CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY NOVEMBER 24, 2019 8:45 a.m. 11:05 a.m.
A Dynamic Christian Community of Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ 1548 Mt. Vernon Road | Dunwoody, GA |
An Excellent Beginning One Sunday morning, just a few days before Thanksgiving, a Sunday School teacher invited her class of small children to share some of the things for which they were thankful. Several of the children responded by naming the sort of items you might expect—family members, pets, friends, etc. However, when one little boy was asked, he replied that he was grateful for his eyeglasses. It seemed a bit odd to the teacher, so she pressed him a bit. “Why your glasses?” she asked. “Because,” he answered, “when I wear my glasses the other boys won’t hit me and the girls won’t kiss me.” We all have things for which we’re grateful, don’t we? One of the things for which I’m grateful is the response you have made to our Consecration Sunday Celebration. While all of the pledge cards have not yet been returned at this moment, we have received 363 financial commitments for a total of $2,171,085, which is 2/3 of what is needed. Of the pledges turned in, 74 were new and 97 members increased their giving over last year, for a net increase of $335,559. Additionally, we had several hundred of you join us for the Consecration Luncheon, immediately following Sunday School and the Traditional Service. This is an excellent beginning. In fact, take a moment to stop right now and imagine all the ministries this makes possible. Imagine the lives that will be touched and how God will be able to use our church to make a difference for His Kingdom because of the commitments that you as a congregation have made to Jesus the Christ. This is also an excellent time for those who like to make stock gifts. The market is at record highs and giving stock has tax advantages that make giving to the church an attractive option. Obviously, neither I nor the church are in a position of giving tax advice, so you would want to be sure to consult your tax advisor before making such a contribution, but it may be something to consider. If you have not made your pledge, I’ve have good news for you. You can still do so until December 31. You may drop a pledge card in the offering plate on Sundays, send one by mail to DUMC or visit Finally, I want to say a word of thanks to Fran Millar who is the Chairperson of the Stewardship Committee. He, along with Roger Young, Rev. Calissa Dauterman and our Communications Team—Nicole Bregar, Brooke Hutchins and Emily Schroeder—have done an outstanding job getting us to this place. We have a ways to go, but as I mentioned, this is an excellent beginning. Your Pastor,
Rev. Dan Brown
We are glad to have you at Dunwoody United Methodist Church! Please stop by one of the Welcome Desks outside of the Sanctuary to pick up a small welcome gift. If you would like more information about how to become involved or how to join the church, please contact
Chapel Service Words of Welcome *Call to Praise and Prayer
Pastor: Come! Come and worship the king of kings and lord of lords! People: To Christ be glory and dominion forever! Pastor: Jesus the Christ reigns in heaven and earth. People: May Christ the Lord, the Prince of Peace, reign in our hearts as well.
*Hymn #327
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Matthew 25:31–46
Joyce Many Page 1207
A Kingdom Not of This World
Rev. Josh Amerson
Psalm 126, #847 Prayer of Thanksgiving
God, we give thanks that you have revealed yourself in the words of Scripture, read and proclaimed among us. We are grateful that you also make yourself known in bread and the fruit of the vine. We thank you for all the people who support and challenge us to be better disciples. Our greatest joy is to experience your presence and to respond to you, and we do this humbly today. Amen.
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
After each prayer, the Leader will conclude: Lord, in your mercy, and all may respond, Hear our prayer.
Tithe and Offering
One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.
Simple Song (Mass)
My Jesus, I Love Thee
Ryan Kingsley, baritone; Veda Storey, flute
Holy Communion #12 *Hymn #172 *Benediction *Passing of the Peace *Stand as you are able. Ushers: Rip Clark—Head Usher, Lucretia Farley, Ron Garrett, Mark Hallenbeck, Glenn Hancock, Ken Loux, Robert Ragsdale, Tom Wright Communion Servers: Annette Bond, Joyce Many
Contemporary Service Songs of Praise
This Is Amazing Grace Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Greet Your Neighbor Words of Welcome Song of Reflection
All Creatures of Our God and King
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
Jerry Carnes
Children pre-K – second grade are invited to exit after the prayer for Children’s Church located on the Sunday School hall.
