Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015-2020

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“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Joel A. Barker

CONTENTS Message from the Mayor and Council..................................................................................................... 2 Message from the CAO and Staff............................................................................................................ 2 Vision Statement..................................................................................................................................... 3 Mission Statement................................................................................................................................... 3 Corporate Values..................................................................................................................................... 4 Pillars of Sustainability............................................................................................................................. 5 Our Strategic Goals................................................................................................................................. 6 Goal 1: Build Economic & Employment Opportunities....................................................................... 7 Goal 2: Build A Safer, Healthier & More Environmentally Sustainable Community............................ 8 Goal 3: Build Our Partnerships, Connections & Connectivity.......................................................... 10 Goal 4: Build Our Cultural Capital....................................................................................................11 Goal 5: Provide Better Municipal Service........................................................................................ 12 Framework and Structure of Our Strategic Plan.................................................................................... 13 Moving Our Plan Forward...................................................................................................................... 14

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020

Message from the Mayor and Council On behalf of Council, I am pleased to present our new Strategic Plan. This document was developed with the input of elected officials, Town staff and our community partners. It is reflective of Council’s collective commitment to action. This Plan will guide the actions of Council over the balance of this term and offer an important platform for future Councils to assess their collective priorities moving forward. Mayor Paisley Donaldson

As we consider our past and the many accomplishments we have realized by working together, we can look to a future that holds a constellation of opportunity for us, individually and collectively. This Strategic Plan is our roadmap to a bright and prosperous future. We look forward to making our strategic goals and long term vision a reality.

Message from the CAO and Staff

Glen Davies Chief Administrative Officer

This Strategic Plan will guide the actions of Town staff and be used to make critical decisions at the operational level about how we effectively allocate our resources, both human and fiscal. This document represents our blueprint for strategic change, and for securing future opportunities. We will be guided in all of our actions by the priorities identified herein. We will report regularly on the progress we are making to realize the key goals and actions, and we will ensure that all submissions that proceed to Council clearly identify the linkage to the goals of the Strategic Plan. Within the 20 year vision, this Plan represents the first 5 year cycle that will layout actionable items to be built on in the subsequent 5 year cycles.

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Vision Statement

Gravenhurst will be the Muskoka destination. The most innovative community in Ontario – clean, green, intelligent and sustainable.

Mission Statement Preserving and enhancing quality of life in Gravenhurst through exceptional and responsible municipal service delivery.

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Corporate Values Accountability: We are accountable to those we serve. We are responsible and responsive. Collaboration: We work together as a whole team. We value all of our community partners.

Integrity: We are open, honest and transparent. Respect: We are inclusive and welcoming. We value diversity and we treat

everyone fairly and with respect.

Service Excellence:

We are constantly looking to improve our services and to enhance our practices.


We value knowledge and the insight of all.

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Balance: The 4 Pillars of Sustainability During the strategic planning process, community leaders, Town staff and community members recognized the importance of promoting Gravenhurst as a Quality Lifestyle Community.






There was resounding support to endorse the four pillars of sustainability and to work collectively toward the goal of balancing social cohesion, environmental resilience, economic health and cultural vitality. These 4 Pillars provide a critical framework that will offer an important strategic platform to guide ongoing municipal commitments and the decision making processes, today and into the future. Definition of a Sustainable Community: A sustainable community is one that values all of its assets – social, cultural, environmental and economic. A sustainable community is a healthy community supported by sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (Bruntland Commission)

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Our Strategic Goals Our vision for the Town of Gravenhurst offers a 20 year time horizon – the same time frame that is articulated in our Official Plan. To achieve our Vision, we have used a sustainability framework and will focus our efforts in five key goal areas:






Build Economic & Employment Opportunities

Build a Safer, Healthier & more Environmentally Sustainable Community

Build Partnerships, Connections & Connectivity

Build Cultural Capital

Provide Better Municipal Services

This plan takes a holistic view of the Gravenhurst community emphasizing the interrelationships between its unique elements - rural/urban and full-time/seasonal residents. The numbers associated with each goal do not indicate order of priority or importance.

