10-14-18 Combined Bulletin

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21ST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST OCTOBER 14, 2018 8:45 a.m. 11:05 a.m.

A Dynamic Christian Community of Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ 1548 Mt. Vernon Road | Dunwoody, GA | www.dunwoodyumc.org

Chapel Service *Call to Praise and Prayer Pastor: People: Pastor: People: Pastor: All:

We gather in the name of the living Christ to worship God. Surely, God is in this place and calls us to worship in spirit and in truth. God’s love is for you and for all people everywhere. That we may share God’s love and life, may we be renewed in the refreshing Spirit of the living Christ. The living Christ is with us. Praise the Lord!

*Hymn #139 *Scripture

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty


Colossians 3:12–15

Mary Batson Page 1427


Christianity and the Family

(Christianity and the Real World, Part 4)

Rev. Kathy Brockman

Psalm 84, #805 Prayer of Thanksgiving

Faithful God, we come into Your presence with thanksgiving, deeply grateful for the unfailing love and faithfulness You have shown toward us, Your people. When we call out to You, You answer. When we are exhausted, You give us the strength to go on. When we find ourselves in trouble, You are there, standing beside us. And so we come before You in gratitude and praise, offering You the worship of our hearts and lives. Open our eyes to see and know You here among us; open our ears to recognize Your voice. And then send us out from here, to live and work in the world as Your faithful disciples. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

After each prayer, the Leader will conclude: Lord, in your mercy, and all may respond, Hear our prayer.

Tithe and Offering

One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.


When Love Is Found (Hymn 643) Hugh Winn, tenor

English Folk Tune

Holy Communion #12 *Hymn #557

Blest Be the Tie That Binds


*Passing of the Peace *Stand as you are able. Ushers: Jack Eubank — Head Usher, Bill Barnes, Jim Knight, Geoffrey Nixon, Larry Price, Alan Raby, Phil Scott, Mike Wallace UMW Ushers: Margaret Gallagher, Carole Juray, Betty Ringley, Ruth Ellen Wilkinson Communion Servers: Mary Batson, Carole Juray

Contemporary Service Songs of Praise

Let Everything That Has Breath Lay Me Down

Greet Your Neighbor Words of Welcome Song of Reflection

A Mighty Fortress

Prayer for Illumination Scripture Reading

Colossians 3:12–15

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

Angela Go Jerry Carnes

Tithe and Offering Offertory Song Sermon

Song of Praise

Love Is Not a Fight Christianity and the Family

(Christianity and the Real World, Part 4)

Rev. Kathy Brockman

One in the Spirit

Benediction Ushers: Richard Browne — Head Usher, Peggy Browne, Lollie DeFreese, Ragan DeFreese, Lucretia Farley, Karen Foreman, Brad Harris, Kim Harris, Alaina Moncrief, Ed Moncrief, Sophia Moncrief UMW Ushers: Heidi Bahrmand, Debbie Berkman, Lynda Crum, Joan Gill, Betty Knight, Shirley Raby, Bette Whitley


Traditional Service THE GATHERING Prelude

Prelude on Lobe den Herren



Allegro Maestoso (Water Music)

Handel arr. Linker, McFadden

Handbell Choir

Chiming of the Hour Introit

Little Ways

Hill, arr. Marsh

Carol Choir

*Call to Worship

Pastor: Let us gather, sons and daughters of God, to give thanks and praise! People: God’s love transforms us from strangers into brothers and sisters. Pastor: We come as children to a parent, seeking care and guidance. People: May the Lord instruct us, and may we follow the way of Christ in all things.

PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING *Processional Hymn #139

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty


*Affirmation of Faith #881

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and Glory Be to the Father the life everlasting. Amen. Hymn 71

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Words of Welcome Children’s Moment

Children ages kindergarten – second grade are invited to exit after the children’s moment to go to the Children’s Library for Foundations and Traditions, a worship readiness class.