Tithe and Offering
One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.
Offertory Song
What a Beautiful Name
Prayer for Illumination Scripture Reading Sermon
Deanna Duram
Matthew 25:31–46 A Kingdom Not of This World
Rev. Josh Amerson
Invitation to Discipleship Song of Praise
Build Your Kingdom Here
Benediction Thank you for helping us keep our worship space clean by leaving food outside and keeping lids on beverages. Nursery care is available for children 6 months – 3 years. Children’s Church is available for children who are pre-K – second grade. Please make sure your child has been checked in to KidCheck prior to dismissal to Children’s Church. Listen for dismissal from the service. Children will be taken to their Sunday School classes following Children’s Church on the preschool hall. Ushers: Paul Rozeman—Head Usher, Susan Berrong, Jeff Gibbs, DeeAnn Hargis, Emily Hasler, Jennifer Hasler, Julie Hasler, Mike McGannon, Jay Schmitt, Wendy Schmitt
Traditional Service THE GATHERING Prelude
Prelude on “Rejoice, the Lord Is King” (Hymn 715, Darwall’s 148th)
Chiming of the Hour *Call to Worship
Pastor: Come! Come and worship the king of kings and lord of lords! People: To Christ be glory and dominion forever! Pastor: Jesus the Christ reigns in heaven and earth. People: May Christ the Lord, the Prince of Peace, reign in our hearts as well.
*Processional Hymn #327
Crown Him with Many Crowns
*Affirmation of Faith #881
The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
*Gloria Patri #71
Glory Be to the Father
Child of Blessing, Child of Promise
Sacrament of Holy Baptism Response Hymn #611
Hymn 611
GREATOREX Dorothy Layne Bergeson
Child of Blessing, Child of Promise (v.1)
# œ œ œ œ ú & 44 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Child of bless - ing, child of prom - ise, bap - tized with the Spir - it's sign;
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ú
with this wa - ter
God has sealed you
un - to love and grace di - vine.
Words of Welcome
Children pre-K – second grade are invited to exit after the Children’s Moment for Children’s Church located in the Library.
Giving of the Tithe and Offering
One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.
O Worship the King
Dunwoody Handbell Ringers; Mary Ruth Solem, organ
*Doxology #95
J. M. Haydn, arr. Larson OLD 100th
Concerns and Celebrations of the Congregation
Silent Prayer Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Choral Amen
Chancel Choir
Matthew 25:31–46
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates (Psalm 24: 7–10)
A Kingdom Not of This World
Chancel Choir
Linda Leake Page 1207 Mathias Rev. Josh Amerson
SENDING FORTH Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn of Dedication #172
My Jesus, I Love Thee
*Charge and Benediction *Response Hymn #431 *Postlude
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Prelude on “Now Thank We All Our God” (BWV 79)
Bach, arr. Fox
*Stand as you are able. Please silence mobile and electronic devices during the service. Thank you for helping us keep our Sanctuary clean by leaving all food and beverages outside. Nursery care is available for children 6 months – 3 years. Children’s Church is available for children who are pre-K – second grade. Listen for dismissal from the service. Please visit the Library for pickup after service.
