Concept of GOD by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

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Concept of God in Sikhism The Concept of GOD in Sikhism uttered by Guru Nanak Dev Ji as Mool Mantra (Main Chaint) written in the very beginning of Guru Granth Sahib. The Supreme Spiritual Authority (Scripture) of the Sikhism followed by the Holy text of Japji Sahib. Mool Mantra uttered as EK Onkar, Satnam, Karta-purakh, Nirbhau, Nirvar, Akal Murath, Ajuni, Saibhang, Gurprasad. Translated into English, this means: The One Supreme Being; Eternal Holy Reality; The Creator; Without Fear; Without Rancour; Timeless Form; Unborn; Self-existent; Realised Through the grace of Guru (The spiritual Guide).

Mool Mantra meanings word by word

Ek Onkar EK (One and the only one) i.e Almighty and Onkar (The Supreme Being) Onkar is an extended form of Om, which is the holiest of all names of God. In the Guru Granth Sahib, Om is also used once by Guru Nanak Dev Ji and twice by Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Onkar is the Eternal Reality above god’s and goddess and is holy and 1, which in several Indian languages are pronounced as EK. In other words which is above all existence

Satnam God is the only truth which is believed to be the only thing that was always being and will always be, and who makes everything happen.

Karta Purakh God is the Master of his Creation. He creates and destroys everything. God is only Omnipotent/everything that happens under his will and powerful idea.

Nirbhau God is fearless

Nirvair God has no enmity with anyone and he loves everyone equally and assures the best for his creation.

Akaal Murat God is timeless and does not have a start nor an end and is never present. The word Akaal has two meanings. The word Kaal “means both time and death”. Thus, the Akaal which implies the opposite that God is beyond time and beyond the cycle of life and death. God is never borned and never will die.

Ajooni God never has to come into the yoni/birth. God has no shape or form or living manifestation. God is without gender means not a man or a woman or the form of other creatures. This is also the reason Sikhs don’t pray to any idols or pictures, because the  God is true, formless and is everywhere.

Saibhang God exists on his own and God was not created by anybody. God is existent by himself. Since God was never born or created. Being so powerful that it could create itself.

Gurprasad Thus this true knowledge of Almighty is obtained by the Grace of Guru (Spiritual Guide).Thus this true knowledge of Almighty is obtained by the Grace of Guru (Spiritual Guide). The Concept of GOD in Sikhism uttered by Guru Nanak Dev Ji as Mool Mantra (Main Chaint) written in the very beginning of Guru Granth Sahib. The Supreme Spiritual Authority (Scripture) of the Sikhism followed by the Holy text of Japji Sahib. Mool Mantra uttered as Ek Onkar, Satnam, Karta-purakh, Nirbhau, Nirvar, Akal Murath, Ajuni, Saibhang, Gurprasad. Translated into English, this means: The One Supreme Being; Eternal Holy Reality; The Creator; Without Fear; Without Rancour; Timeless Form; Unborn; Selfexistent; Realised Through the grace of Guru (The spiritual Guide).

However, in the deep interpretation to adopt Godly qualities by the grace of Guru in the following ways: Be Interactive, not divisive, Be Creative and express love for all. Be Consistent. Recognize power within self. Be thankful and express Gratitude towards Guru (The spiritual Guide). In the teaching of Sikhism God is conceived as being without form (Nirankar). In accordance with this faith, Guru Nanak Dev Ji is known as Nirankari (Believer in the Formless). No image or Idol or any figure can represent God, or be worshiped as God. All existence is God’s visible form, but no part of it is a substitute for God. God is also Nirguana (Unattributed) as said earlier. This means that He is not subject to the three qualities of ignorance (Tamas, Passion, Rajas) and reasoning intellect (Maya).

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