Dunwoody UMC February Connections

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FebrUARY 2011

opportunities for dunwoody methodists to connect

WORDS FROM WILEY As I am writing these words, there is a very aggressive ad campaign on television making certain claims about one branch of the church. The Roman Catholic Church is taking credit for preserving the Scriptures, being the first church with Peter as the first Pope, and other claims.

Welcome New Members Anne Bradford



The Church is strongest not when we look for reasons to feel superior over fellow sisters and brothers in Christ, but when we see each other as “one in the Spirit.” Let us look for what unites us, not what divides us. Let each part of the church bring its unique gifts and work together to the Glory of God.

Larry and Karen Domenico Will, Katie Terrie Foster Julia Mann

There is some historical truth to what they are saying, for there was really only one church in the world until about the first 1000 years when the Eastern and Western church divided. Then for about another 500 years, there was only one church in the west until the time of the Protestant Reformation, when other churches we know today began to form. What the ad campaign overlooks is the destinction no one branch of the church has exclusive claims to what the other branches share. This is the reason, in the Apostles’ Creed we say Sunday after Sunday, that we believe in the Holy Catholic church. Not one branch, but all churches that believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit make up the Church Universal. One branch is not superior or inferior to any other branch. For example, it was indeed the original church that preserved the Scriptures, but it was the branch called Protestant that led the way to translating the Scriptures in the languages of the people, and not merely in Latin, Greek, or Hebrew.




Joyce Murphy

New Member Reception Sunday, February 27 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall

Join your church family for coffee and refreshments as we honor those who have recently joined our church.

May God bless you,



Save the Date

Souper Sunday Lunch Sunday, February 6, 2011 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall

Come enjoy a soup and sandwich lunch with your church family. There is no charge for lunch, but monetary contributions for CAC and the Atlanta Food Bank are appreciated. 2 | FEBRUARY 2011

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, March 8, 2011 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall

DUMC 101: Introduction to Dunwoody UMC Classes Just like college courses with the same title, the Dunwoody UMC 101 classes are an introduction to our church and our United Methodist denomination. Your clergy staff answers your questions about what we do, why we do it, what we believe, and how to get involved. We intend the classes to be for new and prospective members, but if you are a long time member, you’re welcome to come and brush up on your basics. Rev. Zack Martin will be teaching the next series of classes on Sundays, March 13, 20, and 27 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the twenty30somethings suite. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 770-394-0675 with any questions you may have. Follow us on:


Children’s Ministry

Sunday School for Children of all Ages Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., in the Education Building. See the church website for details of time and curriculum: www.dunwoodyumc.org.

Arts and Crafts Room

God is Green Camp

We serve a very creative God (Have you seen the platypus?). Join us as we explore ways to express our God-given creativity through arts and crafts. The program is open to children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Children in choir may come and go as needed.

For Rising 4th, 5th, and 6th Graders Week #1: July 18-July 21 or Week #2: July 26-July 29 Sign up for 1 (one) week only. Each week is limited to 30 participants.

Our upcoming Sunday School units for kindergarten through third grade are: 1. Timothy, Lois, and Eunice: January 9 - March 6 2. Journey to the Cross: March 13 - April 17 3. 3000 More: May 1 - May 22

Blessed to Be a Blessing Lifting Up the Next Generation Children’s Sabbath February 20, 2011

Children’s Sabbath is an interfaith event that seeks to inspire congregations to help children through prayer, service and advocacy. The United Methodist Church and more than 200 other denominations and religious organizations support it. Sunday school for preteens in grades 4 and 5 is at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. each Sunday morning, except for designated holidays. Lessons are taught in 4-week units, with classes rotating to a new unit every 4 weeks. Preteens will have the opportunity to explore and apply their faith in a variety of different contexts. We need teachers! Please contact Kathleen Royston to sign up to teach!

Visit the web for details WWW.dunwoodyumc.org

Children’s Sabbath gives churches a chance to look at the real needs of children in the pews and outside the church walls, and it invites advocacy on their behalf. This year’s Children’s Sabbath Observance calls participants to end poverty in the United States and help keep the welfare of our children the top priority of this nation. Our congregation’s participation is an important part of creating a persistent, faithful voice for justice. On Sunday, February 20, as we focus on the children of our congregation and celebrate their presence in our lives, we also remember the children in our city, our country and around the world who are less fortunate than ours. This Children’s Sabbath calls us to remember that we are blessed to be a blessing to others. Join us at either worship service as we pray, celebrate and lift up the next generation of God’s children.

