Laura A. Hughes, MPH 1353 Bagley Street Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 680-4052
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Health Behavior and Health Education Masters of Public Health, April 2004 Brown University, Providence, RI B.A Honors Sociocultural Anthropology, May, 2002 Senior Thesis: “A House on Fire: HIV/AIDS, African American Women, and the Black Church” Award: Barbara Anton Honors Thesis Research Grant, 2001-2002 University of California at Los Angeles /Johnson & Johnson Health Care Executive Program, Anderson School of Management, Los Angeles, California, June 2005
RUTH ELLIS CENTER, Detroit & Highland Park, Michigan, 9/28/2009-Present • Executive Director responsible for strategic vision, goals and objectives for one of three homeless, runaway, and throwaway safety net providers specifically targeting lesbian, gay, bi-attractional, transgender, and questioning youth in the nation serving more than 4,000 youth annually • Served as the lead community-based organizer for the White House Conference on LGBT Housing & Homelessness held in Partnership with the Ruth Ellis Center on March 9, 2012. This national effort, which featured Secretary Shaun Donovan and senior white house officials from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Health and Human Services, showcased the work of President Obama to meet the needs of homeless and runaway LGBT youth. This Conference is one of four national conferences and the only on housing and homelessness • Oversees fund development and implementation resulting in an over 20% increase in new donations and program support within one year of joining the Center and over 50% within 2 years • Interfaces with a 14 member board of directors for board development and committee assignments including the development of the agency’s five year strategic plan • Provides leadership for 17 employees and over 40 volunteers within a contracted State of Michigan licensed Child Caring Institution • Establishes strategic partnerships with the State of Michigan Department of Human Services, Wayne County, and Genesee County Department of Human Services which ensure gender appropriate and cultural sensitive foster care placements • Establishes strategies designed to increase the permanency outcomes of youth and decrease long term foster care with city, state, county, and federal government, private donors, and local and national foundation support • Establish partnerships to support the integration of community development strategies and positive youth development to increase the quality of life and well-being of high risk youth WAYNE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, Wayne, Michigan, 4/1/08-9/1/2009 • HIV & STD Manager responsible for program development, implementation, evaluation, and quality assurance processes, as well as long term strategic planning for at-risk populations within Wayne County • Supervises a team of Disease Intervention Specialists and Public Health Educators • Coordinates all HIV & STD related services including testing and counseling, contact tracing, partner counseling and referral services, increased clinic efficiency initiatives, and disease outbreak investigation within the Communicable Disease Department CHARLES H. WRIGHT MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY, Detroit, Michigan, 11/4/06-3/29/08 • Grants Manager responsible for over $1.5 million dollars in Federal, State, and Private Foundation funding • Oversee all grant related activities including writing, editing, reporting, and monitoring of goals and objectives • Coordinates grant related interdepartmental planning and collaboration
DMC SINAI GRACE HOSPITAL HIV/AIDS PROGRAM, Detroit, MI, 9/20/04-11/01/06 • Program Coordinator for the HIV/AIDS Program’s HIV Primary Care and Treatment Adherence Programs under a Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resource Emergency (CARE) Act Title I grant from the Detroit Department of Health and Wellness Promotion and a Title III grant in conjunction with Wayne State University serving over 1800 patients within the Metropolitan Detroit Area • Wrote grants resulting in $250,000.00 in HIV Primary and Treatment Adherence Funding • Served as the Ryan White Title III Representative on the City of Detroit Health Department Southeast Michigan Planning Council • Managed all Prevention, Case Management, Treatment Adherence, and Primary Care Related Services
Wayne County Department of Human Services, Advisory Committee Chair, 12/1/11-Present Homeless Action Network of Detroit, Board of Director,12/1/11-Present State of Michigan Children’s Welfare Citizen Review Panel, 11/1/11-Present Detroit Receiving Hospital, Board of Trustees, 10/1/11-Present Kellogg Foundation Fellow Community Advisor, 11/1/10-Present National Alliance to End Homelessness, LGBT and Allies Advisory Board, 10/1/09-Present AIDS Partnership Michigan (APM) Board of Director, 6/1/08-Present
PRESENTATIONS/PUBLICATIONS Hughes, Laura. “Youth Homelessness Moves Forward as a Major LGBHTQ Issue…Thanks to the White House.” Huffigton Post. 3/9/2012. Hughes, Laura. “These homeless youth need help meeting special challenges.” Detroit Free Press Editorial. 1/28/2011. Rice DK, Hughes, LA, Uselton A, Peppers S, Davis LV. Implementation of an STD screening program for female inmates housed in a large county jail. Accepted for oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Conference, November 7-11, 2009, Philadelphia, PA and National Conference on Correctional Health Care, October 17-21, Orlando, FL. SAMSHA & Homeless Resource Center (HRC) Webcast Resources: Learning from the Field: Serving LGBTQI2-S Youth Experiencing Homelessness. Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Ford Foundation Grantee with the University of Michigan. Co-Investigator. The project explores health outcomes of economically vulnerable youth in Detroit, with a specific emphasis on African American girls, African American transgender youth, and Latino youth. Responsible for the development of strategies, community based initiatives, and participatory action research modules designed to engage at-risk youth. Provides ongoing advice for program design, methodology, and implementation.
