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Photo credit: Pexels
Each year exciting destinations are creating and developing new and fresh hotels and Resorts. Albania is since long doing it and in its own way.
You can see beautiful coastal spots being transformed into everything without deep thinking about the future and or optimization of the return of investment.
So much of the “same of the same
“design and concept can be witnessed everywhere. My question is why?
The challenges of the previous 20 years were mainly tied to one overarching paradigm shift – digitization – the decade ahead brings with it a number of industry disrupting trends and events that are changing what it means to be a hotel investor or operator. Still many private investors are not yet seeing it and continue acting as if nothing happens.
A decade or decades ago, Hotel and Resort investors and operators were wondering if they should invest in inroom Wi-Fi and entertainment and charge guests extra for the service or (no). What is a nail biting today is whether or not to become a full year Hotel or seasonal place with co working spaces, meeting and convention place or even put up a casino? The changing of customer expectations to concept and interior design is a huge challenge for whoever deeply listens to the experts and thinks about their investments as well as the consolidation of their business.
A concept not only integrates the elements of hotel management into a coherent and compelling whole, but should build into a long and wide vision and the creation of a unique story. The definition of what a hotel looks like, what variety services it will offer, how it presents in markets and how will staff interacts with guests is part of a concept that should be taken into consideration from the first moment.
Not only do you need one, in the modern hotel landscape you must carry out concept development that sets your property apart as unique, remarkable and a place that creates “excitement” and make guests and customers return.
Hotel investors and hoteliers face huge challenges. On past decades investors and hotels didn’t have to worry about today’s challenges, today not only the Competition is or will be fierce but also customers and travelers demand difference, to book and pay premium rates.
All travelers are in search of unique overall experiences. They don’t only decide between Hotels and Resorts brands but look deep into this or that Hotel offer.
The NEW generation AND OR GENERATIONS are now the most prominent economic cohort and they force hotels to reconsider their approach. They are a tech-savvy, who get bored quickly and aren’t as loyal to brands as previous generations.
So, you MUST make your hotel to stand out. And you ONLY can do this through hotel concept development that aspires to be innovative and offers a unique experience.
The legacy form of segmentation was simple: business or pleasure. But, TODAY it’s not enough. To be effective, it must go much further. Holistic, deep segmentation will go a long way towards informing your hotel concept.
What are your future clientele and/ or what are the desired clientele? Your concept MUST help guests on leisure and or business trip? What does your geographical area want from a hotel also? How can you target and call the attention of different groups or individual visitors who have a wide variety of different tastes, behaviors and look to new excitements?
Embrace criticism of your ideas Always ask for feedback and embrace constructive criticism. Always our own concept or idea seem brilliant to us, but if guests and customers don’t agree, it doesn’t matter? It is VERY important to seek opinions and actively search for criticism from different parties or experts. It will provide you with vital information for your concept development and the decisions that you are near to take. It’s your money, invest it wisely.
I have witnessed during decades how many hotel owners or investors running into financial problems by not embracing criticism and feedback from the beginning. Don’t pour money just because you, your friends and family like the idea, hoping that, “someday” you actually see profit. Establish the right concept it drives revenue.
Atlantis - Dubai - United Arab Emirates - Photo credit: Pexels
May I recommend to you to make a brilliant concept that can separate yourself from the mediocre competition or the ones that just do what a Hotel Designer thinks it’s better?
A brilliant concept can bring boundless benefits: it makes you or the operator have full year business; it gives you the right to charge premium rates that will support your partners in having steady supply of customers, visitors guests and it will also attract and retain talented employees looking for a unique place of work.