God is Green is a four-day, three-night overnight camp where preteens will learn about their responsibility as Christians to care for creation, find and worship God in our natural world, connect to nature and enjoy the outdoors. We’ll be camping at Forrest Hills Mountain Resort in Dahlongea www.forresthillsresort.com. Cost is $230.00 and includes lodging, meals, transportation, programs and crafts. Registration begins February 15th at www.dunwoodyumc.org. Scholarships are available and confidential. Call or email Sandy Mabry.

Sandy Mabry, Director of Ministries with Children (770) 394-0675 x 145 sandy.mabry@dunwoodyumc.org Kathleen Royston, Associate Director of Ministries with Children (770) 394-0675 x 145 kathleen.royston@dunwoodyumc.org www.DunwoodyUMC.org

FEBRUARY 2011 | 3

Vacation Bible School for Younger Children

Vacation Bible School for Older Children

Sponsored by Children’s Ministries June 20-June 24 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Sponsored by Children’s Ministries June 20-June 24 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Come to this kid-friendly café and explore the Bible as a cookbook filled with recipes for living out God’s Word. Celebrate Biblical festivals that reveal ingredients for being a follower of God!

God Squad is a mission experience for preteens that allows them to share Jesus in a hands-on, practical way. Students will have the opportunity to be God’s hands and feet by making a real difference in their neighborhood and the world around them.

For age 4-Rising 3rd Grade (campers must be 4 by 6/1/2011)

Early registration: February 15-March 31 Cost $25.00 Normal registration: April 1-May 15 (until capacity) Cost $30.00 Register online at www.dunwoodyumc.org. Scholarships are available and confidential. Call or email Sandy Mabry. Extended Day option (through Leisure Ministries) 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Cost: $100 Bring a sack lunch each day Minimum participants: 15, Maximum participants: 25

For rising 4th, 5th, & 6th Graders

Registration: February 15-May 15, 2011 (or until facility capacity) $40.00 per child per week (includes transportation) Scholarships are available and confidential. Call or email Sandy Mabry. Extended Day option (through Leisure Ministries) 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Cost: $100 Bring a sack lunch each day Minimum participants: 15, Maximum participants: 25

Sandy Mabry, Director of Ministries with Children (770) 394-0675 x 145 sandy.mabry@dunwoodyumc.org Kathleen Royston, Associate Director of Ministries with Children (770) 394-0675 x 145 kathleen.royston@dunwoodyumc.org

twenty30somethings www.dunwoodyumc.org/twenty30somethings

Women’s Night In Plan to join us on Monday, February 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the suite. Visit our website for details.

Car Care 101

Stay tuned, the date and details are still being negotiated! We will be going to Catherine’s Auto Shop to get a hands-on class on auto repair and maintenance from the experts. You’ll learn the basics and more advanced stuff as well. There will be no such thing as a stupid question!! We’ll also have a lunch or dinner option afterwards. Check our website and bulletins often for updates on the details.

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YOUTH 180° UPCOMING CALENDAR February 1 - Survivor Girls’ Club (6th Grade) 7 - Middle School Girls’ Club 12 - Youth Choir Sing National Anthem @ Atlanta Hawks Game ($30) 25 - 27 - Confirmation Retreat @ Lake Junaluska, NC 27 - Seniors-Only Evening - Home of Robin and Mike Williams

2011 Spiritual Life Retreat March 25-27 Camp Glisson, Georgia Join students from all over North Georgia for an uplifting weekend at Camp Glisson, one of the most beautiful settings around. Great music, fun, speakers, food and more. REGISTER ONLINE www.dunwoodyumc.org/180

March 1 - Survivor Girls’ Club 14 - Middle School Girls’ Club (Dinner @ El Azteca) 25 - 27 - SLR @ Camp Glisson 27 - Seniors Only Evening - Home of Thea and Al Quillian Sr Hi Breakfast club Every Tuesday, Hickory House at 7:00 a.m. Rides provided to school if needed. Sunday’s 180° schedule Heirforce for 6th graders 4:30-6:00 p.m. Mid High 7-8 grade 4:30-6:00 p.m. Youth Choir 6-12 grade 6:00-7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi 9-12 grade 7:00-8:30 p.m. THRIVE Every Wednesday for 7-12 grade youth 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Featuring the game on two giant screens, amazing food, and awesome door prizes. 6-12 grade 6-10 p.m.


