5-21-2017 Worship Bulletin

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ANNOUNCEMENTS CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DONATIONS FOR VBS We are expec ng approximately 300 children each day to find their strength in God while having fun and working up a super-sized appe te! Items can be dropped off throughout the month of May in the bins outside of the nursery area. We are in need of: Large containers of goldfish crackers Nutri-grain bars Large bags of pretzels Also needed – 620 cardboard tubes from toilet paper, paper towels and wrapping paper! Place in collec on bins throughout the church.


GENERATION Y Believe? New Sunday School class for recent graduates/early 20s. A safe space to ask ques ons, voice doubts, and find God in a modern world. Every Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Young Adult Suite.

BACON Brothers Around Christ. Men's group in our 20s and 30s. We’re here to build friendships and our faith. Next mee ng is Tuesday, May 23 at 7:30 p.m. at The Brass Tap.


from DUMC design, build and walk in the parade each year and “compete” with other local churches. Join us as we brainstorm this year’s design. Contact Polly Frederick at polly.frederick@dunwoodyumc.org

SUMMER LUNCHES Join us in the Epworth Room for casual summer lunches. House guests and neighbors are welcome. We will be serving different weekly menus every Thursday beginning on June 1 through August 3. Lunch will be from noon un l 1:00 p.m. $5 per person. To ensure your place at the table make weekly reserva ons by noon on Tuesday by emailing foodservice@dunwoodyumc.org.

GROWTH THE CHALLENGES OF CHRISTIAN CARING How do we express God's love to people who are hur ng? How do we effec vely show the compassion we feel and express it to others? Our Chris an faith calls us to love God and to pass that love onto everyone we come in contact with. How do we do that? Ron Greer will speak on "The Challenges of Chris an Caring" Wednesday, May 24, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the Francis Asbury Rooms. Join us as we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Stephen Ministry at DUMC with this special event. All are welcome!

UMW circle for young adult women. Join us Tuesday, May 23 at 7 p.m. as we host a cra night for the seniors at the Campbell Stone re rement community.





Feel a calling to go on an interna onal mission trip but unsure if it’s possible? Spots are s ll available. Contact team leaders ram.inc@comcast.net (Brazil) and andy@handyandyoutdoors.com (Panama).

If this is your first me visi ng DUMC, please stop by one of the welcome desks, located outside of the Sanctuary or ac vi es building, for a gi from us.

AMERICAN CELEBRATION CONCERT AND PICNIC June 25, 4 -7 p.m. in the Sanctuary and Gym. All are invited, Children (ages 3-8): $5, Adults: $10. Visit the website to register by noon on June 19. Contact Brentley Cauthen, brentley.cauthen@dunwoodyumc.org, (770) 542-1661 for details.

4th OF JULY FLOAT COMMITTEE Planning for this year’s 4th of July Parade float begins on May 24 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Members

CAC PANTRY NEEDS The CAC Food Pantry receives an average of 1,200 visits per month. Your generosity allows CAC to give food to neighbors in need year-round. Please visit the website for a list of most commonly requested items. Dona on bins are near the Nursery/Young Adult Suite in DUMC.

MISSION MONDAY Join us for Mission Mondays this summer – June 5, 12, 26 and July 10, 17 and 24 benefi ng children of Cascade UMC and

ANNOUNCEMENTS Ac on Ministries. We will meet at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for sandwich making and lunch packing. This is a fun way to serve as a family (all ages are welcome). We plan to make 400 lunches at each gathering. Dona ons are always needed of individually packaged bags of chips, fruit cups and drinks (water or juice boxes).

Human Trafficking forum. As a result of the awareness brought to the community, we are looking to form a commi ee to analyze the next steps to help raise awareness. If you are interested in joining, please contact Chris Cox at cczbz@bellsouth.net or Samantha Faklaris at samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc.org.



Hightower Homework Club needs adults and teens to help with summer camp. DUMC is responsible for cra s and volunteers for the week of June 5-9. The hours for the camp are 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. daily. It is a great ac vity to put on your college resume and lots of fun! Please contact patricia.clark@dunwoodyumc.org .

