writer-illustrator who loves dogs, the great outdoors, writing fun stories and making art. Chris lives and works in Victoria, British Columbia.
When a tornado makes off with all his animals, a farmer finds a new way to fill up the farm.
Chris Tougas
For more mechanimals visit www.christougas.com
Orca Book Publishers
Orca Book Publishers
$19.95 cdn $17.95 u.s.
There once was a farmer who had lots of animals … that got swept away by a tornado. The twister left behind a mountain of scrap metal and machine parts. And a very sad farmer.
hen a tornado leaves a farmer with a heap of scrap metal and no animals, his neighbors are sure it’s all over for him. But the determined farmer refuses defeat. His plans are big, and when his neighbors dismiss them with the words “When pigs fly,” they grow bigger still. Here is a story to help all of us believe in our dreams, despite what the neighbors may say.
Cover artwork: Chris Tougas Jacket design: Teresa Bubela
Orca Book Publishers www.orcabook.com Printed in China
For Mom and Dad
Text and illustrations copyright Š 2007 Chris Tougas All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher. Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Tougas, Chris Mechanimals / written and illustrated by Chris Tougas. ISBN 978-1-55143-628-9 I. Title. PS8589.O6774M42 2007
First published in the United States, 2007 Library of Congress Control Number: 2007924932 Summary: When a tornado blows away all the animals on the farm and leaves behind a mountain of scrap metal, the farmer comes up with an inspired idea.
Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing programs provided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program and the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Province of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit. Cover artwork: Chris Tougas Jacket design: Teresa Bubela Orca Book Publishers PO Box 5626, Stn. B Victoria, BC Canada V8R 6S4
Orca Book Publishers PO Box 468 Custer, WA USA 98240-0468
www.orcabook.com Printed and bound in China. 10 09 08 07
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Orca Book Publishers
There once was a farmer who had lots of animals
that got swept away by a tornado.
The twister left behind a mountain of scrap metal and machine parts ‌
and a very sad farmer.
Determined not to give up, the farmer declared, “I’ll turn this mess into a masterpiece.�
“When pigs fly,� his neighbors replied, which gave him an idea.
There was much to be done. First he had to get organized.
Then he had to draw up his plans.
At last it was time to get to work.
First the farmer made a rooster-bot so he wouldn’t sleep in too late. It was so loud, it woke people in China.
Next he made a bunch of chick-bots to help with all the heavy lifting.
They were incredibly strong.
The cow-bot helped with all the lube and fueling. She also made great chocolate milk.
The sheep-bot had a coat of steel wool to help the farmer buff all the metal.
Of course he needed a horse-bot to help him haul in the lunch.
Holy horsepower!
Those mechanimals sure loved munching on metal.
Finally, he needed a flying pig-bot to zip around the farm.
And now when people say, “When pigs fly!” … they really mean it!
writer-illustrator who loves dogs, the great outdoors, writing fun stories and making art. Chris lives and works in Victoria, British Columbia.
When a tornado makes off with all his animals, a farmer finds a new way to fill up the farm.
Chris Tougas
For more mechanimals visit www.christougas.com
Orca Book Publishers
Orca Book Publishers
$19.95 cdn $17.95 u.s.
There once was a farmer who had lots of animals … that got swept away by a tornado. The twister left behind a mountain of scrap metal and machine parts. And a very sad farmer.
hen a tornado leaves a farmer with a heap of scrap metal and no animals, his neighbors are sure it’s all over for him. But the determined farmer refuses defeat. His plans are big, and when his neighbors dismiss them with the words “When pigs fly,” they grow bigger still. Here is a story to help all of us believe in our dreams, despite what the neighbors may say.
Cover artwork: Chris Tougas Jacket design: Teresa Bubela
Orca Book Publishers www.orcabook.com Printed in China