December Connections

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IT’S A WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR By the time you read this edition of Connections, there is a good chance Christmas music will have started filling the airwaves, Christmas specials will be on the television, various groups will be planning for Christmas parties, some will have already put up Christmas decorations, and many will have started to buy Christmas gifts. These are just some of the ways we prepare for the coming of Christmas.

Church we have a wide variety of ways we try to help this season to be a meaningful one for you.

at least in my experience, they really help with the whole celebration of the season.

During our worship services, we will have the lighting of the Advent Wreath. We will start with the lighting of one candle. Then, each week, we will light another candle until the entire Advent Wreath is lighted on Christmas Eve.

Two of the opportunities I hope you will make plans right now to attend are “An Evening of Christmas Worship” on December 23rd, and one of our Christmas Eve Services on the 24th.

In the Church, we call this season of preparation, the Season of Advent. The term, “Advent” is a version of the Latin word meaning, “coming.” During the Season of Advent, we look forward to the coming of Christ in the birth of the babe in Bethlehem. We also look forward to when everything will be brought into fulfillment at the second coming of Christ.

Our Advent Sermon Series will focus on “The Gift,” and we will be looking at different aspects of the incredible gift God has given to us through the birth of God’s Son and our Savior, Jesus the Christ.

The Season of Advent is marked by a mood of expectation, preparation, repentance, joy, and fulfillment. Here at Dunwoody United Methodist

An Advent Devotional Book will be made available to you...and if you prefer, you can receive the devotions from the booklet sent to you each day via the internet. Our choirs will have special programs that you will have an opportunity to attend. These are always special and

These are just some of the opportunities that are available to you. You will find more as you read further on in this edition of Connections. My prayer for you is that this will become for you a time when the power and promise of Christ’s presence breaks in upon you in new and fresh ways. See you on Sundays, if not before! Your Pastor,

Dan Brown

For more information or to reserve a tour date, please contact Susan Hotchkiss at 770-394-2555, or by email at Dunwoody United Methodist Church Preschool 1548 Mt. Vernon Rd * Dunwoody, GA 30338

2017-2018 PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION IS COMING! Please join us for a tour of Dunwoody UMC Preschool. Preschool Director Susan Hotchkiss will give an overview of Dunwoody UMC Preschool’s program and guide a tour to see the preschool day in action. Our SACS/CASI AdvancEd accredited program is available for Infants (age 6 months by 9/1/16) through Kindergarten (age 5 by 9/1/16). Dunwoody UMC Preschool has served the community for over fifty years offering a developmentally appropriate education in a loving, Christian environment.

2017-2018 REGISTRATION DATES FOR NEW FAMILIES • Thursday, January 19 Dunwoody UMC Members • Friday, January 20 Community 2 | DECEMBER 2016

2017-2018 TOUR DATES All tours begin at 10:00 am and meet in the Youth Area • Thursday, December 1 • Thursday, December 8 • Thursday, January 5 • Thursday, January 12


Celebrate Christmas with Us! Sunday, December 4


4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Living Nativity follows on the front lawn Sunday, December 11


4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary The Chancel Choir led by Rev. C.G. Walden, III Wednesday, December 14, and Thursday, December 15


10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Threes classes on Dec. 14, Fours and Kindergarten classes on Dec. 15 Friday, December 23

A NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS WORSHIP 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall Contemporary-style worship Saturday, December 24

CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLE LIGHT SERVICES Family Services with Children’s Choirs 4:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. (nursery available) Holy Communion with Youth Choir 7:00 p.m. (nursery available) Service of Lessons and Carols with Chancel Choir 9:00 p.m. (nursery available) Holy Communion with Chancel Choir 11:00 p.m. Sunday, December 25

Join Rev. David Melton and Michele Spitz for this 12 week weight loss program. In Bod4God, Pastor Steve Reynolds, the “Anti-Fat Pastor”, reveals the four keys that have unlocked the door to health and fitness for him and for countless others who have dedicated their bodies to God. Thursdays, March 9-May 13 from 6:00pm-9:00pm. $15 for the book. Contact Polly.frederick@ with questions or to register.

MEN’S GOLF RETREAT Calling all men! Join us for an overnight golf retreat at Callaway Gardens, March 24-25, 2017. Play both the Lake View and Mountain View Courses with men from DUMC and their guests. Join in fellowship, Bible study, and golf. Put it on your calendar NOW!!! Details to come shortly.

