Convention booklet

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Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Greetings and Welcome From the Church of God of Prophecy St. Ann and Trelawny on the occasion of our Third Regional Convention.

a Theme:

“Breaking Forth In The Power of The Holy Ghost”



he Church of God of Prophecy takes pleasure in extending a cordial welcome to you to this our third Regional Convention. Do enjoy the warm atmosphere and may your heart be refreshed and renewed in the presence of the Lord. Be blessed.

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


Contents General Information..........................................................1 List of Churches...................................................................2 Overseer’s Message............................................................3 National Overseer’s Message........................................4 Church Administration....................................................5 Parish Appointees...............................................................6 Convention Staff...................................................................7 Program....................................................................................9 National Calendar..............................................................15 Hymns and Choruses........................................................16 Convention Evaluation.....................................................20 Church Contacts...................................................................21


Cover Design & Layout: Jason Isaacs | The Source Docu-Center

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

General Information All visitors and delegates are welcome to this • 3rd Regional Convention of the combined parishes of Trelawny and St Ann. It is a pleasure to have you as a delegate; your presence is highly appreciated. •

∗ Be courteous to everyone and so • enhance the fellowship throughout the duration. “A man who has friends must show himself friendly.” Proverbs 18:24. • ∗ Always endeavour to keep the grounds clean by disposing of the garbage in the containers provided. Bins and bags are placed around the grounds for this purpose. Please desist from placing chewing gum on the chairs or on the floor. • ∗ See to it that you keep the bathrooms in good condition. Remember that others will use them after you have. Female disposables should be placed in the bags provided and not in the toilets. ∗ Do not congregate on the outside while • the convention is in session; remember it was planned with you in mind and this reflects poor public relations. Pastors should be on the lookout for members of your congregation and encourage them to be on the inside. • ∗ Parents are fully responsible for the safety and welfare of their children, so please ensure that you know of their whereabouts at all times. We do not want them to wander into the town, into undesignated areas or out on the highway. The ushers, college security • or other designated persons reserve the right to prevent them from doing so. ∗ The chairs should remain inside the • building at all times, except with the permission of the Operations Managers. Also, the Ushers and Operations Man-

agers will ensure that they are inside the building during service times. ∗ The church will not be liable for theft or damage to property sustained during the convention so take care of your belongings and motor vehicles. However, persons will be assigned to the parking areas to avoid unfortunate situations. ∗ Emergency and First Aid personnel will be on campus to assist with minor eventualities that may take place. ∗ Persons who are on the programme should stay close to the platform prior to your session or item. If for any reason you will be unable to take part please report to the Public Relations Desk or the Director of your program. ∗ Only authorized persons should play the instruments or handle the equipment. Those areas are out of bounds to children and any other area so designated on the campus. Also no unnecessary playing during intermissions. ∗ Please follow the instructions given by the convention administrators, and if you have any question, please see someone at the Public Relations desk or call the following number for assistance - 481-4013. ∗ Prayer groups will be deployed at regular intervals and should function without any interruption. Interested persons can enlist in any of these groups to pray for the success of the convention. ∗ Baptismal services will be held on Wednesday and Sunday nights, so those who wish to follow the Lord will be facilitated. ∗ Live internet streaming will be done for some sessions so we ask for discipline and proper conduct at all times.