AWARDS/DESIGNATIONS • Leadership Detroit Class XXX • Michigan Chronicle Women of Excellence 2011 Award
Kirk Mayes is the executive director of the Brightmoor Alliance. After graduating from Michigan State University in 1999, he started his career in sales as an insurance producer with a specialty in life and health products. It wasn’t long before Kirk realized that working every day to fill quotas and chase after riches was not his passion. He decided to try his hand at helping at a school in River Rouge as a substitute teacher and it was there that he discovered his passion for giving back to youth and the community. While still working with young people in the class room he started a nonprofit organization, Village Gardeners, with a mission to transform the neighborhoods of Detroit by focusing on improving the effectiveness and capacity of neighborhood block club organizations. Although he did not have direct contact with youth anymore. Kirk believed that if we could extend the safety net for our children to reach the members of the “Village”; then a sustainable impact could be made to change the educational, social and economic outcomes of the community. He has been working to mobilize the community around the needs of Detroit's children since 2001 with Village Gardeners and as a full time professional in 2006 while working with Communities in Schools Detroit. In 2008, Kirk joined National Community Development Institute and The Skillman Foundation to support the Good Neighborhood initiative in Brightmoor, a community in northwest Detroit. The goal of this effort is to ensure that the neighborhood's children; with the support of programs, services and caring adults, are safe, healthy, welleducated and prepared for adulthood. Kirk has played a vital role in developing resident engagement and organizational buyin, seeking to unite and mobilize the community's stakeholders behind a common vision. Kirk has also taken leadership opportunities in several citywide revitalization efforts, including helping to draft a policy agenda for the region's young professionals (known as the Detroit Declaration) and contributing his talents to the emerging leaders roundtable of the B.I.N.G Institute, an effort to "Build Innovative New Government." He also serves on as a board member for a number of nonprofits including Brightmoor Community Center, THAW and Global Detroit. While Kirk takes his commitment to service to the community very seriously his number one priority is as a loving spouse to Tamika Mayes and proud father to Kirk Mayes, Jr.
17421 Telegraph Rd, Suite 138 * Detroit, MI 48219
Kirk Mayes 2508 Iroquois Detroit, MI 48214 T 313 701 9447
PROFILE I have been dedicated to community revitalization in Detroit for over eleven years. I have played a vital role in developing resident engagement and organizational buy-in, seeking to unite and mobilize the Brightmoor community's stakeholders behind a common vision. I have also taken leadership opportunities in several citywide revitalization efforts, including helping to draft a policy agenda for the region's young professionals (known as the Detroit Declaration) and contributing my talents to the emerging leaders roundtable of the B.I.N.G Institute, an effort to "Build Innovative New Government." I’m also a loving spouse to Tamika Mayes and proud father to Kirk Mayes, Jr.
EXPERIENCE Executive Director, Brightmoor Alliance; Detroit, MI — 2010 - Present • Provide leadership in developing operational procedures, organizational and financial plans with the Board of Directors and staff. Also establish plans to achieve goals and carry out plans and policies authorized by the board. • Serve as a public advocate, aware of and involved with citywide and community issues relevant to the Brightmoor Alliance mission; acting to both assist residents and community organizations in need and to promote social change and collaborate with appropriate organizations to achieve success. • Oversees fundraising planning and implementation, including identifying resource requirements, researching funding sources, establishing strategies to approach funders, submitting proposals and administrating fundraising records and documentation. Program Associate/Brightmoor Community Liaison (Skillman Good Neighborhoods); Detroit, MI National Community Development Institute — 2008 - 1010 • Served as a organizer and capacity builder for non-profit organizations and residents of the Brightmoor Community. • Provided technical assistance for stakeholders interested in collaborating with community partners. • Developed and Co-designed neighborhood youth group. • Managed monthly expenses and community budget. • Coordinated and organized community gatherings such as: Community meetings, fairs, town hall forums and small group facilitation Founder/Executive Director, Village Gardeners; Detroit, MI — 2002 - 2010 • Secured 501(c)3 designation, developed bylaws and filed as a nonprofit corporation in Michigan
• Managed and implemented financial, operational and strategic objectives of Village Gardeners • Secured contract and carried out daily activities with community and educational grants with Communities in Schools, Detroit • Assist block club organizations in increasing capacity to serve community such as providing programs and suggestions to improve organizational structure and efficient use of resources. Program Director, Communities in Schools Detroit; Detroit, MI — 2006 - 2007 • Managed and facilitated “I” Opening Experiences field trip program • Created applications and surveys for participants in order to measure program effectiveness • Developed relationships with private and public corporations to provide unique field trip experiences for participants • Scheduled field trips and coordinated transportation for community groups, churches and schools • Developed format and completed 6 month report for Skillman Foundation Grant Requirements
E D U C AT I O N Michigan State University; Lansing, MI — Bachelors Communications Arts and Sciences
S K I L L S, I N T E R E S T & A F F I L I AT I O N S Professional Certifications: Licensed Insurance Producer, Microsoft Excel 2007, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Skillman Good Neighborhoods Leadership Academy Professional Activities: Board of Directors - THAW, Brightmoor Community Center, Global Detroit, Wellspring Steering/Advisory Committees: Kiva Detroit, Hatch Detroit, BING Institute - Emerging Leaders Roundtable, Detroit Declaration (Drafter), The Ecology Center, Ann Arbor - Detroit Committee (Chair)
(References are available upon request)
Jason D. Lee Work: 313-831-3050 X223 Email: Cell: 248-396-7394