FAMILY PROMISE DUMC will host Family Promise on June 11 -18. Volunteers are needed as onsite hosts, for setup/tear down, meal prepara on and supply dona ons to support up to four families as they transi on from homelessness to selfsufficiency as they try to be er their lives and those of their children while enduring difficult mes. Visit the website to sign-up or contact samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc.org

HUMAN TRAFFICKING Last year, DUMC hosted a very successful

Dunwoody UMC is offering a 13 week session of GriefShare beginning June 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the Wesley Room. The program has a three component design to help par cipants along that journey and is designed to offer comfort, answers and hope. Anyone can begin a ending at any me, although it is encouraged for folks to a end all sessions.

FOODSTOCK Register today for Foodstock 2017. On Saturday, August 12 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., join us to make a difference for a two hour shi . DUMC, with the help of Simpsonwood UMC and other local congrega ons, will package more than 300,000 meals. Our goal is to involve the en re community to experience the joy and fun of working together for a great cause. WE NEED 1,200 VOLUNTEERS FOR THIS EVENT! To register, go to foodstock.us. Ques ons? Contact Samantha Faklaris at samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc.org.

Report on May 15 Charge Conference and Church Council Mee ngs At the recommenda on of the Building Commi ee, the Charge Conference voted to move forward with a sanctuary renova on plan and to allow the Capital Campaign Commi ee to begin a $5.6 million fundraising campaign. At the recommenda on of the Worship Service Times Task Force, The Church Council voted to adopt the following schedule for our Sunday Morning Worship Services and Sunday School beginning Sunday, August 6, 2017: 8:45 am - Contemporary Worship, 8:45 am - Chapel Service; 9:55 am - Sunday School; 11:05 am Tradi onal Worship. Both items relate directly to worship enhancement, which is the top priority of Dunwoody UMC's Five Year Strategic Plan. To read the full report from Rev. Dan Brown, please visit the website at www.dunwoodyumc.org. DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road • Dunwoody, GA • 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 • After Hours: 770-542-1667 mail@dunwoodyumc.org • www.dunwoodyumc.org Senior Pastor: Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Josh Amerson, Kathy Brockman, Jenna Kennedy, David Melton and Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem • Audio Visual: Ed Trundle

25 Years and Coun ng One of the meaningful ministries that has a profound impact on many people’s lives is our Stephen Ministry. Our Stephen Ministry currently consists of 17 highly trained Stephen Ministers who volunteer their me to provide confiden al one-to-one Chris an care to hur ng people in and around our congrega on. Stephen Ministers are individuals who come from all walks of life and are carefully and prayerfully matched with a person who has expressed a desire for their support. Stephen Ministers meet weekly to listen, care, encourage, and provide emo onal and spiritual support to the person with whom they are matched. They meet monthly for supervision and con nuing educa on. They work faithfully to fulfill the mission of the Stephen Ministries organiza on as summed up in Paul’s le er to the Ephesians: “To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, un l all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.” (4:12-13). This week, we celebrate 25 years of Stephen Ministry here at Dunwoody United Methodist Church. Imagine that for just a moment. Imagine the number of people whose lives have found encouragement and new life through our Stephen Ministry. Imagine the many rela onships that have been established and have con nued even a er the ini al need for care has passed. As a part of the celebra on this year, the Stephen Ministry would like to invite you to join them Wednesday, May 24 at 7pm in the Asbury Room for a free program en tled, “The Challenges of Chris an Caring” by Dr. Ron Greer. Ron is an ordained United Methodist minister and the Director of the Pastoral Counseling Service at Peachtree Road UMC. He will be addressing how we effec vely take the compassion we feel for others and express it to those in need. This outstanding presenta on is relevant for everyone who seeks to embody Christ’s compassion when others are going through a difficult me. This morning, we want to take a moment and give thanks for all of our past and present Stephen Ministers and for the important ministry they have provided throughout these 25 years. To those of you who have been or are Stephen Ministers we want to say, “You have made a difference.” Blessings,




* Affirma on of Faith #885


Doug Allen

Welcome and Announcements Ministry Moment


Sean Taylor

From The Inside Out

Prayer for Illumina on

Hymn of Dedica on #145 Morning Has Broken


Scripture Reading

Sophie Frank Luke 13:10-17

Prayers for Others and The Lord’s Prayer Let There Be Peace on Earth



* Postlude

Greet Your Neighbor

Song of Praise

* Charge and Benedic on

Prelude in C, BWV 547


Tithes and Offerings Sermon Song of Praise

A Modern Affirma on

Never Been Unloved When Aƫtudes Cripple

Rev. Josh Amerson

All Because Of Jesus

Benedic on

* Please stand as you are able

* Gloria Patri #71


Sacrament of Holy Bap sm Response Hymn #611

(10:30 a.m.)