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


Churches Parish


Alderton St Ann Lenworth Hamilton Barrett Hall

St Ann

Janet Williams


St Ann

Donald Gordon

Bunkers Hill


Eric Erskine


St Ann

Terrence Harriot

Cuffie Ridge

St Ann

Tyrone Carter

Deeside Trelawny Eric Erskine Faith’s Pen

St Ann

Albert Hall

Forrest St Ann Albertina Lyons Frazer St Ann Rennie Williams Friendship


Glenville Billings

Grant’s Mountain

St Ann

Leader Karen Shirley

Granville Trelawny Israel James Golden Grove

St Ann

Fabian Smith


St Ann

Kenice Harvey

Hampden Land


Lambert Pearson


St Ann

Dennis Johnson

John Reid

St Ann

Melbourne Powell

Lime Hall

St Ann

Derron Smith


St Ann

Viris Russell

Ocho Rios

St Ann

Hudston Taylor

Orange Hill

St Ann

Herbert Lawrence

Parry Town

St Ann

Hudston Taylor

Prickly Pole

St Ann

Delores Cunningham

Rural Retreat

St Ann

Marva Hall

Salt Marsh


Ferron Purvill

St D’Acre

St Ann

Steadman Willis


St Ann

Calvin Taylor


St Ann

Lester Mattis

White Hall

St Ann

Leader Sharon Blake/Pastor Calvin Taylor

Windsor Heights

St Ann

Derron Smith/Asst Kathleen Wisdom


St Ann

Crafton Cheverria

Yankee St Ann Clarence Watson


Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

a From The Parish Overseer’s Desk


rothers and Sisters it feels so refreshing to be gathered here for another time of feasting and communion with the Master. The need of the hour is for greater power for service in a world of pluralistic religious expression and open satanic rebellion against the righteous ways of the Eternal One. The past fifteen years have been a global nightmare. Since September 11, 2001 the world has changed dramatically owing to the constant and ever increasing threat of terrorism and the blatant disregard for holiness from various liberal advocates. The downfall of many longstanding dictatorship regimes and the failure of governments to protect their vulnerable and disenfranchised, not only exposes the gullibility and fallibility of the human element in the lower creative element, but stresses the fact that Yahweh (Jehovah) is the answer to man’s dilemma in the earth realm. It is incumbent upon the church to search for the secrets of the Almighty that He might reveal the last days’ prerogative to His servants for the hour of His majesty is near at hand. As the psalmist declares in chapter 25:14 “The secret of the LORD is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant.” As Jesus came in the power of the Spirit so the church must announce its presence with effective and powerful life-changing service whether it’s in the back streets or main streets, uptown or downtown, behind zinc fence or chain-link fence, school room or courtroom, King’s House or Poor House. Many of our members are potential leaders who must be unveiled in due time. This convention may be a vehicle which will transport them into purpose. Let us pray that the diabolic elements will never override nor overrun the convention as we submit ourselves to the mighty hand of God. Breaking forth is to move out from the shadows into the mainstream of God’s divine plan. It is my prayer that this convention will help to motivate and reactivate those who want to answer the call of God to find a purposeful occupation in the harvest. I urge us today to seek the mind of God for our ministries and embrace the true riches of His grace. Break free of all that which would deprive us of reaching our full potential in this Christ-centered relationship. Break out of habits and religious complacency, denominational passiveness and societal influences which hinder our spiritual development. Hear the promise given in Isa. 45:3 “I'll give you concealed treasures and riches hidden in secret places, so that you'll know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by name.” My prayer is that this week we break forth in real power to understand the mysteries and the call to leave the unfruitful or barren terrain to reach the fertile grounds that await our presence. ---Hudston and Donnette Taylor

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


a From National Overseer Bishop Leith


ime has passed so quickly since we met in the last convention of the church in St. Ann and Trelawny, and here we are again gathered for a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, Let us therefore, give thanks to God who has kept us by His mercies and faithfulness with which we’ve all be so richly blessed.

Conventions have always been a time of anticipation and expectation within this church. This year’s gathering will be no different as members and friends attend believing God for something special to happen in their lives. In fact, the convention provides an opportunity for those who have been oppressed by other forces to experienced deliverance in this intense spiritually charged environment. This is why your theme, “Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost" is very timely and relevant. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that will enable the church to live in victory amid the varying challenges and difficulties we face in this life. As we look within the communities and see the conditions of the people we serve, we will see an urgent need for transformation in all areas of their life. The concept of change in a society bedeviled by such conditions as I mentioned before is not new to the church. Consider the great work of the apostles, who having surrendered their lives to God, were able to accomplish stunning result by the power of the Spirit. I am therefore compelled to say that there is a real need in the church today for anointed people in the service of the Lord, who will be agents of transformation so that God's Kingdom will be advanced. The challenge to us in this time therefore, is how to recapture the fervor that once burned in the heart of this church, and how to sacrifice self for the sake of advancing God's Kingdom. It was Eldin Villafane who said, “I do not know what is or will be the cost or sacrifice that you will pay, but let me assure you that success and faithfulness to your call will demand sacrifice." It is our desire that in this convention, there will be a full surrender of self and a renewed commitment to experience an encounter with God, so that His power can become evidenced in all sphere of our society as we continue to embrace the values of Prayer, Leadership Development, the Harvest and Stewardship. --- Winston