"For Whom Much Is Given Much Is Expected" This statement summarizes Jason D. Lee's commitment to the advancement of communities through educational achievement and creative problem solving. Jason D. Lee was raised in Prince Georges County, Maryland a suburb of Washington, DC. After graduating from the University of Maryland Baltimore County as a Robert & Jane Meyerhoff Scholar, Mr. Lee attended graduate school at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor where he majored in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering as a GEM and Tauber Manufacturing Institute Fellow. Jason began his career at Ford Motor Company in 1998 where he obtained diverse and extensive experiences in Ford’s Manufacturing and Product Development divisions. In 2004, he accepted the position as Detroit Area Pre‐College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) Executive Director through Ford Motor Company’s Executive Loan Program. In 2007, Jason made a decision to pursue his passion and transitioned from Ford Motor Company to become the first DAPCEP Executive Director employed by the non‐profit organization in its thirty‐two year history. DAPCEP is a $3.5Million dollar non‐profit organization that provides out‐of‐school‐time and in‐ school STEM educational programming to Detroit area youth. In partnership with eight Michigan Universities, the non‐profit sector and its corporate partners, this Michigan asset provides exposure to post secondary education and motivation to pursue STEM fields to over 4,000 students annually. During his tenure as DAPCEP Executive Director, Mr. Lee has applied engineering process and efficiencies to the organization’s infrastructure and educational programming. As a result, the program has increased its fiscal foundation, expanded its portfolio of educational opportunities for young people, and improved its organizational structure. Jason’s involvement in the community extends beyond his work as the DAPCEP Executive Director. Through his volunteer work with 100 Black Men of Greater Detroit and New Detroit – The Coalition, he works to serve the community and open the doors of opportunity for deserving youth. A constant learner, Jason actively seeks programs that will improve his business and leadership skills. In 2012, Jason successfully completed the National Urban Fellows: America’s Leaders of Change and Harvard Business School’s Strategic Perspectives Non‐Profit Management program. Family is the top priority in Jason’s life; outside of his work and community responsibilities, he enjoys spending time with his wife Nicole and their two children. A self proclaimed urban outdoorsman, Jason enjoys mountain biking, martial arts, music & theater, technology and an occasional game of golf or tennis. Jason Lee is truly one to watch as he continues to work with the youth of Detroit and the community at‐large. Jason D. Lee – Professional Biography October 2012
Jason D. Lee 1920 Eldridge Lane Southfield, MI 48076 / / C: 248‐396‐7394
WORK EXPERIENCE: Detroit Area Pre‐College Engineering Program (DAPCEP)
Executive Director, November 2004 ‐ Present Responsibilities: Fundraising & Development • Raise annually over $3.5Million in dollar & in‐kind contributions • Cultivate and maintain relationships with contributors & constituents • Solicit support among elected officials in the City of Detroit, Lansing, MI and Washington, DC • National Science Foundation Principal Investigator: 2009 ITEST (DRL‐0929728) / 2007 AYS (ESI‐0639725 Co‐Principal Investigator: 2007 ITEST (DRL‐07037593) Organization Leadership & Accountability • Develop short term and long term strategies for organizational sustainability • Develop and sustain confidence in organizational leadership and direction • Maintain relationships with Detroit K‐12 Public, Charter systems and State education leadership • Lead systems improvements in programming, financial management & organizational efficiencies • Manage day to day operations of the DAPCEP office • Accountable to the DAPCEP Board of Directors
Ford Motor Company
July 1998 – November 2004 Positions Held: Project Management/Vehicle Integration, 2001 ‐ 2004 Plant Engineering, 2000‐2001 Production Supervision, 1998‐2000
EDUCATION: University of Michigan‐ Ann Arbor, 1996‐1998
Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) Masters of Engineering in Manufacturing (MEM) o Joel E. Tauber Manufacturing Institute Fellow / GEM Fellow
University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1991‐1996
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) o Robert & Jane Meyerhoff Scholar
Harvard Business School, Executive Education Program, Social Enterprise Initiative: Strategic Perspective in Non‐Profit Management, Class of 2012 National Urban Fellows: America's Leaders of Change, Class of 2012 Detroit Regional Chamber: Leadership Detroit, Class XXVIII, 2007 New Detroit – The Coalition: Multicultural Enrichment Program, Class of 2000
100 Black Men of America, Greater Detroit Chapter, 1998 – present ACE Academy Strict Discipline Charter School System, 2009 –2011 Friends of the Detroit School of Arts, 2010‐2012 Michigan State University, Adjunct Instructor –2006 ‐ present National Society of Black Engineers, 1991 – present. New Detroit – The Coalition, Board of Trustees, 2009 – present
Jason D. Lee – Professional Biography Resume JasonDLee_101312
DARA T. MUNSON 6624 Bellows Court│ West Bloomfield, MI 48322│248.632.0262 President and CEO Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit
Dara T. Munson became president and chief executive officer of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit in May 2007, and took on the role of leading one of the nation’s oldest and largest mentoring organizations serving Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties. A seasoned nonprofit executive whose career has focused on the needs of at-risk children, Dara is passionate about serving youth and lives it every day. She has been a mentor through Big Brothers Big Sisters since June 2005. Immediately upon her appointment as CEO, Dara focused on raising the awareness for the need for mentors by launching the 100 Mentors in 100 Days Campaign and mobilizing the African-American Greek community to participate in the movement resulting in more male mentors becoming involved. The Campaign is duplicated across the United States. Before joining Big Brothers Big Sisters, Dara worked in the criminal justice and juvenile justice fields. She served in several capacities with the United Way for Southeastern Michigan, including senior director of Resource Investment and Community Partnerships, responsible for the management of local offices throughout the tricounty area. Recently appointed to the Eastern Michigan University Board Foundation Board of Trustees, Dara is a member of the Wayne State University President’s Advisory Council. She is a past member of the State of Michigan Board of Social Work. She has served on the board of directors for Alternative for Girls. Other civic memberships include the Michigan Women’s Foundation, The Hospice of Michigan, S.E. Michigan Regional Advisory Board and Open Arms Grieving Children’s Program. A graduate of Leadership Detroit, she is a member of Detroit Young Professionals, Detroit Regional Young Professionals and a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated-Lambda Pi Omega Chapter as well as The Renaissance Chapter of the Links, Incorporated. In addition to receiving the 2012 Women and Leadership in the Workplace award in the Shooting Star category from Michigan Business and Professional Association, she was also named one of Diversity MBA Magazine’s 2011 Diverse Executive and Emerging Leaders, which targets women and multicultural professionals in corporate American. Dara also received the Inspirational Leadership Award from the Inaugural Leadership Detroit Awards. The event establishes a new way to highlight the impact that Leadership Detroit graduates are making in the community. 