Queensland-China Education and Training Awards Nomination Booklet

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Queensland-China Education and Training

Awards for Excellence Guidelines Nominations close 21 April 2010

Contents 2



Nomination process




Nomination guidelines


Award criteria


How to complete a nomination


Information and enquiries

Introduction As a Platinum Partner, the Queensland Government is investing significantly in Shanghai World Expo 2010. The event will be held from 1 May to 31 October 2010 in Queensland’s Sister State of Shanghai, China. The strategic objectives for Queensland’s involvement in the Expo include: • having a presence at the Expo which reflects the depth and breadth of Queensland’s relationship with China, in particular Shanghai, and that further enhances the relationship; • strengthening Queensland’s scientific, technological, educational and cultural profile in China, and in particular Shanghai; and • promoting Queensland’s education and training services and research excellence. A one off Queensland-China Education and Training Awards for Excellence program has been specially convened by Queensland Education and Training International (QETI) to acknowledge – during Shanghai World Expo 2010 – the broad range of activities and achievements of international education and training partnerships between China and Queensland. An official awards presentation ceremony will be held during Queensland Week celebrations at the World Expo’s Australian Pavilion on 22 June 2010, to profile Queensland’s significant and successful partnerships with China, celebrate the outstanding students and alumni of Queensland institutions and highlight the contributions made by international students to Queensland and Chinese classrooms and communities. The Award categories are: Student of the Year Alumnus of the Year Queensland Student Ambassador of the Year Best Practice in Queensland-China Collaboration Best Practice in Collaborative Research Outstanding Education Agent

Entries in the first five categories are automatically eligible for the equivalent category in the 2010 QETI Awards for Excellence program to be conducted later this year. 2

Nomination process Benefits Any Queensland CRICOS-registered organisation or their employees may submit a nomination for the Queensland-China Education and Training Awards for Excellence. The winner in each category will be announced during an official presentation ceremony hosted by Queensland Education and Training International on 22 June 2010 during Queensland Week at the Australian Pavilion, Shanghai World Expo 2010. Shortlisted applicants will be notified in early May and receive an invitation to attend the official presentation ceremony in Shanghai. Institutional partners in China may also be invited to the ceremony. Entrants may submit nominations in more than one category. However a specific activity or project may only be nominated once. Each nomination must be endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or equivalent of the organisation who agrees to the conditions of the Awards. For universities this is most likely to be Deputy Vice-Chancellors responsible for international activities and School Principal for schools. It is essential that the institution making the nomination receives the consent of any students, staff and partner organisations in China they wish to nominate before making a submission.

Nomination in the Queensland-China Education and Training Awards for Excellence provides great benefits for nominees and winners.

Winners • Recognition of excellence in a key market for Queensland’s international education industry by the Queensland Government and peers. • Recognition of successful relationships between Queensland institutions and Chinese partners within a high profile environment that offers a level of Government imprimatur. • An electronic seal recognising this excellence for use on relevant marketing materials. • Profile in the official Queensland-China Education and Training Awards for Excellence publication with recognition as a category winner. This publication will be distributed to key education and training stakeholders in Queensland and China and used as part of QETI’s marketing collateral package. • Media profile (both locally and internationally) in QETI/Queensland Government media releases in Queensland and in China. • Feature in the QETI and Trade Queensland e-newsletter; distributed widely to business and industry. • Electronic recognition as category winner on the Study Queensland and Trade Queensland export websites. • Framed certificate for display. • Winners’ medallion.


Nomination guidelines Nominations should be no longer than 500 words and include the following information: • a summary outlining the activities or project and achievements of the organisation or individual under the relevant category • objectives, aims and outcomes of the project/organisation • strengths of the individual, project or organisation • involvement of key stakeholders and the institution’s resource commitment • describe the operating environment, including organisation size, location, number of international students, number of years in operation etc; and • a statement of claims against the relevant selection criteria. This information may also be used in the QueenslandChina Education and Training Awards for Excellence official publication and in media associated with the Awards and Queensland’s participation in the Shanghai World Expo 2010. QETI reserves the right to edit material supplied if required for these purposes.

Supporting material Where appropriate you may supply electronic copies of any relevant material which supports the nomination. This can include audio or video material, newspaper clippings, articles, photographs or other material. If you provide supporting material, you are required to authorise the Queensland Government to use images contained in this material for promotional and reporting activities.

Media Provide the name and contact details of an institutional/organisational spokesperson that QETI can quote in any media and publicity material produced for the Awards; and provide 2 –3 sentences on the value your institution/organisation places on its relationship with Chinese partners in education and training and/or with QETI.

