9-11-16 Worship Guide

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We need caring individuals to help in three areas: Preschool small group leaders; Greeters; NEW electronic checkin kiosk handlers. Contact Diane Morgan diane.morgan@dunwoodyumc.org

The Cookie Ministry needs several new bakers who can bake cookies once a month Oct.- Sept. 2017. All baking supplies are furnished, including cookie dough, plates and bags. If you are interested, contact Susan Farrow at 770396-1042 or safarrow@bellsouth.net.

The 2016-17 school year is underway and we look forward to helping the elementary children at Hightower once again. Homework club will be from 2:454:20p, Mondays & Tuesdays. Visit the website to sign up.





Take part in this unique youth experience grades 6-12, for a three week Wednesday night youth support group star ng September 14th at 6:30 pm. Contact Andrew Chappell at andrew.chappell@dunwoodyumc.org to find out more.

If you would like to talk with one of our Stephen Ministers call Pat DeBolt at 770396-6836.


FELLOWSHIP UMW CIRCLES Our mission ini a ves focus on women, children and youth. All women are welcome. Visit www.dunwoodyumc.org/ umw for mee ng mes and circle informa on. JOIN THE CITY Dunwoody UMC on The City is growing! The people and groups in The City are the people and groups who make up our church. Join us! Visit h ps:// dunwoodyumc.onthecity.org/ kiosk/157333/signup to request an invita on. BRIDGE GROUP The Thursday A ernoon Bridge Group meets in the Young Adult Suite on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 12:45 -3:15 p.m. Contact Be y Daugherty, 770-390-0814 or Be y Ringley, 770-704-4007. YOUNG ADULT PICNIC Eat & Play- Giant Jenga, Cornhole, Bocce Ball, & More! Sunday, September 18th at 3pm. Morgan Falls Overlook Park . Contact lskeen33@gmail.com . MIDSINGLES END OF SUMMER HIKE Sunday, September 18th a er Church we'll be head to Cloudland Canyon State Park to hike the West Rim Loop Trail. The trail is about 5 miles long, rated as moderate in difficulty and is considered the most scenic trail in the South. Contact James Dovel, jamesdovel@comcast.net, for more informa on.

25TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY FESTIVAL Saturday, November 12 7:30am – 10:00 am Pancake Breakfast 9:00am-4:00pm – Fes val Hours 2016 Holiday Fes val Features: Free admission, 120 ar sans, A c Treasures, Book Nook, Gourmet Shop, Café Intermezzo Coffees, Casseroles To Go, Lunch, Concessions, Photos with Santa, Kids Cra s, Kids Zone with Games, Pe ng Zoo, Live Entertainment, Silent Auc on MORE INFORMATION: www.dunwoodyumc.org/holiday-fes val Facebook – Holiday Fes val Twi er - @DUMCHolidayFest The City –Join “2016 Holiday Fes val”

ALTAR FLOWERS To reserve Flowers In Memory of or In Honor of someone, call Mary Ruffin at 770 -394-0675 ext 112. The cost is $80 and is payable to DUMC with Altar Flowers in the memo line of your check.

MISSIONS For more informa on/ques ons about DUMC missions, please contact Samantha Faklaris, Samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc.org TRANSITIONAL HOUSING DUMC is partnering with HomeStretch transi onal housing. If you are able to donate items, there is a collec on bin by the nursery area. ATLANTA FOOD BANK Volunteers needed the 2nd Wednesday of every month. We meet at the church at 8:30 a.m. and back by around 12:15 p.m. Ques ons: call or email Alan Shinn, 770849-0719 or awshinn@comcast.net.

GROWTH VISUAL ARTS IN THE LIBRARY View "When Our Stories Are Not the Same," a collec on of art by Rachel Gallagher, in the Library through October. DUMC 101 During the three-week class sessions, you will learn more about the church and its programs and the United Methodist beliefs. Rev. David Melton will teach the classes in the Young Adult suite Sept.11,18 & 25 at 10:30 a.m. No preregistra on is required. Rachel.provow@dunwoodyumc.org or 770-394-0675 x 136 LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY This workshop will address the reasons we pray as well as exploring different methods of prayer. Led by Rev. Kathy Brockman and Linda Danysh on Tuesdays, Sept 27-Oct. 25 from 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm in Asbury Room A. Contact Kathy at 770-394 -0675 or kathy.brockman@dunwoodyumc.org or Linda at 404-731-7392 or danysh01@yahoo.com . DIVORCECARE DivorceCare and DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) help adults and children through the grieving process of divorce. The 2 classes run concurrently, Wednesdays at 6:30 - 8 pm. Cost $15; Contact Cathy Wright. kd111649@gmail.com. BECOMING CREATION WISE Sunday, Sept. 11 @ 4 pm in RM 258/259