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Goal 1: Build Economic & Employment Opportunities Objective 1A: A More Diverse Economy With More Year-Round Employment Opportunities We will retain existing and attract new businesses to Gravenhurst by: • • • • • • • • •

Committing to the ongoing promotion, implementation and review of the Town of Gravenhurst Economic Development Strategic Plan. Continuing to develop and implement a Business Retention & Attraction Strategy. Strengthening our existing construction and tourism industries by convening meetings with industry partners to explore value-added opportunities. Supporting the continued revitalization of our downtown. Lobbying for the expedited redevelopment and optimal use of key Gravenhurst properties. Continuing to identify properties in the Town that are ‘shovel ready’ and available for development and redevelopment. Reviewing municipal best practices to encourage and support private sector investment in Gravenhurst. Working with the District of Muskoka and partners to promote the enhanced use of the Muskoka Airport. Continuing to improve the Town’s website and the use of technology to advance timely and accessible communications.

We will attract workers, families and students to choose Gravenhurst as a place for long-term residence by: •

Continuing to support the development of a Welcoming Strategy in conjunction with community partners.

We will increase employment opportunities by: •

Creating an Employment Opportunities Roundtable/Task Force to identify strategies to attract and mentor entrepreneurs, home-based businesses and the creative class.

Objective 1B: More Effective Marketing We will connect Gravenhurst to the world by: •

Exploring opportunities to increase the Town’s profile and visibility so that Gravenhurst is known as the Muskoka Destination. Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Goal 2: Build A Safer, Healthier & More Environmentally Sustainable Community Objective 2A: A Safer Community We will make Gravenhurst a safer community by: • •

Investing in emergency services that protect all residents and support the efforts of emergency services through annual updates and ongoing implementation of the Emergency Management Plan and Master Fire Plan. Strengthening relationships with key community partners to address the risk factors of crime and explore opportunities to increase resident safety.

Objective 2B: A Well-Planned, Healthy, Green and Livable Community We will improve the health and livability of Gravenhurst by: • • • • • •

Increasing the range of affordable and attainable housing options by working with the District of Muskoka and the development industry. Strengthening services for those living at or below the poverty line by working with partners. Continuing to commit to environmental sustainability by greening our municipal operations and leading by example. Identifying opportunities to create better movement of people and linkages between the three commercial districts in Gravenhurst – the south-end business area, the Wharf and the downtown. Investing in walking, hiking and biking trails through the development and implementation of a Parks and Trails Master Plan. Working with partners to protect water quality and to advance environmental sustainability practices.

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Objective 2B: A Well-Planned, Healthy, Green and Livable Community (Continued) We will enhance the resilience of our Town by: • Assessing, implementing and monitoring energy conservation programs and policies that reduce our carbon footprint. • Working with the District of Muskoka to encourage waste reduction and waste diversion. We will enhance the accessibility of our community by:

• • • • •

Working with District partners to identify opportunities to improve public transportation within the Town and beyond. Developing and implementing an Age-Friendly Active Transportation Strategy to improve community accessibility and walk-ability. Providing leadership in promoting accessible and inclusive recreational services for all. Working with partners including Public Health, District Social Service staff and others to enhance the quality of life for seniors by researching, developing, implementing and evaluating best practices associated with age-in-place services. Implementing wayfinding and signage improvements for both residents and visitors. Investing in roads, bridges and other municipal infrastructure by allocating resources to implement the Capital Plan.

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Goal 3: Build Our Partnerships, Connections & Connectivity Objective 3A: A More Connected Community – A Vibrant Town supported by solid and active partnerships We will improve our community partnerships and engagement by: • Supporting Community Hubs to encourage social interaction and community engagement among all community members by supporting the implementation of key strategic partner initiatives (i.e. Gravenhurst Library Strategic Plan). • Building civic pride through pro-active community engagement of citizens and business by implementing strong community development practices (e.g. Youth Service Providers Network; Cultural Roundtable). • Increasing Town staff presence at community events. • Identifying opportunities to support community volunteer engagement and recognition. We will improve community connectivity by: • • • •

Promoting Gravenhurst as a leading-edge, technologically advanced and ‘intelligent’ community. Relentlessly pursuing the best information and communications technology available to support the growth of home based businesses, e-commerce, telecommuting and effective municipal services. Supporting and participating in the Intelligent Communities Forum. Working with our partners to expand fiber-optic services.

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Goal 4: Build Our Cultural Capital Objective 4A: Valuing Our Cultural & Heritage Assets and Fostering Cultural Innovation We will make Gravenhurst a Cultural Destination in Canada by: • • • • •

Working with partners to make existing cultural and heritage features stronger and more attractive to visitors and residents. Strengthening cultural connections and networks regionally. Committing to the ongoing promotion, implementation and review of the Municipal Cultural Plan and Town of Gravenhurst Opera House Strategic Business Plan. Continuing to support the work of the Cultural Roundtable by identifying opportunities to make Gravenhurst even more welcoming, inclusive and culturally vibrant. Developing policies to support the protection of cultural heritage features and public art.

