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Does the College Major Matter? Not Really How many students or graduates do you end up actually see doing or working in the field that they had majored in? How often does a sociology major work as a sociologist, how often does a philosophy major end up working as a philosopher? There are very few that actually come about, this is because the purpose of a degree from college is not to get a job in that field of study, it is rather to expand your horizons by broadening one’s mind, helping them learn to analyze and interact with. Research from various universities has shown that the major selected does not significantly affect the prospects of employment, regardless of the major being done from a liberal arts college or a research university, the only difference being that liberal arts colleges provide students with the communication skills and analytical abilities, whereas research universities better prepare a student for prospective career work. Nonetheless the following pointers must be kept in mind to succeed, regardless of the major a student has chosen: Communication is the key: A student must make sure if he or she is clear, organized, persuasive and understandable in the context of writing, speaking and presenting. Communication skills are a necessity for success. It is a key factor that employers are looking for when recruiting potential employees. Analyzing abilities: Students must be accustomed to certain levels of analyzing skills. The ability to comprehend and decipher problems and issues and should be able to come up with concrete reasonable solutions i.e. to both understand and implement what they learn into their work. When doing essays and assignments in college or researching for papers, they should evaluate and connect the dots of information. buy essays cheap online: Punctuality: Though it seems pretty self-explanatory, the level of gravity attached to punctuality must not be undermined. In the real world your job and your ability to move ahead depend on this, frankly speaking, it also affects the amount of money entering your wallet. Teamwork: Gone are the days when an individual had to do all the work themselves, with globalization and integration taking place at rapid speeds a student must know how to work well in a team and eventually get adapted to this form of work. As teamwork is now incorporated in all spheres of the working sector. So it should be understandable now that the major doesn’t significantly affect the students’ potential to get a job as long as he or she has the aforementioned skills.

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