Four Great Worship Services 8:00 Contemporary Service in the Fellowship Hall 9:00, 10:05, 11:15 Traditional Easter Celebration in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown, preaching FROM TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH! John 20:1-18
Back some time ago, I was doing some reading and ran across an insightful story that stands as a good reminder to all of us. A stranger was out for a stroll one Sunday afternoon when he happened to pass a mine in Pennsylvania. He noticed the nearby fields were full of mules. Seeing a young boy nearby, he questioned why. The young man explained that the mules were “mine mules”. They worked deep in the mines where it was dark all during the week, but on Sundays they were brought up to keep from going blind. There’s a lesson here for you and me. We’re probably a lot more like mules than any of us would care to admit. I don’t want to sound overly cynical, but we live in a world that is full of cultural darkness. On any given day you can turn on the television and hear reports of crime, violence, questionable conduct, and constant conflict. Often, we find advertising offering us alluring enticements to hedge on the truth and encouragement to treat others more like objects than children of God. If we want to keep from going spiritually blind, our spirits need the consistent experience of exposure to the “Son”! One of the ways we do that is through the regular experience of worship. Personally, I can’t think of a better time to make regular weekly worship a part of our plans than during the month of April. •
As you know, we begin April with the greatest of all the Christian celebrations the celebration of Easter… that day when Christ conquered once and for all the darkness of death.
On April 12, we will be celebrating the Sacrament of our Lord’s Supper where we will be reminded that Christ has defeated the darkness of sin.
On April 19, we will be celebrating Confirmation Sunday where nearly a hundred of our young people will make a confession of their faith in Christ and take another step of walking in the light.
On April 26, we will be reflecting on Jesus, who is the Good Shepherd, who leads us in paths of righteousness and makes possible life abundant and life eternal.
I hope you will make plans to join us each week. There is nothing in the world quite like being regularly exposed to the power and presence of the Son of God. See you on Sundays if not before! Blessings,
APRIL 12 COMMUNION SUNDAY Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Keith Lawder, preaching A BUM RAP? John 20:19-31 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Lane Davis, preaching A LONG WALK IN THE LIGHT 1 John 1:1-2:2 APRIL 19 CONFIRMATION SUNDAY Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown, preaching YOU ARE WITNESSES! Luke 24:36b-48 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Keith Lawder, preaching PRACTICING RIGHTEOUSNESS 1 John 3:1-7 APRIL 26 Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown, preaching THE SHEPHERD WHO’S CALLED “GOOD” John 10:11-18 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Keith Lawder, preaching HOW DO WE KNOW? 1 John 3: 16-24
Dan 2 | April 2015
Age 4 (by 9-1-2015) through rising 3rd grade
JUNE 8 - JUNE 11
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Closing Celebration - Thursday, 6:30 p.m. $20.00 including CD and T-Shirt Registration Deadline: May 8, 2015 Contact Melissa Lerner at or 678-662-6416
Rising 4th - 6th grade
JUNE 8 - JUNE 11
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closing Celebration - Thursday, 6:30 p.m. $60.00 includes supplies transportation Registration Deadline: May 8, 2015 Contact Polly Frederick at or 770-394-0675
After Care available Monday-Thursday, early drop off at 8:30am and pick up at 5 p.m. and Friday, 8:30a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sign up for VBS, GodSquad and After Care on our website at
TEACHER RECRUITMENT FOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday School teachers are a vital part of children’s ministry. Come be part of the team. If you have ever thought about teaching a child’s class or know you want to, let us know! Contact me at or claim your class on the children’s webpage at
All 7th - 12th grade students are invited to join us for a crazy evening with a crazy game called “Fanuary.” What is it? It’s like a strategic game of zombie tag. You’ll have to come to find out! Sunday, April 12, 6:30 p.m. in the Youth Area. Contact Lane Davis at lane. or 770-3940675 ext. 124 for details.
Outdoor Laser Tag is back! 6th - 12th grade students are invited to a fun night of laser tag, Sunday, April 26, 6:30 p.m. on the ball field. Cost is $10. Bring a friend. Contact Lane Davis at or 770394-0675 ext. 124.
To find out more about the Dunwoody UMC Youth Ministry, visit our website at or contact the Youth Pastor, Rev. Lane Davis at lane.davis@dunwoodyumc. org.
April 2015 | 3
The Young Adult Sunday School class will be studying Rev. Adam Hamilton’s Book on World Religions for the month of May. This class meets at 10:30 a.m. in the Young Adult Suite. We would love for you to join us!
Special thank you to all the church members that donated Easter Baskets for the United Methodist Children’s Home. Rev. Ashley Jenkins delivered over 50 Easter Baskets to the Children’s Home. These children had a special surprise on Easter morning! Thank you for your generosity!
The Young Adults will be building the Habitat House together on April 25. Join us for a fun-filled work day with other fellow church members. Please sign up on our website at Nursery is available by RSVP.