2010 Michigan Chronicle Woman of Excellence and a recipient of the 2010 Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association Achievement Award, Dara was a 2009 honoree of Crain’s Detroit Business 40 Under 40. Additionally, she has been honored with the Braylon Edwards Foundation Champion in You Service Award, the Excellence in Mentoring Award from 100 Black Men of Greater Detroit, the Vanguard Award from the Detroit Young Professionals and the Molina Healthcare of Michigan Community Champions Award. A native Detroiter, Dara is a graduate of Cass Technical High School. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Eastern Michigan University and a Master of Science Degree in Public Administration from Central Michigan University. She lives in West Bloomfield and has one daughter, age 14.
D A R A T . M U N S O N , B S , M PA 248.632.0262 (c)
SEASONED EXECUTIVE; NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Accomplished executive offering an impressive 15-year background in the direction, leadership and management of major nonprofit organizations and community initiatives, with advanced educational training in public administration, communications, human relations, funding and collective impact collaborations. Native Detroiter with unyielding passion for community. Excellent communication, organization and analytical skills. Cultivate long-term commitments and develop winning teams capable of taking operations to the next level of achievement. Provide cohesive leadership and direction. Organize and coordinate major events, manage significant financial resources, and control budgets up to $1.5 million. Computer proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), social media platforms, and the Internet.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Nonprofit Organization Management Budget Forecasting & Administration
Strategic Planning & Implementation Media, Public & Community Relations
Staff/Volunteer Training/Mobilization Committee Support & Participation
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, MI
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit (BBBSMD) has been serving children in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties since the 1930s. Annually, the agency serves 1200+ youth and their families; matching individuals with mentors on a one-to-one basis. BBBSMD works in the community as well as school-based settings with programs in over 20 schools throughout Metropolitan Detroit.
PRESIDENT & CEO 2007 - Present Direct agency operations, raising the profile of BBSMD and creating solid working partnerships with community, corporate, faith-based, education and municipal leaders to help change the life trajectory of area youth in need. Supervise a professional team of 20 staff members, and mobilize Board of Directors, Ambassador Board of young professionals, and over 1200 volunteers as advocates for community’s youth. Control an annual operating budget of $1.5M and direct development of all financial, facilities and operational plans. Monitor budget activity. Guide development of organization’s financial and technological systems. Measure and communicate financial outcomes on quantitative and qualitative performance indicators. Recruit and develop highly qualified board members and engage Board of Directors to leverage and secure resources, contribute expertise, and provide strategic guidance on short and long-term goals. Drive funding. Secure grants, donations and contributions to satisfy annual operating budget. Lead strategic fund development plan, identifying and securing donors, prospects and short and long-term diversified funding sources. Drive and monitor program excellence through performance metrics. Participate in operational improvement initiatives at the national level and implement programmatic innovations, best practices and quality standards. Adapt standards and practices at the local level, with an emphasis on service delivery and child safety. Recruit and cultivate individuals passionate about the organization’s goals, objectives and achievements, with a strong commitment to continual improvement and excellence in service and a dedication to raising public awareness. Create productive, beneficial relationships with local media outlets and media representatives (television, radio, local events and online mediums). Featured guest on numerous radio and television shows. SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS Strategy & Planning: Led organization through a 3-year strategic planning process to refocus and reprogram efforts; attracting additional revenue, securing a greater number of male volunteers, and increasing agency profile. Program and its quality focus became the model for the national Big Brothers Big Sisters of America network. Board Development: Cultivated a stellar Board of Directors that proactively lead, prospect and cultivate major donors. Launched Ambassador Board; engaging young professionals in mentor recruitment, fundraising and awareness. Staff Leadership: Built top-caliber teams and individuals capable of taking the organization to the next level of success, and led process improvements at all levels of staffing; maintaining a gold star standard of mentoring. Fund Development: Built and cultivated a solid donor base of individual, corporate, foundation and public segments. Personally nurtured relationships with key donor segments based on mission, program outcomes, and sound fiscal management; increasing foundation and grant contributions by $300,000 in 3 years. Program Management & Development: Successfully launched new ‘Sports Buddies’ initiative securing $400K in funding and reducing the wait time for boys from 218 to 136 days in less than a year. Created significant initiatives focused on communities of color. Finance & Infrastructure: Successfully grew/managed all financial resources. Reduced annual expenses by $150K. Outreach & Media Engagement: Increased male mentor involvement by 18%. Created and launched ‘100 Mentors in 100 Days’ annual media blitz campaign; now a national best practice model. Featured guest on radio and television programs such as Comcast Newsmakers (CNN), American Black Journal (WTVS TV 56), The Big Story (WJR AM 760), and Inside Detroit (WCHB AM 1200), the Craig Fahle Show (WDET) among others. United Way for Southeastern Michigan, Detroit, MI
Provides funding to health and human service agencies and programs in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties.
