As you know, the title of this publication is, “Connections.” I love that title, partly because it carries with it the simple message that we are created to be connected. For example, we are created to be connected with our Creator. From the very beginning, God created us so that we could have fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Live outside of that fellowship and life does not go as well as it would if you lived within that fellowship. St. Augustine had it right, “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” We are also created to be connected with one another. In the very first chapter of the very first book of the Bible, we are reminded that God didn’t just create one person: God created two people in the hope that they would have fellowship with one another. Try living your life in complete isolation from other people and you will likely die a lonely, bitter individual. Yes, there are occasions when we need solitude and an opportunity to disconnect from all of the noise and busyness of the world. This is what vacations are for and that sort of disconnection helps to nourish the soul. I hope this summer you have been able to find time to do a little disconnecting. However, as summer vacation begins to fade into the memory, the school buses once again start running, and life begins to take on a normalcy, I hope you will make a point of once again reconnecting with all the ministry opportunities that will be available to you. In this edition of Connections, you will find information about Bible Studies, Wednesday Night activities, opportunities to get involved in the mission and ministry of the church, Children’s and Youth activities, and a wide range of other things. These ministry activities and mission opportunities are designed to help you do the very thing every soul needs: connect with God and connect with one another. I pray you will make the most of what is available to you. See you at the “Connecting Place!” Blessings,
Join Rev. Dan Brown for DISCIPLE 1 Fast Track. This study spends 12 weeks in the Old Testament (fall) and 12 weeks in the New Testament (spring). No previous Bible knowledge is necessary. At the end of the study, you will understand the flow of the whole Bible and how it all fits together. Wednesdays beginning August 24 from 7:05 pm- 8:30 pm in the Wesley Room. Contact with questions or to register. 2 | AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2016
AUGUST SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:00 CLASSES Preschoolers will be in rooms 172, 176 and 178. Kindergartners-5th graders start in worship with parents, then join leaders and peers in classrooms. Both age-levels 9:00 lessons will relate to the scripture lesson read in the worship services.
10:30 CLASSES SPARK begins for children age 3 by September 1 through pre-K (2017 kindergartners). It only takes a spark to get a fire going and we begin igniting the fire of God’s love in our preschoolers. Small group leaders prepare children for the lesson taught in the Large Group segment, through music, storytellers and games. Look for signs on classroom doors for birthdate placement in 3 year old, 4 year old and Older 4/Young 5 classes. Rooms will be clearly marked. Our Theme for August: God made me. God loves me and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 10:30 Kdg-5th sign in at the gym then move to the Fellowship Hall on August Sundays for a soft start of Plugged In, our large group small group experience, which officially begins on September 11. Large Group worship will be full of music, movement, visuals and storytelling – Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Isaac. The Theme is Obedience – Trusting those who lead you and doing what you are asked to do. Small Group Discussion follows large group worship where kids learn how to apply each lesson to their lives. 3 | AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2016
SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 - BLESSING O F T H E B A C K PA C K S during both Traditional services and the Contemporary service. Kids, bring your backpacks to church to receive a special blessing on this year’s school year. SUNDAYS, AUGUST 14 AND 21, 6:308:30 - SMALL AND LARGE GROUP LEADER TRAINING: Come for either session to get tips on how to work with students in your area of responsibility. You won’t want to miss it! WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 - GRACE KIDS, 4:30-7:00: Wednesday Night Fellowship Group for 1st-5th graders. Planned around our children’s music program of handbells and choir practices, Grace Kids is a time for children to connect with God and each other through art, games, dinner and Bible study. There is no fee, but parent involvement is appreciated. Contact Diane to register. diane. . RSVP for Wednesday Night Supper each week by noon on the prior Monday, or buy a meal package for the quarter. Children may also bring their own dinner. CHARGED - 5TH - 6TH GRADE WORSHIP LEADERS - Wednesdays 5: - 5:45 p.m. Learn the worship songs and motions to help lead Children’s Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. PLUGGED IN! Contact natalee.dukes@ for information. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 – PLUGGED IN KICKOFF: The Children’s Vision Team has been working for months on this big event, as we reveal the small group/large group/small group format for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. S U N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 18 - 3R D GRADERS RECEIVE BIBLES in Worship Services of their parent’s choice. Parents, if you have not received information about ordering a Bible for your 3rd grader, please contact Diane as soon as possible. 770-394-0675, extension 133 or diane.morgan@
Saturday, August 13 Register today at Dunwoody UMC, with the help of Simpsonwood UMC and other local congregations, will package more than 300,000 meals. Our goal is to again involve the entire community to experience the joy and fun of working together for a great cause. We also need support during the event so if you don’t feel like you can stand at a table and make food packs, we will have other support jobs for you to do. On Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., join us to make a difference for a two hour shift. WE NEED 1200 VOLUNTEERS FOR THIS EVENT! To register, go to Questions? contact Samantha Faklaris at samantha.