& Heidi Leith

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

International Church Administration International Offices P.O. Box 2910, Cleveland Tennessee, USA General Presbyters Bishop Sam Clements

North America

Bishop Clayton Endecott

Europe, CIS & Middle East

Bishop Benjamin Feliz

Central America

Bishop Gabriel Vidal

South America

Stephen Masilela Africa Bishop Clayton Martin


Bishop David Browder

Asia & Oceania

Jamaica Administration National Office 6 Phoenix Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica Bishop Winston Leith

National Overseer

Bishop Hudston Taylor

Administrative Assistant

Bishop Franklyn Beckford

Administrative Assistant

Bishop J Ralston Headlam

Administrative Assistant

Regional Administration Parish Office 1 Old Buckfield Road, Ocho Rios St Ann, Jamaica Telephone 974-5511 Email: or Bishop Hudston Taylor

Parish Overseer

Novia Lawrence Parish Secretary Pastor Derron Smith

Zone Coordinator Zone 1

Pastor Fabian Smith

Zone Coordinator Zone 2

Pastor Crafton Cheverria

Zone Coordinator Zone 3

Pastor Steadman Willis

Zone Coordinator Zone 4

Bishop Rennie Williams

Zone Coordinator Zone 5

Pastor Eric Erskine

Zone Coordinator Zone 6

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


Parish Officers and Committees

Bishop Hudston Taylor Parish Overseer Novia Lawrence Parish Secretary Mitsie Pearson, Paulette Feraria,

Public Relations Representatives

Sheryl Hamilton Crafton Cheverria, Tamara Gordon


Florence Harrison

Women’s Ministry Director

Jenine Brown-Burrell Children’s Ministry Timothy Mattis Music Ministry Kathleen Wisdom

Counselling and Family Ministry

Paul Nelson, Pauline Purvill

Sunday School

Alturo Cox, Marion Palmer-Davis,

Youth Ministry Directors

Novia Lawrence Lambert Pearson, Alturo Cox,

Planning Committee

Fabian Smith, Ferron Purvill, Melbourne Powell, Marva Hall, Dennis Johnson Hudston Taylor, Viris Russell,

Administrative Committee

Derron Smith, Lambert Pearson, Calvin Taylor Derron Smith, Patrick Bryan,

Finance Committee

Leroy Harvey, Tamara Gordon, Crafton Cheverria


Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Convention Administration Moderator

Bishop Hudston Taylor

Operations Managers

Lambert Pearson, Lenworth Hamilton

Assistant Moderator

Derron Smith

Public Relations and Hospitality

Mitsie Pearson, Pauline Johnson, Sheryl Hamilton,

Paulette Feraria, Rhona Lopez, Marvy Nicholson,

Cordelle Jarrett, Shelly-Ann Black, Natasha Loton

Jean Johnson Accounting Team

Crafton Cheverria, Patrick Bryan

Clerks Novia Lawrence, Melissa Hall, Dorma Mattis, Dwight Reid, Errica Gooden , Ann-Marie Smith, Chevelle Folkes, Nadra-Shae Wedderman, Khamoya Simmonds Ushers Leroy Harvey, Michael Jones, Adlyn Rettie, Kentony Blake, Glenville Billings, Glenval Smith, Vetelyn Williams, Seymour Williams, Sylvester Brown, Eva McNeish, Sadie Russell, Pauline Frater, Dexter Gooden, Israel James, Clarence Watson Albert Hall, Aston McIntyre, Howard Wallace, Anthony Reid, Loander Reid, Shawn Lewis, Kingsley Soares, Anthony Kitson, Lorraine Robinson Altar Ministers

Terrence Harriot, Margaret Gooden, Donnette Taylor, Eric Erskine, Mitsie Pearson, Kathleen Wisdom, Florence

