8-6-2017 Morning Prayer and Contemporary Worship Bulletins

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ANNOUNCEMENTS WORSHIP August Sermon Series - This Is Us Who are we? What is our identity here at DUMC? What are some of the values we hold dear? Who do we believe Christ is calling us to be? We will be dealing with a few of the subjects that answer some of these questions. Every Sunday in August in all worship services.

Bluegrass Contemporary Worship Sunday, August 13 at 8:45 a.m. Join us for a service featuring the music of Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, Blue Highway, Dan Tyminski, Patty Lovelace and more.

MISSIONS Foodstock 2017 NEXT WEEK! Saturday, August 12, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Register today at www.foodstock.us. Help package meals for children/families in Honduras for two hours. Sign up to help ensure we meet our 300,000 meal packing goal for the day! Questions? Contact Samantha Faklaris at samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc.org. Package of Hope Saturday, August 19, 9 -11 a.m. in the Youth Area. Join us to distribute non perishable food that will feed a family of four for several days. Contact Cindy Hatcher at cindywhatcher@gmail.com. Trinity Table Sunday, August 27, DUMC hosts Trinity Table. Sign-up to make sandwiches, sweets or buy fruit, snacks or drinks for to-go bags. Volunteers are also needed to prepare food and/or serve that afternoon. www.signupgenius.com/ go/30e0f4eaaa623a13-dumc3

FELLOWSHIP Wednesday Night Supper WNS returns August 9. Register on the website, by placing the pew card in the offering plate, emailing foodservice@dunwoodyumc.org or by calling 770‐394‐0675, Ext. 204 by noon each Monday.

Greeters Needed Help welcome members and visitors attending worship services and Sunday School. Volunteer 30 minutes of your time once a month to help us express DUMC's warm hospitality through a smile or a handshake. Contact Mary Millar, 404-432-0784 or marymillar01@yahoo.com. Visual Arts in the Library You are invited to enjoy "Spiritual Journey" selected works by Lindsey Odom, on display now through the end of August.

SUPPORT Stephen Ministry If you are going through a difficult time, our Stephen Ministers can bring God’s warm love back into your life. They will meet with you privately on a weekly basis to listen, support and encourage you, to pray with and for you, and to walk with you for the duration of your crisis. To find out more contact Pat DeBolt at 770-3966836. GriefShare Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in Room E253. The program has a three component design to help participants along that journey and is designed to offer comfort, answers and hope. Anyone can begin attending at any time. Contact JoAnn Akers at akersjoann@gmail.com.

GROWTH Study the Book of Discipline Did you know that the first Book of Discipline was published in 1784? The Faith Quest Sunday School Class will study The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church during the Sundays in August, 6, 13, 20, 27 in Room 254 led by the Revs. Joy Melton and Scott Dunbar.

SPORTS AND LEISURE Youth Dance Classes Program Fees: Session One (August through December): $320.00 Includes annual $35.00 EIM registration fee and tuition fee of

ANNOUNCEMENTS $285/16-class session. Session One begins the week of August 14 and runs through December 21 (16 weeks). Choose from Boys Hip Hop/ Breakdance, Jazz/Hip Hop, and Ballet/Hip Hop. Visit the website for ages, days and times as well as registration.

Children’s Choir Registration We have much to sing and praise about so join us as we begin DUMC Children’s Choirs on Wednesday, August 9. The choir ages include 3 years old (by August 31, 2017) to 5th grade. Register online at dunwoodyumc.org.



Promise Kids Registration is Open Wednesday evenings from 4:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., begins August 9. Children (2 years – Kindergarten) will learn stories of bravery, faithfulness, and kindness that are straight from the Bible and perfect for little hearts! Contact Usha Raghavan: 770-3940675, ext. 131 or usha.raghavan@dunwoodyumc.org

Feed & Seed TODAY at 11:30 a.m. at Sandy Springs UMC. Donate a dish or help us serve! We are partnering with Sandy Springs UMC to host lunch and fellowship for our neighbors in need Details at www.facebook.com/ DUMCYA.

Weekday Drop-In Open to the Community this Fall Full day (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.), half day (9 – 11 a.m. or 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.), and early drop-off and late pick up are also available for children 6 months through 5 years of age. Contact Usha Raghavan: 770-394-0675, ext. 131 or usha.raghavan@dunwoodyumc.org

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY K-5th Graders Open House TODAY during the 9:55 a.m. hour, we invite parents and children to the Fellowship Hall as we showcase our 2017-18 Sunday Morning Ministry. We hope all parents will attend to see what Sunday morning looks like and learn what the church+parent relationship can be. Blessing of the Backpacks! Sunday, August 13, 8:45 a.m. Contemporary or 11:05 a.m. Traditional worship services. Don’t forget to bring your backpacks for the annual back to school Blessing of the Backpacks! Children should sit with their families during worship and will be asked to come forward for the blessing.