Format of nomination The nomination must be submitted electronically to QETI via email or on CD/USB and presented in the nomination form provided.

Deadline for nomination All nominations must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 21 April 2010. Please note that information submitted may be used in publications, media and other promotions and reporting associated with the Queensland-China Education and Training Awards for Excellence and Queensland’s participation in the Shanghai World Expo 2010.

How to enter Please complete the nomination form (Word document) and email your submission to qeti@trade.qld.gov.au. Please do not send email submissions of more than 5MB total. Additional images and/or logos larger than this size can be posted to the address below.

Referees Provide the names and contact details (telephone and email) of two (2) referees who are able to discuss aspects of the submission, and in particular confirm the merits in relation to the Queensland-China Education and Training Awards for Excellence criteria.

Photos Provide two (2) high quality photo images (high-resolution, 300dpi, at least 6cm in width) of the institution, project or individual nominated for use in the Queensland-China Education and Training Awards for Excellence print materials and presentation ceremony. TIFF or JPEG format is preferred.

Logo Provide one copy of a high-resolution, 300dpi corporate logo for use in the Queensland-China Education and Training Awards for Excellence print materials and presentation ceremony. TIFF or vector-based EPS format is preferred.

Post office address for CDs/USBs of images/ supporting materials: Queensland Education and Training International Trade Queensland PO Box 12400 George Street Queensland 4003

Costs Institutions and individuals will meet the cost of preparation of nominations and any associated costs (including travel and accommodation) for attendance by nominees and Chinese institutional partners at the official presentation ceremony in Shanghai, China.

Extra material/assistance Please note that QETI may contact you for further details if required.


Award criteria Please ensure you address the following criteria in your nomination. These criteria will be used by the judging panel to make decisions.

Student of the Year This award recognises the outstanding contribution of a student in Queensland to the student community and the international education industry. A winner may be awarded for each of the following sectors: • Student of the Year – Research • Student of the Year – Higher Education • Student of the Year – VET • Student of the Year – Schools • Student of the Year – ELICOS

Award criteria • Contributes to the collegiate life of the institution, especially in the area of developing good relations between Australian and international students. • Contributes to the local community through demonstrated community service or community engagement activities. • Demonstrates enthusiasm and or high level of skill in extra-curricula activities which may include sporting, artistic, religious or cultural activities. • Achieves outstanding academic excellence in the enrolled course.

Award criteria • Achieved excellence in their discipline or field of study. • Demonstrates outstanding application of the skills and knowledge learned during their Queensland course to his/her career. • Is an exemplar to other international students to the career achievements that can be gained through receiving a Queensland education and learning experience. • Demonstrates a willingness to promote Queensland as a quality destination for educational experiences.

Queensland Student Ambassador of the Year This award recognises the outstanding achievement of a Queensland student as an exceptional ambassador for Queensland during his/her time in China. The winner of this award must be a Queensland student who studied abroad in 2005 or later. A winner may be awarded for each of the following sectors: • Queensland Student Ambassador of the Year – Higher Education

Alumnus of the Year

• Queensland Student Ambassador of the Year – VET

This award recognises the outstanding achievement of an alumnus and their contribution to the international education and training industry. This can be a graduate of a Queensland school, vocational education and training organisation, English language school or university (coursework or research).

• Queensland Student Ambassador of the Year – Schools

A winner may be awarded for each of the following sectors:

• Displays a commitment to increasing cultural understanding between Queensland and China.

• Alumnus of the Year – Research

• Demonstrates a willingness to promote Queensland as a quality education destination.

• Alumnus of the Year – Higher Education • Alumnus of the Year – VET • Alumnus of the Year – Schools

Award criteria • Demonstrates academic and civic-minded excellence during his/her studies in China.

• Contributes to the field of international education through exceptional conduct in China.

• Alumnus of the Year – ELICOS


Best Practice in Queensland-China Collaboration This award recognises the outstanding achievement of a Queensland institution in developing positive collaborations with an institution or industry group in China. A winner may be awarded for each of the following sectors: • Best Practice in Queensland-China Collaboration – Higher Education • Best Practice in Queensland-China Collaboration – VET • Best Practice in Queensland-China Collaboration – Schools • Best Practice in Queensland-China Collaboration – ELICOS

Award criteria • Demonstrates a positive relationship that has led to superior education and/or graduate outcomes for international students. • Demonstrates innovative, extensive or highly productive partnership/s with institutions or organisations in China. • Demonstrates understanding of cultural contexts in negotiating or implementing agreements and provides a transparent framework of operation.

