last.





canvas stretchers The COTTON canvas, along with the linen canvas, has been used for many years by artists. It is of regular appearence and its strength is due to the diameter of the thread used and the density of the weaving. With a Nm 14 thread and weaving 14 threads in warp and 12 in weft, the Pebeo COTTON canvas is a heavy canvas, making it more solid than the others on the market. The impregnation layer applied on the cotton canvas has been studied to accept all types of paint and obtain great adherence.

Ref. 7899



Product group 7 Pack RRP each

Medium cotton canvas - universal coating Portrait 0* 316786 789900 4 6 1* 316786 789901 1 6 2 316786 789902 8 6 3 316786 789903 5 6 4 316786 789904 2 6 5 316786 789905 9 6 6 316786 789906 6 6 8 316786 789907 3 6 10 316786 789908 0 6 12 316786 789909 7 3 15 316786 789910 3 3 20 316786 789911 0 3 25 316786 789912 7 3

Ref. 7899








Medium cotton canvas universal coating 7899 European formats 18x24 316786 789960 8 6 24x30 316786 789965 3 6 30x40 316786 789967 7 6 35x50 316786 789986 8 6 40x50 316786 789970 7 6 50x70 316786 789974 5 3 60x80 316786 789991 2 3 60x90 316786 789977 6 3 70x100 316786 789989 9 3 80x100 316786 789992 9 3 80x120 316786 789980 6 3 90x120 316786 789190 9 3 80x140 316786 789191 6 3 Square formats 20x20 316786 789961 5 6 30x30 316786 789966 0 6 40x40 316786 789969 1 6 50x50 316786 789972 1 6 60x60 316786 789976 9 3 80x80 316786 789993 6 3 100x100 316786 789982 0 3


* While supplies last.


Medium cotton canvas - universal coating Landscape 0* 316786 789920 2 6 1* 316786 789921 9 6 2 316786 789922 6 6 3 316786 789923 3 6 4 316786 789924 0 6 5 316786 789925 7 6 6 316786 789926 4 6 8 316786 789927 1 6 10 316786 789928 8 6 12 316786 789929 5 3 15 316786 789930 1 3 20 316786 789931 8 3 25 316786 789932 5 3

Product group 7 RRP

Product group 7 Pack RRP

Product group 7 Ref.



Double square formats 20x40 316786 789963 9 30x60 316786 789968 4 40x80 316786 789971 4 50x100 316786 789994 3 Triple square formats 20x60 316786 789964 6 25x75 316786 789988 2 30x90 316786 789996 7 40x120 316786 789997 4 Quadruple square formats 20x80 316786 781502 8 25x100* 316786 789998 1 30x120 316786 790000 7

Pack 6 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3

RRP each


3D Stretchers

Cotton and Linen These 3D stretchers are recommended to work in multitych. These stretchers are more voluminous and made of paulownia wood which is lighter than pine.

3D Cotton AND BLACK 3D COTTON The canvas used for these 3D stretchers is the same as the one used for the cotton canvas stretchers (400 gr./m2). The originality of these 3D stretchers is that they have thick sides that can be painted and they give dimension to the work. Black canvas gives great colours contrast.




Product group 7 RRP Pack each

782 3D cotton stretchers universal coating Square formats Set of 3 10x10 316786 782498 3 6足足 20x20 316786 782499 0 6 30x30 316786 782501 0 6 40x40 316786 782502 7 6 50x50 316786 782503 4 6 60x60 316786 782504 1 3 80x80 316786 782535 5 3 100x100 316786 782537 9 3 Double square formats 20x40 316786 782505 8 6 30x60 316786 782506 5 6 40x80 316786 782507 2 3 50x100 316786 782508 9 3 Triple square formats 20x60 316786 782509 6 6 25x75 316786 782510 2 3 30x90 316786 782511 9 3 Quadruple square formats 20x80 316786 782512 6 3 25x100 316786 782513 3 3 795 3D Linen natural stretchers universal coating Square formats Set of 3 10x10 316786 795498 7 6 20x20 316786 795500 7 6 30x30 316786 795501 4 6 40x40 316786 795502 1 6 50x50 316786 795503 8 6 60x60 316786 795504 5 3 Double square formats 20x40 316786 795505 2 6 30x60 316786 795506 9 6 40x80 316786 795507 6 3 50x100 316786 795508 3 3 Triple square formats 20x60 316786 795509 0 6 25x75 316786 795510 6 3 30x90 316786 795511 3 3 Quadruple square formats 20x80 316786 795512 0 3 25x100 316786 795513 7 3

3D Natural linen The 3D stretchers are also available with natural linen of 330gr/m2. This canvas is primed with a colourless coating that makes it stiff and waterproof.




Product group 7 RRP Pack each

782 3D cotton stretchers - universal BLACK coating Square formats Set of 3 10x10 316786 782749 6 6 20X20 316786 782750 2 6 30X30 316786 782751 9 6 40X40 316786 782752 6 6 50X50 316786 782753 3 6 60x60 316786 782762 5 3 80x80 316786 782763 2 3 100x100 316786 782764 9 3 Double square formats 20X40 316786 782555 7 6 30X60 316786 782556 4 6 Triple square formats 20X60 316786 782559 5 6

< Ref. 782 Black 3D

cotton canvas







canvas stretchers The Ariane canvas: This canvas owes its success to the great mechanical qualities and its aspect. The thread used, of a diameter close to the one used with linen, is very regular and more resistant. Additionally, it is insensitive to water and to most chemical products. The Ariane canvas is a very resistant and stable canvas. By confering the weaving to an ISOÂ Â 9000 company, Pebeo guarantees the regularity and cleaness of this canvas. The impregnation layer applied on the Ariane canvas has been studied to accept all types of paint and obtain great adherence.




Ariane canvas - universal coating 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 120






Portrait Landscape 316786 789800 7 316786 789820 5* 316786 316786 789821 2 789801 4 316786 789802 1 316786 789822 9 316786 789803 8 316786 789823 6 316786 789804 5 316786 789824 3 316786 789805 2 316786 789825 0 316786 789806 9 316786 789826 7 316786 789807 6 316786 789827 4 316786 789808 3 316786 789828 1 316786 789809 0 316786 789829 8 316786 789810 6 316786 789830 4 316786 789811 3 316786 789831 1 316786 789812 0 316786 789832 8 316786 789813 7 316786 789833 5 316786 789814 4 316786 789834 2 789815 1 316786 316786 789835 9 316786 789816 8 316786 789836 6 316786 789817 5 316786 789837 3 316786 789818 2 316786 789838 0 316786 789819 9 316786 789839 7

Product group 7 RRP Pack each

7898 European formats 18x24* 316786 789860 1 3 20x25* 316786 789862 5 3 24x30 316786 789865 6 3 30x40 316786 789867 0 3 35x50* 316786 789886 1 3 40x50 316786 789870 0 3 40x60 316786 789890 8 3 50x60 316786 789873 1 3 50x70 316786 789874 8 3 60x80 316786 789891 5 2 60x90 316786 789877 9 2 70x100 316786 789889 2 2 80x100* 316786 789892 2 2 80x120 316786 789880 9 2 7898 Square formats 20x20 316786 789861 8 3 30x30 316786 789866 3 3 40x40 316786 789869 4 3 50x50 316786 789872 4 3 60x60 316786 789876 2 3 70x70 316786 789887 8 2 80x80 316786 789879 3 2


* While supplies last.




Seascape 316786 789840 3* 316786 789841 0 316786 789842 7* 316786 789843 4 316786 789844 1 316786 789845 8 316786 789846 5 316786 789847 2 316786 789848 9 316786 789849 6 316786 789850 2 316786 789851 9 316786 789852 6 316786 789853 3 316786 789854 0 316786 789855 7 316786 789856 4 316786 789857 1 316786 789858 8 316786 789859 5


Product group 7 RRP each

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Product group 7 RRP Pack


90x90 316786 789881 100x100 316786 789882 120x120 316786 789883 150x150 316786 789884 7898 Double square formats 20x40 316786 789863 30x60 316786 789868 40x80 316786 789871 50x100 316786 789875 60x120 316786 789878 7898 Triple square formats 20x60 316786 789864 25x75 316786 789888 30x90 316786 799801 40x120 316786 799802 50x150 316786 799803 7998 Quadruple square formats 20x80 316786 799804 25x100 316786 799805 30x120 316786 799806 40x160 316786 799807 50x200 316786 799808


6 3 0 7

2 2 1 1

2 7 7 5 6

3 3 3 2 2

9 5 1 8 5

3 3 3 2 2

2 9 6 3 0

3 3 3 2 2








Canvas board 1 2 3

4 5 6 8 10 12 15



7773 Canvas board Set of 3 10x10 20X20 30x30 40x40 18X24

24X30 30X40 40X50 35X50 10X15 13X18 20X30 25X35



Portrait Ref 7771 Landscape Ref 7772 316786 777101 0 316786 777201 7 316786 777102 7 316786 777202 4 316786 777103 4 316786 777203 1 316786 777104 1 316786 777204 8 316786 777105 8 316786 777205 5 316786 777106 5 316786 777206 2 316786 777107 2 316786 777207 9 316786 777108 9 316786 777208 6 316786 777109 6 316786 777209 3 316786 777110 2 316786 777210 9

Product group 7 RRP Pack

European formats 316786 777300 7 10 316786 777302 1 10 316786 777303 8 10 316786 777304 5 10 316786 777360 1 10 316786 777365 6 10 316786 777367 0 10 316786 777370 0 10 316786 777386 1 10 316786 777390 8 10 316786 777391 5 10 316786 777392 2 10 316786 777393 9 10




Natural linen 7673 canvas boards Set of 3 10x10 20X20 30X30 40X40






5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3

Barcode European formats 316786 767300 0 316786 767302 4 316786 767303 1 316786 767304 8

Product group 7 RRP Pack each

10 10 10 10

< Ref. 7773 20x20 canvas board


Cotton canvas




811021 811022 811025 811026 811027

> Pop Art Cotton canvas pad Pre-cut sheets size A4 (210x297mm), 20 pages. Cotton canvas pad Pre-cut sheets size A3 (297x420mm), 10 pages. > Ariane Cotton canvas pad Pre-cut sheets size A4 (210x297mm), 20 pages. Ariane canvas pad Pre-cut (297x420mm), 10 pages. Ariane canvas pad Pre-cut (500x650mm), 10 pages.

Product group 7 RRP Barcode Pack each 316786 811021 4 10 316786 811022 1 10

< Ref. 811021 & 811022 Pop Art Cotton canvas

316786 811025 2 15 316786 811026 9 10 316786 811027 6 10

Ref. 811027 > Ariane canvas pad

Pricing of the non standard sized stretchers Other formats: Uncustomary sizes are available on special order requiring a price quotation. Shipping charges will be added. Please contact us. We can quote for non standard sizes.


Creative leisure

p a i n t i n g s u r f a c e s / s i lk

Arty’s Home - silk Arty’s Fashion - silk Arty’s Gutta - silk Arty’s Rolls - silk Auxiliaries & Accessories Arty’s

> > > > >

64 64 66 70 71

> > > > > >

72 74 75 76 77 79

> > > >

80 81 82 83

fabric colours/cotton

Setacolor opaque/ shimmer Transparent Setacolor Setacolor Soleil Setacolor Auxiliaries Touch Textile Setaskrib+ and Setaskrib

C REATIVE LEISURE painting surfaces/cotton

create, decorate, personalise having built their know-how for more than 50 years, pEbEo has also invested in creating products for the home, such as fabric, glass or ceramic paints… the great involvement of all our partners, distributors and artists indicates the importance of pebeo’s role in the development of this market.

Arty’s Home - cotton Arty’s Fashion - cotton Arty’s Baby - cotton Arty’s Kid - cotton decorative colours

P.BO deco Basic P.BO deco Cream of colour P.BO deco Stencil cream P.BO deco Concrete cream P.BO deco Al Fresco colour P.BO deco Glazing colour P.BO deco Auxiliaries P.BO deco Ardoise / Magnet P.BO deco Gliding P.BO deco Stencil / Accessories P.BO deco Outdoor Touch Deco Fantasy Prisme Fantasy Moon Fantasy Accessories Vitrail Vitrail Auxiliaries Ceramic Vitrea 160 Vitrea 160 Auxiliaries Porcelaine 150 Porcelaine 150 Auxiliaries Marbling

> 84 > 87 > 88 > 89 > 89 > 89 > 91 > 92 > 93 > 94 > 95 > 96 > 98 > 100 > 101 > 102 > 105 > 106 > 108 > 109 > 111 > 112 > 114


The sequence of this price list follows the general catalogue by product group: Product group 3: Creative leisure products Product group 4: Fine Art Product group 5: Children products Product group 7: Painting surfaces Product group 10: Brushes Product group 16: Gédéo products Product group 18: Arty’s

Casting Moulding Modeling Sets Moulds Candles Gilds and Patinas

> 116 > 118 > 118 > 119 > 120 > 122 > 123


> 62 > 63

Creative Leisure

f a b r i c c o l o u r s / sIL K

Setasilk Silk Auxiliaries

Barvy hedvábí Fabricnacolours

Setasilk Lively intense colours that nimž make je all malba the Živé aand intenzivní barvy, díky classic silk painting techniques available to all. na hedvábí dostupná pro všechny. Made from resins and finely dispersed pigments, Vyrobeny z pryskyřice a jemně rozptýlených se Setasilk colourspigmentů. are easily Setasilk iron fixed.barvy Colours jednoduše zažehlují. jsouofvzájemně intermix easily and offerBarvy a palette rich and míchatelné a nabízejí paletu bohatých a luminous tones. svítivých tónů.

Product skupina group 33 Produktová Product

Ref. 181 185



> 45 45 ml ml lahvička bottle 29 barev 29 colours 250 ml ml bottle lahvička > 250 29 barev 29 colours




Famille commerciale 3 Product Primary yellow Butter cup Tangerine Coral Poppy red Hermes red Magenta Raspberry Plum Iris violet Navy blue Gitane blue Cyan Azure blue Turquoise Oriental green Meadow green Emerald Moss green Caramel Chestnut Beaver brown Cinnamon Old gold Silver grey Onyx Green bronze Salmon Ebony



29barev, colours, 29 45 45 ml ml lahvička bottle

colours, 2929 barev, 250 250ml mllahvička bottle

316786 181001 2 316786 181002 9 316786 181003 6 316786 181004 3 316786 181005 0 316786 181006 7 316786 181007 4 316786 181008 1 316786 181009 8 316786 181010 4 316786 181011 1 316786 181012 8 316786 181013 5 316786 181014 2 316786 181015 9 316786 181016 6 316786 181017 3 316786 181018 0 316786 181019 7 316786 181020 3 316786 181021 0 316786 181022 7 316786 181023 4 316786 181024 1 316786 181025 8 316786 181026 5 316786 181027 2 316786 181028 9 316786 181029 6

316786 185001 8 316786 185002 5 316786 185003 2 316786 185004 9 316786 185005 6 316786 185006 3 316786 185007 0 316786 185008 7 316786 185009 4 316786 185010 0 316786 185011 7 316786 185012 4 316786 185013 1 316786 185014 8 316786 185015 5 316786 185016 2 316786 185017 9 316786 185018 6 316786 185019 3 316786 185020 9 316786 185021 6 316786 185022 3 316786 185023 0 316786 185024 7 316786 185025 4 316786 185026 1 316786 185027 8 316786 185028 5 316786 185029 2

Produktová Productskupina group 33


Ref. 758307* 753407 758407


Různé krabičky > Assorted boxes Dárková Gift set sada 316786 758307 1 ředidlo 20 ml, 7 různých 11thinner 20 ml, 7 assorted 20 ml lahviček, 1 zlatá 20 ml bottles, gold gutta Gutta 20 ml, 11 štětec, 20 ml tube, 1 kolečko, brush, 1 round 1 hedvábné 1 leták suncatcher, 1 leaflet. Sada Discovery Discovery 316786 753407 3 Collection sada set of 44 různých assorted 20 20 ml ml: Ebony, primary yellow, cyan, beaver brown, magenta, iris violet. Studio Collection 316786 758407 8 Sada Studio 10 assorted různých 45 45ml mlbottles, lahviček, 10 štětec Squirrel n°8, 1 Squirrel brush n°8, 1 sponge, houbička, 1 mini paleta, 11mini palette, 1 water based zlatá 20 ml Gutta na gutta ml gold, 1 flyer. vodní20 bázi, 1 leták

250 ml >

45 ml

drop cap > víčko s kapátkem

< Ref. 753407 Discovery Collection Discovery Sada

Ref. 758407 >

Studio Collection Sada Studio


Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies

Pack 3



RRP each

01 Primary yellow

10 Iris violet

27 Green bronze

02 Butter cup

14 Azure blue

24 Old gold

03 Tangerine

13 Cyan

20 Caramel

04 Coral

11 Navy blue

23 Cinnamon

28 Salmon

12 Gitane blue

22 Beaver brown

05 Poppy red

15 Turquoise

21 Chestnut

06 Hermes red

16 Oriental green

25 Silver grey

07 Magenta

17 Meadow green

26 Onyx

08 Rasberry

18 Emerald

29 Ebony

09 Plum

19 Moss green

Creative Leisure

> colour-chart Setasilk

> Watter based Gutta

01 Colourless

02 White

03 Gold

10 Copper

11 Silver

12 Black

Silk Painting

nacolours hedvábí FBarvy abric

doplňky auxiliaries Product



181030 184000

> SETASILK DOPLŇKOVÉ PRODUKTY > SETASILK AUXILIARY Product Ředidlo Diluent 45 ml bottle lahvička 45 ml 250 ml bottle lahvička 250 ml

316786 181030 2 316786 184000 2

5 1

Water Gutta: 2020mlmltube with nozzle Gutta based na vodní bázi tuba s tryskou Colourless 316786 147001 8 Bezbarvá Bílá White 316786 147002 5 Zlatá Gold 316786 147003 2 Měděná Copper 316786 147010 0 Stříbrná Silver 316786 147011 7 Černá Black 316786 147012 4 Gutta na vodní bázi 20 ml v blistru Bezbarvá Water based Gutta: 20 ml blistered tube with nozzle Bílá Colourless 316786 147101 5 Zlatá White 316786 147102 2 Měděná Gold 316786 147103 9 Stříbrná Copper 316786 147110 7 Černá Silver 316786 147111 4 Black 316786 147112 1 Gutta based na vodní bázi, ml lahvička Gutta: 250250 mlbázi, bottle Water Gutta na vodní Bezbarvé Colourless 316786 115000 2

6 6


Waxes Vosky Bezbarvé Kulatétjanting tjanting Round

316786 194000 9


Doplňky Accessories 12Gutta Guttaapplicator umělohmonté aplikátory 12 bottles Pen n° 5, Ø 0,20 mm Pen n° 6, Ø 0,50 mm Pen n° 8, Ø 0,90 mm

316786 188000 8 316786 042005 2 316786 042006 9 316786 042008 3

1 6 6 6


147 1471 115000

188000 042005 042006 042008

250 ml lahvika





Produktová Productskupina group 33

Allows the creation of clearer tonestóny without reducing the quality the colour Umožňují vytvořit světlejší bez snížení kvalityofbarvy a nor it morekonzistence. fluid. bezmaking změnění The waterředitelné based guttasgutty have amají thick consistency and are used toacreate Vodou hustou konzistenci outlines - the technique. The coloursBarvy are pearlescent. používají seSerti k vytvoření okrajů. jsou The guttas are used directly from the tube nozzle orpřímo from a pipette and perleťové. Gutta barvy se and nanášejí z trysky, gutta nib. flow readily intoSnadno the silk fibres a barrier která jeThey součástí tuby. se forming nanášejí na to the colour. Setasilk is applied afterwards. All the guttas can be washed after hedvábí a zabraňují rozpínavosti barev. Všechny having been iron fixed with of the S colourless gutta which Gutty se mohou prátthe poexception zažehlení. vyjímkou is designed toGutty, wash outkterá leavingjea white line on the bezbarvé navržená tak,fabric abywhere po it has been applied. vyprání zmizela.

The tjanting is the traditional to use with Použijte wax. Usedpředehřátý with preheated Tjanting je tradiční nářadí ktool použití vosku. drawing waxvosk and apoured metal container with a nozzle, kreslířský vylijteindothe metalové nádobyequipped s hubičkou. the tjanting will allow you to make outlines and drawings.


painting surfaces > Cushions Product

Ref. SCC45* SCC2S SCC44S*

> Silk cushion cover Crêpe Satin 12.5 - Open sides > Silk cushion cover Habotai 8 - Closed sides Habotai 8 - Closed sides


Product > Round Pongé 5 Pongé 5 Pongé 5 Pongé 5 Habotai 8 Habotai 8 Habotai 8 Habotai 8 > Round window Pongé 5 Habotai 8

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**



40x40 cm

401780 820713 1

339431 820713 6


40x40 cm 40x40 cm

401780 800121 0 339431 800121 5 401780 824182 1 339431 824182 6

6 6

> Suncatchers Ref.



Silk Cushion cover 40x40 cm

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**


Ø 10 cm Ø 15 cm Ø 20 cm Ø 25 cm Ø 15 cm Ø 20 cm Ø 25 cm Ø 30 cm

401780 803009 8 401780 803010 4 401780 800185 2 401780 800187 6 401780 800213 2 401780 800214 9 401780 800215 6 401780 800216 3

339431 803009 3 339431 803010 9 339431 800185 7 339431 800187 1 339431 800213 7 339431 800214 4 339431 800215 1 339431 800216 8

3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6

15x20 cm 20x30 cm

401780 803018 0 339431 803018 5 401780 800206 4 339431 800206 9

6 6



Round window

painting surfaces > Shawls and scarves Ref. SSC70* SSC16* SSC120S SSC241S SSC113S SSC18S SSC242S SSC19S SSC20S SSC141S SSC2S SSC3S SSC13S SSC14S SSC15S SSC121S SSC23S* SSC24S

Product > pongE > Shawl Pongé 7 Shawl > Scarf Pongé 5 Scarf > Shawl Pongé 5 Shawl Pongé 5 Shawl Pongé 5 Shawl Pongé 5 Shawl Pongé 5 Shawl Pongé 5 Shawl Pongé 5 Shawl Pongé 7 Shawl > Scarf Pongé 5 Handkerchief Pongé 5 Scarf Pongé 5 Scarf Pongé 5 Scarf Pongé 5 Scarf Pongé 5 Scarf Pongé 6 Scarf Pongé 7 Scarf



Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

40x150 cm

401780 800629 1 339431 800629 6


110x110 cm

401780 800095 4 339431 800095 9


28x114 cm 28x130 cm 35x130 cm 40x150 cm 45x140 cm 45x180 cm 90x180 cm 35 x 130cm

401780 803200 9 401780 804493 4 401780 801160 8 401780 800097 8 401780 804494 1 401780 800098 5 401780 800099 2 401780 803742 4

339431 803200 4 339431 804493 9 339431 801160 3 339431 800097 3 339431 804494 6 339431 800098 0 339431 800099 7 339431 803742 9

6 6 6 6 3 6 3 6

28x28 cm 45x45 cm 55x55 cm 74x74 cm 90x90 cm 65x65 cm 55x55 cm 90x90 cm

401780 800009 1 401780 800011 4 401780 800092 3 401780 824157 9 401780 800094 7 401780 803201 6 401780 800103 6 401780 800104 3

339431 800009 6 339431 800011 9 339431 800092 8 339431 824157 4 339431 800094 2 339431 803201 1 339431 800103 1 339431 800104 8

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6




Arty’s Selection Products for which the reference ends with an “S” are part of Arty’s Selection: simplified packaging • less items required per order • competitive prices and always top quality silk!


* While supplies last.

** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.

painting surfaces

Ref. SSC128S SSC72S SSC31S SSC27S* SSC76S SSC28S SSC123S SSC280 SSC279 SSC106 SSC107 SSC39 SSC278* SSC33* SSC36* SSC37* SSC255S SSC147S* SSC44* SSC334* SSC335* SSC336* SSC53 SSC51S SSC52S SSC50S SSC315* SSC317* SSC312* SSC80* > Organza SSC233 SSC332*

Product > Habotai > Shawl Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Shawl Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Shawl Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Shawl > Scarf Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Handkerchief 9 Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Scarf Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Scarf Foulard Habotai 8/Pongé 9 > CrEpe de chine > Shawl Crêpe de Chine 5 Shawl Crêpe de Chine 5 Shawl Crêpe de Chine 8 Shawl Crêpe de Chine 8 Shawl Crêpe de Chine 12 Shawl > Scarf Crêpe de Chine 5 Scarf Crêpe de Chine 8 Scarf Crêpe de Chine 12 Scarf Crêpe de Chine 12 Scarf > Shawl Crêpe de Chine 5 Shawl Crêpe de Chine 10 Shawl > CrEpe SATIN > Scarf Crêpe Satin 12.5 Scarf > Crinkle CrEpe de chine > Shawl Crinkle crêpe de Chine 16 Shawl Crinkle crêpe de Chine 16 Shawl Crinkle crêpe de Chine 16 Shawl > Dong feng gauze > Shawl Dong Feng Gauze 3.5 Shawl > Shawl Dong Feng Gauze 3.5 Shawl Dong Feng Gauze 3.5 Shaw > Scarf Dong Feng Gauze 3.5 Scarf > HUA LI GAUZE > Shawl Hua Li Gauze 8 Shawl Hua Li Gauze 8 Shawl > Shawl Hua Li Gauze 8 Shawl > georgette > Shawl Georgette 8 / Satin 12.5 Shawl > Shawl Organza 4.5 Shawl > Waffle georgette > Shawl Waffle Georgette 12 Shawl




Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

35x130 cm 40x150 cm 45x180 cm

401780 803738 7 339431 803738 2 401780 800631 4 339431 800631 9 401780 800111 1 339431 800111 6

3 3 3

28x28 cm 55x55 cm 90x90 cm 65x65cm

401780 800107 4 401780 800645 1 401780 820876 3 401780 803054 8

339431 800107 9 339431 800645 6 339431 820876 8 339431 803054 3

3 6 3 3

40x150 cm 45x180 cm 45x180 cm 40x150 cm 45x180 cm

401780 820191 7 401780 820190 0 401780 801022 9 401780 801023 6 401780 800180 7

339431 820191 2 339431 820190 5 339431 801022 4 339431 801023 1 339431 800180 2

3 3 3 3 3

90x90 cm 90x90 cm 90x90 cm 110x110 cm

401780 820189 4 401780 800171 5 401780 800176 0 401780 800177 7

339431 820189 9 339431 800171 0 339431 800176 5 339431 800177 2

3 3 3 3

28 x 130 cm 45x180 cm

401780 820167 2 339431 820167 7 401780 803744 8 339431 803744 3

3 3

90x90 cm

401780 800193 7 339431 800193 2


40x150 cm 45x180 cm 90x180 cm

401780 824849 3 339431 824849 8 401780 824850 9 339431 824850 4 401780 824851 6 339431 824851 1

3 3 3

90x180 cm

401780 800203 3 339431 800203 8


40x150 cm 45x180 cm

401780 800201 9 339431 800201 4 401780 800202 6 339431 800202 1

6 3

90x90 cm

401780 800200 2 339431 800200 7


40x150 cm 90x180 cm

401780 824822 6 339431 824822 1 401780 824824 0 339431 824824 5

3 3

90x90 cm

401780 824819 6 339431 824819 1


90x180 cm

401780 824831 8 339431 824831 3


45x180 cm

401780 803942 8 339431 803942 3


90x180 cm

401780 824846 2 339431 824846 7


** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.



* While supplies last.


Creative Leisure

> Foulards et echarpes



painting surfaces > Ties Product



> habotai Habotai 12 Ties > Crepe de chine Crête de Chine 10 Ties Cravate Crêpe de Chine 12 > habotai Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Ties Habotai 10 Ties



Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**


401780 800188 3 339431 800188 8


classic classic

401780 800146 3 339431 800146 8 401780 800147 0 339431 800147 5

3 3

classic classic

401780 800143 2 339431 800143 7 401780 800144 9 339431 800144 4

6 6


painting surfaces > flowers Product



> Scarf Farandole > Pocketchief Fantaisie Feerie > Long scarf Flirt > Cushion cover Falbalas > Cards Frivole - 1 card 15x21 cm 2 cards 21x21 cm + 3 envelopes

SGS2005* SGS2002* SGS2004* SGS2009* SCC1304* SPC80*

scarf farandole

pocketchief fantaisie


90x90 cm

401780 830008 5 339431 830008 0


28x28 cm 28x28 cm

401780 830002 3 339431 830002 8 401780 830004 7 339431 830004 2

3 3

22x160 cm

401780 830012 2 339431 830012 7



401780 830001 6 339431 830001 1


401780 830005 4 339431 830005 9


pocketchief feerie

Long scarf flirt

> Venice beach Ref. SGS2010* SGS2011* SGS2014* SGS2015* SGS2016* SBA13* SPC81*

scarf voltige




> Scarf Voltige Vanille > Pocketchief Vaporeux Valse Virtuose > Bag Vinyl > Cards Voyage - 1 Set de 3 cards + 3 envelopes

scarf vanille

pocketchief valse

* While supplies last.

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**


Cushion cover Falbalas



card frivole

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

90x90 cm 90x90 cm

401780 830022 1 339431 830022 6 401780 830023 8 339431 830023 3

3 3

28x28 cm 28x28 cm 28x28 cm

401780 830016 0 339431 830016 5 401780 830017 7 339431 830017 2 401780 830018 4 339431 830018 9

3 3 3

18x25 cm

401780 830021 4 339431 830021 9


21x21 cm

401780 830019 1 339431 830019 6


pocketchief vaporeux


pocketchief virtuose

card voyage

bag vinyl

** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.




SGS2017* SGS2018* SGS2021* SGS2022* SGS2023* SGS2019* SGS2020* SCC1310* SCC1311* SCC1305* SBA14* SBA15* SPC82*

> Scarf Mélancolie Macaron > Pocketchief Miel Monnaie Millesime > Long scarf Mythe Mystère > Mademoiselle Madame Monarchie > Bag Motif Mode > Cards Miss - 1 Set de 3 cards + 3 envelopes


Size 90x90 cm 90x90 cm

401780 830041 2 339431 830041 7 401780 830042 9 339431 830042 4

3 3

55x55 cm 55x55 cm 55x55 cm

401780 830035 1 339431 830035 6 401780 830036 8 339431 830036 3 401780 830037 5 339431 830037 0

3 3 3

35x160 cm 35x160 cm

401780 830043 6 339431 830043 1 401780 830044 3 339431 830044 8

3 3

40x40 cm 40x40 cm 40x40 cm

401780 830032 0 339431 830032 5 401780 830033 7 339431 830033 2 401780 830034 4 339431 830034 9

3 3 3

18x25 cm 8x25 cm

401780 830039 9 339431 830039 4 401780 830040 5 339431 830040 0

3 3

21x21 cm

401780 830038 2 339431 830038 7



Ref. SGS2032* SGS2034* SGS2035* SGS2038* SGS2040* SPC84*



> Scarf Brindille Boudoir Bolero > Pocketchief Bonbon Bisou > Cards Broche - 1 Set de 3 cards + 3 envelopes


Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

Creative Leisure

painting surfaces

scarf mélancolie



scarf macaron



Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

90x90 cm 90x90 cm 90x90 cm

401780 830066 5 339431 830066 0 401780 830068 9 339431 830068 4 401780 830069 6 339431 830069 1

3 3 3

55x55 cm 55x55 cm

401780 830060 3 339431 830060 8 401780 830062 7 339431 830062 2

3 3


401780 830063 4 339431 830063 9


Long scarf mythe

Long scarf mystère cushion cover mademoiselle

cushion cover madame cushion cover monarchie scarf brindille

scarf boudoir

scarf bolero

pocketchief bonbon

pocketchief bisou

> african dream Ref. SGS2025* SGS2028* SCC1306* SPC83*

scarf acrobate

Product > Scarf Acrobate > Long scarf Aromate > Cushion cover Améthyste > Cards Anarchie - 1 Set de 3 cards + 3 envelopes

Long scarf aromate

* While supplies last.



card broche

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

90x90 cm

401780 830054 2 339431 830054 7


22x160 cm

401780 830057 3 339431 830057 8


40x40 cm

401780 830045 0 339431 830045 5



401780 830050 4 339431 830050 9


cushion cover améthyste

card anarchie

bag motif

bag mode

card miss

** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.


painting surfaces > classic collection Product


SGS287 SGS447 SGS340 SGS402* SGS443* SGS529* SGS996* SGS660 SGS302* SGS542 SCC1024* SCC1128* SCC1137* SGM136 SPC14 SPC69* SPC70*

> plants and flowers > Scarf Pavots Habotai 8 Pavots Pongé 5 Tropical Flower Pongé 5 Tulip Corner Habotai 8 Mésanges Pongé 5 Obsession Pongé 5 Dahlias Habotai 8 Sunflower Twill 8 Iris Blossom Habotai 8 > Long scarf Jardin Habotai 8 > Cushion cover Seringats Habotai 8 Wild Poppies Habotai 8 Dahlia Habotai 8 > Suncatcher - Round Sunflower Pongé 5 > Cards Flowers Habotai 8 - 4 pcs Orchid Bouquet Habotai 8 - 4 pcs Country Flowers Habotai 8 - 4 pcs

scarf Pavots

scarf tripical flower



90x90 cm Black 90x90 cm Black 90x90 cm Gold 90x90 cm Black 90x90 cm Black 90x90 cm Blue 90x90 cm Black 55x55 cm Gold 110x110 cm Black

401780 824312 2 401780 824311 5 401780 810177 4 401780 824264 4 401780 824302 3 401780 810293 1 401780 824730 4 401780 820032 3 401780 810151 4


Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each** 339431 824312 7 339431 824311 0 339431 810177 9 339431 824264 9 339431 824302 8 339431 810293 6 339431 824730 9 339431 820032 8 339431 810151 9

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

45x180cm Black 401780 810306 8 339431 810306 3


40x40cm Gold 401780 804071 4 339431 803071 9 40x40cm Black 401780 823370 3 339431 823370 8 40x40 cm Black 401780 824714 4 339431 824714 9

3 3 3

25 cm Black

401780 823330 7 339431 823330 2


15x21 cm Gold 15x21 cm Black 15x21 cm Black

401780 803323 5 339431 803323 0 401780 823346 8 339431 823346 3 401780 823347 5 339431 823347 0

3 3 3

scarf tulip corner


scarf Mésanges

long scarf jardin

scarf obsession

scarf dahlias

scarf sunflower

scarf iris blossom

card flowers

cushion cover seringats card orchid bouquet suncatcher- round sunflower

cushion cover Wild Poppies


cushion cover Dahlia

* While supplies last.

card country flowers

** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.

> classic collection Product


SGS15* SGS487 SGS670 SGS436 SGS469 SGS474 SGS728 SGS863 SGS878 SGS901 SGS972 SGS885 SGM1 SGM66 SGM134 SGS205* SGS476 SGS466 SCC1018* SGM84

> animals > Scarf Parrot Habotai 8 Tiger Pongé 5 Sea Fish Crêpe de Chine 5 Noah & Co. Pongé 5 Zebra Habotai 8 Savannah Habotai 8 Max & Friend Twill 8 Funky Animals Crêpe de Chine 5 Happy Beach Pongé 5 Amusing Animals Pongé 5 Amazing Animals Pongé 5 > Long scarf Birds of Paradise Habotai 8 > Suncatcher - Round Bird & Flower Habotai 8 Toucan Habotai 8 Noah’s Ark Pongé 5 > Astrology > Scarf Astrology Pongé 5 Zodiac Pongé 5 Starry Sky Habotai 8 > Cushion cover Astrology Habotai 8 > Suncatcher - Round Astrology Habotai 8

scarf parrot

scarf tiger

scarf Max & friend

scarf funky animals

scarf Astrology

scarf zodiac

* While supplies last.



90x90 cm Black 90x90 cm Black 90x90 cm Black 55x55 cm Black 55x55 cm Gold 55x55 cm Gold 55x55 cm Black 55x55 cm Black 55x55 cm Black 55x55 cm Black 55x55 cm Black

401780 804349 4 401780 810265 8 401780 820039 2 401780 824261 3 401780 810251 1 401780 810253 5 401780 820078 1 401780 820506 9 401780 823378 9 401780 823381 9 401780 824706 9

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each** 339431 804349 9 339431 810265 3 339431 820039 7 339431 824261 8 339431 810251 6 339431 810253 0 339431 820078 6 339431 820506 4 339431 823378 4 339431 823381 4 339431 824706 4

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

45x180 cm Black 401780 823419 9 339431 823419 4


25cm Gold 25 cm Black 25 cm Black

401780 801309 1 339431 801309 6 401780 804060 8 339431 804060 3 401780 823328 4 339431 823328 9

3 3 3

90x90 cm Gold 401780 804212 1 339431 804212 6 90x90 cm Gold 401780 810254 2 339431 810254 7 55x55 cm Gold 401780 810250 4 339431 810250 9

3 3 3

40x40 cm Gold 401780 804066 0 339431 804066 5


401780 810140 8 339431 810140 3


25 cm Gold

scarf sea fish

scarf Happy Beach

scarf starry sky

scarf Noah & Co.

scarf Zebra

scarf amusing animals

scarf amazing animals

cushion cover astrology

Silk Creative Leisure


painting surfaces

suncatcher- round bird & flower

suncatcher- round toucan

suncatcher- round noah’s ark

scarf savannah

Long scarf bird of paradise

suncatcher- round astrology

** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.



painting surfaces > classic collection Product


> various themes > Scarf Bumerang Crêpe de Chine 5 Balloons Pongé 5 Abstract Spring Twill 8 Max Downtown Crêpe de Chine 5 > Suncatcher - Round Paris Habotai 8

SGS827* SGS509 SGS612* SGS638 SGM88

scarf Bumerang



90x90 cm Black 55x55 cm Gold 110x110 cm Black 90x90 cm Black

401780 820477 2 401780 810278 8 401780 820000 2 401780 820019 4

339431 820477 7 339431 810278 3 339431 820000 7 339431 820019 9

3 3 3 3

25 cm Black

401780 810143 9

339431 810143 4


scarf zodiac

scarf Astrology

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

scarf starry sky

painting surfaces > Rolls and coupons Ref.

SPG3 SPM17 SPG30* SPG4 SPG6 SPM2 SPG44* SPG7 SPG8* SPG37* SPG9* SPG12 SPG13 SPG55* SPG16 SPM8 SPG18 SPG91* SPM12* SPM11*


Product > pongE > Rolls 41 m and 11 m Pongé 5 Pongé 5 Pongé 5 Pongé 7 > habotai > Rolls 41 m and 11 m Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Habotai 8/Ponge 9 Habotai 8/Pongé 9 Habotai 10 Habotai 10 > crepe de chine > Rolls 41 m Crêpe de Chine 10 Crêpe de Chine 14 Crêpe de Chine 14 Crêpe de Chine 16 > crepe satin > Rolls 41 m and 11 m Crêpe Satin 12.5 Crêpe Satin 12.5 > Dong feng gauze > Rolls 41 m and 11 m Dong Feng Gauze 3.5 Dong Feng Gauze 4.5 > twill > Coupons 11m Twill 10 > JACQUARD > Coupons 11m Jacq. Broché Fleur, Crêpe Satin 16

* While supplies last.

suncatcher- round astrology


Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**



width 90 cm 11 m/ w. 90 cm width 115 cm width 90 cm

401780 800002 2 401780 800606 2 401780 801002 1 401780 800003 9

339431 800002 7 339431 800606 7 339431 801002 6 339431 800003 4

1 1 1 1

width 90 cm 11 m/ w. 90 cm width 110 cm width 140cm width 90 cm width 140cm

401780 800005 3 401780 800155 5 401780 803885 8 401780 800006 0 401780 800007 7 401780 803878 0

339431 800005 8 339431 800155 0 339431 803885 3 339431 800006 5 339431 800007 2 339431 803878 5

1 1 1 1 1 1

width 90 cm 401780 800008 4 339431 800008 9 width 90 cm 401780 800131 9 339431 800131 4 width 115 cm 401780 800132 6 339431 800132 1 width 115 cm 401780 8038971 1 339431 8038971 6

1 1 1 1

width 90 cm 401780 800135 7 339431 800135 2 11 m/ w. 90 cm 401780 800161 6 339431 800161 1

1 1

width 90 cm width 114 cm


401780 821127 5 339431 821127 0 401780 822808 2 339431 822808 7

6 1

11 m/ w. 90 cm 401780 800168 5 339431 800168 0


11 m/ w. 115 cm 401780 800166 1 339431 800166 6



** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.

Silk & Cotton


Product group 18 Barcode



> easy fix frames for silk painting Easy Fix strecher frame, 94x94cm Easy Fix strecher frame 56x56cm

401780 821017 9 401780 821018 6

339431 821017 4 339431 821018 1

1 1


Suspension claws x24 pcs.

401780 821019 3

339431 821019 8



Extension kit for strecher fame ASF1

401780 821020 9

339431 821020 4



> tools Tray with 12 x 30ml potsl and 3 pipettes

401780 821151 0

339431 821151 5


Vaporizer, 125 ml

401780 821010 0

339431 821010 5







An innovation to allow easy stretching and painting of silk and all other textiles. Rigid and stable, EASY-FIX frames can be washed and are easily transportable.

Tension claws for use with EASY-FIX frames. Extension kit for use with EASY-FIX frame ASF1 and adaptable from formats 46 x 196cm to 114 x 114cm maximum (for scarves, large squares etc).

Plastic vaporizer. Ideal for the vaporization technique with reactive colours or for stencilling.

DPA8053 Fade out marker for fabric & silk

401780 822377 3

339431 822377 8


> wax & Accessories DPA7531 Batik cold wax, 250ml DPA7532* Batik cold wax, 1000ml

401780 824999 5 401780 825000 7

339431 824999 0 339431 825000 2

3 1

DPA7001* Resist Transparent DPA7007* Resist Black

401780 822363 6 401780 822369 8

339431 822363 1 339431 822369 3

6 6

Marker to create design outlines on textiles (silk, cotton, linen etc). Disappears on contact with colour, water or on it’s own after 24 hours.

Cold wax which is used to create surprising results principally on silk but also on wool and cotton. Use with iron, steam fixed or reactive colours.

Ready to use water based resist for heat or steam fixable silk paints. 30ml Resist applicator and 0,5mm nib.

> clear transfer glue for decoupage on fabric and other materials ATP 1* Tex-Podge Paste 100ml 401780 823958 3 339431 823958 8 6 401780 823959 0 ATP 2* Tex-Podge Paste 1000ml 339431 823959 5 1

Transfer varnish for paper towels on textiles and other materials. Specifically for textiles it preserves the suppleness of fabrics and is machine washable.

> Fabric modeling ATP102 Deco-Form hardener paste 1000ml ATP103* Deco-Form Activator 30ml

Hardener for fabrics, silk, paper and serviettes. DECO FORM is ideal for modelling fabrics and creating original objects for interior or exterior decoration (sculptures, lamps, vases, dishes etc).

H88001* Lamitex Glossy sheet for laminating 45x35cm

H88005* PVC-sheet White self-adhesive 45x35cm

401780 824339 9 401780 824340 5

339431 824339 4 339431 824340 0

Activator for reinforcing the resitance and durability of created objects (in particular for decorative objects to be used outside). 401780 824051 0

339431 824051 5


401780 824055 8

339431 824055 3


A c c e ss o r i e s

Ref. SBJ1 SBC100*

Product > silk bands White Habotai 8, 12 pcs Basic colours, 16pcs, Paj.5

1 6

Size 110 cm 100 cm

Transparent polyester sheets to protect and strengthen textiles. Use by simply fixing to an iron. Impermiable and heat resistant, they can be used to create a multitude of items for interior decoration (table sets, lampshades etc). For Lamitex sheets and other works. Ideal for creating magnets. Easy to use.

Silk & Cotton Barcode

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each **

401780 803220 7 339431 803220 2 401780 825194 3 339431 825194 8

3 6 silk band

* While supplies last.

** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details. 71

Creative Leisure



BARVY HEDVÁBÍ Fabric NA colours

Opaque/ Shimmer Setacolor Opaque Setacolor Opaque colours are lively and luminous, Barvy Setacolor jsou živé a svítivé, dobře krycí aand používají se na i tmavou very covering can be used onsvětlou both light and tkaninu. Díky svému složeníis jsou barvy suited dark fabrics. Their rich texture particularly vhodné jak pro aplikaci štětce, tak as i to application with brush, pomocí stamps and stencils pro šablonování či tisknutí pomocí well as screen printing. Once iron fixed,razítek. painted Barvy se fixují po 24 hodinové schnutí fabrics can be washed at up to 40°C. The Opaque zažehlením z rubové strany materiálu, Setacolor Shimmer colours are particularly nabarvenou látku lze prát v pračce 40°C. spectacular! These sparkling tints give při subtle Setacolor Opaque Shimmer barvy jsou glints of light which change with the movement oblíbené. Vedle základní řady obsahují barvy of the light. Setacolor i třpytivé odstíny. Produktová Productskupina group 33

Produktová Productskupina group 33




4545mlmlbottle: 40 colours in lahvička, 40 barev 295 295 z toho 15 třpytivých barev which 15 shimmer colours Titanium white 316786 295010 6 Cobalt blue 316786 295011 3 Butter cup 316786 295013 7 Velvet brown 316786 295014 4 Lemon yellow 316786 295017 5 Black lake 316786 295019 9 Bengal pink 316786 295022 9 Sienna 316786 295025 0 Vermilion 316786 295026 7 Light green 316786 295027 4 Parma violet 316786 295029 8 Cherry 316786 295050 2 Sanguine 316786 295051 9 Fawn 316786 295052 6 Chamois 316786 295053 3 Greengold 316786 295055 7 Oriental blue 316786 295056 4 Cornflower 316786 295057 1 Orange 316786 295012 0 Oriental red 316786 295015 1 Garnet red 316786 295018 2 Indigo 316786 295021 2 Royal blue 316786 295020 5 Spring green 316786 295024 3 Aniseed 316786 295032 8 Shimmer canary 316786 295061 8 Shimmer brick 316786 295063 2 Shimmer oriental red 316786 295064 9 Shimmer purple 316786 295065 6 Shimmer wine 316786 295066 3 Shimmer plum 316786 295067 0 Shimmer electric blue 316786 295069 4 Shimmer bronze 316786 295072 4 Shimmer ash 316786 295073 1 Shimmer chocolate 316786 295074 8 Shimmer light copper 316786 295047 2 Shimmer gold 316786 295045 8 Shimmer silver 316786 295060 1 Shimmer jet black 316786 295079 3 Shimmer pearl 316786 295044 1

Pack 5








316786 296010 5 316786 296011 2 316786 296013 6 316786 296014 3 316786 296017 4 316786 296019 8 316786 296022 8 316786 296025 9 316786 296026 6 316786 296027 3 316786 296029 7 316786 296050 1 316786 296051 8 316786 296052 5 316786 296056 3 316786 296057 0 316786 296069 3 316786 296065 5 316786 296061 7 316786 296064 8 316786 296044 0 316786 296045 7 316786 296047 1 316786 296060 0


24 24 barev, colours:250 250ml mllahvička bottle

White Cobalt blue Butter cup Velvet brown Lemon Black Bengal pink Sienna Vermilion Light green Parma violet Cherry Sanguine Fawn Oriental blue Cornflower Shimmer electric blue Shimmer purple Shimmer canary Shimmer oriental red Shimmer pearl Shimmer gold Shimmer light copper Shimmer silver

1 litre

RRP each


< 250 ml

< 45 ml 72

Ref. 293

Product l láhev, 15 barev 11 litre bottle: 15 colours White Cobalt blue Butter cup Velvet brown Lemon Black Bengal pink Vermilion Light green Parma violet Cherry Cornflower Shimmer pearl Shimmer gold Shimmer silver



316786 293010 8 316786 293011 5 316786 293013 9 316786 293014 6 316786 293017 7 316786 293019 1 316786 293022 1 316786 293026 9 316786 293027 6 316786 293029 0 316786 293050 4 316786 293057 3 316786 203044 3 316786 203045 0 316786 203060 3


Produktová Productskupina group 33





753406 754406 758406

Různé sady > Assorted Boxes Sada Discovery Discovery Collection různých 20 ml lahviček 66 assorted 20 ml bottles Sada Discovery Discovery Collection 12assorted 20 různých 20ml mlbottles lahviček 12 Studio Collection Sada Studio 10assorted různých45ml 45 ml lahviček, 10 bottles, 1 štětec Squirrel n°8, 11Squirrel brush n°8, 1 houbička, 1 mini sponge, paleta, 11mini tube Touch tubapalette, Touch1 textile 30 ml, 1 leták30ml, 1 flyer. textile



316786 753406 6


316786 754406 5


316786 758406 1


RRP each

Creative Leisure

Produktová Productskupina group 33

< Ref. 753406 Sada Discovery Collection Discovery

66x20 x 20mlml

< Ref. 758406 Sada Studio Collection Studio < Ref. 754406 Collection Sada Discovery Discovery 12x20 12 x 20ml ml

Další info

BARVY Setacolor TŘPYTIVÉ Shimmering colours

SetacolorShimmering Shimmering Opaque barvyare jsou působivé! Jejich bohaté hluboké odstíny jsou a mají jas s měnícími se Setacolor Opaque colours particularly spectacular! Theirarich and deep shades arelesklé glittering andpropracovaný have a subtle brightness with changing efekty depending v závislostion nathe světle. barvy se nedoporučejí ředit pro udržení jejichinjasu. effects light. Třpytivé It is not recommended to dilute the shimmering colours order to keep their brightness.