Concerns and Celebrations of the Congregation Silent Prayer Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Choral Amen

Chancel Choir

PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD Giving of the Tithe and Offering

One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.


Jubilant Celebration Hymn 95

*Doxology #95



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*Scripture Lesson



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Colossians 3:12–15




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Betty Ringley


My Lovely One Finzi Chancel Choir My Lovely One, I fain would love thee much, but all my Love is none at all I see; Oh, let thy Beauty give a glorious touch upon my Heart and melt to Love all me. Lord, melt me all up into Love for thee, Whose Loveliness excels what love can be. —Edward Taylor (1642 – 1729)


Christianity and the Family

(Christianity and the Real World, Part 4)

Rev. Kathy Brockman


SENDING FORTH Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn of Dedication #557

Blest Be the Tie That Binds

*Charge and Benediction Let There

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Be Peace on Earth

Hymn 431 Let There Be Peace on Earth

*Response Hymn #431

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*Stand as you are able. Please silence mobile and electronic devices during the service.

ASSISTING TODAY Ushers: John Campbell — Head Usher, Scott Ackaway, Celeste Cornwell, Rick Freeman, Armand Glassman, Russell Henderson, Lynn Knight, Kevin Patrick, Wray Russell, Bob Webb UMW Ushers: Janna Benston, Georgette Dickinson, Jae Oden, Esther Randolph, Jody Schuetz, Ann Stone Acolytes: Clara Cann, Tori Holliday


Concerns and Celebrations Prayer Concerns Mark Anderson, Ben Bailey, Pamela Bean, Del Burch, Nancy Childs, Holly Covington, Nancy D’Ardenne, Milton Davis, Brian DeChant, Bob Hallenberg, Cathy Harrison, Liz Hill, Glenda Joiner, Carolyn Maddox, Rev. Melton McNeill, Barry Moomaw, Gertrude Prager, Sharon Stout, Windy Wingate, Jeanette Winton



United Methodist Women (UMW) is community of women involved in missions, study, prayer and service in our local congregation and community as well as globally. UMW was founded in our church in 1933 as the Women’s Missionary Society, and are now the largest unit in the North Georgia Conference with 300 members of all ages. There are currently ten UMW interest groups at DUMC. Each group meets monthly to engage in fellowship, mission work, Bible Study and fun. From supporting the Holiday Festival and the Hightower Homework Club to the CAC and Women’s Community Kitchen, UMW focuses their energy on prayers and resources on the work before them. New members are welcome! For additional information, contact Mary Batson, Membership Chair, at mcbatson13@gmail.com.


Christianity and the Real World — Sermon Series Finding unity in diversity as Christians, while facing real life issues. Christianity and Politics, Oct. 21 Christianity and the Real World — Sermon Series Discussion Sessions Wednesdays, Oct. 3 – Oct. 24, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., Asbury Room. In an atmosphere of respect and open dialogue, this structured discussion session is an outlet to more deeply explore our role as Christians with issues surrounding sexuality, science, other religions, family and politics. Led by DUMC clergy. Church Pews Available The church has 12 pews available on a first come basis. There are eight pews, 16 feet long, and four pews, eight feet long. Available at no charge but must be picked up by Oct 26. If you are interested, please call Jim Boyea, at 770-542-1662.


There will be a brief Charge Conference on Wednesday, October 24 at 6:00 p.m. Asbury Room to deal with a technicality that requires Charge Conference action.


Great Day of Service Saturday, Oct. 20. This is the final week to register. Join us for a free breakfast and send off at 8:00 a.m. A variety of toiletry items are still needed for service projects. A full list is available at the donation bins (downstairs near the Nursery), or online at dunwoodyumc.org/great-day-of-service. Contact chris.mixer@dunwoodyumc.org if you are willing to sort or transport donations after the event. Visit www.dunwoodyumc.org/great-day-ofservice to register.

