Issue #2
Dream Free
Issue #2 Content Page English Spiritual Article 4 Chinese Revelation Article 6 Church Service Summary 8 Recommendations 12 Photo of the Month 17
The Contributors
Hannah Xu Qian Ru Chinese Revelation Article
Jeanette Zee English Revelation Article
Yvonne Teo Yen Pin Recommendations Article
Chris Benhard Armanda Sembiring-Gurukinayan Church Service Summary
Jason Lee Photography & Design
English Spiritual Article
by Jeanette Zee
When you look at this picture, what do you see? Many of you may say that this is just a picture of myriad stars with one shining brightly in the sky. But my first thoughts from this picture are my dreams. What caught me was, if God’s promise for us are like stars and because they are always there, it indicates to me that God’s promises for us will never fade away. To have a dream and to desire for excellence in our dreams are two different objectives. The brightest star probably catches most of your attention, and similarly once you achieve your dream, it will be like this star shining brightly in the midst of darkness, and this brightness attracts people to wonder. Nothing will be able to stop you from shining as you truly focus on the visions and dreams that we want to achieve in our life. To live is Christ and to die is gain, our life is to be a living testimony for the Lord. Undeniably, the toughest is always the process but always keep in mind everything happens for a purpose. Every difficulty that God planted is only to bring us closer to our vision and dreams! Just like how Joseph in the bible (Genesis 37) had a dream. None of his brothers believe him and hated him for having that dream. His father, Jacob, did not believe him as well. However, Joseph still hold on to the dream. His journey wasn’t all smooth and sweet, but the recipe to how he persevered through is he constantly trust in God and eventually achieved his dream. Now stop for a moment and think, what are your visions and dreams for 2014? It may be difficult at times but with God’s strength, we are able to achieve them! Let’s be like Joseph and fulfill our dreams to be the brightest star in our family, career and campus! :)
当梦想遇上自由的翅膀 Chinese Spiritual Article by Hannah Xu Qian Ru
不知道你们曾经是否经历过,小时候特别喜欢趴在阳台上,贪婪着阳光的沐浴和早晨新鲜空气的抚摸,望着遥望无际的 碧蓝天空里,看着自由飞翔的小鸟。常常这样静静的发呆会让心情格外的平静和开心。自由总是每个人心中的愿望,何 年何月我能像天空中的小鸟一样,在这个沉沦的世界里自由自在地飞翔。 而始终,在我们懵懂的心里,自由的定义却是如此的不清晰。而我们所谓的梦想永远被现实枷锁着。到底什么才是真正 的自由,梦想如何才可以遇到属于它的自由翅膀。 很多人解释自由为“想做什么就做什么,不管别人的利与损,只专注于自己的利益”,而这个解释是对自由最大的误 解。自由的字面意思: 自是自己,由是由来。连起来便是“自己的由来”。上帝由自己的形象造人,很明显,我们的根 来源于上帝,便是神的儿女,而不是来源于猩猩。 能得到真正自由的人便是那些知道自己由来,真正了解自己在神的国 度是谁并且铭记在心。 很多人因为得到了自由而迷失了自己。也有一些人因为认清了自己而得到了永恒的自由。 当你属于后者,在神的国度里,对自己有了认知,有了信心的基础上;你的思想,态度,信念,想像力将不断得到扩 展,在这些广大的领域加上乐观积极的心理调料,孕育了梦想的味道。而这些梦想在上帝的烘培下拥有了属于它的自由 翅膀。约翰第8章第32节说到:“你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。”而这里的真理指的是神的话语,神的话 语必叫我们得以自由。 有句俗话:“不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。”连我们世人都相信要听过来的劝告,才会少犯错,多得成功的自由,更何况 是住在天上的神父,我们是不是该多听听他的话语呢?帮你的梦想找到属于它的翅膀吧!在上帝的指引下,让有翅膀的 梦想在你的人生中放射出闪耀的光芒! 今天,你的梦想遇到了自由翅膀了么?敬请期待下一期的“回味浓咖啡”专栏!