February 6th www.DunwoodyUMC.org

Cost $5 Youth are permitted to leave earlier with parental sign-out.

Guys’ Night Out Hey 7-12 grade guys don’t miss out on the best guys’ night out in Dunwoody. Join us February 15th @ Buffalo Wild Wings from 7-9 p.m. for dinner and trivia. Parents, check out the Parent Link Newsletter www.dunwoodyumc.org/180 A monthly newsletter for parents of teens compiled by Rev. Stephen Streett. FEBRUARY 2011 | 5

Senior Adult Ministry

Dinner & Show On February 14 the Pryme Tymers will have a celebration of love and friendship honoring not only Valentines, but all dear ones, friends and family. Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall with a sweetheart of a dinner prepared by our own kitchen staff. After dinner, the Dazzlin’ Dames will show us how remarkable talent and energy have no age limit. These super- charged dames have all participated in the Ms. Senior Georgia Pageant. Their high-energy stage show is an exciting combination of comedy, song and dance. Come and join Deaconess Jo (Elna) Sheetz as she leads a discussion entitled “Joy to the World”: Mission in the Age of Global Christianity, Sunday February 27 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Asbury Room. This is a mission study sponsored by the General Board of Global Ministries and United Methodist Women. The title of this mission study reflects the conviction that, for United Methodists, mission and evangelism flow from joyous gratitude for the Good News of Jesus Christ. Its purpose is to explore the theology of mission and evangelism in the twentyfirst century context of Christianity as a worldwide religion.

The professionally-delivered Vaudeville style showcase of well-known tunes belies the fact that every performer has passed her 60th birthday and many have celebrated their 80th. The performers come from all walks of life and have “show biz” as a common bond. Cost for the dinner and show is $17. The last day for payment is Sunday, noon, February 6. Contact Exa Grubb, 770-3940675.


Café With Adam Stone, Political Satirist

May 6

Café with Joe Dabney, folklorist and author of “Smokehouse Ham, Spoon Bread and Scuppernonng: Wine and Art of Low Country Cooking”

Living Longer, Living Stronger Wednesdays, February 2 - 23, 7:05, Francis Asbury Room Baby Boomers turn 65 this year. For those of us just entering our senior years or those well-along the way, we face new challenges with each year. Professionals who serve senior adults will discuss four vital aspects of successful aging and answer new questions you may have. For more information contact Rev. Exa Grubb 770-394-0675 ext. 205. Feb 2 Advanced Planning for Legal and Financial Health Why Plan Ahead? Navigating VA Benefits • •

David Pollan, Pollan Law Firm Jeffrey A Barnard, Veterans Benefits Alliance

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Feb 9 Successful Aging – Adapting Gracefully to Change •

Thom Corrigan, MSW CMC

Feb 16 Maintaining a Healthy Brain and What You Need to Know about Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Feb 23 There’s No Place Like Home – Aging in Place

Lisa K. Meeks, Senior Care Options Marshall L. Nash, MD, NeuroStudies.net: Brain Health Follow us on:

Lou Ann Gregory, RN, Regency Home Care Maria de la Guardia, Assisted Living Locators Dara McMillan, My AccessAble Home