2005 - 2007
Provided strategic direction and oversight of all four area offices in Detroit, Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties. Executed Agenda for Change programs and supervised all staff and volunteer efforts. Actively raised special funding and advanced organization’s direction to achieve greater community awareness and support.
D A R A T. M U N S O N, B S , M P A
Managed a $5M annual departmental operating budget. Tracked and analyzed costs, and prepared annual forecasts. Hired, coached, trained and developed personnel, and determined salaries and promotions. Built a highly qualified team charged with execution of organization’s new Agenda for Change at the local and community levels. Drove attainment of agency and organizational community impact goals at every level of the department. Evaluated progresses, processes and procedures and implemented practice improvements and solutions. SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS Significantly improved agency operations and led the successful launch of the Agenda for Change. Kicked of the Blended Funding initiative and built collaboration with 15 organizations currently leveraging over $1.2M per year to increase the capacity of participating agencies. Partners are presently serving 1,000 youth.
DIRECTOR; DETROIT AREA OFFICE 2003 - 2005 Directed the day-to-day operations of 4 local area offices. Supervised a top-caliber team of area office directors and managers involved in execution of community impact initiatives and other projects. Recruited qualified board members and built 4 board level committees to provide strategic direction at the local and community levels. Drove development of signature initiatives, including relationship building, strategic investments and issue awareness with the community and organization. Maintained a strong local public presence. Planned and facilitated fund development strategies with a focus on leadership giving. SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS Secured an unprecedented $296K government contract leveraged on a $1M investment for intensive services impacting over 300 at-risk youth. Program was highly successfully and very well received, and has enjoyed significant growth. Launched the Virgil H. Carr Truancy Prevention Initiative impacting students in 5 schools in Southwest Detroit. DIRECTOR; AGENCY RELATIONS 2001 - 2003 Directed grant making activities for over 100 grantee agencies. Executed program allocation, staffing, technical support, outcome measurement and stewardship of funds to grantee agencies. Fostered strong working relationships and built consensus with funded agency executives, organizational constituents and community partners around common goals. Participated in public speaking engagements. Analyzed management, fiscal practices and programs promoting health and wellness aimed at empowering neighborhoods, strengthening families and nurturing children and youth. Trained grantee agency program staff in outcome measurement, use of funds and goal achievement. Ensured quality stewardship of contributions through annual budget reviews, and program and fiscal evaluations. Launched special grants processes including volunteer management, grant making and program monitoring. Granted and monitored over $1M million in special grants annually. SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS Generated more than $3M annually through planned agency-related activities for the Combined Federal Campaign and State Employees Combined Campaign. Black Family Development, Inc., Detroit, MI
Nonprofit, privately-held family counseling agency promoting and providing quality social work services throughout the Detroit area in a culturally-relevant and culturally-sensitive format.
CARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPERVISOR / CLINICAL I NTAKE COORDINATOR 1999 - 2001 Managed and supervise clinical and case management personnel to ensure the effective delivery of juvenile justice services. Served as a liaison to the Wayne County Department of Community Justice and the Third Circuit Court. Prepared and submitted comprehensive reporting, and maintained case records with legal and clinical accuracy. Assisted with program financial management and developed procedures to sustain efficient flow of daily operations. Ensured professional services were utilized to support youth accountability, community safety and agency/program mission. Personally worked with juvenile clients and their families to ensure progression of treatment plan goals and family reunification. Tracked client activities and outcome achievement to demonstrate program efficacy. Created and implemented general client intake and follow-up procedures to determine program eligibility and service coordination. Designed a database for client intake tracking. Established procedures that encouraged service provider collaboration and provided access to external resources. Represented agency at workshops and exhibitions and partnered with external community based organizations. SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS Launched the extremely successful Care Management System initiative aimed at reducing juvenile incarceration by providing adjudicated youth with clinical, family, educational and other intensive support and resource services. Built and supervised a top-caliber and highly empowered team of 7 case managers and 1 clinical social worker. Wayne County Department of Community Justice, Detroit, MI
Created by Police Chief Warren Evans, department designed and executed jail diversion programs and provided opportunities for inmates to complete necessary treatment and services while incarcerated.
1996 - 1999
Interviewed sentenced inmates and determined substance abuse treatment needs and community-based program eligibility. Prepared and submitted court petitions, and performed detailed intake evaluations and needs assessments. Served as liaison between the court, Wayne County Jail and program staff. Developed departmental activity flowchart in cooperation with Wayne County Jail staff, Michigan Department of Corrections, Recorders Court and community based agencies.