> colour-chart Setacolor opaque

> Třpytivé Shimmer

10 White


20 Royal blue

17 Lemon yellow


56 Oriental blue

13 Butter cup


27 Light green

12 Orange

• •• •••

61 Shimmer canary


63 Shimmer brick

64 Shimmer oriental red

•• ••

24 Spring green

65 Shimmer purple

26 Vermilion


32 Aniseed

66 Shimmer wine

50 Cherry


55 Greengold

67 Shimmer plum

15 Oriental red

52 Fawn


69 Shimmer electric blue

18 Garnet red

25 Sienna


72 Shimmer bronze


73 Shimmer ash

74 Shimmer chocolate

22 Bengal pink


51 Sanguine

29 Parma violet


14 Velvet brown

21 Indigo

57 Cornflower


11 Cobalt blue


53 Chamois 19 Black lake

••• • ••

47 Shimmer light copper



45 Shimmer gold


60 Shimmer silver


79 Shimmer jet black 44 Shimmer pearl • 45 ml • 250 ml • 1L

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies

• •••


BARVY HEDVÁBÍ Fabric NA colours

Transparent Setacolor

Řada transparentních barev především A range of transparent colours mainlyTyto usedbarvy for využivána pro barvenou tkaninu. light coloured fabrics. Light textured, the colours s lehkou strukturou se nanášejí štětcem, lze in the bottle can beštětec appliedna with a regularBarvy or stencil použít i speciální šablony. brush, without changing the flexibility nemění flexibilitu a hebkost i těch and softness of the most delicate fabrics. nejjemnějších tkanin. 1 litre

Productskupina group 33 Produktová Ref. 329 370




45 barevin which 45 ml ml lahvička, bottle: 3030 colours z5 toho 5 fluorescentních fluorescent colours barev

Plum Indigo Sky blue Lawn green Fawn Cobalt blue Ultramarine blue Butter cup Velvet brown Emerald Lemon yellow Pernod yellow Black Red ochre Bright orange Bengal pink Oriental red Cardinal red Raw sienna Vermilion Light green Moss green Parma violet Turquoise Fluorescent yellow Fluorescent orange Fluorescent pink Fluorescent green Fluorescent blue Fuchsia 250 ml 2020 colours 250 ml bottle: lahvička, barev Cobalt blue Ultramarine blue Butter cup Velvet brown Emerald Lemon Pernod yellow Black Red ochre Orange Bengal pink

250 ml







316786 329001 0 316786 329002 7 316786 329003 4 316786 329004 1 316786 329005 8 316786 329011 9 316786 329012 6 316786 329013 3 316786 329014 0 316786 329015 7 316786 329017 1 316786 329018 8 316786 329019 5 316786 329020 1 316786 329021 8 316786 329022 5 316786 329023 2 316786 329024 9 316786 329025 6 316786 329026 3 316786 329027 0 316786 329028 7 316786 329029 4 316786 329030 0 316786 329031 7 316786 329032 4 316786 329033 1 316786 329034 8 316786 329035 5 316786 329049 2 316786 370011 3 316786 370012 0 316786 370013 7 316786 370014 4 316786 370015 1 316786 370017 5 316786 370018 2 316786 370019 9 316786 370020 5 316786 370021 2 316786 370022 9

< 45 ml

Productskupina group 33 Produktová






Oriental red Cardinal red Raw sienna Vermilion Light green Moss green Parma violet Turquoise Fuchsia litr láhev, 11litre bottle:2020barev colours Cobalt blue Ultramarine blue Butter cup Velvet brown Emerald Lemon Pernod yellow Black Red ochre Orange Bengal pink Oriental red Cardinal red Raw sienna Vermilion Light green Moss green Parma violet Turquoise Fuchsia

316786 370023 6 316786 370024 3 316786 370025 0 316786 370026 7 316786 370027 4 316786 370028 1 316786 370029 8 316786 370030 4 316786 370049 6 316786 366011 0 316786 366012 7 316786 366013 4 316786 366014 1 316786 366015 8 316786 366017 2 316786 366018 9 316786 366019 6 316786 366020 2 316786 366021 9 316786 366022 6 316786 366023 3 316786 366024 0 316786 366025 7 316786 366026 4 316786 366027 1 316786 366028 8 316786 366029 5 316786 366030 1 316786 366049 3





> colour-chart Setacolor transparent 03 Sky blue

13 Butter cup


30 Turquoise


31 Fluorescent yellow

21 Bright orange


15 Emerald


32 Fluorescent orange

26 Vermillion


04 Lawn green

33 Fluorescent pink

24 Cardinal red


28 Moss green


34 Fluorescent green

22 Bengal pink


27 Light green


35 Fluorescent blue

23 Oriental red


18 Pernod yellow


49 Fuchsia


05 Fawn

29 Parma violet 02 Indigo

••• •

12 Ultramarine blue


11 Cobalt blue


Další info

25 Raw sienna


20 Red ochre


14 Velvet brown


19 Black


• 45 ml • 250 ml • 1L

The sun technique

Based on the heliographic technique, simply apply the diluted Setacolor Transparent colours (2 volumes of water for 1 of paint) on a damp piece of fabric. Position your stencils and expose your creation to the heat of a lamp or to the sun. The parts hidden by the patterns will be left uncoloured on the fabric!

Setacolor Soleil Produktová Productskupina group33

Ref. 3293

Product 110ml mlbottle: lahvička, 11 barev 110 11 colours Butter cup* Bright orange* Vermilion* Plum* Parma violet *





316786 329313 4 316786 329321 9 316786 329326 4 316786 329301 1 316786 329329 5



Product Ultramarine blue * Cobalt blue* Turquoise* Meadow green* Light green* Fawn *



RRP each

316786 329312 7 316786 329311 0 316786 329330 1 316786 329304 2 316786 329327 1 316786 329305 9

> colour-chart Setacolor soleil 13 Butter cup*

11 Cobalt blue*

21 Bright orange*

30 Turquoise*

26 Vermilion*

04 Meadow green*

01 Plum*

27 Light green*

29 Parma violet*

05 Fawn*

12 Ultramarine blue*

110 ml >

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies


Creative Leisure


01 Plum

> Fluorescent

17 Lemon yellow

Setacolor doplňky > Setacolor Auxiliaries Barcode


PERLEŤOVÉ MÉDIUM > PEARL Medium 110 mlbottle lahvička 110 ml

316786 391011 6



316786 391002 4


110 mlbottle lahvička 110 ml

316786 391003 1


> Permanent fabric glue LEPIDLO NA TEXTIL 110 lahvička 110 mlmlbottle

316786 391005 5


> Expandable paint

316786 391006 2


Ref. 391011

391002 391003 391005 391006


110 lahvička 110 mlmlbottle

Produktová Productskupina group 33




Pro dosažení s To use, mix withperleťového the colour toefektu obtainsmíchejte a palette ofmédium pearl effects. barvou.

Umožňuje vytvořit lehčí tónywithout barev reducing bez snížení kvality of Allows to create lighter tones the quality nebo zředění. the colour nor making it more fluid.


110 lahvička 110 mlmlbottle

LAK SE ZLATÝMI TŘPYTKAMI > Gold glitter finish


110 mlbottle lahvička 110 ml

316786 391009 3



LAK SE STŘÍBRNÝMI TŘPYTKAMI > Silver glitter finish 110 mlbottle lahvička 110 ml 316786 391010 9



> KUFŘÍK CASE Prázdný ateliérový Atelier empty case kufřík


316786 758400 9

Doporučuje se zejména for proscreen sítotisk nebo or práci s Particularly recommended printing stencilling. šablonou.

Allows decorated fabric items může to be applied to card or Umožňuje dekoraci textilu, být nanášeno nawooden karton items. Resists washing at 40°C. nebo dřevěné předměty. Odolává praní pří 40°C.

Tatopaste pasta používá is asesimple wayktodekoracím decorate inreliéfu. relief. This

Glitterorse zlatými stříbrnými Nanáší jako Gold silver. Thesea finishes can třpytkami. be applied over dry se Setacolor lak přes suché barvy Setacolor. Pro celistvý vzhled colours. For a regular effect work with a brush with a bold and pracujte se štětcem za použití rovnoměrných tahů. Po supple stroke. Can also be used on textiles. zaschnutí zafixujte zažehlením

Úložné case pouzdro s více zásuvkami. with multiple drawers Storage

Další info

Expandable paint

Dejte nové rozměry svým návrhům na všechny Give to your designs on any fabric. druhydimension látek.

S pomocí štětce aplikujte Pébéo Using a brush, apply Pébéo’s expandable "expandable paint" na již existující návrh paint on an existing design drawn on malovaný your fabric:na Vaší textilii: používejte s barvou -- U se mixed smíchané with Setacolor paint to Setacolor, aby jste dosáhli postelových obtain pastel shades, odstínů -- O r use purejasných and once dry, colour with k dosažení odstínů používejte Setacolor to obtain bright shades. arvu Setacolor


Nechtetozaschnout minut, poté Allow dry for 3030 minutes, then zažehlete přes pečící papír.of Pothick 15ti place the fabric on a piece sekundách barva svého fabric and iron ondosáhne the reverse side on objemu. silk/wool position. It takes 15 seconds for the design to expand. If you are using a thin fabric (linen, thin cotton…) the product may run through. Iron as indicated on the reverse side, but protect your design with an absorbing paper or a thicker fabric.

Once fixed, your piece prát can na be Po zafixování můžeme delicately washed at 40°C (100°F). 40°C.

Re-inventsvé your textiles!do nového kabátu! Přetvořte oblečení Touch umožní přizpůsobit svéfabrics oblečení Touch Textile Textile Vám lets you “customize” your to podle aktuální módy. Kompletní řada 29 barev, 6 make a fashion statement. A range of 29 colours, 6 efektových odstínů a jednoho lepidla Vám dokonale effects 1 glue to reinvent přeměníand a vyzdobí Váš šatník. your decoration and your Touch Textile je po aplikaci odolný vůči praní a tkaninu wardrobe in a glance. zanechává jeji původní měkkost a pružnost. Touch Textile is wash resistant after application Vytvořte, nechte zaschnout a jste připraveni přizpůsobit and Váš leaves vzhled the své fabric náladě.with its original softness and suppleness. Create, let dry and you are ready to adapt your looks to your mood!

Produktová Productskupina group 33


556 556 556 556

Product LESKLÉ > GLOSS EFFECT 30 30 ml ml tuba, tubes,99barev colours

Sugar Pink Amaranthine Lemon Tulip Black Pistachio* Turquoise* Navy Blue* Pine Cone* METALICKÉ > METAL EFFECT 30 30 ml ml tuba, tubes,55barev colours Bronze Petrol White Gold Yellow Gold Silver PERLEŤOVÉ > PEARL EFFECT 30 ml ml tuba, tubes,77barev colours 30 Pearl Carnation Earthenware Blue Smoke* Lilac* Chlorophyll* Carmine* > TŘPYTIVÉ GLITTER EFFECT 30 30 ml ml tuba, tubes,99barev colours Glycine Pink Sanguine South Sea Greengold Sparkled Black Gold Powder Silver Powder Iridescent*



316786 556004 3 316786 556011 1 316786 556015 9 316786 556030 2 316786 556032 6 316786 556016 6 316786 556020 3 316786 556025 8 316786 556028 9


316786 556017 3 316786 556026 5 316786 556034 0 316786 556035 7 316786 556037 1


316786 556001 2 316786 556009 8 316786 556024 1 316786 556002 9 316786 556006 7 316786 556023 4 316786 556029 6


316786 556007 4 316786 556008 1 316786 556010 4 316786 556019 7 316786 556022 7 316786 556031 9 316786 556033 3 316786 556036 4 316786 556041 8



Productskupina group 33 Produktová Ref.


555 556 556

Product OBJEMOVÝ EFEKT > VOLUME EFFECT 30 ml ml tubes, tuba, 66barev 30 colours White Black Orange Fuchsia Aniseed Turquoise FOSFORENTNÍ > PHOSPHORESCENT EFFECT barvy, 30 22 colours, 30ml mltuba tube Yellow-Green phosphorescent Phosphorescent blue DOPLŇKY > AuxiliaRY ml tuba 30 ml tube 130auxiliary, Touch textile Glue



316786 555601 5 316786 555602 2 316786 555603 9 316786 555604 6 316786 555605 3 316786 555606 0


316786 556102 6 316786 556103 3


316786 556701 2


RRP each

< 30 ml

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies


Creative Leisure

HEDVÁBÍ FBARVY abric NA colours

Produktová Productskupina group 33



Šik Chic 3x30ml tuby s30 perleťovými 3 pearl effect ml tubes : odstíny: Carmin, Carmin, Earthenware blue, Earthenware blue, pearl + accessories. pearl+accessories.




316786 556409 6 4

Produktová Productskupina group 33






556408* 556070*

Ice cream Zmrzlina 3x30ml plus doplňky 3 x 30 mltuby tubes + accessories.

316786 556408 9


Mini ateliérový Atelier Case Malý kufřík 9 vybraných 30ml+ odstínů 9 asst. 30 ml tubes accessories plus doplňky

316786 556070 8



RRP each

< Ref. 556409* Chic Šik

< Ref. 556070*

Mini Case Malý Atelier ateliérový kufřík

> colour-chart touch textile > Pearl > Gloss

> Volume

04 Sugar Pink

01 Peral

601 White

11 Amaranthine

09 Carnation

602 Black

15 Lemon

24 Earthenware Blue

603 Orange

30 Tulip

02 Smoke*

604 Fuchsia

32 Black

06 Lilac*

605 Aniseed

16 Pistachio*

23 Chlorophylle*

606 Turquoise

20 Turquoise*

29 Carmine*

> Phosphorescent

25 Navy Blue* 28 Pine Cone*

> Glitter

102 Yellow-Green 07 Glycine

> Metal

08 Pink 35 Yellow Gold

10 Sanguine

26 Petrol

19 South Sea

37 Silver

22 Greengold

17 Bronze

31 Sparkled Black

34 White Gold

33 Gold Powder 36 Silver Powder 41 Iridescent*


* While supplies last.

103 Phosphorescent blue



Setaskrib Setaskrib+ are very practical felt Setaskriband a Setaskrib+ jsou velmi praktické tip for drawing all fabrics, clothing fixymarkers na všechny druhy on látek, oblečení a doplňků. Jejich Their kvalitní, and accessories. fine,široké broad nebo or “brush” tips "štětcové" mohouanything být použity can be usedhroty to decorate withna clear and zdobení jasnými nebo fluorescentními bright colours or fluorescent colours. barvami.

< Ref. 805100 Box 6ofrůzných 6 asst. colours barev Box

tips" "brush brush tips

Produktová Productskupina group 33


Ref. 803 137


FIXY > MARKERS Setaskrib+, 18 colours, brush tip Yellow 316786 803001 7 Orange 316786 803002 4 Red 316786 803003 1 Magenta 316786 803004 8 Violet 316786 803005 5 316786 803006 2 Light blue Blue 316786 803007 9 316786 803008 6 Light green Green 316786 803009 3 Brown 316786 803010 9 Grey 316786 803011 6 Black 316786 803012 3 Fluorescent yellow 316786 803013 0 Fluorescent orange 316786 803014 7 Fluorescent pink 316786 803015 4 Fluorescent violet 316786 803016 1 Fluorescent blue 316786 803017 8 Fluorescent green 316786 803018 5 Setaskrib 2 colours, fine point markers Black 316786 137019 6 Vermilion 316786 137026 4


RRP each


Ref. 126000 >

Assortment of 12 asst. 12 různých barev "broad tips" broad tips colours

Produktová Productskupina group 33

Ref. 804000 805000 805100 128000 126000 190000





RŮZNÉ SADY > Assorted boxes Setaskrib+ Box 1212různých Box of assortedbarev colours 316786 804000 9 Box 6offluo 316786 805000 8 6 fluo colours Box barev Box barev Box 6ofrůzných 316786 805100 5 6 colours Setaskrib Produktová skupina Product group 5 5 6 ass. colours - fine tips 316786 128000 6 12 as. colours - broad tips 316786 126000 8 12 as. colours - fine tips 316786 190000 3

1 1 1 1 1 1

RRP each

> colour-chart setaskrib + > Brush tip

> Brush tip fluorescent 01 Yellow

07 Blue

13 Fluorescent yellow

02 Orange

08 Light green

14 Fluorescent orange

03 Red

09 Green

15 Fluorescent pink

04 Magenta

10 Brown

16 Fluorescent violet

05 Violet

11 Grey

17 Fluorescent blue

06 Light blue

12 Black

18 Fluorescent green

> Fine point 19 Black 26 Vermilion

brush tip

fine point

broad point


Creative Leisure

Setaskrib+ and Setaskrib

painting surfaces

> Around the kitchen Product

Ref. DHOM011* DHOM004* DHOM007 DHOM008 DHOM005S* DHOM010WS* > Pot holder DHOM009WS*


> Table runner White cotton table runner Natural linen table runner > Apron Linen modern apron Semi-white cotton retro apron > Placemat Natural linen placemat > Kitchen glove White cotton kitchen glove White cotton pot holder

Table runner



Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

401780 830156 3 339431 830156 8 401780 830146 4 339431 830146 9

3 3

67x87 cm 60x85 cm

401780 830150 1 339431 830150 6 401780 830151 8 339431 830151 3

3 3

35x50 cm

401780 830147 1

339431 830147 6


16x29 cm

401780 830154 9 339431 830154 4


20x20 cm

401780 830152 5 339431 830152 0




50x200 cm 50x200 cm

Kitchen glove

> Cushions Ref.




Linen modern apron

Pot holder

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

Cushion cover 40x40

> Cotton / linen cushion cover

DHOM001W* White cotton 170g - Closed sides DHOM001LB Linen - Closed sides DHOM002W* White cotton 170g - Closed sides


>Cotton / linen cushion cover White Popeline - Closed sides Natural Calico - Closed sides White Calico - Closed sides

40x40 cm 40x40 cm 30x50 cm

401780 830141 9 339431 830141 4 401780 830142 6 339431 830142 1 401780 830143 3 339431 830143 8

3 3 3

40x40 cm 40x40 cm 40x40 cm

401780 801207 0 339431 801207 5 401780 803467 6 339431 803467 1 401780 803468 3 339431 803468 8

6 6 6

> Little extras Product


> Door-curtain DHOM003* Linen door-curtain > Wallet-emptyer DHOM006LBS* Natural linen wallet-emptyer > Lavender bag SBA2S Habotai 8/Pongé 9



Semi-wHite cotton retro apron

Cushion cover 30x50

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

100x200 cm

401780 830145 7 339431 830145 2


30x17x13 cm

401780 830149 5 339431 830149 0


15x11 cm

401780 800048 0 339431 800048 5



door-curtain Lavender bag

> Bags Product


> Large model pullstring bag White cotton pullstring bag Natural linen pullstring bag > Small model pullstring bag White cotton pullstring bag Natural linen pullstring bag > Shoe bag White cotton shoe bag > Bag with string Natural calico string bag



Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

76x41 cm 76x41 cm

401780 830139 6 339431 830139 1 401780 830140 2 339431 830140 7

3 3

37x41 cm 37x41 cm

401780 824899 8 339431 824899 3 401780 830137 2 339431 830137 7

6 6

31x34 cm

401780 803455 3 339431 803455 8


18x33 cm

401780 820550 2 339431 820550 7


Large pullstring bag Small pullstring bag

bag with string shoe bag


* While supplies last.

** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.

painting surfaces





> Shoulder bag White cotton shoulder bag Black cotton shoulder bag Khaki cotton shoulder bag > Messenger bag White cotton messenger bag Khaki cotton messenger bag > Hand bag White cotton hand bag Khaki cotton hand bag > Large hand bag White cotton large hand bag Black cotton large hand bag > Purse White cotton purse Black cotton purse Khaki Black cotton purse > Pouch White cotton pouch Black cotton pouch > shopping bag > Carrier bag White linen wood handles Natural linen wood handles > Shopping bag Semi White cotton short handles with wide sides White cotton long handles with semi white cotton pocket > Shopping bag Short handle natural Calico > Pouch Small linen cotton pouch Medium white cotton pouch


Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

47x21,5 cm 47x21,5 cm 47x21,5 cm

401780 830087 0 339431 830087 5 401780 830089 4 339431 830089 9 401780 830088 7 339431 830088 2

3 3 3

75x40 cm 75x40 cm

401780 830077 1 339431 830077 6 401780 830079 5 339431 830079 0

3 3

38x21 cm 38x21 cm

401780 830090 0 339431 830090 5 401780 830092 4 339431 830092 9

3 3

50x55cm 50x55cm

401780 830094 8 339431 830094 3 401780 830199 0 339431 830199 5

3 3

43x31 cm 43x31 cm 43x31 cm

401780 830074 0 339431 830074 5 401780 830075 7 339431 830075 2 401780 830076 4 339431 830076 9

3 3 3

88x22 cm 88x22 cm

401780 830093 1 339431 830093 6 401780 830197 6 339431 830197 1

3 3

43x41x18 cm 43x41x18 cm

401780 830072 6 339431 830072 1 401780 830073 3 339431 830073 8

3 3

35x38x9 cm

401780 830085 6 339431 830085 1


37x41 cm

401780 830083 2 339431 830083 7


37x42 cm

401780 830131 0

339431 830131 5


15x19,5 cm 16x24 cm

401780 830106 8 339431 830106 3 401780 830107 5 339431 830107 0

3 3

Shoulder bag

hand bag

Messenger bag

large hand bag



short handles

Carrier bag

long handles

> Collection Product

Ref. CPAP006*

> Tunic White cotton



One size

401780 830112 9


shopping bag calico

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each** 339431 830112 4



* While supplies last.

** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.


Creative Leisure



painting surfaces

> Basic Product



> BASICS WOMEN Jersey White 200g/m2 > T-shirt long-sleeved T-shirt long-sleeved > T-shirt short-sleeved T-shirt short-sleeved T-shirt short-sleeved > BASICS MEN Jersey White 135g/m2 > T-shirt short-sleeved T-shirt short-sleeved



Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**




401780 830125 9

339431 830125 4



401780 830121 1 401780 830122 8

339431 830121 6 339431 830122 3

3 3


401780 803080 7 339431 803080 2


women T-shirt long-sleeved

women t-shirt short-sleeved

men t-shirt short-sleeved

> Fashion accessories Product

Ref. CPAP004B* CPAP004W* CPAP004K* CPAP002W* CPAP002LB* CPAP003LB*

> Belt Black canvas belt White canvas belt Khaki canvas belt > Hat White cotton hat Linen hat > Bandanna Linen bandanna


Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**


One size - 115 cm 401780 830104 4 339431 830104 9 One size - 115 cm 401780 830102 0 339431 830102 5 One size - 115 cm 401780 830103 7 339431 830103 2 One size One size

401780 830100 6 339431 830100 1 401780 830099 3 339431 830099 8

3 3

One size

401780 830101 3


339431 830101 8

painting surfaces

> baby’s first clothes Product

Ref. BBPAP002M* BBACC010* BBACC011* BBPAP001M* BBACC003* BBACC004* BBACC002*

3 3 3


> Bodysuit 3 months - 62/68 cm Bodysuit Jersey White 180g > Slipper Slipper Linen Size 16 Slipper White Cotton Size 16 > One-piece 3 months - 62/68 cm White Jersey 180 g one-piece > Cosmetic bag Cosmetic Bag, cotton & towelling white 20x25 cm > Vanity Vanity, cotton & towelling white 21x21x15 cm > Baby sleeper Baby Sleeper, cotton & towelling white One Size - 50x80 cm






Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

Barcode 401780 830175 4

339431 830175 9


401780 830167 4 401780 830168 6

339431 830167 4 339431 830168 1

3 3

401780 830172 3

339431 830172 8


401780 830160 0 339431 830160 5


401780 830161 7

339431 830161 2


401780 830159 4

339431 830159 9

1 baby sleeper



* While supplies last.



cosmetic bag


** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.

painting surfaces

> small decorations BBACC009 BBACC012* BBACC007*


> Box Large Box > Wall-hanging Wall-Hanging Linen > Soft plush Rabbit with Carrot


31,5x17,5x12,5 cm 401780 830166 2 339431 830166 7


KACC003-1* KACC003-2* KPAP002-3/5* KPAP002-6/8*

401780 830169 3

339431 830169 8


L 41 cm

401780 830164 8

339431 830164 3



> Slipper Slipper Child Slipper Child > Pyjama White Cotton Pyjama White Cotton Pyjama

Size 27 Size 30



K PAP003-3/5* TSLS4/6* TSLS8/10* TSSS4/6* TSNS4/6*

> School apron Unbleached cotton school apron > T-shirt girl WHITE Jersey 200g/m2 T-Shirt Long-sleeved T-Shirt Long-sleeved T-Shirt Short-sleeved > Tank-top WHITE Jersey 200g/m2 Tank-top


> Small Bag Girl Small Bag Girl Canvas White > Wallet Girl Wallet Canvas White > Pencilcase Natural canvas pencilcase White canvas pencilcase > Child shopping bag Natural Calico child shopping bag > Cap KACC002S* White cotton cap

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

3-5 years / 104 cm 401780 830179 2 339431 830179 7 6-8 years / 116 cm 401780 830180 8 339431 830180 3

1 1



3 3


3-5 years / 104 cm 401780 830181 5


4-6 years / 110 cm 401780 830195 2 339431 830195 7 8-10 years / 134 cm 401780 830196 9 339431 830196 4 4-6 years / 110 cm 401780 830193 8 339431 830193 3

3 3 3

4-6 years / 110 cm 401780 830189 1




18x26 cm

401780 830187 7

Ø 8cm Ø 7,5 cm Ø 7,5 cm





Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each** 339431 830181 0

> my accessories Ref.


401780 830185 3 339431 830185 8 401780 830186 0 339431 830186 5

> my basics Ref.


41x68 cm

> My Very Own Style


Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each**

painting surfaces


339431 830189 6



t-shirt long-sleeved

t-shirt short-sleeved

Product group 18 RRP Barcode Mini. each** 339431 830187 2


401780 830188 4 339431 830188 9


Small Bag Girl

401780 824363 4 339431 824363 9 6 401780 824402 0 339431 824402 5 6

25x28 cm

401780 830134 1

339431 830134 6 12

One size

401780 830184 6

339431 830184 1

shopping bag Wallet

3 pencilcase

* While supplies last.

** These prices are for information purposes only - refer to page 203 for further details.



Creative Leisure




DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY Decorative colours

Firma Pébéo přichází s novou řadou P.BO deco Pebeo Deco becomes P.BO deco, our new signature for crafts and pro domácí i venkovní dekoraci. Celkem 80 home decoration inside and outside. A total of 80 colours in 45 ml barev 45 ml lahvičkách jsoufinishes dostupné bottles ve available in matt, glossy and pearl that canv be used on wood, plaster, cardboard or metal + 2 pearl colours in 250ml matném, lesklém a perleťovém koncovém bottles. A range including trendy colours, or pastel, and delivzhledu. Barvy se používají nabright dřevo, omítku, cate pearl colours. lepenku nebo na kovy (na všechny povrchy). Škála barev je velmi rozsáhlá a obsahuje jak lesklé, tak pastelové a v neposlední řadě i perleťové odstíny.

Produktová Productskupina group 33

Produktová Product skupina group 33

Ref. 204

Product MATNÉ BARVY > Matt colours 45 ml bottle: lahvička, 50 barev 50 colours 45 ml

Apple Sepia Bermuda Sky blue Cretan blue Blueberry Indian Pink Light yellow Red Antique pink Antique blue Antique green Brown White Yellow gold Vermilion Light blue Dark blue Violet Light green Forest green Red ochre Sienna Grey

Barcode 316786 204101 9 316786 204102 6 316786 204103 3 316786 204104 0 316786 204105 7 316786 204106 4 316786 204107 1 316786 204022 7 316786 204024 1 316786 204026 5 316786 204027 2 316786 204028 9 316786 204029 6 316786 204041 8 316786 204042 5 316786 204043 2 316786 204045 6 316786 204046 3 316786 204047 0 316786 204048 7 316786 204049 4 316786 204051 7 316786 204052 4 316786 204054 8

45 ml >







250 ml >

Product Black Lemon Garnet red Bright pink Lilac Ashy violet Light blue Almond green Spring green Greengold Ash green Antique white Ash brown Naples yellow Portrait pink Ash pink Burnt umber Raspberry Parma Navy blue Carribean blue Mango Tangerine Cherry Anise Lawn

Barcode 316786 204055 5 316786 204056 2 316786 204057 9 316786 204058 6 316786 204059 3 316786 204060 9 316786 204061 6 316786 204063 0 316786 204064 7 316786 204066 1 316786 204068 5 316786 204069 2 316786 204070 8 316786 204071 5 316786 204072 2 316786 204073 9 316786 204074 6 316786 204076 0 316786 204077 7 316786 204079 1 316786 204080 7 316786 204081 4 316786 204082 1 316786 204083 8 316786 204084 5 316786 204085 2


RRP each

Ref. 092



LESKLÉ BARVY > glossy colours 45 ml ml bottle: lahvička, 20 barev 45 20 colours Vanilla Blue Swimming pool Pistachio Intense green Fairy pink Strawberry White Bright yellow Dark yellow Orange Bright red Dark red Medium blue Light blue Turquoise Dark green Spring green Light green Deep black


316786 092110 8 316786 092111 5 316786 092112 2 316786 092113 9 316786 092114 6 316786 092115 3 316786 092116 0 316786 092001 9 316786 092003 3 316786 092004 0 316786 092005 7 316786 092006 4 316786 092007 1 316786 092012 5 316786 092013 2 316786 092014 9 316786 092015 6 316786 092016 3 316786 092017 0 316786 092020 0

Produktová Productskupina group 33




285 286




PERLEŤOVÉ BARVY > PEARL colours 45 ml ml bottle: lahvička, 17 barev 45 17 colours Pearl silk Pearl sun Pearl copper Pearl mist Pearl chlorophyll Provencal pearl Antique pearl Pearl anemone Pearl silver Pearl gold Night pearl Red pearl Yellow pearl Blue pearl Chocolate pearl Green pearl Violine pearl 250 2 barvy 250 ml ml lahvička, bottle: 2 colours Silver* Gold*

316786 285101 4 316786 285102 1 316786 285103 8 316786 285104 5 316786 285105 2 316786 285106 9 316786 285107 6 316786 285108 3 316786 285039 0 316786 285040 6 316786 285109 0 316786 285110 6 316786 285111 3 316786 285112 0 316786 285113 7 316786 285114 4 316786 285115 1 316786 286039 9 316786 286040 5


RRP each


Creative Leisure

Produktová Productskupina group 33


> P.BO deco assorted boxes Produktová Productskupina group 33





316786 753401 1


316786 753411 0


316786 753413 4


316786 754401 0


316786 754411 9





Různé sady > Assorted boxes

753401 Discovery Collection Sada Discovery matmatt různých2020 lahviček 66assorted mlml bottles Sada Discovery lesk 753411 Discovery Collection glossy různých2020mlmlbottles lahviček 66assorted .

753413 Discovery Collection pearl Sada Discovery perleť různých2020mlmlbottles lahviček 66assorted . Sada Discovery mat 754401 Discovery Collection matt různých lahviček 1212assorted 2020 mlml bottles . Sada Discovery lesk 754411 Discovery Collection glossy různých lahviček 1212assorted 2020 mlmlbottles .

Produktová Productskupina group 33


Sada Collection Studio 758401 Studio

10 různých 45 ml lahviček,



316786 758401 6


RRP each

10 assorted 45 ml n°8, bottles, 1 squirrel 1 štětec Squirrel 1 houbička, mini paleta, brush no 8, 1 1sponge, 1 mini palette, tuba Touch Deco 30 ml, 111tube Touch Deco 30 ml, 1 flyer. leták

Ref. 758401 >

Studio Collection Sada Studio

< Ref. 753413

Discovery Sada Discovery Collection 6x20 6 x 20mlmlperleť - pearl

< Ref. 753411 Collection Discovery Sada Discovery 66x20 x 20mlmllesk - glossy

Ref. 754401 > < Ref. 753401 Discovery Collection Sada Discovery 6x20 6 x 20mlmlmat - matt

Discovery Collection Sada Discovery 12x20 mat 12 xml20 ml - matt

< Ref. 754411

Discovery Collection Sada Discovery 12x20 12 x 20ml mllesk - glossy

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies


> colour-chart P.BO deco > Matt

101 Apple

13 Light blue

41 White

84 Anise

14 Turquoise

56 Lemon

85 Lawn

12 Medium blue

22 Light yellow

48 Light green

112 Swimming pool

81 Mango

63 Almond green

113 Pistachio

71 Naples yellow

64 Spring green

17 Light green

42 Yellow gold

68 ASh green

16 Spring green

82 Tangerine

28 Antique green

114 Intense green

24 Red

66 Greengold

15 Dark green

43 Vermilion

49 Forest green

110 Vanilla

83 Cherry

72 Portrait pink

20 Deep black

107 Indian pink

69 Antique white

26 Antique pink

102 Sepia

76 Raspberry

70 Ash brown

5102 Pearl sun

58 Bright pink

51 Red ochre

5111 Yellow pearl

57 Garnet red

52 Sienna

5103 Pearl copper

73 Ash pink

29 Brown

5110 Red pearl

59 Lilac

74 Burnt umber

5108 Pearl anemone

106 Blueberry

54 Grey

5107 Antique pearl

60 Ashy violet

55 Black

5115 Violine pearl 5109 Night pearl

77 Parma 47 Violet


> Pearl

> Glossy

5112 Blue pearl

27 Antique blue

01 White

5105 Chrlorophyll Pearl

104 Sky blue

03 Bright yellow

5106 Provencal pearl

45 Light blue

04 Dark yellow

5114 Green pearl

103 Bermudas

05 Orange

5113 Chocolate pearl

80 Carribean blue

06 Bright red

5104 Pearl mist

105 Cretan blue

07 Dark red

39 Pearl silver

61 Light blue

115 Fairy pink

40 Pearl gold

79 Navy blue

116 Strawberry

5101 Pearl silk

46 Dark blue

111 Blue

• 250 ml

Decorative colours

Cream of colour

Ref. 0931

Product 110 ml tube: 45 colours Caramel Volcanic red Passionate red Nasturtium orange Milky pink Girly pink Sweet pea Fuchsia pink Peony pink Plum Cloud white Velvet black Kelp brown Autumn brown Tuareg Sea sponge Desert Vanilla cream Quince yellow Harvest Melon Ember


Product group 3 RRP

316786 093101 5 316786 093102 2 316786 093103 9 316786 093104 6 316786 093105 3 316786 093106 0 316786 093107 7 316786 093108 4 316786 093109 1 316786 093110 7 316786 093111 4 316786 093112 1 316786 093113 8 316786 093114 5 316786 093115 2 316786 093116 9 316786 093117 6 316786 093118 3 316786 093119 0 316786 093120 6 316786 093121 3 316786 093122 0





Product Cretan dream Sidi bou Saïd Good weather Oxygen Lavender milk Boy blue Iris Amethyst Cadet Wood green Oak leaf Rennet green Acid green Ice pistachio Hong kongees green Fiji Turquoise Gardener’s green Mine Black stone Turtle dove Gold Silver


Creative Leisure

Cream of colour, a creamy, generous range, luminous and cheerful. Particularly dedicated to Home Decoration in the wider meaning of the term. 45 colours in 110 ml tubes, creamy consistency with a matt aspect. Very resistant, highly covering, ideal to decorate with a single application objects, small furniture, canvasses and wall decorations.

Product group 3 RRP pack


316786 093123 7 316786 093124 4 316786 093125 1 316786 093127 5 316786 093128 2 316786 093129 9 316786 093130 5 316786 093131 2 316786 093132 9 316786 093133 6 316786 093134 3 316786 093135 0 316786 093136 7 316786 093137 4 316786 093139 8 316786 093140 4 316786 093141 1 316786 093142 8 316786 093143 5 316786 093144 2 316786 093145 9 316786093146 6 316786093147 3

110 ml >


> colour-chart P.BO deco cream of colour

11 Cloud white

27 Oxygene

42 Gardener’s green

19 Quince yellow

25 Good weather

18 Vanilla cream

20 Harvest

24 Sidi bou SaĂŻd

17 Desert

21 Melon

23 Cretan dream

16 Sea sponge

22 Ember

32 Cadet

05 Milky pink

03 Passionate red

28 Lavender milk

15 Tuareg

02 Volcanic red

29 Boy blue

01 Caramel

06 Girly pink

41 Turquoise

14 Autumn brown

04 Nasturtium orange

40 Fiji

13 Kelp brown

07 Sweet pea

39 Hong kongees green

45 Turtle dove

08 Fuchsia pink

37 Ice pistachio

43 Mine

09 Peony pink

36 Acid green

44 Black stone

10 Plum

35 Rennet green

12 Velvet black

31 Amethyst

34 Oak leaf

46 Gold

30 Iris

33 Wood green

47 Silver

Stencil cream 15 colours in tubes of 110 ml coordinated with the range Cream of Colours. The shades of both ranges contrast and complete each other. 3 lines of products for a multitude of combinations: 5 pastels colours, 5 tonic colours and 5 trendy colours. The thick consistency of the range dedicates it for creating in dimension. It presents a matt effect, and maintains a supple aspect. Very resistant, and highly covering, apply with painting knife or stencil on objects, furniture, canvasses or mural decoration. Allows to create dimensional effects with combs or effect nozzles. 110 ml >


* While supplies last.



Product > stencil cream 110 ml tube: 15 colours Shell* Marshmallow* Banana* Azores* Pistachio* Pencil grey* Heather* Sand* Turquoise* Olive* Nut* Poppy* Apricot* Chambray* English*


Product group 3 RRP pack


316786 093201 2 316786 093202 9 316786 093203 6 316786 093204 3 316786 093205 0 316786 093206 7 316786 093207 4 316786 093208 1 316786 093209 8 316786 093210 4 316786 093211 1 316786 093212 8 316786 093213 5 316786 093214 2 316786 093215 9


Concrete cream 15 colours in 110 ml tubes with the soft touch of smooth concrete. This range of colours finds its inspiration in nature for a refined and gentle atmosphere without contrast. A range of semi-shades offering subtle and similar shades. Use flat or in dimension. Apply with a knife on objects, furniture, canvasses and wall decorations. May also be worked with a comb for effects.


110 ml >

Al Fresco colours A range of colours inspired by the observation of walls aged in a period of time throughout which layers of paint have been applied one over the other. 18 colours in 150 ml jars, for a whitewashed effect, chalky finish, matt and smooth. Can be used pure or applied over a P.BO Deco Basic colour. Wiped, it creates an aged, patina effect on objects and small furniture. To be applied with a whitewash brush or a natural sponge.


150 ml >

Glazing colours A range of finishing mediums to play with transparency effects, contrasts and shades of colour. 12 satin finish colours in 150 ml jar that can be applied over an Al Fresco colour or a P.BO Deco Basic colour. To be used on small furniture and objects with a smoothing brush to obtain regular traces or with a natural sponge for a patina effect. 150 ml >





Product > Concrete cream 110 ml tube: 15 colours Bright red* Wine less* Tuscany* Light pink* Mushroom* Moss* Heath* Lichen* Provence* Ice* Slate grey* Rockery* Storm* Sea mist* Fine sand*

Product > al fresco colour 150 ml jar: 18 colours Cotton flower* Wet sand* Dune* Moonstone* In pink* Earth spirit* Burnt earth* Amethyst* Summer mist* Pebble grey* Rock grey* Air blue* Fragile cornflower* Spring breeze* Garden green* Vine* Fig* Kaolin*

Product > glazing colour 150 ml jar: 12 colours Twine* Sponge* Honey* Craft* Linen* Coral* Hot chocolate* Parma* Figue* Moss* Water green* Lapis*


Product group 3 RRP pack


316786 093301 9 316786 093302 6 316786 093303 3 316786 093304 0 316786 093305 7 316786 093306 4 316786 093307 1 316786 093308 8 316786 093309 5 316786 093310 1 316786 093311 8 316786 093312 5 316786 093313 2 316786 093314 9 316786 093315 6


Product group 3 RRP pack

316786 091101 7 316786 091102 4 316786 091103 1 316786 091104 8 316786 091105 5 316786 091106 2 316786 091107 9 316786 091108 6 316786 091109 3 316786 091110 9 316786 091111 6 316786 091112 3 316786 091113 0 316786 091114 7 316786 091115 4 316786 091116 1 316786 091117 8 316786 091118 5



Creative Leisure



Product group 3 RRP

316786 091201 4 316786 091202 1 316786 091203 8 316786 091204 5 316786 091205 2 316786 091206 9 316786 091207 6 316786 091208 3 316786 091209 0 316786 091210 6 316786 091211 3 316786 091212 0



* While supplies last.



> colour-chart P.BO deco stencil cream 01 Shell*

07 Heather*

10 Olive*

03 Banana*

04 Azores*

15 English*

13 Apricot*

14 Chambray*

08 Sand*

12 Poppy*

09 Turquoise*

11 Nut*

02 Marshmallow*

05 Pistachio*

06 Pencil grey*

> colour-chart P.BO deco concrete cream 03 Tuscany*

14 Sea mist*

15 Fine sand*

01 Bright red*

13 Storm*

05 Mushroom*

04 Light pink*

09 Provence*

08 Lichen*

02 Wine less*

07 Heath*

12 Rockery*

10 Ice*

06 Moss*

11 Slate grey*

> colour-chart P.BO deco al fresco colours 02 Wet sand*

08 Amethyste*

04 Moonstone*

03 Dune*

12 Air blue*

17 Fig*

06 Amethyst*

13 Fragile cornflower*

18 Kaolin*

07 Burnt earth*

14 Spring breeze*

10 Pebble grey*

16 Vine*

15 Garden green *

11 Rock grey*

05 In pink*

09 Summer mist*

01 Cotton flower*

> colour-chart P.BO deco glazing colours


02 Sponge*

08 Parma*

10 Moss*

03 Honey*

09 Figue*

05 Linen*

06 Coral*

12 Lapis*

07 Hot chocolate*

04 Craft*

11 Water green

01 Twine*

* While supplies last.

DOPLŇKY Auxiliaries

DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY Decorative colours

Produktová Productskupina group 33



RRP each


> surface preparation > PŘÍPRAVA PODKLADU Příprava podkladu Surface preparation 250 ml nádoba 094108 250 ml jar

316786 094108 3



> Effets Gloss Lesklýgel gel 110ml mltube tuba 110

316786 094101 4


Can be mixed with the Cream ofodstínů, colours to bring jako transparency as vytvoření transparentních stejně lesklého konečného well as a glossyvzhledu aspect tobarev. the colours.

Matt Matnýgel gel 110ml mltube tuba 094102 110

316786 094102 1


Can be mixed with the Cream ofodstínů, colours to bringjako transparency as vytvoření transparentních stejně matného well as a mattvzhledu aspect tobarev. the colours. konečného


316786 094103 8


Can be used or mixed withsmíchaný the Cream of colours toP.BO create a 3D Používá sepure samotný nebo s barvami Déco Cream of colour pro vytvoření 3D efektu. effect.

White sand gel Bílý pískový gel mltube tuba 110 ml 094104 110

316786 094104 5


Gel be seused používá samotný nebo s barvami v to give Can pure or mixed with the smíchaný Cream of colours (50/50) 50/50 pro vytvoření pískového efektu. apoměru sandy effect.

Glow in the darkgel Fosforescentní 110ml mltube tuba 094105 110

316786 094105 2


Fosforeskují gel používejte jen samostatně Phosphorescent gel to be used pure.

Decoupage Dekupáž nádoba 094109 250 250 ml jar

316786 094109 0


To transferpro images from a paper document to the your Vhodný přenesení obrázků z papíru nasurface povrchofdle Vaší volby. choice.

Popraskaný efekt Fissured effect 75ml mlbottle lahvička 094204 75

316786 094204 2


Médium, které se používá k vytvoření velice Give a spectacular crackling effect. zajímavého popraskaného efektu.

Image transfert 094205 75 ml bottle

316786 094205 9


To transferseimages from a paperobrázků document to the surface of your Používá pro přenesení z papíru na povrch dle Vaší volby. choice.

316786 094210 3


Relief Reliéf 110ml mltube tuba 110

Sada popraskaný effet set efekt Crackling ml tubes 094210 22x75 x 75 ml ml lahvička, bottles, 22x20 x 20 ml patina tuby, návod patinas,, user guide. of k použití


Sada patina "Měďenka" Verdigris patina kit 2x75 návod 2 x 75ml mllahvička, bottles, user guide. k použití

Univerzální barva. Bílý krycí základ je vhodný pro přípravu všech před malováním. withpovrchů the Cream of colours to bringNanášejte transparencynaas Can be mixed čistý a suchý povrch.

well as a glossy aspect to the colours.