ASSISTING TODAY Ushers: Greg Hammer—Head Usher, Megan Cann, Randy Forth, Press Hall, Gail Jones, Jim Kilburn, Sam Lott, Stan Petersen, Grant Register, Mike Vann Acolytes: Maddox Dempsey, Abby Faklaris, Sophia Sparks
Concerns and Celebrations Altar Flowers Flowers are given by Arje’ McCarty in honor of her husband, Jim, and their 34th wedding anniversary. Baptism Dorothy Layne Bergeson, daughter of Audrey and Walter Bergeson; grandparents are Ken and Valerie Biggerstaff and Mark and Donna Bergeson. Christian Sympathy Renee and Craig Sullivan on the death of her brother, Jim Carter, on November 8, 2019. Larkie and Eric Post and family on the death of her grandfather, Conley Ingram, on November 11, 2019. Donna Chancy and family on the death of her husband, Gene Chancy, on November 14, 2019, father of Mark (Joanna) and grandfather of Hannah, Hudson, Henry and Hattie. Prayer Concerns Penny Amerson, Fred Baker, Jan Boyea, Mary Boyle, Noah Byrd, Marilyn Dalrymple, Linda Danysh, Brian DeChant, Dana Ellingson, Shirley Espy, Debbie Holland, Charlie and Mary Kay Jackson, John Jones, Courtney Lamb, Rev. Melton McNeill, Ann McNeill, Sandra Milhollin, Sherri Odom, Susan Scott, Joe Sewell, Wiley Stephens, Sharon Stout, Ted Turner, Joan Winter
At the end of December, DUMC’s Director of Performing Arts, Robert Edwards will retire after 16 years of remarkable service. We at DUMC would like to show our appreciation for Robert and his ministry with a love offering. If you would like to join the DUMC community in honoring Robert with your gifts, you may do so online at (select “Love Offering” in the “Fund” drop-down menu). You can also make a contribution by check payable to Dunwoody United Methodist Church; simply write “Love Offering” in the memo line. Please be sure that the church receives your contribution before Sunday, Dec. 8.
What Child Is This? For those of us who have heard the story of Christmas our whole lives, it’s easy to forget just how shocking and unexpected it must have been to encounter the Messiah as a vulnerable infant lying in a manger. This Advent season, we will experience the message of hope, peace and joy afresh, as we await the birth of Jesus. We will marvel with the prophets, Mary and Joseph, shepherds and angels as we look to the coming of the Christ child. Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Dec. 24 Dec. 29
The Hope of the World, Isaiah 35:1–10; Matthew 11:2–6 The Prince of Peace, Isaiah 2:1–5; Luke 2:13–16 Good News of Great Joy, Isaiah 12:2–6; Luke 2:8–12 Emmanuel, Isaiah 7:10–16; Matthew 1:18–25 A Light in the Darkness, Isaiah 9:2–7; John 1:1–14 The Boy in the Temple, Luke 2:41–52
Poinsettias 2019—Last Week to Order! This holiday season, consider purchasing poinsettias in honor or memory of family member or friend for $10 per arrangement. Poinsettias will be displayed through the Christmas worship services. The deadline to order is Sunday, Dec. 1. To order online, please visit or contact susan.kee@, 770-394-0675 ext. 112. Although it will not appear on your statement, the cost is a donation to the church. Flowers can be picked up after the last service on Christmas Eve, or Thursday, Dec. 26. Volunteers are needed to deliver poinsettias, Monday Dec. 16, to our homebound members. To volunteer, contact
Advent Study Wednesdays, Dec. 4, 11 and 18. Afternoon option: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Room 240. Bring a lunch! Evening option: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Room 258. Both studies are open to all. This study focuses on hope, love, joy and peace and the discussion of the book, “Christmas Gifts That Won’t Break.” Led by Rev. Kathy Brockman. The study is free to attend, and books cost $12. To register and pre-order a book, please visit adults-small-group-studies. Books will be available on the first day of the study.
VEiL: Creative Talents of Sally Murphy VEiL (Visual Art Exhibits in the Library) invites you to enjoy the creative talents of Sally Murphy. Her work will be on display in the Library through end of the holidays. Discover DUMC Second Sunday of every month, 9:55 a.m., meet in the church office lobby. Join us for a single-session gathering to ask questions about the church in a friendly, casual environment. Contact or 770-394-0675 ext. 136 to register for the class. Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God Wednesdays, Jan. 15 – April 1, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Room 241. In this 12-week study led by JoAnn Akers, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado unpacks twelve of the Bible’s most significant promises and offers encouraging guidance for overcoming sadness and despair. This study will help us to renew our sense of purpose and triumphantly face our fears of the future. Cost is $20.00. Contact susan.kee@ to register.
