ANNOUNCEMENTS LAITY SUNDAY Join us for our annual Laity Sunday on October 30. Thomas Kemper will be speaking on “Mission in Christ’s Way,” Thomas is General Secretary of the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church . A na ve of Germany and a layperson, Kemper is the first person from outside the United States elected to lead a United Methodist agency.
YOUTH MINISTRY PUMPKIN PATCH IS OPEN! Mondays through Friday 4:30‐8:00 Saturdays 10:00‐6:00 Sundays 12:00‐6:00 All proceeds go directly towards Youth Mission Trips.
FELLOWSHIP UMW ‐ SAVE THE DATE ‐ GREEN & WHITE BANQUET The 46th annual Green & White Banquet will be held on Tuesday, December 6th in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 6:30pm. Sponsored by the Dunwoody United Methodist Women, the event is open to all women in the church, and is the only me in the year when all UMW circles meet together. The cost is $10 per person. Contact Melanie Williams at 770‐394‐8977 or
PICKLEBALL Join us in the gym for Pickleball, the na on's fastest growing sport. Open play between 2 and 4 p.m. every Tuesday star ng October 4. Equipment provided. Open to the community.
GODSPELL In this masterful 2012 Broadway revision, the story of Jesus' life dances across the stage with contemporary references and dazzling new arrangements and songs including Day by Day, All Good Gi s, and On the Willows. November 4‐5, at 7 p.m., and November 6, at 3 p.m., ckets $20 Adults and $10 Students at the door only.
LIGHT SUPPER BEFORE GODSPELL Join us Fri. Nov. 4 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 258 for pizza and salad before opening night of Godspell by DUMC Performing Arts. Supper cost is $5; show cket is
separate. Last day for payment is Tues. Nov 1. Contact Mary Ruffin,770‐394‐0675 ext. 115.
FEARLESS CONVERSATION ‐ A YOUNG ADULT SERIES NEW series Fearless Conversa on star ng THIS Sunday in the GRAVITY Sunday school class. This is a 13 week series that uses scripture to provoke ques ons we all think but no one asks. Dunwoody UMC Young Adult Suite, 10:30am. Every Sunday through 2016.Follow us on facebook for updates ‐
BRIDGE GROUP The Thursday A ernoon Bridge Group meets in the Young Adult Suite on the second and fourth Thursdays from 12:45 to 3:15 p.m. Men and women, young adults to seniors, are welcome. For more informa on, contact Be y Daugherty, 770‐ 390‐0814 or Be y Ringley, 770‐704‐4007.
25th ANNUAL HOLIDAY FESTIVAL Saturday, November 12 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Pancake Breakfast 9:00 a.m.‐4:00 p.m. – Fes val Hours 2016 Holiday Fes val Features: Free admission, 120 ar sans, A c Treasures, Book Nook, Gourmet Shop, Café Intermezzo Coffees, Casseroles To Go, Lunch, Concessions, Photos with Santa, Kids Cra s, Kids Zone with Games, Pe ng Zoo, Live Entertainment, Silent Auc on MORE INFORMATION:‐fes val Facebook – Holiday Fes val Twi er ‐ @DUMCHolidayFest The City –Join “2016 Holiday Fes val”
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed for many aspects of the DUMC Holiday Fes val on November 12th from 7am to 6 pm. This is YOUR chance to give the church a couple of hours of your me. If you are willing to help on that Saturday, please contact Martha Purcell or 770‐825‐0585.
ANNOUNCEMENTS SILENT AUCTION Items, experiences, ckets, and service dona ons are all needed to make the silent auc on a success. Contact Lauren Townsend
GROWTH STEPHEN MINISTRY If you would like to talk with one of our Stephen Ministers call Pat DeBolt at 770‐ 396‐6836.
DUMC 101
For more informa on/ques ons about DUMC missions, please contact, 770‐394‐0675 ext 117
These classes are an introduc on to our church and the United Methodist denomina on. Rev. David Melton will teach the series at 10:30 a.m. in the Young Adult Suite Nov. 6, 13 and 20. or 770‐394‐0675 x 136
BLOODDRIVE Sunday, October 30 from 8:00 a.m. ‐ 12:00 p.m. in the gym. You can reserve a me slot now by visi ng (sponsor code: dunwoodyumc), by calling 1‐800‐733‐ 2767, or by contac ng Polly Frederick at church ( or 770‐394‐0675 ext. 122
PACKAGE OF HOPE DUMC provides non perishable food that will feed a family of four for several days. Join us on Oct 29 in the Youth Area from 9 ‐11 am. In partnership with Ac on Ministries, our goal is to make families feel welcome as they work through tough financial mes to get back on their feet. Contact Cindy Hatcher at .