SMALL GROUP STUDIES IN THE NEW YEAR These are a few of the studies we are planning for the New Year. More information to come soon. If there is a topic you are interested in leading or participating in that you do not see, please contact polly.frederick@ •

Moses: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet, by Adam Hamilton

Holy Week: The Week that Changed the World led by Dr. Charles Page

History of Art in the Church

Spiritual Gifts

Acoustic Guitar Smarts

Gardening Lecture

Easy Cooking

Saturday helpers

T-shirt quilts

Social Media 101

CHRISTMAS DAY WORSHIP 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary

CHRISTMAS EVE OFFSITE PARKING 100 Ashford Center North parking deck (Ashford Dunwoody Road across from Dunwoody Baptist Church) Shuttle service begins at 3:00 p.m. for 4:00, 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. services.

DECEMBER 2016 | 3

46TH ANNUAL GREEN & WHITE BANQUET You are invited to join us Tuesday, December 6 in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 6:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Dunwoody United Methodist Women, the event is open to all women in the church and is the only time in the year when all UMW circles meet together. Please mark your calendars for an evening of good food catered by the church, wonderful music, fine fellowship and an inspirational message by Rev. Kathy Brockman, as we celebrate the theme “Unto Us Is Born.” The cost will be $10 per person and questions can be directed to Melanie Williams at 770-3948977 or

UMW - MOMS ON THE GROW Any moms of infants and young preschoolers out there looking for a way to get involved in the church, or simply just some fellowship with other moms? Moms on the Grow is a perfect way to meet other moms in the church! Meetings are planned with emphasis on families growing spiritually while meeting the everyday demands of motherhood. Come join us, meetings are typically held the 2nd Tuesday of every month, with some dates subject to change due to the preschool calendar. Meetings are from 9:15-10:45 a.m. in the parlor at the church and childcare is provided for your children. Please contact Leigh Cohen at for more information! We would love to see you at our next meeting!

2017 UMW BOOK CLUB READING SELECTIONS The UMW Book Club selects books from the UMW Reading Program. The selected books are chosen to increase our sensitivity to all human needs, to encourage critical thinking about issues facing us today and to strengthen our involvement in our church’s local and global missions. You are invited to attend one or all of future meetings. January - Education for Mission Category: Boundless by Bryan Bishop Through colorful first hand accounts, the author explores fresh experiences of faith from American youth, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Native Americans who are experiencing and following Jesus outside the boundaries of traditional Western Christianity. Discussion Leader: Mary Batson Meeting Date: January 9th at the home of Margy Hodgson at 7:00 p.m. March - Nurturing for Community: Love in a Headscarf by Shelina Jammohamed When an Oxford educated Muslim woman living in North London opts for the traditional “arranged” route for finding a spouse, she discovers the journey of her life. Through ten years of matchmaking, countless mistakes and outrageous mistakes, she discovers that being true to her religion means challenging tradition. Discussion Leader: Barbara Giametta Meeting Date: March 13th at 7:00 p.m. location to be determined May - Leadership: Falling Into Place by Hattie Kaufman As the first Native American journalist ever to file a report on national evening news, the author covers wildfires, murder trials and interviews presidents, astronauts and Olympians. However, her own story remained untold. A look inside the events that shaped her life and a memoir of overcoming the odds. Discussion Leader: Mary Sue Howard Meeting Date: May 8th at 7:00 pm. location to be determined. 4 | DECEMBER 2016

HAVING TROUBLE GETTING THINGS DONE WHILE TOTING YOUR LITTLE ONE AROUND? The DUMC Nursery Ministry is pleased to have the Weekday Drop-In program up and running once again! Drop-In is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for children ages six months through five years old. Drop-In is open to DUMC church members and currently enrolled DUMC Preschool families. We hope you will take advantage of this wonderful program! The Nursery Ministry is led by Usha Raghavan, who joined the DUMC staff in September as Nursery Director. Prior to DUMC, she served in children’s ministries at Decatur UMC for eleven years. Beyond that experience, Usha is also a mother, grandmother, a PhD, and a chess wizard. We are very lucky to have her on board! For more information on Weekday Drop-In registration, Wednesday nights, and Sunday morning care please stop by the nursery or email Usha at



Beginning Sunday, January 8 there will be bi-monthly GriefShare support sessions on the second and the fourth Sunday of EACH month, in the parlor from 1:30 – 3 p.m., and will be open to all who are struggling on this journey called Grief. Each session will open with a video and will be followed by guided discussions. For more information contact JoAnn Akers at

What will the holiday be like without the person you love? No matter how long it has been since your loved one has been gone, their absence will not go unnoticed. What to do with that empty plate at the table? What to do? What to do? Holidays force us to realize how much our lives have been changed by the loss of our loved one. Come to a session conducted by Brittany Presley and Tori Goodling, counselors with the Summit at Dunwoody Counseling Center on Wednesday, December 7 from 7 – 9 p.m. in the Francis Asbury Room A to talk about ways to cope with your personal grief during this season of Christmas and New Year’s.

