Express'o Issue One

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Issue #1


Issue #1 Content Page English Spiritual Article 4 Chinese Revelation Article 6 Church Service Summary 8 Recommendations 11 Photo of the Month 15


The Editors

Hannah Xu Qian Ru Chinese Revelation Article

Jeanette Zee English Revelation Article

Yvonne Teo Yen Pin Recommendations Article

Chris Benhard Armanda Sembiring-Gurukinayan Church Service Summary


English Spiritual Article

A New Year’s Poem for Christians by Jeanette Zee

“Instead of making a New Year’s resolution Consider committing to a biblical solution Your promises are easily broken Empty words, though earnestly spoken But God’s Word transforms the soul By His Holy Spirit making you whole As you spend time alone with Him He will change you from within” -- Mary Fairchild -44

This poem talks about starting the New Year right with God. As we kick start 2014, let us remember to always lean onto God’s word as His word produces strength in us. In Isaiah 40:8, it says: “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.” There will be times when you feel like things are becoming worse and all hope is lost; times when situations don’t turn out the way it is supposed to be, or how you want it to be (like how the grass withers and flower fades when it is supposed to bloom). Despite these, we must stand strong in the word of God! Always remember the revelations that He has spoken to us and, through it, we will be able to overcome any season in our lives in the year 2014! Let’s get ready for this great year, believing that it will be the best year yet! :) 55


Chinese Spiritual Article by Hannah Xu Qian Ru

一到新年,作为一个华人,第一个想到的节日应该是过年。过个大 肥年也是每个人心中的愿望。那有多少人知道这个节日的由来呢? 中国古代就有那么一个传说。 中国古时候有个叫“年”的怪兽,头长尖角,凶猛异常。“年”兽 长年深居海底,每到除夕,爬上岸来吞食牲畜伤害人命。村里的百 姓们只能每年找地方躲藏,自求多福。有一年,一位白发老人来到 了村里,说自己能赶走“年”怪兽。村里的人不相信,劝着老人赶 紧离开去山上逃命!而他执意留在村里,人们也没办法,纷纷离 66

开去了躲避处。除夕那晚,“年”怪兽又闯进村里肆虐,老人开始 放起了鞭炮,“年”浑身颤栗准备躲进屋里,却不料老人穿着一身 红色站在门口,“年”吓得魂飞破散,匆忙逃离了村,从此再也没 有出现过。隔天人们纷纷回到了村里,见白发老人安然无恙,纷纷 问起才了解了解决方案。原来“年”怪兽害怕光和炸响,最害怕红 色。这就在民间流传了几千年的习俗,一到过年,大家都会有红福 挂在门外,放鞭炮,团结在一起吃年夜饭,一起守岁。 然而,很多基督徒认为我们不应该过年,因为基督教并没有这个节 日。但其实中国的传说却和上帝的教育也有几分相似感。恶魔最怕 的就是耶稣的宝血,也怕光芒和人们的笑声。传说里的“年”不就 是这样吗?怕红色,怕烛光,怕炸响。而如果每个神的孩子,在新 的一年里,以耶稣的宝血作为我们的保护色;天天生活在上帝给的 光芒里;并且无论在上帝的国度里,还是堕落的世界里,我们都可 以活的多姿多彩,都可以活得开心快乐,那我相信撒旦会永远远离 你。因为你拥有了他最害怕的东西。 在此,在这个崭新的2014年,我祝愿大家拥有美好的一年,并且让 我们披着耶稣的宝血走过2014的每一天!祝大家过个团圆年!并且 期待下一期的报刊“Express,O”! 77

Church Service Summary


by Chris Benhard Armanda Sembiring-Gurukinayan On his first visit to City Harvest Church (CHC) on 2014, Dr. A. R. Bernard shared his theme for the New Year, “Focus”. Dr. Bernard introduced his sermon with a verse from Luke 9:51, which he called as the first verse foreshadowing the Ascension of Christ. Dr. Bernard noted that, although Jesus’ time had come for Him to return to Heaven, he still set his mind towards Jerusalem, the place where He would be crucified. “Focus,” said Dr. Bernard, “is emotionally and mentally setting one’s mind to what he is facing”. However, to focus does not mean that one can ignore his daily responsibilities merely for the sake of focusing towards his goal. Dr. Bernard reminded that although Jesus set His eyes towards Jerusalem, He still taught His disciples about the parable of the Good Samaritan and was involved in an altercation with the Pharisees about whether healing the sick during the Sabbath is a sin. 88