Best Practice in Collaborative Research This award recognises the outstanding achievements in positive research collaborations between researchers in Queensland and China.

Award criteria • Demonstrates a positive relationship that has led to superior, mutually beneficial research outcomes for all parties. • Demonstrates innovative, extensive or highly productive partnership/s between institutions or organisations in Queensland and China. • Demonstrates understanding of cultural contexts in negotiating or implementing agreements and provides a transparent framework of operation.

Outstanding Education Agent This award recognises the outstanding contribution of an Education Agent based offshore, who works closely with a Queensland institution to deliver quality services in international education and training. Nominees are to be nominated by a CRICOS-registered institution.

Award criteria • Provides expert service and/or assistance to institutions in achieving quality student outcomes. • Provides excellent service and/or products to students and institutions. • Demonstrates innovation and integrity in partnering with one or more Queensland institution. • Contributes to capacity building within the institution/s.


How to complete a nomination Tips for preparing a successful nomination • Ensure you meet the specified word limits. • Carefully read the criteria and ensure your nomination addresses them. You may consider recording additional information in an appendix. • Write clearly and concisely. • Dot points are acceptable. • Ask a colleague to proofread your nomination and assess it against the criteria. Below we have included a few examples of how to successfully address the criteria.

Award criteria • Demonstrates a willingness to promote Queensland as a quality destination for educational experiences. As one of the top three guest speakers and successful businessmen as voted in Vietnam, XX is a role model for the Vietnamese youth. His past study experience in Queensland and his active involvement in teaching and research with XX University is a priceless endorsement for Queensland as a quality destination for educational experiences. XX is a guest lecturer and visiting lecturer at several universities in Vietnam in which he often speaks about his study experience at XX University in Queensland. XX is an executive member of the Queensland based Asia Pacific Centre for Franchising Excellence launched by Professor XX XX, Office of the PVC (Business), XX University. In this role XX promotes franchise business and education at XX University, Queensland. XX’s commitment to promoting XX University and Queensland is further exemplified by his appointment of Adjunct Professor for XX in 2007, making XX the first Vietnamese and youngest foreigner to receive the title. He has also provided permission for his profile to be presented on the Queensland Government’s Study Queensland website and other educational marketing documents.

Award criteria • Demonstrates a positive relationship that has led to superior education and/or graduate outcomes for international students. XX University has developed a series of unique and positive partnerships that have led to an enrichment of both the University and its foreign partners. These international programs that allow students to appreciate Australia’s unique natural and cultural landscapes, have been developed and implemented by XX University with three US universities; XX University, University of XX, XX Colleges) and one New Zealand university. Each program is reviewed annually by all partners in the relationship and adapted accordingly to improve the student experience and learning outcomes; this has had a positive feedback on local domestic programs through the identification, trialling and adoption of new approaches and techniques.

The hands on learning experience exposes the international partners to our unique natural and cultural systems, promoting ultimately a greater mutual understanding and sets the basis for long-term international exchange. With over 650 students having passed through the program, the expected impact is likely to be huge and ongoing. A number of past students have continued with postgraduate studies in their home country or returned to XX University to undertake further undergraduate and post-graduate work. For example, Fulbright Scholar XX (2005) has recently completed his honours year at XX University. In addition, program staff members often receive requests for references or other support from students actively seeking employment or further training in areas covered by the programs.

Award criteria • Demonstrates academic and civic-minded excellence during his/her studies overseas. XX studied as an exchange student at University of XX during Semester 1, 2008. For the duration of his studies at XX University, XX was a committed student obtaining a score of 3.94 out of a 4.0 system. He would be gladly welcomed as a degree-seeking student for “he is seen as a leader and an outstanding role model” by the Professors at XX University. XX was an exceptional student; he asked questions, observed performances, engaged with fellow musicians and studied his craft literally night and day. He was consistent and highly engaged, keeping social and educational activities in balance. XX involved himself in the XX community, and frequently volunteered for tasks in and out of the program that related to XX University and the general community. He practiced tirelessly as a member of the XX marching band that performed at various community events, including the Kentucky Derby. XX also performed with his peers at the XX Jazz Club, and was also in the Brazilian and Big Band ensembles. He also played every Sunday at the local Canaan Christian Church until he returned to Australia.

XX = Names have been changed to protect privacy.


For further enquiries please contact: Queensland Education and Training International Tel +61 7 3227 8852 Fax +61 7 3227 8195

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qeti@trade.qld.gov.au studyqueensland.qld.edu.au export.qld.gov.au

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