Join Rev. Jenna Kennedy in a study of the history of art in the Church. She will lead you through history to see how art has enhanced the Worship of God through visual art and architecture. Thursdays, October 13, 20 and 27 from 10:00 am -11:30 am in Asbury Room B. Contact jenna. for more information.
How can we live lives worthy of the Gospel in the 21st century? Dr. Sondra Wheeler examines models for Christian ethics found in the Bible and in the writings of Augustine, Martin Luther and John Wesley. She then explores how each model offers insights into living faithfully in a modern consumer economy. This 6 week study is led by Patty Colson, Mondays, September 12- October 24 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the Thomas Coke room. Contact Patty at or 770-393-4530 to register.
We will be visiting one of the nation’s largest residential estate gardens this far, world class, Gibbs Gardens in Ball Ground, G.A. The gardens in the fall are a must see with brilliant fall colors, blooming annuals and lasting perennials. Wild flowers, hydrangeas, roses, ferns, waterlilies and Japanese maples are just a few of the spectacular seasonal sights. More information will follow.
THEOLOGY AND FILM SERIES Rev. Josh Amerson will lead a series on theology and film using a variety of movies to engage a group in theological exploration. Participants will watch a specified movie before each meeting and be ready for discussion in class. Mondays, Aug. 29, Sept, 26, Oct. 17. Nov. 14 and Dec. 12 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the Francis Asbury Room B. Contact josh. for more information. 5 | AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2016
PATHWAYS OF GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP “NO. It can’t be. It just can’t be. Someone I love is gone and my life is shattered into a million pieces. I want everything back the way it used to be. God, are you there? Are you listening? I want my loved one back. I’m not ready to let go.” (Dr.Kenneth Haugk). When you lose someone you love, you lose part of yourself…and that can hurt deeply. Grief has no timetable and, regardless of who you lost and when that loss occurred, it can still create a huge void. Your church is offering a monthly Pathways to Grief Support Group designed to help you walk with others on this same journey through some painful periods of trying to learn to cope again. The group will meet in the Thomas Coke Room on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 – 8 p.m.
GREAT DAY OF SERVICE Saturday, October 22, 2016 Registration will begin for our 2016 Great Day of Service on September 16! The Great Day of Service provides the opportunity to participate in one of over 40 projects at the church or in our community. This is a great opportunity for Fun, Fellowship and to serve those in need. Last year we had over 750 volunteers serving here at the church and in the community as well. This year, we have added a few new projects to reach even more places and people in need (including going back to our first Habitat house to help with their program Brush with Kindness). Please register below or stop by one of the information tables starting on September 18 to sign up, purchase t-shirts, or to learn more about how you can get involved. Also, there are a select number of Project Coordinator opportunities available if you would like to take a leadership role. To volunteer in this capacity, please contact Samantha Faklaris at or 770-394-0675 Ext. 117. DONATIONS NEEDED We will be collecting the following items for our projects: • Travel sized toiletries - shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, lotion, etc. • Birthday party items - plates, napkins, balloons, cake mixes, frosting – for MUST Ministries birthday kits • Peanut Butter - for Feed the Hungry Please bring these to the donation bin area located outside the church nursery.
