ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY’S SPECIAL OFFERING Today is the annual offering for the United Methodist Children’s Home. Through your generous dona ons, the UMCH will be able to place more children in loving foster homes rather than spend the night in hotels with strangers through recrui ng, training, and suppor ng more foster parents. For more informa on go to
PRESCHOOL 2017‐2018 DUMC PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION IS COMING! Thursday, January 19, 2018 ‐ Dunwoody UMC Members and Friday, January 20, 2018 ‐ New Families For more informa on or to reserve a tour date, please contact Susan Hotchkiss at 770‐394‐2555, or by email at
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY FRIENDSGIVING POTLUCK Friendsgiving is a me to celebrate your chosen family, aka your friends!! On November 19th, turkeys will be provided, just bring a side or dessert to share! Email for the Ginn's address.
HOLIDAY FESTIVAL THANK YOU Thank you to the hundreds who volunteered, to the thousands who a ended and to the many who made dona ons of any kind to Holiday Fes val 2016. We also are so apprecia ve of our DUMC staff who went out of their way to help in many areas with this event. We are so blessed to have the many resources and talents within our church community to help DUMC host an event of this size. Its a joy every year, to work together on this Fes val to support Habitat for Humanity. We hope you will join us this spring when we build our 27th Habitat for Humanity home. Sincerely, Mary Millar and Susan Anderson Holiday Fes val Co‐chairs
BOOK NOOK BAG SALE Last chance for bargain books ‐ fill a bag for $5, Room 171, today 10 a.m ‐ 12:30 p.m.
FELLOWSHIP UMW ‐ CIRCLE MEETINGS MOMS ON THE GROW ‐ 11/15 Parlor 9:15 a.m. NEW HORIZONS IN CHRIST ‐ 11/11 at the church Please visit the website for details of each mee ng. GRACETIME ‐ 11/29 5:00 pm DUMCYA/events
Join us on Sunday, December 4 in the Young Adult Area at 11:45 am as we introduce our new chairs for 2017, meet the next Execu ve Director and Case Manager and have safe sanctuary training for those that need it.
Make your reserva on for the 46th annual Green & White Banquet sponsored by Dunwoody UMW on December 6 at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy special music, a delicious buffet, and an inspira onal program. Submit your $10 check payable to DUMW by Nov. 27 to your Circle chair, or to Melanie Williams, 770‐394‐8977 or
HIGHTOWER COAT DRIVE DUMCP will be collec ng coats for children ages five to eleven in a bin across from the preschool office November 14. Please help these precious children stay warm!
Nursery Drop‐In Program Drop‐In will be available Monday through Friday, 9:00am‐1:00pm for children ages 6 months through 5 years old. Drop‐In is open to DUMC church members and currently enrolled DUMC Preschool families. Please stop by the nursery or email Nursery Director, Usha Raghavan (
FIRST TIME GUESTS If this is your first me visi ng DUMC, please stop by one of the welcome desks for a gi from us.
AGAPE ‐ NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS A new adult Sunday School class for parents of elementary children and youth, will begin a brief study of Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way of Living in November; Followed by Adam Hamilton's The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlemen. Please contact Elizabeth Lamback at
ANNOUNCEMENTS GROWTH STEPHEN MINISTRY If you would like to talk with one of our Stephen Ministers call Pat DeBolt at 770‐ 396‐6836.
DUMC 101 These classes are an introduc on to our church and the United Methodist denomina on. Rev. David Melton will teach the series at 10:30 a.m. in the Young Adult Suite Nov. 6, 13 and 20.
When We Give Ourselves Away…!
RADICAL MENTORING Since 2010, seven men from the congrega on have dedicated ten months of their me to lead small groups of younger men, generally in their 30s or 40s, in Radical Mentoring. Each of the men explores his purpose, his rela onship with Jesus, discipleship, life/work balance and, what it means to be a Chris an man, husband and father through monthly reading of books, review of scripture, at‐ home interac ons with their families, and the discussions and bonding with the other men in the group. New groups are forming and beginning Jan. 29th. Contact Tommy Burda at or Bryan Jordin at .