After Hours Thursday, August 10 at 8 p.m., Moondog Growlers. An interactive TED talk with a DUMC twist! Three panelists will share their insights on a topic voted on by the audience. Audience members are encouraged to ask questions and respond to the panelists. Braves Game Saturday, August 19. Don't miss out! Head to SunTrust park to cheer on the Braves. Reserve a spot on the YA Facebook page. Co-Ed Softball League Join our co-ed softball team! Games every Tuesday night at 7 or 8 p.m. Season runs 8/15-10/3. Cost $20. Register at dunwoodyumc.org.


FIFTY PLUS Classic Movies Join us in the Movie Room (hallway opposite the Nursery). Popcorn and lemonade will be served and there’s no charge. August 17 at 2:00 p.m. – Rear Window.

Senior Pastor: Rev. Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Rev. Josh Amerson, Rev. Kathy Brockman, Rev. Jenna Kennedy, Rev. David Melton and Rev. Sonny Walden

A Dynamic Christian Community of Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ! 1548 Mt. Vernon Road | Dunwoody, GA | www.dunwoodyumc.org



*Call to Praise and Prayer Pastor: O Lord, open our lips. People: And we shall declare your praise. All: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning it is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

Songs of Praise

*Hymn #159

Prayer for Illumination

Lift High the Cross


Holy Holy Holy Soul on Fire

Greet Your Neighbor

Doug Allen

Welcome and Announcements

Psalm 100 #821

Scripture Reading

Prayer of Thanksgiving New every morning is your love, great God of light and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Prayers for Others and the Lord's Prayer


Holy Communion Your Love is Extravagant

Hebrews 11:1, 8-16


Driven by a Dream (This is Us, Part 1)

Rev. Kathy Brockman


Tithes and Offerings Sermon

Song of Praise

Rev. Josh Amerson

Hebrews 11:1, 8-16

Sandy Lee Rev. Jenna Kennedy

Walk by Faith Driven by a Dream (This is Us, Part 1)

Rev. Dan Brown

The Summons


Prayers of the People After each prayer, the Leader will conclude: Lord, in your mercy, and all may respond, Hear our prayer.


Tithe and Offering Offertory

Alleluia (Exultate, jubilate) Laura Anne Cotney, soprano


Holy Communion #12

*Hymn #92

For the Beauty of the Earth


*Passing of the Peace *Stand as you are able. Ushers: Joe Seegars – Head Usher, Scott Ackaway, Thomas Bynum, Robb Draughon, David Grider, David Jacoppo, Greg Kindred, Ken Rice, Kevin Wyckoff

Prayer Concerns Bob Hallenberg, David Jager, David Lifsey, Jenny Wingard, Dot Yates

We are glad you are here and have a small gift for you. Please stop by the Welcome Desk outside of the Sanctuary or in the Activities Building lobby this morning. For more about joining Dunwoody UMC, contact Rev. David Melton, 770-394-0675, david.melton@dunwoodyumc.org.

BE INFORMED Stay up to date on all that is going on at Dunwoody UMC through our weekly enewsletter, eConnections. Sign up at dunwoodyumc.org/subscribe for this newsletter and other age or interest specific communications.

OFFICE HOURS Regular office hours resume Monday, August 7. 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.

DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 After Hours: 770-542-1667 mail@dunwoodyumc.org www.dunwoodyumc.org

THIS WEEK’S HIGHLIGHTS Visit dunwoodyumc.org/calendar for a full schedule of events. Sunday, August 06, 2017 12:00PM Feed & Seed 1:00PM DUMC Drama Monday, August 07, 2017 6:00PM Trustees 6:00PM Mission Committee Meeting 7:00PM Women's AA Tuesday, August 08, 2017 9:30AM Christian Yoga Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:30AM DUMW Board Transition 5:30PM Wednesday Night Supper 6:30PM Grief Share 7:00PM Faith Focus Wednesday Night Ladies Bible Study 7:00PM WOW Wednesday Night Share & Prayer 7:00PM Family Focus Men's Bible Study Thursday, August 10, 2017 10:00AM Alzheimer/Dementia 11:00AM American Legion Post 134 12:30PM DUMC Bridge 7:00PM Knitting 8:00PM Big Book Study Friday, August 11, 2017 9:00AM Hall of Famers Monthly Breakfast Mtg. 12:30PM Interfaith Discussion Group 6:30PM Men's AA Saturday, August 12, 2017 8:00AM FoodStock 2017

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