Fall/Winter sale registration is now open! Mark your calendars to join us to sell and shop August 18-20. Register online today at serving/signature-events/consignment-sale.html. This sale is run entirely by volunteers - so we need you to consider sharing your time. Not only does it allow you to shop early and get those incredible deals for your little ones, but it also helps us give back to our community. Consignors make a profit on their items AND help Dunwoody UMC donate to local missions serving women & children. Traditionally, DUMCs consignment sales allow us to give upward of $15,000 to local organizations. WOW!
This workshop will address the reasons we pray as well as exploring different methods of prayer. All are welcome to join us including those who want to start a regular prayer time and those who are looking to enhance their current prayer life. Led by Rev. Kathy Brockman and Linda Danysh on Tuesdays, Sept 27-Oct. 25 from 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm in Asbury Room A. Call or email Kathy at 770-394-0675 or kathy. or Linda at 404-731-7392 or danysh01@ for more information. AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2016 | 6
Dunwoody UMC provides “Package of Hope” the last Saturday of each month. Distributing non-perishable food that will feed a family of four for several days, DUMC’s goal is to make families feel welcome as they work through tough financial times to get back on their feet. In partnership with Action Ministries, DUMC would love to have you join us (to volunteer or for assistance). Upcoming dates are August 27 and Sept 24 in the Youth Area from 9-11a. We have complimentary coffee and pastries for fellowship available. Please contact Cindy Hatcher at with questions.
DUMC IS HONORED AS CONGREGATION OF THE YEAR FOR THE CAC! Help the Community Assistance Center (CAC) stock its “pantry” for the summer, when donations are generally lower. The mission of the CAC is to bring together the Sandy Springs and Dunwoody communities to provide compassionate assistance to neighbors in need by providing financial support, helping to meet basic needs and promoting self-reliance. Since CAC was founded in 1987, the center has touched more than 16,000 families in our community. CAC works to meet basic human needs such as food, shelter, and clothing with the goals of helping individuals and families stay in their home, helping to reduce poverty and building stronger independent families and thus a more stable community. You can help by bringing any of the items listed below and placing them in the bin labeled CAC: (Standard sizes only) Beans (dry/can) Beef Stew Canned Fruit Canned Meats (Chicken, Tuna, Spam) Canned Vegetables Canned Pastas Cereal Chicken & Dumplings Dry or Evaporated Milk Jelly
Jell-O or Pudding Mix Macaroni & Cheese Pasta Meal Makers Peanut Butter Pork and Beans Potatoes (dry/can) Rice Soup Snacks (crackers, cookies) Tomato Sauce
BECOME A VOLUNTEER AT CAC FAMILY PROMISE Dunwoody UMC will host families for Family Promise beginning Sunday, Aug 28 through Sunday, Sept 4. We need volunteers to set up and take down guestrooms; provide meals and supplies; and host meals, evenings and overnight. For presentation, information or training on Family Promise please contact Samantha Faklaris at Samantha. or Jenny Carter at jenny.carter@dunwoodyumc. org. Please visit our website at www. to volunteer. Thank you so much in advance for your support of this wonderful ministry.