Harrison, Fabian Smith, Lucille Gooden, Dorret Cunningham, Marva Hall, Launa Wynter, Rickurt Hannigan, Jenine Brown- Burrell, Exdol Smith, Yvonne Smith, Melbourne Powell

Registrars Kenice Harvey, Abigail Newland, Danielle Virgo, Jobenee Morris, Shanice Jones, Chantal Bryan, Patrice Jones, Tena Mitchell, Stacie Smith, Shanana Green, Samantha Richards, Kristina Henry Music Ministry

Timothy Mattis, Fabian Smith

Tuck Shop Alturo Cox, Donovan Williams, Melissa Hall, Suzette Boreland-Cousins Chief Purveyor

Ferron Purvill

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


Cooks Patrick Gray, Garfield McInnis, Deborah Nation, Joyce-lyn Ritchie, Rose Corrodus, Hermine Ritchie, Hilda Ritchie Worship Leaders

Winnifred Cheverria, Marion Palmer-Davis Novia Lawrence, Dwight Reid, Chevelle Folkes, Jenine Burrell, Dillon Davis, Annette Parker, Delmina

Eastman, Tena Mitchell, Errica Gooden.0.0‌‌..

Intercession Coordinators:

Rickurt Hannigan, Margaret Gooden, Ronie Ellis,

Glenville Billings, Dellon Smith, Yvonne Smith, Israel James, Elfreda Kerridge, Kathleen Wisdom, Exdol Smith, Dorret Cunningham, Karen Shirley


Clayton McPherson, Wilbert Wisdom, Albert Ellis


Chevelle Folkes, Mark Brown, Errica Gooden,

Tickets Winnifred Lowe Emergency and First Aid

Elaine Christie, Glennovan Malcolm

Karen Campbell Baptism Committee Terrence Harriot, Viris Russell, Marva Hall, Donnette Taylor Program Committee

Charma Ellis, Novia Lawrence, Chevelle Folkes


Viris Russell, Violet Folkes, Lucille Gooden


Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Programme Sunday July 20, 2014 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of Him through all the region round about. Luke 4:14 8:00 am Prayer Directed by Zone 2 churches Prayer for souls, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the speakers, Healing, provision, divine intervention and against demonic interference 8:45 am

Bible Study - Marion Palmer-Davis (Youth Ministry Director) “ Breaking Forth Through Prevailing Prayer.”

9:45 am

Prepare for Worship

10: 00 am

This is our lifestyle; this session calls us to purposeful preparation for this week of ministry.

Scripture Reading Isaiah 45:1-8 Prayer – Pastor Israel James

10:50 am

Instructions and updates

11:00 am

Hymn “Speak My Lord” Greetings from Zone Coordinators

11:20 am

Choir Ministry - Convention Choir

11:30 am

Message: Bishop W A Leith Presiding Bishop Church of God of Prophecy Jamaica

12:30 pm

T-I-M-E- O-U-T (Lunch)

2:30 pm

Sunday School Highlights Paul Nelson and Pauline Purvill (Directors)

3:30 pm Opening Ceremony Hear the sound of the trumpet Church Anthem Welcome Talents: Dance - Ocho Rios Youths Selection-Zone 3 Youths Special Presentation Multi-Version reading The Band Sign Ministry-Unspoken Praise Matthias Creative Arts Club Zone 2

Regional Evangelism Team

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


Zone 5 Presentation of Regional Overseer Opening Declaration Presentations Keynote Speaker Closing and National Anthem 6:00 pm


Moderator: Pastor Derron Smith 6:30 pm

Your faithful people, LORD, will praise You with songs and honour Your holy Name.

(Pastors receive and present their offering)

7:15 pm

Singing Ministry - St. D’Acre Choir

Orange Hill Choir

7:45 pm

Hymn: Won’t it Be Wonderful There

Prayer by Pastor Delores Cunningham

Greetings: Minister Donnette Taylor, Pastors Lambert Pearson and Kenice Harvey 8:15 pm

Selection - Grierfield Church

8:30 pm

Message and Altar Ministry

Bishop Franklyn Beckford Overseer St James and Hanover Monday July 21, 2014

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 Moderator:

Pastor Steadman Willis

6:45 pm

Zone 3 Highlights directed by Minister Crafton Cheverria

(Zone Coordinator) 7:05 pm

And they bowed their heads, and worshipped the LORD with their faces to the ground.

