If this is your first me visi ng DUMC, please stop by one of the welcome desks, located outside of the Sanctuary or ac vi es building, for a gi from us.
NEW SUNDAY SCHEDULE Beginning August 6, service mes are: 8:45 am – Contemporary Worship 8:45 am – Chapel Service 9:55 am – Sunday School 11:05 am – Tradi onal Worship For more informa on visit the website, call 770-394-0675 or email
GET ON THE FLOAT! If you’d like to walk with the 4th of July float, we’d love to have you. Contact Johnny or Ann Stone,
MISSIONS MISSION MONDAY Join us July 10, 17 and 24 - benefi ng children of Cascade UMC and Ac on Ministries. We will meet at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for sandwich making and packing 400 lunches. This is a fun way to serve as a family (all ages are welcome). Dona ons are needed of individually packaged bags of chips, fruit cups and drinks (water or juice boxes). Contact and place dona ons in bin near the Nursery.
DUMC Boy Scout Troop 266 will be hos ng the BBQ at the end of the parade in Dunwoody Village. Funds go to cover scout equipment, merit badge training materials and need-based scholarships. Ticket are $8 in advance, $10 on parade day. Scouts will be selling ckets today before and a er services.
HUMAN TRAFFICKING Last year, DUMC hosted a very successful Human Trafficking forum. We are looking to form a commi ee to analyze the next steps to help raise awareness. If you are interested in joining, please contact Chris Cox at or Samantha Faklaris at
YOUTH MINISTRY CONFIRMATION Confirma on will begin this fall for incoming 6th graders. Register at (Look for the Confirma on tab!) For more informa on email
Join us in the Epworth Room for casual summer lunches every Thursday through August 3. Lunch is from noon un l 1:00 p.m. $5 per person. Make weekly reserva ons by noon on Tuesday by emailing
The young adults are headed back to the Concrete Jungle urban farm to plant and harvest their summer crops. All food is donated to local shelters and food banks. Saturday, July 15th 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
VISUAL ARTS IN THE LIBRARY You are invited to enjoy "Spiritual Journey" selected works by Lindsey Odom, on display in the Library now through the end of August.
SUPPORT GRIEFSHARE GriefShare is on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in Room E253. The program has a three component design to help par cipants along that journey and is designed to offer comfort, answers and hope. Anyone can begin a ending at any me. Contact JoAnn Akers at
FOODSTOCK 2017 Saturday, August 12 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. DUMC, Simpsonwood UMC, and other local congrega ons will package more than 300,000 meals. Come and experience the joy and fun of working together for a great cause. WE NEED 1,200 VOLUNTEERS FOR THIS EVENT! Register at Ques ons? Contact Samantha Faklaris at
STEPHEN MINISTRY Summer may have arrived, but life can s ll seem cold and dreary for those who have suffered a loss or experienced a crisis. Our Stephen Ministers are trained to help people through the winters of life, providing emo onal and spiritual support. If you or someone you know could benefit from the confiden al, one-to-one Chris an care of a Stephen Minister contact Pat DeBolt 770-396-6836 for more informa on.
NURSERY SUMMER DROP-IN The nursery is open Monday - Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Join us for the day or sign up for the week. Contact Usha Raghavan,
COLLEGE CONNECTION A Sunday School class for students to connect and figure out how God and faith fit into their lives meets every Sunday this summer at 10:30 a.m. in the Young Adult Suite, room 110A. Contact Laura Keen,
GENERATION Y BELIEVE? Sunday School class for recent graduates/ early 20s. A safe space to ask ques ons, voice doubts, and find God in a modern world. Every Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Young Adult Suite.
each day, with a hot lunch available for an extra fee.
New Friends is a group of widowed friends who enjoy each other's company and a day out to lunch at various restaurants on the second Monday of each month. Our next mee ng will be on July 10 at 11:30 a.m. California Pizza Kitchen. Reserva ons must be made by noon on July 8 by calling Be y Moreland 770-641-8519.
CLASSIC MOVIES Join us in the Movie Room (hallway opposite the Nursery). Popcorn and lemonade will be served and there’s no charge. July 20 at 2:00 p.m. – The Quiet Man August 17 at 2:00 p.m. – Rear Window
PERMFORMING ARTS STAGES, A CABERET Experience life and love in stages with Emily Decker, Erin Jackson and Lauren Kim through some of their favorite Broadway numbers. This cabaret-style show will feature songs from Company, Les Miserables, A Chorus Line, Wicked, Showboat, and more! July 28-29, 7 p.m. Tickets, $10.
GRAVITY God Revealing A Vast Intensity Toward You. Sunday School class for mid 20s to 30s. It is a chance to meet people, build community and develop las ng rela onships with others you can do life with. Every Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Young Adult Suite, Room 110B. Contact Laura Keen,
JULY 2, 2017
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday and closed on Friday. Regular hours resume Monday, August 7. If there is a building issue on Friday, please call the main number 770-394-0675 and follow the prompt to the Facility voicemail, your message will be forwarded to the appropriate on-call staff.