NEW FRIENDS DINING OUT We are a group of widowed friends (men and women) who enjoy each other’s company and an evening out to dinner at various restaurants on the second Friday of each month. We always welcome ‘New Friends” to join us. Our next outing will be on Friday, April 10 at 6:00 p.m. at Jason’s Deli, 4750 Ashford Dunwoody Rd., Dunwoody. Reservations must be made by noon April 9 to Betty Moreland, 770-641-8519. To be added to the mailing list or simply learn more details about our group, please contact Betty Morland, or 770-641-8519. 4 | April 2015
TRIP TO THE MONASTERY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT On Friday, April 24 We invite you to take a bus trip with us to the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, GA. This is a place of peace, prayer, beauty, and simplicity. Their stained glass work reflects the blending of old and new. Each piece has been made by monks at the monastery. Their bakery makes delicious fudge, fruit cakes and biscotti. The garden center is recognized for it’s bonsai knowledge, plants and supplies. The bus leaves from the church at 10:00 a.m. and will return by 3 p.m. The cost including bus fare and a box lunch from Honey Baked Ham is $28. We will have lunch in their Refectory Cafe and attend the noon prayer service, with ample free time to visit their museum, Bonsai garden and the Abbey store. We will also watch a video on the life of the monks. The last day for payment is at noon Sunday, April 19. Contact Rev. Exa Grubb to sign up or with questions at 770-394-0675 ext. 205 or at exa.grubb@
SINGLES MISSION TRIP Calling all Singles! The Singles Ministry of Dunwoody UMC is going on a mission trip to Hinton Rural Life Center. We will be doing light construction and home repair for families living in poverty. The cost for the entire weekend including lodging and food is $125. We will be leaving church at 6 p.m. on April 16 and arriving back to church around 11:30 a.m. on April 19. RSVP to Ashley Jenkins by April 6 at ashley.jenkins@
Join those at the Lunch & Learn Programs of PALS on Mondays from April 6 to May 18, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Dunwoody United Methodist Church. Select from the following offerings: The Nugget Series, Jewelry Making Class, Heritage of the Southeastern Indian Tribes, Keys to Maintaining Your Home and Maximizing Your Homes Value, Revolution-Independence-Nation, the Art of Ancient Rome, Painting Bird Feeders and Bird Houses, American Roots Music Part 1, Travel, A View Into the Societies of Western Civilization Through Their Architecture, Bridge and Mahjongg. Brochures are available around DUMC or by calling PALS at 770698-0801 or online at www.palsonline. org. Join the fun and enjoy great catered lunches, available with reservations.
DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP The Dementia Support Group is for caregivers - both local and long distance - of persons affected with any form of dementia - ie: frontal lobe, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s. The group meets the second Thursday of each month, from 10 - 11:30 a.m. in Room 254. This group is sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association and is open to anyone to come at any time. For further information or questions contact JoAnn Akers at akersjoann@
STEPHEN MINISTERS CARE. Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who have received special training in order to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community experiencing challenges such as grief, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss, and many other life difficulties. To learn how to become a Stephen Minister or receive care from one, contact one of the pastors or Pat deBolt at 770396-6836.
April 2015 | 5
We are looking for volunteers to operate a camera in the sanctuary during services, which requires a steady hand and good eyesight. Also someone(s) to operate an audio mixer in various locations around the church. Requires a knowledge of audio technology and mixing, as well as good hearing. Contact Ed Trundle at or 770-394-0675 ext 271 to volunteer.
We are looking for assistance with the planning, creation and building of the DUMC float in the 2015 Dunwoody 4th of July parade. Hope you’ll consider joining us with a Dunwoody tradition. Contact David Melton at david. with questions or to volunteer.
PARKING LOT GREETER We are looking for volunteers to welcome persons who park in the Guest Parking Spaces on Sunday mornings ask if they can provide assistance and escort guests into the Sanctuary or activities building. One Sunday/month for six months between 8:30-9:10 a.m. or 10:00-10:40 a.m. To help, please contact Samantha Faklaris at samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc. org or 770-394-0675 ext 117. DUNWOODY UMC MEDIA CENTER We are looking for volunteers to help in the DUMC Media Center. Hours are flexible, training available as needed. Check out and in books, shelve, catalogue. Contact Exa Grubb at or 770-394-0675 ext 205.
A wonderful way to serve our church is volunteering to be an usher during our Sunday services. There is always room for you, to become a member of a regular “team,” be it a 9:00 a.m. or a 10:30 team, or, even as a substitute usher, as called upon from time to time. There are no special qualifications needed, other than being willing to help make all worshippers feel welcomed and cared for. There are a few opportunities awaiting you. Please join a special group of men and women by contacting Doug Horst 404-6944114, Charles Pittard 770-622-1626, or Rip Clark 770-393-2649 for more information on this ministry.
During Holy Week only, our Wednesday Night Supper will move to Thursday night, April 2. The dinner will be followed by a Service of Holy Communion in the Sanctuary. Rev. Dan Brown, preaching THE EXAMPLE John 13:1-17, 31-35 On Good Friday, we will have a Tenebrae Service based on the Seven Last Words of Christ at 7:00 p.m. This is in addition to the service at noon that day. THE SEVEN LAST WORDS OF CHRIST There will be four opportunities to worship on Easter morning. There will be the Contemporary Service in the Fellowship Hall at 8:00 a.m., and three services in the Sanctuary at 9:00, 10:05, and 11:15 a.m.