Bethune Memorial House

Music on The Barge - Gull Lake

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Goal 5: Provide Better Municipal Service Objective 5A: Exceptional Municipal Customer Service We will work to exceed customer expectations by: • • • •

Developing and implementing a Customer Service Standard including Customer Service Satisfaction Surveys completed by all community members who obtain services from the Town of Gravenhurst. Committing to the ongoing review of existing municipal procedures and practices to identify opportunities for process improvements. Working collaboratively with stakeholders to find mutually satisfactory solutions that are beneficial for all. Updating and making an accessible and user-friendly Municipal Services Directory available.

Objective 5B: Exceptional Municipal Management & Operational Excellence We will promote operational excellence by: •

Developing a Comprehensive Human Resources Management Plan to address the human resources needs of the organization including recruitment and retention, succession planning, staff training and development, compensation and performance measurement. • Updating a Municipal Asset Management Plan to document current state of municipal infrastructure (parks, etc.). • Completing capital investment plans to address aging infrastructure and growing demand. • Developing and implementing a financial management tracking system to report on financial accountability and progress on key initiatives. • Creating ‘Team Gravenhurst’ to promote a whole team approach to municipal service excellence. • Continuing to identify opportunities to improve internal communications. • Continuing to identify opportunities for operational efficiencies and effectiveness improvements. • Controlling costs and managing the Corporation responsibly, professionally and in a fiscally prudent manner. • Monitoring the implementation of the Strategic Plan and reporting outcomes. • Upholding the strategic priorities in the Strategic Plan by ensuring that all Staff Reports to Council demonstrate how the Strategic Plan is being advanced and supported. • Ensuring municipal operations are carried out in accordance with all applicable legislation, policies and practices but continue to reflect emerging municipal management best practices. Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Framework and Structure of Our Strategic Plan VISION Gravenhurst will be the Muskoka destination. The most innovative community in Ontario - Clean, green, intelligent and sustainable

MISSION: Preserving and enhancing quality of life in Gravenhurst through exceptional and responsible municipal service delivery

CORPORATE VALUES: Accountability, Integrity, Respect, Wisdom, Service Excellence, Collaboration

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Goals

The Four Pillars of Sustainability Economic Health

Goal 1

Environmental Sustainability

Goal 2

Build Economic & Employment Opportunities

Build A Safer, Healthier & More Environmentally Sustainable Community

A more diverse economy more year-round employment

A safer community

More effective marketing

Social Well-Being and Cohesion

Goal 3

Cultural Vitality

Goal 4

Build Our Partnerships, Connections & Connectivity

Build Our Cultural Capital

A more connected community supported by solid & active partnerships

Valuing our Cultural Heritage Assets & Promoting Cultural Innovation

A healthier, well-planned, more livable community, cleaner, greener, more sustainable, more accessible

Goal 5

Provide Better Municipal Service

Exceptional Customer Service

Exceptional municipal management

Strategic Actions

Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Moving Our Plan Forward... The real measure of a Strategic Plan is the commitment associated with its implementation. This Strategic Plan is considered a ‘living document.’ The Strategic Plan is integrated with the Town’s business planning and budget process. It is also aligned with staff and financial management reporting to ensure that desired progress on specific actions are achieved. The relationship between this Strategic Plan and the Town’s business and operational planning is shown in the schematic below:

Strategic Plan

Fiscal Strategy

Department Plans & Budgets

Individual Performance Plans Every year, staff will review and report to Town Council on progress relating to the implementation of the Strategic Plan. On an ongoing basis, all reports to Council will require an assessment of how each initiative being presented to Council aligns with this document. Staff will be required in their report to indicate how each item upholds the vision, goals and strategic objectives of this Plan. We encourage you to follow our progress. All reports will be posted to our website ( for ready access. The next phase of the strategic planning process will focus on implementing the plan. In Q1 2016, tools such as departmental business plans, performance measures and report cards, among others will be determined as a means to track the progress being made. Town of Gravenhurst - Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020


Corporation of the Town of Gravenhurst 3 - 5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst P1P 1Z3 Municipal Office Phone: (705) 687- 3412 Fax: (705) 687- 7016 Toll Free: 1-855-687-3412

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