8-28-16 Worship Bulletin

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ANNOUNCEMENTS UMW The first mee ng of a Women’s Missionary Society at Dunwoody Methodist Church was in May 1933 and not the DUMC UMW includes over 350 women. Our mission ini a ves focusing on women, children and youth include: Providing opportuni es to grow spiritually; Equipping women & girls to be leaders; Providing transforma ve educa onal experiences; Organizing for growth & flexibility; Working for jus ce through service and advocacy; Focus on Women, Children & Youth. All women are invited to join us. Contact Barbara Giame a at giame a@bellsouth.net or 770‐671‐9813.

CHILDREN PLUGGED IN KICK OFF September 11th at 10:30, Fellowship Hall for the kickoff for the NEW Children's ministries program. 3rd GRADE BIBLE September 18th, in all services, is 3rd Grade Bible Sunday. Visit the website to register your child. FEELING CALLED TO SERVE? We need caring individuals to help in three areas: Preschool small group leaders; Greeters; NEW electronic check‐ in kiosk handlers. Please contact Diane Morgan diane.morgan@dunwoodyumc.org

YOUTH YOUTH CHOIR Begins September 11. All youth, grades 6‐ 12 are welcome! No experience necessary! HANDBELL CHOIR Rehearsals begin Sept. 11 in the Bell Choir room on the 1st floor, from 4:30‐5:30 each Sunday evening. Youth in Grades 6‐ 12 who have a basic knowledge of musical rhythm are encouraged to a end! Contact mark.lamback@dunwoodyumc.org .

FELLOWSHIP NEW FRIENDS, NEW TIME We are a group of widowed friends (men and women) who enjoy each other’s company and a day out to lunch on the 2nd Monday of each month. Our next mee ng will be on Monday, September 12


at 11:30 am at Chili’s. Reserva ons by noon on Saturday, Sept. 10 to Be y Moreland, 770‐641‐8519.

‐394‐0675 ext 112. The cost is $80 and is payable to DUMC with Altar Flowers in the memo line of your check.



The Thursday A ernoon Bridge Group meets in the Young Adult Suite on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 12:45 ‐3:15 p.m. Contact Be y Daugherty, 770‐390‐0814 or Be y Ringley, 770‐704‐4007. YOUNG ADULT PICNIC Eat & Play‐ Giant Jenga, Cornhole, Bocce Ball, & More! Sunday, September 18th at 3pm. Morgan Falls Overlook Park

For more informa on/ques ons about DUMC missions, please contact Samantha Faklaris, Samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc.org TRANSITIONAL HOUSING


DUMC is excited to begin new partnership with HomeStretch for transi onal housing. If you are able to donate items, there is a collec on bin by the nursery area.



If you would like to talk with one of our Stephen Ministers call Pat DeBolt at 770‐396 ‐6836.

Please consider babysi ng, respite care and/or fostering a child today. DUMC is hos ng an informa on & orienta on session on Aug. 31st. Every individual is different, every family is different, but there are hundreds of children that need help right now. Please contact Rosemary Wa s at wrosemary@hotmail.com

HOLIDAY FESTIVAL BOOK NOOK Donate any books and audio‐visuals to the Book Nook collec on bin by the Nursery. Sign up in the church library to volunteer during the Holiday Fes val and for set‐up. Contact Ann or Johnny Stone 770‐399‐ 1887 or annlstone@bellsouth.net ATTIC TREASURES Look for the bin in September! We treasure an ques, home and holiday décor, housewares, etc. To schedule a furniture pick‐up, contact Jody Borer: jhborer@mindspring.com or 770‐329‐ 6325. CASSEROLES‐TO‐GO Recipes are very easy to follow, and results are outstanding. Plan to par cipate for the first me or for the tenth. GOURMET SHOP Calling all lovers of cakes, cookies, pies and the like! The Gourmet Shop would love to share your "family favorite" dessert with the world! contact AmlieLewis: amlie@a .net' VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers needed for many aspects of the DUMC Holiday Fes val on November 12th from 7am to 6 pm. Contact Martha Purcell @ mjpig@bellsouth.net or 770‐ 825‐0585.

ALTAR FLOWERS To reserve Flowers In Memory of or In Honor of someone, call Mary Ruffin at 770

FAMILY PROMISE DUMC is hos ng two families this week. Thanks to those who support Family Promise with me and dona ons. GREAT DAY OF SERVICE Save the Date ‐ Mark Your Calendar for Saturday, October 22. Registra on open Friday, September 16. If you are interested in being a project coordinator, please contact Samantha Faklaris .