7:45 pm

Public Relations

7:55 pm

Choir Ministry – Moneague Church (offertory)

8:15 pm

Selection - Patrick Bryan

8:20 pm

Message and Altar Ministry Pastor Melbourne Powell


Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Tuesday July 22, 2014 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8. Moderator:

Pastor Viris Russell

6:45 pm

Zone 5 Highlights directed by Bishop Rennie Williams

(Zone Coordinator) 7:05 pm

And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!" Rev 4:8

7:40 pm

Scripture Reading

7:45 pm

Public Relations

7:55 pm

Choir Ministry - Lime Hall Church (offertory)

8:15 pm


8:20 pm

Selection –The Seraphims (Zone 3)

Assemblies of the First Born-Colegate

8:30 pm

Message and Altar Ministry

Pastor Terrence Harriot Wednesday July 23, 2014

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Matthew 28:18 Moderator:

Bishop Stanley Mattis

6:45 pm

Zone 4 Highlights directed by Pastor Steadman Willis (Coordinator)

7:05 pm

And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, Luke 1:46,47

7:45 pm


8:00 pm

Choir Ministry-Ocho Rios Youths (offertory)


Public Relations

8:15 pm

Selection Naggo Head Choir

8:25 pm

Message and Altar Ministry

Bishop Novel Wilson, Naggo Head C.O.G.O.P, St Catherine

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


Thursday July 24, 2014 To see Thy power and Thy glory, so as I have seen Thee in the sanctuary. Psalm 63:2 Moderator:

Adrian Loton

6:45 pm

Zone 2 Highlights – Directed by Pastor Fabian Smith (Coordinator)


O LORD, I love the habitation of Your house and the place where Your glory dwells. Psa 26:8


Scripture Reading

7:45 pm

Public Relations

7:55 pm

Choir Ministry - Rural Retreat Church (offertory)

8:15 pm

Selection – Lystra Brown

8:20 pm

Message and Altar Ministry

Lay Minister Shanice Jones Friday July 25, 2014

And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:31 Moderator:

Pastor Lenworth Hamilton

6:45 pm Zone 6 Highlights directed by Pastor Eric Erskine (Zone Coordinator) 7:10 pm

And one called to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!" Isa 6:3

7:40 pm


8:00 pm

Selection – Andrea Wilson (Offertory)

8:15 pm

Public Relations

8:20 pm

Choir Ministry-Hampden Land

8:30 pm

Message and Altar Ministry

Pastor Errol Scott

Wesleyan Holiness Church, Port Morant, St. Thomas


Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Saturday July 2, 2014 And Joshua spake unto the house of Joseph, even to Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying, Thou art a great people, and hast great power: thou shalt not have one lot only: Joshua 17:17

2:00 pm-3:30 pm Youth Ministry Session 3:40 pm-5:10 pm

Women’s Ministry Presentation

5:10 pm



Fabian Smith

6:00 pm

Zone 1 Highlights directed by Pastor Derron Smith

(Zone Coordinator) 6:20 pm

The LORD is my strength and my song, and He has become my

salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father's God,

and I will exalt Him. Exo 15:2

7:15 pm

Public Relations

7:25 pm

Choir Ministry – Ocho Rios Baptist Church (offertory)

7:40 pm


7:50 pm

Selection – Wesleyan Holiness Church Port Morant

Rudeka Hunt and Jobenee Morris

8:00 pm

Message and Altar Ministry

Pastor Errol Scott Sunday July 27, 2014

But the LORD, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt with great power and a stretched out arm, Him shall ye fear, and Him shall ye worship, and to Him shall ye do sacrifice. 2Kings 17:36 8:00 am

Prayer – Woodstock and Alderton Churches

8:30 am

Bible Study – Pastor Lambert Pearson: “Break Forth

Through Perseverance.” Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


9:30 am

"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the

nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" Psa 46:10

10:10 am

Prayer by Pastor Lester Mattis

10:20 am


10:50 am

Choir Ministry–Parry Town (offertory)

