9-18-16 Worship Guide

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ANNOUNCEMENTS CHILDREN FEELING CALLED TO SERVE? We need caring individuals to help in three areas: Preschool small group leaders; Greeters; NEW electronic check‐ in kiosk handlers. Contact Diane Morgan diane.morgan@dunwoodyumc.org

YOUTH YOUTH GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Take part in this unique youth experience grades 6‐12, for a three week Wednesday night youth support group star ng September 14th at 6:30 pm. Contact Andrew Chappell at andrew.chappell@dunwoodyumc.org to find out more.

GREETERS NEEDED The Welcome Desk is in need of greeters and we hope you will consider volunteering. The commitment is 30 minutes once a month. Please contact Linda Hancock 770‐394‐7911



DUMC is excited to begin new partnership with HomeStretch for transi onal housing. To help prepare our new home for a new family, we have needs in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and family rooms. Please sign up h p:// www.signupgenius.com/ go/30e0f4eaaa623a13‐transi onal We will have a collec on bin by the nursery area for items.

If you would like to talk with one of our Stephen Ministers call Pat DeBolt at 770‐ 396‐6836. GRIEF SUPPORT



JOIN THE CITY Dunwoody UMC on The City is growing! The people and groups in The City are the people and groups who make up our church. Join us! Visit h ps:// dunwoodyumc.onthecity.org/ kiosk/157333/signup to request an invita on. BRIDGE GROUP The Thursday A ernoon Bridge Group meets in the Young Adult Suite on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 12:45 ‐3:15 p.m. Contact Be y Daugherty, 770‐390‐0814 or Be y Ringley, 770‐704‐4007. PACESETTERS GUEST SPEAKER Today 10:30 in the Parlor, Candler Professor Deanna Ferree Womack speaking on “Islam and Chris an‐Muslim rela ons in Post‐9/11 America”. All those interested are warmly invited to join us. BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS ON THE FIELD, October 2 at 4:00 p.m. We invite everyone to bring their pets, either on leash or in a carrier. This tradi on in the church dates back to St. Francis of Assisi of the twel h century. In case of rain, we will meet in the gym.

Join Rev. Jenna Kennedy on a field trip to Hightower Homework Club on Monday, Sept 19. Jenna will be taking the church bus over, leaving DUMC at 2:20 pm and returning at 4:30 pm. Please R.S.V.P. with Samantha Faklaris .


Come be with others who are struggling with grief. This group meets monthly on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 p.m. ‐ 8:00 p.m. in the Thomas Coke Room. Contact JoAnn Akers, akersjoann@gmail.com (678) 352‐8334

Our mission ini a ves focus on women, children and youth. All women are welcome. Visit www.dunwoodyumc.org/ umw for mee ng mes and circle informa on.


Saturday, November 12 7:30am – 10:00 am Pancake Breakfast 9:00am‐4:00pm – Fes val Hours 2016 Holiday Fes val Features: Free admission, 120 ar sans, A c Treasures, Book Nook, Gourmet Shop, Café Intermezzo Coffees, Casseroles To Go, Lunch, Concessions, Photos with Santa, Kids Cra s, Kids Zone with Games, Pe ng Zoo, Live Entertainment, Silent Auc on MORE INFORMATION: www.dunwoodyumc.org/holiday‐fes val Facebook – Holiday Fes val Twi er ‐ @DUMCHolidayFest The City –Join “2016 Holiday Fes val”

ALTAR FLOWERS To reserve Flowers In Memory of or In Honor of someone, call Mary Ruffin at 770 ‐394‐0675 ext 112. The cost is $80 and is payable to DUMC with Altar Flowers in the memo line of your check.

GREAT DAY OF SERVICE Sat, Oct 22 REGISTATION IS OPEN! www.dunwoodyumc.org/gdos For more informa on, please contact info Samantha Faklaris and/or Chris Faklaris, Great Day of Service Chair chrisfaklaris@gmail.com. Newly designed Dri‐fit shirts ‐ $15. Collec on bins by nursery for dona ons for Birthday Kit Supplies, toiletries and peanut bu er. NEW THIS YEAR ‐ Rice Bag Project Girl Scouts are organizing the recycling of the rice bags from FoodStock/Stop Hunger Now. They will make them into shopping bags to be sold at the Holiday Fes val for shoppers to carry their purchases – all proceeds will go towards our Habitat house. Upcycling the rice bags keeps them out of the landfill while crea ng a genuinely useful tote.