WOMEN’s Ministries For all you married couples out there (or one day hoping-to-be)....are you looking for a Valentine’s gift in 2011 that will last? Are you trying to find something that’s the right size and will fit perfectly? Well, look no further! God has a plan for marriage: it is a precious gift that’s not to be taken lightly. No Valentine card, box of chocolates, dozen roses, or dinner out, will compare to what God has in store for your marriage this Valentine’s day and beyond.....so, give the gift that your spouse will cherish: a gift of love, devotion, your time, yourself. We invite couples to join us for 6-8 weeks of marriage “advice”, given by the Ultimate Marriage Counselor through His servant Gary Smalley, beginning Sunday night February 13, 2011 from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.. DUMC’s Women of the Word (W.O.W.) ministry invites married couples to come together in fellowship to strengthen the ties that God has joined together...... Taught by couples for couples...join us as we seek to understand the realities of marriage, our mate, ourselves, our families and all our relationships as we discover “The Keys to Loving Relationships” with Gary Smalley’s DVD Series. If you’ve seen Gary before, he is funny and entertaining as he shares with us his life examples/experiences on his journey through the relationships we experience in life. Find out how to get the gift that keeps on giving as our Lord and Savior created for us! Look for further details in the Bulletin and on the church website. Any questions, please contact Beth Quick (quickdbce@comcast.net) or Sharon Nuckols (sharonnuckols@gmail.com). Continues on Thursday mornings through March 17th from 9:15-11:30. Beth Moore’s Revelation study, “Here and Now...There and Then”. The study consists of a DVD, group discussion, and homework. Come and experience this compelling, mysterious, yet HOPEFUL last chapter of The Holy Bible. Class size is limited and cost is $12 with scholarships available. Childcare provided. Please RSVP to Marty Chambless at martymmc@bellsouth.net or 770-668-0337.

Defensive Driving February 9 and 10, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. $12 for AARP members, $14 for non members.


Work on our 18th Habitat for Humanity House will begin on Saturday, April 16th. Look for registration opportunities in March.


Learn defensive driving techniques, new traffic laws, rules of the road, and much more. You do not need to be a senior adult to reap the insurance and safety benefits of this course. If you are under 55, check with your insurance company about a discount on your auto insurance. Register by calling Rev. Exa Grubb (770) 394-0675. FEBRUARY 2011 | 7

SPRING SHORT TERM STUDIES True Food and True Drink – What is the linchpin of the faith that holds us together? Holy Communion, “the true food and true drink”, (John 6:55) is the center of Christian spiritual formation. Come learn the story of the holy meal as it evolved during the first 100 years and uncover its meaning for your own life, today. A six-week course, Mondays, January 31st – March 7th, 7-9 p.m., Room 254. Led by Claudia Booth. $10 materials fee. Christian View of Economics – Is there a Christian view of economics? Economics is a social and secular science. Our UM Social Principles booklet addresses the economy issue with statements on such things as sharing resources equitably, corporate social responsibility, use of migrant workers, paying fair wages, and consideration of labor rights, human rights, and environmental standards in international trade. Does the Christian view lean toward efficiency or equity? Come, hear and decide for yourself. Led by Don Pattillo, Wednesdays, Feb 2 – 23, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. in the Wesley Room. A New Direction for a New Decade - A life-altering seminar for parents and teens featuring Connect with Kids and Stacey DeWitt, award-winning journalist and nationally-recognized speaker who appears regularly on 11-Alive in Atlanta. What is the reality for our kids today: Facebook? Twitter? YouTube? Grades? Class rank? Test scores? Resume building and competition that build a narcissistic, all-about-me culture, if not a cruel one? Where is the joy? Where is the passion for learning – and for living? Jan 23rd, followed by a 2-part seminar entitled Reality Parenting on Wednesday, February 2nd and 9th The History Room – Everyday we make history here at Dunwoody United Methodist Church, as have those who came before us. Sue Cunnold, our church historian, has compiled the church’s written and pictorial “history” On Wednesday, Feb 9, at 7:05 p.m., Sue will walk us through the collection and share some of what she has learned in the journaling process. The talk will be in the library where there is room for 20 attendees. No Way To Be Treated: Managing Addiction by Treating ADHD - Kevin Patrick, author and DUMC member, makes his argument by outlining the physiological similarities of both addiction and ADHD and proposes 8 | FEBRUARY 2011