Convention Choir 11:10 am

Message and Altar Ministry

12:30 pm

T-I-M-E O-U-T (Lunch)

2:00 pm

Children’s Ministry Highlights

3:00 pm

Hymn, Scripture Reading, Prayer

Introduction of Regional Overseer

Overseer’s Presentation 5:30 pm


6:30 pm

Vote of Thanks – Public Relations

Appointments 6:45 pm

Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His Name;

give to Him glorious praise! Psa. 66:1,2

7:30 pm

Selection – Kadian Cunningham, Bunkers Hill Church (offertory)

7:45 pm


8:00 pm

Choir Ministry-Ocho Rios Church

8:15 pm

Message and Altar Ministry

Pastor Granville Codlin-Assemblies of The Firstborn Colegate


Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Congratulations New Appointments Marriage Officer :

Minister Winnifred Cheverria (appointed May 2014)

Licensed Ministers:

Delores Cunningham, Lenworth Hamilton,

Sheryl Hamilton, Minerva Diedrick


Kenice Harvey-Grierfield

Church Leaders:

Karen Shirley-Grant’s Mountain

Sharon Blake-White Hall

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


National Calendar 2014 Jul. 26

National Summer Camp Staff Meeting

41 Old Harbour Road

Jul. 30Aug. 3

International General Assembly

Rosen Single Creek

Aug. 3-22

National Summer Camps Men’s Ministry Prayer Call

Aug 24

Orlando, FL

M. Waugh National Office

South Coast Resort

Camp Directors

To be announced

Christopher Brown


Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

South Coast Resort

National Office

Sept. 20

National Ministers’ Conference

41 Old Harbour Road

National Office

Oct. 3-5

National Women’s Conference

To be announced

Allen / McKay

Oct. 1619

Parish Convention – Kingston & St. Andrew

Maxfield Avenue

Rudolph Daley

Oct. 2426

Youth Leaders Empowerment

May Day

Youth Leaders

Nov. 13-16

Parish Convention – St. Elizabeth

Comma Pen

Audley Facey

Nov. 20-23

Parish Convention – Westmoreland

White House

Dovon Powell

Nov. 27-30

Parish Convention – Manchester Parish Convention – Clarendon South


Lascelles Allen

Rectory Land

W. Hutchinson

Dec. 4-7

Watch out for a National Conference

Greater input by the Christian community

which will be hosted by the Men’s Ministry

in the media that are geared towards Godly strategic Interventions.

2015 -2016 Caribbean Leadership Conference: January 28-31, 2015 National Convention April 7-12 Prayer Points for January Prayer Focus The restoration and strengthening of the family unit Greater unity and focus to be demonstrated by the Christian community in the fulfillment of its purpose within the Nation Strategic intervention within the parliament and the judiciary that will promote good governance and policy decision-making.


God’s Intervention within the educational sector to stem the tide of violence, immorality and complacency. Real turnaround in the business, and financial sector Renewed Spiritual fervor within the Body of Christ Please visit: for application forms and additional information regarding the schedule.

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

(2) Speak My Lord Other Special Observances New Year’s Sunday

January 5

Ash Wednesday

March 5

Hear the Lord of harvest sweetly calling, “Who will go and work for Me today? Who will bring to Me the lost and dying? Who will point them to the narrow way?”

Good Friday

April 18


Easter Sunday

April 20

Emancipation Day

August 1

Independence Day

August 6

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord, Speak, and I’ll be quick to answer Thee; Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord, Speak, and I will answer, “Lord, send me.”

National Heroes Day

October 20

Christmas Sunday

December 28

(1) He Rolled The Sea Away 1

When the coal of fire touched the prophet, Making him as pure, as pure can be, When the voice of God said, “Who’ll go for us?” Then he answered, “Here I am, send me.”

When Israel out of bondage came, A sea before them lay, The Lord reach’d down His mighty hand, And roll’d the sea away.

Millions now in sin and shame are dying, Listen to their sad and bitter cry; Hasten, brother, hasten to the rescue; Quickly answer, “Master, here am I.”