Gel lze míchat s barvami P.BO Déco Cream of Colour pro

Gel lze míchat s barvami P.BO Déco Cream of Colour pro

(nemíchejte s barvami).

you need to give your decorated Everything Vše, co potřebujete k dekoraci s popraskaným objects a cracklingefektem. effect.

316786 094213 4

1 Sada, to díky nížreproduce budete moci snadnoeffects Allows easily the oxidation reprodukovat efekt nebo of bronze or copper onoxidace any type mědi of surfaces. bronzu na jakýkoli typ povrchu.

>> Varnish LAKY Lak se třpytkami Bling bling gutter varnish 250 ml nádoba 094106 250 ml jar

316786 094106 9


Water based varnish with a glitter silver finish. třpytkami.

Super lak Super lack ml jar nádoba 094107 250 250 ml

316786 094107 6


Velmi světlý dekorativní lakbased založený vodníGives bázi.your Dodá Very bright andadecorative water lacquernavarnish. Vašim výtvorům creation a lacqueredlakovaný effect. vzhled.

Antique lak varnish Antický ml bottle lahvička 094201 75 75 ml

316786 094201 1


This varnish gives a very glossy finish as wellpředměty as a slight amber effect. lehce jantarový odstín. Nalakované získají vzhled, The varnished object to have vacquired a patina age.stárnutím. jakoby patina bylaseems vytvořená průběhu časuwith jejich

Gloss varnish Lesklý lak ml bottle lahvička 094202 75 75 ml

316786 094202 8


Tento vodou ředitelný lak are je ideální ochranu These průhledný, colourless water based varnishes ideal topro protect any jakýhokoli předmětu dekorovaného pomocí barev P.BO Déco. Doba pro objects decorated with P.BO deco colours. They dry within 1 orpotřebná schnutí je 1-2 hodiny, přičemž po zaschnutí je lak neodstranitelný.


These colourless based varnishes ideal topro protect any jakéhokoli Tento průhledný,water vodou ředitelný lakare je ideální ochranu předmětu dekorovaného barev P.BO dry Déco. Doba pro objects decorated with P.BOpomocí deco colours. They within 1 orpotřebná schnutí je 1-2 zaschnutí 2 hours and arehodiny, indeliblepoonce dry. je lak neodstranitelný.

Vodou ředitelný lak se stříbrnými

Lak s vysokým leskem, který po nanesení dodává barvám

2 hours and are indelible once dry.

Matný lak Matt varnish ml bottle lahvička 75 ml 094203 75

316786 094203 5


Creative Leisure



DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY Decorative colours

Tabulová barvapaint Chalkboard 11 250 ml cans for pro decorating and 11colours barev in v 250 ml metal plechovkách dekoraci having fun. Barvy, Colourskteré that will make you rediscover a zábavu. Vám pomohou znovu the pleasures of writing with chalk.Nanáší Chalkboard objevit potěšení z psaní křídou. se na všechny povrchy vysoce with absorpčního finish. To be appliedpomocí on all surfaces an válečku. roller. anti-drip

Magnetická colour barva Magnetic A magnetic base inv250 500mlmlplechovkách metal cans to Křídové základy 250mla &500 create magnetic coatings on all surfaces, and slouží k vytvoření nátěrů pro všechny objects povrchy, walls. Applya with an Nanáší anti-dripse roller. předměty stěny. pomocí vysoce absorpčního válečku.

Produktová Productskupina group 33

Ref. 0935 093521

Product > Chalkboard paint 250 ml plechovka, 11 barev 250 ml tin: 11 colours

Blackboard Zinc Turquoise Blackcurrant Grenadine Violine purple Royalty blue Chalkboard green Mandarin Imperial red Slate grey 500 500 ml ml plechovka, tin: 1 colour 1 barva Blackboard

Barcode 316786 093501 3 316786 093502 0 316786 093503 7 316786 093504 4 316786 093505 1 316786 093507 5 316786 093508 2 316786 093509 9 316786 093510 5 316786 093511 2 316786 093512 9 316786 093521 1


Produktová Productskupina group 33







MAGNETICKÁ BARVA > magnetic colour ml tin Magnet plechovka Magnet 093506 250 250 ml 093526 500 500 ml ml plechovka tin Magnet Magnet



316786 093506 8 316786 093526 6

2 1

250 ml >

RRP each

500 ml >

> colour-chart P.BO deco chalkboard paint


10 Mandarin

08 Royalty blue

02 Zinc

05 Grenadine

03 Turquoise

12 Slate grey

04 Blackcurrant

09 Chalkboard green

01 Blackboard

07 Violine purple

11 Imperial red

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies

• 500 ml

> Gilding P.BO Deco



0913 0914 09420 09421

PATINOVACÍ VOSK > patinating wax 37 ml ml tube: tuba, 10 10colours barev 37 Empire gold King gold Renaissance gold Antique gold Silver Blue Green White Pink Black > Gilding paint > ZKRÁŠLOVACÍ BARVA 75 ml bottle, lahvička, 5 barev 5 colours 75 ml Empire gold King gold Renaissance gold Antique gold Silver >> Gold leaves ZLATÉ LISTY 12 listů, 5booklet: barev 5 colours 12 leaves 12 Gold leaf book Gold 12 Gold leaf book Silver 12 Gold leaf book Copper 12 Gold leaf book Square blue 13 Gold leaf book Square red >>Gold flakes ZLATÉ VLOČKY Plastová krabička, 4 barvy Plastic box: 4 colours Gold Chips Gold Gold Chips Silver Gold Chips Copper Gold Chips Brown

316786 091301 1 316786 091302 8 316786 091303 5 316786 091304 2 316786 091305 9 316786 091306 6 316786 091307 3 316786 091308 0 316786 091309 7 316786 091310 3 316786 091401 8 316786 091402 5 316786 091403 2 316786 091404 9 316786 091405 6 316786 094208 0 316786 094209 7 316786 094215 8 316786 094216 5 316786 094217 2 316786094218 9 316786094219 6 316786094220 2 316786094221 9

>> Auxiliary DOPLŇKY ml bottle lahvička 094214 Gilding Guildingpasta, paste 75 75 ml

316786 094214 1





3 Patinovací sewax používají na pozlacení nebo Patina waxes vosky to gild or wood, cardboard, plaster, metal... voskování dřeva, kartonu, sádry, Rich and bright, this range allows you tokovu bring… an elegant Bohaté touch a jasné barvy dodajíUnctuous, Vašim věcem elegantní, to your objects. these waxes are finishing konečnýand vzhled. jsou apříjemné natodotek pleasing easy toVosky apply using cotton wick createaa snadno se aplikují pomocí bavlněného hadříku, díky patina finish. kterému dosáhnete výsledného patinového vzhledu.

3 Fine and aprecious, the gilding paint is barva appliedse with a brush to Jemná prvotřídní zkrášlovací aplikuje pomocí štětce k vytvoření nového, create designs, rendering a refined touch či to zušlechtění any decorated starého povrchu object.



goldvločky flakes derived from copperzormědi Gold Zlatéleaves listy and a zlaté jsou derivované nebo hliníkových Používají se pro aluminium sheets arelistů. used to render a gold or silver vytváření Velice effect. Easy zlatých to apply nebo with a stříbrných water-basedefektů. glue referred to snadno používají s lepidlem na vodní bázi as gilding se paste. (gilding pasta).

3 Vodoutoředitelné lepidlo ihned k použití for Ready use preparation topřipravené glue gilding leaves. Adequate proclean lepení Déco Zlatých listů a Zlatých any andP.BO dry surfaces. vloček. Lze jej nanášet na jakýkoliv čistý a suchý povrch.

Další info

LISTY & VLOČKY Gliding leaves

& chips

Gold leaf

Gold andzlaté goldvločky flakes derived from copperzor Zlatéleaves listy a jsou derivované mědi nebo hliníkových listů. Používají pro aluminium sheets are used to render a gold orse silver vytváření effect. Easy zlatých to apply nebo with a stříbrných water-basedefektů. glue referred Velice snadno to as gilding používají s lepidlem na


vodní bázi (gilding pasta).


Gold chips






Brown Square-blue


Creative Leisure


Produktová Productskupina group 33

> Decoration Stencils Ref. 0946

Product > Decoration Stencil 10 references, 20 x 30 cm Baroque - Crown* Baroque - Vine Baroque - Smart Modern - Hearth Modern - Flower Modern - Puck Domotik - Glass* Domotik - Bust* Kid - Robot Kid - Butterfly Kid - Train


Product group 3 RRP pack


316786094601 9 316786094602 6 316786094603 3 316786094604 0 316786094605 7 316786094606 4 316786094608 8 316786094609 5 316786094610 1 316786094611 8 316786094612 5


Ref. 094603

Ref. 094601*

Ref. 094604

Ref. 094605

Ref. 094607*

Ref. 094602 Ref. 094608*

Ref. 094611

Ref. 094609*

Ref. 094606

Ref. 094602 >

N.B.: For ease of application, the decoration stencils are adhesive and restickable! Ref. 094612

> 3D Stencils Ref. 0945

Product > 3D Stencil 9 references, 20 x 30 cm Classique - Arabesque Classique - Light Classique - Flame Animal - Cat Animal - Bird Animal - Stag Imprint - Jewels* Imprint - Hat-peg* Pop Flower - Meadow Pop Flower - Tahiti


Product group 3 RRP pack

316786 094501 2 316786 094502 9 316786 094503 6 316786 094504 3 316786 094505 0 316786 094506 7 316786 094507 4 316786 094508 1 316786 094510 4 316786 094511 1


Ref. 094504


Ref. 094505

Ref. 094506

Ref. 094507*

Ref. 094510

Ref. 094501

Ref. 094508*

Ref. 094511

Ref. 094503

Ref. 094501 >

> Accessories Ref. 094301 094302 094317 094303 094304


Product Wash brush Smooth brush Stencil brush Cotton wool 100 gr Steel wool 70 gr

* While supplies last.


Product group 3 RRP

316786 094301 8 316786 094302 5 316786 094317 9 316786 094303 2 316786 094304 9


3 3 3 3 3


Product group 3 RRP




094305 094318 094307 094308 094306

Natural Sponge Anti drip painting roll Painting spatula, set of 2 Special effect nozzles, set of 5 Special effect plastic Comb

316786 094305 6 316786 094318 6 316786 094307 0 316786 094308 7 316786 094306 3


3 3 3 3 3


Decorative colours

Outdoor colours

Ref. 2044

< 45 ml colours

45 ml auxiliaries >



45 ml jar : 16 colours Chalk Sun Poppy Indigo Turquoise Provence Prairie Farmland Forest Ochre Worn earth Earthy Granite Black Gold Silver

316786 204401 0 316786 204402 7 316786 204403 4 316786 204404 1 316786 204405 8 316786 204406 5 316786 204407 2 316786 204408 9 316786 204409 6 316786 204411 9 316786 204412 6 316786 204413 3 316786 204414 0 316786 204415 7 316786 204420 1 316786 204421 8

> Auxiliaries P.BO deco OUTDOOR Ref.





Product group 3 Pack RRP 5


Product group 3 Description



> undercoat for plastic surfaces 45 ml jar 316786 204416 4


This undercoat increases the adhesive properties of the Deco Outdoor paints on (polypropylene and other types) of plastics surfaces.


> anti-coRrosion primer 45 ml jar

316786 204417 1


This undercoat increases the adhesive properties of the Deco Outdoor paints on (polypropylene and other types) of plastics surfaces.


> waterproofing 45 ml jar

316786 204418 8


Undercoat for all porous surfaces such as ceramic, wood, plaster. Allows to waterproof the surface before the application of Deco Outdoor paints.


> varnish protector 45 ml jar

316786 204419 5


This glossy varnish allows to increase the durability of projects in outdoor conditions and to protect surfaces that will be used daily.

> colour-chart P.BO deco outdoor colours 01 Chalk

07 Prairie

14 Granite

02 Sun

08 Farmland

15 Black

03 Poppy

09 Forest

20 Gold

04 Indigo

11 Ochre

21 Silver

05 Turquoise

12 Worn earth

06 Provence

13 Earthy


Creative Leisure

Acrylic paint used for outdoor decoration on all types of sufaces. Matt finish, the colours are highly lightfast and resist to temperature variations.


surface colours

Decorate for přetvoří, just oneoživí evening or create something Touch Deco a uzpůsobí každý předmět. Ať už je to dřevo, kov, plast, nebo more permanent, winter hues andpapír… hints of summer... Touch Deco reinvents each object. Whether in wood,

Vyjádřete své nápady, pohrajte si s 39 odstíny, 5 metal, plastic or paper... rejuvenate, customize. efektovými barvami a 1 lepidlem a přidejte tak svůj osobitý styl svým výtvorům.

Express your ideas, play with the 39 colours, 5 effects and 1 glue to add your personal touch to your creations!

Produktová Productskupina group 33

Produktová Productskupina group 33

Ref. 5551 5553

Product LESKLÉ > GLOSS EFFECT 14colours, barev, 30 14 30ml mltuba tube Bright Yellow Orange Bright red Fresh Blue Absinthe Green Chocolate Black White Bougainvillea* Cinnamon* > METALICKÉ METAL EFFECT 66 colours, mltuba tube barev, 3030ml Gold Copper Pale Gold Silver Cobalt Black Pink Gold




316786 555102 7 316786 555103 4 316786 555104 1 316786 555106 5 316786 555107 2 316786 555110 2 316786 555112 6 316786 555113 3 316786 555114 0 316786 555109 6 316786 555301 4 316786 555302 1 316786 555303 8 316786 555304 5 316786 555305 2 316786 555306 9

RRP each


Ref. 5554 5555 5557

Product PERLEŤOVÉ EFFECT > PEARL barev, 30 30ml mltuba tube 55 colours, Pearl Brown Straw* Parma* Azure* TŘPYTIVÉ EFFECT > GLITTER 10 colours, barev, 30 10 30ml mltuba tube Gold Rich Gold Brown Greengold Antique Pink Light Silver Silver Black Snow Auburn* DOPLŇKY > AUXILIAIRES 30 ml 1doplňky, AUXILIARY, 30 tuba ml tube Touch deco glue

< 30 ml 96

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies




316786 555401 1 316786 555408 0 316786 555402 8 316786 555404 2 316786 555405 9 316786 555509 4 316786 555502 5 316786 555506 3 316786 555507 0 316786 555504 9 316786 555501 8 316786 555503 2 316786 555508 7 316786 555510 0 316786 555505 6 316786 555701 2






Ref. 555006* 555010* 555012* 555014* 555015*

> assortments Barcode

20 Ass. 5 mm cabochons P/T/G 10 Chinese pearls, shimmer grey 10 Chinese pearls, shimmer green 1 natural imitation leather bracelet 1 white imitation leather bracelet

Product group 3 Pack RRP



316786 555006 8 316786 555010 5 316786 555012 9 316786 555014 3 316786 555015 0

6 6 6 6 6

555060* 555061* 555062* 555064* 555065* 555056*



Classical Christmas 316786 555060 0 3 x 30 ml tubes gloss effect: bright red, absinthe green, white + accessories. Glittering 316786 555061 7 Baroque 316786 555062 4 Tonic 316786 555064 8 All Gold 316786 555065 5 “Personal Touch” Set 316786 555056 3 10 assorted colours

Product group 3 RRP Pack each


4 4 4 4 4

Creative Leisure

> accessories

Ref. 555006* > Cabochon 5 mm

Ref. 555060* >

Classical Christmas

< Ref. 555010* Chinese pearls shimmer grey

< Ref. 555012* Chinese pearls shimmer green

< Ref. 555014* Natural imitation leather bracelet

< Ref. 555015* White imitation

leather bracelet

> colour-chart touch Deco > Gloss

> Glitter

> Pearl

102 Bright Yellow

504 Antique Pink

402 Straw*

103 Orange

505 Auburn*

404 Parma*

109 Cinnamon*

507 Greengold

405 Azure*

104 Bright red

501 Light Silver

408 Brown

114 Bougainvillea*

503 Silver

401 Pearl

106 Fresh Blue

509 Gold

107 Absinthe Green

502 Rich Gold

110 Chocolate

508 Black

301 Gold

112 Black

510 Snow

302 Copper

113 White

> Metallic

306 Pink Gold 305 Cobalt Black 304 Silver 303 Pale Gold

výrobalast. * Ukončena While supplies



surface colours


NEdW Product



PEBEOve Exclusi

PEBEO představuje effectAbarvy. PEBEO introduces PrismePrisme effect colours. range of Řada originálních barev, kteréa precious dávají and original colours that give creations kreativitě nový a umožňují quality aspect withrozměr a professional finish. i amatérským výtvarníkům vytvářet dokonalé

Easy to use, the Prisme effect reveals itself while výrobky. drying rendering unique results. The 28 Fantasy Prisme colours can be used in thick Jednoduché použití, prsima efektmetal, se vytváří layer on all flat and horizontal surfaces: wood, sám během a dochází k unikátním ceramic, canvas,schnutí glass, terracotta, porcelain, mirror... výsledkům. opaque and glossy. Solvent-based,

Produktová Productskupina group 33



Product 45 ml ml bottle: lahvička, barev 45 28 28 coulours Eggshell White Summer yellow Buttercup Mandarin Vermilion English red blossom Cherry Icy Pink Antique pink pink Bluish Pearl violine Violet blue Ash blue Midnight Marina Caribbean blue Turquoise Almond green Emerald Pearl Green Leaf gold Green Green umber Cinnamon Antique gold Chestnut Moonstone Onyx

Další info



316786 166020 4 316786 166023 5 316786 166024 2 316786 166016 7 316786 166012 9 316786 166013 6 316786 166014 3 316786 166021 1 316786 166022 8 316786 166028 0 316786 166025 9 316786 166026 6 316786 166037 2 316786 166036 5 316786 166038 9 316786 166039 6 316786 166040 2 316786 166017 4 316786 166018 1 316786 166019 8 316786 166029 7 316786 166035 8 316786 166034 1 316786 166033 4 316786 166032 7 316786 166031 0 316786 166050 1 316786 166051 8


RRP each

28 Fantasy Prisme barev se nanáší v silných vrstvách na rovné nebo horizontální povrchy: kov, dřevo, keramika,plátna, sklo, terakota, porcelán, zrcadlo... Na bázi rozpuštědla, neprůhledné a lesklé.

< 45 ml Produktová Productskupina group 33





FantasyAccessory doplňky > Fantasy 166300 Plastic droppers 316786 166300 7 Plastové kapátka 3 ml kapátek SSada et of 55tigraded 3ml soft kplastic aplikaci barev Fantasy. droppers for the application of Fantasy colours.

RRP each


< Ref. 166300 Sada of55plastových Set pipet droppers plastic

Fantasy Prisme - Creating with magical effect! Vytváření magických efektů

• Snadné Easy to use, Prisme can se be nanáší appliedpomocí with a dropper, a brush or directly the na bottle onnebo a flat použití, Prisma kapátka, štětce nebo přímo zfrom lahvičky rovný and horizontal surface in thick layers. horizontální povrch v silných vrstvách. produktisjeasvhodný pro osoby, mají who již zkušenosti kreativními technikami. • Tento This product much adapted tokteré a person practices screative leisure on a regular basis than to a beginner. Precizní vzhled je ideální a kand dekoraci všech typů povrchů: kov, porcelán, • Its precious aspect is idealpro to tvorbu createšperků jewellery to decorate all types of surfaces: metal, china, terakota, acetát, keramika, dřevo... terracotta, acetate, ceramic,zrcadla, canvas,sklo, mirrors, glass,všechny wood… povrchy. all surfaces.

Mix Promíchejte

Apply Naneste

• Prisme canúžasně be usedmíchatelné in overlay atovytváří obtainpřekrásné contrasting effects. efekty. Prisme colours Barvy jsou kontrastní použití s barvami Vitrail dosahují překvapivých efektů. • Barvy FantasyFantasy Prisme Prisme colourspři used on wet Vitrail colours give surprising effects. K získání zaobleného efektu Vašich výtvorů,use použijte glazurovácí pryskyřici již zaschlé • To add a rounded effect to your creations, the Gédéo glaze resin over Gédéo very drynaPrisme colours. barvy Prisme.


Allow to dry Nechte zaschnout

Ref. 754166 758409



Různé sady > Assorted boxes Discovery Collection 316786 754166 8 Sada Discovery různých 20 20ml mlbottles. lahviček 66 assorted Sada Studio Studio Collection 316786 758409 2 10assorted různých45ml 45 ml barev, 10 colours, 1 Vitrail 1 zlatá kontura Vitrail 20 ml, pale gold cerne relief220ml, 4 plastové pipety, palety, 41 plastic leták droppers, 2 palettes, 1 leaflet.


Produktová Productskupina group 33






< Ref. 754166 Collection Sada Discovery Discovery



Sada Project Kit > Project Kit Collection Sada Project Kit Kit 751169 Bag Holder Project 316786 751169 2 2 barvy Fantasy Prisme 2 20ml Fantasy Prisme 20 ml colours: cherry blossom, ash blue, plastových pipet, 55plastic droppers, 1bag holder 1 sametový váček, with reclosable velvet pouch, 1 ilustrovaný leták krok za 1krokem illustrated step-by-step ++gift packaging dárkové balení 751168 Oval Project 316786 751168 5 SadaRing Project Kit sKit 2prstýnkem Fantasy Prisme 20 ml colours: 2 barvy Fantasy Prisme midnight blue, mandarine, 20ml: půlnoční modrá a plastic droppers, 1 oval ring, 5mandarine, 5 plastových 1 oválný prsten, 1pipet, illustrated step-by-step 1 ilustrovaný krok za gift packaging +krokem + dárkový balení

66x20 x 20mlml

Pack 4

RRP each

Creative Leisure

Produktová Productskupina group 33



< Ref. 751169 Bag Project Holder Kit Project Kit Sada

< Ref. 758409 Sada Studio Collection Studio


Ref. 751168 >

Oval Project SadaRing Project Kit s Kit prstýnkem

> colour-chart Fantasy prisme 20 Eggshell White

25 Pearl violine

29 Leaf

23 Summer yellow

26 Violet

35 Greengold

24 Buttercup

37 Ash blue

34 Green umber

16 Mandarin

36 Midnight blue

33 Cinnamon

12 Vermilion

38 Marina

31 Chestnut

13 English red

39 Caribbean blue

51 Onyx

14 Cherry blossom

40 Turquoise

50 Moonstone

21 Icy Pink

17 Almond green

32 Antique gold

22 Antique pink

18 Emerald

28 Bluish pink

19 Pearl Green



surface colours

Fantasy Moon

Fantasy Moon are the textured effect pearlescent Fantasy Moon jsounew nové texturní barvy, které and colours havekrycí. been developed majíopalescent perleťový efektthat a jsou S těmito by PEBEO. With the 18 solvent-based Fantasy Moon barvami lze dosáhnout unikátního efektu, bez colours you can obtain fabulous effects whether younebo ohledu na to zda s nimi pracuje začátečník are a beginner or an expert in creative leisure.


Easy to use, they adapted for working on all Jednoduše se are s nimi pracuje, surfaces: metal, porcelain, terracotta, acetate, přizpůsobí se každému povrchu: kov, ceramic, canvas, mirror, glass, wood... porcelán, taracota, keramika, plátno,

zrcadlo, sklo, dřevo...

< 45 ml Produktová Productskupina group 33

Produktová Productskupina group 33



Product 45 ml ml bottes: lahvička, barev 45 18 18 coulours Sand Apricot Salmon Carmine Rosewood Antique pink Lilac Metal blue Turquoise Emerald green Mystic Gold Vermeil Chocolate Pearl of smoke Veil Silver Ebony



316786 167015 9 316786 167016 6 316786 167019 7 316786 167012 8 316786 167023 4 316786 167021 0 316786 167022 7 316786 167038 8 316786 167036 4 316786 167018 0 316786 167017 3 316786 167032 6 316786 167033 3 316786 167034 0 316786 167020 3 316786 167011 1 316786 167035 7 316786 167026 5






754167 758408

Různé krabičky > Assorted boxes Sada Discovery Discovery Collection různých 20 ml lahviček 66 assorted 20 ml bottles. Sada Studio Collection Studio 10assorted různých45 45ml lahviček, ml bottles. 10 1 štětec, 2 palety, 1 leták 1 brush, 2 palettes, 1 leaflet.



316786 754167 5


316786 758408 5


< Ref. 754167 Discovery Discovery Sada

ml 6x20 Collection 6 x 20 ml

Ref. 758408 >

Studio Collection Sada Studio

Další info

Fantasy Moon - Colours with textured, hammered and pearlescent effects. Barvy s povrchem měsíce. Jednoduché použitíMoonwith se nanáší s plochým štětcem ve slabých nebo silných vrstvách. • Easy to use: Moon is applied a flat brush in thin or thick layers • T his product is asjemuch adapted to a person practices creatives leisure on a regular basis than to a beginner. Tento produkt vhodný pro osoby, kteréwho již mají zkušenosti kreativními technikami. Tento produkt Opalescentní a perleťový vzhled všech porcelán, teracota,acetate, acetát,ceramic, karemika, • Its opalescent and pearlescent finishjeis ideální ideal forpro thedekoraci decoration of allpovrchů: surfaces: kov, metal, china, terracotta, canvas, mirrors, glass, wood… surfaces.všechny povrchy. plátno, zrcadlo, sklo,alldřevo... • Moon canmohou be mixed together. Barvy colours Moon se spolu míchat. • Fantasy Moon colours on wetsVitrail or Ceramic effects. Barvy Fantasy Moonused při použití vlhkými barvamicolours Vitrail give nebomarbled Ceramic dosahují zajímavých efektů. K získání zaoblených výtvorů, použijte pryskyřice na již suché barvy Moon. • To add a rounded effectefektů to yourVašich creations, use the Gédéo glazurovací Glaze Resin over very dryGédéo Moon colours.

> colour-chart Fantasy Moon


15 Sand

22 Lilac

34 Chocolate

16 Abricot

38 Metal blue

20 Pearl

19 Salmon

36 Turquoise

11 Veil of smoke

12 Carmine

18 Emerald

26 Ebony

23 Rosewood

17 Mystic green

35 Silver

21 Antique pink

33 Vermeil

32 Gold

RRP each



Accessories Creative Leisure

«Fantasy accessories» is the new PEBEO range of wood and rhodium plated stainless steel surfaces for jewellery creation. Nickel free and adjustable to all sizes, Fantasy accessories can be decorated with the technique of your choice: collages, inclusions, Gédéo resin castings and Fantasy, Vitrail, PBO deco, and Ceramic colour application. You will quickly obtain stunning and beautiful jewellery, and this without having to be an expert!

Ref. 166800 166801 166803 166804 166802 166805 166807 166806 166809


Product 8 metal jewels Square ring Oval ring Square earrings Oval earrings Square bracelet Oval Bracelet Square Pendant Oval Pendant 1 wooden jewel Earrings


Product group 3 RRP Barcode Pack each 20 x 20 316786 166800 2 20 x 25 316786 166801 9 20 x 20 316786 166803 3 20 x 25 316786 166804 0 20 x 20 316786 166802 6 20 x 25 316786 166805 7 25 x 25 316786 166807 1 20 x 25 316786 166806 4 316786 166809 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Ref. 166800 >

Ref. 166801 >

Ref. 166806 >

Ref. 166802 >

Ref. 166805 >

Square ring

Ref. 166807 >

Square Pendant

Ref. 166803 > Square earrings

Product group 3 RRP Barcode Pack each

> Assorted boxes 758414 Collector Collection 316786 758414 6 Jewellery creation 1 Oval ring, 1 Oval Pendant, 1 Oval Bracelet, 1 sets of wodden earrings, 3 colours 45 ml Fantasy Prisme, 2 colours 45 ml Fantasy Moon, 2 colours 45 ml Ceramic, 2 colours 45 ml Vitrail, 1 Sparkling medium Vitrail 45 ml, 1 silver cernes relief 20 ml, 10 plastic droppers, 1 palette, 1 leaflet.


Oval ring

Square bracelet

Ref. 166804 >

Oval Pendant

Oval Bracelet

Oval earrings

Ref. 166809 > Earrings

< Ref. 758414

Collector collection Jewellery creation


DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY D ecorative colours


Vitrail Opaque Řada svítivých, A range of luminous transparentních a transparent and opaque neprůhledných barev na colours for glass. sklo. Barvy Vitrail mají Vitrail colours have an nesrovnatelnou měkkost a incomparable roundness lesk. and brilliance. Barvy se mohou vzájemně The colours can be mixed míchat. together.

< 20 ml Produktová Productskupina group 33


050 050




45 ml ml bottle: lahvička, transparentních 45 26 26 transparent coloursbarev 5 Deep blue 316786 050010 5 Brown 316786 050011 2 Crimson 316786 050012 9 Emerald 316786 050013 6 Yellow 316786 050014 3 Black 316786 050015 0 Orange 316786 050016 7 Turquoise 316786 050017 4 Chartreuse 316786 050018 1 violet Red 316786 050019 8 White 316786 050020 4 Pink 316786 050021 1 Greengold 316786 050022 8 Lemon 316786 050023 5 Violet 316786 050025 9 Purple 316786 050026 6 Sand 316786 050030 3 pink Old 316786 050031 0 Salmon 316786 050032 7 Parma 316786 050033 4 Apple green 316786 050034 1 green Dark 316786 050035 8 blue Sky 316786 050036 5 blue Cobalt 316786 050037 2 Gold 316786 050038 9 Pearl 316786 050039 6 10 neprůhledných 45 ml lahvička 10 opaque colours, barev, 45 ml bottle 5 Wheat yellow 316786 050040 2 yellow Sun 316786 050041 9 Light green 316786 050042 6 Ocean blue 316786 050043 3 jeans Blue 316786 050044 0 Red 316786 050045 7 316786 050046 4 Clementine

Pewter Warm gold Super white

Další info

316786 050047 1 316786 050048 8 316786 050049 5





250 transparentních 250 ml ml lahvička, bottle: 16 16 transparent coloursbarev Deep blue 316786 053010 2 Brown 316786 053011 9 Crimson 316786 053012 6 Emerald 316786 053013 3 Yellow 316786 053014 0 Black 316786 053015 7 Orange 316786 053016 4 Turquoise 316786 053017 1 Chartreuse 316786 053018 8 violet Red 316786 053019 5 White 316786 053020 1 Pink 316786 053021 8 Greengold 316786 053022 5 Lemon 316786 053023 2 Violet 316786 053025 6 Purple 316786 053026 3

Vitrail 250 ml >

< Vitrail opaque 45 ml

< Vitrail 45 ml

Vitrail Opaque

• AUmožňují llows forexperimentovat experimentation with the opacity s neprůhledností a transparentností. and the transparency. • Ideal on canvass and on glass. Ideálnífor proapplication aplikaci na sklo.


RRP each

< 37 ml

Produktová Productskupina group 33

• Bright covering Lesklé and a krycí barvy. colours. • Allows special effects to be efektů. obtained. Umožňují dosažení speciálních

Pack 1

RRP each


Ref. 390000 460000 480000 772000 773000 773100 774000 773110 773120 390037 480037 772037 773037 773137 774037 773237



KONTURY CERNE RELIEF S TRYSKOU > Cerne relief with nozzle 20 ml ml tube, tuba, 99 colours barev 20 6 Black 316786 390000 1 Vermeil gold 316786 460000 9 Copper 316786 480000 3 Imitation lead 316786 772000 1 Gold 316786 773000 0 gold King 316786 773100 7 Silver 316786 774000 9 Pale gold 316786 773110 6 Rich gold 316786 773120 5 ml 37 ml tube, tuba, 77 colours barev 37 3 Black 316786 390037 7 Copper 316786 480037 9 lead Imitation 316786 772037 7 Gold 316786 773037 6 gold King 316786 773137 3 Silver 316786 774037 5 gold Pale 316786 773237 0

Produktová Productskupina group 33





390100 460100 482000 772100 773300 773200 774100 773400 773500 390337 480337 772337 773337 773437 774537 774337





CERNE RELIEF V BLISTERU S TRYSKOU > KONTURY Blistered Cerne relief with nozzle 20 20 ml ml tuba, tube, 99 barev colours 6

Black Vermeil gold Copper Imitation lead Gold gold King Silver Pale gold Rich gold 37 ml tube, tuba, 77 colours barev 37 ml Black Copper Imitation lead Gold King gold Silver Pale gold

316786 390100 8 316786 460100 6 316786 482000 1 316786 772100 8 316786 773300 1 316786 773200 4 316786 774100 6 316786 773400 8 316786 773500 5 316786 390337 7 316786 480337 9 316786 772337 7 316786 773337 6 316786 773437 3 316786 774537 5 316786 774337 0

Creative Leisure

Produktová Productskupina group 33


> colour-chart Vitrail > Transparent

> Opaque

23 Lemon


35 Dark green

14 Yellow


13 Emerald

16 Orange


17 Turquoise

12 Crimson


36 Sky blue

26 Purple


37 Cobalt blue

11 Brown


10 Deep blue

40 Wheat yellow


41 Sun yellow


46 Clementine

45 Red

44 Blue jeans


43 Ocean blue


42 Light green

30 Sand

25 Violet

32 Salmon

31 old pink

47 Pewter

48 Warm gold

49 Super white

21 Pink


33 Parma

19 Red violet


15 Black


20 White


34 Apple green 22 Greengold


38 Gold

18 Chartreuse


39 Pearl

• 45 ml • 250 ml

> Outliners

774000 Silver

773110 Pale gold

773120 Rich gold

773000 Gold

773100 King gold

460000 Vermeil gold

480000 Copper

772000 Imitation lead

390000 Black


> kits Produktová Productskupina group 33



Různé krabičky > Assorted boxes Discovery 753402 Sada Discovery Collection 66 různých assorted 20 20 ml ml lahviček bottle: gold, Discovery 754402 Sada Discovery Collection 12 různých 20 20 ml ml bottles. lahviček 12 assorted 758402 Sada StudioStudio Collection 10 různých 45 45 ml ml bottles, lahviček, 10 assorted 1 štětec Squirrel n°8, 1 Squirrel brush n°8, 1 sponge, 1 houbička, 1 zlatý Cerne 1 mini20 palette, 1 Gold Cerne reliéf ml tuba, 1 leták relief 20 ml tube, 1 flyer. Sada Collector Collection 758413 Collector různých 20 ml lahviček. 1212assorted 45ml colours, 1 Sparkling médium 45 ml, 11Sparkling medium 45 ml, nekapací médium 30 ml, lightening médium 11no-drip medium 30 ml,45 ml, 2 konturymedium Cerne Relief lightening 45 ml, 20 ml (zlatá a stříbrná), 2 palety, 21cernes relief 20ml houbička, 1 štětec, (gold & silver), 2 palettes, 1 leták 1 sponge, 1 brush, 1 leaflet.



316786 753402 8


316786 754402 7


316786 758402 3


316786 758413 9


< Ref. 753402

Sada Discovery Collection Discovery 6x20 6 x 20mlml

RRP each

Produktová Productskupina group 33




Sada Project > Project collection 751402 Vitrail project Kit 316786 751402 0 3 3Vitrail barvycolours: Vitrail: wheat wheatyellow, yellow, Parma, pink, 1 hranatá Parma, oldoldpink, 1 square glass skleněná váze, 1 stříbrná vase, 1 Silver cerne relief 20ml, kontura Cerne Relief 20 ml, 22sponges. houbičky

Pack 4

novinka < Ref. 751402 Vitrail project Kit

< Ref. 754402 Discovery Collection Discovery Sada 12 x 20mlml 12x20

Ref. 758402 >

Studio Collection Sada Studio

< Ref. 758413 Collection Sada Collector Collector 15x45 15 x 45 ml ml

Další info

TRYSKOU Cerne relief Swith nozzle

přímo tubytube k vytvoření obrysu a motivů vybarvením imitaci vitráží. U Používejte sed directly fromz the to design outline shapespřed and motifs beforebarvami “filling Vitrail, in” withk dokonalé Vitrail to imitate stained glass perfectly.


RRP each

DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY D ecorative colours

Doplňky Vitrail Auxiliaries Vitrail Produktová Productskupina group 33






ZAHUŠŤOVADLO > No-drip medium 30 30 ml ml lahvička bottle

316786 051006 7


051000 054000

45 ml ml lahvička bottle 45 250 250 ml ml lahvička bottle

> Lightening medium

316786 051000 5 316786 054000 2

5 1


45 ml 45 ml bottle lahvička

316786 051001 2



>>matT Medium MATNÉ MEDIUM 45 45ml mlbottle lahvička

316786 051002 9



2 xx 45 2 45ml mlbottles lahvička + leaflet + leták

316786 051003 6


> Glitter Medium

> crackling kit



Zahušťovadlo se míchá s barvami, aby se Mixed with odkapávání colour, it allows for decorating vertical eliminovalo barvy při dekoraci surfacespovrchů by limiting the dripping. svislých

Používá se k zesvětlení beze změnythe Used to create lighter tonesbarev without reducing konzistence. quality of the colour nor making it more fluid.

Smícháním barvou dosáhnete zářícího a and Can be mixedswith the colours to obtain bright třpytivého efektu. glittering effects.

Mixed with the colours to obtain a matt finish, Smícháním s barvou dosáhnete matného avzhledu. frosted effect.

Slouží k dosažení krakling efektu na skle. obtain true crackling on glass. To

650306 650307 650308 650309

MINERÁLNÍ LÍH BEZ ZÁPACHU Produktová > Od group 4skupina 4 Product ourless mineral spirit 75 ml bottle lahvička 75 ml 316786 650306 3 6 245 ml bottle lahvička 245 ml 316786 650307 0 1 495 ml bottle lahvička 495 ml 316786 650308 7 1 11 litre litr láhev bottle 316786 650309 4 1


> SAMOLEPÍCÍ Self adhesive lead strip OLOVĚNÁ VITRÁŽOVÁ PÁSKA Self adhesive lead strip: 316786 843001 5 Šířka 2 x 3 mm Width 10 2 xm3 mm, Délka


KUFŘÍK > case Atelier empty case kufřík Ateliérový prázdný

Silné rozpouštědlo se používá k čištění malířského náčiní, na kterém již barva zaschla. For diluting colours. Je velmi efektivní, účinkuje během 15 - 30 minut.


Length 10 m (33 ft).

For creating shapes and patterns in lead to okna, imitate Slouží k vytvoření imitace vitrážového výplň se vybarví barvami Vitrail. stained glass. “Fill in” with Vitrail.

Další info

316786 758400 9


Skladovací kufříkmultiple s šuplíky. Storage case with drawers

NEKAPACÍ MÉDIUM No-drip medium

The no-drip medium created to easily mix withbarev the Vitrail Nekapací médium bylo was vytvořeno ke snadnému míchání Vitrail. Je velmi důležité míchat barvu médiem aby jste vyhnuli well, vytváření colours. It is important tosmix the správně, colours and these medium bublinek (netřepat!). Výsledek namíchání (50% barva Vitrail + 50% nekapací while avoiding the incorporation of air (do not shake). The resulting médium Vitrail) je možnost nanášení barvy na vertikální povrchy. mixture allows for decorating vertical surfaces ( 50 % Vitrail colour + 50 % no-drip Vitrail medium). 1) 100% Vitrail Chartreuse + 0% No-drip Medium 2) 50% Vitrail Chartreuse + 50% No-drip Medium




Creative Leisure


DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY D ecorative colours

Ceramic Ceramic is a solvent opaque Barvy Ceramic jsoubased, založené nacolour rozpouštědle. keramiku, suitable for use Vhodné on many na surfaces: terracotta, terakotu, kovy atd. ceramic and earthenware. This strong colour Vysoký a vynikající proti will retainlesk its brilliance andodolnost gloss. světlu.

Produktová Productskupina group 33

Ref. 025

Product 45 ml ml bottle: lahvička, barev 45 28 28 colours White Lavender Purple Metallic Black Rich gold Turquoise Light scale brown Red brown Chamois Garnet red Rich yellow Orange yellow Orange Cherry red Sevres blue Emerald Leaf green Victoria green Ruby Pearl Cyclamen Antique white Light yellow Pink Blue Light violet Green



316786 025010 9 316786 025011 6 316786 025012 3 316786 025013 0 316786 025014 7 316786 025015 4 316786 025016 1 316786 025017 8 316786 025018 5 316786 025019 2 316786 025020 8 316786 025021 5 316786 025022 2 316786 025023 9 316786 025024 6 316786 025025 3 316786 025026 0 316786 025027 7 316786 025028 4 316786 025029 1 316786 025030 7 316786 025031 4 316786 025032 1 316786 025033 8 316786 025034 5 316786 025035 2 316786 025036 9 316786 025037 6


Produktová Productskupina group 33





45 ml >

Product 250 ml bottle: lahvička, 11 barev 250 ml 11 colours

White Black* Rich gold* Rich yellow* Orange yellow* Cherry red* Leaf green* Victoria green* Pearl*



316786 026010 8 316786 026014 6 316786 026015 3 316786 026021 4 316786 026022 1 316786 026024 5 316786 026027 6 316786 026028 3 316786 026030 6


RRP each

250 ml >

Produktová Productskupina group 33



> Filler undercoat 029000 45 45 ml ml bottle lahvička ml bottle lahvička 032000 250 250 ml

316786 029000 6 316786 032000 0

5 1

028000 027000 650306 650307 650308 650309

316786 028000 7 316786 027000 8




> Lightening medium

5 1 MINERÁLNÍ LÍH BEZ ZÁPACHU Produktová 4 > Odourless mineral spirit Product group 4 skupina 75 ml bottle lahvička 75 ml 316786 650306 3 6 245 ml bottle lahvička 245 ml 316786 650307 0 1 495 ml bottle lahvička 495 ml 316786 650308 7 1 11 litre litr láhev bottle 316786 650309 4 1 45 ml 45 ml bottle lahvička 250 ml bottle lahvička 250 ml

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies




Naneste porézní povrch (terakota, Apply to ana porous surface (terracotta, wood,dřevo, plasteromítky etc) to atd.) avoid kabsorption zabránění k záruce,that že they si uchovají svůj of absorpci the coloursbarev and toaguarantee retain their jas. brightness.

Umožňuje barvy, aniž by došlo ke snížení Allows the vytvoření creation ofsvětlejší lighter colours without reducing the kvality quality barev. of the colour, nor making it more fluid.

Silné rozpouštědlo To dilute oil colours se používá k čištění malířského náčiní, na kterém již barva zaschla. Je velmi efektivní, účinkuje během 15 - 30 minut.

33 Light yellow

36 Light violet

17 Light scale brown

21 Rich yellow


12 Purple

18 Red brown

22 Orange yellow


25 Sevres blue

14 Black

•• ••

19 Chamois

11 Lavender

10 White

23 Orange

35 Blue

32 Antique white

16 Turquoise

30 Pearl

13 Metallic

24 Cherry red


20 Garnet red

26 Emerald

29 Ruby

27 Leaf green


31 Cyclamen

28 Victoria green


34 Pink

37 Green

• •• •

15 Rich gold


• 45 ml • 250 ml

> kits Produktová Productskupina group 33




sady > Různé Assorted box 753405 Sada Discovery Collection 316786 753401 1 Discovery 66 xx 20 ml bottles: lahvičky:white,black 20 ml white, black, cherry red, rich gold, rich yellow, lavender.

Pack 4

RRP each

Produktová Productskupina group 33

Ref. 758405

Product Sada StudioStudio Collection 10 různých 45 45ml ml bottles, lahviček, 10 assorted 1 štětec veverčí n°8, 1 Squirrel brush n°8, 1 sponge, 1 houbička, 1 .mini paleta, 1 mini goldml,outliner 1 zlatápalette, kontura1 20 20leták ml, 1 flyer. 1



316786 758405 4


RRP each

< Ref. 753405 Collection Sada Discovery Discovery

Ref. 758405 >

StudioStudio Collection Sada


Creative Leisure

> colour-chart ceramic

DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY D ecorative colours

Vitrea 160 35 remarkably transparent colours for glass, barev glossy or 35 pozoruhodně transparentních frosted versions, the Vitrea water basedBarvy colours na sklo, lesklých nebo160matných. combine professional quality and ease of use. After Vitrea 160 jsou kombinací profesionální baking at 160°C (325°F) in a domestic oven, the paints kvality a snadného použití. Po zapečení are dishwasher safe. v troubě (při teplotě 160) jsou odolné proti mytí v myčce na nádobí.