changing current drug treatment methods in a way that greatly improves the percentage of addicts who maintain their sobriety. A compelling story and proposition. February 16, 7:05 p.m., Room 258/259. Taking Heaven by Storm (borrowed from the book title): “Evangelical History in the U.S.,” John Wesley founded the United Methodist movement in the 18th century, but American Methodism also has many influences from America’s evangelical culture of that time. These presentations look at the broader history and themes of 18th and 19th century evangelicalism, plus a few of the major figures of American religion who have shaped the ways we worship and believe today. Presented by Lane Davis, Assistant Director, 180° Youth, Wednesday and Thursday, Feb 23 and 24, 7:05 p.m., Wesley Room. The Settlement Game: How to Settle an Estate Peacefully and Fairly. Angie Epting Morris, author, presents “a common-sense solution to an age-old problem” Interesting tidbit: Angie’s father helped settle Dr. Stephens’ parents’ estate a few years back. March 2, Wed, 7:05 – 9 p.m. Room 258/259. Dunwoody Police Department Safety Awareness - With recent events, you may have questions about how our police department is evolving to meet the challenges. Officer Furman of the Dunwoody Police Force will speak and field questions. March 9, Wed, 7:05 – 8:30 p.m., Room 258/259. The Vice of Certainty – Explore the differences between a vital, growing journey of faith and a brittle, static dogmatism that rules out the possibility of new discoveries about the mystery and wonder of God. Historical examples will be examined. Led by Rev. Jim McLean, Wednesdays, Mar 23 and 30, 7:05 – 8:00 p.m., in the Wesley Room. Exposing the Rapture - Explore the origins and validity of the notion of “The Rapture,” the driving belief behind the popular “Left Behind” novels. Led by Rev. Jim McLean. Wednesdays, April 27 and May 4, 7:05 – 8 p.m., in the Wesley Room. SPIRITUALITY AND IMMUNITY - A Belief System for your Immune System - Life today can be filled with tension and we often find ourselves living on automatic pilot. How many times have you arrived at a destination with absolutely no

memory of how you got there? That is ‘automatic pilot’ living. It is important to understand that your body and its immune system are affected in dramatic ways by your mental, emotional and spiritual health. We will explore the physical connection between the way we live our lives and our connection to God. Whether it is stress related to your job, your health, your relationships, or any of the other challenges of life, knowing how to let God help you keep your body healthy is truly valuable information. Living your life to the fullest and healthiest is part of living out God’s intention for your life. This class is designed as a workshop, so please bring a pad of paper and a pen. Led by Delaine Dinsmore and Jane Reeb. Tuesdays, Feb 1 – Mar 8, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Basic Electrical Repairs: Do It Yourself – Switches, receptacles, ground fault interrupters, circuit breakers, tamper-proof equipment. Anyone who has a screwdriver can do these! Led by Chuck Juray. Bring your questions; Chuck will discuss and demonstrate. Wednesday, Feb 2, 7:05 – 8:00 p.m., Wesley Room. The Big “D” – This is a support group geared to help those 13 – 18 year olds dealing with the confusing experience of divorce in their family life. The group will meet for 6 weeks, Sundays, Feb 2 – March 13, 3 – 4:30 p.m. in the Epworth Room. Led by Rev. Stephen Streett. Contact Stephen at ext. 124 or stephen. streett@dunwoodyumc.org DivorceCare – Support group for those going through divorced or recently divorced. Meets Wednesdays, Feb 12 – Apr 13, 6:30 – 8:00, Parlor. Led by Cathy Wright. For more information, contact Barbara.bean@dunwoodyumc.org or ext. 119. Live Longer Live Stronger – Maximize your mental, physical, and emotional health as you enjoy a longer life. Specialists will inform you and answer your questions on the importance of advance planning, physical wellness, maintaining mental acuity and navigating a successful transition to retirement. Led by Rev. Exa Grubb, Wed, Feb 2 – 23, 7:05 p.m. in the Francis Asbury Room. For more information, contact Exa at exa. grubb@dunwoodyumc.org or ext. 205. (see Living Stronger on page 6) Please sign up online or contact Cathy at cathy.wright@dunwoodyumc.org or 770-394-0675, ext. 112.

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Embracing God’s Love Friday, March 25th 7-9 p.m. Saturday, March 26th 9-3 p.m. $50.00 Registration and lunch provided Register online @ www.dunwoodyumc.org Nursery by reservation

GLORIA GAITHER’s theme that frames the canvas of her life is “day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment”. It is a life lived out of a sincere belief that being available to the wonder of each day’s unexpected twists and turns is a gift from God to be responded to with tenacity, joy and excellence. Gloria, with her husband, soulmate and writing partner, Bill Gaither, has written over 700 songs and made hundreds of recordings. Gloria has written over 40 books, including titles for adults and children, and her speaking spans a wide range including devotional encouragement for women.