Holiday Festival Sports and Outdoors section is NEW to Attic Treasures this year! Donate or shop for sporting goods, grills and coolers, lawn and yard tools, fishing and hunting gear, exercise equipment and lawn and garden tools. Contact John Pruitt or Jeannie Culver at jeannieculver6@gmail.com for donation drop-off details. Community Assistance Center The C.A.C. helps meet the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing in our community. DUMC supports the C.A.C. through regular food drives and volunteerism. Please take a brown bag after church service today, fill it up this week, and return it next Sunday, Oct. 21. You can visit www.OurCAC.org/food-drive-list for a current list of their immediate needs.


Lands of the Bible Tour March 25 – April 5, 2019. Travel to Israel, Palestine and Jordan. Limited spaces are available. Contact kathy.brockman@dunwoodyumc.org or david. melton@dunwoodyumc.org for details. Faith and Film Series Oct. 28, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Room 258/259. Faith and Film Series begins the 2018-2019 lineup with “La Misma Luna” (Under the Same Moon). Discussion to follow the viewing of the film. Write an Advent Devotional Monday, October 29, is the deadline to submit a short devotion for the annual Advent Devotion Guide. These devotions are a great way to share your faith, a favorite Christmas memory or a thought to help others celebrate Advent. Contact Anne West at awwest@mindspring.com with questions or to receive a sample.

Shine a Light: A Forum on Human Sex Trafficking for Teens Sunday, Nov. 4, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall. A forum for teens in eighth – 12th grades. Hear how to protect yourself and others. Speakers include trafficking survivors, Wellspring Living CEO Mary Frances Bowley, FBI Victims Specialist Amanda Gulli, Dunwoody Police Chief Billy Grogan, State Senator Fran Millar and others. Organized by Dabney Duncan for her Girl Scout Gold Award project. Register at https://shinealightforum.eventbrite.


DivorceCare Wednesdays, through Dec. 19, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., 144. A weekly support group for those going through, having gone through or about to go through divorce. Book fee is $20. Contact Cathy Wright at 404-509-6656 to register. DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) runs concurrently for children, ages 5 – 12, in Room 144. No fee. Call Blayne Shelton, 404-432-3496, to register. Nursery care (4 and younger) is free with registration, call 770-394-0675. Grief Support Group First and third Mondays, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Parlor. A confidential caring ministry designed to help navigate those ups and downs of grief and loss. Contact JoAnn Akers at akersjoann@gmail.com.


Wednesday Night Supper Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall. Oct. 17 Menu: chunky beef chili, white chicken chili, baked potato bar, salad bar and dessert. Reservations are required. Call Debbie Collins at 770-394-0675, ext. 111 or email foodservice@dunwoodyumc.org by 12:00 p.m. on Monday. Blessing of the Pets Sunday, Oct. 14, 12:30 p.m., Brook Run Dog Park. All leashed and/or caged pets and their twolegged friends are welcome for a special blessing. Free and open to the community. Sponsored by DUMC, the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta and Brook Run Dog Park. Pictorial Directory Photos Sign up to get your picture taken for the new pictorial directory Oct. 30 – Nov. 3 and Nov. 27 – Dec. 1! Visit dunwoodyumc.org to sign up online or call Susan Kee at 770-394-0675.

Pictorial Directory Volunteers Does your teen need community service hours? Volunteers are needed to help with sign-up and greeting Wednesday, Oct. 30 through Friday, Nov. 2, 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday, Nov. 3, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Volunteers are especially needed on Saturday! To assist contact susan.kee@ dunwoodyumc.org. Sunday Service Medical Volunteers Medical professionals We are seeking volunteers to be “on call” during Sunday worship services. The time required is simply your commitment to be present at your preferred service on a Sunday you choose. Sign up for Contemporary Service or Traditional Service dates. Contact Dr. Ruth Brown (rcbrownmd@ aol.com, 404-358-8011) or Megan Cann, RN (megancann00@hotmail.com, 404-944-7073) for details. Visual Arts in the Library “The World in Black and White,” selected works by Debra Jansen, are on display through the end of October.