COMPUTER BASICS Join Bryan Jordin for a class that will teach ps‐and‐tricks on basic computer skills, ge ng the most out of your smartphone, naviga ng the internet and more. Thursday, October 27 6:00 PM‐ 7:30 PM in the Wesley room. Contact with ques ons or to register.
Altar Flowers To reserve Flowers In Memory of In Honor of someone, call Mary Ruffin at 770‐394‐0675 ext 112. The cost is $80 and is payable to DUMC with Altar Flowers in the memo line of your check.
You Are On My Mind! This morning, I want to share with you a couple of thoughts that have been on my mind this week. First of all, let me begin with a word of apprecia on. Yesterday was an incredible day. Nearly 800 of you volunteered to work on over 40 mission projects here at the church and throughout the community and greater Atlanta area. Lives were touched, needs were met, and people will benefit in ways most of you will prob‐ ably never see. Yet, you gathered to help make a difference in the name of Jesus Christ. The words, “Thank you” can’t even begin to express the depth of what I believe the people you ministered to are feeling. S ll, I hope you take some joy in know‐ ing you have been the hands and feet of Christ. On a personal level, you are an inspira on to me. I par cularly want to thank Chris & Samantha Faklaris, the Great Day of Service Commi ee and all of the project coordinators for providing the necessary leadership. I have also been ge ng excited about our Barbeque Bash this evening. It begins at 4:30 p.m. with Children’s Ac vi es. We will have a pe ng zoo and inflatables so the children can play. From 5:30 – 7:00 p.m., we will be having a BBQ dinner (there is no cost for the meal) and a program. Entertainment will be provided by Doug Allen, plus a preview performance from the cast of Godspell, and a perfor‐ mance by the Children’s Choir. The BBQ Bash will help us kick off our focus on the power of generosity. Through your generosity, this church is able to do so much to minister to the lives of peo‐ ple both near and far.
TRANSITIONAL HOUSING In partnership with HomeStretch, we are guiding homeless families with children towards self‐reliance by providing life skills educa on, mentoring and suppor ve housing. We s ll need items for the family home. If you are able to donate any of these items, please contact Samantha Faklaris.
OCTOBER 23, 2016
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ‐ Ma hew 6:21 Our 2017 Es mate of Giving campaign ‐ the Power of Generosity launches today. Please prayerfully consider your pledge for 2017 and return the provided pew card in the offering plate. Visit for more ways to submit your es mate.
Wednesday Night Dinner Menu October 26 ‐ Savory Chicken* Cod Tenders* French Fries * Red Beans & Rice Yellow Squash* Salad Bar * Dessert * Beverages DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road • Dunwoody, GA • 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 • After Hours: 770-542-1667 • Senior Pastor: Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Josh Amerson, Kathy Brockman, Jenna Kennedy, David Melton and Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem • Audio Visual: Ed Trundle
Those of you who were present last year will remember what a wonderful even‐ ing it proved to be and how good it was to gather as a church to share a meal together and to celebrate the love of Christ through the ministry of this congre‐ ga on. If you haven’t already made plans to be present, I hope you will do so as you are reading this ar cle. You will be glad you did. Finally, I want to invite you to join me in responding to the needs of the vic ms of Hurricane Ma hew by making a dona on to the United Commi ee on Relief (UMCOR). To do so, simply make your check payable to DUMC and note it for UMCOR. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many people. I look forward to seeing you this evening. Blessings,
It Is Good to Give Thanks to the Lord (Psalm 92)
Voluntary on “O Day of Peace” (Hymn 729)
Moments with the Younger Church 9:00 ‐ Children kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to go to Children’s Church. Pick up in the Arts and Cra s Room.