“Earth’s Story in the Old Testament.” Dr. William P. Brown, Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary. Becoming Crea on Wise is a five-part series designed to be er equip us all to respond to God’s call to ecological jus ce and crea on care. W.O.W Armor of God Learn How The Enemy Always Fails When He Meets A Woman Dressed For The Occasion Monday mornings (star ng 9/12) and Wednesday evenings (star ng 9/14) and runs 7 sessions. Visit the website for more details, R.S.V.P. and childcare reserva ons. THEOLOGY AND FILM Rev. Josh Amerson will lead a series using movies to engage a group in theological explora on. Par cipants will watch a specified movie (The Way) before the mee ng. Sept 26, 6:30pm-8:00 p.m. in Asbury Room B. Contact josh.amerson@dunwoodyumc.org THE WAY Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Wednesdays, Sept.14-Oct. 26 from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm or 7:05-9:00 pm in Asbury Room. Rev. David Melton retraces the life of Jesus Christ using historical background, archaeological findings and stories of the faith. Book, $15. Contact Polly Frederick at polly.frederick@dunwoodyumc.org.

SEPTEMBER 11, 2016

That We Might Learn If you are like me, whenever September 11 rolls around, your mind is taken back to 2001 and the events of 9/11. If you were old enough at the me, there’s a good chance you remember where you were and what you were doing when the news broke and you learned of the a acks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It is hard to believe, but that was fi een years ago today. Since that me, much has changed. On the one hand, healing has occurred, many have been brought to jus ce, rela onships have been restored and the world has moved forward. On the other hand, you have only to look around our na on and world to see that all is not yet right. There is s ll violence, deep resentment, racial tension, conflict among religious fac ons, and fear imbedded in the hearts and minds of a great many people. We are s ll in need of God’s healing touch. Last week, during my Disciple Bible Study we read that passage from Micah where he dreamed of the day when the people would… “beat their swords into iron plows

PROFESSOR ADAM STONE COMMENTS ON NATIONAL POLITICS Join us Sept. 23, 2016 in the Epworth Room at noon for poli cal commentary by Professor Adam Stone. We will have soup and sandwiches before his insights into the current poli cal fray. Cost is $8, due Sept .18. Contact Polly Frederick, 770-394 -0675, ext 122 or polly.frederick@dunwoodyumc.org.

Wednesday Night Dinner Menu SEPTEMBER 14– Grilled Chopped Steak * Ro sserie Chicken * Assorted Vegetables * Salad Bar * Dessert * Beverages DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road • Dunwoody, GA • 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 • After Hours: 770-542-1667 mail@dunwoodyumc.org • www.dunwoodyumc.org Senior Pastor: Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Josh Amerson, Kathy Brockman, Jenna Kennedy, David Melton and Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem • Audio Visual: Ed Trundle

and their spears into pruning tools. (where) NaƟon will not take up sword against naƟon; and they will no longer learn how to make war.” (Micah 4:3; parenthesis added) That is a vision worthy of our best efforts. So, on this day, I want to invite all of us to take a moment to reflect back on that morning and those who served and sacrificed, and ask God to help us con nue to learn from it. May something that was so wrong become a source of great good un l we eventually come to that day where the reign of God rules in every heart. Blessings,


Psalm-Prelude II (on Ps. 139:11)




Moments with the Younger Church

Chiming of the Hour

9:00 - Children kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to go to Children’s Church. Pick up in Room 250.


Ministry Moment

* Call to Worship Pastor: We gather now to worship our Lord! People: We gather now to acknowledge we need God. Pastor: Let us worship God with open hearts and minds. People: Let us welcome God into this place and into our lives!