GROWTH VISUAL ARTS IN THE LIBRARY View "When Our Stories Are Not the Same," a collec on of art by Rachel Gallagher, in the Library through October.

LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY This workshop will address the reasons we pray as well as exploring different methods of prayer. Led by Rev. Kathy Brockman and Linda Danysh on Tuesdays, Sept 27‐Oct. 25 from 6:00 pm‐ 7:30 pm in Asbury Room A. Contact Kathy at 770‐394 ‐0675, kathy.brockman@dunwoodyumc.org or Linda at 404‐731‐7392 or danysh01@yahoo.com . DIVORCECARE DivorceCare and DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) help adults and children through the grieving process of divorce. The 2 classes run concurrently on Wednesdays at 6:30 ‐ 8 pm. Cost $15; Contact Cathy Wright. kd111649@gmail.com. BECOMING CREATION WISE Sunday, Sept. 18 @ 4 pm in Asbury Room Convic ons for an Apocalyp c Ecology” Dr. Stanley P. Saunders, Assoc. Professor of New Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary. THEOLOGY AND FILM Rev. Josh Amerson will lead a series using movies to engage a group in theological explora on. Par cipants will watch a specified movie (The Way) before the mee ng, Sept 26, 6:30pm‐ 8:00 p.m. in Asbury Room B. Contact josh.amerson@dunwoodyumc.org PROFESSOR ADAM STONE COMMENTS ON NATIONAL POLITICS Join us Sept. 23, 2016 in the Epworth Room at noon for poli cal commentary by Professor Adam Stone. We will have soup and sandwiches before his insights into the current poli cal fray. Cost is $8, due Sept .18. Contact Mary Ruffin, 770‐ 394‐0675 or mary.ruffin@dunwoodyumc.org.

MISSIONS For more informa on/ques ons about DUMC missions, please contact Samantha Faklaris, Samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc.org, 770‐394‐0675 ext 117 HIGHTOWER HOMEWORK CLUB Snacks needed for a erschool. If you or your group are interested please contact Samantha. HIGHTOWER HOMEWORK CLUB TRIP

SEPTEMBER 18, 2016

Wednesday Night Dinner Menu September 21 ‐ Baked Lasagna * Chicken Parmesan* Pasta * Assorted Vegetables Salad Bar * Dessert * Beverages DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road • Dunwoody, GA • 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 • After Hours: 770-542-1667 mail@dunwoodyumc.org • www.dunwoodyumc.org Senior Pastor: Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Josh Amerson, Kathy Brockman, Jenna Kennedy, David Melton and Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem • Audio Visual: Ed Trundle

As Close as Their Closest Friend If you were to step into my study at the church, you would discover that I have a number of Bibles: Seventeen to be exact. If you were to spend a few minutes in my study at home, you would discover that I have almost that many again. There are reasons for this. For one thing, they represent different transla ons. I have the King James Version, the Revised Standard Version, the New Revised Standard Version, the New Interna onal Version, the English Standard Version, the Good News Bible, the Common English Bible, and a couple of other transla ons as well. Not only that, several are study Bibles and have notes from various authors. In some ways, these Bibles are very different. In an effort to speak to each new genera on, the language used to translate the ancient texts is some mes different. As I alluded to a moment ago, some Bibles have very extensive notes; others not so much. Some Bibles have large print; some have print so small I can barely read it. However, in a number of other, far more important senses, they are all the same. They all tell the truth of a God who loves us, cares for us, comes out in search of us, and seeks to redeem our lives. They all reveal the living Word of God, who is, of course, Jesus Christ. And, if we will allow them to do so, they can become “a lamp to our feet and a light for our path.” (Psalm 119:105) This morning, we come to a very sacred me in the life of the church. We will be presen ng Bibles to our rising third graders. I hope you will join me in praying for all of these young people as their names are called and they receive their Bibles. Join me in praying that their Bibles will become to them at least as close as their closest friend. Blessings,



Prelude, Fugue and Varia on

Presenta on of Bibles to Third Graders


Chiming of the Hour Introit



Songs of Praise

Blessed Assurance (My King is Coming)

Sunday School Teacher Dedica on Chancel Choir

Hymn #389


From The Inside Out

Freely, Freely


Giving of the Tithe and Offering

* Call to Worship Pastor: In the midst of our failures, People: we stand in God’s grace. Pastor: In the midst of our struggles, People: we boast hope through Christ. Pastor: In every part of our lives, People: the love of God is in our hearts. Let us welcome this love as we join together to worship.


