Dunwoody UMC Preschool Newsletter January 2011

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NEWS FROM NANCY Happy New Year and Welcome Back! The January newsletter will be your road map to all that is coming up in the next few months at DUMCP. First on the list is registration! All you need to know is covered in this newsletter. Also, the Parents’ Club has a lot going on including a new family meeting, yearbook, Original Artworks fundraiser and two of our biggest events—the Spring Book Fair and the Ice Cream Social. Make sure to read all of the details so you won’t miss anything! In His Service, Nancy Tatnall

Dunwoody United Methodist Preschool January 2011 Mark Your Calendar! January 1 - February tuition due January 5 & 6 - Registration packets go home January 14 - Pre-Registration forms due to the Preschool Office; February EXD due January 17 - No school, MLK holiday January 19 - Church member registration January 20 - Currently enrolled registration January 21 - Community registration January 28 - Coffee with Kelly February 1 - No EXD; March tuition due February 15 – Chick-Fil-A Night

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT REGISTRATION 2011-2012 All currently enrolled students will receive a registration packet on Wednesday, January 5 or Thursday, January 6. These packets will include a Pre-Registration Form (please excuse the 2010-2011 dates on the top), Registration Instructions, Admissions Application, Health History Form, and Emergency Contact Form. The Pre-Registration Form, Application, and $100 registration fee (per child) need to be fully completed and returned to the Preschool Office no later than Friday, January 14 at 2:00 p.m. to assure your child a spot for the 2011-2012 school year. The Emergency Contact and Health History Forms will be due no later than Monday, May 2, 2011. All students must provide a current Georgia Immunization Certificate 3231 by Thursday, September 1, 2011. Additional forms are available on our website, www.dunwoodyumc.org, on the Preschool Page under “Registration.” If you wish to enroll in a MWF Two Year Class or T-F Three Year Class, you must attend the number drawing on one of two dates. Church Members (as of October 1, 2010) may participate in the number drawing for those classes on Wednesday, January 19 at 7:30 a.m. Currently Enrolled families may participate in the number drawing on Thursday, January 20, 7:30 a.m. Due to limited availability of spots in these classes, everyone must be physically present for the number drawing on the appropriate day. There will be no exceptions. If you cannot attend the number drawing on your respective date or cannot send in a proxy (another family member or friend), your name will be added to the waiting lists for those classes after the individuals who have participated in the number drawing. There is no advantage to arriving before 7:00 a.m. If a class fills on the first day, numbers will be drawn for currently enrolled students to determine a child’s place on the wait list should openings become available. (cont...page 2)

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT REGISTRATION 2011-2012 (CONTINUED) Changes for 2011-2012 - Tuition increase reflects changes in our operating expenses. - We have added another four-day Threes class. - We are waiting until registration is complete to determine if an additional Young Fives’ class will be needed.

Six Steps to Registering Your Child for 2011-2012 1.

Complete the Pre-Registration Form and Admissions Application.


Attach a $100 check per child to the forms and return to the Preschool Office no later than Friday, January 14 at 2:00 p.m.


If you are registering for MWF Twos or T-F Threes, you must attend the number drawing at registration on Wednesday, January 19 at 7:30 a.m. for DUMC members or Thursday, January 20 at 7:30 a.m. for Currently Enrolled Families (non-DUMC members). See details in the previous article. The number drawing will occur promptly at 7:30 a.m. each morning.


Complete Emergency Contacts and Health History Forms, and return these to the Preschool Office no later than Monday, May 2, 2011.


Pay September tuition by May 1, 2011 to hold your child’s spot for the 2011-2012 school year.


Provide a current Georgia Immunization Form 3231 no later than September 1, 2011.

We request that all current families registering for the 2011-2012 school year be current and up-to-date with all tuition payments prior to registration on January 19, 2011. Families who are in arrears on tuition may not be able to register without contacting our Business Manager, Fran Bartel, at 770.394.2555 Ext. 144 or Fran.Bartel@dunwoodyumc.org.