VISUAL ARTS IN THE LIBRARY In this season of giving, we hope you will drop in the library to enjoy "The Gi ." This exhibit features work various ar sts in our congrega on reflec ng gi s, both given and received. The exhibit runs through the Epiphany.
NOVEMBER 13, 2016
Our 2017 Es mate of Giving campaign, The Power of Generosity, is in its final full week. Please prayerfully consider your pledge for 2017 and return the pro‐ vided pew card in the offering plate. Visit for more ways to submit your es mate. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ‐ Ma hew 6:21
Poinse a Memorials 2016 Order a poinse a in honor or memory of someone to be displayed during worship on Sunday, December 18. The deadline to order is Sunday, December 7. The cost is $10 per arrangement. Flowers can be picked up a er the last service on Christmas Eve, December 24. In Memory /Honor Of:_____________________________ By:_____________________________ Of:_____________________________ By:_____________________________ Of:_____________________________ By:_____________________________ # of Poinse as____ Amount Enclosed $ __________________
Wednesday Night Dinner Menu November 16 ‐ Roasted Turkey* Glazed Ham* Dressing * Sweet Potato Casserole * Collard Green* Salad Bar * Dessert * Beverages DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road • Dunwoody, GA • 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 • After Hours: 770-542-1667 • Senior Pastor: Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Josh Amerson, Kathy Brockman, Jenna Kennedy, David Melton and Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem • Audio Visual: Ed Trundle
Shortly a er Jesus began his ministry, he gathered around him a small group of twelve people. For three years he lived with them, listened to them, taught them, and encouraged them. He helped them learn how to love God and love one another. He explained that if they would give themselves away for the sake of others they could not only turn the world upside down, but they could have the me of their lives doing it. Soon, that small group began to turn into a much larger group. Later, a er the day of Pentecost, infused by the Holy Spirit they became a dynamic Chris an community and the world has never been the same since. As I sit here wri ng this ar cle, it is a few days before the Holiday Fes val. Already, many prayers have been prayed, hundreds of hours of me, energy, and effort have been expended and mul tudes of people have worked to make this year’s fes val a success. I know that even more will happen in the days ahead. As you sit reading this ar cle, except for a few follow‐up ma ers, the Holiday Fes val will have once again come and gone. Well, sort of! Actually, the money raised from this year’s fes val will do what the fes vals in the past have all done. It will be used to help build a home for a family who might not otherwise ever get to have one. At least for this one family the Holiday Fes val will con nue to live on. I can’t help but think this is the sort of thing Jesus had in mind for his church. What began years ago as a dream inspired by Christ has now taken shape and grown. Lives have been touched and changed; and for soon to be 27 families, the world will have been turned upside down. I want to thank all of those who chaired commi ees and served in one way or another. Especially, I want to thank Mary Millar, who was the Chairperson of this year’s Holiday Fes val; and Susan Anderson for being the Vice‐Chair. You have made a difference. Blessings,
Suite of the Church’s One Founda on (Hymn 545)
* Gospel Lesson
Luke 16:1‐13
pg 1273
Songs of Praise
How Great Thou Art
(Lay Readers: 9:00 Emmie House, 10:30 Brian Olson)
Chiming of the Hour Introit
God Made Me You Don’t Have Be To Loud to Praise the Lord
Tradi onal Burrows
Cherub Choir; Judy Fountain, director
Moments with the Younger Church
Greet Your Neighbor
Ministry Moment
Welcome and Announcements
Radical Mentoring
Giving of the Tithe and Offering
Call to Worship Pastor: People: Pastor: People: Pastor: People:
A Mighty Fortress
Come to listen. Come to learn. We come to worship and praise. Come to remember. Come to reflect. We come to hear God’s Word. Come to cry out. Come to rejoice. We come to sing and pray.