Produktová Productskupina group 33



Produktová Product skupina group 33


111 112 113

Product BARVY > colours : 2020glossy colours 45 45 ml ml bottles lahvička, lesklých barev Sun yellow Saffron yellow Paprika Pepper red Indian red Bengal pink Amaranthine Lazuli Sapphire blue Lacquer blue Turquoise Emerald Oriental green Sandalwood Tea green Crimson Amber brown Earth brown Ink black Veil white 45 ml bottles lahvička, matných barev 45 ml : 1010frosted colours Lemon Orange Grenadine Pink Purple Gitane blue Azure Mint Aniseed Cloud 45 ml ml bottles : 66shimmer colours 45 lahvička, třpytivých barev Shimmer bright orange Shimmer purple Shimmer blue Shimmer chlorophyll Shimmer silver Shimmer turquoise



316786 111001 3 316786 111002 0 316786 111003 7 316786 111004 4 316786 111005 1 316786 111006 8 316786 111007 5 316786 111008 2 316786 111009 9 316786 111010 5 316786 111011 2 316786 111012 9 316786 111013 6 316786 111014 3 316786 111015 0 316786 111016 7 316786 111017 4 316786 111018 1 316786 111019 8 316786 111020 4 316786 112030 2 316786 112031 9 316786 112032 6 316786 112033 3 316786 112034 0 316786 112035 7 316786 112036 4 316786 112037 1 316786 112038 8 316786 112039 5 316786 113061 5 316786 113062 2 316786 113063 9 316786 113065 3 316786 113066 0 316786 113064 6


RRP each



20 ml > blistered

114 115 118 119

KONTURY > Relief outliners 20 nozzle: 10 barev colours 20 ml ml tubes tuba with s tryskou, 10 20 ml tuba s tryskou, Sun yellow 10 barev Paprika Pepper red Turquoise Lazuli Emerald Ink black Pearl Gold Pewter outliners > Blistered relief KONTURY V BLISTERU nozzle: 10 20 20 ml ml tube tubawith s tryskou, 10colours barev Sun yellow Paprika Pimento red Turquoise Lapis blue Emerald Black Pearl Gold Pewter > Markers FIXY colours 99 glossy lesklých barev Sun yellow Paprika Pepper red Bengal pink Turquoise Emerald Scandalwood green Amber brown Ink black matných barev 99 frosted colours Lemon Orange Pink Mauve Gitane blue Azure blue Mint Aniseed green Neutral

fix < marker

20 ml > New Novýtransparent design umožňující vidět barrel to identify barvu.

the true colour. 45 ml






316786 114060 7 316786 114061 4 316786 114062 1 316786 114063 8 316786 114064 5 316786 114065 2 316786 114066 9 316786 114067 6 316786 114068 3 316786 114069 0


316786 115060 6 316786 115061 3 316786 115062 0 316786 115063 7 316786 115064 4 316786 115065 1 316786 115066 8 316786 115067 5 316786 115068 2 316786 115069 9 316786 118080 1 316786 118081 8 316786 118082 5 316786 118083 2 316786 118084 9 316786 118085 6 316786 118086 3 316786 118087 0 316786 118088 7 316786 119090 9 316786 119091 6 316786 119092 3 316786 119093 0 316786 119094 7 316786 119095 4 316786 119096 1 316786 119097 8 316786 119098 5





Produktová Productskupina group 33

> Assorted boxes Různé sady 114100 Sada Cardboard box Cardboard 10 různých assorted 20 10 20mlmltubes tub 118100 Sada Cardboard box Cardboard assorted glossy marker 99 různých lesklých fixů 119100 Sada Cardboard box Cardboard assorted frosted marker 99různých matných fixů



316786 114100 0


316786 118100 6


316786 119100 5







753404 Sada Discovery Collection Glossy 316786 753404 2 Discovery Lesklá 66 xx 20 20ml mlbottles lahviček 753414 Sada Discovery Collection Frosted 316786 753414 1 Discovery Matná 66 x 20 20ml mlbottles lahviček 754404 Sada Discovery Collection Glossy 316786 754404 1 Discovery Lesklá 12 assorted 2020 mlml bottles . 12 různých lahviček

758404 Sada StudioStudio Collection 10 různých ml lahviček, 10 assorted 4545 ml bottles, 1 Squirrel 1brush štětec n°8, veverčí 1 Sponge, 1n°8, mini palette, 11 Gold houbička, 1 zlatá 20 ml tube relief kontura outliner, 11 flyer. leták

316786 758404 7


RRP each


4 2 2

Creative Leisure



Produktová Productskupina group 33

< Ref. 114100 10 různých assorted20 20ml mltub tubes 10 < Ref. 753404 Discovery Discovery Collection Sada 6 x 20 ml - lesklá

6 x 20 ml - glossy

< Ref. 118100 assortedlesklých 99 různých

< Ref. 753414

fixů glossy marker

Discovery Collection Sada Discovery 20 ml ml -- matná 66 xx 20 frosted

< Ref. 754404 Collection Sada Discovery Discovery

Ref. 758404 >

StudioStudio Collection Sada

12 xx 20 20 ml ml -- lesklá glossy 12

Doplňky > Vitrea 160 Auxiliaries RRP



316786 113050 9


316786 113051 6


316786 113052 3 316786 113053 0

5 5

> Oven Thermometer TEPLOMĚR 474000 Porcelaine 150/Vitrea 160 Thermometer

316786 474000 2


KUFŘÍK > Case Ateliérový prázdný 758400 Atelier empty case kufřík

316786 758400 9





113052 113053

Product ŘEDIDLO > thinner 45 ml ml bottle lahvička 45

IRIZUJÍCÍ MÉDIUM > Irisdescent medium 45 ml bottle lahvička 45 ml

> LESKLÉ Gloss medium MÉDIUM 45 ml bottle lahvička 45 ml MATNÉ MÉDIUM > Frosting medium 45 ml lahvička 45 ml bottle


Produktová Productskupina group 33

Description Slouží k ředění barev. For diluting colours.

Slouží vytvoření gleam dvoubarevného efektu. Gives a kpearlescent to the colours.

Použijte ředidlotopro větší Vitrea Use the Diluent make thetekutost Vitrea 160barev colours more 160. a frosting médium zesvětlují fluid. Lesklé The Gloss and Frosting Mediums lightenbarvu the bez zředění. colours without thinning them.

Pro testování teploty v troubě před For testing the oven temperature before baking. vypalováním barev.

Skladovací kufříkmultiple s šuplíky. Storage case with drawers


> colour-chart vitrea 160 > Glossy

> Frosted

> Glossy Markers

01 Sun yellow

30 Lemon

80 Sun yellow

02 Saffron yellow

31 Orange

81 Paprika

03 Paprika

32 Grenadine

82 Pepper red

04 Pepper red

33 Pink

83 Bengal pink

05 Indian red

34 Purple

84 Turquoise

06 Bengal pink

36 Azure

85 Emerald

07 Amaranthine

35 Gitane blue

86 Scandalwood green

08 Lazuli

37 Mint

87 Amber brown

09 Sapphire blue

38 Aniseed

88 Ink black

10 Lacquer blue

39 Cloud

> Forsted Markers

11 Turquoise

> Shimmers

13 Oriental green

90 Lemon

14 Sandalwood

61 Shimmer bright orange

91 Orange

15 Tea green

62 Shimmer purple

92 Pink

12 Emerald

63 Shimmer blue

93 Purple

17 Amber brown

65 Shimmer chlorophyll

94 Gitane blue

18 Earth brown

64 Shimmer turquoise

95 Azure blue

16 Crimson

66 Shimmer silver

96 Mint

19 Ink black

97 Aniseed green

20 Veil white

98 Neutral

> Outliners

60 Sun yellow


61 Paprika

62 Pimento red

63 Turquoise

64 Lapis blue

65 Emerald

66 Ink black

67 Pearl

68 Gold

69 Pewter

DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY D ecorative colours

Porcelaine 150 Produktová Productskupina group 33


Produktová Product skupina group 33






316786 024001 8 316786 024002 5 316786 024003 2 316786 024004 9 316786 024005 6 316786 024006 3 316786 024007 0 316786 024008 7 316786 024009 4 316786 024011 7 316786 024012 4 316786 024013 1 316786 024014 8 316786 024016 2 316786 024017 9 316786 024018 6 316786 024019 3 316786 024020 9 316786 024023 0 316786 024026 1 316786 024027 8 316786 024028 5 316786 024029 2 316786 024030 8 316786 024034 6 316786 024036 0 316786 024037 7 316786 024039 1 316786 024041 4 316786 024042 1 316786 024043 8 316786 024044 5 316786 024045 2 316786 024046 9 316786 024047 6


RRP each

BARVY > Colours 45 ml bottle: lahvička, 35 barev 35 colours 45 ml

Citrine yellow Marseilles yellow Saffron orange Agate orange Coral red Scarlet red Ruby red Opaline pink Fuchsia Garnet red Etruscan red Amethyst purple Parma violet Lapis blue Ming blue Sapphire blue Emerald Turquoise Opaline blue Malachite green Olivine green Bronze green Amazonite green Peridot green Havana brown Amber brown Esterel brown Mummy brown Abyss black Anthracite black Ivory Gold Vermeil gold Copper Pewter

20 ml > blistered

< marker bullet tip < marker fine tip

0241 0242 036 0361 020 021

Product 45 ml bottles lahvička, třpytivých barev 45 ml : 1010shimmer colours


Shimmer green 316786 024101 5 Shimmer ash 316786 024102 2 Shimmer wine 316786 024103 9 Shimmer bronze 316786 024104 6 Shimmer orange 316786 024105 3 Shimmer fuchsia 316786 024106 0 Shimmer pink 316786 024107 7 Shimmer chocolate 316786 024108 4 Shimmer petroleum 316786 024109 1 Shimmer silver 316786 024110 7 45 ml mlml bottle: 1 Chalkboard colour 45 lahvička, 1 barva Chalkboard 45 lahvika, 1 barva Chalkboard Black 316786 024201 2 Chalkboard KONTURY > Cloisonne outliners 20 ml tube tuba with s tryskou, 20 ml nozzle:10 10 barev colours Marseille yellow 316786 036001 3 Coral 316786 036002 0 Tourmaline red 316786 036003 7 Ming blue 31678 6036004 4 Bronze green 316786 036005 1 Anthracite black 316786 036006 8 Gold 316786 036007 5 Vermeil gold 316786 036008 2 Copper 316786 036009 9 Pewter 316786 036010 5 > Blistered cloisonne outliners KONTURY V BLISTERU 20 ml tuba blisteru s tryskou, Blistered 20vml tube with nozzle: 10 barev 10 colours Marseilles yellow 316786 036101 0 Coral 316786 036102 7 Tourmaline red 316786 036103 4 Ming blue 316786 036104 1 Bronze green 316786 036105 8 Anthracite black 316786 036106 5 Gold 316786 036107 2 Vermeil gold 316786 036108 9 Copper 316786 036109 6 Pewter 316786 036110 2 FIXY > Markers Fixy s klasickým 9 barev Markers bullet tip:hrotem, 9 colours Marseille yellow 316786 020001 2 Agate orange 316786 020002 9 Scarlet red 316786 020003 6 Lapis blue 316786 020004 3 Peacock blue 316786 020005 0 Peridot green 316786 020006 7 Amazonite green 316786 020007 4 Earth brown 316786 020008 1 Anthracite black 316786 020009 8 Fixy s fine 9 barev Markers finehrotem, tip: 9 colours Marseille yellow 316786 021001 1 Agate orange 316786 021002 8 Scarlet red 316786 021003 5 Lapis blue 316786 021004 2 Peacock blue 316786 021005 9 Peridot green 316786 021006 6 Amazonite green 316786 021007 3 Earth brown 316786 021008 0 Anthracite black 316786 021009 7

Pack 5

RRP each






20 ml > 45 ml > New transparent Nový design umožňující vidět barrel to identify barvu. the true colour.


Creative Leisure

Barvy Porcelaine jsou profesionální barvy do Porcelaine 150 puts150 professional enamels into thevhodné hands of rukou každého. 46intermixable mísitelnýchcolours barev plus fixy. everyone, with 46 pluskontury outlinersa and Barvy schnou na vzduchu a poté se vypalují v markers. The colours can be 24 air hodin dried for a decorative finish troubě na 150°C. Následně je můžeme mýt v myčce na or baked in a domestic oven at 150°C for a dishwasher resistant nádobí. Barvy jsouare hluboké, lesklé, průhledné a krycí a po finish. The colours deep and brilliant, translucent and zapečení mají smaltový nebo glazurovací povrch. opaque and they have a superb enamelled look after baking.

Produktová Product skupina group 33



Různé sady boxes > Assorted 036100 Cardboard box Sada Cardboard Sada Cardboard 10ass. ml tub 10 20 ml20 tubes 10různých rzných 20 ml Sada 020010 Cardboard box tub Cardboard různých fixů 99 ass. markers Sada Cardboard 021010 Cardboard box 10 různých fixů fine point fine point markers 9 ass. 753403 Discovery Collection Sada Discovery různých 20 20ml mlbottles. lahviček 66 assorted Sada Discovery 754403 Discovery Collection různých2020 1212assorted mlml lahviček 758403 Studio Collection Sada Studio 10assorted různých4545 lahviček, 10 mlmlbottles, 1 veverčí štětec n°8, 1 zlatá 1tuba Squirrel brush n°8, 1 Gold 20 ml 20 ml cloisonné, tube cloisonné, 1 flyer. 1 leták



316786 036100 3


316786 020010 4


316786 021010 3


316786 753403 5


316786 754403 4


316786 758403 0


Produktová Productskupina group 33


751103 Project Solo Message Mug kit chalkboard lahvička ml, 11bottle chalkboard 20 ml,20 1 chalk, 11 brush, křída,1 1mug štětec, 1 hrnek to decorate. 751101 Celebration Mug kit 11 porcelain porcelánový mug,hrnek, 1 black 1 Porcelaine150 150 fixa černá Porcelaine marker. 751100 Duo Message Mug kit hrnkytokdecorate, dekoraci,3 P3 150 P 150 22mugs ass. různébottles lahvičky (chalkboard 20ml (chalkboard black, black, fuchsia, parma fuchsia, violet), parma violet), 1 chalk, 11brush, křída,1 guide. 1 štětec, 1 leták 751106 Duo Mug kit hrnkytokdecorate, dekoraci,2 2 22mugs P 150 ass. Porcelaine různé 20 ml 20ml bottles 150 (parma violet, lahvičky (parma violet, Marseilles yellow), Marseilles yellow), 1 1Porcelaine P 150 Marseilles 150 yellow fixa marker, yellow, 1 štětec, 1Marseilles brush, 1 guide






316786 751103 6


316786 751101 2


316786 751100 5


316786 751106 7


RRP each

1 leták

< Ref. 036100 různých 20 10 assorted 20ml mltub tubes 10

< Ref. 753403 Collection Sada Discovery Discovery 20 ml 66 xx 20 ml

< Ref. 754403 Collection Sada Discovery Discovery 12xx20 20 ml ml 12

Ref. 021010 >

9 assorted markers fine point

Ref. 758403 >

Ref. 020010 >

Sada Studio Studio Collection

9 assorted markers


< Ref. 751103 Project Solo Message Mug kit

< Ref. 751101 Celebration Mug kit

< Ref. 751100 Duo Message Mug kit

< Ref. 751106 Duo Mugs kit

> Porcelaine 150 Doplňky Auxiliaries Ref. 038003 038004 038002 038001 474000 758400


Product > Filler undercoat 45 lahvička 45 ml mlml bottle 45 lahvika

ŘEDIDLO > Thinner

45 ml bottle lahvička 45 ml LESKLÉ MÉDIUM > Gloss medium 45 ml ml bottle lahvička 45 MÉDIUM > MATNÉ Matt medium 45 ml bottle lahvička 45 ml TEPLOMĚR > Oven Thermometer Porcelaine 150 / Vitrea 160 Thermometer > KUFŘÍK Case Ateliérový prázdný Atelier empty case kufřík

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies



316786 038003 5 316786 038004 2 316786 038002 8 316786 038001 1 316786 474000 2


316786 758400 9


5 5 5 1




Produktová Productskupina group 33

Nanáší se na porézní povrchy (terakota atd.) před použitím Apply to porous surfaces (terracotta etc) before using the colour. barvy.

makekthe colours more fluid. To Slouží ředění barev. k zesvětlení barev bez jejich zředění. ASlouží matt finish can be obtained by adding several drops of Matt Medium to Slouží k vytvoření vzhleduthe barev bezwithout jejich zředění. the colour. The Glossmatného Medium lightens colour thinning it.

Pro testování teploty v troubě před For testing the oven temperature before baking. vypalováním barev.

Skladovací s šuplíky. Storage case kufřík with multiple drawers

> colour-chart porcelaine 150 > Glossy

> Auxiliaries 01 Citrine yellow

36 Amber brown

02 Marseilles yellow

34 Havana brown

03 Saffron orange

37 Esterel brown

04 Agate orange

39 Mummy brown

01 Marseilles yellow

05 Coral red

41 Abyss black

02 Agate orange

06 Scarlet red

42 Anthracite black

03 Scarlet red

07 Ruby red

43 Ivory

04 Lapis blue

08 Opaline pink

44 Gold

05 Peacock blue

09 Fuchsia

45 Vermeil gold

06 Peridot green

11 Garnet red

46 Copper

07 Amazonite green

12 Etruscan red

47 Pewter

08 Earth brown

201 Chalkboard Black

Creative Leisure

> Markers

09 Anthracite black

13 Amethyst purple

> Shimmers

23 Opaline blue 17 Ming blue

101 Shimmer green

14 Parma violet

102 Shimmer ash

16 Lapis blue

103 Shimmer wine

20 Turquoise

104 Shimmer bronze

18 Sapphire blue

105 Shimmer orange

27 Olivine green

106 Shimmer fuchsia

19 Emerald

107 Shimmer pink

26 Malachite green

108 Shimmer chocolate

30 Peridot green

109 Shimmer petroleum

28 Bronze green

110 Shimmer silver

Opacity Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque

29 Amazonite green

> Outliners

01 Marseille yellow

02 Coral

03 Tourmaline red

04 Ming blue

05 Bronze green

06 Anthracite

07 Gold

08 Vermeil gold

09 Copper

10 Pewter


DEKORATIVNÍ BARVY D ecorative colours

Marbling Barvy Marbling odconsists Pébéa seofsestávají z 9 and barev a 1 Pébéo Marbling 9 colours zahušťovacího prášku. Přinášejí možnost snadného 1mramorování thickening powder to carry out the art of na textil, papír, nebo jakýkoliv jiný světlý marbling easily on fabric, paper any other light podklad. Technika mramorování je sorbarvami Pébéo Marbling zjednodušená a zmodernizovaná vodní base. Thevelmi technique of Marbling used with Pébéo lázeň. Ujmout se toho může dokonce i ti colours is a simplified andkdokoliv, modernized bath nejmladší. technique. It can be undertaken by anyone, even the youngest.

45 ml > Produktová Productskupina group 33



Product 45ml lahvička, 45 mlbottle: 9 barev 9 colours Lemon yellow Vermilion Bengal pink Ultramarine blue Cyan Emerald green Sienna Black White



316786 130001 8 316786 130002 5 316786 130003 2 316786 130004 9 316786 130005 6 316786 130006 3 316786 130007 0 316786 130009 4 316786 130010 0


Produktová Productskupina group 33


192000 049000




Thickener 35 g bottle 200 gr bottle



316786 192000 1 5 316786 049000 0 1

RRP each

> colour-chart marbling 01 Lemon yelllow

04 Ultramarine blue

07 Sienna

02 Vermillion

05 Cyan

09 Black

03 Bengal pink

06 Emerald green

10 White

Další info

Creation Idea

Preparation of the mixture and addition of the colours: Add 2 heaped teaspoons of thickener to 1 litre of water and stir thoroughly. Allow to rest 2 hours. Pour a 2-3 cm layer of the mixture into a plastic tub. Using the dropper, deposit the colours onto the surface of the mixture.


Creating marbled effects:

Colour transfer and drying:

Allow the drops of colour to spread for a few seconds, then swirl with a wooden stick, the point of a knife or a comb until you obtain the patterns you want.

Carefully lay the paper or fabric you want to decorate on the surface of the colouring mixture. Leave for 10 seconds before lifting it out, then rinse quickly under running water to remove the excess colour. Allow to dry flat. To fix colours on fabrics, press on the reverse side of the fabric for three minutes using an iron set on the “cotton” position.

G edeo

S Gédéo jednoduše With Gédéo,můžete you can easily mould andmodelovat reproduce a reprodukovat všechny typy objektů. Vyberte all types of object. Choose your moulding product according to the shape and consistency of the object, the Váš modelovací produkt podle tvaru a casting material and the number of casts required. konzistence objektu, odlévání materiálu a podle počtu potřebných odlitků.

The simplicity of use of the Gédéo moulding and casting materials offers freedom of expression in “3D”.

Jednoduchost použití Gédéo modelovacích a

The casting products offer anabízí wide range of effectsprojevu such as odlévacích materiálů svobodu plaster, stone, glass paste. ve "3D".

Odlévací produkty nabízejí širokou řadu efektů jako omítka, kámen, imitaci skla atd.

Další info


Pébéo přináší novou řadu Gedeo aby znásobilo možnosti odlévání tak uspokojilo očekávání BottomVám of platters, inclusions, glazing,pryskyřic, coating, jewellery, magnifying “effect” on acanvas, furniturevšechna decoration, table zákazníků. settings, cards, box covers ... Pébéo offers a new range of Gédéo resins to multiply the possibilities of casting and thus Systém dvousložkové epoxidové pryskyřice (směs pryskyřice a tužidla). meet allpryskyřice the expectations of consumers. A two-component epoxy resin system (resin and hardener), the Gédéo resin is Gedeo se velmi jednoduše používá (Podíl: 2 díly pryskyřice a 1 díl tužidla).

easy to use : two parts resin to one part of hardener.


Creative Leisure

Modelling, Materiály pro and Moulding modelování a odlévání Casting Materials

KřišťálováResin Pryskyřice > Crystal Ref.





> CKŘIŠŤÁLOVÁ rystal resin PRYSKYŘICE sada 150 ml kit 359758 766150 4



300 ml sada kit

359758 766334 8



sada 750 ml kit

359758 766336 2


RRP each


The Pébéo Gédéo Crystal Resin has acclaimed Pébéo Gédéo křišťálová pryskyřice je been uznávána profesionálními dekoratéry umělciforvíce by professional decorators and acrafters overjak tendeset let. JeTransparent, transparentní, a snadno se s níto its years. robustodolná and easy to work thanks pracuje. Její dvousložkový epoxidový systém simple dosing! Its two component epoxy system (resin and (pryskyřice a tužidlo) umožňuje imitaci skla. hardener), allows obtaining a surprising glass paste effect. Gédéo křišťálová pryskyřice je ideální pro výrobu Gédéo Crystal Resin is ideal for the production of odlitků, šperků, povlaky, dekoraci povrchů, laminátů castings, inclusions, bottoms a nebo jak ochranný lak. of platters, jewellery creation, coatings, decorating surfaces, laminates, and can also be used as a protective varnish.

Pryskyřice > Glazurovací Glazing Resin Ref.





> GGLAZUROVACÍ lazing resin PRYSKYŘICE sada 359758 766170 2 150 ml kit



sada 300 ml kit


359758 766171 9

Produktová skupina Product group 16 16

RRP each

Description Gédéo glazurovací pryskyřice ideální pro adds With its enamelled effect, GédéojeGlaze Resin vytvoření reliéfu a lesku na plochém povrchu: relief and shine to flat surfaces. The rounded edges scrapbooking, suvenýry,of controlled by theobrazy, product pohlednice, are the great advantage odznaky, dekorace nábytku, Pébéophotos, this PÉBÉO innovation. Ideal fornádobí. scrapbooking, přichází s inovací zaoblených okrajů, což je postcards, souvenirs, box covers, badges, canvasses, velkou výhodou této pryskyřice. furniture decoration ...

Perleťová Pryskyřice > Pearl Resin Ref.

Product > PPERLEŤOVÁ earl resin PRYSKYŘICE


Produktová skupina Product group 16 16



150150 mlml sada kit - Pearl white

359758 766160 3



150150 mlml sada kit - Gold

359758 766161 0



150150 mlml sada kit - Vermeil

359758 766162 7


RRP each

Description Dvousložková odlévání Add a pearlescenthmota touchideální to your pro creations with the Gédéo transparentních dekorativních předmětů. Vytvoří Pearl Resin! 3 pearlescent and luminous colours to perleťový efekt. Gégéo perleťová pryskyřice nabízí create in volume: White, Gold and Vermeil. A multitude of velké množství možností: zalévání rozličných possibilities:formování frames, friezes, tableware,předmětů, mouldings,šperky, jewellery, předmětů, ozdobných barrettes, marbling techniques ... bižuterie, dekorační linky rámů, nádobí...

Barevná Pryskyřice > Colour Resin Ref.

Produktová skupina Product group 16 16






150150 mlml sada kit - Lapis blue

359758 766151 1



150150 mlml sada kit - Ruby

359758 766152 8



kit - Jade 150150 mlml sada

359758 766153 5



kit - Amber 150150 mlml sada

359758 766154 2



150150 mlml sada kit - Topaz

359758 766155 9


RRP each

Description Mixable with each other, the Crystal Resin, the Barvevné pryskyřice se and dajíwith vzájemně kombinovat, smícháním s křišťálovou barevnou vznikají Gédéo Colour Resins aoffer infinitepryskyřicí shade possibilities! odstínů. 5 barevných odstínů, 5neomezené ready to usemožnosti transparent and homogenous colours ideal které jsou transparentní a homogenní, jsou ideální pro for jewellery creation, colour inclusions, pendants, pattern tvorbu šperků, barevnou inkluzi, přívěsky a dekoraci. reproductions, decoration.

Gédéo Pryskyřice doplňky > Gédéo Resin auxiliary Ref.



Product LESKLÝ LAK > Var nish Gloss+ 110 ml bottle

Produktová skupina Product group 16 16 Produktová skupina 16



359758 766200 6


RRP each

Produktová skupina Product group 16 16

Description Gédéo’s Glosslak+ pro solvent phasenabízí Varnish allows Gédéo lesklý pryskyřici možnosti rendering a glossy finish to all Gédéo Resin creations. průhledného a neprůhledného kontrastu na všech dekorací. Aplikace s plochým štětcem ItVašich offers the possibility to play with opacity/transparency Cobra zaručí nejlepší výsledky. contrasts on all your decorations. Application with a Cobra flat brush ensures the best results.

Creative Leisure

z pryskyřice > Gédéo tvorba Resin Creations

Bottom of tray - Crystal Resin

Dimensional effect on canvas - Glazing Resin

Creation of small decorative objects - Pearl Resin

Create an alphabet board with moulds - Colour Resin







> RPRYSKYŘIČNÁ esin plaster SÁDRA 1 kg krabice box

359758 766313 3


Sádra prvotřídní kvality. Díky své výjimečné tvrdosti Top quality alpha plaster. Due to its exceptional hardness po zatuhnutí se podobá polyesterovým pryskyřicím. after drying, it is similar polyester resins. Itjeis especially Je doporučována pro to odliky, u kterých recommendedjemnost, to mould pevnost objects requiring fineness, vyžadována a bělost. Pro strength and whiteness. Professional adults. profesionály.

> PTVRDÁ recision plaster SÁDRA or hard plaster krabice 1 kg box

359758 766314 0


SÁDRA > LLEHKÁ ight plaster 1 kg krabice box

359758 766330 0


Kvalitní sádrafor pro umělecké nabízející Alpha plaster artistic casts. Itodlitky, offers accuracy and výjimečnou přesnost aquality. pevnost strength of exceptional Its výjimečné coarser grainkvality. and Díky její hrubší zrnitosti porozitě ji lze snadno malovat. porosity make it easyato paint. Amateur and professional Snadné adults. použití pro začátečníky i profesionály.



Produktová skupina Product group 16 16



Odlehčená sádra vhodná zejména k výrobě Low density plaster recommended for casting hanging závěsných Snadné použitíadults. pro začátečníky i decorations. dekorací. Amateur and professional profesionály.


> G lueing plaster or SÁDRA PRO RESTAUROVÁNÍ restoration plaster krabice 750 g box

359758 766316 4


Technická sádra. Hustá velmi lepivá, přilnavá Technical plaster. Thick and avery sticky. Doesn’t run andna celou povrchů. PřiUsed použití společně s pastou adheresřadu to most surfaces. together with Siligum, it is Siligum je restoring ideální při restaurování rámů obrazů a ideal when frames and mouldings. poničených forem.




> Siligum 766309 Siligum 100 g 766329 Siligum 300 g 766310 766331 766335

> Moulding alginate FORMOVACÍ ALGINÁT Formovací alginát500 500g Moulding alginate g

Product group 16 16 Produktová skupina





359758 766309 6 359758 766329 4

6 6

359758 766310 2



Dvousložková modelovacísilicone silikonová pasta. moulding Jednoduché Very fast setting, two-component dávkování (1/1). Vhodná pro vytváření forem převážně paste. Easy dosing (1/1). To mould small objects and flat malých předmětů a plochých dekorací. 100g je decorations. g is sufficient to create up to 3 4moulds dostatečné pro 100 vytvoření až 3 modelů o průměru cm. of diameter cm.začátečníky Amateur andi profesionály. professional adults. Snadné použití4pro založený na mořských chaluhách. AProdukt natural seaweed-based powder. Suitable for moulding Vhodný pro modelování kompletních complete items, soft or delicate objects orpředmětů, the human měkkých nebo předmětů body. Amateur andjemných professional adults.případně lidského těla. Snadné použití pro začátečníky i profesionály.

> Latex Latex 250 ml Latex 1000 ml

359758 766331 7 359758 766335 5

1 1

Concentrated formula basedzaložené on natural It can Koncentrované složení narubber. přírodní gumě. Může býtsimple použitand procomplicated modelování be used to mould shapes, jednoduchých nebo komplikovaných small and large thinner items and masks. tvarů, malých and nebo velkých úzkých a masek. professional adults. objektů Amateur Snadné použití pro začátečníky For use with the demoulding talc i profesionály. Pro použití s mastkovým pudrem.

766312 766333

> SÁDROVÉ Plaster strips PÁSKY Plaster strips 4 strips of 8 x 300 cm Plaster strips bulk 8 x 300 cm

359758 766312 6 359758 766333 1

6 24

Mohou všech typů of předmětů. Vhodné Theybýt canpoužity be usedketokrytí cover all types object, produce pro tvorbu masek a otisků přímo na kůži, také hodné pro masks by applying directly on the skin, make supporting vytváření podpůrných pouzder pro formy z některých shells for the Siligum, alginatealginátu, or latex Latexu moulds.nebo Amateur produktů Gédéo (Formovacího and professional adults. pro začátečníky i profesionály. Siligumu). Snadné použití


> Demoulding talc 15 g bottle lahvička

359758 766321 8


Usnadňuje sádrových a kovových odlitků a Simplifiesvyjímání the demoulding of plaster and metal castings hliněných z forem. Chráníthe formy. Posypáním and clayotisků embossing. It protects moulds. Sprinkled a oprášením ze sádrových dekorací vytváří it hladký a a on and dusted off the plaster decorations produces hedvábný vzhled. Pomocně použitelné pro latex.

smooth and silky appearance. Auxiliary for latex.

PRO VYMAZÁVÁNÍ FOREM Demoulding vaseline > VAZELÍNA lahvička 766320 75 ml bottle 359758 766320 1

demoulding of Crystal Resin andaprotects Simplifies thevyjímání Usnadňuje křišťálové pryskyřice the moulds. It can alsobýt be použita used to protect theochranu eyelashes chrání formy. Může také pro and aeyebrows, before moulding the face withpomocí moulding řas obočí před vytváření forem z tváře alginate or plastered strips. formovacího alginátu nebo sádrových pásek.






359758 766304 1


MODELOVACÍ PASTA 500 G > Modelling paste 500 g 766304 500 g loaf

766301 766302

> P SAMOTVRDNOUCÍ roduct of modelling HLÍNA Non-firing clay 1,5 kg loaf Red Červená Bílá White

359758 766301 0 359758 766302 7

4 4


MODELOVACÍ HLÍNA > Modelling clay 5 kg loaf

359758 766303 4


> W aterproofing VODĚODOLNÝ AGENT agent lahvička 766308 75 ml bottle

SADA MODELOVACÍHO > Selection Modelling NÁČINÍ tools 766305 44 modelling tools druhy


359758 766308 9


359758 766305 8


RRP each

Product group16 16 Produktová skupina Description Wax-based paste. na Infinitely reusableOpakovaně to model Pasta založená bázi vosku. objects or figurines you wantpředmětů to mould.aItfigur. can použitelná k modelování also bebýt used to take the imprint of an object to Může užita i k tvorbě sádrových odlitků vtlačováním. použití make a plaster Snadné cast. Amateur andpro professional začátečníky i profesionály. adults.

Přírodníred, červená šedá to hlína, Natural or greynebo clay, ready use. připravena k použití. Tvořena syntetickými Formulated with a synthetic binder, it pojivy. Po zapracování s voděodolným without firing. After treatment with hardens agentem může být použita k tvorbě waterproofing agent, it can be used to produce voděodolných nádob (nevhodných pro waterproof potraviny).containers for non alimentary use.

Jemná přírodní hlína. poddajná Fine and anatural white clay. Vysoce Highly malleable, it modelování, a hrnčířství. ispro recommended forsochařství modelling, sculpture and Vypaluje se při 980° Celsia. pottery. Firing in kiln at 980ûC.

Akrylový produkt založený na pryskyřičné bázi An acrylic resin-based product, it is ideal for water­ ideální pro voděodolné nádoby ze samotvrdnoucí containers made from non-firing clay. Its hlíny.proofing Díky žlutému zabarvení jsou lehce zřejmá yellow makes it easyZabarvení to see areas have místa, kterácolour nebyla natřena. po which vystavení notběhem been coated. Thednícolour disappears a few světlu několika zmizí. Jakmile within zaschne, zprůhlední. Čas schnutí je 10hod. days in full light. Transparent once dry. Drying time: 10h.

Ořezávací určen pro vydlabávání The trimmingnástroj tool is je used for hollowing out and a hloubení, modelovací pro and digging, the modelling toolnástroj for sculpting vyřezávání rytífor , cidlina pro and vyhlazování a engraving, thea rib smoothing cutting, and krájení a krájecí drát pro čisté řezy. the cutting wire for clean cuts.

G edeo

The Gédéo boxed setsalginát and moulds allow an Gédéo modelovací a formy nabízejí introduction decorationodlévání with easya and jednoduché to a kreativní creative projects. Creation dimension becomes modelování, které je díkyinjednoduchosti accessible with our easy to use boxed sets. dostupné to proallvšechny. The «Memories» sets allow you to personalize Sady "Memories" umožňují uchovat Vaše and store objects that hold your most precious nejcennější vzpomínky. memories.

Produktová skupina Product group 16 16


Produktová skupina Product group 16 16





RRP each

Sada "Rozkošná ručička" A charming little hand case pryskyřičná sádra,1 příručka 766016 Alginát, Alginate, resin plaster, guide. 359758 766016 3 1 Create your ownsicandles Sada "Vytvořte vlastnícase svíčky" 766015 Candle wax withzesílené aspect of Vosk, barviva, knoty, 359758 766015 6 1 standartní knoty, vůně, crystallization on the surface, příručka reinforced wicks, colorants, standard wick, perfume, 1 guide.




Sada Set ‘‘Baby Memories’’ 766017 Gédéo «Baby Memories» sada - Holčička set - Girl 359758 766017 0 1 růžový dřevěný 80g speciální 1 pink wooden case, kufřík, 80gr special pasty na otisky 1 dřevěný fingerprint paste, 1prstů, wooden roller, váleček, of cards «Baby Memories», 11set sada karet "Baby Memories", 1 leták 1 leaflet. 766018 Gédéo «Baby Memories» sada - Chlapeček 359758 766018 7 - Boy set 1 modrý dřevěný 80g 1 blue wooden case,kufřík, 80gr special speciální pasty na otisky fingerprint paste, 1 wooden roller, prstů, 1 dřevěný váleček, 1 1 set ofkaret cards"Memories". «Baby Memories», sada 1 1 leaflet. leták 766020 Kit ‘‘baby memories’’ Gédéo 359758 766020 0 Gédéo«Baby sadaMemories» "Baby Gédéo set 1 slonovinový ivory wooden case, 80gr special 1Memories", dřevěný kufřík, 80g speciální fingerprint paste, 1 wooden roller, pasty na otisk prstů, 1 1dřevěný set of cards «Baby Memories», váleček, 1 sada karet 1"Memories", leaflet. 1 leták 766019 Kit ‘‘family memories’’ Gédéo 359758 766019 4 šedobéžový 11Taupe woodendřevěný case, 80grkufřík, special 80g speciální pasty na otisky fingerprint paste, 1 wooden roller, prstů, 1 dřevěný váleček, 1 1sada set ofkaret cards"Memories", «Memories», 1 1leták leaflet.

RRP each





< Ref. 766016

“A charming Sada "Rozkošná little hand” case ručička"

< Ref. 766017

‘‘Baby Memories’’ Holčička Girl

Ref. 766018 >

‘‘Baby Memories’’ Chlapeček Boy

< Ref. 766015

“Create your si Sada "Vytvořte own candles” case vlastní svíčky"

< Ref. 766020

‘‘Baby Memories’’

Ref. 766019 >

‘‘Family Memories’’

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies


Creative Leisure

SADY C ases

G edeo

FORMY M oulds Veškeré kvality profesionální formy: All the qualities of a professional mould: Nerozbitné, nemusí se vymazávat vazelínou, unbreakable, self-releasing, multi-cavity, ultra jsou rovnou připraveny k použití, odlitky jsou velice flexible. Its platinum silicone composition allows snadno vyjmutelné, mnoho vzorů, nesmírně obtaining precise and detailed results. flexibilní, mnohonásobně použitelné. Vhodné všechny pryskyřičná Use thepro castingmateriály: resin of your choice and sádra, Gédéo obtain a finished with a sleek and glossy aspect. pryskyřice, lehká piece sádra,.. Gédéo crystal or colour resins render incomparable Na transparency. odlévání použijte Gédéo pryskyřici dle své volby a získáte tak hladký a lesklý vzhled odlitku. Gédéo moulds are available in two different sizes in Kříšťálová nebo barevná pryskyřice Vám poskytne themes that will please you for both your decorative neporovnatelnou ideas and creativetransparentnost. projects.

Produktová skupina Product group 16


766122 766123 766124 766125 766129 766130 766131 766132 766120 766121 766126 766127 766128 766104 766107 766108 766109 766110 766114

Product NOVÁ GENERACE moulds FOREM > New generation 66 motivů, 13x18,5 themes velikost size 13 x 18,5 cm cm

Delicacies Mommy and Daddy Birth Wedding Wild animals Buttons 77 themes 30 x 20 cm cm motivů,size velikost 30x20 Girl Boy Frames Jewellery Alphabet Garden Christmas > Original moulds 6 6 forem mould models Shells* Garden animals* Leaves* Acanthus* Suns* Fruits and vegetables*

Další info


359758 766122 1 359758 766123 8 359758 766124 5 359758 766125 2 359758 766129 0 359758 766130 6 359758 766131 3 359758 766132 0 359758 766120 7 359758 766121 4 359758 766126 9 359758 766127 6 359758 766128 3



359758 766104 7 359758 766107 8 359758 766108 5 359758 766109 2 359758 766110 8 359758 766114 6



NOVÝCH FOREM FCHARAKTERISTIKA eatures of the new moulds

multi-cavity moulds.

* Forma s drenážními kanálky

• Models with drainage channels

* Vybavená držátky na obou koncích pro • Equipped with handles at both snadné zacházení

extremities to facilitate handling

* Pro všechny materiály: Gédéo pryskyřice, • For all materials: Gédéo resins, lehká sádra, svíčkový vosk

light plaster, candle wax…

* Snadné čištění v myčce nebo při ručním mytí

• Easy to clean in dishwasher or by hand

*• Výsledné produkty a lesklým Finished piece withsahladkým sleek and glossy aspect povrchem




* Nerozbitné, flexibilní, snadno vyjmutelné • Unbreakable, flexible, self-releasing, odlitky, několik motivů

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies

Gédéo formy jsou dostupné ve dvou různých velikost a v několika námětech, které dají prostor Vaším kreativním projektům a dekorativním nápadům.


Gédéo >

Malá Smallforma moulds

13 x 18,5 cm

Gédéo >

Velká Largeforma moulds

30 x 20 cm

< Ref. 766122

< Ref. 766123

< Ref. 766129

< Ref. 766130

Lahůdky Delicacies

Wild animals Divoká zvířata

Máma a táta Mommy and Daddy

< Ref. 766124 Birth Narození

Creative Leisure

formy - 13 x 18,5 cm > Gédéo moulds

< Ref. 766125 Svatba Wedding

Buttons Knoflíky

> Gédéo formy moulds - 30 x 20 cm

< Ref. 766131

< Ref. 766132

< Ref. 766120

< Ref. 766121

< Ref. 766126

< Ref. 766127

Dívka Girl

Jewellery Šperky

Chlapec Boy

Alphabet Abeceda

Rámečky Frames

Garden Zahrada

< Ref. 766128 Vánoce Christmas


G edeo

SVÍČKY C andles To create a warm atmosphere on those K vytvoření příjemné atmosféry při big occasions, a dinner příležitostech, jakoamongst je např.friends, večeřeperhaps, s přáteli, jsou svíčky perfektním S Gédéo candles are just perfect todoplňkem. set the scene. With si vytvoříte svíčky vlastní. the Gédéo range, create your own candles. S kvalitními Gédéo materiály vytvořit or For a spectacular results, mould lze in traditional tradiční nebo nezvykle originální tvary svíček, original shapes, plain or in several coloured layers, ploché či vícevrstvé a navíc obohacené o with fruity, woody or natural fragances. různé vonné látky, např. ovocné, dřevité či přírodní.

Product group 16 16 Produktová skupina RRP




359758 766221 1


vyrobený ze směsi parafínu a stearinu, mixture of paraffin and stearin, this candle wax ispřipravený ready to usekin the form AVosk okamžitému použití.itRychle se rozpuští tvorby hrudek. of a very fine powder, melts quickly withoutbez lumps. 1 volume of powder = 1/2 volume of melted wax.

359758 766222 8 359758 766223 5

6 6

N°4x25 m colorants Candle Barvy na svíčky ass colours 6.6 barev

359758 766224 2


Standardní svíčkové od 6,5 do 8,5 cm. wickbavlněné suitable for candlesknoty from vhodné 65 to 85pro mmsvíčky diameter. Cotton Zesílené svíčkovécotton knoty swick, plíškem, svíčkyfor o průměru od 65 Waxed reinforced fittedvhodné on base,pro suitable candles from do to 8585 mm. zápachu kouře. or smell. 65 mmNormální diameter.plamen, Regular bez flame, withouta smoke Šest vzájemně sytéare nebo pastelové odstíny. rich inmíchatelných pigments: justbarev a fewpro flakes sufficient to obtain a deep Colorants Všechny barvy in jsou bohaté pigmenty: colour. Blends easily withna Gédéo meltedstačí wax.pouze pár plátků pro získání hlubokých a sytých barev.Barvy vmíchejte do rozehřátého parafínu. Colours can be mixed together.


fragrances Candle Vonné oleje na svíčky druhy scents 33 refined

359758 766225 9


766226 766227 766228

mould - round Candle na Forma svíčkuválec Forma svíčkuhranol mould - square Candle na Forma na svíčku- kužel Candle mould - cone

359758 766226 6 359758 766227 3 359758 766228 0

6 6 6


Beeswax 5 sheets 26 x 40 cm Včelí vosk 5 ks plátů

359758 766230 3


> RŮZNÉ SADY > Assorted box Sada vlastní case “Create"Vytvořte your ownsicandles” svíčky"

359758 766015 6


Ref. 766221

Product Candle wax svíčkový 500 g vosk Standartní



766222 766223 766224


Standartní svíčkový N°4x5 m knot 5 m Candle wicks Zesílený svíčkový wicks 8knot cm s Reinforced plíškem 8 cm

Tři druhy kvalitních vonných olejů (vanilka, květiny, dřevo) k oparfémování 3 refined scents: woody, floral and vanilla to perfume candles. vytvořených svíček. The fragrance is mixed into the melted wax before intoJedná the se o Smíchejte s rozehřátým voskem ještě před nalitímpouring do formy. mould. Concentrated a few drops areněkolik sufficient. koncentrované vonnéfragrances: extrakty, postačí pouze kapek.

3 trvanlivé formyfor pro více odlitků. 3 durable moulds multiple casts. Easy demoulding.

100% přírodní a jednoduchý na použití. Tento vosk v jemných a velmi 100% natural and easy to use, this wax in soft and highly malleable sheets, is poddajných plátech, je perfektní na vytvoření tisíce a jedné svíčky. perfectsetoobtáčí inventkolem a thousand onese candles. is most often rolled around a a Pláty knotuand a tím vytvoříIt kruhové svíčky různé výšky wick to create circular candles of varying height and diameter. průměru.

Sada obsahuje vosk, barviva, zesílenéonknoty, standartní knot, Candle wax with aspect of crystallization the surface, colorants, vůně, příručku. wicks, standard wick, perfume, 1 guide. reinforced

Ref. 766015 > “Create your ownsi Sada "Vytvořte candles” case vlastní svíčky"

Další info

PTIPY ro tips: the candles • ighly original candles can be createdvytvořit by usingpoužitím glass containers. To demould, break glass inza formy, thick tearozbijte towel, giving a sharp knockutěrce on the bottom on thena side. * HVelmi originální svíčky můžete skleněných nádob. Prothe vyjmutí nádobu v tlusté a silně or udeřte Carefully the broken glass.odstraňte rozbité sklo. dno neboremove do strany. Opatrně • To create candles in several coloured layers, pour the first colour and wait until a skin has formed (it must not stick to the fingers) before pouring on the next Do not wait until veach colour isbarvách, completely set; since wax shrinks as it sets, would not be clear. * colour. Pro vytvoření svíček několika nalijte prvníthe barvu a počkejte, nežthesestripes povrch zpevní (nedotýkejte se prsty!) před nanesením další •barvy. The colour tends dokud to lighten on drying, not hesitatenezaschne; to darken thedokud coloursvosk slightly. Čekejte, každá barvadokompletně úplně nezaschne, nebudou proužky úplně viditelné • The more colorant you add to the wax, the faster it will set.


G edeo


Kompletní sortiment výrobků pro A complete range of products fromGédeo Gedeo to gild and zlacení a patinování, vhodné pro všechny patinate, suitable for all types of surface, wood, plaster, typy povrchů, clay, glass, metal…např. dřevo, sádra, hlína, sklo, kov …

< Ref. 766543 Gold Zlaté leaves listy stříbrný vzhled Silver finish

BARVA > ZKRÁŠLOVACÍ Gilding waxVOSK andAliquids


766506 766507 766508 766509 766510 766511 766512 766513 766514 766515 766520* 766522*

Product ZKRÁŠLOVACÍ VOSK > Gilding wax : 5 colours 30 ml 30 mljar nádoba, 5 barev Empire goldzlatá Císařská Královská King gold zlatá Renesanční Renaissance goldzlatá Antická zlatá Antique gold Stříbrná Silver

> GZKRÁŠLOVACÍ ilding liquids BARVA 30 mljar nádoba, 5 barev : 5 colours 30 ml Císařská goldzlatá Empire Královská gold zlatá King Renesanční goldzlatá Renaissance Antickágold zlatá Antique Stříbrná Silver > PPATINOVACÍ atinating bases ZÁKLAD : 3 colours 30 ml 30 mljar nádoba, 3 barvy Red Červená Modrá Cornflower




359758 766506 9 359758 766507 6 359758 766508 3 359758 766509 0 359758 766510 6 359758 766511 3 359758 766512 0 359758 766513 7 359758 766514 4 359758 766515 1



Velmifine jemné kovové částice, potažené vosku Very metal particles, coated with apojivem binder of wax aand akrylátové pryskyřice.Kombinace patinovacího základu a acrylic resin. The combination of patinating bases and gilding zlacených vosků vytváří bohatou škálu klasické nebo moderní waxes richvšechny range oftypy classical or contemporary patiny.creates Vhodnéa pro povrchů: dřevo, sádra,patinas. kov, Suitable teracota,for atd.all types of surface: wood, plaster, cardboard, glass, metal, etc.


Metal powder suspended in a transparent varnish. Fine and preTekutá barva ke zlacení sádry, kovu, teracoty, kamene... cious, brushed on gilding gives a refined touch to your decorative objects.

359758 766520 5 359758 766522 9

Produktová 16 Productskupina group 16


Patinovací základy jsou in vhodné na všechny typygilding The bases are used asGédeo undercoat combination with the povrchů (dřevo, hlínu,isolate sklo, kov waxes. They blocksádru, the pores, the atp.). surfaceKombinace and improve patinovacích základů a zkrášlovacích vosků vytváří bohatou the adherence of the gild. By polishing the wax, you can create paletu klasických i současných odstínů. patinas.

6 6

ZLATÉ LISTY > Gold leaves


766542 766543 766544

Product LISTY > GZLATÉ old leaves Balení 2525 zlacených listů 14 14x14cm Pack of gilding leaves x 14 cm Gold finish Zlatý vzhled Stříbrný vzhled Silver finish > Gilding paste GILDING PASTA lahvička 75 ml bottle

Produktová skupina Product group 16 16



359758 766542 7 359758 766543 4

6 6

359758 766544 1





Založeny měděných nebo aluminiových listechon podle toho,aje-li dosáhnout Based on na copper or aluminium leaves depending whether goldpotřeba or silver effect is zlatého je s pomocí je na required.nebo Theystříbrného are easilyefektu. appliedJejich usinglepení a water-based gluegilding calledpasty, gildingkterá paste. vodní bázi, velmi jednoduché.

preparation to glue on the gold Ready-to-use Vhodná k lepení zlatých listů na všechny čisté leaves. a suché povrchy. Suitable for all clean and dry surfaces.