Chorus Then forward still, ’tis Jehovah’s will, Tho’ the billows dash and spray; With a conq’ring tread we will push ahead, He’ll roll the sea away.

Soon the time for reaping will be over; Soon we’ll gather for the harvest home; May the Lord of harvest smile upon us, May we hear His blessèd, “Child, well done.”

2 Before me was a sea of sin, So great I feared to pray; My heart’s desire the Saviour read, And roll’d the sea away. 3 When sorrows dark, like stormy waves, Were dashing o’er my way; Again the Lord in mercy came, And roll’d the sea away.

4 And when I reach the sea of death, For needed grace I’ll pray; I know the Lord will quickly come, And roll the sea away.

(3) O Church Of God 1. The church of God one body is, One Spirit dwells within; And all her members are redeemed, And triumph over sin. Refrain: O church of God! I love thy courts, Thou mother of the free; Thou blessed home of all the saved, I dwell content in thee.

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


2. Divinely built, divinely ruled, To God she doth submit; His will her love, His truth her guide, Her path is glory-lit. 3. God sets her members each in place, According to His will— Apostles, prophets, teachers, all, His purpose to fulfill.

That bright stars may be mine in the glorious day, When His praise like the sea billow rolls. O what joy it will be when His face I behold, Living gems at his feet to lay down! It would sweeten my bliss in the city of gold, Should there be any stars in my crown. (5) Amazing Grace

4. Salvation is her holy walls,


The cross her sign of pow’r;

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.

Her captain is the mighty God, Who guards her every hour. 5. Stand in thy beauty, church of God,


With courage undismayed.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first believed.


With righteousness arrayed; Put on thy strength and face thy foes

(4) Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown I am thinking today of that beautiful land I shall reach when the sun goeth down; When through wonderful grace by my Savior I stand, Will there be any stars in my crown? Refrain Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown, When at evening the sun goeth down? When I wake with the blest in the mansions of rest Will there be any stars in my crown?

Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; 'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far and Grace will lead me home. 4 The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. 5 When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun

In the strength of the Lord let me labor and pray, Let me watch as a winner of souls,


Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

1. Open the eyes of my heart, Lord Open the eyes of my heart I want to see You I want to see You Open the eyes of my heart, Lord I want to see You To see you high and lifted up Shining in the light of Your glory Pour out Your power and love As we sing holy, holy, holy Holy, holy, holy I want to see you, I want to see you 2. We are going up, going up together Going up to conquer In the name of the Lord

There is power in the name of Jesus [3x] to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain. [2x] Theres an army rising up. [3x] To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain. [2x] 5. Bow down and worship Him, Worship Him Oh, worship Him Bow down and worship Him, Enter in Oh, enter in

An overcomer, in the name of the Lord

Consuming fire Sweet perfume His awesome presence fills this room This is holy ground This is holy ground This is holy ground So come and bow down

3. I'm trading my sorrow I'm trading my shame I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord I'm trading my sickness I'm trading my pain I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord

6. There is a sweet anointing in the sanctuary There is a stillness in the atmosphere Come and lay down The burdens you have carried For in this sanctuary God is here

And we say yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Amen

He is here, He is here To break the yoke and lift the heavy burdened He is here, He is here To heal the hopeless heart and bless the broken Come and lay down The burdens you have carried For in this sanctuary God is here

Don’t talk, no no, don’t talk defeat to me I am a child of God and I got the


I am a warrior, I am a conqueror

I'm pressed but not crushed persecuted not abandoned Struck down but not destroyed I'm blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure And his joy's gonna be my strength Though the sorrow may last for the night His joy comes with the morning 4. There is power in the name of Jesus [3x] to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain. [2x]

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


7. Let the glory of the Lord rise among us Let the glory of the Lord rise among us Let the praises of our King rise among us Let it rise Oh, let it rise Let the songs of the Lord rise among us Let the songs of the Lord rise among us Let the joy of our King rise among us Let it rise Oh, let it rise

So send Your glory make Your praise complete Send down the rain, touch us once again

Let every nation and every tribe

NATIONAL ANTHEM Eternal Father bless our land, Guard us with Thy Mighty Hand, Keep us free from evil powers, Be our light through countless hours. To our Leaders, Great Defender, Grant true wisdom from above. Justice, Truth be ours forever, Jamaica, Land we love. Jamaica, Jamaica,

Sing a new hallelujah

Jamaica land we love.