PALS Summer classes through July 31 (no classes on July 3rd) at Dunwoody Bap st Church. Call 770-698-0801 or go to $45 covers up to 3 classes DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road • Dunwoody, GA • 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 • After Hours: 770-542-1667 • Senior Pastor: Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Josh Amerson, Kathy Brockman, Jenna Kennedy, David Melton and Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem • Audio Visual: Ed Trundle
On a Mission Our Gospel reading today from Ma hew comes at the very end of Jesus’ instruc ons to his disciples to go out on a mission. The mission was to share the message of God’s love by healing the sick and cas ng out unclean spirits. These missionaries were to go out with only the clothes on their back - no extra clothing, money, or food. They were to rely on the hospitality of strangers. Today we commission a team from Dunwoody UMC for a one week interna onal mission trip to Panama. They can take extra clothing, money and food but they will s ll be relying on the hospitality of strangers while they are there. The team will travel to Camp Cielito, one and a half hours from Panama City, Panama, where they will do construc on work in the mornings and lead VBS for local children in the a ernoons. The team leaves Saturday, July 8 led by Andy Batcheller with team members Megan Batcheller, Leighton Batcheller, Harper Batcheller, Deanna Duram, Ed Howe, Erin Howe, Sco Bingham, Riley Bingham, Steve Hickey, Reagan Hickey, Guy Griswold, and Bob Snyder. Please pray for the mission team and all those who they will be in ministry with during the week. Two hundred and forty-one years ago this Tuesday, a different type of mission was accomplished in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Con nental Congress approved the final wording of the Declara on of Independence and the United States of America was born. As you celebrate the anniversary of this day, have a happy and safe 4th of July. Happy Birthday, America!
Rev. Kathy Brockman
O BeauƟful for Spacious Skies
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
Ward, arr. Diemer
* Call to Worship Pastor: The Holy One calls us to trust God’s steadfast love. With our ancestor Abraham, we say: People: Here I am. Pastor: The Holy One calls us into eternal life. With the Gospel writers, we say: People: Here I am. Pastor: Let us worship the God who calls us. People: Amen.
God of the Ages
* Affirma on of Faith #881
NATIONAL HYMN The Apostles’ Creed
* Gloria Patri #71
(see insert)
Giving of the Bread and Cup Organ Morning Has Broken Hymn #617 I Come With Joy Hymn # 614 For the Bread Which You Have Broken
Chiming of the Hour
* Processional Hymn #698
Hymn of Dedica on #696 America the BeauƟful
* Postlude
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Now God in Heaven Above Be Praised
The Solid Rock
arr. Clarke
* Charge and Benedic on * Response Hymn #431
Songs of Praise
arr. Willan
Greet Your Neighbor
Doug Allen
Welcome and Announcements Prayer for Illumina on
Graciela Chadwick
Scripture Reading
Psalm 13 and MaƩhew 10:40-42
Tithe and Offering
Commissioning of Panama Mission Team Prayers for Others and The Lord’s Prayer
* Please stand as you are able
What’s In It For Me?
Holy Communion
From The Inside Out
Megan Batcheller Rev. Josh Amerson
Words of Welcome
Song of Praise
Commissioning of Panama Mission Team
I Will Follow
Benedic on
Pastoral Concerns Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer #895 Hymn #393
Spirit of the Living God
Giving of the Tithe and Offering Offertory
God, Help the Outcasts
Erin Jackson, mezzo-soprano
I don't know if you can hear me or if you are even there. I don't know if you would listen to a gypsy prayer. Yes, I know I'm just an outcast; I shouldn't speak to you. S ll I see your face and wonder, were you once an outcast too? God, help the outcasts, hungry from birth. Show them the mercy they don't find on earth. God, help my people, they look to you s ll. God, help the outcasts or nobody will. Don't ask for wealth; don't ask for fame. Don't ask for glory to shine on my name. Don't ask for love I can possess. Don't ask for God and his angels to bless me. I ask for nothing--I can get by, but I know so many less lucky than I. Please help my people, the poor and downtrod. I thought we were all the children of God. God, help the outcasts, the children of God.---Schwartz
* Gospel Lesson
MaƩhew 10:40-42
No Small Thing
Thanks Be To Thee Erin Jackson, mezzo-soprano
TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS 9:00: Joe Seegars – Head Usher, Sco Ackaway, Thomas Bynum, Robb Draughon, David Grider, David Jacoppo, Greg Kindred, Ken Rice, Kevin Wyckoff 10:30: Brannon Anthony – Head Usher, , Rick Carr, Andy Drexler, Karen Drexler, Press Hall, Bruce Kramer, Charles Pi ard, Linda Podger-Williams, Jim A. Williams
Doug Allen - worship leader, T. Collie - acous c guitar, Doug Walters - bass, David Lingle drums, Skip Benicky - lead electric, Bri any Shewbridge - vocals, Daniel Pope - sound engineer, Eric Oliver - mul -media, Glenn Conoley - ligh ng, tech booth leader, Lindsay Braun - set-up. USHERS: Jack Lane, Alexandra Womble, Ava Womble, Brad Harris, Debbie Lane, Kris n Eaton, Lawrence Frank, Lori Womble, Sophie Frank
page 1182
Rev. Kathy Brockman
RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED David Jager - Landmark Hospital-Athens Milton Craig - Home Kay Holt - Home Susan Sco - Somerby at Sandy Springs Jae Oden - Home Florence Fortenberry - Home
WE EXTEND OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Keith and Margy Hodgson on the death of her mother and father, Margy and Oscar Underwood; grandparents of Charlie Hodgson.
WE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS Bard Brockman Worship: 1093 Sunday School: 298