Out of Africa by Mary Kay Jackson—Today! Sunday, Nov. 24, 9:55 a.m. – 10:55 a.m., Parlor. Join the Pacesetters class for a presentation by long-time DUMC member Mary Kay Jackson who is a missionary in Ghana, West Africa. This is a ministry that members of DUMC have supported for a number of years. She will share a look back at the ministry over the past 13 years and give a glimpse of what the future may hold. Angel Tree If you like shopping, there are many local ministries that can use tangible help this holiday season. Please visit our Angel Tree in the main lobby of the Activities Building. Choose one or more ornaments from the tree to help make Christmas very merry for our neighbors in need. Habitat for Humanity “Brush with Kindness” Volunteers Needed Friday, Dec. 6, 9:00 a.m. The Habitat for Humanity “Brush with Kindness” service project—previously rained-out at Great Day of Service—has been rescheduled. Volunteers ages 16 and older are needed to help paint a house. Contact Jack Whitley at or 404-219-1377.
Panama City Mission Trip Thursday, Dec. 26 – Monday, Dec. 30. Brian and Mildred Savory are leading a mission trip into the hurricane-devastated area of Panama City. After taking the same trip in October, they experienced the need first-hand. To see some of their photos and learn more about the work involved, please contact Brian Savory at or Mildred Savory at
Surviving the Holidays Without You Monday, Dec. 2, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Parlor. Holidays are difficult, especially when you’re grieving the loss of someone you love. Bea Presley, Licensed Professional Counselor at the Summit at Dunwoody UMC office, will be here to help you find ways to cope and grieve well during the upcoming Christmas season, no matter when your loss occurred. Contact JoAnn Akers at or 678-352-8334 with questions. DivorceCare Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Parlor. DivorceCare is a weekly support group for those going through, having gone through or about to go through divorce. Sessions are stand alone; join when you find us. Book fee is $20. Contact Cathy Wright at 404-509-6656 to register. Free nursery for ages 5 and younger; register by calling Debbie Lowrey at 770-394-0675 or Early Stage Support Group—The Alzheimer’s Association Second Thursday of the month, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Room 243/244. This program is sponsored by The Alzheimer’s Association and is designed to provide education, support and connection for persons with a dementia diagnosis and their care partners. Call the Alzheimer’s Association at 800-272-3900 for more information or to register for our next session. Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group Second Thursday of the month, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Wesley Room. If you have a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s or any of the other dementias, such as vascular or Parkinson’s dementia, there is a confidential caring support group. For more information, contact JoAnn Akers at 678-352-8334. Stephen Ministry If you are struggling, don’t suffer alone. We have a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care and pray with you through a tough time. It is fully confidential. Male Stephen Ministers are matched with males, and females are matched with other females. To learn more about the Stephen Ministry, call Pat DeBolt at 404-931-5443. Huntcliff Summit Assisted Living First and third Sundays of the month, 4:00 p.m., 8480 Roswell Rd. Join us for fellowship, singing and a brief meditation with the residents of Huntcliff Summit Assisted Living. Contact kathy. with questions.
FELLOWSHIP Deck the Halls Party Volunteers Wednesday, Dec. 4, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Youth Suite. Volunteers are needed to greet attendees, help kids make advent crafts and serve hot chocolate and cookies! This is a great time for adults without young children to connect with our youngest generation of members. Wednesday Night Supper—No Supper on Nov. 27 Due to the holiday week, there will be no Wednesday Night Supper on Nov. 27. The last supper of the year is Dec. 4, 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Reservations are required by Monday, Dec. 2 at 12:00 p.m. Visit to make a reservation. Contact or 770-394-0675 with questions
Introductory Lacrosse Clinic Sunday, Dec. 1, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., DUMC Field. $20.00 per player. Open to boys in first – fifth grade. Registration is open at Learn the basics of the “fastest growing sport in America” from Dunwoody High School lacrosse players! All equipment will be provided in this instructional lacrosse program. Children will learn the fundamentals of the game, including passing and catching, fielding ground balls and cradling. Plastic sticks and soft balls will be provided. No body checking or stick checking will be permitted. The maximum number of spots is 20 and they fill up quick! Register today!