Lauren Heidingsfelder, mezzo‐soprano

* Doxology #95

OLD 100th

The Hole in the Soul

Rev. Dan Brown

(Second in Series, “Soul Ma ers”)

* Processional Hymn #400 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Rev. Dan Brown, Diane Morgan

Songs of Praise

Ancient Words

Prayer for Illumina on Romans 5:12‐21

Prayers for Others and the Lord's Prayer

* Hymn of Dedica on #378 Amazing Grace


Tithes and Offerings

Sophie Frank Wade Hatcher

American Dream



* Charge and Benedic on * Response Hymn #431

* Affirma on of Faith #881 The Apostles' Creed * Gloria Patri #71

3rd Grade Bibles

Scripture Reading

Invita on to Chris an Discipleship


Doug Allen

Welcome, Announcements & Prayer

There Is a Balm in Gilead (Hymn 375) spiritual, arr. Burleigh


Greet Your Neighbor




Let There Be Peace on Earth

Allegro (Concerto in G, BWV 592)


Songs of Praise

The Hole in the Soul

Rev. Josh Amerson

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Benedic on

+ * Please stand as you are able

Words of Welcome

+ Ushers may seat people

Congrega onal Prayer Forgiving God, we thank You this morning for loving us through our faults and sins. Forgive us when we stray from You and put others be‐ fore You. Help us to feel Your abounding grace and heal our broken rela onship with You. Amen.

Pastoral Concerns Silent Prayer

TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS 9:00: Bob Houghton – Head Usher, Kenneth Abele, Jim Anchors, Marv Dussinger, Bruce Feiman, Lance Franklin, Phil Haverfield, Harlan James, Kyle Mas n, Stephen Sco , Rick Siebert 10:30: Doug Horst – Head Usher, Jerry Rhea, Meredith Barclay, Gene Chancy, Elizabeth Crawford, Carl Giame a, John Jokerst, Bob Morris, Sean Penn, Tuck Perkins, John Richie, Van Smith

Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer #895 Choral Amen Anthem

Chancel Choir

Since By Man Came Death (Messiah)

Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrec on of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (I Cor. 15: 21‐22)

* Scripture Lesson

Romans 5:12‐21



Chancel Choir

page 1373

CONTEMPORARY SERVICE BAND Doug Allen ‐ worship leader, T. Collie ‐ acous c guitar, John Broderick ‐ bass, David Lingle ‐ drums, Bri any Shewbridge, Mark Julian ‐ vocals, Carl Culpepper ‐ electric guitar SERVICE VOLUNTEERS Daniel Pope ‐ sound engineer, Kerry Dodd ‐ ligh ng, Kate Hudson ‐ mul media, Glenn Conoley ‐ tech booth leader, Lindsay Braun ‐ set‐up USHERS ‐ Wade Hatcher, Cindy Hatcher, Laine Hatcher, Lawrence Frank, Ned Kuntz, Philip Hatcher, Sophie Frank, Tom Menefee

RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED Dr. Wiley Stephens ‐ Emory Orthopaedics & Spine Ben Bailey ‐ Saint Joseph’s Joan Winter ‐ A. G. Rhodes Rehab Gene Curran ‐ Home Tracey Krawford ‐ Northside Charles Holman ‐ Saint Joseph's

WE EXTENED OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY TO FLOWERS ON THE CHANCEL Blayne and Jonna Shelton on the death of his father, Robert In memory of my son, Brent Walker's birthday, by Karen Lee Shelton, grandfather of Claire and Audrey, on September Walker, Michael, Debra, and family. 3, 2016 in Tennessee. FLOWERS IN CONTEMPORARY SERVICE Jae Oden on the death of her brother, Edwin Brantley, on In celebra on of Ed Howe and our 13th wedding anniversary September 2, 2016 in Virginia. given by Deanna Duram Worship: 1069 Sunday School: 638

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