GROWTH BECOMING CREATION WISE Becoming Crea on Wise is GIPL’s five‐ part series of thought‐provoking presenta ons. DUMC will be hos ng this series for five consecu ve Sundays at 4pm star ng September 11. Visit the

DUMC website for more informa on. W.O.W Armor of God Learn How The Enemy Always Fails When He Meets A Woman Dressed For The Occasion We are offering this study on Monday mornings (star ng 9/12) and Wednesday evenings (star ng 9/14) and runs 7 sessions. Visit the website for more details, R.S.V.P. and childcare reserva ons.

AUGUST 28, 2016

DISCIPLE 1 FAST TRACK Rev. Dan Brown will lead this study which spends 12 weeks in the Old Testament (fall) and 12 weeks in the New Testament (spring). You will understand the flow of the whole Bible and how it all fits together. Wednesdays, August 24 from 7:05 pm‐ 8:30 pm in the Wesley Room. LeighAnne.Draughon@dunwoodyumc.or g with ques ons or to register. THEOLOGY AND FILM Rev. Josh Amerson will lead a series using a variety of movies to engage a group in theological explora on. Par cipants will watch a specified movie (The Shawshank Redemption, The Way, The Seventh Seal, Up and Her) before each mee ng and be ready to discuss. Mondays, Aug. 29, Sept, 26, Oct. 17. Nov. 14 and Dec. 12 from 6:30pm‐8:00 p.m. in Asbury Room B. Contact josh.amerson@dunwoodyumc.org THE WAY Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Wednesdays, Sept.14‐Oct. 26 from 10:00 am‐ 12:00 pm or 7:05‐9:00 pm in Asbury Room. Travel with Rev. David Melton as he retraces the life of Jesus Christ using historical background, archaeological findings and stories of the faith. Book, $15. Contact Polly Frederick at polly.frederick@dunwoodyumc.org to register.

Wednesday Night Dinner Menu August 31– St. Louis Ribs * Chicken Livers* Chicken Tenders * Assorted Vegetables * Salad Bar * Dessert * Beverages DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road • Dunwoody, GA • 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 • After Hours: 770-542-1667 mail@dunwoodyumc.org • www.dunwoodyumc.org Senior Pastor: Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Josh Amerson, Kathy Brockman, Jenna Kennedy, David Melton and Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem • Audio Visual: Ed Trundle

Where There Is Vision… Four days from today a transi on is going to take place here at Dunwoody United Methodist Church. It is a transi on that happens every year. It will happen quietly, but it will be significant. On September 1, the new lay leadership team for the church will assume their responsibili es for this next year. This lay leadership team was actually nominated and affirmed back in May. Some of the people who have served as chairpersons and commi ee members will be rota ng off and rota ng on will be some new people. Others will remain in the same capacity in which they have been serving. Whether they are rota ng off or remaining on their commi ees, I want to take this opportunity, on behalf of the en re church, to offer a word of thanks. The 2015‐2016 year has been a challenging, but incredibly frui ul year. In addi on to all the outstanding ministries that take place at every level of the church, this last year, the church adopted a new vision (To be a dynamic Chris an community of fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ), developed a 5 year strategic plan, priori zed that plan, and is now ready to begin implemen ng the various aspects of that strategic plan. These achievements and so many more could not have been accomplished without the sort of effec ve leadership the laity of the church has provided. At the same me, I also want to challenge all who will be serving during this next year to build on the past and stretch for the exci ng new future God has planned for us. In Proverbs 29:18, we’re told, “Where there is no vision, the people perish….” (KJV). More recent transla on, change the wording slightly, but the point is essen ally the same. On the other hand, where there is vision, and where people dig in to realize that vision, great things happen. I have said it many mes. You will probably hear me say it many more mes. “I believe the best days in the life of this church are not behind, but ahead of us.” Thank you to all who have and who will make that true. Blessings,



My Song Is Love Unknown

Vaughan Williams

John Roark, guest organist

Moments with the Younger Church

Songs of Praise

Awesome God

Mullens, arr. Lancaster

* Call to Worship

Greet Your Neighbor

The United Methodist Women consists of 11 Circles. They began as the Women's Missionary Society at DUMC in 1933. Their purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ.

* Hymn #419

Pastor: As we gather to worship, thank the Lord with all your heart. People: Mighty are the deeds of the Lord; great are the works of God. Pastor: Holy and awesome is God’s name! People: God’s praises will last forever!