God So Loved the World
Musica Gloria
Ministry Moment
Radical Mentoring
Song of Praise
From The Inside Out
Rev. Josh Amerson
Prayer for Illumina on
* Doxology #95
OLD 100th
Doug Allen
Shrewd Saints
Rev. Dan Brown
Scripture Reading
Luke 16:1‐13
Prayers for Others and the Lord's Prayer
(Ninth in Series, “Soul Ma ers”)
Stewardship Moment
Invita on to Chris an Discipleship
* Processional Hymn #327 Crown Him with Many Crowns
* Affirma on of Faith #881 The Apostles' Creed * Gloria Patri #71
* Hymn of Dedica on #399 Take My Life, and Let It Be
Fes ve Trumpet Tune
Child of Blessing, Child of Promise
Rev. Josh Amerson
Take My Life/One
Benedic on
* Please stand as you are able
Pastoral Concerns Congrega onal Prayer Savior God, welcome us into your household, that we may bathe in the light of your grace. Inspire us with your Word, that we may rejoice in the glory of your ways. Strengthen us with your Spirit, that we may go forth to serve you, with passion and purpose, in all that we say and do. Amen.
+ Ushers may seat people
TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS 9:00: Jack Eubank – Head Usher, Bill Barnes, Dwight Hawksworth, Jim Knight, Geoffrey Nixon, Larry Price, Alan Raby, Phil Sco , Jim Stout, Dan Tu le, Jack Whitley 10:30: John Campbell – Head Usher, Celeste Cornwell, Rick Freeman, Armand Glassman, Russell Henderson, Bill Hodges, Lynn Knight, Todd Reich, Wray Russell, Bob Webb
Silent Prayer Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer #895
Song of Praise
Shrewd Saints
Words of Welcome
Choral Amen
All That I am
Bap sm Sermon
* Response Hymn #431 Let There Be Peace on Earth * Postlude
Response Hymn #611
* Charge and Benedic on GREATOREX
Sacrament of Holy Bap sm
Tithes and Offerings
Chancel Choir
The Rune of Hospitality
Chancel Choir; Brentley Cauthen, guitar I saw a stranger yestereen; I put food in the ea ng place; Drink in the drinking place; Music in the listening place; And in the sacred names of the Triune; He blessed me and my house; My ca le and my dear ones. And the lark said in her song: O en, o en, o en; Goes the Christ in the stranger’s guise.
RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED Charlie Pi ard ‐ Home Ragan DeFreese ‐ Resurgens Brian DeChant ‐ Atlanta Medical Rehab Jim Chris an ‐ Manor Care Decatur Bob Hallenberg ‐ Manor Care Marie a Charlie Holman ‐ Golden Living Meridian Mark Jon Mar ndale ‐ Wellstar N Fulton Frank Deaver ‐ Prui Health Brookhaven FLOWERS ON THE CHANCEL In loving memory of Rev. Willie Mack Tribble by the Rich House family.
CONTEMPORARY SERVICE BAND Doug Allen ‐ worship leader, T. Collie‐ acous c guitar, Doug Walters ‐ bass, David Lingle ‐ drums, Skip Benicky ‐electric guitar, Bri any Shewbridge ‐ vocals SERVICE VOLUNTEERS Mike Foraker ‐ sound engineer, Katrina Balga ‐ mul media, Sean Taylor ‐ligh ng, Glenn Conoley ‐ tech booth leader, Donna Ginn ‐ set‐up, Richard Browne, Alaina Moncrief, D.R. Keen, Ed Moncrief, Laura Keen, Pa y Moncrief, Peggy Browne, Richard Browne, Sophia Moncrief
CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS ROSEBUDS ON THE ALTAR In honor of Stafford Lewis Voss, son of Eric and Ansley Lewis, born on October 28, 2016. In honor of Lillian Cole e Amato, daughter of Jeff and Angel Amato, born on October 14, 2016. In honor of Theo Slater Sofianos, son of Stefan and Talley Sofianos; the grandparents are Robert and Julie Slater, born on November 6, 2016.
WE EXTEND OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY TO Beth Saxe (Robert); their grandchildren John Saxe and Catherine Jones (Ma ); Sam Spruill (Marsha) and the families of Kathleen Miers; Molly Patrick (Kevin); Erin Kirkland (Travis) and children Walker, Molly and Emily, on the death of Hugh Stephen Spruill, on November 5, 2016. BAPTISM TODAY William Tom Pomeroy, son of Samantha and Andrew Pomeroy, born August 27, 2016. Worship: 1099 Sunday School:399