Contemporary Songs of the Americas Sunday, Oct. 21, 4:00 p.m., Chapel. A concert highlighting vocal music composed after 1900 featuring songs by composers including Barber, Bernstein, Copland, Gershwin and Rorem, as well as four premiere performances of music by C.G. Walden. Contact Brentley Cauthen at 770-5421661 or brentley.cauthen@dunwoodyumc.org.


Youth Basketball Registration is open for DUMC members and returning players. Recreational league for boys and girls ages 3 – 18 years. Visit dunwoodyumc. org/leisure. Empower Fitness Mondays, 8:00 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:45 p.m., Aerobics Room. Complimentary and open to the community. Total body transformation with classes that incorporate strength training, circuits, intervals, cardio and more. Contact michelle.spitz@dunwoodyumc.org. Thursday Afternoon Bridge Group The second and fourth Thursdays, 12:45 p.m., Young Adult Area. Men and women of all ages are invited to play. Contact Alan Raby at 770-393-3293 for details.



Dunwoody UMC Preschool 4’s and Kindergarten Informational Meeting Wednesday, Nov. 14, 9:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m., Wesley Room. Join Anne Trask, DUMCP curriculum coordinator and kindergarten teacher, for an informational meeting about DUMC’s accredited four’s and kindergarten programs. Topics discussed will include how these programs compare to public school Georgia pre-K and kindergarten programs. Contact amy.rohan@ dunwoodyumc.org. Registration Information and Tours Thursdays, 10:00 a.m., Youth Area. Thursday, Nov. 8, 15, and 29, Dec. 6, and Jan. 10. Preschool Director Amy Rohan will give an overview of DUMC Preschool’s program during a guided tour. Registration information for New Families Applications are due by Thursday, Jan. 17. Priority is given to DUMC church members. Contact Amy Rohan at 770-394-2555 or preschool@ dunwodyumc.org.


Christmas Tree Pre-Sales Now — Nov. 23. Pre-order your Christmas tree and support the DUMC Youth Ministry. Order online starting Oct. 1. Register at dunwoodyumc. org. Tree lot opens on Nov. 23. High School Fall Retreat Nov. 16 – 18, ninth – 12th grade, Banning Mills. All high school students are invited to Historic Banning Mills for a weekend filled with fun adventures including zip-lining and spiritual renewal. Register by Oct. 28 at dunwoodyumc. org/youth. High School Night Sundays, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. A night specifically designed for high schoolers (ninth – 12th grade) with food and hangout time, worship, teaching and small groups. Contact dallas.pfeiffer@ dunwoodyumc.org. Morning Blend Sundays, 9:55 a.m. – 10:55 a.m., Scout Hut. All sixth – 12th grade students are encouraged to come to the Scout Hut for large group teaching with small group discussions. There will be games and donuts!


Sixth Grade Confirmation Registration for Confirmation is open and begins on Sunday, Oct. 28. Visit dunwoodyumc.org/youth for details. Middle School Night Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Youth Area. All sixth – eighth grade students are invited for food, friends, fun, teaching and small groups. Contact dallas.pfeiffer@dunwoodyumc.org.



BACON (Brothers Around Christ) Tuesday, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m., The Brass Tap. Join the YA men’s group for trivia! Sunday School 9:55 a.m., Young Adult Suite. Classes range from college students and recent grads to singles and married couples. We meet monthly for fellowship and to spotlight creative ways to give back.


What Matters Most: A Study of Philippians Wednesday mornings or evenings, Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 28 and Dec. 5 and 12, 9:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Room 258/259. Cost is $13. For questions about the morning session, contact phmenefee@gmail.com. For questions about the evening session, contact sallyabele@ msn.com. Invite a friend! GraceTime — UMW Circle for Young Adults Tuesday, Oct. 23, 7:00 p.m., Young Adult Suite. Spooky or sweet? Join us to carve pumpkins and enjoy fellowship among friends. Contact DUMCYA@gmail.com for more info or visit our DUMCYA Facebook page.