Please join us Tuesday, January 10, 7-9 pm in the Asbury Room for Maximizing LinkedIn. This presentation is designed to enhance the LinkedIn user experience of current users by taking it to the next level through the introduction of advanced features and techniques designed to get the maximum value out of using LinkedIn, the professional social networking site, which has grown in popularity since starting up in 2003. One must already be on LinkedIn and have some level of familiarity in order to benefit from this presentation. Attendees will be introduced to advanced features that many users do not use or know exist that includes: • • • •

Keyword optimization Advanced Strategies for Connecting Advanced Ways to Use Groups LinkedIn Professional Gallery

Keith Warrick, a leading consultant/featured speaker on LinkedIn throughout the Atlanta area, will be the presenter. Keith has his MBA from Clark Atlanta University and has over 15 years of Information Technology experience in analyst roles that span several industries. He is passionate about the software application development process, and the significance of the business analyst role, and the criticality of its involvement of successful IT systems delivery. You will not want to miss this presentation! DECEMBER 2016 | 5

INTERNATIONAL MISSION TRIPS Brazil, Guatemala, Panama! See the world like you have never seen it before in 2017 with our international mission program! Our first ever “family” mission team will travel to Panama during July 8-15, 2017. An adult mission team will travel to Brazil during July 21-30, 2017. And a second adult mission team will travel to Guatemala during August 19-26, 2017. Three wonderful and exciting opportunities to follow John Wesley’s proclamation that “The World Is My Parish”. Join us as we minister to our parish! Come to our first general information meeting on Monday, February 6, 2017 in the Asbury room beginning at 7:00 p.m. You will hear details about all three mission trips in 2017 and you can sign up for the trip that interests you the most. Make 2017 the year that you decide to experience one of these great mission trips! You will be happy that you did!

FAMILY PROMISE OVERVIEW AND TRAINING Interested in Family Promise but haven’t been able to volunteer yet? Regular volunteer who wants to learn more about the program? Need to be safe sanctuary trained? Join us on Sunday, December 4 in the Young Adult Area at 11:45 am as we introduce our new chairs for 2017, meet the next Executive Director and Case Manager and have safe sanctuary training for those that need it. “Serving Family Promise is one of the best ways to give back. It’s two hours of pure fun for me and my family!” Join us. Questions, please contact Samantha Faklaris at samantha.faklaris@

CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE Looking for a way to say thanks to someone who has everything? Need an alternative option for giving?! Please consider shopping in Dunwoody UMC’s Christmas Catalogue for a gift that makes a difference in the lives of people in Atlanta and around the world. These gifts/donations can be made in honor of someone. The catalogue is free. Pick up a copy at the Welcome Centers and Reception Desk. Contact Samantha Faklaris at with questions. Thank you!

PACKAGE OF HOPE Dunwoody UMC provides “Package of Hope” the last Saturday of each month. Distributing nonperishable food that will feed a family of four for several days, DUMC’s goal is to make families feel welcome as they work through tough financial times to get back on their feet. In partnership with Action Ministries, DUMC would love to have you join us (to volunteer or for assistance). Upcoming dates are December 31, January 28 and February 18 in the Youth Area from 9-11 am. We have complimentary coffee and pastries for fellowship available. Please contact Cindy Hatcher at with questions.

HIGHTOWER HOMEWORK CLUB - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The 2016-17 school year is underway and we look forward to helping the elementary children at Hightower once again. Please join us in helping them with math, reading and/or free time after school. Homework club will be from 3-4:20p for the elementary aged children. We hope that volunteers will arrive by 2:45p to get ready before the children join us. New this year - DUMC is providing volunteers on Mondays & Tuesdays only - so please check your calendars and help us fill these slots up - Thanks so much for your support of this ministry - these children are thriving in school because someone like you takes the time to spend helping them for a short amount each week - a little goes a long way! 6 | DECEMBER 2016

Great Day of Service Thanks You! Thanks to all who made Saturday, October 22 a truly “GREAT DAY” in the life of our church and community. GDOS COMMITTEE