PATINA MĚDĚNKA > Verdigris patina




PATINA MĚDĚNKA > Verdigris pati na Bronzový základ Bronze undercoat nádoba 30 ml jar

359758 766536 6



Oxidant Verdigris oxidant nádoba 30 ml jar

359758 766537 3





ZLACENÍ Aand PATINA DOPLŇKY > gilding patina auxiliaries

Ref. 766528

Product ŘEDIDLO > G ilding wax and liquid thinner 75 ml lahvička bottle



359758 766528 1


Produktová skupina Product group 16 16




Se systémem patiny měděnky jednoduché With the Verdigris patina systemjeit velmi is extremely easy tovytvořit krásný bronzové a měděné efekty. Vhodné pro všechny reproduce the beautiful bronze or copper oxidation effects. typy povrchů. Jako první se aplikuje bronzový základ, Suitable for all types of surface. The bronze undercoat is first následně oxidant.

applied, then the oxidant.

Produktová skupina Product group 16 16




Suitable for the gilding waxes and making them creamier. Alsonástrojů used tood remove Vhodné prothinning ředění zkrašlovacích vosků. Také vhodný pro čištění zkrašlovacích vosků. the gilding waxes and liquids from the tools. CLP 1272-2008 Aspiration hazard - Category 1

766530 766531 766539

> Finishing gloss varnish LESKLÝ LAK lahvička 75 ml bottle LAK > FiMATNÝ nishing matt varnish 75 ml lahvička bottle PATINA > ASTÁRNOUCÍ geing patina nádoba 30 ml jar

359758 766530 4


359758 766531 1


359758 766539 7


Matný lesklývarnishes, lak založený odolné aand transparentní Mat anda gloss basednaonvysoce highly resistant transparent akrylátové acrylic resin. pryskyřici. Chrání a zachovává a intenzitu barvami dekorovaných They protect the decorations andjiskru preserve the sparkle and intensity of colours. předmětů. Vhodné jako konečná vrstva při práci se Zlatými listy. Especiallyzejména recommended to provide a finish for gold leaf work, ageing patina Zprostředkuje Vám svou imitací teplosti a hloubky barev, dlouholetost.

can be used to create the depth and warmth produced through time.

Ukončena výrobalast. * While supplies


Creative Leisure

and patinas A PATINY


Pioneer of the artistic awakening for more that fifty years, the continuous development of Pebeo relies on the spiritual heritage of Celestin Freinet: artistic awakening as a source of development and creativity for children. French pedagogue born on October 15th,


1896 in Gars in the Alpes-Maritimes and died on October 8th, 1965. Freinet is the inventor of a very rigorous pedagogy

D r aw i n g

Drawing, pastels

C HILDRE N based on innovating techniques where children were encouraged to learn by making products. Dedicated to its beliefs and thanks to a close collaboration with teachers and artists, Pebeo creates and develops educational, innovative and quality products accessible to as large a group as possible.

> 126

Pa i n t i n g

Finger paint: Tactilcolor > 127 Tactilcolor Textile > 129 Tactilcolor 3D Bubble > 130 Gouache cakes > 132 Tempera in tubes > 133 Tempera in blistered tubes > 134 Primacolor liquid tempera > 135 Primacolor paste tempera > 138 Prima Magic bright transparent tempera > 139 Brillo glossy poster paint > 141 Solugouache liquid concentrated poster paint > 143 Solucolor powder tempera > 144 Tempera auxiliaries > 145 Sparkling Gel > 146 Acrylcolor glossy acrylic > 147 Artist Kid > 150 Children cases > 152 A cc e s s o r i e s

Palettes, brush cleaners and smocks

> 153

I d ec o r a t e The sequence of this price list follows the general catalogue by product group: Product group 3: Creative leisure products Product group 4: Fine Art Product group 5: Children products Product group 7: Painting surfaces Product group 10: Brushes Product group 16: Gedeo products Product group 18: Arty’s

Windows, Arti’stick window colour The surfaces, discovery kits Glass, water based Vitrail

> 154 > 157 > 158


KRESLENÍ D rawing A complete range tools for discovering the pleasures Kompetní řadaofnáčiní pro objevování radosti of drawing at an early age. All these products are non z kreslení v brzkém věku. Všechny tyto toxic and conform to high standards, assuring parents produkty of safety. jsou netoxické a vyhovují vysokým


Ref. 275000 276000

Product Ara pastely Ara olejové oil pastels Sada odstínů Box of1212 vybraných assorted pastels Průměr= =10mm Diameter 10mm Délka=67 mm

Lenght = 67mm Box of2424vybraných assorted pastels Sada odstínů Průměr= =10mm Diameter 10mm Délka=67 mm Lenght = 67mm



RRP each

Product 5 5 group Produktová skupina 316786 275000 3 10

316786 276000 2



571100 571140 571120 143000 639000




Pastels and charcoals fixative

Product group 4 4 Produktová skupina

75 ml bottle Spray 200 ml ml Spray 400

316786 571100 1 316786 571140 7 316786 571120 9 Product group 5 316786 143000 5 316786 639000 7

Assorted Skrib markers Set of 12 broad tip markers Set of 12 fine tip markers

RRP each

6 6 6 1 1

Ref. 143000 >

Box of 12 assorted broad tips markers

Check it out! In the Gedeo products on page 118, our non-firing clays and modelling clay!

Ref. 766301 > Ref. 276000 >

Box of 24 Ara oil pastels

Ref. 275000 > Box of 12 Ara oil pastels


Ref. 766303 >

Ref. 766302 >


Tactilcolor barvy FPrstové inger paint

Velmi kvalitní barvy, ideální, pro tyyoung nejmenší Quality Fingerprstové Paint, perfect for the very withktheir jejichcontact prvnímuwith seznámení se of světem barev. first the world colour. A thick, smooth paste which is attractive to touch Silná, hladká pasta, která je velmi na dotek a je and odourless. The inclusion of anpříjemná agent prevents bez zápachu. ingestion. Thanks to the new formula, the colours are Díky nové barvy po zachnutí mnohem much morereceptuře lively andjsou luminous after drying.The colours živější a žářivější. Mohou být vzájemně míchány a mají can be mixed with each other and have a better covering výbornouí krycí schopnost. Barvy zasychají bez toho aby power. The colours dry without becoming powdery and hrudkovatěly, nebo zvlnily svůj podklad. they do not ripple the paper surface either.’

Produktová Productskupina group 55


Ref. 633 633 633 225 225 225

tuba > 80 ml tube

10 barev 10 coulours 2 metalovécoulours barvy 2 Metallic



5 perleťových barev coulours 5 Pearl

6 6 6

> 225 ml nádoba jar 10 10coulours barev metalovécoulours barvy 22 Metallic 5 Pearl coulours 5 perleťových barev

4 4 4



White Yellow Orange Red Figurine pink Violet Blue Green Sienna Black MetalovéColours barvy > Metallic Gold Silver barvy > Perleťové Pearl Colours White pearl Red pearl Pink pearl Blue pearl Green pearl

< 225 ml

< 80 ml



80 ml ml tube, tuba, 80 17 17 barev colours 316786 633414 8 316786 633410 0 316786 633416 2 316786 633411 7 316786 633418 6 316786 633419 3 316786 633412 4 316786 633413 1 316786 633417 9 316786 633415 5

17 colours 316786 225011 4 316786 225022 0 316786 225032 9 316786 225018 3 316786 225033 6 316786 225047 3 316786 225014 5 316786 225045 9 316786 225038 1 316786 225026 8

316786 633420 9 316786 633421 6 316786 316786 316786 316786 316786

633426 633423 633422 633424 633425

225 jarml 225nádoba, ml, 17 barev

316786 225048 0 316786 225049 7

1 0 3 7 4

316786 316786 316786 316786 316786

225055 225056 225057 225058 225059

8 5 2 9 6

> colour-chart tactilcolor finger paint 80 ml

225 ml




80 ml

225 ml




> Pearl

80 ml

225 ml









White pearl









Red pearl






Pink pearl



Figurine pink



Blue pearl









Green pearl







> Metallic



Podklady:paper, papír,cardboard, kartón, atd… Surfaces : Bristol board etc... Náčiní: prsty, ale také válečky, štětce, razítka, atd… Tools : fingers, but also rollers, paintbrushes, stamps, etc... Jako ochraný lak použijte Pebeo vodou ředitelný lak pro Preservation of work: gouache water-based gouache. Aplikujte po Pébéo úplném zaschnutí. Materiál,topokožku a oblečení vyčistíte mýdlovou varnish, be applied after colours have dried. vodou. Materials, skin and clothes can be washed in soapy water. Produktová Productskupina group 55



Assortments & cases Produktová Productskupina group 55





RRP each

sortiment(filmed) > Základní Basic assortments 633401 8 assorted 80 ml tubes 316786 633401 8 1 (yellow, red, blue, green, white, black, orange, sienna) 227200 225 ml : 2 jars 316786 227200 0 3 Gold & silver. 227100 225 ml : 6 jars 316786 227100 3 1 White, red, yellow, blue, green, orange. 227300 225 ml : 6 jars 316786 227300 7 1 Metallic & Pearl Pink pearl, red pearl, green pearl, blue pearl, gold, silver. 316786 227000 6 2 227000 10 assorted 225 ml jars + plastic tray (all colours) > Printed cardboard or plastic packaging 633807 Starter set 40 ml : 4 jars 316786 633807 8 6 Red, blue, yellow, sienna. 633808 Starter set 40 ml : 8 jars 316786 633808 5 4 Red, blue, yellow, sienna, green, white, black, violet. 316786 226001 4 1 226001 6 assorted 80 ml jars sienna, blue, carmine, yellow, spring green, ivory black + leaflet 226100 Set 80 ml : 6 jars 316786 226100 4 1 Metallic & Pearl Pink pearl, red pearl, green pearl, blue pearl, gold, silver + leaflet

Produktová Productskupina group 55



633404 Super Set 316786 633404 6 assorted 80 ml jars, 2 stamps, 1 brush, 2 stencils, 1 foam roller, 1 spill-proof palette, 1 protective cloth, 1 apron. 633405 Discovery kit 316786 633405 4 x 80ml tubes (blue, yellow, green, red), 1 apron, 1 washable stencil, 1 leaflet. > Studio Studio cases kufříky 633601 Mini studio case 316786 633601 Finger Paint 5 assorted 40 ml bottles, 1 foam stamp, 1 foam roller, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet. 633701 Studio case 316786 633701 Finger Paint 10 assorted 40 ml bottles, 1 foam stamp, 1 foam roller, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet. 633710 Studio case - Boy 316786 633710 10 assorted 40 ml bottles, 16 boys accessories, 1 boy stencil, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet. 633720 Studio case - Girl 316786 633720 10 assorted 40 ml bottles, 16 girl accessories, 1 girl stencil, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet.

Mini studio case













6 jars : 80 ml + leaflet

10 assorted 225 ml jars



< Ref. 226001

< Ref. 227000

< Ref. 633601


< Ref. 633807 4 jars : 40 ml

< Ref. 633808 8 jars : 40 ml

RRP each


Tactilcolor textile Tactilcolor Textile Finger paint can be applied on numerous fabrics, cottons or synthetics, preferably pale.




Product group 5 Pack RRP

634 100 ml jars: 7 colours White 316786 634116 0 Yellow 316786 634102 3 Red 316786 634104 7 Dark pink 316786 634114 6 Blue 316786 634108 5 Light green 316786 634113 9 Black 316786 634115 3 634 100 ml jars: 2 metallic colours Gold 316786 634117 7 Silver 316786 634118 4 634 100 ml jars: 5 pearl colours White pearl 316786 634119 1 Red pearl 316786 634120 7 Pink pearl 316786 634121 4 Blue pearl 316786 634122 1 Green pearl 316786 634123 8 634 500 ml jars: 7 colours White 316786 634516 8 Yellow 316786 634502 1 Red 316786 634504 5 Dark pink 316786 634514 4 Blue 316786 634508 3 Light green 316786 634513 7 Black 316786 634515 1





4 4

< 500 ml Barcode

Product group 5 Pack RRP

634100 634191

> Basic assortments (filmed) 3 x 100 ml assortment jars 316786 634100 9 yellow, red, blue. 6 x 500 ml assortment jars 316786 634191 7 White, yellow, red, blue, green, black.

634110 634190

> Printed cardboard or plastic packaging 6 x 100 ml assortment jars 316786 634110 8 Yellow, red, blue, light green, black, white. 6 x 100 ml colours pearl jars 316786 634190 0 Gold, silver, red pearl, pink pearl, blue pearl, green pearl .


1 1

4 4


Ref. 634110 > 6 assorted 100 ml jars + leaflet

Application It is recommended to protect other fabrics (clothing, working area…) before starting to apply the paint. Air dry after 24 hours. Colours must be iron fixed on the reverse side. Once fixed, the colours are machine wash resistant at 40°C (100°F). Hands and tools can be washed with soapy water.

> colour-chart tactilcolor textile

• 500 ml

> Pearl

16 White

13 Light green

19 White pearl

02 Yellow

15 Black

20 Red pearl

04 Red

14 Dark pink

17 Gold

22 Blue pearl

08 Blue

18 Silver

23 Green pearl

> Metallic

21 Pink pearl



< 100 ml



3d bubble

Inovace děti od Pébéa. A Pébéopro innovation for children. 20 krásných a vzdušných odstínů. Barvy Tactilcolor 3D bubble svou strukturou pěnu, The 20 připomínají light and airy Tactilcolor 3Dnašlehanou Bubble která nekapetextured a umožňuje vytvářet reliéfy nejrůznější mousse-like colours do not dripa and tvary. allow creating in relief and modelling shapes. Ideální pro tvorbu 3D obrázků, figurek, atd… Tyto barvy Ideal for the 3D creations of young artists jsou (3 yrs.především and up). pro malé výrvarníky. (3 roky a více) Dětí mohou bez omezení seand silnými Children canmalovat paint freely with thick thina slabšími vrstvami horizontální i vertikální layers onna allvšechny horizontal and vertical surfacespovrchy (vyjímaje textílií)including včetně recyklovatelných předmětů (papír (except fabrics) recyclable objects s(glasses, vyšší gramáží, sklo, kartónové plastové cardboard plates, plastictalíře, bottles, etc.). lahve, atd..).

Produktová Productskupina group 55



< 100 ml



nádoba > 100 ml jar 6350 14 colours 4 6350 2 metallic colours 4 6350 4 4 pearl colours > 500 ml jar nádoba 14 colours 6355 5 2 metallic colours 6355 5 6355 4 pearl colours 5

Produktová skupina Product group 55

< 500 ml

White Yellow Dark yellow Orange Red Light pink Dark pink Violet Light blue Dark blue Light green Dark green Light brown Black Metalickécolours barvy > Metallic Gold Silver barvy > Perleťové Pearl colours Pearl pink Pearl red Pearl turquoise Pearl green

> colour-chart tactilcolor 3D bubble





100 100mlmlnádoba, jar: 2020barev colours


500 500mlmlnádoba, jar: 2020barev colours

316786 635011 7 316786 635022 3 316786 635023 0 316786 635032 2 316786 635039 1 316786 635012 4 316786 635034 6 316786 635047 6 316786 635014 8 316786 635049 0 316786 635043 8 316786 635042 1 316786 635041 4 316786 635026 1

316786 635511 2 316786 635522 8 316786 635523 5 316786 635532 7 316786 635539 6 316786 635512 9 316786 635534 1 316786 635547 1 316786 635514 3 316786 635549 5 316786 635543 3 316786 635542 6 316786 635541 9 316786 635526 6

316786 635051 3 316786 635052 0

316786 635551 8 316786 635552 5

316786 635062 9 316786 635063 6 316786 635064 3 316786 635065 0

316786 635562 4 316786 635563 1 316786 635564 8 316786 635565 5

> Metallic

11 White

47 Violet

51 Gold

22 Yellow

14 Light blue

52 Silver

23 Dark yellow

49 Dark blue

32 Orange

43 Light green

62 Pearl pink

39 Red

42 Dark green

63 Pearl red

12 Light pink

41 Light brown

64 Pearl turquoise

34 Dark pink

26 Black

65 Pearl green

> Pearl


Tactilcolor 3d bubble Assortments & cases Product group 55 Produktová skupina



> Basic assortments (filmed) 635290 6 x 500 ml jar 316786 635290 6 Classic assortment Yellow, Red, Dark blue, Light green, White, Black + leaflet 635291 6 x 500 ml jar 316786 635291 3 Pearl assortment Gold, Silver, Pearl turquoise, Pearl pink, Pearl green, Pearl red + leaflet 635292 6 x 225 ml jar 316786 635292 0 Classic assortment Yellow, Red, Dark blue, Light green, White, Black + leaflet


RRP each






> Printed cardboard 635191 Pack 6 x 100 ml jar 316786 635191 6 Yellow, Red, Dark blue, Light green, White, Black + leaflet 635192 Shimmer pack 6 x 100 ml jar 316786 635192 3 Gold, Silver, Pearl turquoise, Pearl pink, Pearl green, Pearl red + leaflet


RRP each

4 4


< Ref. 635191 Classic assortment 6 x 100 ml jar + leaflet

< Ref. 635290 Classic assortment



Produktová skupina Product group55

6 x 500 ml jar

Ref. 635192 >

< Ref. 635291 Pearl assortment

Pearl assortment 6 x 100 ml jar + leaflet

6 x 500 ml jar

Další info

A multitude of possibilities! Creations onkartón, cardboard Tvorba na or plastic glasses and on plastové kelímky, plastic bottles. plastové láhve.

Creationsnaondřevo wood Tvorba surfaces: boxes, bracelets, podklady: krabice, napkin holders, etc. náramky...

TvorbaCreations na papír,onplátno paper, na desce, atd..boards, etc. canvas

Creations onodznaky, badges Tvorba na or broaches brože...



Gouache cakes

Pebeo’s high quality gouache cakes uniquena ontrhu the Pébéo vysoce kvalitní gouache jsouare unikátní market, duelepivé to itstextuře, “sticky”která texture which permits an díky jejich umožňuje snadnou easy application and dilution, little ones. na Rich aplikaci a ředitelnosti, dokonceeven i profor děti. Bohaté pigmenty, barvy zůstavajíremain jasné bright a zářivé i po in pigments, the colours anddokonce luminous zaschnutí. even after drying. Aplikujte štětcem, řeďte vodou. Mohou být použity papír s větší gramáží (180g a To be used with a na paintbrush, diluted in water. výše), kartóny, atd… Can be used on all heavy paper, cardboard, etc... Jako ochraný lak použijte Pebeo vodou ředitelný lak Preservation water-based gouache work: Pebeo pro gouache. of Aplikujte po úplném zaschnutí. varnish be applied after colours have dried. Materiál,topokožku a oblečení vyčistíte mýdlovou Materials, skin and clothes to be cleaned in soapy vodou. water.

Produktová Productskupina group 55

Ref. 633600 740000




RRP each

High quality moist Vysoce kvalitní gouache v sadáchcake. gouache 10assorted vybraných temper, moist gouaches 316786 633600 5 10 10 průměr 30mm, obsahuje cakes, štětecdiam 30 with brush 77 moist gouache cakes, 316786 740000 2 10 vybraných temper, průměr 30 30mm diam

Produktová skupina Product group 55

Ref. 633610 633699*



Gouache cakes sady Gouache

Sadaof12 Box 12 vybraných assorted cakes 316786 633610 4 barev, každá barva: each cake: 30mm5mm diameter, 30mm průměr, 5mm and 5g weight. silné,thick 5g váha Gouache apple jablko set 316786 633699 9 Sada gouache 10 gouache barev, blok kreslících 10 cakes, 1 pad of papírů, paleta, štětec, drawing papers, 1 palette, šablona pro abecedu 1 brush, 1 alphabet stencil.


RRP each



> assortment

< Ref. 633600

Box of10 10 assorted Sada vybraných gouache temper cakes

< Ref. 633610

Box of1212 assorted Sada gouache cakes vybraných temper

High quality moist Vysoce kvalitní tempera cakes! tempery

Ref. 740000 > 77 moist gouache cakes vysoce kvalitních temper

< Ref. 633699*

Gouache apple setjablko Sada goudache

Další info M Gouache v kulatých formičkách: vysokámanufacturing kvalita díky tradiční výrobě. oist gouache cakes : a traditional process for a high quality gouache.

Tento gouache je vyráběninv accordance souladu s tradiční řemeslnou dovedností Pébéa. Pasta je mixována, vylévána do This gouache is produced with Pebeo’s traditional craftsmanship. The paste is mixed,následně finely ground and poured in kulatých formiček, které se poté napaří. cakes, which are then steamed. The manufacturing process results in moist gouache cakes, colours are easy to thin and apply, and Aplikace barev je díky této výrobní proceduře velmi jednoduchá a udržuje barvám zářivost i po zaschnutí. Produkt s velmi keep their brightness after drying. A high quality product for a successful discovery of colours. vysokou kvalitou pro úspěšné seznámení s barvami.


Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies



PLAKÁTOVÉ BARVY oster paint vintubách tubes Smooth,kvalitní fine paste making application Hladká, pasta dělá aplikaci o tolik much easier. Primarybarvy colours areperfektně jednoduší. Základní jsou perfectly balanced permitting an easier vyvážené, díky tomu se Vám budou understanding of mixing techniques. snadněji namíchavat další barvy. Dilution: can be used on its own or diluted

Ředění: Mouhou použitydiluted. samostatně, with water. Can bebýtstrongly nebo slabě, či silně zředěné vodou. Surfaces: heavy paper, cardboard, Bristol Podklady: papír s vyšší gramáží (180g a board, wood, dough, etc... výše), kartón, dřevo, atd… Tools: brushes, etc... Náčiní: štětce, rollers, válečky, atd… Jako ochranýof lak použijte Pebeo vodou Preservation Pebeo water-based work: ředitelný lak pro to gouache. Aplikujte po gouache varnish be applied after colours úplném zaschnutí. have dried. Materiál, a oblečení Materials,pokožku skin and clothes to bevyčistíte cleaned in mýdlovou vodou. soapy water.

< 10 ml

< 20 ml

Produktová Productskupina group 55












RRP each

20 ml ml tuba blisteru) 5 barev 6032 20 tubes(bez (without blister): 5 colours 6 white Permanent 316786 603200 6 Primary yellow 316786 603202 0 Primary red 316786 603204 4 Primary blue 316786 603203 7 Ivory black 316786 603201 3 Doplňky > Assortment Sada různých10 10mlmltubes 316786 633550 3 633550 Box of 55 assorted 10 tub + 1 palette 678000 Sada Box of 10 10 assorted mlml tubes 316786 678000 6 10 různých1010

47 x 83 x 19 cm

tuba (bez 10ml ml tubes blisteru) 18 barev 6031 10 (without blister): 18 colours 10 Permanent white 316786 603100 9 Lemon yellow 316786 603112 2 Primary yellow 316786 603109 2 Bright orange 316786 603104 7 Vermilion 316786 603106 1 Primary red 316786 603111 5 Carmine 316786 603102 3 Tyrian pink 316786 603115 3 Violet 316786 603116 0 Ultramarine Blue 316786 603101 6 Primary blue 316786 633110 8 Cobalt Blue 316786 603118 4 Emerald green 316786 603107 8 Spring green 316786 603117 7 Light green 316786 603108 5 Raw sienna 316786 603119 1 Burnt sienna 316786 603105 4 Ivory black 316786 603103 0 10 ml ml tubes tuba (bez blisteru) 6031 10 (without blister): 10 metalickécolours barvy 22 metallic Gold 316786 603113 9 Silver 316786 603114 6 Produktová skupina Product group 55

< Ref. 603099*

Gouache tubes & Brush sleeves display Produktová skupina Product group 55





GOUACHE TUBY A ŠTĚTCE Gouache tubes & brush sleeves

1010 ml,ml, 20 20 ml ml tubtubes & štětců 603099* D Sada isplay & brush sleeves barev 10 10tubes tub ==200 0 colours 10 ml ml xx 10 200tub tubes 220 5 barev 20 ml x 6 tub = 36 tub 55 colours 20 ml x 6 tubes = 36 tubes štětců x 10 = 50 štětců 5 brush sleeves x 10 = 50 sleeves


< Ref. 633550

< Ref. 678000

Box of 10 x 10 ml tubes

Box of 5 x 10 ml tubes + 1 palette

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies


Poster paint


carded tubes

The Pebeo gouache range is also available as carded, to be displayed on pegs. With their soft shapes and flexible structure, the assorted boxes are created to be shock resistant and to accompany the student throughout the school year.

10 ml >




316786 633200 7 316786 633202 1 316786 633204 5 316786 633203 8 316786 633201 4





> Carded poster paint sets 633510 5 assorted 10 ml tubes 316786 633510 7 20 (black, white, primary colours) 633520 5 assorted 20 ml tubes 316786 633520 6 10 (black, white, primary colours) > Assortment 633530 Box of 9 assorted 10 ml tubes, 316786 633530 5 10 white 20 ml tube, 1 brush. 633540 Box of 12 assorted 10 ml with brush. 316786 633540 4 10

Product group 5 Pack RRP

Carded 10 ml tubes: 6331 12 colours Permanent white* 316786 633100 0 Primary yellow* 316786 633109 3 Bright orange* 316786 633104 8 Vermilion* 316786 633106 2 Primary red* 316786 633111 6 Carmine* 316786 633102 4 Ultramarine Blue* 316786 633101 7 Primary blue* 316786 633110 9 Emerald green* 316786 633107 9 Light green* 316786 633108 6 Burnt sienna* 316786 633105 5 Ivory black* 316786 633103 1 Carded 20 ml tubes: 6332 5 colours Permanent white Primary yellow Primary red Primary blue Ivory black



20 ml >

Product group 5 Pack RRP


Ref. 633540 > Box of 12 assorted 10 ml tubes + 1 brush

< Ref. 633520

5 assorted 20 ml tubes

> colour-chart Poster paint in tubes


10 ml

20 ml



10 ml

20 ml

> Metallic

Permanent white


Ultramarine blue


Lemon yellow


Primary blue




Primary yellow


Cobalt blue




Bright orange


Emerald green




Spring green


Primary red


Light green




Raw sienna


Tyrian pink


Burnt sienna




Ivory black



Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies




Primacolor Liquid

Primacolor liquid je gouache, Primacolor liquid is a který je připraven k okamžitému použítí.

ready-to-use liquid gouache.

Barvy jsou krycí a matné, po zaschnutí zůstavají jasné a The colours are opaque and covering, they do not become živé.

chalky and remain vivid and bright after drying.

Základní barvy jsou dokonale vyváženy. Metalická zlatá, Pébéo primary colours are perfectly balanced for better stříbrná a fluorescentní jsou barvy obzvláště překvapivé.

learning of mixing techniques. The metallic gold and silver

coloursbýt andpoužity the fluorescent colours arezředěné particularly surprising. Mohou samostatně, nebo vodou. Barvy primacolor liquid jsou bezzápachové a mohou být aplikovány papír s vyšší gramáží (180g a výše), na To be usedna pure or well diluted, Primacolor liquid kartón a na dřevo. is odourless and can be applied on heavyweight paper, cardboard, wood, salt dough.

Materiál, pokožku a oblečení vyčistíte mýdlovou vodou.

Clean with soapy water. 1l


Product group 55 Produktová skupina

0555 0555 0555 0555 0550 0550 0550 0550 0551 0551 0552 0552 0552 0552



RRP each

500 ml

> 150 ml lahvička bottle 14 barev 14 colours metalické barvy 2 metallic colours fluorescentní colours barvy 3 fluos

5 5 5 5

perleťových 55 pearl colours barev lahvička > 250 ml bottle 20 colours 6 20 barev metalické barvy 44 metallic colours 6 fluorescentních 6 fluos colours barev 6 55 pearl perleťových colours barev 6 > 500 ml bottle láhev 66 barev colours 10 4 metalické barvy 4 metallic colours* 10 > 1 l láhev bottle 20 6 20 colours barev metalické barvy 44 metallic colours 6 6 fluorescentních 6 fluos colours barev 6 55 perleťových pearl colours barev 6

250 ml 150 ml






> assortments & Pack < Ref. 055590

Sada Pack 44xx150 150ml mlbottle lahviček classic colours klasické barvy

< Ref. 055090

44 xx 250 assortment 250 ml ml jar nádoba Metallic colours vybraných metalických barev

< Ref. 055095

Pack Sada44xx250 250ml mlbottle

Ref. 055591 >

Sada 150ml ml bottle lahviček Pack 44 xx 150 perleťovépearl barvycolours

< Ref. 055592

Sada Pack 44xx150 150ml mlbottle lahviček fluo colours barvy fluorescentní

Ref. 055098 >

Sada 250 ml ml bottle Pack 46xx 250

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies







> Liquid 150 ml bottle: 24 colours 250 ml bottle: 35 colours 500 ml bottle: 10 colours White 316786 055511 2 316786 055011 7 316786 055111 4 Lemon yellow - 316786 055022 3 - Primary yellow 316786 055548 8 316786 055048 3 316786 055148 0 Yellow gold 316786 055523 5 316786 055023 0 - Bright orange 316786 055532 7 316786 055032 2 - Light vermilion - 316786 055039 1 - Carmine - 316786 055018 6 - Magenta 316786 055550 1 316786 055050 6 316786 055150 3 Tyrian pink 316786 055534 1 316786 055034 6 - Violet 316786 055547 1 316786 055047 6 - Ultramarine Blue 316786 055515 0 316786 055015 5 - Cyan 316786 055549 5 316786 055049 0 316786 055149 7 Cobalt Blue - 316786 055014 8 - Emerald green - 316786 055042 1 - Spring green 316786 055545 7 316786 055045 2 - Light green 316786 055543 3 316786 055043 8 - Yellow ochre - 316786 055027 8 -- Raw sienna 316786 055541 9 316786 055041 4 - Burnt sienna 316786 055538 9 316786 055038 4 316786 055138 1* Black 316786 055526 6 316786 055026 1 316786 055126 8 > Metallic colours Gold 316786 055551 8 316786 055051 3 316786 055151 0* Silver 316786 055552 5 316786 055052 0 316786 055152 7* Copper - 316786 055053 7 316786 055153 4* Bronze - 316786 055054 4 316786 055154 1* > Fluo colours Yellow 316786 055560 0 316786 055060 5 - Orange 316786 055561 7 316786 055061 2 - Red - 316786 055063 6 - Pink 316786 055562 4 316786 055062 9 - Blue - 316786 055064 3 - Green - 316786 055065 0 - > Pearl colours White pearl 316786 055555 6 316786 055055 1 - Red pearl 316786 055556 3 316786 055056 8 - Pink pearl 316786 055557 0 316786 055057 5 - Turquoise pearl 316786 055558 7 316786 055058 2 - Green pearl 316786 055559 4 316786 055059 9 -

1 l botte: 35 colours 316786 055211 1 316786 055222 7 316786 055248 7 316786 055223 4 316786 055232 6 316786 055239 5 316786 055218 0 316786 055250 0 316786 055234 0 316786 055247 0 316786 055215 9 316786 055249 4 316786 055214 2 316786 055242 5 316786 055245 6 316786 055243 2 316786 055227 2 316786 055241 8 316786 055238 8 316786 055226 5 316786 316786 316786 316786

055251 055252 055253 055254

7 4 1 8

316786 316786 316786 316786 316786 316786

055260 055261 055263 055262 055264 055265

9 6 0 3 7 4

316786 316786 316786 316786 316786

055255 055256 055257 055258 055259

5 2 9 6 3

> colour-chart primacolor > Classic

> Fluorescent 11 White 22 Lemon yellow 48 Primary yellow

•• ••••


60 Yellow


45 Spring green


61 Orange


43 Light green


62 Pink



63 Red



64 Blue


65 Green


23 Yellow gold


27 Yellow ochre

32 Bright orange


41 Raw sienna

39 Light vermilion


38 Burnt sienna


18 Carmine


26 Black


50 Magenta


> Pearl > Metallic

34 Tyrian pink


47 Violet


51 Gold

15 Ultramarine blue


52 Silver

49 Cyan 14 Cobalt Blue


42 Emerald green


Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies

55 White pearl



56 Red pearl



57 Pink pearl



53 Cooper


58 Turquoise pearl



54 Bronze


59 Green pearl


• 150 ml • 250 ml

• 500 ml • 1L

Primacolor liquid


Assortments & cases Ref.




RRP each

Produktová Productskupina group 5




055098 Assorted Pack 6 x 250 ml, Primacolor Permanent white, ivory black, cyan, magenta, primary yellow, spring green. 055070 Assorted Pack 4 x 250 ml, Primacolor fluo Blue, green, pink, yellow. 055091 Assorted Pack 4 x 250 ml, Primacolor metallic Gold, silver, bronze, copper. 055900 Starter set 4 x 40 ml jars Primacolor Primary yellow, magenta, cyan, black 055910 Starter set 8 x 40 ml jars Primacolor Primary yellow, magenta, cyan, light green, tyrian pink, white, black. > Studio cases 633602 Mini Studio case Gouache Little Artist 5 assorted 40 ml bottles, 1 gold polyamide flat brush n°4, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet. 633702 Studio case Gouache Little Artist 10 assorted 40 ml bottles, 1 gold polyamide flat brush n°4, 1 gold polyamide round brush n°4, 1 palette with 6 cups, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet.

> Basic assortments (filmed) 055096 4 x 250 ml bottles 316786 055096 4 4 Primacolor Pearl Red pearl, pink pearl, turquoise pearl, green pearl. 055090 4 x 250 ml bottles 316786 055090 2 4 Primacolor Metallic Gold, silver, bronze, copper. 055080* 4 x 250 ml bottles 316786 055080 3 4 Primacolor fluo Blue fluo, green fluo, pink fluo, yellow fluo. 055300 6 x 1 l bottles 316786 055300 2 1 Primacolor Pearl Red pearl, pink pearl, turquoise pearl, green pearl, white pearl, gold. 055299 10 assorted 1 litre bottles 316786 055299 9 1 2 bottles: white 1 bottle: black, primary yellow, magenta, cyan, spring green, ultramarine blue, raw sienna, vermillion.. 055190* 10 assorted 500 ml bottles 316786 055190 9 1 > Printed cardboard or plastic packaging 055590 Pack 4 flacons 150 ml, 316786 055590 7 2 Primacolor White, primary yellow, magenta, cyan. 055591 Pack 4 x 150 ml bottles, 316786 055591 4 2 Primacolor Pearl Red pearl, turquoise pearl, gold, silver. 055592 Pack 4 x 150 ml bottles, 316786 055592 1 2 Primacolor Fluo Yellow fluo, orange fluo, pink fluo, black. 055095* Pack 4 x 250 ml bottles, 316786 055095 7 4 Primacolor Pearl Red pearl, pink pearl, turquoise pearl, green pearl.

26 x 14,5

Ref. 055900 > 4 x 40 ml

Ref. 055910 > 8 x 40 ml


RRP each

316786 055098 8 4

316786 055070 4


316786 055091 9


316786 055900 4 6

316786 055910 3


316786 633602 9


316786 633702 6



Produktová skupina Product group 55


x 16,5 c

Ref. 633702 > Assorted Pack 10 x 40 ml

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies



Primacolor in paste

Primacolor in paste is a tempera with

a fine and smooth paste, packaged in plastic tubes for ease of use and dosage.

The colours are opaque and covering, they do not become chalky and remain vivid and bright after drying. Supporting a strong dilution, Primacolor in paste can be applied on heavyweight paper, cardboard, wood, salt dough. Clean with soapy water.



096 250 ml tube: 19 colours

Permanent white* Lemon yellow* Primary yellow* Yellow gold* Bright orange* Light vermilion* Carmine* Magenta* Tyrian pink Violet* Ultramarine Blue* Cobalt Blue* Cyan* Light green* Spring green* Emerald green* Yellow ochre* Raw sienna* Burnt sienna* Ivory black*


Product group 5 Pack RRP

316786 096011 4 316786 096022 0 316786 096048 0 316786 096023 7 316786 096032 9 316786 096040 4 316786 096018 3 316786 096050 3 316786 096034 3 316786 096047 3 316786 096015 2 316786 096014 5 316786 096049 7 316786 096043 5 316786 096045 9 316786 096042 8 316786 096027 5 316786 096039 8 316786 096038 1 316786 096026 8



< 250 ml

> colour-chart primacolor in paste


11 Permanent white*

50 Magenta*

42 Emerald green*

22 Lemon yellow*

47 Violet*

27 Yellow ochre*

48 Primary yellow*

15 Ultramarine blue*

39 Raw sienna*

23 Yellow gold*

14 Cobalt blue*

38 Burnt sienna*

32 Bright orange*

49 Cyan*

26 Ivory black*

40 Light vermilion*

43 Light green*

18 Carmine*

45 Spring green*

UkonÄ?ena vĂ˝roba last. * While supplies


Prima Magic Specially formulated to allow the different shades not to diffuse one into the other when mixed, this transparent tempera is also suitable for the folding technique. This paint conforms to the European toy norm. Prima Magic can be diluted with water, but looses brightness. Can be applied on paper, cardboard, wood, etc… Tools and hands can be washed with soapy water.




5 5


150 ml bottle: 19 colours White 316786 059306 0 Yellow 316786 059312 1 Orange 316786 059303 9 Light red 316786 059301 5 Dark red 316786 059309 1 Light pink 316786 059313 8 Violet 316786 059305 3 Ultramarine Blue 316786 059302 2 Spring green 316786 059304 6 Light brown 316786 059314 5 Dark brown 316786 059308 4 Black 316786 059307 7 Silver 316786 059310 7 Gold 316786 059311 4 > Pearl Colours White pearl 316786 059355 8 Red pearl 316786 059356 5 Pink pearl 316786 059357 2 Turquoise pearl 316786 059358 9 Green pearl 316786 059359 6


500 ml



> 150 ml bottle 059 14 colours 059 5 Pearl colours > 500 ml bottle 059 12 colours

150 ml

Product group 5


> colour-chart prima magic


55 White pearl

56 Red pearl

08 Dark brown


57 Pink pearl

07 Black


58 Turquoise pearl

59 Green pearl


04 Spring green

12 Yellow


14 Light brown

03 Orange


01 Light red


09 Dark red

•• •

500 ml bottle:, 12 colours 316786 059006 9 316786 059012 0 316786 059003 8 316786 059001 4 316786 059009 0 316786 059005 2 316786 059002 1 316786 059004 5 316786 059008 3 316786 059007 6 316786 059010 6 316786 059011 3

> Pearl

06 White

13 Light pink



Product group 5 Pack RRP


> Metallic

05 Violet


10 Silver


02 Ultramarine blue


11 Gold


• 150 ml • 500 ml



Prima Magic

Assortments & cases Ref.



Product group 5 Pack RRP


> Basic assortments (filmed) 10 assorted 500 ml bottles 316786 059199 8 Vermilion, ultramarine blue, orange, spring green, violet, white, black, burnt umber, crimson red, medium yellow

059390 059391 059299

> Printed cardboard or plastic packaging 4 assorted 150 ml bottles Metallic - Light red, 316786 059390 9 ultramarine blue, gold, silver. 4 assorted 150 ml bottles Pearl - Yellow, Violet, 316786 059371 6 white pearl, turquoise pearl. Assorted Pack 4 x 250 ml, 316786 059299 5 3 Prima magic colours: gold, silver, vermilion, 1 Magic glue bottle.




059400 Starter set 4 x 40 ml jars Gold, black, yellow, light red. 059410 Starter set 8 x 40 ml jars Gold, black, yellow, light red, silver, ultramarine blue, sprint green, violet.


633605 633705

2 2



Product group 5 Pack RRP each

316786 059400 5


316786 059410 4


> Studio cases Mini Studio case 316786 633605 0 Prima magic 5 assorted 40 ml bottles, 1 gold polyamide flat brush n°4, 1 leaflet. Studio case 316786 633705 7 Prima magic 10 assorted 40 ml bottles, 1 gold polyamide flat brush n°4, 1 gold polyamide round brush n°4, 1 palette with 6 cups, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet.



< Ref. 059299

Pack 4 x 250 ml bottles

Ref. 633705 >

Prima magic 10 x 40 ml jars

Magic Glue

Used as a GLUE : glues all types of materials such as paper, cardboard, papier mâché, wood, etc. Can be used with the napkin technique. Renders a bright, flexible and transparent film. Drying time depends on the thickness of the application, the ambient temperature and humidity Used as a MEDIUM : can be mixed with the Prima Magic paint in all proportions to shade off the colours without losing the adherence qualities. When mixing at least 50% or more Magic Glue with 50% Prima Magic paint, you will obtain a bright and transparent Window colour that is water resistant and easy to remove on all smooth surfaces after drying for 24 hours.


Tools and hands can be washed with soapy water. Ref.


059380 Magic glue 150 ml 603724 Magic Glue 1L



Product group 5 Pack RRP

316786 059380 0 5 316786 603724 7 3



Brillo Glossy poster paint

Ready-to-use liquid poster, glossy after drying. For painting and decorating surfaces with a glossy finish. Opaque colours wich can be mixed together and are exceptionally glossy (lacquered effect). Smooth and fine texture. Dilution: not recommended as more water can result in less gloss. Surfaces: paper, cardboard, dough, wood, rhodoid, etc... Tools: brushes, rollers, etc... No need to varnish to obtain a glossy finish, but varnishing the work will preserve it longer. Materials, skin and clothes can be washed in soapy water.




> 150 ml bottle 3762 12 colours 5 3762 5 2 Metallic colours 3762 5 Pearl colours 5 > 500 ml bottles: 12 colours 3745 12 colours 10 3745 2 Metallic colours 10 3745 10 5 Pearl colours

150 ml


500 ml

Product group 5 Product White Primary yellow Yellow gold Light red Magenta Light pink Cyan Ultramarine Blue Light green Dark green Brown Black > Metallic Gold Silver > Pearl White pearl Red pearl Pink pearl Turquoise pearl Green pearl



150 ml bottles: 19 colours 316786 376201 2 316786 376202 9 316786 376203 6 316786 376206 7 316786 376205 0 316786 376204 3 316786 376207 4 316786 376208 1 316786 376209 8 316786 376210 4 316786 376211 1 316786 376212 8

ml bottles: 500 19 colours 316786 374501 5 316786 374502 2 316786 374503 9 316786 374506 0 316786 374505 3 316786 374504 6 316786 374507 7 316786 374508 4 316786 374509 1 316786 374510 7 316786 374511 4 316786 374512 1

316786 376213 5 316786 376214 2

316786 374513 8 316786 374514 5

316786 316786 316786 316786 316786

316786 316786 316786 316786 316786

376255 376256 376257 376258 376259

5 2 9 6 3

374515 374516 374517 374518 374519


Product group 5 Pack RRP

2 9 6 3 0


A multitude of possibilities!

Creation on terra cotta

Creation on paper

Creation on cardboard


> colour-chart brillo > Pearl 01 White

09 Light green

55 White pearl

02 Primary yellow

10 Dark green

56 Red pearl

03 Yellow gold

11 Brown

57 Pink pearl

04 Light pink

12 Black

58 Turquoise pearl

05 Magenta

59 Green pearl

> Metallic

06 Light red

Ref. 374599

07 Cyan

13 Gold

08 Ultramarine blue

14 Silver



Product group 5 Pack RRP each

> Basic assortments (filmed) 10 assorted 500 ml bottles 316786 374599 2 2 bottles: white 1 bottle: black, magenta, cyan, primary yellow, light green, sienna, light pink, ultramarine blue)


Ref. 376290 376291



Product group 5 Pack RRP each

> Printed cardboard or plastic packaging 4 x 150 ml bottles 316786 376290 6 White, primary yellow, magenta, cyan. 4 x 150 ml Pearl bottles 316786 376291 3 Gold, Silver, red pearl, turquoise pearl.

2 2

< Ref. 374599

Assortment colours 10 x 500 ml bottles

< Ref. 376290

4 x 150 ml bottles


< Ref. 376291

4 x 150 ml bottles pearl colours


Solugouache Concentrated liquid poster paint




0571 1 litre bottle: 19 colours

Permanent white Lemon yellow Primary yellow Yellow gold Bright orange Light vermilion Carmine Magenta Tyrian pink Violet Ultramarine Blue Cobalt Blue Cyan Light green Spring green* Emerald green Raw sienna Burnt sienna Ivory black

Product group 5 RRP Pack each

316786 057111 2 316786 057122 8 316786 057148 8 316786 057123 5 316786 057132 7 316786 057139 6 316786 057118 1 316786 057150 1 316786 057134 1 316786 057147 1 316786 057115 0 316786 057114 3 316786 057149 5 316786 057143 3 316786 057145 7 316786 057142 6 316786 057141 9 316786 057138 9 316786 057126 6





Product group 5 RRP Pack each

6 0572 2 litre bottles: 5 colours white Permanent 316786 057211 9 Primary yellow 316786 057248 5 Magenta 316786 057250 8 Cyan 316786 057249 2 Ivory black 316786 057226 3




Product group 5 RRP Pack

> Basic assortments (filmed) 057199 10 x 1 L bottles 316786 057199 0 2 bottles: permanent white, 1 botte: primary yellow, bright orange, magenta, violet, cyan, light green, burnt sienna, ivory black. 057299 6 x 2 L bottles 316786 057299 7 2 bottles: permanent white, 1 bottle: primary yellow, cyan, magenta, ivory black.




00% Dilution 1 tres li 1 litre = 2 < 1L

< 2L

Tips and ideas Solugouache enables children to learn about graphics and colours in a fun and easy way: - Work flat are as with rollers, and lines and curves with paintbrushes. - Projections with a toothbrush or a syringe. - Prints made from fingers, lids, stoppers... Everything is possible when a child wants to discover or experience something new.



Solugouache concentrate enables space to be saved. Opaque colours which cover well, there is no dust and they remain bright and luminous after drying. The Pebeo primary colours are perfectly balanced permitting a better understanding of mixing techniques. Smooth texture which makes application easier. No unpleasant smell. Dilution: Dilute one volume of colour to one volume of water to obtain ready-to-use liquid poster paint. Dilute even more for transparent or watercolour effects. Surfaces: heavy paper, cardboard, Bristol board, wood, dough etc... Tools: brushes, rollers, stamps etc... Preservation of work: PĂŠbĂŠo gouache water-based varnish, to be applied after colours have dried. Materials, skin and clothes can be washed with soapy water.

> colour-chart Solugouache 11 Permanent white

50 Magenta

45 Spring green*

34 Tyrian pink

42 Emerald green

47 Violet

41 Raw sienna

23 Yellow gold

15 Ultramarine blue

38 Burnt sienna

32 Bright orange

14 Cobalt blue

26 Ivory black

39 Light vermilion

49 Cyan

18 Carmine

43 Light green

22 Lemon yellow 48 Primary yellow

• 2L


Powder poster paint Solucolor

The powder formula of Solucolor allows an excellent preservation over time and saves considerable storage space. Covering and opaque colours. Dilution: dilute one volume of water to 2 volumes of colour to obtain ready-to-use liquid poster paint. Surfaces: heavy paper, cardboard, Bristol board, wood, dough, etc... Tools: brushes, rollers, stamps, etc... Preservation of work: Pébéo gouache water-based varnish to be applied after colours have dried. Materials skin, and clothes can be washed in soapy water.