I Am Thine, O Lord (vv. 1 &3)




Oboe Quartet in F Major, K. 370, Mvt 1

* Doxology #95 Sermon

The Apostles' Creed

* Gloria Patri #71


Scripture Reading

Rich Towards God The Fool

9:00 Andrew Chappell 10:30 Rev. Dan Brown (Third in Series, “Stories Jesus S ll Tells”)

Invita on to Chris an Discipleship Be Thou My Vision

* Response Hymn #431

Congrega onal Prayer God of love, we confess that we have looked to ourselves and ignored the needs of others. We confess that we have given into greed over Your ways me and me again. Forgive us God and help us to hear Your Word anew today. Amen. Pastoral Concerns Pastoral Prayer, and Lord's Prayer #895 Choral Amen

Chancel Choir


Walk With God


Youth Choir; David Dooli le, piano

I'll walk with God through woodland green, Amid its pleasant shade, And listen to the songbirds sing, Such beauty there displayed, For every tree that stands within, Will grow so tall and strong, And to the leaf the trunk and bough, I know I shall belong. I'll walk with God beside the lake, That s ll and peaceful lies, For there the scene I'll look upon, The mirror of the skies, Shall s r my soul so deeply that I'll feel I am as one, With all the world the Lord has made, And where his light has shone.

Luke 12:13‐21 (Lay Readers: 9:00: Fran Millar, 10:30: Allison Johnson)

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Luke 12:13‐21

Terri Badour

Prayers for Others & The Lord’s Prayer Offering

All That I Am


The Fool

Song of Praise

Rev. Dan Brown

Surrender (All to You)

Benedic on Let There Be Peace on Earth

* Postlude * Please stand as you are able

Rondo in G


+ Ushers may seat people

TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS 9:00: Rip Clark – Head Usher, Megan Cann, Lucre a Farley, Ron Garre , Mark Hallenbeck, Glenn Hancock, Sam Lo , Ken Loux, Robert Ragsdale, Herb Williams, Tom Wright 10:30: Greg Hammer – Head Usher, Randy Forth, Press Hall, Gail Jones, Jim Kilburn, Kevin Patrick, Stan Petersen, Olin Riser, Mike Vann, Sco Wilkinson

I'll walk with God along the shore, And gaze across the sea, The sand will be my carpet and, My spirit shall be free, To watch the waves come rolling in, And as the waters part, A beam of light will guide my way, And joy shall fill my heart.

* Gospel Lesson


* Charge and Benedic on

Words of Welcome

All Creatures of Our God and King


OLD 100th

* Hymn of Dedica on #451


Song of Praise

Prayer for Illumina on

Sarah Williams, Oboe; Mark Lamback, piano

O Worship the King

Doug Allen

Welcome & Announcements

Giving of the Tithe and Offering


* Affirma on of Faith #881

Blessed Be Your Name

Installa on of UMW Officers

Youth Choir; Bryce Weber, violin; David Dooli le, piano

* Processional Hymn #73

How Great Thou Art

9:00 ‐ Children kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to go to Children’s Church. Pick up in the Arts & Cra s Room.

Chiming of the Hour Introit



CONTEMPORARY SERVICE BAND Doug Allen ‐ worship leader, Barry Piacente ‐ acous c guitar, Doug Walters ‐ bass, David Lingle ‐ drums, Laurie Frank ‐ vocals, Skip Benicky ‐ electric guitar SERVICE VOLUNTEERS Mike Foraker ‐ sound engineer, ‐ ligh ng, Steve Sco ‐ mul media, Glenn Conoley ‐ ligh ng, tech booth leader, Beth Balga ‐ set‐up USHERS ‐ Emily Hasler, Grace Griffin, Harlan James, Jennifer Hasler, Julie Hasler, Keith Griffin, Mike McGannon, Paul Rozeman

CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED Kay Schwenk ‐ Northside Bob Fortenberry ‐ Halcyon Hospice Gene Curran ‐ North Fulton Joan Winter ‐ A. G. Rhodes Rehab Charles Holman ‐ N.E. Health & Rehab Stan E nger ‐ Home Hospice


CONGRATULATIONS Dave and Kay Schwenk on their 61st wedding anniversary.

Worship: 999 FLOWERS ON THE CHANCEL Sunday School: 654 In honor of Florence and Bob Fortenberry on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary, with deepest love and admi‐ ra on from their sons, daughters‐in‐law, grandchildren and great‐grandchildren.

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