Chris Faklaris, chair Todd Anderson Owen Bouton Caroline Daniel James McGee Ed & Patty Moncrief Katy Moomaw Brian Savory Blayne Shelton Dorie Wirtz Samantha Faklaris, staff Jenna Kennedy, staff

Atlanta Tool Bank - Jim Knight

Knit In - Sarah Greer

Campbell Stone Retirement Montana Hamby

Dresses for Zambia - Ellen Sparks

SCHOOL PROJECTS Chestnut Elementary - Audra Weiss Dunwoody Springs Elementary Todd Andersen & Liz Houston Dunwoody Elementary Courtney Lamb Hightower Elementary - John Pruitt North Springs High School Mary Reid Peachtree Charter Middle School Ed & Patty Moncrief Vanderlyn Elementary Katy Moomaw Woodland Elementary - Gina Gill

Community Assistance Center Scott Ackaway Feed the Hungry - Action Ministries Dorie Wirtz Foster Care Support - Jennifer Knight Habitat Brush with Kindness Jack Whitley InterFaith Outreach Home Owen Bouton Jerusalem House - Brad Hindahl and Ron Kozak

Project Linus - Sara Phillips & Betty Knight Rice Bag Upcycling - Tina Wilkinson Dividing Grains - Jadene Burgess Sandwich Making - Leigh Pendleton Birthday Kits - Meredith Dunn Hygiene Kits for Homeless Helen Knight Care Creations - Tina Wilkinson Action Ministries Fun Day with Kids Carolyn Akers Wade

MedShare - Carren Sellars

Potato Drop - Caroline Daniel

Perimeter North Villages I Nathan Sparks

Stop Hunger Now - Johnny Stone Breakfast - Blayne Shelton

Perimeter North Villages II Kristin Eaton

Lunch - James McGee

Perimeter North Villages III Mark Bruening Sharon UMC - Kevin Patrick Transitional Housing - HomeStretch Scott Wilkinson United Methodist Children’s Home Rosemary Watts Wellspring Living - Andy Drexler Wesley Woods - Jill Linder Wesley Foundation at GT - Guy Griswold

Paige & Mike Casey

Mary & Bob Love

Wende Cherry

Doug Parr

Debbie & Chris Gaulden

Samantha & Andrew Pomeroy

Debra & David Gilley Libby & Arron Johnston Glenda Joiner

Susan & Stanton Stebbins Sasha & Jeff Tocio Yollande & Gregg Yambo

DECEMBER 2016 | 7

Dunwoody United Methodist Church 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338

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Julia and Len Clardy – Mr. and Mrs. Jon Hellman Clark David Collins – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins Joy Edwards – Mrs. Danella Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guidos, Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes, Mrs. Betty Moreland, Dr. and Mrs. B. Wiley Stephens, Mrs. Statia Carey Robert Fortenberry – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Megehee, Mr. and Mrs. David Schwenk, Mr. and Mrs. John Burney, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Mrs. Nancy D’Ardenne, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harvey, Mrs. Betty Moreland, Dr. and Mrs. B. Wiley Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Raffensperger, Finance Academy of Dunwoody High School, Mrs. Kathleen Miers, Mrs. Susan Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trundle, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor, Dr. Jimmy and Dr. Ruth Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love, Mrs. Edith Chapin, Mr. and Mrs. Fran Millar, Mrs. Dot Drury, Mr. and Mrs. James LeVert, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Troutman, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams, Mrs. Sarah Jane Baxter, Mrs. Statia Carey, Mrs. Gail Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Royce Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Patrick Susan Haun (daughter of Shirley and Len Sheppard) – Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scott Helen Martin – Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scott Halle Scott – Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harvey Sonya Smith – Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Fran Millar Elizabeth Thayer – Dr. and Mrs. James Nyland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weltlich, Jr. Catherine Walden (mother of Rev. Sonny Walden) – Mr. and Mrs. David Schwenk, Mrs. Danella Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Richard House, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Weber, Mr. and Mrs. James Frenzel, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy, Mr. and Mrs. William Schuh, Mrs. Betty Ringley, Mrs. Judy Brinson Anne Young – Personal Growth and Sharing Circle

Clergy and Office Numbers Dan Brown Senior Pastor Josh Amerson Associate Pastor Kathy Brockman Associate Pastor Jenna Kennedy Associate Pastor David Melton Minister to the Congregation Sonny Walden Minister of Music Church Office: 770-394-0675 Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 FAX Number: 770-394-8492 E-mail: Website:

Minister After Hours 770-542-1667

In case of an emergency such as a death or critical illness.

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