5 minute read
By Rudina Hoxha & Jose Pinto

“The cooperation with many brands such as FENDI, Fabiana Filippi, La Matta, Max Mara, Pozzi, Ralph Lauren and many others, made me a famous character in my field from day to day until in 2001, I opened my boutique shop and my atelier “Zamira” in two cities Todi and Masciano in the heart of Umbria, Italy, and then I opened my boutique with the name of my brand “Retrò avantgarde” in Tirana, Albania”.
Zajmira Qeraxhiu, a successful businesswoman, Fashion Designer, Costume Designer, Fashion Image Consulting, Personal Shopper and Personal Stylist for many VIPs, said in her exclusive interview with TRAILBLAZING MAGAZINE.

Her business voyage is going fast and parallel to it, her projects. She is so much on demand to contribute in many business sectors and Zajmira is there to embrace all the duties and engagements. Acting as a go-between, she is helping the businesses in Albania and Italy to be near each other.

Also, in this interview, she narrates how she achieved so much in all these years and what are the projects in the pipeline.
Full interview below:

Zajmira, you are a comprehensive figure in the sphere of business. Your success story took wings in Italy. For the curiosity of our readers, can you share with us how did you start this journey?
My stay in Italy for 24 years gave me the possibility and the space to develop styling and modelling to perfection and turn them into a pure trade by getting demands for collaboration from the high scale international brands up to Haute Couture.
Did you demonstrate such skills since at a young age and did you inherit this from any family member?
Always I have been very much in love with the beauty and with the wish to get dressed differently from the others. Since I was a kid, I designed and created each and every outfit for my dolls and for myself by copying the handmade outfits my mother used to do for me, for my sister and the brother until I managed to design clothes for many dear friends. I became aware of my business skills when people around me believed very much in my work and admired the way I managed it. This made me challenge myself and fulfill my dream – opening my own boutique.
You have contributed in some different branches of business such as fashion, costume designs and others. How have you managed to be all-sided in your profession?
By staying up to date, completing European courses for professional certification such as “ Fashion Image Consulting” in Milan Fashion School with professors of Luxury Academy in Milan; taking part in masterclasses with tailors of Maeson Channel and Dior Haute Couture, contributing to catwalks, giving interviews, consulting and assistance as Fashion Image Curator and being the Personal Shopper and the Personal Stylist for many VIP figures in politics, cinema, media. As well as the many demands as a costume designer in some video clips, movies and theatrical performances keep completing my career and my business in my fashion sector.
The invitations I have received as an Entrepreneur and Buyer from many important international fairs and events such as Milan Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, Alta Roma, International Diamond Week in Tel Aviv, Israel, MIFUR, Mipel, Micam, Ningbo (China), LPS Shangai, Istanbul, (Turkey), Athens (Greece), Klik Expo Group, Tirana (Albania), TIFF (Tirana International Film Festival) and others have enabled me to be always updated about the last proposals of fashion and costume designs in 360 degrees.
“Retrò avantgarde” is your brand. How did you make it?
The creation of my brand has been one of my most beautiful challenges. I can say one of my dreams in the drawer.
Where did you get the inspiration to name your brand like that...
Everything started from Chanel. The elegance, the femininity, the style, revisited all’avanguardia.
“La moda passa, lo stile resta” - Chanel.
Every bit of my collection is style. They are timeless outfits.
Recently you were awarded with the title “Ambassador of the Arberesh Costume in the World.” What does this mean to you? This title gives me many responsibilities. About this significant moment, I have prepared some photos and a video for the readers of your Magazine - Trailblazing Magazine. Besides promoting this moment, I am thinking to include some details of the Arberesh Costume in my new collection of my brand “Retrò avantgarde”. I believe it will be a novelty which will stir many sentiments
Besides this interesting project, what are you into?
I am engaged into a very beautiful and significant project for the promotion of the history of my birthplace - Albania. I am engaged in styling, modeling and preparing 160 costumes of Roman epoch. This will make possible the realization of a catwalk by the students of some schools who will be dressed with these costumes of Roman epoch, prepared by me. To me, these two projects embody a big pride and a feeling of patriotism because they show the centurial connection of our two countries Albania and Italy whose citizenship I have.

During your career, you have cooperated with various agencies, companies and partners. Can you mention some of these successful cooperation and what has been the key to their success?
The cooperation with many brands such as FENDI, Fabiana Filippi, La Matta, Max Mara, Pozzi, Ralph Lauren and many others, made me a famous character in my field from day to day. Until in 2001 I opened my boutique shop and my atelier “Zamira” in two cities Todi and Masciano in the heart of Umbria, Italy, and then I opened my boutique with the name of my brand Retrò avantgarde in Tirana, Albania.
Soon enough, both boutiques were turned into a point of reference of a very elite clientele which aimed at mingling the style with the elegance in one outfit.

You have just taken the post of the President of Rotary club “Tirana International”. What does this engagement mean for you and what will be your objective?

Being President of Rotary Club “Tirana International” is a prestige and a great responsibility at the same time. Our main project of the year - “The Tree of Knowledge”, already consolidated through years, is completely in accordance with the slogan of Rotary Club International “Service Above Self.”
Through this project, we have gifted libraries to each classroom (over 40 classrooms) in elementary schools. Bringing the students close to books is a way of service to the community, to create a cultured generation in the best way possible. I am sure that our recently established district 2485 Albania - Kosovo will bestow a lot of visionary projects, on the communities of both countries.
How do you coordinate all these duties with your other engagements?
Entrusting me with these two institutional roles means that I have many responsibilities to deserve them. I coordinate and intermediate many enterprises in Albania and in Italy, for an effective cooperation between them and create businesses and new job vacancies.
What are the challenges for you for this year?
The opening of an excellence center “Made in Italy” in Tirana, Albania with a dignified representation of MODA & INTERIOR DESIGN. F3, Kaos Fashion, are actually my collaborators in this project.
What is your support which has never let you down?