Become a volunteer at CAC and help our neighbors in need in Sandy Springs and Dunwoody! The Community Assistance Center (CAC) is a volunteer-driven nonprofit, providing services to neighbors by neighbors. Volunteers are needed to price clothing for the Thrift Boutique, sort donations, work in the food pantry, staff the reception desk and serve as client interviewers, Spanish speakers needed. Contact Debbie at
TRINITY TABLE It’s that time again - DUMC is hosting Trinity Table on Sun, August 28. Our church is filled with faithful supporters of this ministry and we are SO thankful for your help - smiley face. To sign up to help, whether it’s making sandwiches, sweets or buying fruit, snacks or drinks for to go bags.... or preparing food and/or serving that afternoon, email
Holiday Festival SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 25TH DUMC HOLIDAY FESTIVAL Saturday, November 12, 2016 9:00 am ‘til 4:00 pm Breakfast begins at 7:30 am
TRAVEL TO THE HOLY LAND WITH US! Rev. Dan & Carol Brown and Revs. David & Joy Melton invite you to travel with them to Israel/Palestine (February 12-20, 2017) with an optional extension to Jordan (February 20-23). Dr. Sam Morris, Jerusalem Institute of Biblical Exploration, will serve as the resource leader. To walk where Jesus walked, to stand at the tomb where Abraham buried Sarah, to drink from Jacob’s well and so many other surprising moments will bring the story of our faith alive in your life. You will learn to read the scriptures with new eyes and greater insight. For more information about this spectacular study tour, contact Rev. Dan Brown or Rev. David Melton, in the church office. It’s a once in a life-time experience!
WORKING WOMEN’S NETWORK The stated purpose of Dunwoody United Methodist Women is “…to develop a creative supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.” Like other circles of DUMW the Working Women’s Network (WWN) strives to do just that. Our annual Spring retreat allows us to spend time together without the distractions of everyday life. It has proved to be a great way to bond and to learn more about ourselves and our sisters in Christ. We enjoy the surprises of rental homes with goats on the deck, non-working grills and slippery gravel roads. Members of WWN are involved in many missions and ministries of the church. We volunteer and have served on the board at CAC; support Family Promise by providing meals or hosting overnight; have been instrumental in the start-up of Perimeter North Villages and the foster parent effort; and have spent numerous hours with Transitional Housing and Wellspring Living. Within the church we participate in ministries which include greeting, altar guild, music, communion, video ministry and setting up the contemporary service in addition to the “all-hands-on-deck” holiday festival. We truly enjoy being and serving together. WWN is a group of women who do or did work outside the home and find it convenient to meet in the evening on the second Tuesday of the month. If you are interested in getting involved in this group, please contact Shirley Layne, We would love to have you.
On Friday, June 24, 2016 a drive of under an hour was taken by 20 senior adult members of our church to Reinhardt University in Waleska, GA. Reinhardt opened in 1884 to offer an education to the children of this Civil War ravaged area. It has grown from 40 grammar and high school students to a university with a main campus in Waleska and three extended sites in Alpharetta, Epworth, and Cartersville, teaching a liberal arts curriculum to almost 1,400 students in the fall of 2015.
Just like college courses with the same title, the Dunwoody UMC 101 classes are an introduction to our church and our United Methodist denomination. Your clergy staff answers questions about what we do, why we do it, what we believe, and how to get involved. During the three-week class sessions, you will learn more about the church and its programs and the United Methodist beliefs. Rev. David Melton and other church clergy and staff teach the series of classes at 10:30 a.m. in the twenty30somethings suite on various Sunday mornings. No pre-registration is required. Just come to the class. or 770-394-0675 x 136. Next sessions are September 11, 18, 25.