Blessed Assurance (v.1)


Offertory In NaƟve Worth and Honor Clad (The CreaƟon)

* Affirma on of Faith #881


The World Within

Rev. Dan Brown

(First in Series, “Soul Ma ers”) GREATOREX

I Am Thine, O Lord


* Charge and Benedic on

Words of Welcome

* Response Hymn #431

Congrega onal Prayer God of love, open our hearts this morning to be able to look at our lives and see where we put our value. Give us the courage to focus on our inward selves more than our outer. Help us to see that our souls ma er to who we are and who God wants us to become. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer #895 Choral Amen

Chancel Choir


Breath of God


Chancel Choir Breathe on me, breath of God, fill me with life anew; That I may love what thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do. Breathe on me, breath of God, un l my heart is pure; Till with thee I will one will, to do or to endure. Breathe on me, ll I am Thine; Till all this earthly part of me, glows with fire divine. Breathe on me, breath of God, so shall I never die; But live with thee the perfect life of thine eternity. O breathe on me.

* Scripture Lesson

Genesis 2:4b-23

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Hightower Homework Club

Songs of Praise

Change Me On The Inside

Scripture Reading

Genesis 2:4b-23

Prayers for Others and the Lord's Prayer

Laura Keen D.R. Keen

Since Your Love


The World Within

Songs of Praise

Made To Worship

Josh Amerson

Benedic on Let There Be Peace on Earth

* Postlude * Please stand as you are able



+ Ushers may seat people

Pastoral Concerns Silent Prayer

Welcome, Announcements & Prayer

Tithes and Offerings

Invita on to Chris an Discipleship * Hymn of Dedica on #419


Doug Allen

Prayer for Illumina on OLD 100th


The Apostles' Creed

* Gloria Patri #71


Sidnei Alferes, tenor

* Doxology #95

* Processional Hymn #89 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Bless the Lord at all Ɵmes

Ministry Moment

Giving of the Tithe and Offering


Soul On Fire

Greet Your Neighbor

Hightower Homework Club

Hymn #369

Songs of Praise

TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS 9:00: Jack Eubank – Head Usher, Bill Barnes, Dwight Hawksworth, Jim Knight, Geoffrey Nixon, Larry Price, Alan Raby, Phil Sco , Jim Stout, Dan Tu le, Jack Whitley 10:30: John Campbell – Head Usher, Celeste Cornwell, Rick Freeman, Armand Glassman, Russell Henderson, Bill Hodges, Lynn Knight, Todd Reich, Wray Russell, Bob Webb

CONTEMPORARY SERVICE BAND Doug Allen - worship leader, T. Collie - acous c guitar, Barry Piacente - bass, David Lingle - drums, Bri any Shewbridge - vocals, Skip Benicky - electric guitar SERVICE VOLUNTEERS Daniel Pope - sound engineer, Kenneth Abele- ligh ng, Katrina Balga - mul media, Glenn Conoley - tech booth leader, Donna Ginn - set-up USHERS - Amber Rowe, D.R. Keen, Josh Large, Julia Large, Peggy Browne, Steven Rowe, Laura Keen, Donna Ginn, George Ginn, Keving Braun, Lindsay Braun

CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED Tracey Krawford - Northside Charles Holman - St. Joseph’s Ben Bailey - St Joseph’s Gene Curran - St Joseph’s Joan Winter - A. G. Rhodes Rehab WE EXTEND OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY TO Mark and Kathy Simcoe on the death of their son, Chris Simcoe; brother of Julia Large (Josh) and Laura Keen (D. R.), on August 31, 2016.

Dan and Melissa Mutert on the death of his grandmother, Dora Murphree, great-grandmother of Claire, Amelia, and Walter on September 1, 2016. Florence Fortenberry on the death of her husband, Bob Fortenberry, on September 2, 2016. Lynn and Jennifer Knight on the death of his mother, Sue Miller, grandmother of Taylor and Tucker, on September 5, 2016, in Tavares, FL. CONGRATULATIONS Julie and Carl Staley for their 60th anniversary together.

WE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS Mike and Paige Casey; Riley and Carys Jeff and Sasha Tocio; Ben and Chris an FLOWERS ON THE CHANCEL In loving memory of Bert Jones by Gail and family. In honor of Julie and Carl Staley's 60th anniversary by the family. Worship: 783 Sunday School: 170

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