17 colours 207 1 kg jars :

Permanent white Lemon yellow* Primary yellow Yellow gold* Bright orange Carmine* Magenta Tyrian pink Dark cobalt violet* Ultramarine Blue Cobalt Blue* Cyan Light green green Emerald Raw sienna* Burnt sienna Ivory black


Product group 5 RRP Pack

1 316786 207011 8 316786 207022 4 316786 207048 4 316786 207023 1 316786 207032 3 316786 207018 7 316786 207050 7 316786 207034 7 316786 207047 7 316786 207015 6 316786 207014 9 316786 207049 1 316786 207043 9 316786 207042 2 316786 207039 2 316786 207038 5 316786 207026 2


< 1 kg

> colour-chart Solucolor


11 Permanent white

50 Magenta

43 Light green

22 Lemon yellow*

34 Tyrian pink

42 Emerald green

48 Primary yellow

47 Dark cobalt violet*

39 Raw sienna*

23 Yellow gold*

15 Ultramarine blue

38 Burnt sienna

32 Bright orange

14 Cobalt blue*

26 Ivory black

18 Carmine*

49 Cyan

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies

Doplňky k Tempera temperám auxiliaries

Ref. 603723 603721 603722

603701 261000 260000 267000 582020 582120

033000 372000



ZLATÝMI > GLAK oldSE sparkles TŘPYTKAMI varnish posterpaint 150 ml lahvička bottle lahvička 500 ml bottle láhev 1 l bottle

Produktová Productskupina group 55

> SSATÉNOVÝ atin finish LAK NA VODNÍ based BÁZI varnish water lahvička 45 ml bottle lahvička 250 ml bottle lahvička 500 ml bottle 1 litre bottle l láhev

Productskupina group 5 Produktová 5

varnish Spray > Poster LAK VEpaint SPREJI 200 ml sprej spray 400 ml sprej spray

Produktová Productskupina group 44

KRESLÍCÍ GUMA > Drawing gum lahvička 45 ml bottle lahvička 250 ml bottle

Produktová Productskupina group 44


316786 603723 0 316786 603721 6 316786 603722 3

316786 603701 8 316786 261000 0 316786 260000 1 316786 267000 4 316786 582020 8 316786 582120 5

316786 033000 9 316786 372000 5


5 1 6



Oživte svoutheme práci. to your work. Water based Add a party Na vodní bázi, chrání Vaši práci a dává jí třpytivý and with no strong odour, it both protects work závěr. and gives a glitter finish.

Apply withštětcem a brushpřes over již dryzaschlou colour. Water and Aplikujte barvu.based Vodou ředitelné ait bezzápachové. Dává lesklýprotection závěr a odourless gives a satin finish andpráci a durable ochranu. souladu s CE. to work. CEV compliant.

5 1 1 1 6 1

5 1

Nežloutnocí na akrylové bázi dáváaVaší práci Acrylic basedsprej and non-yellowing, it gives protective ochranný barev. satin finish.aItsaténový enhancesfilm. the Zvyšuje brilliancezářivost of the colours. Použité štětce vymývejte v petrolejové esenci. Wash brushes with essence of Petroleum.

Při malování barvami, inkousty Peelable rubbers vodovými solution applied to a kvaši surfacenebo to mask se tato guma používá bílých Nanáší areas where colour is notk uchování wanted. Use with míst. inks, gouaches se štětcem, nebo hrotem. Nechá se zaschnout po dobu and watercolour. Applied with a brush or nib. Drawing Gum 10 až 15 minut, následně přes ni můžeme malovat. Po dries in 10-15 minutes after which colour can be applied. skončení práce je odstranitelná buď gumou, nebo When the colour is completely dry remove the Drawing prsty.

Gum by gently rubbing with a finger or eraser.

603710 603711 603712

INDICKÝ > India Ink INKOUST lahvička 20 ml bottle lahvička 250 ml bottle 1 litre bottle láhev

Další info

Produktová Productskupina group 55

316786 603710 0 316786 603711 7 316786 603712 4

10 1 1

Může zředěn s vodou, zaschne Can bebýt diluted with water, jakmile indeliblejednou once dry, can beje nesmazatelný. Může být celulózu, used on paper, acetate orpoužit metal na withpapír, a wide variety of nebo kov. Má širokou paletu aplikátorů - štětec, pero applicators - brush, pen airbrush, stamp - fluid and easy airbrush, razítko - tekutý, snadno se aplikuje, dává to apply, it gives anaopaque, satin finish. práci neprůhledný saténový závěr.

NÁPADY: GUMA TTIPY ips A and ideas KRESLÍCÍ : drawing gum

Neviditelná The invisibleryba fish: -- Na kousek si nejdříve předkreslete tužkou například kreslící On čistý a blank piecepapíru of paper, draw with a pencil. - Using the drawing rybu, gum, paint thegumou outlines of the picture. obtáhněte obrysy obrázku. Once thejedrawing dry (about 15mn), cover the whole sheet ofcelý paper -- Jakmile kreslící gum gumais suchá (schne okolo 15 minut), zamalujte papír plakátovými with poster paint modrou, (blue, for kexample, to represent barvami (například napodobení moře). the sea). Leave tozaschnout. dry. -- Nechte Rub the picture with your finger. The drawing gum comes -- Přegumujte celýout obrázek. Po vygumování máte obrázek leaving a picture of the fish.



DOPLŇKY Auxiliaries


Sparkling Gel Ready to use sparkling gel.

Coloured transparent gel composed of a large quantity of iridescent glitter. The gold, silver, bronze and copper colours are made of a transparent base, since the glitter itself gives the gold or silver its bright colour. In all the colours a multitude of glitter can be found. Once dry, the colours have a sparkly, bright finish. Thinner: not recommended because the addition of water will diminish the fluorescence. Supports: all types of heavy paper, carboard, Bristol board, wood, dough. Tools: brushes, rollers, stamps…. Preservation of work: Pebeo water based gouache varnish, to be applied after colours have dried. Materials and skin can be washed in soapy water.




Product group 5 Pack RRP

05562 80 ml tubes : 4 coloured gels Yellow with gold glitters* 316786 055620 1

Red with gold glitters* 316786 055623 2 Blue with gold glitters* 316786 055624 9 Green with gold glitters* 316786 055625 6 05560 250 ml bottle: 7 coloured gels Yellow with gold glitters 316786 055600 3 Orange with gold glitters 316786 055601 0 Pink with gold glitters 316786 055602 7 Red with gold glitters 316786 055603 4 Blue with gold glitters 316786 055604 1 Green with gold glitters 316786 055605 8 Violet with gold glitters 316786 055606 5 05560 250 ml bottle: 4 transparent gels Gold glitters 316786 055609 6 Silver glitters 316786 055610 2 Copper glitters 316786 055611 9 Bronze glitters 316786 055612 6

< 250 ml






Product group 5 Pack RRP

> Basic assortments (filmed) 055690 4 x 250 ml bottles, 316786 055690 4 Gold, silver, copper, bronze. 055692 4 x 250 ml bottles, 316786 055692 8 Red, blue, pink, green.


055698 055691

> Printed cardboard or plastic packaging Glitter gel assortment 316786 055698 0 4 x 80 ml tubes (yellow, red, blue, green), 1 stencil. Assorted Pack 4 x 250 ml 316786 055691 1 Gold, silver, copper, bronze.


Ref. 055691* >

> colour-chart sparkling gel > Transparent gels + Metallic glitters

> Coloured gels + Gold glitters


80 ml



250 ml

80 ml





09 Gold glitters






10 Silver glitters





11 Copper glitters




Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies



Glitter gel assortment

Pack 4 x 250 ml bottles

250 ml


< Ref. 055698*

< 80 ml



12 Bronze glitters


Acrylcolor Připraveny použití, lesklé a tekuté barvy Ready-to-kuse glossy acrylic liquid paint Barvy Acrylcolor vemi dobře kryjí. Podry, zaschnutí Acrylcolor coloursjsou are lekslé glossyaand cover well. Once they are jsou nesmazatelné. indelible. All the colours can be mixed together. The primaries Všechny barvy jsou vzájemně míchatelné. are perfectly balanced permitting an easier understanding of Základní barvy jsou dokonale vyváženy, díky tomu se mixing techniques. snadněji učí namíchávání nových barev.

Dilution: possible with water but this will result in less gloss Surfaces: mohou can be applied to allvodou, surfacesale (paper, cardboard, Ředění: být zředěny výsledkem budewood, méně plaster, rhodoid, etc). lesku Podklady: použity povrchů Tools: paintmohou brushes,být other typesnaofvšechny brushes, typy rollers, stamps,(papír, etc. kartón, dřevo, plast) For preserving work: varnishing is unnecessary. Náčiní: malířské štětce, další typy štětců, válečky, razítka, Materials and skin can be washed in soapy water before drying. atd.. Pro zachování barev je nezbytné po úplném zachnutí malbu přelakovat. Materiál, pokožku a oblečení vyčistíte mýdlovou vodou. 1L


Produktová skupina Product group55

> 150 ml bottle 3741 14 colours 3741 2 Metallic colours 3741 5 Pearl colours 3 Fluo colours 3741 3741 1 auxiliary > 250 ml bottle 3744 16 colours 4 metallic colours 3744 3744 6 pearl colours 3744 3 Fluo colours > 500 ml bottle 3746 16 colours 3746 4 metallic colours 3746 6 pearl colours 3746 4 Fluo colours > 1 L bottles 3747 14 colours 3747 2 metallic colours 3747 5 pearl colours 3 Fluo colours 3747




5 5 5 5 5

500 ml





250 ml 150 ml



6 6 6 6 10 10 10 10

6 6 6 6

Další info A NESPOČET MOŽNOSTÍ! multitude of possibilities!

Creationna on plátno canvas Tvorba

Creationna onpapír paper Tvorba

Tvorba na Creation on plast plaster







150ml bottle: 24 colours 250ml bottle: 29 colours White 316786 374101 7 316786 374401 8 Lemon yellow - 316786 374402 5 Primary yellow 316786 374148 8 316786 374448 3 Yellow gold 316786 374103 1 316786 374403 2 Bright Orange 316786 374104 8 316786 374404 9 Dark vermillon - 316786 374405 6 Magenta 316786 374113 0 316786 374413 1 Bright pink 316786 374115 4 316786 374415 5 Violet 316786 374106 2 316786 374406 3 Ultramarine blue 316786 374107 9 316786 374407 0 Cyan 316786 374108 6 316786 374408 7 Spring green 316786 374109 3 316786 374409 4 Bright green 316786 374114 7 316786 374414 8 Light pink 316786 374112 3 316786 374412 4 Sienna 316786 374110 9 316786 374410 0 Black 316786 374111 6 316786 374411 7 > Metallic colours Gold 316786 374116 1 316786 374416 2 Silver 316786 374117 8 316786 374417 9 Copper - 316786 374453 7 Bronze - 316786 374454 4 > Pearl colours Pearl amethyst purple - 316786 374418 6 Pearl tourmaline red - 316786 374419 3 White pearl 316786 374155 0 316786 374455 1 Red pearl 316786 374156 7 316786 374456 8 Pink pearl 316786 374157 4 - Turquoise pearl 316786 374158 1 316786 374458 2 Green pearl 316786 374159 8 316786 374459 9 > Fluo colours Fluo Yellow 316786 374160 4 316786 374460 5 Fluo Orange 316786 374161 1 316786 374461 2 Fluo Pink 316786 374162 8 316786 374462 9 Fluo Green - - 150ml bottle: 1 auxiliary Acrylic binder 316786 374180 2 -

500ml: 30 colours 316786 374601 2 316786 374602 9 316786 374648 7 316786 374603 6 316786 374604 3 316786 374605 0 316786 374613 5 316786 374615 9 316786 374606 7 316786 374607 4 316786 374608 1 316786 374609 8 316786 374614 2 316786 374612 8 316786 374610 4 316786 374611 1

> colour-chart Acrylcolor

> Metallic

01 White 02 Lemon yellow


48 Primary yellow


03 Yellow gold


04 Bright orange


05 Dark vermilion




1L bottles: 24 colours 316786 374701 9 316786 374748 4 316786 374703 3 316786 374704 0 316786 374713 2 316786 374715 6 316786 374706 4 316786 374707 1 316786 374708 8 316786 374709 5 316786 374714 9 316786 374712 5 316786 374710 1 316786 374711 8

316786 374616 6 316786 374617 3 316786 374653 1 316786 374654 8 316786 316786 316786 316786

316786 374716 3 316786 374717 0 -

374618 374619 374655 374656 - 316786 374658 316786 374659

0 7 5 2 6 3

316786 316786 316786 316786 316786

316786 316786 316786 316786

9 6 0 4

316786 374760 6 316786 374761 3 316786 374762 0 -

374660 374661 374663 374665 -

374755 374756 374757 374758 374759

2 9 6 3 0


12 Light pink


16 Gold


10 Sienna


53 Silver


11 Black


16 Copper


54 Bronze


> Pearl > Fluorescent

18 Pearl amethyst purple

•• ••

60 Fluo yellow


13 Magenta


19 Pearl tourmaline red

15 Bright pink


55 White Pearl


61 Fluo orange


06 Violet


56 Red Pearl


62 Fluo Pink


07 Ultramarine blue


57 Pink Pearl


08 Cyan


58 Turquoise Pearl


09 Spring green


59 Green Pearl


14 Bright green


65 Fluo green

374180 Acrylic binder

> Auxiliary

• • • •

150 ml 250 ml 500 ml 1L




374490 374590 374790 374890 374690 374691

> Basic assortments (filmed) 4 x 250 ml bottles Copper, bronze, gold, silver. 4 x 250 ml bottles White, red, turquoise, green. 6 x 500 ml bottles White, black, magenta, cyan, primary yellow, spring green. 6 x 500 ml bottles Pearl Gold, silver, green pearl, red pearl, turquoise pearl, white pearl. Standard assortiment

316786 374490 2


316786 374590 9


316786 374790 3



316786 374890 0 1

316786 374690 6


10 x 500 ml 2 whites, 1 black, 1 magenta, 1 cyan, 1 primary yellow, 1 spring green, 1 sienna, 1 light pink, 1 ultramarine blue. Special events assortment 316786 374691 3 10 x 500 ml 1 white, 1 black, 1 magenta, 1 cyan, 1 primary yellow, 1 gold, 1 silver, 1 orange, 1 dark vermillon, 1 spring green.




374190 374191 374192 374495*


Product group 5 RRP Pack

> Printed cardboard or plastic packaging 4 x 150 ml bottles 316786 374190 1 Magenta, primary yellow, cyan, white. 4 x 150 ml bottles Pearl 316786 374191 8 Gold, silver, red pearl, turquoise pearl. 4 x 150 ml bottles Fluo 316786 374192 5 Fluo yellow, fluo orange, fluo pink, black. 4 x 250 ml bottles Pearl 316786 374495 7 R ed pearl, pearl tourmaline red, turquoise pearl, green pearl. 374470* 4 x 250 ml bottles Fluo 316786 374470 4 Blue, green, pink, yellow. 374491 4 x 250 ml Metallic 316786 374491 9 Gold, silver, copper, bronze. 374499 6 x 250 ml bottles 316786 374499 5 White, ivory black, cyan, magenta, primary yellow, spring green.






4 4 4


Product group 5 RRP Pack

> assortments & Pack

< Ref. 374890

Pearl assortment: 6 x 500 ml bottles

< Ref. 374491 < Ref. 374499

Pack 4 x 250 ml

Pack 6 x 250 ml

< Ref. 374495 Pack 4 x 250 ml

< Ref. 374470* Pack 6 x 250 ml

< Ref. 374690

Standard assortment: 10 x 500 ml bottles

UkonÄ?ena vĂ˝roba last. * While supplies



Discover quality wooden sets including colours and accessories allowing children ages 5 and up to express and build self-esteem through artistic creation.




> Metal box 633695 Extra fine Gouache 7 moist cakes, 1 pony round brush no8

Product group 5 Pack RRP

316786 633695 1

> Acrylic case 316786 374795 8 374795 Bamboo Case 12 assorted 12 ml tubes, 1 gold polyamide flat brush no4, 1 palette. 374796 Easel Case 316786 374796 5 12 assorted 12 ml tubes, 1 gold polyamide flat brush no4, 1 gold polyamide round brush no4, 1 palette with 6 cups. 374797 Atelier case 316786 374797 2 15 x 12 ml tubes, 1 gold polyamide flat brush no4, 1 gold polyamide round brush no8, 1 palette, 1 plastic painting knife, 1 foam roller, 1 foam spalter, 1 canvas board. 374798 Atelier Bamboo Case 316786 374798 9 12 x 20 ml tubes, 12 oil pastels, 1 x 10 sheet pad, 2 gold polyamide brushes, 1 pencil, 1 palette




> Art Movement banboo Case 374801 Impressionism 316786 10 x 12 ml tubes, 1 brush, 1 guide 374802 Fauvism 316786 10 x 12 ml tubes, 1 brush, 1 guide 374803 Cubism 316786 10 x 12 ml tubes, 1 brush, 1 guide 374804 Free Figuration 316786 10 x 12 ml tubes, 1 brush, 1 guide






Ref. 374795 > Bamboo case

< Ref. 633695 7 moist cakes



Ref. 374796 > Easel case

Product group 5 Pack RRP each

374801 6


374802 3


374803 0


374804 7


> Artist kid cases < Ref. 374797 Atelier case

< Ref. 374798


Atelier Bamboo case

< Ref. 374802

Fauvism bamboo case

< Ref. 374801

Impressionism bamboo case

< Ref. 374803

Cubism bamboo case

< Ref. 374804

Free Figuration bamboo case



Children cases New kits, to discover new activities: finger painting, painting with a brush, magic painting with numerous effects for children, 3 years and over. And for the older children (5 years and over), painting on wood and painting on glass or ceramic. All these cases contain paints and accessories for experimenting with these activities.

Ref. 633603* 633604*

Ref. 633703* 633704*






< Ref. 633604

Paint on Wood & porcelain


Product group 5 Pack RRP

> Studio cases Paint on Wood 316786 633703 3 10 assorted 20 ml bottles, 1 gold polyamide flat brush n°4, 1 gold polyamide round brush n°4, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet, + 10 wooden figurines. Paint on Wood & Porcelain 316786 633704 0 10 assorted 20 ml bottles, 1 gold polyamide flat brush n°4, 1 gold polyamide round brush n°4, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet + 2 mug.





Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies

Paint on wood

Product group 5 Pack RRP

> Mini studio cases Paint on Wood 316786 633603 6 6 assorted 20 ml bottles, 1 gold polyamide round brush n°4, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet + 5 wooden figurines. Paint on Wood & Porcelain 316786 633604 3 6 assorted 20 ml bottles, 1 gold polyamide round brush n°4, 1 table protector, 1 leaflet + 1 mug.


Ref. 633603 >

Ref. 633703 > Paint on wood

Ref. 633704 >

Paint on Wood & Porcelain

DOPLŇKY A ccessories

DOPLŇKY , Accessories

palettes, brush cleaners palety, čističe štětců smocks a and zástěrky AKompletní completeřada rangedoplňků of accessories adapted for children, přizpůsobená dětem tak, aby to allow them totvořit. create safely: mohli bezpečně - Anti-drop brush cleaner: spill proof containers.

Ref. 385000 386000 388000 380000

Product Plastové palety Plastic palettes



RRP each

palette withs 316786 385000 9 20 Small Elite Malá, špičková paleta 6 cups 6 kalíšky Large Elite palettepaleta with Velká, špičková s11 11 kalíšky cups Disposable palette Jednorázová paletawith s 16 kalíšky 16 cups Oval palette Oválná paleta

316786 386000 8 10 316786 388000 6


316786 380000 4


< Ref. 385000 Paleta 6 kalíšků palette - 6 cups Elite

Produktová skupina Product group 55





698110 698120 698130 698140

Brush cleaner Čističe štětců Kelímek čištění štětců Anti-dropnabrush cleaner

316786 698110 6 316786 698120 5

10 1

316786 698130 4 316786 698140 3

10 10

Sada se 44 anti-drop kelímky pro Set with čištění štětců brush cleaners Pláštěnky Smocks Pláštěnka, 3/5 years3-5let Smock size velikost

Smock size velikost 5/8 years5-8let Pláštěnka,

RRP each

Ref. 698110 > Anti-drop brush cleaner Kelímek pro čištění štětců, brání stékání kapaliny po nádobě

< Ref. 386000 Paleta 11 kalíšků palette - 11 cups Elite

Ref. 698140 > Pláštěnka 5-8 let Smock sizevelikost 5/8 years

Ref. 388000 > Disposable palette 16kalíšků cups Jednorázová Paleta -16

< Ref. 698130 Pláštěnka 3-5 let sizevelikost 3/5 years Smock < Ref. 388000 Oval palette Oválná paleta



Produktová skupina Product group 55



Arti’stick Barva, která je připravena k použití, po zaschnutí ji můžete Ready-atonásledně -use paint which přemístit can be peeled off sloupnout několikrát and repositioned Jakmile jsou barvy Arti'Stick suché, zůstávají jasné a Once they have dried, the Arti’Stickmíchány, colours are transparentní. Mouhou být vzájemně alebright pouzeand tak, že transparent. They can be mixed together but, placed next budou umístěny vedle sebe. Barvy utvoří stejnoměrný film, který je to each other, they will form a uniform film without mixing. pevný, pružný a odolný, to znamená, že obrázek můžete přemístit, They form a solid, supple and resistant film which means that kolikrát si jen budete přát. Tento produkt obsahuje příměs velmi they can be removed and replaced as often as is desired. hořké chuti, která zabrání dětem v požití barvy.

This product contains a bitter anti-ingestion agent.

Podklady: všechny hladké a neporézní povrchy jako je sklo, plast, Surfaces: all smooth and non-porous surfaces such as glass, dlaždice, atd… plastic, tiles etc...použít euroobal, předlohu vkládáme do obalu, Aplikace: nejlépe Application: barvu navrch. if so desired, a model can be placed under the plasticbarvu surface (a document wallet for example). Aplikujte přímo z tuby aplikátorem, který je na tubě našroubovaný. Nechte schnout dobu 24 surface hodin. Obrázek Apply the colour directly ontopo the plastic using thepo zaschnutí sundejte fólie atoumístěte hohours. na libovolný applicator bottle.zAllow dry for 24 Removepodklad. and Odstranění doporučuje omýtofmýdlovou vodou předtím, repositionskvrn: the pattern on the se surface your choice. nežRemoving barvy zaschnou. stains: it is recommended that stains be removed

with soapy water before the colours dry.

Produktová Productskupina group 55


Ref. tuba > 75 ml tube 0081 19 colours 19 barev 33 outliners kontury 0081 nádoba > 500 ml jars barev 0085 15 15 colours 0085 3 outliners 3 kontury

75 ml >


6 6 10 10

500 ml >

Další info



ZA step KROKEM SKROK tep by

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies


Product White Yellow Orange Red Salmont Bright pink Violet Dark Blue Light Blue Dark green Light green Brown Grey Black Clear White sparkles Gold sparkles Rainbow sparkles Glow in the dark Black Gold Silver

Barcode 19 barev, 19 colours, 75 ml tuba 75 ml tube

Barcode 14 14 barev, colours, 500 500 ml ml láhev jars

316786 008112 3 316786 008512 1 316786 008101 7 316786 008501 5 316786 008102 4 316786 008502 2 316786 008103 1 316786 008503 9 316786 008110 9 316786 008510 7* 316786 008104 8 316786 008504 6 316786 008117 8 - 316786 008105 5 316786 008505 3 316786 008106 2 316786 008506 0 316786 008107 9 316786 008507 7 316786 008108 6 316786 008508 4 316786 008109 3 316786 008509 1 316786 008118 5 - 316786 008111 6 316786 008511 4 316786 008113 0 316786 008513 8* 316786 008119 2 316786 008114 7 316786 008514 5 316786 008115 4 - 316786 008116 1 - 75 v tubě 500 v láhvi 75 ml ml kontury tubes outliners 500ml mlkontury jars outliners 316786 008120 8 316786 008520 6 316786 008121 5 316786 008521 3 316786 008122 2 316786 008522 0*

> colour-chart Arti’stick

> Sparkles

12 White


06 Light blue


19 White sparkles

01 Yellow


07 Dark green


15 Rainbow sparkles

02 Orange


08 Light green


14 Gold sparkles

03 Red


09 Brown


10 Salmont


18 Grey

04 Bright pink


11 Black


13 Clear


17 Violet 05 Dark blue


16 Glow in the dark


• 75 ml • 500 ml

20 Black


22 Silver


21 Gold


> Outliners


Produktová Productskupina group 55

Ref. 008590 008030 ­ 008222




Základní sortiment > Basic assortments (filmed)

316786 008590 9


Teacher’s Kit Sada pro učitele 10x500ml znovu 10 x 500 mlláhví, refillable bottles + možné doplnit plus 20 x 25 ml empty applicator 20x25ml prázdných tub s tubes + 85 patterns aplikátory plus 85 předloh

white, yellow, orange, gold sparkle, brown, red, light blue, light green, black and gold outliners. 15x75ml barev 316786 008030 0 15 x 75 mltuby tubesvybraných assorted colours yellow, orange, red, bright pink, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light green, brown, black, white, clear, gold sparkles, black and gold outliners. Prázndá tuba 25ml Empty applicator tubes25 ml 316786 008222 9 aplikátorem Pack of 25 applicator tubes Balení 25 tub s aplikátorem (assorted colours). (různé odstíny).

Další info

RRP each



Ref. 008590 > 10x500ml znovu 10 x 500láhví, ml refillable možné +doplnit + 20 bottles 20 applicators. prázdných tub s aplikátory

Otázky/Odpovědi: Arti'Stick Q uestion/Answer : Arti’stick

Jsou barvy Arti'Stick použitelné i s postupem Do Arti’Stick colours resist the passage of time? času? Ano. Barvy Arti'Stick vytvářejí opravdu filmThey a je možné přemístit Yes, Arti’Stick colours resist to the passagesilný of time. render ajestrong tight film and are nespočetněkrát. Pokud vytvoříte nějaké tématické obrázky (například Vánoční repositionable at will. stromeček), můžete je umístit do ochranné eurofólie a následně opětovně použít. Cantřeba we and must barvy we clean thepřemístěním peel able paints repositioning them zvýšili jejich Je očistit před naprior dalšítopodklad, abychom on other surfaces to increase their adhesion? přilnavost? Není třeba je vyloženě čistit, případě potřeby můžete vlhký hadřík k It is not necessary to clean themale butv you can use a humid cloth použít to remove dust if desired. odstranění prachu.


Produktová skupina Product group55

Ref. 008962 008654 008656 008657 008658



sada s potiskem > Papírová Printed cardboard ‘‘Windowcolour’’ Barvy na sklo - Starter set 316786 008962 4 8začátečnická assorted 25 mlsada tubes, plastic 8 vybraných 25ml tub, 1 glitter sheets, pattern sheets, plastové fólie, předlohy, bag. pytlíček se třpytkami Barvy na sklo - Starter set 316786 008654 8 ‘‘Windowcolour’’ 5začátečnická assorted 75 mlsada tubes, plastic 5 vybraných 75ml tub, plastové sheets, pattern sheets, glitter fólie, předlohy, pytlíček1 se bag. třpytkami Začátečnická sada set ‘‘Alphabet’’ Starter 316786 008656 2 assorted 75 ml tubes, plastic 5Abeceda 5 vybraných 75ml tub, sheets, pattern sheets, 1 glitter plastové fólie, předlohy, pytlíček se třpytkami bag. Začátečnická sadaset ‘‘Animals’’ Starter 316786 008657 9 5Zvířátka assorted 75 ml tubes, plastic 5 vybraných 75ml tub, pattern sheets, 1 glitter sheets, plastové fólie, předlohy, bag. pytlíček se třpytkami ‘‘Sea’’ Starter set 316786 008658 6 Začátečnícká sada - Moře vybraných 75ml tub,plastic 75 ml tubes, 55assorted plastové fólie,sheets, předlohy, pattern 1 glitter sheets, pytlíček se třpytkami bag.







Produktová skupina Product group 55


Ref. 008659 008653






< Ref. 008662 5 x 75 ml tubes

27 x 19 x 3 cm

Ref. 008663 > 5 x 75 ml tubes

< Ref. 008657 5 x 75 ml tubes

28,5 x 26 x 4 cm

< Ref. 008654 5 x 75 ml tubes

Ref. 008658 >

Ref. 008656 >

5 x 75 ml tubes

5 x 75 ml tubes

< Ref. 008659 10 x 75 ml tubes

Ref. 008653 >

20 x 75 ml tubes

53 x 46 x 4 cm

39,5 x 33 x 4 cm


SadaSea Moře zvířátka Set 316786 008659 3 ‘‘The anda Animals’’ vybraných tub, 1010assorted 75 ml75ml tubes, plastic plastové fólie,sheets, předlohy, sheets, pattern 1 glitter pytlíček se třpytkami bag. Barvy na sklo - super ‘‘Windowcolour’’ Supersada set 316786 008653 1 20 assorted vybraných 75ml tub,plastic 20 75 ml tubes, plastové fólie, předlohy, sheets, pattern sheets, 1 glitter pytlíček se třpytkami bag.

< Ref. 008962 8 x 25 ml tubes



Kufříky > Cases Plastový kufřík - chlapec 008662 Plastic case - Boy 316786 008662 3 (žlutá, bílá,white, světle 55x75ml x 75 mltub tubes (yellow, zelená, černá kontura), 4 green light, black outliner), plastové fólie, letáček, 4předlohy, plastic sheets, 1 leaflet, pytlíček se models, bag of sparkles, 1 smocks. třpytkami, 1 zástěrku case - Girl 008663 Plastic 316786 008663 0 Plastový kufřík - dívka (žlutá, červená, 55x75ml x 75 mltub tubes (yellow, red, světle modrá, rainbow light blue, rainbow sparkles, sparkles, černá kontura), 4 black outliner), plastic sheets, plastové fólie, 4letáček, 1předlohy, leaflet, models, 1 bag pytlíček se of třpytkami, 1 zástěrku sparkles, 1 smocks.






Leisure crafts Painting on glass, porcelain, wood or even fabric… So many ways to introduce children to creation.

Product group 5 Ref.




RRP each

Silk : Setasilk 269000 10 assorted colours 45 ml bottles 316786 269000 2 1 Fabric : Setacolor 294000 10 opaques assorted colours 316786 294000 8 1 45 ml bottles 075000 10 transparents assorted 316786 075000 5 1 colours 45 ml bottles 297000* 10 pearl assorted colours 316786 297000 5 1 45 ml bottles 298000 10 shimmer assorted colours 316786 298000 4 1 45 ml bottles 115000 Colourless water based Gutta Product group 3 250 ml bottles 316786 115000 2 1 Fabric : Setaskrib Broad tip markers sets 126000 Plastic case: 12 assorted markers 316786 126000 8 1 Fine tip marker sets 128000 Plastic case: 6 assorted markers 316786 128000 6 1 190000 Plastic case: 12 assorted markers 316786 190000 3 1 Wood : P.BO deco 092199 10 gloss assorted colours 316786 092199 3 1 45 ml bottles 316786 204199 6 1 204199 10 matt assorted colours 45 ml bottles 285199* 10 pearl assorted colours 316786 285199 1 1 45 ml bottles Glass : Vitrail 090000 10 assorted colours 45 ml bottles 316786 090000 4 1 Ceramic : ceramic medium 080000 Assorted pack 10 x 45 ml 316786 080000 7 1 032000 Undercoat 250 ml bottle 316786 032000 0 1

Product group 5 Ref. 111100 112100 513000 166199 167199




RRP each

Glass : Vitrea 160 10 glossy assorted colours 316786 111100 3 1 45 ml bottles 10 frosted assorted colours 316786 112100 2 1 45 ml bottles China : Porcelaine 150 10 assorted 45 ml bottles 316786 513000 0 1 All surfaces (Except fabric) : Fantasy 10 assorted 45 ml bottles 316786 166199 7 1 Fantasy Prisme 10 assorted 45 ml bottles 316786 167199 6 1 Fantasy Moon

< Ref. 294000

Assortment 10 bottles Setacolor opaque

Ref. 090000 >

Assortment 10 bottles Vitrail

Ref. 167199 >

Ref. 166199 >

Assortment 10 bottles Fantasy Prisme

Assortment 10 bottles Fantasy Moon

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies



The Pebeo sets offered in smaller sizes will allow teachers to organise painting activities and to discover new techniques throughout the school year.



Water based Vitrail Transparent water based colours

Glossy and very solid colours wich can be mixed together. They adhere perfectly to most surfaces and can be gently washed with a damp cloth. Surfaces: glass or plastic but also metal and even wood for lazured effect. Tools: all supple paintbrushes which have a good retention capacity. The Pébéo pony hair and pure squirrel brushes are ideal. Dilution : as the product can lose some of its solidity and adhesion, dilution with water is not recommended. Materials and skin can be cleaned in soapy water before drying.



0541 110 ml bottles : 12 colours Yellow* Orange* Red* Pink* Violet* Ultramarine Blue* Turquoise blue* Prairie green* green* Forest Brown* White* Black*


Product group 5 RRP Pack

316786 054101 6 316786 054102 3 316786 054103 0 316786 054104 7 316786 054105 4 316786 054106 1 316786 054107 8 316786 054108 5 316786 054109 2 316786 054110 8 316786 054111 5 316786 054112 2



< 110 ml

> colour-chart water based vitrail 01 Yellow*

05 Violet*

09 Forest green*

02 Orange*

07 Turquoise blue*

10 Brown*

03 Red*

06 Ultramarine blue*

12 Black*

04 Pink*

08 Prairie green*

11 White*

Tips and ideas Personalized bookmarks: - Use flexible acetate sheets - Cut them in the desired shape (example: arrow) - Decorate with water-based Vitrail and allow to dry.


Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies


Water based vitrail




> Assortments 054199 10 assorted 45 ml bottles Yellow, orange, red, pink, ultra marine blue, turquoise blue, prairie green, forest green, white, black. 054190 Relief outliners Assortment 6 x 20 ml tubes 2 x gold, 1 black, silver, copper and lead 20 ml tubes.



316786 054199 3


316786 054190 0


Ref. 054190 >

Assortment 6 x 20 ml tubes



Product group 5 Pack RRP

< Ref. 054199

ssortment A 10 x 45 ml bottles



Water based vitrail

Product group 5 Ref.



> Embossing metal: Aluminium foils 039000 Pack of 10 sheets 316786 039000 3 370x245 mm 040000 Pack of 10 sheets 220x163 mm 041000

RRP each

< Ref. 039000

Embossing metal: Aluminium foils


316786 040000 9


> Embossing metal: Aluminium/gold foils Pack of 10 sheets 316786 041000 8 220x163mm


042000* Pack of 10 gold sheets 370x245mm 439000


316786 042000 7


> Acetate sheets Pack of 20 sheets 316786 439000 9 250x320mm


Ref. 041000 >

Ebossing metal: Aluminium/gold foils

Tips and ideas

Original embossed metal cards: - Place the metal sheet onto a soft surface (blotting paper, for example). - With a paintbrush handle, trace an outline of the drawing on the back. - Turn the sheet of metal over and emboss the metal within the outlines of the pattern. - Paint the pattern with water-based Vitrail colours. - Leave to dry, then stick it onto a cardboard or Bristol board frame.




For the past 10 years, Pebeo has specialised in auxiliary materials for artists, such as brushes. The brush is the extension of the artist’s hand, an essential tool to which Pebeo has developed with quality and innovation.


The sequence of this price list follows the general catalogue by product group: Product group 3: Creative leisure products Product group 4: Fine Art Product group 5: Children products Product group 7: Painting surfaces Product group 10: Brushes Product group 16: Gedeo products Product group 18: Arty’s

Mistral Carded Mistral White Bristle Carded White Bristle Pure Sable and Kolinsky Sable Cobra Carded Cobra Gala Carded Gala Orion Carded Orion Lotus Carded Lotus ALL TECHNIQUES Spalters GRAPHIC ARTS Aqua Pocket Aqua Carded Aqua Squirrel Carded Squirrel D E C O R A T I V E A RT S Cobra Deco Carded Cobra Deco Iris Carded Iris Lotus Deco Carded Lotus Deco Stencil Brushes Oval Wash Brushes Foams Brushes CHILDREN School Brushes Carded School Brushes Brushes in cylinder B R U S H WA L L E T Brush Wallet

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

162 164 165 166 166 167 168 168 169 169 170 170 171 171 172 172 173 173 174 174 175 176 177 178 179 179 180 180 180 181 182 182 183



Brushes > Handle

This is the part of a brush on which the artist depends on to get the proper grip needed for various types of work. Traditionally, long handles are used for work in which the brush is held perpendicularly and at some distance from the canvas (oil and acrylic paints), while short handles are used for precision work (watercolour, gouache and decorative painting). Brush references such as, name, size and width of brush head in millimetres are given on the handle.

Quality > THE HAIRS

The choice of a brush depends on the paint to be used (ingredients, viscosity and cleaning solvent used), on the nature of the surface to be painted on (texture, firmness, absorption), on the technique to be used, and of course on the desired final effect. The capillary of a hair determines its power of retention, the amount of paint it can hold. The flow of paint is then controlled by pressure exerted by the hand. The individual characteristics of a brush head are determined by the nature of the hair, which may be either natural or synthetic, and by the mixture of hairs of different diameters.

> Ferrule The ferrule binds the hairs (brush head) to the handle. The shape of the ferrule determines the shape of the brush head, either round or flat. The hairs of the brush head are attached to the ferrule with glue, and the ferrule is usually fixed to the handle mechanically. The Pébéo ferrules are made of stainless steel or brass.

NATURAL HAIR tapers towards the end and has a more or less rough, scaly surface. The best hair of animal origin, in other words natural hair, comes from cold climates countries. Their colour varies according to the season. The finest and softest of all hair is pure Kolinsky sable. This relatively thick hair has an aerodynamic shape. It’s main characteristic is a long tapered tip that gives it a high degree of elasticity and absorption power. Pure sable has a shorter, but harder tip than Kolinsky, which also gives it good absorption. THE WHITE BRISTLE brush is ideal for working with impasto, the natural curves (curved mounted) and multiple flowers of the bristle enables the head to hold a large quantity of paint. SYNTHETIC FIBRES (Cobra, Gala, Iris, etc) are single filament and conical. These recently developed fibres come in different diameters and are mounted in the same way as natural hair. They are cheaper than the latter and are easier to clean. They are recommended for water soluble paints (acrylic and watercolour) and diluted paints.

> BRUSH HEAD This is made of hairs that have been selected according to their specific physical properties, such as tension and suppleness, colour retention capacity, rigidity and thickness, and durability, all of which produce very different results. The brush head is the soul of the brush. The length and shape of the head determine the way the brush will behave. The shape of the head is obtained by the way the bundle of hairs is assembled, without any subsequent trimming, so as to make full use of the natural quality of the tips of the hairs.


Brush care

From February, references are to be ordered in consumers units and by multiple of pack.


Care and sensible treatment of brushes will prolong their lifeé There are several simple rules. One must always make sure that paint does not dry in the brush, soak the brushes in water or essence of petroleum (for solvent based paints). For water based paints: wash the brushes after use in soap and water and make sure that no paint remains at the base of the hairs next to the ferrule. If paint has dried, wash with essence of petroleum (avoid aggressive paint strippers). For solvent based paints: wipe away excess paint with a rag, then wash the brush with essence of petroleum (avoid aggressive paint strippers) and make sure that no paint remains at the base of the hairs next to the ferrule. Afterwards rinse with warm soapy water. Dry with the hairs pointing upwards.

Brush head shapes


Round brush heads are used to paint detail, using the tip of the brush; lines can be thickened by putting pressure on the brush.


When using a flat brush, either the full width of the brush can be used or the edge to produce finer lines. These brushes come in flat, short flat or long flat; spalters can be used in the same way.


The rounded shape of the head is useful for working the kind of curves found in flower petals, leaves or birds.


The angled head is a flat brush set at an angle, making it possible to work in small spaces either using the tip or the flat edge of the head according to the desired effect.


Fan shaped heads can be used wet or dry. When used dry it is useful to paint shaded tones. When wet, this shape can be used to produce streaked effects, as in grass or trees.


The round pointed shape is used to paint details. The thickness of the stroke can be varied by the pressure applied on the head.



The liner is used to paint very fine strokes; when the brush head is filled with paint, makes it possible to paint very long strokes.


The dagger stripper shape is interesting in that its tip and curved brush head are useful for painting such shapes as leaves or ribbons.


The comb is a flat brush head narrowed to a point; putting pressure on the brush broadens the stroke to the full width of the brush.


The stencil brush head is used with a dabbing motion to produce shaded or fading effects ; it is often used for instance for painting foliage.


The deerfoot stippler is a bevelled stencil shaped brush head that makes it possible to go beyond what one can do with a simple stencil. If the edge of the brush is used you can obtain fine strokes.


The oval shape is useful due to its rounded shape, the width of the brush head and its edge. Exerting pressure on the brush makes it possible to vary the thickness of strokes.


The usefulness of the mop is its rounded shape and the breadth of the brush head. Applying pressure to the brush makes it possible to vary the thickness of the brush head. From February, references are to be ordered in consumers units and by multiple of pack.



oil and acrylic

Mistral curve mounted white bristle brushes are firm and springy. They retain their natural curve when paint is applied, and are particularly suited for impasto work and oil and acrylic painting. DESCRIPTION - Natural thick rooted pure curved white bristles. - Stainless steel ferrule. - Long handle, mahogany lacquered. - Brush head shapes: round, short flat, flat, long flat, filbert and fan. SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: firm, robust, flexible, holds a large quantity of paint, naturally curved bristles. - Uses: oil, acrylic, gouache and fabric paints.

Ref. Product



Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam


9651 Flat

965 Round


Ref. Product



Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam





3,2 mm







4,0 mm







4,4 mm




8,0 mm




5,7 mm




10,0 mm




6,8 mm




11,0 mm




7,8 mm




12,5 mm




8,5 mm




14,3 mm




9,5 mm




16,0 mm




11,3 mm




20,5 mm

9650 Short Flat




25,0 mm




39,5 mm










7,8 mm




10,3 mm




10,6 mm




12,4 mm




14,6 mm




16,0 mm




20,8 mm




25,0 mm

* While supplies last.

5,7 mm

6,8 mm

6,0 mm

7,0 mm





Product group 10 Width/ RRP each Diam








9656 Short Filibert

9653 Filbert


Product group 10 RRP Width/ each Diam


5,8 mm


3167869656025 6

6,0 mm

3167860018662 6

6,8 mm


3167869656049 6

7,0 mm

3167860018679 6

7,5 mm


3167869656063 6

8,0 mm

3167860018686 6

10,0 mm


3167869656087 6

10,3 mm




11,0 mm


3167869656100 6


3167860018709 6

12,0 mm




12,0 mm




14,3 mm




15,0 mm




15,4 mm




16,0 mm




20,0 mm


3167869656209 6

20,8 mm




24,0 mm




24,8 mm


> Wallet

Mistral brush 3167868280016 wallet 5 pure white bristle brushes/long handle serie 965 n°4, serie 9654 n°2, serie 9651 n°2, serie 9651 n°6, serie 9651 n°10

9654 Fan





6,8 mm




7,0 mm






3167860018808 6






965C Round


Product group 10 Pack RRP each













9653C Filbert


Product group 10 Pack RRP each



























n°16 n°20












9651C Short Flat

3167860051256 3167860051263




9654C Fan



















* While supplies last.



> Mistral, carded brushes

White bristles

oil and acrylic

Tyto velmi pevné a robustní štětceare sethe nejčastěji používají profor malování olejovými a akrylovými These very firm and robust brushes ones most often used oil and acrylics painting techniques. barvami. DESCRIPTION POPIS Natural thick rooted pure white bristles. •- Přírodní, silné a čistě bílé štětiny Anodised aluminium ferrule. •- Anodizované hliníkové kování •- Dlouhá, lakovaná rukojeť Long handle, clear lacquered. •- Tvary štětců: kulatý, plochý, a spalter Brush head shapes: round, flat, filbert and spalter. SPECIFIKACE SPECIFICATIONS firm,pevné, robust,robustní, flexible, holds a largepojmou quantityvelké of paint. •- Quality: Vlastnosti: poddajné, množství barvy oils,olejové, acrylics,akrylové, gouache and fabric paints. •- Uses: Použití: kvašové barvy a malování na textil Productskupina group 10 10 Produktová

Produktová Productskupina group 10 10

Ref. Product 960 9601

Kulatý Round n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 n°20 n°24 Plochý Flat n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 n°20 n°24



3167860017986 3167860017993 3167860018006 3167860018013 3167860018020 3167860018037 3167860018044 3167860018051 3167860018068 3167860018075 3167860018082 3167860018099 3167860018105 3167860018112 3167860018129 3167860018136 3167860018143 3167860018150 3167860018167 3167860018174

12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6




3,0 mm 3,5 mm 4,5 mm 5,5 mm 6,5 mm 7,0 mm 9,0 mm 10,0 mm 13,0 mm 14,0 mm

4,0 mm 7,0 mm 9,5 mm 10,0 mm 11,0 mm 14,0 mm 17,0 mm 19,0 mm 22,5 mm 29,0 mm

Ref. 9603 9 60993

Product Filbert n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 > Wallet Wallet of 3 white bristle brushes serie 960 n°4, serie 9601 n°12, serie 9603 n°8.



3167869603029 3167869603043 3167869603067 3167869603081 3167869603104 3167869603128 3167869603142 3167869609939

12 12 12 12 12 12 6 4


Width/ Diam


4,0 mm 6,8 mm 7,9 mm 9,4 mm 10,8 mm 13,9 mm 16,7 mm

> White bristles, carded brushes Productskupina group 10 10 Produktová Product


960C Kulatý Round


n°02 n°04 n°06

n°08 n°10






6 6




Plochý 9601C Flat


















3167860044975 3167860044982

6 6








6 6














RRP each

Productskupina group 10 10 Produktová

n°12 n°14

RRP each

Pure Sable Kolinsky Brushes

oil and acrylic

The very fine, flexible and springy hairs of sable fur have a great holding capacity. It is ideal for painting with thinned paint and for detail.

