ANNOUNCEMENTS If this is your first me visi ng DUMC, please stop by one of the welcome desks, located outside of the Sanctuary or ac vi es building, for a gi from us.
steps to help raise awareness. If you are interested in joining, please contact Chris Cox at or Samantha Faklaris at
Beginning August 6, service mes are: 8:45 am – Contemporary Worship 8:45 am – Chapel Service 9:55 am – Sunday School 11:05 am – Tradi onal Worship For more informa on visit the website, call 770-394-0675 or email
AMERICAN CELEBRATION CONCERT This family friendly event takes place on June 25 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Chancel Choir, Women’s Choir, Musica Gloria and the Wandering Shepherds will perform patrio c music.
MISSIONS MISSION MONDAY Join us June 26 and July 10, 17 and 24 benefi ng children of Cascade UMC and Ac on Ministries. We will meet at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for sandwich making and packing 400 lunches. This is a fun way to serve as a family (all ages are welcome). Dona ons are needed of individually packaged bags of chips, fruit cups and drinks (water or juice boxes). Contact and place dona ons in bin near the Nursery.
SOLAR TOWN HALL Join Tina Wilkinson, UMC Earthkeeper and ambassador for Solarize Dunwoody at Dunwoody's Solar Town Hall on Tuesday, June 27, 7 p.m. in Rooms 258/259. Working together, we can make Dunwoody a leader in solar energy. Contact Tina by email at
FOODSTOCK 2017 Saturday, August 12 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. DUMC, Simpsonwood UMC, and other local congrega ons will package more than 300,000 meals. Come and experience the joy and fun of working together for a great cause. WE NEED 1,200 VOLUNTEERS FOR THIS EVENT! Register at Ques ons? Contact Samantha Faklaris at
HUMAN TRAFFICKING Last year, DUMC hosted a very successful Human Trafficking forum. We are looking to form a commi ee to analyze the next
Join us in the Epworth Room for casual summer lunches every Thursday through August 3. Lunch is from noon un l 1:00 p.m. $5 per person. Make weekly reserva ons by noon on Tuesday by emailing
JULY 4th PARADE BBQ DUMC Boy Scout Troop 266 will be hos ng the BBQ at the end of the parade in Dunwoody Village. Funds go to cover scout equipment, merit badge training materials and need-based scholarships. Ticket are $8 in advance, $10 on parade day. Scouts will be selling ckets today before and a er services in several loca ons through our buildings.
SUPPORT GRIEFSHARE GriefShare is on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in Room E253. The program has a three component design to help par cipants along that journey and is designed to offer comfort, answers and hope. Anyone can begin a ending at any me. Contact JoAnn Akers at
NURSERY SUMMER DROP-IN The nursery is open Monday - Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Join us for the day or sign up for the week. Contact Usha Raghavan,
Confirma on will begin this fall for incoming 6th graders. Register at (Look for the Confirma on tab!) For more informa on email
Join us Thursday, June 29 for summer lunch at noon in the Epworth Room and White Elephant Bingo at 1:30 p.m. Register and pay as usual for the church lunch and bring a wrapped white elephant gi . Contact Jean Kennedy for details (770) 804-1202 or
GRACETIME UM Women's circle will meet on Tuesday, June 27 at 7 p.m. in the Young Adult Suite. We’ll make cleaning kits for HomeStretch transi onal housing families in need of cleaning supplies.
BACON Brothers Around Christ. A men's group for 20s and 30s to build friendships and faith. We get together once a month to discuss a theological podcast. Next mee ng is Tuesday, June 27, 7:30 p.m. at The Brass Tap.
COLLEGE CONNECTION A Sunday School class for students to connect and figure out how God and faith fit into their lives meets every Sunday this summer at 10:30 a.m. in the Young Adult Suite, room 110A. Contact Laura Keen,
GENERATION Y Believe? Sunday School class for recent graduates/ early 20s. A safe space to ask ques ons, voice doubts, and find God in a modern world. Every Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Young Adult Suite.
GRAVITY God Revealing A Vast Intensity Toward You. Sunday School class for mid 20s to 30s. It is a chance to meet people, build community and develop las ng rela onships with others you can do life with. Every Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Young Adult Suite, Room 110B. Contact Laura Keen,
JUNE 25, 2017
PALS Summer classes through July 31 (no classes on July 3rd) at Dunwoody Bap st Church. Call 770-698-0801 or go to $45 covers up to 3 classes each day, with a hot lunch available for an extra fee.
BRIDGE GROUP The Thursday A ernoon Bridge Group meets in the Young Adult Suite on the second and fourth Thursdays from 12:45 to 3:15 p.m. Men and women, young adults to seniors, are welcome. For more informa on, contact Alan Raby, 770-3933293.
NEW FRIENDS New Friends is a group of widowed friends who enjoy each other's company and a day out to lunch at various restaurants on the second Monday of each month. Our next mee ng will be on July 10 at 11:30 a.m. California Pizza Kitchen. Reserva ons must be made by noon on July 8 by calling Be y Moreland 770-641-8519.
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday and closed on Friday. Regular hours resume Monday, August 7. If there is a building issue on Friday, please call the main number 770-394-0675 and follow the prompt to the Facility voicemail, your message will be forwarded to the appropriate on-call staff.
DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road • Dunwoody, GA • 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 • After Hours: 770-542-1667 • Senior Pastor: Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Josh Amerson, Kathy Brockman, Jenna Kennedy, David Melton and Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem • Audio Visual: Ed Trundle
As most of you are aware, we are approaching a transi on me in the life of our church. You’ll recall in May, the Church Council approved new Sunday services mes as recommended by the Worship Service Times Task Force. The task force carefully studied how we can support worship enhancement, the top priority of our five-year Strategic Plan. They concluded adjus ng mes will help make our worship services more dynamic and meaningful. It will give families the opportunity to worship together, and allows the whole church to be gathered during a common Sunday School hour. Beginning August 6, our new Sunday schedule is: 8:45 am – Contemporary Service in the Fellowship Hall 8:45 am – Chapel Service 9:55 am – Sunday School for all ages 11:05 am – Tradi onal Service in the Sanctuary More informa on about how the new Sunday schedule impacts our Nursery, Children’s, and Youth Ministries as well as Adult Sunday School classes, can be found on the website and hard copies are available at the recep on desk or can be mailed to you upon request. If you have addi onal ques ons, please email them to or call the church office at 770394-0675. There is a sense of excitement and an cipa on as the clergy, ministry leaders, and members work to be ready for a new Sunday. As we prepare for August 6, please join us in helping the church to boldly step into the future. Blessings,
Song of Peace (Chant de Paix)
I Was Glad
Chancel Choir
* Call to Worship Pastor: People of God, incline your ear and listen to the word of God. People: We come with open hearts, ready to receive God’s word of forgiveness and love. Pastor: Call on the One who abounds in steadfast love. People: We are ready to proclaim the good news of God in this place and throughout the earth!
* Processional Hymn #421
Make Me a CapƟve, Lord
* Affirma on of Faith #880
OLD 100th
When a Spiritual Winter Hits 9:00 Rev. David Melton (Last in Series, “More Than Conquerors”)
Songs of Praise
Let It Rise Come Thou Fount
Greet Your Neighbor
Doug Allen
Welcome and Announcements VBS Celebra on Song of Praise
O For a Thousand Tongues To Sing
Prayer for Illumina on Scripture Reading
1 Kings 19:1-13
Prayers for Others and The Lord’s Prayer Tithes and Offerings
Hymn of Dedica on #361
VBS Celebra on
* Response Hymn #431
Rock of Ages, CleŌ for Me
* Postlude
Toccata in F
Rev. Josh Amerson
When a Spiritual Winter Hits
Rev. Dan Brown
(Last in Series, “More Than Conquerors”)
Song of Praise Let There Be Peace on Earth
Deanna Duram
Abide With Me
Sermon * Charge and Benedic on
Provider God, we thank you for working in our lives even when we might not be aware of it. Guide us through the mes of joy and fulfillment as well as through our spiritual winters. Work in us, O God, and help us to work for you. Amen.
10:30 Rev. Dan Brown
Invita on to Chris an Discipleship
Words of Welcome
Congrega onal Prayer
* Doxology #95
The Nicene Creed
* Gloria Patri #71
This Is My Song
Hugh Winn, tenor This is my song, O God of all the na ons, a song of peace for lands afar and mine. This is my home, the country where my heart is; here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine; But other hearts in other lands are bea ng with hopes and dreams as true and high as mine. My country's skies are bluer than the ocean, and sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine; But other lands have sunlight too, and clover, and skies are everywhere as blue as mine. O hear my song, thou God of all the na ons, a song of peace for their land and for mine. This is my prayer, O Lord of all earth's kingdoms: Thy kingdom come; on earth thy will be done. Let Christ be li ed up ll all shall serve him, and hearts united learn to live as one. O hear my prayer, thou God of all the na ons; myself I give thee; let thy will be done.
Chiming of the Hour Introit
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Benedic on
* Please stand as you are able
Pastoral Concerns Silent Prayer
Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer #895 Choral Amen
9:00: Rip Clark – Head Usher, Megan Cann, Lucre a Farley, Ron Garre , Mark Hallenbeck, Glenn Hancock, Sam Lo , Ken Loux, Robert Ragsdale, Herb Williams, Tom Wright
Chancel Choir
BaƩle Hymn of the Republic
Steffe, arr. Wilhousky
10:30: Greg Hammer – Head Usher, Randy Forth, Press Hall, Gail Jones, Jim Kilburn, Stan Petersen, Grant Register, Olin Riser, Mike Vann, Sco Wilkinson
Chancel Choir
* Scripture Lessons
1 Kings 19:1-13
CONTEMPORARY SERVICE Doug Allen - worship leader, Jeff Ramminger - bass, David Lingle - drums, Bri any Shewbridge - vocals, Carl Culpepper - lead electric, John Allison - acous c guitar, Mike Foraker - sound engineer, Eric Oliver - mul media, Glenn Conoley - ligh ng & tech booth leader, Beth Balga - set-up USHERS: Harlan James, Emily Hasler, Grace Griffin, Jennifer Hasler, Julie Hasler, Keith Griffin, Mike McGannon, Paul Rozeman
page 451
(Lay Readers: 9:00 Phil Sco , 10:30 Joe Seegars)
Hymn #452
My Faith Looks Up to Thee (v.1)
Giving of the Tithe and Offering
RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED David Jager - Landmark Hospital-Athens Milton Craig - Saint Joseph's Mark Collins - Home Brian DeChant - Home Kay Holt - Kennestone Susan Sco - Somerby at Sandy Springs
WE EXTEND OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Priscilla Holman on the death of her husband, Charlie Holman; on June 18, 2017. Mike and Erin Griffin on the death of her grandfather, Pete Argo; great grandfather of Alice and Frank, on June 21, 2017.
WE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS John Sivak Daniel Aycock John and Mary Pound