New Friends Monday, Nov. 12, 11:30 a.m., Memphis Barbecue Co, 4764 Ashford Dunwoody Road. Reservations are due by noon on Nov. 10. We are a group of widowed friends (men and women) who enjoy lunch out on the second Monday of each month. To RSVP or find out more, please contact Betty Moreland at 770-641-8519.

This Week’s Highlights Sunday, October 14, 2018 DUMC Drama Youth Small Group Meeting Bells Aflame Youth Handbell Choir Rehearsal Disciple IV Youth Choir Rehearsal New Member Dinner High School Night Eighth Grade Girls Small Group Monday, October 15, 2018 Empower Fitness Disciple I Fast Track Women’s Choir Rehearsal Soccer Practices Grief Support Group Adult Handbell Choir Rehearsal Women’s AA DUMC Drama Tuesday, October 16, 2018 WOW Bible Study Empower Fitness Pickleball Soccer Practices Transitional Housing Mtg VFW Post 10822 Meeting NAMI Support Groups Wednesday, October 17, 2018 Fit 4 Christ UMW Heart & Home Disciple II Fast Track Promise Kids Li’l Lambs Rehearsal Cherubs Rehearsal Tone Chimes Rehearsal Promise Kids

1:00PM 4:30PM 4:45PM 5:00PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 6:45PM 8:00AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 5:00PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 9:45AM 12:45PM 2:30PM 5:00PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 7:30PM 6:30AM 9:00AM 10:00AM 4:00PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM

Carol Choir Rehearsal Crusader Choir Rehearsal Soccer Practices Wednesday Night Supper Middle School Night Third Grade Bible Club Grace Kids Midweek Prayer and Communion Service Divorce Care Divorce Care For Kids Faith Focus Ladies Bible Study Faith Focus Men’s Bible Study Chancel Choir Rehearsal Christianity and the Real World Disciple II Fast Track Thursday, October 18, 2018 Emmaus Reunion Group Seniorcizers World War II Roundtable The Church Network Empower Fitness Soccer Practices International Missions Committee Meeting Knitting Men’s Softball Big Book Study Friday, October 19, 2018 Great Day of Service Set Up Soccer Practices Men’s AA Saturday, October 20, 2018 Christmas Tree Pre-Orders Great Day of Service Soccer Games

5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:30PM 6:00PM 6:15PM 6:15PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:00AM 8:30AM 11:00AM 11:30AM 12:45PM 5:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM 7:00AM 5:00PM 6:30PM 12:00AM 8:00AM 8:00AM


We are glad you are here and have a small gift for you. Please stop by the Welcome Desk outside of the Sanctuary or in the Activities Building lobby this morning. For more about joining Dunwoody UMC, contact Rev. David Melton, 770-394-0675, david.melton@ dunwoodyumc.org. Paths by which you can join: Transfer of Letter: When you have been a member of another church. Profession of Faith: When you have been baptized but have not actually joined a church. Profession of Faith and Baptism: When you have neither joined a church nor been baptized.


DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 After Hours: 770-542-1667 mail@dunwoodyumc.org www.dunwoodyumc.org Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 prayer@dunwoodyumc.org Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday Senior Pastor: Rev. Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Rev. Josh Amerson, Rev. Kathy Brockman, Rev. Jenna Kennedy, Rev. David Melton, Rev. Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem Audio Visual: Ed Trundle

STAY CONNECTED Subscribe to Dunwoody UMC emails at www. dunwoodyumc.org/subscribe. Friday morning’s eConnections includes a weekly message from Rev. Dan Brown and a listing of upcoming events. You can also subscribe to Daily Readings, Christian Sympathy, Children’s Ministry Parents, Youth News, and seasonal devotionals. Follow Dunwoody United Methodist Church on Facebook and Instagram. Watch the 8:45 a.m. Contemporary and 11:05 a.m. Traditional services at home with Livestream. Log on to livestream.com/dunwoodyumc.

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