D A R A T. M U N S O N, B S , M P A
Research Methods in Administration; Financial Analysis, Planning & Control; Integrative Analysis of Administration; Applied Research Project in Administration; Organizational Dynamics & Human Behavior; Effective Administration & Organizational Behavior; Strategic Planning; Environments in Administration; Marketing Administration; Diversity & Multiculturalism in the Workplace; American Public Policy Making; Labor Relations
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI BACHELOR OF SCIENCE CRIMINAL JUSTICE
American Government; General Psychology; Sociology; Social Problems; Criminal Justice Credits; Criminology; Corrections; Juvenile Delinquency; White Collar Crime; Policing in Society; Violence & Society; Deviance & Society; Sociological Research; Cultural Anthropology; U.S. Racial & Cultural Minorities; Complex Organizations; Law & Society; Criminal Law II
Oakland University, Women Rock Dinner Michigan State University, Black Student Alliance, Legends Tea Featured Speaker Oakland University, Leadership and Technology Conference Presenter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc, Lambda Pi Omega Chapter, Founder’s Day, Featured Speaker Eastern Michigan University, Greek Convocation
2012 2011 2010 2010 2009
The Links, Incorporated, Renaissance Chapter Fellow; Harvard Business School Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management Member; Detroit Young Professionals Member; Fusion Detroit Regional Young Professionals Member; United Way Leadership Next Team African-American Engagement Executive Committee; Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Mentor; Big Brothers Big Sisters Mini Grants Committee; Michigan Women’s Foundation Governor’s Appointee; State Board of Social Work Detroit Regional Chamber Leadership Detroit Graduate Board Member; Development Committee Chair; Alternatives for Girls Grieving Children’s Program Advisory Committee; Open Arms Fund Development Chair, Open Arms Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
2011 2009 2008 - Present 2008 - Present 2007 - Present 2007 - Present 2005 - Present 2004 - Present 2007 2006 2005 - 2007 2000 - 2004 2002 - 2003 1992 - Present
Independent Sector, American Express NGen Fellowship Detroit Regional Chamber, Leadership Detroit Inspirational Leader Award Diversity MBA Magazine, Top 100 Under 50 Diverse Executive & Emerging Leaders Eastern Michigan University Alumna Achievement Award Named ‘Woman of Excellence’ by the Michigan Chronicle Crain’s Detroit Business 40 Under 40 Honoree Molina Healthcare of Michigan Community Champions Award Vanguard Award from the Detroit Young Professionals Braylon Edwards Foundation Champion in You Service Award Excellence in Mentoring Award from 100 Black Men of Greater Detroit
2012 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008
Lesley Esters Redwine is the Chief Executive Officer of New Urban Learning, a charter management organization in Detroit. Prior to joining New Urban Learning, in 2005 Lesley joined Achievement First, also a charter management organization, operating 20 schools in NY and CT. As Vice President of External Relations, Lesley was a valued senior leader and visible spokesperson for the organization, managing new school and site development, authorizer relations and compliance, student admissions, governance, legislative relations and parent advocacy for Achievement First’s Brooklyn geography. Previously, Lesley served as president and CEO of the New York Chapter of the Black Alliance for Educational Options. Prior to BAEO, Lesley served as a project director at Agenda for Children Tomorrow (ACT), a multi‐million dollar community‐collaborative project in the South Bronx. In 2000, Lesley was selected to the National Urban Fellows where she served as special assistant to a member of the former New York City Board of Education. She has also served as a policy analyst at The After School Corporation and an adjunct professor in nonprofit management at City College in New York City. Lesley is also an attorney, and formerly worked at Lewis & Munday, P.C. and in a private criminal defense practice. Lesley earned her B.A. from University of Michigan; J.D. from University of Detroit Mercy; and M.P.A. from Baruch College's School of Public Affairs. Lesley’s greatest joy is her family which includes her daughter, Ellison, and husband, Eric.
LESLEY ESTERS REDWINE 1211 Willow Lane Birmingham, Michigan 48009 313. 949.7276 • Experience 2011‐Present NEW URBAN LEARNING DETROIT, MI Chief Executive Officer. Lead and manage a growing, high‐quality nonprofit charter management organization in Detroit. New Urban Learning currently operates University YES Academy, a growing K‐12 network of schools. 2005‐2011 ACHIEVEMENT FIRST BROOKLYN, NY Vice President of External Relations NY. Senior CMO leader responsible for leading network support team and external relations team by managing key relationships in the areas of private philanthropy; leads new school growth, expansion, and site selection; board governance and engagement; charter compliance and renewal; new student admissions; parent advocacy and community engagement in a fast‐growing, high‐performing charter school management organization in NY and CT. > Secured approval for seven charters in New York State > Member of leadership team to set strategy, vision > Recruited 3,500 families to attend Brooklyn schools for CMO scaling to serve 12,000 students > Manages governance and six boards of trustees > Negotiates facilities with Department of Education > Manages all authorizer relationships & > Supports ten principals in Brooklyn network compliance > Thought‐leader to national CMO’s and charter schools > Raised over $20MM in private philanthropy > Manages a team of six talented individuals > Leads public speaking & media relations in NYC 2003‐2004 BLACK ALLIANCE FOR EDUCATIONAL OPTIONS (BAEO – NYC) NEW YORK, NY President and CEO, New York City. Led start‐up emerging member‐based nonprofit focused on school choice initiatives. > Developed organization’s annual strategic plan > Increased membership for New York chapter 2002‐2003 AGENDA FOR CHILDREN TOMORROW NEW YORK, NY Project Director. Developed feasibility study for a multi‐year, multi‐million dollar initiative in the South Bronx. > Developed proposal that raised $8MM for project. > Built coalition of 50+ community stakeholders 2001‐2002 THE AFTER‐SCHOOL CORPORATION (TASC) NEW YORK, NY Policy Analyst. Conducted research and analysis to support the use of a $25 million challenge grant from George Soros’ Open Society Institute for over 200 after‐school programs in New York State. > Provided technical assistance to local and national partners > Researched and wrote policy briefs
2000‐2001 NEW YORK CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION NEW YORK, NY Special Assistant to Board Member. Assisted board member with setting policy for 1.1million student school system. > Developed first‐ever system‐wide parent policy > Briefed board member on policy issues and resolved constituent issues DETROIT, MI 1996‐1999 JEROME P. BARNEY & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Law Clerk. Drafted motions and briefs, trial preparation, client interviews, and depositions in state and federal trials. 1997‐1999 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS DETROIT, MI Conflict Resolution & Peer Mediation Trainer. Taught over 2,500 students, K‐12, in conflict resolution and peer mediation programs focused on reducing violence at targeted DPS schools.