AMY GAITHER HAYES, speaker, vocal artist, actress, dancer, stage director, writer, teacher or storyteller, is driven by the notion that art aimed at the heart can transfigure the souls of men and women. The “natural”, the “infinite” and the “yes” are three words that inspire the work of Amy, a multi-dimensional communicator. While the artist feels the daily pull of the footlights, her primary “audience” these days consists of her children, Lee, Madeline and Simon.

Library News

New Women’s Sunday School Class – is meeting in the Conference Rm. (across from Receptionist) at 9 a.m. For additional info contact Rev. David Melton at 770-394-0675 ext. 114.

In Memoriam to Phyllis Stuart Love is the Theme of this month! With that thought in mind, The Library Committee would like to memorialize the love and life of one of our former library assistants, Phyllis Stuart. She was a wonderful “behind the scenes” assistant for some years before her health failed to the point that she could not continue “typing book cards” and helping with the book processing that goes on continually. We share our sympathies with the family and friends and wish to thank the many donors of memorials for books for our library that have been given in her memory. We will be posting on our website the names of the book donations given in her memory as they are purchased and processed into our library’s holdings. www.DunwoodyUMC.org


Men’s Crossroads

Men’s Crossroads will meet February 5, 7:45 a.m. in the Epworth Room. Continental breakfast for $3. Speakers will be Delaine Dinsmore and Jane Reeb who will present a 1-hour synopsis of their upcoming February Short Term Study, Spirituality and Immunity: A belief system for your immune system. How getting yourself off autopilot by letting God be your pilot improves your physical, as well as your spiritual health. Please RSVP to Cathy Wright, ext. 112.

Digging Deeper - Are there “mistakes” in the Bible? Do Muslims worship a different God than Christians? Does the Bible really condemn homosexuality and condone slavery? Do any of these questions have any relevance to how God wants us to live our daily lives? If you are interested in these and similar questions, please stop by the Digging Deeper Sunday school class, which is open to adults of all ages and kicks off at 10:30 a.m. on January 23 in Room 122 (Staff Meeting Room). Led by Kurt and Gingie Peterson. Contact Kurt at kpeterson@littler.com for additional information. FEBRUARY 2011 | 9

Dunwoody United Methodist Church Kids’ Spring/Summer Consignment Sale Thursday, March 17, from 5 to 8 p.m. (No Children - Adults Only)

Friday, March 18, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 19 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Many items will be ½ price.

Get ready, the consignment sale is just around the corner. We are striving to make each sale even more successful than the last! The Committee is pleased to announce that proceeds from the August sale provided help to The United Methodist Children’s Home, Grant Park Clinic, Community Action Center, Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children, and the Dunwoody Methodist Church Youth Scholarship Fund. Register to Consign - NEW INFORMATION The Dunwoody United Methodist Church Consignment Sale is still accepting consignors. Consignors will receive 2/3 of the selling price of the item. Consignor spaces are limited. To register for the consignment sale, please stop by one of our registration sessions or register online at www.dunwoodyumc.org. All sellers will need to register online and use the new enhanced tagging system. Handwritten tags will not longer be accepted. A registration session will be held on Sunday, February 6th at 10 to 10:30 a.m. in the Activities Building Lobby. A fee of $10 is due at time of registration. The registration fee covers marketing and administration costs of the sale. You must pay your registration fee before your seller number will be valid. After March 1, the registration fee increases to $15. You can also sign up online at www.dunwoodyumc.org. Your seller number will not be valid until the registration fee is paid and seller numbers are limited! We cannot accept cash unless you attend one the registration sessions. Donate Don’t have the time to consign? The Consignment Sale is also in need of donations of gently worn kids’ spring and summer clothing, furniture, toys, and maternity items. Items must be in good condition. Items can be left in the bins located outside the Young Adult Area after February 1st. Pick-ups can be arranged. Volunteer to Work the Sale Volunteers are needed to work Monday through Saturday of the sale week. A perk of volunteering is the ability to shop the pre-sale on Wednesday, March 16, 2011. The more hours that you work, the earlier you can shop! Sign up online at www.dunwoodyumc. org. Complimentary childcare will be provided during work shifts but is limited so sign up early. Shopping the presale is a special treat reserved solely for our volunteers. Shop Shop the sale and you will find wonderful bargains on gently-used clothes, toys and baby equipment. There is always beautiful furniture including cribs, gliders and changing tables. The sale is a perfect place for grandparents to pick up their gear. For more information on how you can get involved please contact consignment.information@gmail.com or 770-394-0675 x284.


