Traits of a leader,2002 Discusses the different quality traits needed by a leader, according to popular theories. Abstract This paper examines the following questions: What makes a successful leader? Are there certain traits and distinctive characteristics known as "dispositions" that make one person a leader over another? Or does the leader evolve out of the situation. In effect, this is a question of is a leader made or is he or she born? The paper answers these questions according to leading theorists in the field. From the Paper "In the self-concept-based motivational theory of charismatic leadership, George & James (1993), argue that charismatic leadership has the effect of strongly engaging followers' self-concepts in the interest of the mission articulated by a leader. The theory suggests that charismatic leaders increase the intrinsic variance of efforts and goals by linking them to valued aspects of followers' selfconcepts."
Managers and Leaders, 2007 This paper discusses managers and leaders and their respective functions. Abstract The paper looks at the differences between the job of a manager and of a leader. The paper illustrates how a leader inspires whereas a manager maintains. The paper also explores the factors that influence an average manager to become a great leader. From the Paper "Managers and leaders can be two different people, and sometimes if one is lucky it can be the same person. There are good managers, and on the other hand, there are good leaders. Sometimes, a good leader has no idea how to manage effectively, and also the reverse is true as well; good managers might not know how to lead. " Managing is working within boundaries while leading is expanding boundaries. Managing is controlling resources while leading is influencing others. Managing is contracting how and when work will be done while leading is pursuing enough data to decide now. One difference suggested by this list is that managing may be more analytical, while leading may be more intuitive and visionary. Thus, these are really more accurately described as actions than absolute roles." (Robbins, 1998)"
The Team Leader, 2006 This paper examines the role of the team leader in the workplace. Abstract This concise paper details the criteria for choosing a productive and competent team leader. The writer contends and explains why a team leader must be a good role model to his or her staff. This paper stresses the need for positive motivation on the part of the leader as well as the material and emotional elements, such as rewards and compliments, which encourage the team members to perform at their best. The writer also explores the negative personality traits of a team leader which can result in the overall failure of the team. From the Paper "A team leader must be a good role model to his members. He must demonstrate the sense of the term "team" - that is, to work together selflessly and to achieve the goal out of every member's contribution. A team leader must serve as a bridge between his members. He must consider every member as a unique individual whose individuality can provide gain to the team. Moreover, he must promote equality among his members. Also, it is a very essential quality of team leader to have a good sense of open communication with his members. He must provide continuous team information to his members, such as team status, to make the whole team updated. It is also ideal for him to have self-acceptance, such as during instances when members provide valuable suggestions, or when he did something wrong."
The Making of a leader, 2002 A study of the characteristics of a business leader. Abstract This paper examines the personality of a business leader and how a company can discover the leader amongst its employees. It investigates standardize and psychological testing, leadership training, and argues that each company needs a leader specific to its particular business. The paper's author defines the dynamics of leadership as understanding how to work with people, observe others and keep the lines of communication open. From the Paper "Business leadership is both a science and an art. Yes, there are successful executives who just seem to be born with the knack, just as there are painters who seem to have been born with a brush
in their hand, and great musicians who were composing before they could walk. But, we can't all be Mozarts, most of us must observe, study, and practice the techniques of success. Business is a skill, and like any other skill, its secrets can be learned. First off, however, we must take a look at what exactly constitutes this elusive concept we call "leadership." What exactly is a leader?"
The Leader s Role, 2004 Looks at the role of a leader in a team-based organization. Abstract This paper explores the virtues and qualities that are required to perform the role of a leader with success. The paper contrasts the role of a leader as one who inspires and empowers employees with the role of a manager as one who commands and pushes employees. The paper discusses the importance of teamwork in an organization and the behaviors a leader must possess in order to successfully lead a team-based organization. From the Paper "In any organization, for the team to be successful, it's mandatory to have a strong leader because it's the leader who leads the team to achieving the goals with commitment to transform the company to success. With proper planning and organization, the leader's role is to achieve a successful change. When organizations begin to transform into structures with a team-based approach, leadership is not executed by the senior management, but even by the departmental heads. Capable leadership is an asset to the company. In short, strong leadership highlights the difference between an average and a successful organization."
Leaders and Leadership, 2006 Discusses leaders and the issue of change. Abstract This paper discusses leaders and the issue of change. It contends that outstanding leaders are not afraid to confront the challenges presented by change, persuade others to follow their vision, and use their power. From the Paper "Outstanding leaders are not afraid to confront the challenges posed by change. As Jon L Pierce
and John W Newstrom have pointed out leaders engage in the art of inducing compliance exercise influence persuade others to follow their vision ..." how to keep their organizations healthy and competitive well into the 21st century. how organizations and their leaders must evolve, not only to survive but also to prosper. The emphasis is on creating flexible organizational structures that can respond effectively to global competition, information technology, innovation and customers' changing habits. Avoiding platitudes, these wide-ranging essays provide a wealth of innovative thinking on leadership and management strategy. This second book analyzes the internal and external challenges facing organizations today and in the future. How facing those challenges might change the role and the structure of "the organization." Abstract This paper details the rulers of America today. The writer explores what makes a leader and then uses examples of current American leaders to illustrate those traits. The paper takes the reader on a tour of leadership roles by today's societal standards. Leaders examined are Jesse Jackson, Bill Gates, George Bush and others. From the Paper "The United States is considered by many to be a leader in the world. Other nations turn to the states for guidance and assistance. Being the leader is a burden that America has born nicely and lived up to the challenge. America is considered the strongest powerful nation in the world so it is easy to understand why it is a leader. The leader of America are also strong and powerful people. To be able to lead the most powerful nation in the world the leaders of the nation have to share some common traits."
Do Corporations develop leaders? This paper explores whether organizations themselves develop leaders or if they hire leaders with previously acquired leadership skills. Abstract This paper examines corporations that are known for demonstrating strong leadership skills and explores whether these corporations themselves have developed these leaders independently. The paper analyzes and compares different leadership styles in order to show what types of leadership skills and methods are acquired prior to gaining a powerful position within a company. The paper
discusses which skills are essential for an organization to develop in order to survive in today's competitive economy. The paper concludes that available research indicates that some corporations do and others do not develop leaders. The paper notes, however, how the available research has limitations. From the Paper "In the past few decades, competition among all types of corporations, regardless of their goods or services sold, has dramatically increased. As a result, leadership theories have emerged as key factors in determining the long-term success or ultimate failure of such organizations. However, a valid question for research in this area is whether corporations truly develop leaders that result in the success of the corporation, or are successful companies hiring strong leaders that have the ability to expand on their previously acquired skill set."