Church Service Summary
Fresh Start
by Chris Benhard Armanda Sembiring-Gurukinayan In the spirit of the Chinese New Year, Ps. Phil Pringle preached about the importance of “Fresh Start” on Saturday (8/2). Ps. Phil opened his sermon by reading Isaiah 43:18 in The Message version, noting how we should not keep looking back on our problems of the past. There are three things which we should do to start afresh, according to Ps. Phil, the three things are namely: 1. Facing your fears, forgive and be forgiven 2. Being useful, as usefulness creates possibilities 3. Having fresh encounters with Jesus Christ Ps. Phil then turned to the book of Philemon, a letter which Paul wrote to Philemon regarding the latter’s runaway slave Onesimus. Before he elaborated, Ps. Phil shared some background information about slavery in the Roman Empire, which is nearing its peak at Paul’s time. “If you have a slave, his wife and children would also become your slaves. Some families sold their children as slaves for money in order to pay debts. Sometimes slavery is imposed to criminals. Or, when Rome went and conquered a place, the people would be sold off as slaves back in Rome,” explained Ps. Phil. As for Onesimus, who ran away from his master Philemon, Ps. Phil noted that a runaway slave would be prosecuted by the Roman authorities, and at times, died in prisons. Onesimus, from Paul’s letter to Philemon, met Paul in prison and was sent back to face his master, “a wealthy man, whose house was also a church”. Paul began his letter by praising Philemon’s faithfulness and love, and confronted him regarding Onesimus on verse 12. In Onesimus’ point of view, Paul had sent him back to Philemon to be forgiven, as much as Philemon was instructed by Paul to forgive. “You don’t get victory by avoiding your problem, but by facing the problem. Not dealing with the issues doesn’t mean
the issues have been dealt with,” said Ps. Phil. Ps. Phil reminded that the book of Philemon was not only written for Philemon, but also Apphia, Archippus (whom some scholars believe was Philemon’s son), and the congregation of the church in Philemon’s house. Therefore, Ps. Phil explained, Paul wanted the whole church, not only Philemon, to forgive Onesimus. “Our job is not to judge, our job is to love. Let’s be accepting,” Ps. Phil said. Ps. Phil continued by paraphrasing verse 14, saying, “I want to keep Onesimus with me, but he can’t get a new beginning if he hadn’t face whatever he had done in the past”. Ps. Phil said that when we open our sins which we hide, “the Light will come revealing it, and the blood of Christ will wash it away”. In verse 16, Paul made a mindboggling request, which is to accept Onesimus as a brother rather than a slave. Philemon, Ps. Phil said, had every legal right to abuse Onesimus for the rest of his days as a punishment for running away. However, Paul personally asked him to receive Onesimus as he would the Apostle himself.
As a runaway slave, Onesimus should have repaid a year wage to Philemon for each day he ran away, Ps. Phil explained. This is what Onesimus owed Philemon, as Paul wrote in verse 18. However, Paul is clever that he put a caveat in verse 19, reminding what Philemon owed Paul as his disciple. Ps. Phil went on to his second point, which is to be useful and effective. He listed down seven ways how a person can be profitable, which are: 1. Skillful
2. Willing
3. Be reliable
4. Excel
5. Prepared
6. Wise.
7. Healthy
Ps. Phil proceeded with his third way to have a fresh start, which is to have fresh encounter with Christ. Ps. Phil said that the reason why we should acknowledge every good thing in us to Christ, that is, acknowledgements of what we have to Christ represented our faith in Him. In Philemon verse 16, Paul took it to the next step by acknowledging every good things in others, because such acknowledgements refreshes fellow believers.