Long handle Product 955

Round n°02* n°04* n°06 n°08 n°10* n°12* n°14* n°16* n°18*



3167860017337 3167860017344 3167860017351 3167860017368 3167860017375 3167860017382 3167860017399 3167860017405 3167860017412

6 6 6 6 6 3 3 1 1

graphic arts

Product group 10 RRP Width/ each Diam

1,7 mm 1,8 mm

3,4 mm 4,2 mm 5,8 mm 6,0 mm 6,5 mm

SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: very springy, flexible, good holding capacity; these qualities are even greater in pure Kolinsky sable. - Uses: oil, watercolour and silk paint 955, 9551 and 9553. - Pure sable. - Brushes head shapes: round, bright and filbert 9565. - Pure Kolinsky sable. - Brush head shape: script liner. Ref. 9551 9565

Product Flat n°02* n°04* n°06* n°08 n°10* n°12* n°14* n°16* n°18* Liner n°02* n°04* n°06*



3167860017436 3167860017443 3167860017450 3167860017467 3167860017474 3167860017481 3167860017498 3167860017504 3167860017511 3167860017634 3167860017641 3167860017658

6 6 6 6 6 3 3 1 1 6 6 3

Product group 10 RRP Width/ each Diam

3,2 mm 5,2 mm 6,8 mm 11,6 mm 13,0 mm 14,4 mm 16,3 mm 19,5 mm

1,8 mm 2,0 mm 2,2 mm

Pure Sable Kolinsky Brushes

Pure Kolinsky sable brushes (8567) for graphics and retouching. Pure Kolinsky sable brushes (855C) for watercolour, gouache and ink. DESCRIPTION - Natural pure sable and pure Kolinsky sable hairs. - Stainless steel ferrule. - Short handle, black lacquered (8567). - Short handle, brown lacquered (855C).

SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: very springy, flexible, very good colour retention; pure Kolinsky sable are higher quality. - Uses: oil, watercolour and silk paints.

Short handle

Carded short handle




Special short 8567 lenght for retouching n°000 3167860015524 n°00* 3167860015517 n°0 3167860015500 n°01* 3167860015531 n°02* 3167860015548 n°03* 3167860015555 n°04* 3167860015562 n°05* 3167860015579

Pack 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Product group 10 RRP Width/ each Diam

1,4 mm 2,1 mm 2,4 mm 2,6 mm 2,8 mm 3,4 mm





Fine point, round n°000 n°00* n°0 n°0*1 n°02* n°03* n°04* n°06

Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860045620 3167860045637 3167860045644 3167860045651 3167860045668 3167860045675 3167860045682 3167860045699


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

* While supplies last.



DESCRIPTION - Fine red natural pure sable and pure Kolinsky sable hairs. - Yellow brass ferrule. - Long handle, black lacquered.


oil and acrylic

Cobra Brushes, made with curved polyamide fibres that reproduce the characteristics of mongoose hairs, are hard wearing, flexible and holding capacity. DESCRIPTION - Very finely pointed curved synthetic hairs made of polyamide fibres (curved synthetic mongoose hair). - Yellow brass ferrule. - Long handle, rosewood lacquered. - Brush head shapes: round, bright, filber. SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: springy, hard wearing, easy to clean, good colour retention. - Uses: Thinned oil paints, acrylics.

Ref. Product 959 9591



Round n°02 3167860017689 3167860017696 n°04 n°06 3167860017702 3167860017719 n°08 n°10 3167860017726 3167860017733 n°12 n°14 3167860017740 n°16* 3167860017757 n°18* 3167860017764 3167860017771 n°20* Short Flat n°02 3167860017788 3167860017795 n°04 n°06 3167860017801 3167860017818 n°08 n°10 3167860017825 3167860017832 n°12 n°14 3167860017849

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 3

1,5 mm 1,8 mm 2,4 mm 3,4 mm 4,2 mm 4,7 mm 5,5 mm 6,0 mm 6,5 mm 7,3 mm

5,3 mm 6,2 mm 8,0 mm 10,0 mm 11,0 mm 12,0 mm 14,0 mm

Ref. Product 9593

n°16 n°18* n°20 Filbert n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 n°18 n°20



3167860017856 3167860017863 3167860017870 3167860017887 3167860017894 3167860017900 3167860017917 3167860017924 3167860017931 3167860017948 3167860017955 3167860017962 3167860017979

3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

16,0 mm 19,0 mm 21,0 mm

5,2 mm 6,0 mm 7,5 mm 9,8 mm 11,0 mm 11,2 mm 13,0 mm 15,0 mm 18,0 mm 20,0 mm

> Cobra, carded brushes Ref. 959C 9591C


Product Round n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 Short Flat n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860044999 3167860045002 3167860045019 3167860045026 3167860045033 3167860045040 3167860045057 3167860045064 3167860045071 3167860045088 3167860045095 3167860045101

* While supplies last.


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Ref. 9593C

Product Filbert n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860045118 3167860045125 3167860045132 3167860045149 3167860045156 3167860045163


6 6 6 6 6 6


oil and acrylic

The very carefully mounted curved polyamide fibres make a very firm, precision brush head. These synthetic bristle brushes are a useful alternative to white bristle (natural bristle ) brushes. DESCRIPTION - Very finely tipped, curved, polyamide fibre synthetic bristles. - Yellow brass ferrule. - Long handle, rosewood lacquered. - Brush head shapes: round, short flat, flat, filbert. SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: springy, hard wearing, easy to clean, good colour retention. - Uses: thinned oil paints, acrylics.

946 9461



Round n°0 3167860016248 3167860016255 n°02 n°04 3167860016262 3167860016279 n°06 n°08 3167860016286 3167860016293 n°10 n°12 3167860016309 n°14 3167860016316 n°16 3167860016323 3167860016330 n°20 n°24 3167860016347 Flat Short n°0 3167860016378 3167860016385 n°02 n°04 3167860016392 n°06 3167860016408 n°08 3167860016415 n°10 3167860016422 n°12 3167860016439 3167860016446 n°14 n°16 3167860016453 3167860016460 n°20 n°24 3167860016477 n°36 3167860016484

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 1 1

2,8 mm 3,2 mm 4,0 mm 4,4 mm 5,7 mm 6,8 mm 7,8 mm 8,5 mm 9,5 mm 11,3 mm 12,5 mm

Ref. Product 9462


Flat n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 n°20 n°24



6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 1

3167860016521 3167860016538

3167860016545 3167860016552

3167860016569 3167860016576 3167860016583 3167860016590

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

6,1 mm 8,0 mm 9,8 mm 10,8 mm 12,0 mm 14,1 mm 15,3 mm 19,8 mm 24,0 mm

5,0 mm 5,6 mm 6,3 mm 7,4 mm 10,0 mm 11,0 mm 12,0 mm 14,5 mm 15,5 mm 20,0 mm 24,0 mm 39,0 mm


Ref. Product

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

> Gala, carded brushes Ref. 946C

Product Round n°02* n°04* n°06* n°08* n°12


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860045170 3167860045187 3167860045194 3167860045200 3167860045217


6 6 6 6 6

Ref. 9461C

Product Short Flat n°02* n°04* n°06* n°08* n°12


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860045224 3167860045231 3167860045248 3167860045255 3167860045262


6 6 6 6 6

* While supplies last.



oil and acrylic

This yellow polyamide fibre, a relatively new product, is springy and has an average holding capacity. It is very hard wearing and is very suitable for painting with slightly thinned oil or acrylic paints. DESCRIPTION - Synthetic bristle made of yellow polyamide fibre with very fine tips. - Stainless steel ferrule. - Long handle, green lacquered. - Brush head shapes: round, bright, filbert and fan. SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: springy, hard wearing, easy to clean, good colour retention. - Uses: thinned oil paints, acrylics. Ref. Product 945 9451

Round n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 n°18 n°20 n°22 n°24 Flat n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 n°18



3167860015821 3167860015838 3167860015845 3167860015852 3167860015869 3167860015876 3167860015883 3167860015890 3167860015906 3167860015913 3167860015920 3167860015937 3167860015944 3167860015951 3167860015968 3167860015975 3167860015982 3167860015999 3167860016002 3167860016019 3167860016026

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

1,7 mm 1,8 mm 2,0 mm 2,8 mm 3,4 mm 4,2 mm 4,7 mm 5,0 mm 6,0 mm 6,5 mm 7,3 mm 8,1 mm

3,2 mm 5,1 mm 6,6 mm 7,8 mm 9,7 mm 11,5 mm 12,7 mm 14,3 mm 16,2 mm

Ref. Product 9453 9454

n°20 n°22 n°24 Filbert n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 n°18 n°20 n°22 n°24 Fan n°02 n°06 n°10



3167860016033 3167860016040 3167860016057 3167860016064 3167860016071 3167860016088 3167860016095 3167860016101 3167860016118 3167860016125 3167860016132 3167860016149 3167860016156 3167860016163 3167860016170 3167860016187 3167860016200 3167860016224

3 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 1 1 6 6 3

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each


945C 9451C

Product Round n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 Flat n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08

17,3 mm 19,5 mm 21,0 mm

3,4 mm 5,0 mm 6,6 mm 7,4 mm 9,7 mm 10,9 mm 11,7 mm 13,2 mm 15,5 mm 16,6 mm 18,9 mm 20,4 mm 7,0 mm 9,8 mm 11,0 mm

> Orion, carded brushes Ref.


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860045279 3167860054660 3167860045293 3167860045309 3167860045316 3167860045323 3167860045330 3167860051164 3167860045347 3167860045354 3167860045361 3167860045378


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6


Ref. 9453C 9454C

n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 Filbert n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 Fan n°06


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860045385 3167860045392 3167860045408 3167860051157 3167860045415 3167860045422 3167860045439 3167860045446 3167860045453 3167860045477


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6


oil and acrylic

Tyto pevné, vysoce levnější variantou Whitebrushes. bristel. These firm, hard wearingodolné brushesštětce are anjsou inexpensive alternative to štětců white bristle DESCRIPTION POPIS -• White polyamide synthetic bristles. Bílé polyamidové syntetické štětce -• Stainless steel ferrule. Nerezové a s ocelovým zakončením -• Long handle, blue lacquered. Dlouhá rukojeť, modře nalakovaná -• Brush round, bright and filbert. Tvar head hlavyshapes: štětce: kulaté, široké a filbert SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFIKACE -• Quality: hard wearing, easy toočistitelné, clean, good výborné colour retention. Kvalita:springy, pružné, odolné, snadno zadržování barvy -• Uses: thinned oil paints, acrylics. Použití: řidčí olejové barvy, akryly Productskupina group 10 Produktová 10 943 9431


Kulatý Round


n°02 3167860015623 3167860015630 n°04 n°06 3167860015647 3167860015654 n°08 n°10 3167860015661 3167860015678 n°12 n°14 3167860015685 n°16 3167860015692 n°18 3167860015708 3167860015715 n°20 PlochýFlat Short n°02 3167860015722 3167860015739 n°04 n°06 3167860015746 3167860015753 n°08 n°10 3167860015760 n°12 3167860015777 n°14 3167860015784 3167860015791 n°16 n°18 3167860015807 3167860015814 n°20

RRP each

12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6


1,8 mm 2,0 mm 2,2 mm 2,8 mm 3,8 mm 4,2 mm 5,0 mm 6,0 mm 6,5 mm 7,3 mm

Ref. Product 9433


Filbert n°02 3167869433022 3167869433046 n°04 n°06 3167869433060 3167869433084 n°08 n°10 3167869433107 3167869433121 n°12 n°14 3167869433145




12 12 12 12 12 12 6


2,6 mm 5,0 mm 6,6 mm 7,4 mm 9,7 mm 10,9 mm 11,7 mm

2,8 mm 5,2 mm 6,6 mm 8,0 mm 10,0 mm 11,5 mm 12,5 mm 14,0 mm 16,0 mm 17,0 mm


Ref. Product

Productskupina group 10 Produktová 10

> Lotus, carded brushes Productskupina group 10 10 Produktová Ref. 943C

Product Kulatý Round n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16



3167860045484 3167860045491 3167860045507 3167860045514 3167860045521 3167860045538 3167860045545 3167860051140

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

RRP each

Produktová Productskupina group 10 10

Ref. 9431C

Product PlochýFlat Short n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16



3167860045552 3167860045569 3167860045576 3167860045583 3167860045590 3167860045606 3167860051126 3167860051133

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

RRP each





Used for glazes or as large flat brushes. Ref. Product 600 9 8470



White Bristle Spalters 3167869600257 n°25 n°40 3167869600400 n°50 3167869600509 Spalters Aqua n°25 3167868470257 3167868470400 n°40 n°50 3167868470509

1 1 1 1 1 1

9600 >

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

25,0 mm 35,0 mm 50,0 mm

Ref. Product


8450 Iris Spalters n°25 3167868450259 n°40 3167868450402 n°50 3167868450501

1 1 1

25,0 mm 39,0 mm 52,0 mm

25,0 mm 39,0 mm 52,0 mm

8470 >



Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

8450 >



The new combination of synthetic fibres of different diameters, is equal to all aspects of the qualities of sable hair, but at a better price. DESCRIPTION - Synthetic hairs made of polyamide fibres (synthetic sable), finely pointed. - Yellow brass ferrule. - Short handle, black lacquered. - Brush head shapes: round, flat, oval, angular, round fine point, spalter and pocket. SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: springy, keeps its shape well, good colour retention. - Uses: oil, watercolour and silk paint.

Ref. Product 847 8471

172 172


Round n°000 3167868470004 3167860052482 n°0 n°02 3167860052505 3167860052529 n°04 n°06 3167860052543 3167860052550 n°08 n°10 3167860052567 Flat n°06 3167868471063 3167868471124 n°12 n°18 3167868471186 3167868471247 n°24

Pack 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 3 3

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

1,7 mm 2,0 mm 2,4 mm 3,4 mm 4,2 mm 5,5 mm 6,5 mm

7,3 mm 12,5 mm 20,0 mm 26,0 mm

Ref. Product 8473 8478


Filbert n°06 3167868473067 n°12 3167868473128 3167868473180 n°18 n°24 3167868473241 Dagger Striper 3167868478024 n°02 3167868478048 n°04 n°06 3167868478062 n°08 3167868478086

Pack 6 6 3 3 3 3 1 1

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

6,2 mm 11,3 mm 16,0 mm 20,5 mm

8,0 mm 10,0 mm 12,0 mm 15,0 mm

Aqua pocket




Aqua Pocket

847P-04 Round n°4 Aqua mini Pocket 847MP-04 Round n°4





Product group 10 RRP Width/ each Diam


Aqua Pocket with cap 3167860052307 3 847K06 Round n°6

3167860052338 3




Product group 10 RRP Width/ each Diam

> Aqua, carded brushes Product group 10 Product


847C Round



Product group 10
















8473C Filbert









8471C Flat




















RRP each





Pure squirrel


Pure squirrel is a very soft, fine hair with great colour retention. The tip of the brush head forms a perfect point when it is wet and rounds out when the paint is applied. DESCRIPTION - Pure Kazan squirrel hair, soft, very fine, shorter, full bodied brush head. - Stainless steel ferrule. - Short handle, black lacquered. - Brush head shapes: round fine point and oval SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: springy, silky, good colour retention, pointed. - Uses: watercolours, washdrawings, silk paints.

Ref. 854 8543



3167860014800 3167860014817 3167860014824 3167860014831 3167860014848 3167860014855 3167860014862 3167860014879 3167860014886 3167860014909 3167860014916 3167860014923

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 1 1 1

1,5 mm 1,6 mm 2,1 mm 2,4 mm 3,0 mm 3,8 mm 4,5 mm 5,0 mm 5,5 mm 7,0 mm 8,1 mm 8,8 mm

3167860014930 3167860014947 3167860014954 3167860014961

3 3 1 1

6,0 mm 11,0 mm 19,0 mm 25,0 mm

Product Round, fine point n°0 n°01 n°02 n°03 n°04 n°05 n°06 n°07* n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14* Oval n°06* n°12* n°18* n°24*

Product group 10 RRP Width/ each Diam





Quill 8548 mounted n°000 3167860014992 n°0 3167860014978 n°02 3167860015012 n°04 3167860015036 n°06* 3167860015050 n°08 3167860015074 > Wallet 828011 Wallet of 3167868280115 3 pure squirrel brush serie 8548 n°0, serie 8543 n°12, serie 854 n°4.

Product group 10 RRP Width/ each Diam

6 6 3 3 1 1 4

5,0 mm 6,0 mm 8,0 mm 10,0 mm 12,0 mm 15,0 mm

> Pure squirrel, carded brushes Ref. 854C


Product Fine point round n°0 n°01 n°02 n°03 n°04 n°05 n°06 n°08 n°10

* While supplies last.


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860045705 3167860045712 3167860045729 3167860045736 3167860045743 3167860045750 3167860045767 3167860045774 3167860045781


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Ref. 8 548C

Product Quill mounted n°000 n°0 n°02 n°04


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860045798 3167860045811 3167860045835 3167860045859


6 6 6 6



Cobra deco

A newly developed fibre technology gives these brushes a good colour retention and better elasticity. DESCRIPTION - Synthetic bristle made of polyamide fibre (synthetic mongoose). - Stainless steel ferrule. - Short handle, rosewood finish varnish. - Brush head shapes: round, flat, filbert, fan, liner, angular and dagger stripper. SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: springy, hard wearing, easy to clean, good colour retention. - Uses: thinned paints, decorative work.

859 8591 8593

Round n°000 n°00 n°0 n°01* n°02* n°03* n°04 n°05 n°06* n°07* n°08 n°10 n°12 Flat n°02* n°04* n°06* n°08 n°10 n°12* Filbert n°02* n°04* n°06* n°08* n°10* n°12*



3167868590009 3167860052345 3167860052352 3167860052369 3167860052376 3167860052383 3167860052390 3167860052406 3167860052413 3167860052420 3167860052437 3167860052444 3167860052451 3167868591020 3167868591044 3167868591068 3167868591082 3167868591105 3167868591129 3167868593024 3167868593048 3167868593062 3167868593086 3167868593109 3167868593123

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

2,1 mm 2,4 mm 2,8 mm

4,2 mm 4,7 mm

4,0 mm 5,1 mm 7,3 mm

12,5 mm

2,6 mm 4,0 mm 5,0 mm 6,4 mm 8,0 mm 9,7 mm

Ref. Product 8594 8595 8596 8598


Fan n°02* 3167868594021 n°04* 3167868594045 n°06* 3167868594069 n°08* 3167868594083 n°10* 3167868594106 n°12* 3167868594120 Liner n°0* 3167860052468 n°2* 3167868595028 n°04* 3167868595042 n°06* 3167868595066 Angular n°02* 3167868596025 n°04* 3167868596049 n°06* 3167868596063 n°08* 3167868596087 n°10 3167868596100 Dagger stripper n°02 3167868598029 n°06* 3167868598067 n°10* 3167868598104 n°12* 3167868598128

Pack 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

7,0 mm 8,3 mm 9,8 mm 10,3 mm 11,0 mm 12,5 mm 1,8 mm 2,2 mm 2,8 mm 3,4 mm

4,1 mm 7,5 mm 10,0 mm 12,5 mm

6,7 mm 9,7 mm 12,0 mm

* While supplies last.



Ref. Product

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

> Cobra deco, carded brushes Product

Ref. 859C 8591C

Round n°000* n°00* n°0* n°01* n°02* n°03* n°04* n°05* n°06* n°07* n°08* Flat n°02* n°04* n°06* n°08* n°10*


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860051768 3167860051775 3167860051782 3167860051799 3167860051805 3167860051812 3167860051829 3167860051836 3167860051843 3167860051850 3167860051867 3167860051874 3167860051881 3167860051898 3167860051904 3167860051911


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6



8 593C Filbert n°02* n°04* n°06* n°08* n°10* 8594C Fan n°02* n°04* n°06* n°08* 8596C Angular n°02* n°04* n°06* n°08* 8598C Dagger stripper n°02* n°06* n°10*


3167860051928 3167860051935 3167860051942 3167860051959 3167860051966 3167860051973 3167860051980 3167860051997 3167860052000 3167860052055 3167860052062 3167860052079 3167860052086 3167860052093 3167860052109 3167860052116

> Neopack set for a completely protected brush

> Brush care advice

> Use

> Forms and shapes


* While supplies last.

Product group 10 Pack RRP each

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6




Brushes made of yellow polyamide fibres in a wide choice of different shapes. This very wide range makes it possible to meet very specific needs. It is suitable for most decorative artwork. DESCRIPTION - Synthetic bristles made of yellow polyamide fibres. - Stainless steel ferrule. - Short handle, red lacquered with a silver tip (spalter with a long handle). - Brush head shapes: round, spalter, flat, filbert, fan, liner, short outliner, dagger stripper, comb, deer foot stripper and oval. SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: springy, hard wearing, easy to clean, good colour retention. - Uses: thinned paints, decorative work.

845 8451 8453

Round n°20/0 n°10/0 n°5/0 n°000 n°00 n°0 n°01 n°02 n°03 n°04 n°05 n°06 n°07 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 Flat n°5/0* n°0 n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°18 n°24 n°36 Filbert n°0 n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12



3167868452000 3167860047044 3167860047037 3167860013469 3167860013452 3167860013445 3167860013476 3167860013483 3167860013490 3167860013506 3167860013513 3167860013520 3167860013537 3167860013544 3167860013551 3167860013568 3167860013575 3167868451508 3167868451003 3167860013612 3167860013629 3167860013636 3167860013643 3167860013650 3167860013667 3167860013674 3167860013681 3167860013698 3167868453007 3167860013704 3167860013711 3167860013728 3167860013735 3167860013742 3167860013759

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

1,3 mm 1,4 mm 1,5 mm 1,7 mm 1,8 mm 2,0 mm 2,1 mm 2,4 mm 2,8 mm 3,4 mm 3,8 mm 4,2 mm 4,7 mm 5,5 mm 6,5 mm 8,1 mm 8,5 mm 2,7 mm 3,2 mm 4,0 mm 5,1 mm 7,3 mm 9,3 mm 10,0 mm 12,5 mm 20,0 mm 26,0 mm 38,6 mm

2,3 mm 2,6 mm 4,0 mm 5,0 mm 6,4 mm 8,0 mm 9,7 mm

Ref. Product 8454 8455 8456 8458 8459


Fan n°5/0 3167868454509 n°0 3167860054264 n°02 3167860013766 n°04 3167860013773 n°06 3167860013780 3167860013797 n°08 n°10 3167860013803 3167860013810 n°12 Liner n°20/0* 3167860051591 n°10/0* 3167860013865 n°6/0* 3167860013872 n°0 3167860013827 3167860013834 n°02 n°04 3167860013841 n°06 3167860013858 Angular n°0* 3167868456008 n°02 3167860013889 n°04 3167860013896 n°06 3167860013902 3167860013919 n°08 n°10 3167860013926 Dagger stripper n°02 3167860013971 n°06 3167860013988 n°10 3167860013995 n°12 3167860014008 Comb n°02* 3167860014015 n°06 3167860014022 n°12 3167860014039 n°18* 3167860014046 n°24* 3167860014053

Pack 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each 5,3 mm 6,3 mm 7,0 mm 8,3 mm 9,8 mm 10,3 mm 11,0 mm 12,5 mm

1,3 mm 1,5 mm 1,5 mm 1,8 mm 2,2 mm 2,8 mm 3,4 mm

3,2 mm 4,1 mm 7,5 mm 10,0 mm 12,5 mm 15,8 mm

5,5 mm 6,7 mm 9,7 mm 12,07 mm

4,17 mm 7,37 mm 12,57 mm 20,07 mm 25,57 mm

* While supplies last.



Ref. Product

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

Ref. 828015

Product > Wallet 6 assorted Iris brushes wallet serie 845 n°4, serie 8451 n°12, serie 8455 n°0, serie 8454 n°2, serie 8453 n°6, serie 8456 n°6


Product group 10 Pack RRP each



Ref. 828015 >

> Iris, carded brushes Ref.


Round n°000 n°00 n°0 n°01 n°02 n°03 n°04 n°05 n°06 n°07 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°14 8451C Flat n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°18 n°24 8453C Filbert n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 845C



Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860046030 3167860046047 3167860046054 3167860046061 3167860046078 3167860046085 3167860046092 3167860046108 3167860046115 3167860046122 3167860046139 3167860046146 3167860046153 3167860046160 3167860046177 3167860046184 3167860046191 3167860046207 3167860046214 3167860046221 3167860046238 3167860046245 3167860045286 3167860046269 3167860046276 3167860046283 3167860046290 3167860046306


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6



8454C Fan n°02 n°04 n°06 8455C Liner n°10/0 n°6/0 n°0 n°02 n°04 8456C Angular n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 8458C Dagger stripper n°02 n°06 n°10 n°12 8459C Comb n°06 n°12


Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860046313 3167860046320 3167860046337 3167860046344 3167860046351 3167860046368 3167860046375 3167860046382 3167860046399 3167860046405 3167860046412 3167860046429 3167860046436 3167860046443 3167860046450 3167860046467 3167860046474 3167860046481 3167860046498


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6


Lotus deco


Bílá polyamidová vlákna jsou pružná; hlavička štětce zanechává White polyamide fibres are elastic; brush heads retain their sharp edges. ostré hrany. POPIS DESCRIPTION -• Synthetic bristles made of white polyamide fibres.vláken Syntetické štětiny z bílých polyamidových -• Stainless steel ferrule. Nerezové kování -• Short handle, bluelakovaná lacqueredrukojeť with white tip. špičkou Krátká, modře s bílou Tvaryhead štětců: kulatý, plochý, filbert, psáček, dagger stripper -• Brush shapes: round, flat, filbert, fan,vějířek, script liner, daggerhřebínek, stripper, comb.

SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFIKACE elastic, easy to clean. •- Quality: Vlastnosti: elastický, snadno se čistí •- Uses: Použití: ředěné barvy, dekorativní thinned colours, decorative work. práce Produktová 10 Productskupina group 10

843 8431

Product Kulatý Round

n°10/0 n°5/0 n°000 n°00 n°0 n°01 n°02 n°03 n°04 n°05 n°06 n°07 n°08 n°10 n°12 Plochý Flat n°02 n°04 n°06 n°08 n°10 n°12 n°18 n°22 n°24



3167860050051 3167860050044 3167860013186 3167860013179 3167860013162 3167860013193 3167860013209 3167860013216 3167860013223 3167860013230 3167860013247 3167860013254 3167860013261 3167860013278 3167860013285 3167860013292 3167860013308 3167860013315 3167860013322 3167860047020 3167860013339 3167860013346 3167860013353 3167868431241

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6


Width/ Diam


1,3 mm 1,5 mm 1,7 mm 1,8 mm 1,9 mm 2,0 mm 2,4 mm 2,8 mm 3,4 mm 3,8 mm 4,2 mm 4,7 mm 5,5 mm 6,5 mm 8,1 mm



8433 8434 8435 8438 8439

Filbert n°06* n°10* Fan n°06* Script liner n°0*



3167868433061 3167868433108 3167868434068 3167868435003 Dagger Stripper n°06* 3167868438066 n°10* 3167868438103 Comb n°06* 3167868439063 n°12* 3167868439124


Width/ Diam


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

4,0 mm 5,1 mm 7,5 mm 9,3 mm 11,0 mm 12,5 mm 20,0 mm 23,1 mm 26,0 mm



Produktová Productskupina group 10 10

> Lotus deco, carded brushes Produktová Productskupina group 10 10

Ref. 843C 8431C

Product Kulatý Round n°000 n°00 n°0 n°01* n°02 n°03* n°04 n°05* n°06 n°07* n°08* n°10* n°12* Plochý Flat n°02 n°04 n°06



3167860046504 3167860046511 3167860046528 3167860046535 3167860046542 3167860046559 3167860046566 3167860046573 3167860046580 3167860046597 3167860046603 3167860046610 3167860046627 3167860046634 3167860046641 3167860046658

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

RRP each

Produktová Productskupina group 10 10

Ref. 8 433C 8434C 8435C 8438C 8439C

Product n°08 n°12 n°18 n°22 Filbert n°06* n°10* Fan n°06* Liner n°0* Dagger Stripper n°06* n°10* Comb n°06* n°12



3167860046665 3167860046672 3167860046689 3167860046696 3167860049864 3167860049871 3167860049888 3167860051119 3167860049901 3167860049918 3167860049925 3167860049932

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies

RRP each


Stencil brushes

d Déeccoorraa tt ii voen arts

DESCRIPTION - Natural white bristles. - Anodised aluminium ferrule. - Short handle, red lacquered. SPECIFICATIONS - Quality: firm, robust, flexible, very good colour retention. - Uses: stencilling, mostly used in decorative work.

Ref. Product 827




Stencil n°02 3167860012967 3167860012974 n°04 n°06 3167860012981 3167860012998 n°08 n°10 3167860013001 n°12 3167860013018


Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

12 12 12 12 12 12

5,0 mm 8,0 mm 10,0 mm 12,0 mm 16,0 mm 18,0 mm






Foam brushes Size 25 mm Size 50 mm 75 mm Size Size 100 mm





Carded stencil brushes n°02 3167860046702 n°04 3167860046719 n°06 3167860054301 n°08 3167860046733 n°10 3167860046740 n°12 3167860046757

6 6 6 6 6 6

Oval mop brushes

DESCRIPTION - Natural hair, white goat’ s hair. - Stainless steel ferrule. - Short, blue lacquered handle with white tips. SPECIFICATIONS - Quality firm, robust, flexible, very good colour retention.



Product group 10 Pack RRP

Ref. Product



858 Oval mop n°12 3167860052581 n°18 3167860052598

Product group 10 RRP Width/Diam each

6 6

8,9 mm 13,5 mm

Foam brushes Barcode

Product group 10 Pack RRP

3167860013131 3167860013148 3167860013155 3167860013124


6 6 6 6



> Assorted brushes 8 30C00 Foam brushes 25/50/75 mm carded


Product group 10 Pack RRP




School brushes


Pure squirrel round brushes: soft and supple, these paintbrushes are ideal for diluted applications thanks to their high retention capacity. Especially well-adapted for watercolours or ink. Pony hair brushes: less supple and more taut, they are ideal for gouache applications or for decorating surfaces. White bristle brushes: flat with a strong and toned bristle, they are an ideal tool for flat area work with liquid colours, especially for inexperienced little hands.

Pure squirrel 853 school brushes Round n°2* n°4* n°6* n°8* n°10* n°12* n°14* n°16* n°18*

n°20* Pure Pony brushes 851 Round n°2 n°4 n°6

n°8 n°10 n°12 n°14 n°16 n°18 n°20


316786 001470 1 316786 001471 8 316786 001472 5 316786 001473 2 316786 001474 9 316786 001475 6 316786 001476 3 316786 001477 0 316786 001478 7 316786 001479 4 316786 001460 2 316786 001461 9 316786 001462 6 316786 001463 3 316786 001464 0 316786 001465 7 316786 001466 4 316786 001467 1 316786 001468 8 316786 001469 5


12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Ref. 8291 697210* 444000 445000 4 44100* 445100* 662100 444C00



Product group 5 Pack RRP

White bristle brushes Short flat n°2 316786 001302 5 n°4 316786 001303 2 n°6 316786 001304 9 n°8 316786 001305 6 n°10 316786 001306 3 n°12 316786 001307 0 n°14 316786 001308 7 n°16 316786 001309 4 n°18 316786 001310 0 n°20 316786 001311 7 Glue brush Glue brush 316786 697210 4 Poster paint foam rollers Two branch 316786 444000 1 roller 40 mm Two branch 316786 445000 0 roller 60 mm Foam refill 316786 444100 8 40 mm Foam refill 316786 445100 7 60 mm Carded Poster 316786 662100 2 paint roller Carded foam roller 316786 004687 0 40 mm


12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10




Product group 5 Pack RRP

10 10 20 10

* While supplies last.


> Carded


schoolŠTĚTCE brush ŠKOLNÍ

Produktová Productskupina group 55





RRP each

Carded pure squirrel school quality brushes round Series 853 n°2* 316786 004586 6 6 n°4* 316786 004587 3 6 n°6* 316786 004588 0 6 n°8* 316786 004589 7 6 n°10* 316786 004590 3 6 n°12 316786 004591 0 6 n°14* 316786 004592 7 6 n°16* 316786 004593 4 6 n°18* 316786 004594 1 6 n°20* 316786 004595 8 6 Carded pure pony round brush n°2 316786 005702 9 10 n°4 316786 005704 3 10 n°6 316786 005706 7 10 n°8 316786 005708 1 10 n°10 316786 005710 4 10 n°12 316786 005712 8 10 n°14 316786 005714 2 10 n°16 316786 005716 6 10 n°18 316786 005718 0 10 n°20 316786 005720 3 10 Carded white bristle brushes short flat Series 8291 n°2* 316786 697102 2 10 n°4* 316786 697104 6 10 n°6* 316786 697106 0 10 n°8* 316786 697108 4 10 n°10* 316786 697110 7 10 n°12* 316786 697112 1 10 n°14* 316786 697114 5 10 n°16* 316786 697116 9 10 n°18 316786 697118 3 10 n°20* 316786 697120 6 10

853C 851C 6971

Produktová Productskupina group 55


Ref. 6972 697211*

Carded white bristle spalter Size 20 mm Size 40 mm Size 60 mm Carded glue brush Glue brush



316786 697201 2 316786 697202 9 316786 697203 6

10 10 10

316786 697211 1


Ref. 6972 > Spalter

Ref. 853C >

Pure squirrel brush

Ref. 6971 >

White bristle brush

> BŠTĚTCE rushes inV cylinder DÓZE

Productskupina group 55 Produktová


Ref. 828050 828051 828052 828060* 828061* 828070*



Assortments in plastic cylinder 144 brushes 316786 828050 4 round synthetic 24x(4/8/12) + flat 24x(4/8/12) 144 brushes 316786 828051 1 Round pure pony 24x(4/8/12) + flat 24x(4/8/12) 144 brushes 316786 828052 8 Round white bristle 24x(4/8/12) + flat 24x(4/8/12) 30 brushes flat jumbo 316786 828060 3 white bristle 30 jumbo round white 316786 828061 3 bristle brushes 10 brushes 316786 828070 2 Round ergonomic

Ukončena výroba last. * While supplies


RRP each

RRP each



Ref. 828050 > 2

2 2

Ref. 828070* >


Ref. 828060* >

> SADY Brush ŠTĚTCŮ Wallet Product skupina group 10 Produktová 10 Product


RRP each

Wallet of 8 White bristle brushes 316786 950150 9 10 Wallet of 8 Yellow polyamide brushes round n°0, 3, 6, 10

316786 950250 6 10

Wallet of 8 brushes

316786 950350 3 10

flat n°2, 6, 10, 14

4 white bristle, 4 yellow polyamide, round n°6, 10, flat n°6, 10


Ref. 950650 950750 950850 950950

round n°4, 6, 10, 14 flat n°2, 6, 10, 14


Wallet of 2 spalters White bristle brushes n°75, 100 Wallet of 2 spalters Polyamide doré n°75, 100 Wallet of 4 brushes White bristle round n°16, 20+ plat n°20, 24 Wallet of 4 brushes Yellow polyamide round n°16, 20 + plat n°20, 24


RRP each

316786 950650 4 10 316786 950750 1 10 316786 950850 8 10 316786 950950 5 10

Wallet of 3 brushes bristle spalters 316786 950450 0 10

n°25, 40, 50

Ref. 950950 > Ref. 951170 >

Productskupina group 10 Produktová 10 RRP each

10 10 10 10 10


Ref. 951150 >


Ref. 951140 >


Ref. 951190 >

> creative leisure Short handle assorted brush wallets Wallet of 3 brushes 316786 951100 3 white bristle flat n°4, 10, 18 Wallet of 3 brushes 316786 951120 1 yellow polyamide flat n°4, 10, 18 Wallet of 3 brushes 316786 951130 0 yellow polyamide round n°000, 2, 6 Wallet of 3 brushes 316786 951190 4 stencil n°4, 10, 16 Wallet of 6 brushes 316786 951140 9 yellow polyamide flat n°0, 2, 4, 10, 12, 18 Wallet of 6 brushes yellow 316786 951150 4 polyamide round n°000, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 Wallet of 8 brushes 316786 951160 7 yellow polyamide flat n°2, 4, 10, 18 round n°0, 4, 6, 8 Wallet of 8 brushes 316786 951170 6 yellow polyamide flat n°2, 10, 18 round n°0, 4, 8, fan n°6 liner n°10/0


Ref. 951130 >

951100 951120 951130 951190 951140 951150 951160 951170


Ref. 951120 >


Ref. 951100 >




Ref. 950850 > Ref. 951160 >

Ref. 950750 >

Ref. 950550 >

Ref. 950650 >

316786 950550 7 10

Ref. 950450 >

Wallet of 3 Yellow polyamide spalters n°25, 40, 50

Ref. 950350 >

Ref. 950150 >

950150 950250 950350 950450 950550


> fine art Assorted brush wallets

Ref. 950250 >


Produktová Productskupina group 10 10

> Brush Wallet



316786 697199 2 10 316786 828019 1 10 316786 828020 7 10 316786 828021 4 10

Product group 10 RRP

47 x 83 x 19 cm

brushes Wallet

< Ref. 663099

Brush wallet display



Ref. 828021 >

Ref. 663197 >

Ref. 663198 >

316786 663198 8 10

316786 697198 5 10

Ref. 828020 >

316786 663197 1 10

316786 663199 5 10

Ref. 828019 >

316786 829299 6 10

round pure pony n°6,10,14 Wallet of 3 brushes white bristle flats n°4,8,12 Wallet of 3 brushes white bristle flats n°6,10,14 Wallet of 3 brushes 1 round pure pony n°12 + 2 white bristle flats n°8,12 Wallet of 3 brushes white bristle brushes small, medium and large sizes Wallet of 2 brushes jumbo white bristle 1 flat + 1 round

Ref. 697199 >

316786 829298 9 10


Wallet of 3 brushes

Ref. 697198 >

316786 853199 6 10

Product group 10 Barcode Pack RRP


Ref. 663199 697198 697199 828019 828020 828021

316786 853198 9 10

Ref. 829299 >

Ref. 829298 >

Ref. 853199 >

Ref. 853198 >

853198 853199 829298 829299 663197 663198

> children Assorted brush wallets Wallet of 3 brushes n°4,8,12 Wallet of 3 brushes squirrel white bristle n°6,10,14 Wallet of 3 brushes round synthetic n°4,8,12 Wallet of 3 brushes flat synthetic n°4,8,12 Wallet of 3 brushes round pure pony n°4,10,16 Wallet of 3 brushes round pure pony n°4,8,12


Ref. 663199 >



Product group 10 Barcode Pack RRP

Brushes wallet display 10 Wallet of 3 brushes squirrel white bristle n°4,8,12 10 Wallet of 3 brushes squirrel white bristle n°6,10,14 10 Wallet of 3 brushes round synthetic n°4,8,12 10 Wallet of 3 brushes round pure pony n°4,8,12 10 Wallet of 3 brushes round pure pony n°6,10,14 10 Wallet of 3 brushes white bristle flats n°4,8,12 10 Wallet of 3 brushes white bristle flats n°6,10,14 10 Wallet of 3 brushes white bristle brushes small, medium and large sizes 10 Wallet of 2 brushes soies jumbo 1 plat + 1 rond 10 Wallet of 3 brushes round pure pony n°4,10,16 = 100 wallets


DISPLAYS Displaying the products is one of the


> 1 8 6

essential elements in a store. The display


> 1 8 7

must attract, influence to buy a product


> 1 8 8

and at the same time optimize the sale space. The displays developed by Pébéo correspond to the following goals: - Present the products in an attractive display. - Ease the consumer’s choice and increase sales. - Offer a personalized presentation to each customer by optimizing the sale



The sequence of this price list follows the general catalogue by product group: Product group 3: Creative leisure products Product group 4: Fine Art Product group 5: Children products Product group 7: Painting surfaces Product group 10: Brushes Product group 16: Gédéo Product group 18: Arty’s


The pebeo


modular merchandising system Displaying the products is one of the essential elements in a store. The display must attract, influence to buy a product and at the same time optimize the sale space. The displays developed by Pebeo correspond to the following goals : - Present the products in an attractive display. - Ease the consumer’s choice and increase sales. - Offer a personalized presentation to each customer by optimizing the sale space. > UNIT Product


B1000N Boutique unit - 2.16 m - black + yellow header B2000N Add-on unit - 2.16 m - black + yellow header B1000G* Boutique unit - 2.16 m - grey + black header B3000N Central unit - 1.58 m - black + yellow header Counter B5000N unit - 1.11 m - black + yellow header

> shelving Product

Ref. B11000 B300200* B71000* B73000 C00100 C00800 C04001 C04010 C04107 C06000 C10000 C11000 C12000 C13000 C14000 C19000

Wood tablet Inclined tray for sets and cases Pack of 20 short handle brush props. 18 compartment brush unit Metal tray for 20-37ml / 10 positions Metal tray for 80-200ml / 8 positions Metal tray for hooks 10 double risen hooks 10 double narrow hooks Flat plastic tray Plastic tray / 7 positions Plastic tray 20-37ml 10 positions Inclined tray for 45ml / 10 positionss Drawer tray for 20ml tube with nozzle Plastic tray for 80-200ml / 8 positions 18 compartment marker case

Useful heights: “Boutique” unit 190 cm - “Central” unit 132 cm “Counter” unit 95 cm

B 1000N

B 2000N (unit adds on B1000N)

“Boutique” unit

“Central” unit

“Counter” unit

B 1000N


* While supplies last.


Colour strip & headers

> Fine-Arts Colour strips & headers Product


Fragonard Pigments Fragonard Oils Huile d’Art Oil auxiliaries Studio XL Oils Extra Fine Acrylic Studio Acrylics Pop Art acrylic Acrylics auxiliaries Fragonard Watercolours Watercolours T7 Gouache Studio Gouache Colorex Artist acrylics liquid ink

REG14999 REG15999 REG937995 REG980190 REG200956 REG650999 REG906000 REG929000 REG352998 REG352997 REG281000

Set of 11 colour strips Frago. Oils 37 ml - 104 colours Set of 6 colour strips Huile d’Art 20 ml - 60 colours Set of 6 colour strips Huile d’Art 37 ml - 60 colours Set of 5 colour strips Huile d’Art 80 ml - 40 colours Set of 7 colour strips Studio XL Oil 37 ml - 64 colours Set of 8 colour strips Huile Fine Studio XL 80 ml - 64 coul. Set of 8 colour strips Studio XL Oil 200 ml - 64 colours Set of 5 colour strips Oil Auxiliaries Set of 8 colour strips Artist acrylics extra fine 37 ml Set of 10 colour strips Artist acrylics extra fine 60 ml Set of 4 colour strips Extra Fine Acrylic Auxiliaries - Short Set of 6 colour strips Extra Fine Acrylic Auxiliaries - Long Set of 3 colour strips Artist Acrylic Liquid ink - 26 colours

REG810399 REG831995 REG801997 REG801999 REG524198 REG524197

Set de 5 colour strips Pop Art - 18 colours Set of 9 colour strips Studio Acrylics 100 ml - 62 colours Set of 7 colour strips Studio Acrylics 250 ml - 35 colours Set of 10 colour strips Studio Acrylics 250 ml - 50 colours Set of 2 colour strips Studio Acrylics Auxiliaries - Short Set of 8 colour strips Studio Acrylics Auxiliaries - Long

REG356000 Set of 6 colour strips Colorex - 60 colours REG123000 Set of 8 colour strips T7 Gouache - 71 colours REG230999* Set of 3 colour strips Studio Gouache 20 ml - 24 colours REG290999 Set of 4 colour strips Studio Gouache 100 ml - 28 colours REG802000* Set of 5 colour strips Studio Gouache 220 ml - 22 colours REG300999 Set of 4 colour strips Watercolours half-pans - 28 colours REG301999 Set of 2 colour strips Watercolours tubes - 28 colours

> Banner (for end-cap label holder) & Children colour strips Ref.



Primacolor - set of 8 banners 1m Primamagic - set of 4 banners 66cm Artistick - set of 8 banners 50cm Acrylcolor - set of 8 banners 1m Sparkling gel - set of 2 banners 50cm Banner Tactilcolor - set of 6 banners 50cm Banner Tactilcolor Textile - set of 4 banners 50cm Banner Tactilcolor 3D Bubble - set of 4 banners 50cm Banner Brillo - set of 4 banners 50cm Set of 4 colour strips Children ‘Boutique 1m’ Set of 2 detachable colour strips Tactilcolor 80 ml Set of 3 removable colour strips Tactilcolor Textile Set of 4 removable colour strips Tactilcolor 3D bubble Set of 6 colour strips Primacolor 150 ml Set of 5 removable colour strips Prima Color 250 ml Set of 6 removable colour strips Primacolor 1 L Set of 4 colour strips Primamagic 150 ml Set of 2 removable colour strips Primamagic 500 ml Set of 4 colour strips Brillo 150 ml Set of 2 removable colour strips Sparkling gel Set of 6 colour strips Acrylcolor 150 ml Set of 4 detachable colour strips Acrylcolor 250 ml Set of 5 removable colour strips Acrylcolor 500 ml Set of 4 detachable colour strips Arti’stick 75 ml Set of 3 removable colour strips Brushes Set of 2 removable colour strips Auxil. accessories

> craft colour strips, headers and tags Product


BAN12GB Setasilk BAN18GB Setacolor Opaque BAN19GB Setacolor Transparent BAN21GB Setacolor Auxiliaries BAN92300GB P.BO deco Basic colour BAN204499GB P.BO deco Outdoor BAN94299GB P.BO deco Vintage Auxiliaries BAN94399GB P.BO deco Gilding BAN93199GB P.BO deco Cream of colour BAN94199GB P.BO deco Modern Auxiliaries BAN93599GB P.BO deco Chalkboard paint + Magnetic colour BAN15GB Vitrail BAN16GB Porcelaine 150 BAN17GB Vitrea 160 BAN14GB Ceramic BAN166GB Fantasy Prisme BAN167GB Fantasy Moon BAN168GB Fantasy Accessories REG092300 Set of 9 colour strips P.BO deco Basic REG204490 Set of 2 colour strips P.BO deco Basic Outdoor REG093598 Set of 2 colour strips P.BO deco Chalkboard Magnet’ REG094199 Set of 2 colour strips P.BO deco Moderne Auxiliaries REG094299 Set of 6 colour strips P.BO deco Vintage Auxiliaries REG094399 Set of 3 colour strips P.BO deco Accessories REG093199 Set of 9 colour strips P.BO deco Cream of colour REG060011 Set of 7 colour strips P150/outliners/markers REG238998 Set of 8 colour strips P150/blistered outliners/markers REG111998 Set of 6 colour strips V160/outliner/markers REG111667 Set of 7 colour strips V160/blistered outliners/markers REG284000 Set of 3 colour strips Ceramic REG050997 Set of 5 colour strips Vitrail 26 colours + 9 Cernes REG050889 Set of 5 colour strips 26 colours + 9 Blistered Cernes REG050998 Set of 1 colour strips Vitrail Opaque 10 colours REG050996 Set of 1 colour strips 37 ml Cerne Vitrail REG166999 Set of 3 colour strips Fantasy Prisme 28 colours REG167999 Set of 2 colour strips Fantasy Moon 18 colours REG166899 Set of 2 colour strips Fantasy Accessories REG295999 Set of 4 colour strips Setacolor opaque REG329999 Set of 3 colour strips Setacolor transparent REG391998 Set of 1 colour strips Setacolor 7 auxiliaries REG099000 Set of 4 colour strips Setasilk + Gutta REG803000 Set of 1 colour strips Setaskrib+ REG766 Set of 17 labels Gédéo > Re-order tags 0946ETIQ * P.BO deco Decorative Stencils re-order tags (12) 0945ETIQ* P.BO deco 3D Stencils re-order tags (12)



> accessories Product

Ref. BANPRIX* Price tray BANPEBEO Product display header PLVACC POS hanger bag

* While supplies last.



and contents

Fine art

Oils & Auxiliaries

190 cm

178 cm

150 cm

115 cm

The shelves are specially adapted to offer the best storage for each product and allow easy and quick restocking. Each shelf is equipped with true colour strips, and for each product its number, colour name in French and English, as well as the barcode.