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The Concert Series at Dunwoody UMC presents

Coro Vocati February 20, 4 p.m. Suggested donation, $10

Strength for your Journey of Faith

Read through the Bible in one year. You are invited to read along with others in our church as we read the entire Bible in a year. You will find the reading for each month on our website as well as each month listed in CONNECTIONS. The FEBRUARY readings are:

You may begin to make your pre-paid dinner package reservations now if you haven’t already.

Phone: Fairy Mills 770-394-0675 x 113 Email: fairy.mills@dunwoodyumc.org Online: www.dunwoodyumc.org Or by a pew card on Sundays.

Please visit us online at www.dunwoodyumc.org for February Menus and Registrations. We look forward to seeing you!

MEMORIALS In Memory of:

Jean Ballard – Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weber Elwin Frost (grandmother of Zack Martin) – Ms. Rebecca Linton Joseph Heckle – Ms. Jo Ann Akers, Mrs. Danella Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Yates, Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, Jr., Mrs. Kathleen Miers, Mrs. Joy Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson, Mr. Charles Payne, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Sanders, Ms. Brittany Sanders, Crusaders Class, Dr. Jimmy and Dr. Ruth Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Juray, Mrs. Estella Witter, Hall of Fame Men’s Club, Mrs. Susan Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Petersen, Mrs. Joan Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Curran, Mrs. Jean Querin, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Millar, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Peden, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barze Wilda Pryor (mother of Jay Pryor) – Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barze Janet Smith – Mr. Jeffrey Smith Hugh Teems (father of Lucretia Farley) – Mrs. Joy Edwards, Crusaders Class

In Honor of:

1 - Leviticus 1-3 2 - Leviticus 4-6 3 - Leviticus 7-8 4 - Leviticus 9-10 5 - Leviticus 11-13 6 - Leviticus 14-15 7 - Leviticus 16-18 8 - Leviticus 19-21 9 - Leviticus 22-23 10 - Leviticus 24-25 11 - Leviticus 26-27 12 - Numbers 1-2 13 - Numbers 3-4 14 - Numbers 5-6 15 - Numbers 7 16 - Numbers 8-9 17 - Numbers 10-11 18 - Numbers 12-13 19 - Numbers 14-15 20 - Numbers 16-18 21 - Numbers 19-20 22 - Numbers 21-22 23 - Numbers 23-25 24 - Numbers 26-27 25 - Numbers 28-29 26 - Numbers 30-31 27 - Numbers 32-33 28 - Numbers 34-36

Frankie and David Haverty – Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chancy Kathryn and John Reid – Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chancy Kay and David Schwenk – Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chancy Dr. B. Wiley Stephens – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grotnes and Family Turner/Burda Wedding – Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson McDow, Jr., Ms. Joyce Stevens, Mrs. Eloise Howard William Vogel – Mr. and Mrs. Sean Taylor www.DunwoodyUMC.org

FEBRUARY 2011 | 11

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Clergy and Office Numbers B. Wiley Stephens Senior Pastor

February 6 Growing in Faith, Serving in Love Isaiah 58:1-9a, Matthew 5:13-20 February 13 Why Christians Have to Be Progressive Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Matthew 5:21-37 February 20 David Melton, preaching February 27 A Heart Divided Will Fail I Corinthians 4:1-5, Matthew 6:24-34

Barbara Bean Minister, Congregational Care Exa Grubb Minister with Older Adults



Pixel Pals: Church-family members and their friends who are users of Photoshop Elements (PSE). If you would like to join together in a hobby group dedicated to increasing knowledge and skills for editing digital photographs with PSE, please call 770-393-4211 and register for a meeting to be announced in late February to determine the feasibility of a permanent organization for monthly meetings with instruction and programs. Share this announcement with fellow PSE users.

Zack Martin Minister with Singles/Young Adults David Melton Minister of Program Stephen Streett Minister with Youth Sonny Walden Minister of Music Church Office: 770/394-0675 Prayer Line: 770/671-8239 FAX Number: 770/394-8492 E-mail: mail@dunwoodyumc.org Website: www.dunwoodyumc.org

Minister After Hours 770/316-1935 In case of an emergency such as a death or critical illness.

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