1993‐1995 DETROIT REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DETROIT, MI Project Coordinator. Managed Detroit Compact, a pre‐college access program at William H. Taft Middle School. Education 2000‐2001 BARUCH COLLEGE – SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS M.P.A., Nonprofit Management 1995‐1998 UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT‐MERCY SCHOOL OF LAW
1990‐1993 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN B.A., English Literature
Community Service & Affiliations
Crain’s Detroit Business 40 Under 40 Award, 2012 Leadership Detroit XXXIV New York State Bar, Member National Alliance of Charter School Attorneys, Member National Urban Fellows, Awarded competitive, national full‐tuition fellowship that each year trains 28 individuals for public service. Community Board 2, Board Member (Brooklyn Heights, Fort Green, Clinton Hill and Downtown Brooklyn communities) Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Delta Rho Omega Chapter America’s Leaders of Change, Selected to participate in national management & leadership program
Conferences & Committees
Excellent Schools Detroit, Leadership Advisory Council (2012) Selected to serve on a panel of school and district leaders to support leadership develop program for current and emerging school leaders America’s Leaders of Change (2010) Selected to participate in a national program aimed at minority executive leaders in the nonprofit sector Guest Speaker, Ruth Cardoso Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2010) Served as a guest lecturer at a conference to discuss education reform and issues in America – published article Walton Family Foundation, Leadership Development Fellow (Charter Schools) (2010) Participated as a charter school executive in a leadership development program Board Member, Achievement First Apollo Charter School (2009‐2012) Founding board member and organizational appointee of charter school board in the East New York section of Brooklyn. Conference Speaker, National Alliance for Public Charter Schools Conference (2008 and 2009) Led panel discussions at conferences to discuss high‐quality charter schools and parent engagement Board Member, Community Board 2, (2008‐2011) Appointed community board member in Downtown Brooklyn neighborhoods serving on the health and environmental services committee Selection Committee, National Urban Fellows (2002‐2005) Served as a member of the selection committee for National Urban Fellows and served as an advisor to program committee for the selection of program and faculty Fellow, National Urban Fellows, New York City (2000) Selected of 28 leaders in national leadership program for emerging nonprofit leaders Enjoys travel, gourmet cooking, photography, entertaining, political debate, and tennis.
Jennifer R. Smith Executive Director Boys Hope Girls Hope of Detroit Jennifer Smith serves as the Executive Director of Boys Hope Girls Hope of Detroit, a national, youth-serving, non-profit that provides access to first-class education and stability to motivated, underserved youth through residential and community-based programs. Ms. Smith has over 12 years of experience in community relations and philanthropy management. She joins BHGH Detroit from Charter One Bank of Michigan where she worked as Assistant Vice President, Community Affairs Manager. In this role, her core responsibility was providing oversight to the Charter One Foundation as well as creating and executing signature community relations initiatives on behalf of the organization. Prior to Charter One Bank, Ms. Smith was the Director of Community Relations/Multicultural Marketing for Pepsi Bottling Group (now known as Pepsi Beverages Company), the world’s largest manufacturer, seller and distributor of beverages within the Pepsi portfolio. As Multicultural Manager, Ms. Smith was responsible for developing and driving the business unit strategy for multicultural marketing programs in Southeastern Michigan with a targeted emphasis on Detroit. She was also responsible for the management of local community partnerships, charitable giving and special events for PBG Detroit. Ms. Smith welcomed the world to Detroit for Super Bowl XL serving as Community Relations Manager for the Detroit Super Bowl XL Host Committee in conjunction with the National Football League before joining the team at Pepsi. A native of Detroit, Ms. Smith is a proud alumnus of Grambling State University where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communication-Public Relations. She also holds a Master of Science degree in Sports Management from Georgia State University. Issues concerning youth and education are particular focus areas for Ms. Smith’s personal community volunteer efforts. She contributes to various community organizations in the metropolitan Detroit area and serves on the Board for Communities in Schools of Detroit. Ms. Smith was recently appointed to the Governing Council of Detroit Collegiate Preparatory High School. She also serves as a mentor through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit and is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
JENNIFER R. SMITH 6533 East Jefferson, #133E ďƒş Detroit, Michigan 48207 ďƒş 313.333.2771 BACKGROUND SUMMARY Philanthropy Management Non-profit, Corporate Partnerships Community Programming Event Planning & Execution Media Relations
CAREER HISTORY Boys Hope Girls Hope of Michigan Executive Director
Detroit, Michigan January 2011-present
Formulates annual budget with Treasurer for approval by the Board of Directors, approves expenditures, and expenses and income to maintain operations within all budget categories. Responsible for effectively working with the Board of Directors and Development Committee to: 1) develop and implement an income plan for necessary operational, capital, and endowment funds, 2) motivate volunteers to participate in all fundraising efforts; 3) utilize those volunteers for various campaigns and, 4) ensure effective communications between the Executive Director’s office and the volunteers. Responsible for affiliates compliance with regulations and standards for Federal 501(c)3 and state tax-exempt status and with state fundraising regulations. Oversee the Program Director and Academic Coordinator, including regular performance evaluations, to ensure that the program is run in accordance with Boys Hope Girls Hope policies and in compliance with local licensing standards and regulations. Ensure that a positive relationship is maintained with licensing authority. Responsible for developing, maintaining, and communicating a consistent public image of the organization in accordance with national marketing guidelines. Creates and implements marketing plans targeting donors, referral sources, and the general public (this includes newsletters, brochures, website, news releases, and informational mailings).