< XL Oil 37 ml

< XL Oil 80 ml

< XL Oil 200 ml

Ref. 937995

Ref. 980190

Ref. 200956

< Fragonard Oil 37 ml Ref. 500999



> XL Oil 37ML

937995 B937995GB

37 ml contents 60 colours x 5 tubes + 3 colours x 10 tubes (Vivid White, Imit. Zinc White & Ivory Black imit.) + 1 colours x 15 tubes (Titanium White) = 345 tubes 37 ml tube display

> XL Oil 80ML

980190 B980190GB

80 ml contents 64 colours x 2 tubes = 128 tubes 80 ml tube display

> XL Oil 200ML

200956 B200956GB

200 ml contents 52 colours 200 ml x 2 tubes + 12 colours 180 ml x 2 tubes = 128 tubes 200 ml tube display



Ref. 500999 B500999

Product > fragonard oil 37ml contents (14 colours serie 1 + 31 colours serie 2 + 31 colours serie 3 + 10 colours serie 4 + 7 colours serie 5 + 3 colours serie 6) x 3 tubes 37 ml + (3 colours serie 1 + 2 colours serie 2 + 1 colours serie 3 + 1 colours serie 4) x 6 tubes 37ml = 330 tubes 37ml tube display


Fine art

and contents

Oils & Auxiliaries

90 cm

109 cm

95 cm


< Huile d’Art 80 ml

< Huile d’art 20 ml

Ref. 015999

Ref. 013999


Oil painting auxiliaries Ref. 650999


< Huile d’art 37 ml Ref. 014999


Oil painting auxiliaries Ref. 650999­

Ref. 013999 B13999GB 014999


> HUILE D’ART 20 ml 20 ml tubes 60 colours (33 colours serie 1 + 20 colours serie 2 + 7 colours serie 3) x 3 tubes = 180 tubes 20 ml tubes Display > HUILE D’ART 37 ml 37 ml tubes 60 colours (33 colours serie 1 + 20 colours serie 2 + 7 colours serie 3) x 5 tubes = 300 tubes B14999GB 37 ml tubes Display > HUILE D’ART 80 ml 015999 80 ml tubes 40 colours (25 colours série 1 + 10 colours serie 2 + 5 colours serie 3) x 3 tubes = 120 tubes B15999GB 80 ml tubes Display


650999 B650999GB

Product > OIL PAINTING AUXILIARIES Oil painting auxiliaries Refined Linseed Oil 6 bottles of 75 ml 1 x 245 ml bottle Clarified Poppyseed Oil 6 bottles of 75 ml Essence of turpentine 12 bottles of 75 ml 1 bottle of 245 ml Essential oil of petroleum 6 bottles of 75 ml Odourless mineral spirits 12 bottles of 75 ml 1 bottle of 245 ml Courtrai siccative 6 bottles of 75 ml Cobalt siccative 6 bottles of 75 ml Colourless painting medium 12 bottles of 75 ml 1 x 245 ml bottle Fragonard gel medium 6 bottles of 75 ml 1 x 245 ml bottle Florentine medium 3 Tubes of 60 ml Dutch medium 3 Tubes of 60 ml Coating medium 3 Tubes of 60 ml 2 Tubes of 200 ml Structure gel 3 Tubes of 60 ml Siccative medium 6 bottles of 75 ml Crystal varnish 6 bottles of 75 ml Superfine retouching varnish 6 bottles of 75 ml 1 x 245 ml bottle Satin finish picture varnish 6 bottles of 75 ml Matt picture varnish 6 bottles of 75 ml Dammar varnish 6 bottles of 75 ml Retouching varnish 6 bottles of 75 ml Universal paint remover 6 bottles of 75 ml 1 x 245 ml bottle Brush cleaner 6 bottles of 75 ml Oil painting auxiliaries Display






Fine art

and contents

185 cm

< High Viscosity Studio Acrylics 100 ml

< High Viscosity Studio Acrylics 250 ml - short

< High Viscosity Studio Acrylics 250 ml - long

Ref. 831995

Ref. 801997

Ref. 801999

Ref. 831995 B831995GB


185 cm

189 cm

85 cm

Studio Acrylics


100 ml + auxiliary content 62 colours 100 ml x 6 tubes 1 gel 100 ml x 6 tubes = 378 tubes 100 ml tube display


Ref. 801997 B801997GB 801999 B801999F


250 ml content - short 35 colours x 3 tubes = 105 tubes 250 ml tube display - short 250 ml content - long 50 colours x 3 tubes = 150 tubes 250 ml tube display - long



Fine art

and contents

Studio Acrylics

190 cm

55 cm

< Studio Acrylics Auxiliaries - short

< Studio Acrylics Auxiliaries - long

Ref. 524198

Ref. 524197

105 cm

56 cm

STUDIO ACRYLICS AUXILIARIES 524198 Studio Acrylic painting auxiliaries - short Gesso Studio Acrylics 3 x 250 ml tubes Black Gesso Studio Acrylics 3 x 250 ml tubes Gloss medium 3 x 250 ml tubes Gloss gel Studio Acrylics 3 x 250 ml tubes Matt gel Studio Acrylics 3 x 250 ml tubes Modeling Paste Studio Acrylics 3 x 250 ml tubes Yellow sand textured gel Studio 3 x 250 ml tubes Red sand textured gel Studio 3 x 250 ml tubes Black sand textured gel Studio 3 x 250 ml tubes White sand textured gel Studio 3 x 250 ml tubes Studio Acrylic painting auxiliaries Display 1 x C04010 (10 double risen hooks) 2 x C04001 (Metal tray for hooks) REG524198 Set of 2 colour strips Studio Acrylics Auxiliaries - Short 524197 Studio Acrylic painting auxiliaries - long Matt gel Studio Acrylics 3 x 100 ml tubes + 3 x 250 ml tubes Gloss gel Studio Acrylics 3 x 100 ml tubes + 6 x 250 ml tubes Gloss medium 6 x 100 ml tubes + 3 x 250 ml tubes + 2 x 500 ml jars + 2 x 1L jars Gloss Bindex Dyna binder violet 3 x 100 ml tubes Gloss Bindex Dyna binder green 3 x 100 ml tubes Gloss Bindex Dyna binder blue 3 x 100 ml tubes Phosphorescent Gel green 6 x 100 ml tubes Phosphorescent Gel turquoise 6 x 100 ml tubes Phosphorescent Gel blue 3 x 100 ml tubes Phosphorescent Gel yellow 3 x 100 ml tubes Phosphorescent Gel Colourless - Green 3 x 100 ml tubes White Gesso Studio Acrylics 9 x 250 ml tubes + 4 x 500 ml jars + 4 x 1L jars Black Gesso Studio Acrylics 6 x 250 ml tubes + 2 x 500 ml jars Modeling paste Studio Acrylic 3 x 100 ml tubes + 3 x 250 ml tubes + 2 x 500 ml jars + 2 x 1L jars Crackling Effect Modeling paste 3 kits 1 tube 100ml Step 1 + 1 tube 250ml Step 2 Modeling paste Studio High viscosity 6 x 250 ml jars White sand textured gel Studio 6 x 250 ml tubes Yellow sand textured gel Studio 3 x 250 ml tubes Red sand textured gel Studio 3 x 250 ml tubes Black sand textured gel Studio 3 x 250 ml tubes Studio Acrylic painting auxiliaries Display 3 x C04010 (10 double risen hooks) 6 x C04001 (Metal tray for hooks) 2 x C06000 (Flat plastic tray) REG524197 Set of 8 colour strips Studio Acrylics Auxiliaries - Long



27 cm

< Painting knives Ref. 100200


100200 B100200


Painting Knives

Painting Knives content 17 painting knives x 6 + 1 painting knives x 12 + 5 comb painting knives x 6 + 6 XL painting knives x 3 = 162 painting knives Painting Knives display




Ref. Auxiliaires


Fine art

and contents

artist acrylics extra fine




178 cm

115 cm


Ref. 912000



< Artist Acrylics extra fine 37 ml

< Artist Acrylics extra fine 60 ml

Ref. 912000

Ref. 800000

Product > Artist acrylics extra fine 37 ml 37 ml content 79 colours (11 colours series 1 + 24 colours serie 2 + 33 colours serie 3 + 7 colours serie 4 + 4 colours serie 5) x 3 tubes = 237 tubes 37 ml tube display


Ref. 800000


> Artist acrylics extra fine 60 ml 60 ml content 79 colours (11 colours series 1 + 24 colours serie 2 + 33 colours serie 3 + 7 colours serie 4 + 4 colours serie 5) x 3 tubes = 237 tubes B800000FR 60 ml tube display



and contents

Fine art

extra fine artist acrylics auxiliaries

< Extra Fine Artist Acrylics Auxiliaries short

< Extra Fine Artist Acrylics Auxiliaries long

Ref. 352998

Ref. 352997



EXTRA FINE ARTIST ACRYLICS AUXILIARIES Extra Fine AA Auxiliaries content - short 352998 One coat Gesso 4 x 500 ml jars Transparent Gesso 2 x 500 ml jars Heavy Modeling Paste 2 x 500 ml jars Light Modeling Paste 2 x 500 ml jars Gloss Bindex 2 x 500 ml jars Matt Bindex 2 x 500 ml jars Gloss Gel 2 x 500 ml jars + 2 x 250 ml jars Pumice Stone Mortar 2 x 250 ml jars Black Mica Mortar 2 x 250 ml jars Raw Sand Mortar 2 x 250 ml jars Crystal Mortar 2 x 250 ml jars Gold Interference Gel 2 x 250 ml jars Heavy Gel 2 x 250 ml jars Gloss Medium 6 x 75 ml bottles Matt Medium 6 x 75 ml bottles Gloss Varnish 6 x 75 ml bottles Satinated Varnish 6 x 75 ml bottles Solvent Based UV Varnish 6 x 75 ml bottles Diffuser 6 x 75 ml bottles Brush Cleaner 6 x 75 ml bottles B352998FR Extra Fine AA Auxiliaries display - short 352997 Extra Fine AA Auxiliaries content - long One coat Gesso 4 x 500 ml jars + 2 x 1L jars Transparent Gesso 2 x 500 ml jars + 2 x 1L jars Heavy Modeling Paste 2 x 500 ml jars + 2 x 1L jars Light Modeling Paste 2 x 500 ml jars Gloss Bindex 1 x 500 ml jar + 2 x 1L jars Matt Bindex 2 x 500 ml jars Gloss Gel 2 x 250 ml jars + 2 x 500 ml jars Pumice Stone Mortar 2 x 250 ml jars Black Mica Mortar 2 x 250 ml jars Raw Sand Mortar 2 x 250 ml jars Crystal Mortar 2 x 250 ml jars Gold Interference Gel 2 x 250 ml jars Heavy Gel 2 x 250 ml jars Gloss Medium 6 x 75 ml bottles + 2 x 250 ml jars Matt Medium 6 x 75 ml bottles + 2 x 250 ml jars Gloss Varnish 6 x 75 ml bottles + 2 x 250 ml jars Satinated Varnish 6 x 75 ml bottles + 2 x 250 ml jars Solvent Based UV Varnish 6 x 75 ml bottles + 2 x 250 ml jars Diffuser 6 x 75 ml bottles Universal Paint Remover 2 x 245 ml jars Brush Cleaner 6 x 75 ml bottles + 2 x 245 ml jars B352997FR Extra Fine AA Auxiliaries display - long


96 cm

65 cm




and contents

Fine art


& studio gouache Peindre Ă la gouache

120 cm

82 cm

83 cm

51 cm

Gouache Studio

< Colorex

Ref. 356000

< Studio Gouache 100 ml

< Studio Gouache 20 ml

Ref. 290999

Ref. 230999

< Studio Gouache 220 ml Ref. 802000

Ref. 356000 B54000GB


Product > COLOREX 45 ml content 57 colours serie 1 (+ 3 colours serie 2) x 5 bottles = 300 bottles 45 ml bottles display




> STUDIO GOUACHE 20 ml 230999 20 ml content 23 colours x 6 tubes = 138 tubes B230999GB 20 ml tube display > STUDIO GOUACHE 100 ml 290999 100 ml content 23 colours x 3 tubes 100 ml + 5 colours x 6 tubes 100 ml = 99 tubes B290999GB 100 ml tube display > STUDIO GOUACHE 220 ml 802000 220 ml content 20 colours x 4 tubes + black x 8 tubes and white x 12 tubes = 100 tubes B82000GB 220 ml tube display



and contents

Fine art

gouache t 7

& watercolour

Peindre à la gouache

25 cm

124 cm

70 cm


< Gouache T7

< Aquarelle Fine 1/2 godet

Ref. 123000

Réf. 300999 +<

Aquarelle Fine tube 10 ml Réf. 301999


> GOUACHE T7 123000 20 ml content (8 colours serie 1 + 36 colours serie 2 + 20 colours seriee 3) x 6 tubes + (1 colours serie 1 + 1 colours serie 2 + 5 colours serie 3) x 12 tubes = 468 tubes B53000FR 20 ml tube diplay


Ref. 300999 B300999FR 301999 B301999FR





> Watercolour 1/2 pans 1/2 pans content 28 colours x 6 1/2 pans = 168 1/2 pans 1/2 pan display > WATERCOLOUR 10 ml 10 ml tube content 28 colours x 5 tubes 10 ml = 140 tubes 10 ml tube display



Creative leisure

and contents

The display system shows the techniques or the surface to be painted and allows an easy adaptation to any type of store. The elegant and effective product identification will ease the consumer’s access to the product and help your sales.

Peindre sur soie

55 cm 43 cm

14,5 cm

22 cm

65 cm

63 cm


< Setasilk (blistered guttas)

< Setasilk

Ref. 099000

Ref. 099999

< Setacolor Opaque

Ref. 295999

< Setacolor Auxiliaries Ref. 391998

< Setaskrib+ Ref. 803000 Ref.


099000 B43000GB 099999 B099999GB 295999 B295999GB 329999 B329999GB

> SETASILK 45 ml bottles + water based guttas 29 colours, 5 x 45 ml bottles, 5 x 45 ml bottles of lightening medium, 6 colours of guttas x 6 tubes of 20 ml = 186 items 45 ml bottles + water based guttas Display 45 ml bottles + blistered water based guttas 29 colours, 5 x 45 ml bottles, 5 x 45 ml bottles of lightening medium x 6 colours of guttas x 6 blistered tubes of 20 ml = 186 items 45 ml bottles + blistered water based guttas Display > SETACOLOR OPAQUE Content 45 ml bottles 40 colours, 5 x 45 ml bottles = 200 bottles 45 ml bottles Display > SETACOLOR TRANSPARENT Content 45 ml bottles 30 colours, 5 x 45 ml bottles = 150 bottles 45 ml bottles Display


< Setacolor Transparent Ref. 329999

RRP Ref. 391998 B391998GB 803000 B803000GB

Product > SETACOLOR AUXILIARIES Content 110 ml bottles Lightener 3 x 110 ml bottles Thickener 3 x 110 ml bottles Permanent fabric glue 3 x 110 ml bottles Expandable paint 3 x 110 ml bottles Gold glitter finish 6 x 110 ml bottles Silver glitter finish 3 x 110 ml bottles Pearl medium 3 x 110 ml bottles 110 ml bottles Display > SETASKRIB + 6 markers 18 colours x 6 markers = 108 markers Markers Display



Creative leisure

and contents

80 cm

45 cm

25 cm

165 cm

60 cm

95 cm

20 cm

30 cm deco

< P.BO deco Basic 45 ml

< Cream of colour

Ref. 092300

Ref. 093199

< Chalkboard & Magnet 250 ml Ref. 093598

< Chalkboard & Magnet 500 ml

< P.BO deco Outdoor 45 ml

(see page 92)

Ref. 204499

< P.BO deco Accessories

< Contemporary Auxiliaries

Ref. 094399

Ref. 094199

< Vintage Auxiliaries Ref. 094299

092300 B092300GB 204499 B204499GB 094199 B094199GB 093199 B093199GB

Product P.BO deco basic 45 ml bottle content 84 colours x 5 bottles + 3 colours x 10 bottles = 450 bottles 45 ml bottle display P.BO deco Outdoor 45 ml bottle content 16 colours x 5 bottles + 4 auxiliaries x 5 bottles = 100 bottles 45 ml bottle display Contemporary Auxiliaries content Gloss Gel x 3 tubes 110 ml, Matt Gel x 3 tubes 110 ml, Relief x 3 tubes 110 ml, White Sand Gel x 3 tubes 110 ml, Glow in the dark x 3 tubes 110 ml, Bling Bling glitter varnish x 2 jars 250 ml, Vernis Super lack x 2 jars 250 ml, Surface Preparation x 2 jars 250 ml, Decoupage x 2 jars 250 ml = 23 products Contemporary Auxiliaries display Cream of colour 110 ml tube content 45 colours x 3 tubes = 135 tubes 110 ml tube display


Ref. 093598 B093598GB 094399 B094399GB 094299 B094299GB



Chalkboard, Effet+ Magnet tins & jars content 11 colours x 2 jars, 1 Effet+ x 2 jars = 24 jars 250 ml tins & jars display Accessories content Wash brush x 3, Smooth brush x 3, Stencil brush x 3, Cotton wool 100 gr x 3, Natural sponge x 3, Steel wool 70 gr x 3, Anti drip painting roll x 3, Painting spatula set of 2 x 6 Special effect plastic comb x 6 = 39 products Accessories display Vintage Auxiliaries content Patinating wax 10 colours x 3 tubes 37 ml, Gilding paint 5 colours x 3 bottle 75 ml, Gold leaves 5 colours x 6 booklet, Gold flakes 4 colours x 6 boxes, Antique varnish x 3 bottle 75 ml, Gloss varnish x 3 bottle 75 ml, Matt varnish x 3 bottle 75 ml, Fissured effect x 3 bottle 75 ml, Image transfer x 3 bottle 75 ml, Gilding paste x 3 bottle 75 ml, Crackling effect set x 2, Verdigris patina kit x 2 = 121 products Vintage Auxiliaries display





Creative leisure

and contents


100 cm

Also available 2 POS 16cm x 40cm panels communicating the important points of the Fantasy ranges, their colour charts as well as creative ideas on the back! < POS Fantasy Prisme

60 cm

60 cm

Ref. PLV166EN

< Fantasy Prisme Ref. 166999

< Fantasy Moon

POS Fantasy Moon >

Ref. 167999

Ref. PLV167EN

< Fantasy Accessories Ref. 166899




166999 B166999GB

>FANTASY Prisme 45ml bottle content 26 colours x 5 bottles + 2 colours x 10 bottles = 150 bottles 45ml bottles display

B11000 C04001 C04010 167999 B167999GB

Discovery set, plastic droppers & studio set dispaly Wood tablet Metal tray for hooks 10 double rien hooks Moon 45ml bottle content 16 colours x 5 bottles + 2 colours x 10 bottles = 100 bottles 45ml bottles display

B11000 C04001 C04010

Discovery set, plastic droppers & studio set dispaly Wood tablet Metal tray for hooks 10 double rien hooks


Ref. 166899 B166899GB PLV166EN PLV167EN

Product >FANTASY accessories Fantasy accessories content Metal square ring x 6 Metal oval ring x 6 Metal square earrings x 6 Metal oval earrings x 6 Metal square bracelet x 6 Metal oval Bracelet x 12 Metal square Pendant x 6 Metal oval Pendant x 6 Wood earrings x 6 = 60 accessories Fantasy Accessories display >FANTASY communication POS Fantasy Prisme / EN POS Fantasy Moon / EN



Creative leisure

and contents


15 cm

99 cm

99 cm

43 cm


< Vitrail

Ref. 050997

< Cerne Relief 37 ml Vitrail

< Vitrail (blistered verne relief)

< Ceramic

Ref. 284000

Ref. 050889

Ref. 050996


> VITRAIL Vitrail Opaque 45 ml bottles content 10 opaques colours 45 ml x 5 bottles = 50 bottles Inclined tray for 45ml / 10 positions REG050998 Set of 1 colour strip Vitrail Opaque 10 colours 050997 Vitrail & Auxiliaries content 26 transparente colours 45ml x 5 bottles 10 opaques colours 45 ml x 5 bottles 6 cernes relief 20 ml x 6 tubes 3 cernes relief 20 ml x 12 tubes Lightening medium 45 ml x 5 bottles Matt medium 45 ml x 5 bottles Sparkling medium 45 ml x 5 bottles No-drip medium 30 ml x 6 bottles Crackling kit x 4 Adhesive lead strip x 5 B050997GB Vitrail & Auxiliaries display 050996 Cernes relief 37ml Vitrail content 4 cerne relief x 6 tubes 3 cerne relief x 3 tubes C13000 Drawer tray for 20ml or 37ml tubes x1 REG050996 Set of 1 colour strip cernes relief 37ml Vitrail 050998 C12000


Ref. 050889 B050889FR 284000 B56000GB



Vitrail & Auxiliaries + blistered cerne reliefs 26 transparente colours 45ml x 5 bottles 10 opaques colours 45 ml x 5 bottles 8 blistered cernes relief 20 ml x 6 tubes 1 blistered cerne relief 20 ml x 12 tubes Lightening medium 45 ml x 5 bottles Matt medium 45 ml x 5 bottles Sparkling medium 45 ml x 5 bottles No-drip medium 30 ml x 6 bottles Crackling kit x 4 Adhesive lead strip x 5 Vitrail & Auxiliaries + blistered cerne reliefs displays > CERAMIC 45 ml bottles content 28 colours x 5 bottles 45 ml + 2 auxiliaries x 5 bottles 45 ml = 150 bottles 45 ml bottle display




Creative leisure

and contents

95,5 cm


84 cm

89 cm


< Vitrea 160

< Vitrea 160 (blistered relief tubes)

Ref. 111998

96 cm


< Porcelaine 150

< Porcelaine 150 (blistered cloisonnés) Ref. 238998

Ref. 060010

Ref. 111667

Ref. 111998 B111998GB 111667 B111667GB


Product > VITREA 160 45 ml bottles, markers and relief 36 colours and 4 mediums, 5 x 45 ml bottles, 18 colours x 6 markers, 10 relief x 6 x 20 ml tubes = 368 products 45 ml bottles, markers and relief Display > VITREA 160 45 ml bottles, markers and blistered relief 36 colours and 4 mediums, 5 x 45 ml bottles, 18 colours x 6 markers, 10 relief x 6 x 20 ml tubes = 368 products 45 ml bottles, markers and blistered tubes Display


Ref. 060010 B060010GB 238998 B238998GB

Product > PORCELAINE 150 45 ml bottles, markers and cloisonnés 46 colours and 4 mediums, 5 x 45 ml bottles, 18 colours x 6 markers, 10 cloisonnés x 6 x 20 ml tubes = 418 products 45 ml bottles Display > PORCELAINE 150 45 ml bottles, markers and blistered cloisonnés 46 colours and 4 mediums, 5 x 45 ml bottles, 18 colours x 6 markers, + 10 cloisonnés x 6 x 20 ml tubes = 418 products. 45 ml bottles, markers and blistered cloisonnés Display




and contents

Implementation suggestion

< Gédéo 1m endcap display* content

Réf. 766907


766907 REG766 N766000 PLV766FR

Product > Gédéo IMPLEMENTATION Gédéo resin 70 cm display* content Crystal Resin 150ml x 6, Crystal Resin 300ml x 12, Crystal Resin 750ml x 4, Gloss+ Varnish x 6, Colour Resin Topaz 150ml x 6, Colour Resin Amber 150ml x 6, Colour Resin Ruby 150ml x 6, Colour Resin Jade 150ml x 6, Resin colour Lapis blue 150ml x 6, Glazing Resin 150ml x 12, Pearl Resin Pearl white 150ml x 6, Pearl Resin Gold 150ml x6. Pearl Resin Vermeil 150ml x 6 Set of 17 labels x 1 True colour chart x 1 (magnetic banner hanger included) Gédéo POS flag + magnetic banner hanger






Gédéo implementation* 100 cm Gédéo resin 70 cm display* content Crystal Resin 150ml x 6, Crystal Resin 300ml x 12, Crystal Resin 750ml x 4, Gloss+ Varnish x 6, Colour Resin Topaz 150ml x 6, Colour Resin Amber 150ml x 6, Colour Resin Ruby 150ml x 6, Colour Resin Jade 150ml x 6, Resin colour Lapis blue 150ml x 6, Glazing Resin 150ml x 12, Pearl Resin Pearl white 150ml x 6, Pearl Resin Gold 150ml x6. Pearl Resin Vermeil 150ml x 6

Gédéo Moulds (refer to page 120 for further details) Small moulds - 6 themes x6, Large moulds - 6 thenes x6

Siligum 300gr x6 (refer to page 118 for further details)

REG766 N766000 PLV766FR


< Gédéo 70 cm endcap display* content

Set of 17 labels x 1 True colour chart x 1 (magnetic banner hanger included)

Gédéo POS flag + magnetic banner hanger *Fixture is not provided




and contents

Implementation suggestion 150150 cmcm env.env.

100100 cmcm env.env.

< Gédéo 1,5m endcap display* content

< Gédéo 1m endcap display* content

Ref. 766905


Ref. 766905


Gédéo 1,5 m display* content Modelling: red non-firing clay 1,5 kg x 4, white non-firing clay 1,5 kg x 4, modelling clay 5 kg x waterproofing agent x 6, set of 4 modelling tools x 4 Moulding: siligum 100gr x 6, siligum 300gr x 6, moulding alginate 500gr x 6, latex 250ml x 2, Plaster strips x 6, demoulding talc x 5, demoulding vaseline x 6 Casting: resin plaster 1kg x 6, precision plaster 1kg x 6, light plaster 1kg x 20, crystal resin 300 ml x 6 Candles: candle wax 500 gr x 6, candle wicks n° 4, 5m x 6, 6 assorted candle colours x 6, 3 assorted refined scents x 6, cire d’abeille 5 feuilles 26x40cm x 6 candle mould - round x 6, candle mould - square x 6, candle mould - cone x 6.

*Fixture is not provided

Ref. 766906


Ref. 766906

Product Gédéo 1 m display* content odelling: red non-firing clay 1,5 kg x 4, M white non-firing clay 1,5 kg x 4, modelling clay 5 kg x waterproofing agent x 6, set of 4 modelling tools x 4 Moulding: siligum 100gr x 6, siligum 300gr x 6, moulding alginate 500gr x 6, latex 250ml x 2, Plaster strips x 6, demoulding talc x 5, demoulding vaseline x 6 Casting: resin plaster 1kg x 6, precision plaster 1kg x 6, light plaster 1kg x 20, crystal resin 300 ml x 6


Labelling and security symbols The 88/379/CEE establishes the classification of risks that could be present in some chemical substances included in the composition of artists products. It is regularly updated to follow the evolution of scientific knowledge. In accordance with these indications and to conform with the European legislation, the Pébéo product labels mention the security symbols and warnings relative to the potential dangers that some of our products may present. > CE The “CE” marking is necessary for toys used by children under 14 years old. It can be affixed only if an organization notices and attests that it respects the European standards. Toy EN71-1 on the mechanical and physical characteristics. EN71-2 on flammability EN71-3 on the migration of heavy metals If the product can present danger for children 3 years and under, it has the following note : “Not recommended for use by children under 3 years old”. > Easily flammable (F) This symbol is affixed on products easily or very easily flammable, varnishes (bottle or spray). It is prohibited to smoke during the application of these products and must only be used in well ventilated areas. > Corrosives (C) Concerns the products presenting a risk of chemical burning on skin or eyes. You must wear gloves and security eye glasses.

> Irritant (Xi) harmful (xn) The Saint-Andre cross appears on the labels of the products belonging to the harmful or irritant risk category. It concerns certain varnishes likely to cause neurological or gastric problems by inhalation, contact with skin or ingestion. You must avoid inhaling the vapours, use these products in well ventilated areas, wear gloves and carefully wash your hands with soap once finished. > Dangerous for the environment (N) Concerns the products that can have, in the long run, harmful effects on the environment, such as spirits. You must not throw them in sewers or in dumps where they could cause pollution. > Symbol that can be detected by touch It is a dimensional triangle allowing blind people to be aware that they are using a dangerous product. This triangle is transparent.

> Safety caps Products which have serious risks of intoxication if accidentally ingested are equipped with a safety cap. The cap can only be opened by applying strong pressure on it. All dangerous products must be stored away from the reach of children. > ACMI AP and CL are seals of the Art and Craft Material Institute of Boston (ACMI). The products bearing the AP seal are harmless and certified in a program of toxicological evaluation by a medical expert. They are also certified by the institute to be labelled in accordance with the ASTM D-4236 standard. The products bearing the CL seal are certified to be labelled in conformity with the toxicological evaluation program. This program is certified by the office of the toxicological institute.

> FFFH Danish standard Label A: the products can be used by children 3 years and older. This label implies that the products correspond to the strict security standards of the FFFH. Label B: these products can be used by children 3 years and older, but under the supervision of an adult. They contain riskful substances in small quantities, so they do not completely fill under the security criteria of the FFFH standard. Label C: these products cannot be used by children 15 years of age. They do not correspond to the FFFH standard. Label D: these products can be used only by adults. This label implies that all the products are labelled with a ‘dangerous’ symbol (for example : harmful, irritant…). > ECO packaging This logo appearing on Pébéo’s product labels attests its contribution to the treatment of wastes in collaboration with an official organization in conformity with a European legislation.

Hazard symbols of the new system (CLP) (Pictograms taken on the website of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) > I ignite I can ignite if in contact with a flame, spark, static electricity, under the influence of heat or friction; in contact with air or water if I release flammable gases

> I am corrosive I can materially damage or destroy metals. I damage the skin and/or eyes in the event of contact or projection

> I seriously damage the health I can induce cancer. I can modify the DNA. I can impair fertility or cause harm to the fetus. I can alter the function of certain organs. I can cause mortality in the event of ingestion or penetration in the respiratory tracts. I can cause respiratory allergies (asthma for example).

> I am under pressure I can explode under the influence of heat (compressed gas, liquified gas, dissolved gas). I can cause burns and injuries due to cold (refrigerated liquefied gas).

> I affect the health I can poison in strong doses. I irritate the skin, the eyes and/or respiratory tracts. I can cause skin allergies, such as eczema. I can provoke drowsiness or dizziness.

> I pollute I cause harmful effects on the aquatic organism (fish, shellfish, seaweed, and other water plants…).

Pébéo – Research and Development Laboratory 305. Av. du Pic de Bertagne BP 106 - 13881 Gémenos Cedex Tel. (33) -

Anti poison centres

Our teams are at your disposition regarding toxicology or security questions about Pébéo products. In case of ingestion or poison symptoms, contact your regional anti-poison center.

** The prices of the painting surfaces are only indicative and will be confirmed when ordering.


General information

Safety data sheets for Pebeo products can be downloaded at ‘’

General Information Pebeo in the World Contact Asia-Oceania: Armenia, Australia, Kazakhstan, New Zeeland, Russia, South Korea, Turkey Latín America : Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Perú Jean-Paul Amenc Middle East : Egypt, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Europe : Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine Asia : Fidji Island, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam Middle East : Jordan, Palestine, Syria Europe : Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Lituania, Malta, Romania, Slovenia Joëlle GIABICONI French Overseas Territories : Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Reunion Island, Saint Martin, Tahiti Africa: Western, Central, Eastern, Southern Northern Africa : Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia Antoine CHAVEAU Middle East : Bahrain, Kuweit, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Yemen Europe : Czech Republic, Poland Latin America : Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Equator, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaïca Europe: Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Serbia Alizée ALBANO French Overseas Territories : Saint Barthelemy, Wallis & Futuna Canada Yves Darche China Guillaume Lefebure France Isabelle Lemoine Germany Uwe Duckstein Great Britain John Wright Italy Alberto Zamolo Japan Yusaku Omukae Spain Victor Porras Switzerland Frédéric Grieu United States Yves Darche

Pebeo Head Office

Sales team

pebeo france 305 Avenue du Pic de Bertagne 13881 Gemenos Cedex France Tel: (33) Fax: (33) -

export manager Jean-Paul AMENC Cell : 0033 (0)6 08 26 14 05

export AREA manager Joëlle GIABICONI Tel: 0033 (0)4 42 32 57 47 Antoine CHAVEAU Tel: 0033 (0)4 42 32 08 08 Alizée ALBANO Tel: 0033 (0)4 42 32 08 08


Table of contents Acetate sheets.............................................................................159 Acrylcolor..................................................................................... 147 Anti-drop brush cleaner...........................................................153 Aqua brushes............................................................................... 172 Aqua carded brushes.................................................................173 Ara oil pastels..............................................................................126 Ariane canvas stretchers...........................................................58 Arti’stick......................................................................................... 154 Artist acrylic liquid ink................................................................31 Artist acrylics extra fine............................................................25 Artist acrylics extra fine auxiliairies ....................................28 Artist Kid........................................................................................150 Arty’s painting surfaces cotton.............................................80 Arty’s painting surfaces silk..................................................... 64 Atelier empty case.......................................... 76/105/109/112 Auxiliaries & Accessories Arty’s...............................................71 Auxiliaries for pigments............................................................ 49 Auxiliaries watercolours, gouache, ink and pastels.......47

B Beeswax.......................................................................................... 49 Bindex Studio.................................................................................23 Black mica mortar........................................................................29 Black Studio gesso.......................................................................23 Bling bling gutter varnish.......................................................... 91 Brillo.................................................................................................141 Brush cleaner..........................................................................15/30 Brush wallets........................................................................183-184 Brushes in cylinder.....................................................................182

C Canvas board.................................................................................59 Canvas on rolls..............................................................................52 Ceramic..........................................................................................106 Cerne relief Vitrail.....................................................................103 Charcoals........................................................................................ 46 Children cases............................................................................. 152 Clarified poppy seed oil.............................................................13 Cleaner Artist acrylic liquid ink...............................................31 Coating medium........................................................................... 14 Cobalt siccative............................................................................ 14 Cobra brushes..............................................................................168 Cobra carded brushes...............................................................168 Cobra deco brushes.................................................................. 175 Cobra deco carded brushes (neopack)..............................176 Color-chart Acrylcolor.............................................................148 Color-chart Arti’stick................................................................ 155 Color-chart artist acrylics extra fine....................................27 Color-chart Artist acrylics liquid.............................................31 Color-chart Brillo.......................................................................142 Color-chart Ceramic.................................................................107 Color-chart Colorex....................................................................35 Color-chart Fantasy Moon.................................................... 100 Color-chart Fantasy Prisme..................................................... 99 Color-chart Fragonard Extra Fine watercolours...............45 Color-chart Fragonard extra-fine oil.................................... 18 Color-chart Fragonard pigments........................................... 49 Color-chart gouache T7 extra fine.......................................40 Color-chart Huile d’art Super fine oil...................................12 Color-chart Marbling.................................................................114 Color-chart Mat pub...................................................................32

Color-chart P.BO deco.............................................................. 86 Color-chart P.BO deco Al Fresco colours..........................90 Color-chart P.BO deco chalkboard paint............................92 Color-chart P.BO deco Concrete cream............................90 Color-chart P.BO deco cream of colour............................ 88 Color-chart P.BO deco Glazing colours..............................90 Color-chart P.BO deco outdoor colours.............................95 Color-chart P.BO deco Stencil cream.................................90 Color-chart pop art acrylic......................................................24 Color-chart Porcelaine 150...................................................... 113 Color-chart Poster paint in tubes........................................ 134 Color-chart Prima magic......................................................... 139 Color-chart primacolor en pâte........................................... 138 Color-chart Primacolor Liquide............................................ 136 Color-chart Setacolor opaque................................................73 Color-chart Setacolor Soleil....................................................75 Color-chart Setacolor transparent........................................75 Color-chart Setasilk.....................................................................63 Color-chart Setaskrib +..............................................................79 Color-chart Solucolor..............................................................144 Color-chart Solugouache........................................................144 Color-chart Sparkling gel........................................................146 Color-chart Studio Acrylics.......................................................21 Color-chart studio gouache.....................................................37 Color-chart Studio XL Oil...........................................................8 Color-chart Tactilcolor............................................................ 127 Color-chart Tactilcolor 3D Bubble......................................130 Color-chart Tactilcolor textile..............................................129 Color-chart Touch deco............................................................97 Color-chart Touch textile.........................................................78 Color-chart Vitrail......................................................................103 Color-chart Vitrea 160...............................................................110 Color-chart watercolours......................................................... 41 Colorex.............................................................................................33 Colourless painting medium.....................................................13 Cotton canvas...............................................................................59 Cotton canvas stretchers..........................................................56 Coutrai siccative........................................................................... 14 Crackeling kit Vitrail..................................................................105 Crystal mortar...............................................................................29 Crystal varnish for oil................................................................. 14 Crystal varnish for tempera.....................................................47

D Dammar picture varnish.............................................................15 Decoration molding..................................................................120 Decoupage...................................................................................... 91 Demoulding talc..........................................................................118 Demoulding vaseline.................................................................118 Diffuser.............................................................................................29 Diluant cires................................................................................. 123 Dispersants.................................................................................... 49 Drawing gum.........................................................................47/145 Dutch medium............................................................................... 14


Fantasy accessories.................................................................... 98 Fantasy Accessories....................................................................101 Fantasy Moon............................................................................. 100 Fantasy Prisme.............................................................................. 98 Filler undercoat Ceramic.........................................................106 Filler undercoat P150.................................................................112 Fissured effect............................................................................... 91 Florentine medium.......................................................................13 Foam brushes...............................................................................180 Fragonard Extra Fine watercolours.......................................43 Fragonard extra-fine oil............................................................. 16 Fragonard gel medium................................................................13 Fragonard Pigments.................................................................... 48 Frosting medium Vitrea 160...................................................109

G Gala brushes.................................................................................169 Gala carded brushes..................................................................169 Gédéo..............................................................................................115 Gedeo candles............................................................................. 122 Gédéo cases..................................................................................119 Gedeo casting...............................................................................117 Gedeo modeling..........................................................................118 Gedeo moulding..........................................................................118 Gédéo Resin..................................................................................116 Gédéo Resin auxiliary................................................................116 Gesso Studio..................................................................................23 Gilding liquids.............................................................................. 123 Gilding wax................................................................................... 123 Gilds and patinas........................................................................ 123 Glazes (Studio)..............................................................................23 Gloss bindex AAEF.......................................................................28 Gloss Bindex Studio Acrylics binder DYNA......................23 Gloss gel AAEF...............................................................................29 Gloss gel Studio............................................................................23 Gloss medium................................................................................28 Gloss medium P150.....................................................................112 Gloss medium Vitrea 160........................................................109 Glow in the dark.......................................................................... 91 Gold interference gel.................................................................29 Gold leaves................................................................................... 123 Gold sparkle posterpaint varnish......................................... 145 Gouache cakes............................................................................ 132 Gouache T7 extra fine................................................................38 Graphic india ink.................................................................47/145 Grinding binders for acrylics.................................................. 49 Grinding binders for gouache................................................. 49 Grinding binders for oil............................................................ 49 Grinding binders for watercolour......................................... 49 Gutta applicator...........................................................................63

H Heavy gel AAEF............................................................................29 Heavy gel for oil........................................................................... 14 Huile d’art Super fine oil...........................................................10


Easels..................................................................................................51 Easy fix..............................................................................................71 Embossing metal........................................................................159 Essence oil of petroleum...........................................................13 Expert linen stretchers (Fragonard).......................................53

Interference Gel...........................................................................29 Iris brushes.................................................................................... 177 Iris carded brushes (neopack)................................................178 Irisdescent medium Vitrea 160..............................................109



Fabric modeling.............................................................................71

Jewels Fantasy..............................................................................101


General information


L Latex.................................................................................................118 Leisure crafts................................................................................ 157 Light modeling paste..................................................................28 Lightening medium Ceramic..................................................106 Lightening medium Vitrail......................................................105 Lotus brushes................................................................................171 Lotus carded brushes.................................................................171 Lotus deco brushes...................................................................179 Lotus deco carded brushes (neopack)...............................179

M Magic Glue....................................................................................140 Marbling..........................................................................................114 Markers Porcelaine 150..............................................................111 Markers Vitrea 160.....................................................................108 Mat pub...........................................................................................32 Matt bindex AAEF........................................................................28 Matt gel AAEF................................................................................29 Matt gel Studio.............................................................................23 Matt medium.................................................................................28 Matt medium P150......................................................................112 Matt medium Vitrail.................................................................105 Matt picture varnish................................................................... 14 Mistral brushes............................................................................164 Mistral carded brushes.............................................................165 Modeling paste High viscosity........................................ 23/28 Modeling paste Studio .............................................................23 Modeling paste Studio effet craquelĂŠ.................................23 Modelling clay..............................................................................118 Modelling paste...........................................................................118 Modelling tools...........................................................................118 Moulding alginate.......................................................................118

O Odourless mineral spirit..........................................13/105/106 Oil auxiliaries..................................................................................13 One coat gesso......................................................................15/28 Orion brushes..............................................................................170 Orion carded brushes...............................................................170 Outils Arty’s....................................................................................71 Oval mop brushes......................................................................180 Ox gall..............................................................................................47

P P.B.O deco decoration Stencils............................................. 94 P.BO deco....................................................................................... 84 P.BO deco accessories............................................................... 94 P.BO deco Al Fresco colours.................................................. 89 P.BO deco auxiliaries.................................................................. 91 P.BO deco chalkboard paint & magnet................................92 P.BO deco Concrete cream..................................................... 89 P.BO deco Crackling effet set................................................. 91 P.BO deco cream of colour......................................................87 P.BO deco Gilding........................................................................93 P.BO deco Gilding paint............................................................93 P.BO deco Glazing colours...................................................... 89 P.BO deco Gloss gel.................................................................... 91 P.BO deco Gold flakes...............................................................93 P.BO deco Gold leaves...............................................................93 P.BO deco Guilding paste.........................................................93 P.BO deco Image transfert........................................................ 91 P.BO deco Matt gel..................................................................... 91 P.BO deco outdoor anti-corrosion primer.........................95


P.BO deco Outdoor auxiliaries...............................................95 P.BO deco outdoor colours.....................................................95 P.BO deco outdoor undercoat for plastic surfaces........95 P.BO deco Outdoor waterproofing......................................95 P.BO deco Patinating wax.........................................................93 P.BO deco Relief ......................................................................... 91 P.BO deco Stencil cream.......................................................... 88 P.BO deco Surface preparation.............................................. 91 P.BO deco utdoor varnish protector....................................95 P.BO deco water gloss varnish................................................ 91 P.BO deco water matt varnish................................................ 91 P.BO deco White sand gel........................................................ 91 P.BO decoAntique varnish........................................................ 91 P.BO decoVerdigris patina kit.................................................. 91 Painting knives.............................................................................. 50 Pastel and charcoals fixative..........................................47/126 Pastels.............................................................................................. 46 Patinating bases.......................................................................... 123 Permanent fabric glue................................................................76 Phosphorescent gel Studio.......................................................23 Plaster..............................................................................................117 Plaster strips..................................................................................118 Plastic palettes.............................................................................153 Pop Art Acrylic..............................................................................24 Porcelaine 150................................................................................111 Porcelaine 150 auxiliaries.........................................................112 Poster paint carded tubes ..................................................... 134 Poster paint in tubes..................................................................133 Prima magic.................................................................................. 139 Primacolor in paste................................................................... 138 Primacolor Liquid........................................................................135 Product of modelling Non-firing clay.................................118 Pumice stone mortar..................................................................29 Pure Kolinsky brushes...............................................................167 Pure Kolinsky brushes...............................................................167 Pure squirrel brushes................................................................. 174 Pure squirrel carded brushes................................................. 174

R Raw sand mortar..........................................................................29 Rectified turpentine.....................................................................13 Refined linseed oil........................................................................13 Relief outliner Vitrea 160........................................................108 Retarder AAEF...............................................................................29 Retouching varnish.......................................................................15

S Sand textured gel Studio..........................................................23 Satin picture varnish................................................................... 14 School brushes.............................................................................181 School craded brushes.................................................... 109/112 Self adhesive lead strip............................................................105 Setacolor auxiliairies...................................................................76 Setacolor Expandable paint.....................................................76 Setacolor Gold glitter finish....................................................76 Setacolor Lightener.....................................................................76 Setacolor opaque / shimmers................................................72 Setacolor Pearl Medium............................................................76 Setacolor Silver glitter finish...................................................76 Setacolor Soleil.............................................................................75 Setacolor Thickener....................................................................76 Setacolor transparent.................................................................74 Setasilk.............................................................................................62

Setasilk Diluent.............................................................................63 Setaskrib + and Setaskrib..........................................................79 Siccative medium......................................................................... 14 Siligum.............................................................................................118 Silk painting auxiliaries...............................................................63 Skrib markers...............................................................................126 Smocks............................................................................................153 Solucolor.......................................................................................144 Solugouache................................................................................. 143 Solvant based Gloss varnish....................................................30 Solvant based Matt varnish.....................................................30 Solvant based Satin varnish.....................................................30 Solvant based UV varnish.........................................................30 Spalters.......................................................................................... 172 Sparkling gel.................................................................................146 Sparkling medium Vitrail.........................................................105 Standard linen stretchers..........................................................55 Stencil brushes............................................................................180 Stretchers 3D cotton and linen..............................................57 Studio Acrylics.............................................................................. 19 Studio for acrylic auxiliairies...................................................23 Studio gouache.............................................................................36 Studio XL Oil....................................................................................6 Super lack........................................................................................ 91 Superfine picture varnish.......................................................... 14 Surfine gouache varnish...................................................47/145

T Tactilcolor..................................................................................... 127 Tactilcolor 3D Bubble...............................................................130 Tactilcolor Textile.....................................................................129 Tempera auxiliaries................................................................... 145 Thinner P150..................................................................................112 Thinner Vitrea 160......................................................................109 Tjanting............................................................................................63 Touch Deco................................................................................... 96 Touch Deco and Textile accessories....................................97 Touch Textile.................................................................................77 Transparent gesso........................................................................28

U Universal paint cleaner.......................................................15/30

V Verdigris patina........................................................................... 123 Vitrail..............................................................................................102 Vitrail auxiliaries.........................................................................105 Vitrail No-drip medium...........................................................105 Vitrea 160......................................................................................108 Vitrea 160 auxiliaries.................................................................109

W Water based Gutta......................................................................63 Water based Vitrail...................................................................158 Waterbased gouache varnish.........................................47/145 Watercolour varnish...................................................................47 Watercolours................................................................................. 41 Waterproofing agent.................................................................118 Wax and accessories................................................................. 122 White bristles brushes.............................................................166 White bristles carded brushes..............................................166

X XL colourless medium.................................................................13

General information

207 Parc d’activités de Gémenos. 305, Avenue du Pic de Bertagne BP 106 - 13881 Gémenos Cedex

Ref : 2013-CATGB

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