PROPOSED CALENDAR FOR 2011-2012 Tuesday, August 30

Open House Night (Parents only)

Wednesday, August 31

Meet & Greet (Students invited)

Monday, September 5

Labor Day (no school)

Tuesday, September 6

First Day of School (5-day, 4-day and T/Th students)

Wednesday, September 7

First Day of School (3-day and W/F students)

Monday, September 12

Lunch Bunch and EXD begins for 3’s, 4’s and 5’s

Monday, October 3

Lunch Bunch begins for 2’s

*Friday, October 7

DeKalb Holiday (no school)

*Monday, October 10

DeKalb Holiday (no school)

*Friday, November 4 or 11

Holiday Festival (no school)

Monday, November 21 –

Thanksgiving Break (no school)

Friday, November 25

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Thursday, December 15

Christmas Break begins

Wednesday, January 4

Back to School

Monday, January 16

MLK, Jr. Holiday (no school)

Monday, February 20

DeKalb Holiday (no school)

Monday, April 2 – Friday, April 6

Spring Break

Wednesday, May 16

Last Day of School

*indicates an unconfirmed event

January 2011 January 2011

In Honor Of... We, the Preschool Staff and Board of Managers would like to extend our deep appreciation and gratitude to Meg Kerr, Board Chair, for her efforts these past few years. Meg has been a dedicated leader of the Board, guiding us through leadership changes, SACS accreditation, and much more. We wish Meg and the Kerr family all the best with their upcoming move.

Thank You Meg!

THANK YOU NOTES The Preschool Staff wants to thank the Teacher Appreciation Committee for the lovely and delicious Christmas Luncheon they provided in December. Committee members include chairpersons Alison Woodrow and Barbara Royal, Sharon McWard, Michelle Lee, Megan Bruening, and Jody Wedding. Thank you also for all the goodies which found their way into classrooms and offices for Christmas! We love surprises!

REMINDERS The cold and flu season is here. Please remember that children need to remain home from preschool 24 hours following the last fever, incident of vomiting or diarrhea, or when coughs and nasal drainage are indicative of a respiratory infection. If you have any questions regarding our illness policy, please refer to the Parent Handbook online at www.dunwoodyumc.org, or call the Preschool Office at 770-394-2555. Children with older siblings in school may be exposed to head lice. If we find children scratching their heads repeatedly, we will check for an infestation. If your child has been exposed to head lice and has been treated, please let us know so we may take precautions in the classroom to prevent the spread to other students. We ask that children remain at home until there are no live lice or nits evident, especially at the hair roots and the hairline at the base of the neck. Jackets and sweaters are handy to have when the children go to the playground on cool mornings. Even if you do not put a jacket on for the car ride to school, please include one in your child’s bag. Please remember to label jackets, sweaters, tote bags, etc. with your child’s name. Lost and found items are located on the hanging rack outside the Preschool Office.

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January 2011

PARENTS’ CLUB UPDATES Welcome back, Parents! I hope your holidays were filled with much love and plenty of giggles and squeals from the little people in your life. I think my family spent the entire Christmas break in our jammies, so don’t be surprised if you see a Hillegass or two running around in their slippers! It has been hard for my family to re-adjust to the school routine, but we are so blessed with an amazing group of teachers and office staff to help ease our transition, AMEN! Just because it’s cold and quiet outside does not mean the Parents’ Club is in hibernation! There are many, many parents actively giving their time and talents this winter on upcoming projects. Read below for a little sneak peak of what’s to come, but look for more detailed information from the individual committees in the near future. I will end with a big thank you to all the parents who have been working on committees, volunteering in the classrooms, serving as room moms, etc. Please know that I personally appreciate each and every one of you and your contribution to our school community. There is no other preschool like ours, and we thank you for your contribution. Amy Hillegass Parents’ Club Chair dumcppc@gmail.com



New Family Meeting Tuesday, February 22nd!

Original Artworks is a company that takes pieces of

The Parents’ Club will be hosting a meeting to check-in

original art created by our students and turns them

with all our new families to see how their DUMC

into adorable products like magnets, notepads, etc.

preschool experience has been thus far.


The children prepared their art in the Fall, and sample

things can be a little overwhelming during Open House

products (magnets in prior years) will be provided for

in August, and good questions might arise now that

you to preview in the weeks to come. You can buy the

school has been in session for a few months. Now is

magnet, order a different product, or return the

your chance! You will get to meet with an expert panel

magnet with no obligation to buy anything. In the past,

of seasoned parents and our Director, Nancy Tatnall,

this has been a great fundraiser for the preschool and

and they will help answer any questions you may have.

has created some really neat products that kids have

Look for more details in the February newsletter.

loved giving to their grandmothers for Mother’s Day!

COMMUNITY SERVICE The Community Service Committee has some fun

Perfect timing!


activities planned to bring some love to our service men

After the huge success of the Fall Book Fair, we will

and women over-seas during Valentine’s Day, as well as

host another Scholastic Book Fair this Spring with a Buy

delivering some sweet treats to the men and women

One, Get One Free! It’s a great way to replenish your

who keep us safe in our community. More details to

personal library and stock your gift closet.


