4 minute read
Daily Action Plan
Chapter 7
Okay, now that we’ve completed your spiral and one of the most important parts of your 33 Day Action Plan, we’ll move on to the final two parts. All we have left to do is customize the template for your Daily Action Plan and walk through how the 33 Day Scorecard works. It’s time to grab a journal or notebook. Every day for the next 33 days, you’ll want to write in the same journal or a notebook so you can keep all your thoughts and work organized in one place. Let’s do the very first day of journaling right now and go through the routine together so you’ll know what to do each morning for the remaining days of your action plan. At the beginning of the day, you’ll want to spend 5 to 10 minutes journaling. At the top of the page write the date and what day you’re on in the 33-day plan. Here’s an example on the next page of how each journal entry will look. It includes 4 sections: (1) Reflect on your Spiral (2) Your Inner Work Focus for the Day (3) Your Outer Work Focus for the Day and (4) Envision A Great Day filled with 3s (which will be discussed next). But, first check out on the next page what you want your daily journal entry to look like. You’ll find a blank version in Part Three of this workbook.
Date: 01/03/ 2022 Day:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Every morning you’ll look at your spiral and write down the benefits that are happening in your life because you’ve chosen to upspiral. Assume you’ve already accomplished your spiral and write the words “Thank you for__________” and include a summary of what you answered to question #1 and #8 of your self-audit. Spend a couple of minutes journaling about what you’re grateful for and what you’ve already set in motion to come into your life. There’s nothing better than getting a boost of good energy in the morning that aligns us with feelings of gratitude.
So many good things are happening in my life. I!ve gotten my life on track, I work out everyday, read with my morning coffee, get the girls ready for school, and take a walk before work. Thank you, God, for an incredible routine. Today it makes sense to focus on my finances, get my bills straight, and make a plan for my next big purchase. I!ve been consumed with negative thoughts and catastrophizing the outcome. I!m grateful for my family, friends, health and beauty of life. I!m ahead in my career and family matters are falling into place. I!m grateful for my family, friends, health and beauty of life. I!m ahead in my career and family matters are falling into place. I!m grateful for my family, friends, health and beauty of life. I!m ahead in my career and family matters are falling into place.
Sometimes when we’re journaling in the morning, we get the best ideas of lessons we’ve learned and ways to move forward. That’s what you want to write down here. What can you do differently today and take another step forward in terms of your inner growth? Pick one thing that you’ll work on today in terms of your inner work. What’s alive for you most right now? Choose just 1-2 words that encompass your inner work for the day that will be easy to remember today (i.e. “letting go,” “surrender” “staying grounded” “love and kindness”).
Today I can stop complaining, look for the good things in my day. I!m going to make sure I listen to my inner voice and stop doubting myself. I!m letting go, surrendering to the events, and leaving my worries behind. My priority is to have a healthy mindset and lead with kindness.
Go through the list of items you put together for your self-audit question #4. Pick 1-2 things you’ll work on today in terms of your outer work. What tasks can you complete today that will allow you to take another step forward in terms of the spiral you’re moving up?
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Write down all the ways you’ll have a great day and what you’re doing today will go smoothly. How will you be good to yourself? How will you be good to other people? How will you interact and engage with them? with the people around you? How will you interact with people? Things will flow. You’ll do your inner work, your outer work and get your 3(s), which we’re going to talk about next.
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