We were welcomed and expertly guided through their Funk Heritage Center and the Bennett History Museum. The Bennett Museum honors the Southeastern American Indians with artifacts, paintings, and an expertly filmed video of their culture prior to the European invasion of the Southeast. We also saw a video of the donation of two Civil War swords to the Funk Heritage Center. DUMC member, Jim Davis, appeared in the presentation video as an ancestor to both of the sword owners and founding members of the university, A.M Reinhardt and J.J.J. Sharp. We highly recommend Reinhardt University if you have college age children or grandchildren looking for higher education where they can learn and thrive. “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors� is the motto of the United Methodist Church with which Reinhardt has been affiliated from its inception. See more
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Mary Elizabeth & Kyle Brooks
Clark Cornett
Lynn Kite
Lisa & Brian Cheatwood
Susan Dunham
Robyn Peck
Sarah & Jim Childs (Emma & Grace)
Cathy & Ben Elliott
Julie Rankin
Anne & Glenn Conoley (Katie & Ellie)
Catherine & Erik Graser
Kim Sortor
Clark David Collins – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins
Clark David Collins – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins
Charles Crawford – Ms. Patricia Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trundle, Mrs. Marilyn Preuss, Mr. Kenneth Byers Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hester, Dr. Jimmy and Dr. Ruth Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Crawford Jr., Act II, Word Presidents Organization Southern 7 Chapter, Private Bank of Buckhead, Mr. and Mrs. William Middlebrooks, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Giametta
Charles Crawford – Mr. Phillip Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crawford, Mrs. Doreen Campbell Alexander Tinsley “Ty” Flynn – Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson Susan Haun (daughter of Shirley and Len Sheppard) – Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Curran, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Petersen
Susan Haun (daughter of Shirley and Len Sheppard) – Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guidos, Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes, Ms. Danielle Phillips, Ms. Susan Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson, Rev. David and Rev. Joy Melton, Paramount Worldwide Productions Inc., Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Giametta
Helen Martin – Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Petersen
Helen Martin – Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heaner, Bible Study Circle, Crusaders Class, Rev. Exa Grubb, Rev. David and Rev. Joy Melton
Anne Young – Mrs. Nancy D’Ardenne, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Yates, Interpreters Class
Charles Payne – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Giametta Halle Scott – Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fortenberry, Mr. Larry Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Dimenstien, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Giametta Christina Semeria (granddaughter of Elizabeth Crawford) – Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton Sonya Smith – Crusaders Class William Watson – Dr. Jimmy and Dr. Ruth Brown
IN HONOR OF: Karen and Glenn Bell – Mr. and Mrs. Richard Browne William M. Wedding, Sr. – Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wedding William M. Wedding, Jr. – Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wedding William M. Wedding, III – Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wedding
Halle Scott – Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson Catherine Walden (mother of Sonny Walden) – Mr. and Mrs. William Schuh, Ms. Tina Schuh, Mrs. Susan Scott, Dr. Jimmy and Dr. Ruth Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scott, Mrs. Statia Carey
IN HONOR OF: Rev. Dan Brown – Mrs. Janet Marion Mark Bruening – Halftime Class Louise Campbell and Funeral Committee – Mrs. Janet Marion Rev. David Melton – Mrs. Janet Marion Brittany Sanders – Mrs. Susan Cunnold Mary Ruth Solem – Mrs. Janet Marion Edward Trundle – Mrs. Janet Marion Rev. Sonny Walden – Mrs. Janet Marion William M. Wedding Sr., Jr., III – Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wedding Cathy Wright – Mrs. Janet Marion Hugh Winn – Mrs. Janet Marion
Dunwoody United Methodist Church 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338
Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAI D Atlanta, GA Permit No. 3607
Clergy and Office Numbers Dan Brown Senior Pastor Josh Amerson Associate Pastor Kathy Brockman Associate Pastor Jenna Kennedy Associate Pastor David Melton Minister to the Congregation Sonny Walden Minister of Music
Travel with Rev. David Melton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus Christ using historical background, archaeological findings and stories of the faith. Fascinating video from Adam Hamilton’s personal travels to the Holy Land gives you a “first-person” experience while his biblical wisdom and historical knowledge provide thoughtful and insightful commentary. Join us for The Way, Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Wednesdays, September 14-October 26 from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm or from 7:05-9:00 pm in Asbury Room. Book is $20. Contact Polly Frederick at to register.
Church Office: 770-394-0675 Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 FAX Number: 770-394-8492 E-mail: Website:
Minister After Hours 770-542-1667
In case of an emergency such as a death or critical illness.