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January 2011



The Yearbook Committee has been diligent in

Also coming in the Spring this year is our Ice Cream

accumulating pictures for this year’s keepsake book.

Social. Instead of having this event in the very busy

As you take fun photos during class events, email copies

final weeks of school, we’ve moved it up to just before

to your class yearbook representative so they can get

Spring Break! For those who have never attended this

adorable pictures in the hands of the Yearbook

event, it is a fun afternoon of fellowship and fundraising

Committee as soon as possible. The deadline for photo

with plenty of ice cream and sprinkles for the kids and

submission is Friday, February 18.

lots of goodies to bid on in the silent auction. Each class contributes a themed basket to the silent auction, and

If you have a graduating preschooler and you wish to

we also receive generous donations from our community.

acknowledge them in the yearbook, please provide a

If you would like to help out with this event or if you

picture along with a short message to Lauren

would like to contribute a donation to the silent auction,

Borowsky at laurenmccoy@hotmail.com. Please make

please contact the event chair, Jessica Schumacher at

sure to include the child’s name and teacher’s name

dibbon@yahoo.com or the Parents’ Club Chair Amy

when you email Lauren!

Hillegass at dumcppc@gmail.com.

Yearbook Order Forms will be coming home in your child’s school bag in the coming weeks. The cost per book is $15. Some families pre-ordered copies during Open House. If you are unsure if you ordered your book, please contact the Parents’ Club, dumcppc@gmail.com.

SUNSHINE COMMITTEE We want to remind everyone about what a great source of comfort and celebration the Sunshine Committee can be. They are here to support families during times of joy and hardship, but they need to hear about those needs. If there is a new baby in your class or if you hear of an illness or death in a family or some other hardship, please let committee chair Catherine Liemohn know at liemohn@bellsouth.net.

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January 2011

COUNSELOR’S CORNER by Kelly P. Gfroerer, Ph.D. LPC Active Parenting™, a four week parenting workshop, will be offered on Sunday afternoons beginning, February 27 at 3:00 p.m. The Sunday afternoon time is designed to encourage both parents to attend this program together. We will meet from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Effective parenting strategies will be introduced, and there will be meaningful discussions on many parenting topics. Research studies will also be discussed. Active Parenting™ also provides video-based examples. The principles of Active Parenting™ are similar to Positive Discipline Strategies™. DUMC Preschool teachers have training in Positive Discipline in the preschool classroom and utilize these strategies in their classrooms. Active Parenting and Positive Discipline are both based on the work of Alfred Adler and Rudolph Dreikurs. This approach to viewing children's behavior teaches parents and teachers to look first at the purpose the behavior serves. Children’s behavior has two goals: belonging (feeling a sense of connection to others) and significance (feeling a sense of meaning). In this workshop we will discuss solutions to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Help children feel a sense of connection at home and school Help parents develop discipline strategies that are respectful and encouraging. Develop positive language to be kind and loving, yet firm. Teach important social and life skills. Better understand children’s misbehavior.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may call me at 404-695-0226, and I can easily be reached by e-mail at kgfroerer@juno.com. Registration for Active Parenting will begin in late January. Many Blessings, Kelly Gfroerer, Ph.D., LPC Preschool Counselor


INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY In the event of icy, snowy weather please be aware of our inclement weather policy: 1.

Friday, Jan. 28 at 9:15 a.m. Kelly Gfroerer, Ph.D, school counselor, will introduce “Active Parenting” which will be presented on Sundays, beginning February 27.

If DeKalb County Schools are closed for inclement weather, DUMC Preschool will be closed.


If DeKalb County Schools are delayed opening for two hours, DUMC


If the parking lot at DUMC Preschool remains dangerous for both

Preschool will be closed. automobiles and foot traffic, DUMC Preschool will be closed, and we will send

Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 9:15 a.m. Brenda Fitzgerald will present her Ready-to-Read program. Please RSVP to the Preschool Office if you plan to attend.

out an emergency closure notice via e-mail and twitter. 4.

If school is open, but weather conditions deteriorate during the morning, we will plan on dismissing no later than regular carpool time, and Lunch Bunch and Extended Day will be canceled.

Please refer to local news stations for the latest information on school closures. Thank you for your cooperation as we make every effort to keep our students and your families safe when the weather is bad.

January 2011

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