3 minute read
IS Toxic Work Culture and Bad Management Forcing Top Talent to Head to the Exit?
Atoxic work culture is costly. Employee turnover is costing companies and countries billions of dollars each year. High-performing and skilled employees are “jumping ship” at an alarming rate. New hires are ushered in to plug the gaps until, all too quickly, they quit too. The revolving door keeps on turning. The productivity, efficiency, quality and profits decline at a fast pace, like the tyres on an F-1 car during a race.
Is a toxic work culture, bad management, or a ‘one man show’ company to blame?
According to several surveys conducted by different sources Worldwide, 60% of employees have left their jobs, or are considering leaving because of bad bosses or poor company culture. While there are too many factors to consider everything that contributes to a toxic work culture, this usually starts from the top with leaders missing or ignoring a perpetuating toxicity running rampant within a company, often ignoring signs of it on a daily basis or avoiding listening to the “good hearts” as we say. It is in the leader’s hands to right the ship and sail forward with the top talent and right attitude on board. Straightening out the company culture and eradicating toxicity by the root can be the difference between success or failure of your company. Steering the ship on the correct course starts with you, the leader, no one else. Don’t delegate that issue, DO IT YOURSELF. It’s time to take off the blindfold, open your eyes and give place and space to a more empowered team with the correct blend of experience and new talent to determine the course to take under your leadership.
For that and among many other
things I RECOMMEND that you investigate and correct the following signs of toxicity within your company:
• Disrespect, accusations, finger pointing and apportioning blame • Favoritism, gossiping, internal politics and drama • Harassment, aggressive behavior or bullying • Lack of empathy, appreciation or support • Dishonesty • Excessive employee sick days • An increasing number of work mistakes and accidents • High employee turnover • Poor communication and unclear expectations • Poor relationships and interactions between management and employees • Constant pressure to accomplish more, overworked employees, disrespect for work-life balance or unrealistic workloads or deadlines • Employees work in a fearbased environment: afraid to give feedback, afraid to make a mistake, afraid to speak up, fearful of punishment • Unsupportive leadership • No praise for good work, • No support for wrong doings or encouragement for doing better next time • Poor safety, security, hygiene or working conditions.
It may be hard to admit that your work culture may be toxic, but… if you were nodding your head and answered yes to any of the above – your work culture may be a toxic one.
The thing is:
• Your company’s success depends on how you and your team work together. • Your employees need to have a psychologically safe workplace. • They need to feel appreciated, heard, understood, respected, and valued. • They want to have opportunities for self-improvement and development. • They expect honesty, authenticity and support from their bosses and the company. • They thrive when given autonomy and authority and the tools to exceed expectations
How do you fix a toxic work culture?
A toxic culture cannot take root without a fertile ground. Start by examining your company’s leadership. Work your way across the organization to the employees. Listen. Take note. Plan a repair strategy. Fix the problem.
Change won’t happen overnight. But not taking action is something you can’t afford not to do.
Show the way: Respect, Trust, Empathise, Appreciate, Guide and finally, be with them during the good and bad times.
“Culture is more important than vision. Some leaders have great vision, but have created a toxic culture where that vision will never happen.”