Arise, let every soul arise

Teach us true respect for all, Stir response to duty’s call, strengthen us the weak to cherish, Give us vision lest we perish. Knowledge send us Heavenly Father, Grant true wisdom from above. Justice, Truth be ours forever, Jamaica, land we love. Jamaica, Jamaica,

8. Let every son and every daughter Sing a new hallelujah

Let every soul arise 9. Holy Spirit, come and fill this place Bring us healing with Your warm embrace Show Your power make Your presence known Holy Spirit, come fill this place Holy Spirit, come fill this place My heart is longing just to hear from You My soul is waiting to know someone who Can take us higher help us make it through So will You please come and set us free Holy Spirit, come and fill this place Bring us healing with Your warm embrace Show Your power, make Your presence known Holy Spirit, come fill this place Breath of God we need a touch from You Shine down on us with the light of truth Stir our hearts and set our spirit free Holy Spirit, come fill this place Holy Spirit, come fill this place Our hearts are hungry for Your perfect peace Our souls are thirsty for the joy You bring


Jamaica land we love. National Pledge Before God and All mankind. I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart The wisdom and courage of my mind, The strength and vigour of my body in the service of my fellow citizens. I promise to stand up for justice, Brotherhood and Peace, to work diligently and creatively, To think generously and honestly, so that, Jamaica may, under God, increase in beauty, fellowship and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race.

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Convention Evaluation We appreciate your attendance to this convention, please give us your assessment which will assist us in planning for future conventions. Please complete this page, detach and leave at the Public Relations Desk. Please indicate by circling the appropriate group. Age Group: 12-15 16-19 20-25 Gender: Male [ ]





50 and over

Female [ ]

1. Days attended 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 On a scale of 1-5 please rate the following. (1 being the lowest and 5 the highest)


If you are unable to rate circle 0. 2. Suitability of venue [0 1 2 3 4 5] 3. Public Relations

Facilities [0 1 2 3 4 5]

Preparation [0 1 2 3 4 5]

Time Management [0 1 2 3 4 5] Hospitality [0 1 2 3 4 5] 4. Praise and Worship

Preparedness [0 1 2 3 4 5]

Use of allotted time [0 1 2 3 4 5]

Effectiveness [0 1 2 3 4 5]

Please grade the following by putting an X on the line which best expresses your view. Satisfactory Excellent


5. Messages ____________ ________ ________ 6. Opening Ceremony ____________ ________ ________ 7. Zone Highlights ____________ ________ ________ 8. Altar Ministry ____________ ________ ________ 9. Sound ____________ ________ ________ 10. Music ____________ ________ ________ 11. Restrooms ____________ ________ ________ 12. What did you enjoy the most?________________________________________ 13. What was most disappointing?_________________________________________ 14. Suggest an area you would like to see changed______________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to give us your suggestions Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


Local Church Contact




Bunkers Hill


Parish Office


Ocho Rios








Hampden Land


Windsor Heights




Lime Hall




White Hall


Rural Retreat




Golden Grove


Parry Town


John Reid


Salt Marsh


Orange Hill











Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


Prickly Pole Deeside St D’Acre Frazer Barrett Hall Cuffie Ridge Claremont Grant’s Mountain Walkerswood Faith’s Pen

Contact Number

894-3008 868-6209 348-4733 423-9123 504-7707 583-8890 363-4521


Parish Events Event Date Leadership Symposium

October 23-26

Parish Conference

November 23

Parish Crusade

December 13-20

Venue Yankee Church

Jamaica Night August 6 Moneague Church Women’s Convention

October 12

Moneague Church

Weekend Crusade

October 17-19


Men’s convention November 16 Moneague

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost




Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost



Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost




Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Directors y

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost



Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost



Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost

Breaking Forth In The Power of the Holy Ghost


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