Child of Blessing, Child of Promise (v. 1)

Words of Welcome Staff Re rement Recogni on


(10:30 a.m.)

Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer #895

page 1269

(Lay Readers: 9:00 David Cunnold, 10:30 Kim McGeorge)

Foodstock Surely the Presence of the Lord

Doug Allen - worship leader, T. Collie - acous c guitar, Doug Walters - bass, David Lingle drums, Carl Culpepper - lead electric, Bri any Shewbridge - vocals, Mike Foraker - sound engineer, Kerry Dodd - ligh ng, Kate Hudson - mul media, Glenn Conoley - tech booth leader, Pamela Menefee - set-up USHERS: D.R. Keen, Brent Millard, Hillary Millard, Laura Keen, Lawrence Frank, Ned Kuntz, Sophie Frank, Tom Menefee


Chancel Choir

Luke 13:10-17


10:30: Doug Horst – Head Usher, Jerry Rhea, Meredith Barclay, Gene Chancy, Elizabeth Crawford, Carl Giame a, John Jokerst, Bob Morris, Sean Penn, Tuck Perkins, John Richie, Van Smith

Chancel Choir

Create in Me A Clean Heart (Psalm 51:10)

TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS 9:00: Bob Houghton – Head Usher, Kenneth Abele, Jim Anchors, Marv Dussinger, Bruce Feiman, Lance Franklin, Phil Haverfield, Harlan James, Kyle Mas n, Stephen Sco , Rick Siebert

Pastoral Concerns

Hymn #328

Rev. Dan Brown

Invita on to Chris an Discipleship

* Response Hymn #431

* Processional Hymn #139 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Ministry Moment

When Aƫtudes Cripple (2nd in Series, “More Than Conquerors”)

From fire and storm, we come O God, Gather us in, and make us whole. From suffering and pain, we come, Holy One. Gather us in, and make us one. From the highways of life, we come, Great Spirit. Gather us in, and make us your disciples.

* Gospel Lesson

OLD 100th


* Call to Worship



* Doxology #95

Chancel Choir

Choral Amen

Recordare (from Requiem)

Laura Anne Cotney, soprano: Lauren Heidingsfelder, mezzo-soprano

Fanfare for Easter

Come Thou Fount Freedom Song

Chiming of the Hour

Pastor: People: Pastor: People: Pastor: People:

Song of Praise

Giving of the Tithe and Offering

Prelude Your Word, O Lord, Is Gentle Dew arr. Cherwien Hymn-Prelude on "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" Schelat




Sean Taylor WOLFE

RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED Al Winegar - Home Linda Danysh - Home Jonathan Zilles - St Joseph's Charlie Holman - Dunwoody Health and Rehab Ethel McKee - Salude: Art of Recovery Rehab David Jager - Prui Health - Lanier BAPTISM TODAY Davis Elizabeth Derwinski and Hudson Robert Derwinski, children of Amanda and Jeff Derwinski.

CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS FLOWERS IN CONTEMPORARY In celebra on of Ed Howe's birthday. In memory of Mark Duram on his 50th birthday by Deanna Duram. WE EXTEND OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Dan and Jayne Traurig on the death of his father, Dr. Harold H. Traurig; grandfather of John and Sarah, on May 12, 2017 in Sandy Park, New Mexico.

Jane Thompson on the death of her husband, Thomas J. Thompson; father of Susan Dabbs and Christopher F. Thompson; grandfather of Pa on Dabbs, Nathan Thompson, Robert Sco Thompson, Will Thompson and Grace Thompson on May 13, 2017. Barbara Washington on the death of her husband, Les Washington, on May 11, 2017. Worship: 1344 Sunday School: 453

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