Bechtel Update 2011-11

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011 NOvember 2

jas o n & a n g i e

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od has proven His faithfulness yet again in 2011. Myelle was born March 30th. A week later, Jason went on a mission trip to Indonesia for a month. Other milestones include Lorelei turning two, and Delena starting Junior Kindergarten. We remain grateful for your prayers and support as we walk with our Lord and make Him known to unreached people groups around this world.

In NTM worldwide, this year we received 106 more legitimate invitations to bring the Gospel to people groups that have never had it before. In April, Jason got to visit one of the tribal groups that NTM has reached. The Lauje tribe in Indonesia received the New Testament in their language for the first time! Jason was privileged to be part of the team to make this happen. • In April, the Akolet people of Papua New Guinea heard about Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection in their own language. • In July, the Mwinika people of Mozambique heard what Jesus did for them. • The Embera believers in Panama received their New Testament in August. • In October, three men were ordained as elders in the Loron church in Ivory Coast. This is a very significant milestone in seeing an infant church no longer need the help of missioanries. • In October, the Siar people of Papua New Guinea responded to a clear presentation of the Gospel.

Please Pray

In early December, the Baga Fore people of West Africa will be hearing the end of the chronological Bible teaching: the death, burrial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Every 45 days,

NTM is reaching a

new tribe with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.; We are trusting the Lord to lower this number to one tribe every 30 days.

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Please pray with us:

Home: (519) 369-1530 NTM: (519) 369-2622

• For balance in all areas of life: time with the Lord, family, ministry, and church • For opportunities to share Christ with our neighbours • That we would be an example to our girls of walking closely with the Lord • For the Lord to bring the right co-worker along to share Jason’s workload • For Jason’s on-going health concerns

Thank you for standing with us through your encouragement, your giving, and your prayers! You enable us to do our part in seeing Christ preached where He has never been preached before!

Jason & Angie Bechtel c/o New Tribes Mission PO BOX 707 Durham ON N0G 1R0

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