Ps. Phil closed his sermon by reading several verses which acknowledges Christ. Those verses are: - Philippians 4:13 - Matthew 19:26 - Luke 1:37 - 2 Corinthians 2:14 - John 14:14 - Matthevw 7:7 - John 15:26 - Romans 8:28 - Hebrews 13:5 - 1 John 4:4 - Isaiah 54:17 - Isaiah 54:4 - Philippians 4:6 - Psalm 55:22 - Psalm 37:3 - Psalm 37:5 - Philemon 1:7
Colour Therapy by Yvonne Teo Yen Pin
“And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.” 1John 5:14-15 Believing in what God has designed you for, self-confidence plays a role in this Faith we talk about all the time. More often than not, when we dress well we feel good. Don’t you agree? Your outward appearance is an expression of your inward soul, so if you believe in god, dress like you are ready to fight on tomorrow’s battle. Broadcast to everyone that “I AM EXCITED FOR MY VISION”. No I am not going to dictate you to wear a dress or jeans that I particularly like, neither am I saying that our appearance equates to the level of our passion or success. But these are little details of life that can help you get by your journey with God. I am going to introduce you colour therapy; Colours that heal the inner soul, that may unknowingly assist you in your daily life. It may be applied in anything that you wish to express yourself in. If you ever think about it, if God creates everything for a reason, he must have created colours for a reason as well! Why can that pink make everyone go cray? Or why can blue bring serenity to one’s soul? Why did the bible relate purity with white? Why did the bible suggest purple as the colour of royalty, and red as atonement for sins? When God appeared unto Noah after the flood, and placed a rainbow in the sky; he did much more than show him a phenomenon. In the seven colors, beginning with red and ending with purple, God was displaying a natural miracle that demonstrated the complete redemption of man. Colours have soul, do you believe? In order make you the trendiest kid in town, I am not talking about plain Jane or plain Jack. I will introduce you the colours that are rocking in spring/summer 2014. This is applicable for guys as well.
Fuchsia Fuchsia is a vibrant and warm pink colour, youthful and encourages a sense of confidence. These pinks are passionate and almost sensual. Furthermore, these pinks are said to have the power to increase one’s blood pressure and pulse rate. It is inevitable that we will feel tired chasing a dream that more often than not seem so far away. Fuchsia motivates action and fuels creative thought. These pictures are examples of how a use of vibrant pinks adds energy and life. So if your dream requires some creativity and energy, try fuchsia! Oh if you realized, yea Fuchsia looks good with shades I guess.
Note: Fuchsia can sometimes be too loud, dry to wear neutrals for other accessories to prevent yourself from looking overdressed. For references, the models used neutral shades like black, white or nude to create balance. Also, you realize there are different shades of Fuchsia, to suit different skin tones. So if you are a cool tone, then look for a cooltoned Fuchsia, likewise for warm tones.
Electric Blue Trust me, electric blue looks good on anyone. Go for colour blocking! It can be fun matching colours especially with such an easy-going colour. The color of ocean and sky, blue is perceived as a constant in our lives. As the collective color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming. Electric Blue symbolizes a mystical borderland of wisdom, self-mastery, and spiritual realization. While blue is the color of communication with others, it turns the blue inward to increase personal thought, profound insights, and instant understandings. If you are wondering why is your dream not fulfilling, try staring at electric blue for some inspiration and understanding of God’s heart. Nah I’m kidding.
When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will be still and know you are God. May blue remind you to be still and know that he is God.
Monochromes (Black and White) Black and White needs no introduction. In case you don’t know, black is a colour. Monochrome is still rocking and it is going to last through summer. Let me tell you why is monochrome such a darling, black can hide your flaws and white can highlight your fine points. It makes you perfect! Black is the color of authority and power, stability and strength. It is also the color associated with intelligence and white symbolizes purity, innocence and birth. It’s closely associated with winter and can also represent surrender or truth. I hope in the light of intelligence and authority of Christ, we also set apart and consecrate ourselves, surrendering to God in totality, even after our dreams have been fulfilled.
This is how I would do my monochrome way, and as I’m not a fan of loud prints, a matching of colours is simple and good enough for me! Our ultimate dream is to be with Jesus, and I hope these colours can remind you of certain promises God have for you. Never give up till the end of the race.
“Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.� Napoleon Hill 17