According to Dr. Bernard, there are eight points to describe what focus is. They are: 1. Focus is a wondrous sensation of clarity and alertness. 2. Focus is fearlessness in the face of opposition. 3. Focus is confidence beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can do whatever you set your mind to. 4. Focus is keeping your head erect, your eye on the ball and knocking it out of the park. 5. Focus is getting in the zone, keeping on your toes, staying on target, staying on top of things. 6. Focus is power. 7. Focus is taking hold of life and not letting go until your dreams become reality. 8. Focus is knowing that if God be for you, who (in their right mind) can be against you? 99

Bringing his sermon to conclusion, Dr. Bernard recounted the Parable of the Prodigal Son. “When the Prodigal Son decided to eat the pig’s slob, he entered his lowest point in life,” Dr. Bernard said. Every man has his own lowest point, each different to the others. “You’ve got to have discipline to get out of your low point,” he continued. The challenge to continue engaging discipline, however, comes when one is about to reach his perceived highest point. “I have come so far from my lowest point, I’ve been through so much, I deserve a break!” Dr. Bernard said this marks one’s beginning to downfall back to his lowest point. “When he returns to his lowest point, he’ll say, ‘I have enough, I’m not satisfied with my condition, I will practice discipline again’. But when he’s close to his highest point, he will say that he needs break again!” Dr. Bernard said. The repeat of low point-high point-taking a break-low point ad infinitum is what Dr. Bernard called “the Roller Coaster”, with the comfort zone is in the middle of one’s low and high points. Dr. Bernard concluded that discipline should be engaged and maintained to avoid falling back to one’s life low point.

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Healthy Snacks by Yvonne Teo Yen Pin

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” Is health part of your 2014 New Year’s Resolutions? Being healthy bothers me because I love carbs, fatty food and snacks. “Healthy” sounds like giving up delicacies, or working out for the rest of my life in exchange for this -36 24 36-. *If you know what I mean*. Well, the truth is, health means discipline. Having delicacies once in a while is fine, but it must be controlled whenever the intake exceeds what the body needs. While you feel that it is a torture for the sake of a healthy lifestyle, the good news is, not all healthy food tastes bad! *wink* 11 11

The major issue with Singaporeans is that they have too little knowledge of what they are consuming, and how to consume it right. To start the year right, let’s begin with our health! 1. Coffee Coffee contains caffeine which is a stimulant. It may also act as a mild appetite suppressant; it helps to reduce cravings for snacks or sweets.

Coffee might also stimulate your metabolism, meaning to keep your calories burning. It is also known to prevent 11 diseases, skin cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer, colon cancer (intestinal problems that begins with just constipation), prostate cancer, endometrial cancer, liver cancer, oral cancer, depression and death. While God is our Ultimate Healer, He sent ample wonderful resources to help us learn to love our body just like how He loves. Note: Caffeine helps to lose weight. However sugar, cream and milk contain high amount of saturated fats. Therefore, when having coffee, take note of sugar and milk intake. An overdose of caffeine 12 12

also leads to increased level of Stress, remember, moderation is key. The important thing, which many fail to do, is to drink plenty of water after coffee to keep the body’s fluid replenished after the caffeine intake. Know its effects on your body type and take advantage of it! 2. Blueberries Blueberries contain one of the highest antioxidants any fruit can have, which work to neutralize free radicals linked to the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other agerelated conditions. These little powerhouses provide tasty ways of staying healthy. They boost up your immune system and prevent infections. Once your immunity is strong, you won’t catch colds, fever, pox and all such nasty viral and bacterial communicable diseases that easily. Blueberries are high in Anthocyanin, which helps to counter the buildup of plaque, found in diseases like High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar and Obesity. Are you constantly straining your brain? Well Blueberry is here to save the day!

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3. Sweet Potato Fried Wedges Do you love French fries? A Macdonald Large Fries cost you 570 calories, it is more than what you need for one meal. A substitute for French fries is Sweet potato fried wedges. They are a good source of Magnesium which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral. For those who have low blood, they serve a good amount of iron, producing a balanced amount of red blood cells and white blood cells. Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet-tasting but their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream, helping to ensure a balanced and regular source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes linked to fatigue and weight gain. Also, they are an alternative to your ‘Loreal Anti Aging Cream’ because they can protect your skin from aging! 14 14

Photo of the Month

“Time flames like a paraffin stove and what burns are the minutes I live.” – Irving Layton, The Selected Poems

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