Charter One Bank Assistant Vice President, Community Affairs Manager
Southfield, Michigan March 2009-January 2011
Provide strategic oversight and execution of the Charter One Foundation, including relationshipbuilding with local non-profit organizations. Management of Foundation budget and online grantmaking process. Preparation and facilitation of monthly charitable contributions committee meetings. Execution of signature company community programs, including Sumer Vacation from Hunger, Charter One Lunch Buddies program, and Champions in Action.
Pepsi Bottling Group (now known as Pepsi Beverages Company) Detroit, Michigan Multicultural Marketing September 2007-February 2009 Develop and execute marketing programs for key retail customers that target multicultural consumers. Responsible for administration and allocation of multicultural budget. Leverage multicultural programming to help support community agenda. Work closely with outside creative agency on the development of all program artwork. Development and execution of events targeting urban consumers while leveraging the Pepsi brand. Provide cross-functional leadership within organization related to multicultural marketing. Align and influence sales team and senior management on multicultural marketing objectives. Work closely with local media (radio) on execution of brand merchandising kits. *Also performing duties related to Community Relations role
Jennifer R. Smith
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Pepsi Bottling Group (now known as Pepsi Beverages Company) Detroit, Michigan Director, Community Relations March 2006-August 2007 Created and executed community relations and corporate giving strategy for Southeastern Michigan. Created and strengthened relationships with key community leaders, consumer/trade groups and businesses on behalf of Pepsi. Responsible for administration and allocation of local community relations budget. Execution of and employee recruitment for BIG BET community outreach initiatives...Diamond Scholars, KaBOOM! and Habitat for Humanity. Responsible for communicating community outreach success to all levels of the organization. Served as primary Business Unit contact the PBG Foundation headquarters team. Served as Pepsi Community Ambassador for local market. Reviewed, assessed and activated sponsorship opportunities. Wrote press releases for local media coverage of outreach initiatives as needed. Developed tracking system for all community funding and product donations given. Responsible for fostering environment of volunteerism within organization.
Detroit Super Bowl XL Host Committee Community Relations Manager
Detroit, Michigan December 2004-March 2006
Created Host Committee signature community relations initiative, Super Reading, reaching 8,000 Detroit Public School students. Presented localized Super Bowl plan to area businesses and community organizations. Created and executed events to supplement community relations initiatives. Worked closely with Vice President of External Affairs on all community and government relations efforts. Assisted in the development and execution of the NFL’s local Emerging Business Program and Y.E.T. Center. Assisted the NFL in identifying local organizations for all League outreach initiatives. Provided key community updates to Community Relations Advisory Committee.
Why Not Sports, Inc. Director, Programs & Special Events
Atlanta, Georgia September 2001-December 2004
Oversaw execution of Field Goals & Assists program in over 25 Atlanta Public Schools. Worked closely with CEO to help secure official Super Bowl sanctioned status from the National Football League for youth event, Sports Career Expo (SCE). Responsible for event production for SCE in Houston, Texas and Los Angeles, California. Worked closely with event sponsors on all fulfillment areas.
EDUCATION Georgia State University Master of Science, Sports Management
*NCAA Women’s Enhancement Scholar for Post-Graduate Studies
Grambling State University Bachelor of Arts, Mass Communication (Public Relations) *Presidential Scholar
Atlanta, Georgia 2001
Grambling, Louisiana 1997
CURRENT BOARD/ORGANIZATION AFFILIATIONS Communities in Schools-Detroit (Board Member) Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. (Member) Detroit Collegiate Prep High School (Member of the DPS Governing Council) Wayne State University (Office of the President)-Community Advisory Committee
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Detroit (“BIG”) Dream Academy- creates and supports educational options for youth aging out of foster care (Mentor)
AWARDS/RECOGNITION 2008 Woman of Excellence Honoree-Michigan Chronicle Featured in 2008 photo gallery exhibit entitled “Women of a New Tribe”- Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History