Chiming of the Hour Introit
Introit on Psalm 150
Hymn #405
Seek Ye First
Call to Worship *
Processional Hymn #166
All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine
Be S ll My Soul
Affirma on of Faith #881 The Apostles' Creed
Gloria Patri #71
Clearing Out the Clu er
Hymn of Dedica on #402
Charge and Benedic on
Response Hymn #431
Lord, I Want to Be a Chris an
Greet Your Neighbor
Doug Allen
Song of Praise
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Prayer for Illumina on Rev. Dan Brown
Scripture Reading
Ma hew 6:25‐33
Prayers for Others and the Lord's Prayer Tithes and Offerings I WANT TO BE A CHRISTIAN
Sermon Song of Praise
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Carillon (from Twenty‐Four Pieces in Free Style)
* Please stand as you are able
Malinda Belbutowski Rev. David Melton
Be S ll and Know Clearing Out the Clu er
Rev. Josh Amerson
Be The Centre
Benedic on
+ Ushers may seat people
(9:00 & 10:30)
Response Hymn #611 Child of Blessing, Child of Promise
Words of Welcome Congrega onal Prayer God of truth, guide us as we listen for your wisdom. Guide our hearts, that we may receive your love. Guide our minds that we may accept your challenges. Guide our lives, that we may follow your direc on. Guide us to know the Scriptures so that we may know your wisdom and truth. Amen.
TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS 9:00: Rip Clark – Head Usher, Megan Cann, Lucre a Farley, Ron Garre , Mark Hallenbeck, Glenn Hancock, Sam Lo , Ken Loux, Robert Ragsdale, Herb Williams, Tom Wright 10:30: Greg Hammer – Head Usher, Randy Forth, Press Hall, Gail Jones, Jim Kilburn, Kevin Patrick, Stan Petersen, Olin Riser, Mike Vann, Sco Wilkinson
Pastoral Concerns Silent Prayer Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer #895 Chancel Choir The Gi to Be Simple
Shaker tune, arr. Chilco
Chancel Choir ‘Tis the gi to be simple, ‘ s the gi to be free; ‘Tis the gi to come down where you oughta be; And when we find ourselves in a place just right; ‘Twill be in the valley of love and delight. When true simplicity is gained, to bow and to bend we shan’t be ashamed; To turn, turn will be our delight ll by turning, turning we come round right.
Gospel Lesson
How Great Is Our God
Sacrament of Holy Bap sm
Love The Lord
Invita on to Chris an Discipleship
Sibelius, arr. Krug
(Sixth in Series, “Soul Ma ers”)
Songs of Praise
Welcome, Announcements & Prayer
Doxology #95 Sermon
Choral Amen
Youth Handbell Choir; Mark Lamback, director
Pastor: How beau ful is the word of the Lord! People: How wise are God’s commandments! Pastor: Through the Lord’s precepts, we gain understanding. People: Through God’s wisdom, we find truth. Pastor: Living Word, Great Teacher, lead us and guide us! People: Amen!
Ministry Moment
Giving of the Tithe and Offering
Chancel Choir
Ma hew 6:25‐33 Lay Readers 9:00 Sue Cunnold,10:30 Pa y Heitmuller
Page 1176
RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED Brian DeChant ‐ Atlanta Medical Rosalie Fitzpatrick ‐ Saint Joseph's Charles Holman ‐ Saint Joseph's Jim Chris an ‐ Saint Joseph's ICU Yvonne Harreld ‐ Emory Midtown Ben Bailey ‐ N.E. Atlanta Health & Rehab Mark Dinsmore ‐ Prui HealthCare Brookhaven Joan Curran ‐ Manor Care Marie a Rose Marie Higman ‐ Home Bob Hallenberg ‐ Manor Care Marie a Frank Deaver ‐ Prui HealthCare Brookhaven Jenni Davies ‐ N. Fulton Rehab
CONTEMPORARY SERVICE BAND Doug Allen ‐ worship leader, Barry Piacente ‐ acous c guitar, Doug Walters ‐ bass, David Lingle ‐ drums, Bri any Shewbridge ‐ vocals, Skip Benicky ‐electric guitar SERVICE VOLUNTEERS Mike Foraker ‐ sound engineer, Eric Oliver ‐ mul media, Kerri Dodd ‐ligh ng, Glenn Conoley ‐ tech booth leader, Beth Balga ‐ set‐up, Emily Hasler, Grace Griffin, Kyle Mas n, Jennifer Hasler, Julie Hasler, Keith Griffin, Mike McGannon, Paul Rozeman
CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS BAPTISM TODAY Worship: 1030 Grace Hill Childs, daughter of Sarah and Joe Childs, born May Sunday School: 556 23, 2016. Ethan Michael Sheehan, son of Amanda and Chris Sheehan, born June 12, 2016. FLOWERS ON THE CHANCEL In loving memory of Virginia C. Tribble by the Rich House family.