At their March meeting, the Serving To g e t h e r C i r c l e assembled Easter b askets for th e mothers living in our transitional houses. The beautiful gift baskets included candies, toiletries and cosmetics, note paper, treats, and other useful items. Thanks to these ladies for making Easter morning a special time for the families.
We are a group of wise and mature senior ladies. We meet the second Tu e s d a y o f t h e month in the Wesley Room at 9:30 a.m. We enjoy a time of fellowship and we are studying the book of Luke this year. We invite guests to lead our studies each month. Each year we have a delightful Christmas lunch with special entertainment and an end of the year luncheon in May where we share salads and desserts.
6 | April 2015
Front row, left to right: Gracie Ackaway, Caroline Gracey, Lindsay Harris, Marguerite Lanham, Laura Lawson Duncan, Carley Chastain, Megan Dunmon, Caroline Draughon Back row, left to right: Meredith Frederick, Emily Eith, DUMC Family Promise Coordinator Cathy Elliott, Family Promise of North Fulton/DeKalb Executive Director Felicia Lewis Hardy and Office Manager Jan Russell, Caroline Plyler, and Dunwoody Methodist Church Senior Pastor Dan Brown Not pictured: Annie Echemendia, Lauren Killeen and Emily Schmitt
Family Promise of North Fulton/DeKalb, an organization working with a network of 13 churches and synagogues in Dunwoody and Sandy Springs to provide temporary housing, assistance and case management for families with children experiencing homelessness, recently received a $3,089 check from Dunwoody United Methodist Church’s Girl Scout Troop #27436. This troop of 14, 8th grade girls is led by DUMC member, Sarah Duncan, and they’ve been working with Family Promise at DUMC for several years – they have set up and taken down bedrooms, hosted families, babysat children, made meals and even helped with Christmas decorations and food for the families at other congregations. Last fall, the girls decided to raise money for Family Promise with the hopes of providing enough funds to make a significant difference to those in the program. They created and sold “It’s All Good In The ‘Wood” Dunwoody t-shirts with 100% of the profits going to Family Promise. The girls presented Family Promise with the check Sunday, Feb 22, for their Girl Scout Silver Award project. The girls would like to continue to raise funds for Family Promise, so if you would like to order an “It’s All Good In The ‘Wood” Dunwoody shirt, please visit this website:
CAREER MINISTRY CAREER MINISTRY WORKSHOP The number of ways to reach the hiring place has expanded yet, at the same time, it has become more difficult to find and begin the hiring process. Join us Tuesday, April 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the Wesley Room. Topics covered will include how to expand your conventional network, finding new contacts, getting found by recruiters, and exploring social media, including LinkedIn, Twitter, blogging and Yahoo groups. Facilitated by Will Grubb, a volunteer with the Career Ministry and a Vietnam veteran. He has worked with IBM, Hewlett Packard and BMC Software. Contact JoAnn Akers at akersjoann@ or 678-352-8334.
Seven Saturdays – April 11 – May 30 (will not build on Memorial Day weekend, May 23) 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. It’s time to register for our upcoming build! Due to the overwhelming success of the Holiday Festival 2014, we are blessed with the opportunity to build two houses this year. We will partner with other churches in our district in this effort. Registration opens March 1 at All skill levels are appreciated! You must be age 16 and up to build. Be a part of this life changing experience for two deserving families!
April 2015 | 7
Dunwoody United Methodist Church 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338
Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAI D Atlanta, GA Permit No. 3607
Ronald Barze – Mrs. Joyce Niemann, Mr. and Mrs. David Rheney, Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, Jr. Ralph Childs – Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, Jr. Clark David Collins – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins Doris Etheridge (mother of Linda Leake) – Mr. Jerry Rhea, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Loux, Ms. Brenda Hayden Douglas Fonde (brother of Richard Fonde) – Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fortenberry Bert Jones – Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, Jr. Edward Mallory – Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chancy, Ms. Janice Manus, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ridgway, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Boggs, Mr. and Mrs. James Redmond, Mr. Mike Price, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Serafy, Ms. Louise Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. David Schwenk, Ms. Rose Ann Muse, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bearden, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton King, Mrs. Ellen Fox
Bonnie and Les Brannan – Mr. and Mrs. David Schwenk, Mrs. Carolyn Middleton Rev. Dan Brown – Mrs. Jane Mallory DUMC Chancel Choir – Mrs. Jane Mallory Rev. Keith Lawder – Mrs. Martha Barze Mary Ruth Solem – Mrs. Jane Mallory
Clergy and Office Numbers Dan Brown Senior Pastor Lane Davis Minister with Youth Ashley Fitzpatrick Jenkins Minister with Singles/Young Adults Exa Grubb Minister with Older Adults Keith Lawder Minister of Spiritual Formation David Melton Minister to the Congregation Sonny Walden Minister of Music Church Office: 770-394-0675 Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 FAX Number: 770-394-8492 E-mail: Website:
Minister After Hours 770-316-1935
In case of an emergency such as a death or critical illness.