Christmas Concert featuring John Rutter’s “Gloria” Sunday, Dec. 15, at 3:30 p.m., Sanctuary. Dunwoody UMC’s annual Christmas Concert featuring John Rutter’s “Gloria.” For more information, contact
Weekday Drop-In Nursery/Childcare The Weekday Drop-In Nursery is open Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. for church and preschool families, in addition to community families. The cost for is $30 per day for church and preschool families and $35 per day for the community. Early morning drop-in and late pick up options are available. For reservations or more information, please contact
Preschool Tours Dec. 5 and 12, Jan. 9, 10:00 a.m. Tours of the DUMC preschool will be available this winter. Preschool Director, Amy Rohan will host a brief information session followed by a tour of our accredited preschool. Please sign up for a tour by emailing or calling 770-394-2555.
Deck the Halls—Advent Decorating Party and Dinner Wednesday, Dec. 4, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Join us for Wednesday Night Supper, and bring your entire family to make an Advent craft together in the Youth Area. Please consider offering a cash donation to cover craft supplies. Please RSVP for Wednesday Night Supper by visiting wednesday-nights or contact or 770-394-0675. Family Christmas Concert and Advent Celebration Sunday, Dec. 8, 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary. We invite you and your family to DUMC’s annual Family Christmas Concert led by the Youth and Children’s Choirs. Following the Family Christmas Concert, please join us for fellowship and a live Nativity on the lawn. Dinner will be available for purchase from Shane’s Rib Shack. Trailblazers Christmas Event Sunday, Dec. 15, 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., fourth and fifth graders. Annual White Elephant party in conjunction with the regular scheduled meeting. Students are asked to bring $5 for pizza and a $5 gift to exchange.
Christmas Tree Pre-Sales—Last Few Days to Pre-order! We are currently taking orders now through Nov. 28 for presale Christmas trees. Order today by visiting dunwoodyumc. org. The trees will arrive on Nov. 29 at 8:00 a.m. Sign up to volunteer for a tree lot shift by emailing youth@dunwoodyumc. org with the days and times that you are available. Tree lot hours: Monday – Friday, 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Sundays, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Welcome, Allen! Sunday, Dec. 1, 9:55 a.m. –10:50 a.m., Youth Area. We are excited to welcome Allen Whittaker as the new Director of Youth Ministries! All 7th – 12th grade students are invited to join us as we welcome Allen into the DUMC Youth Family! Youth Christmas Gathering—Morning Blend Sunday, Dec. 15, 9:55 a.m., Youth Area. Let’s celebrate Christmas with a Waffle House food truck! Bring $5 to enjoy the waffle or hash brown bar! Contact the youth@ with questions. Stay Involved Visit for more information about our weekly events and how to stay connected with us through our weekly newsletter.
Family Living and Giving Holiday Luncheon Monday, Dec. 2, 11:00 a.m., Epworth Room. Please RSVP to Jody Schuetz at, or text at 404-916-2829.
Christmas at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center Friday, Dec. 6, 9:30 a.m. Please join us in visiting Callanwolde Fine Arts Center. This historic mansion will be elaborately decorated by top professional holiday designers. Carpool will leave from DUMC at 9:30 a.m., and drivers are needed. Tickets are $10, and we will stop for a nearby brunch on the way. Brunch will be an individual expense. To register, pay and discuss the carpool, contact or call 770-394-0675. Please bring an unwrapped gift for Toys for Tots. Deadline for payment is Monday, Dec. 2. New Friends Monday, Dec. 9, 11:30 a.m., Epworth Room. Come celebrate the season with New Friends, a group of widowed men and women who meet the second Monday of each month. RSVP by noon on Dec. 1 to Betty Moreland at 770-641-8519. Seniorcizers Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., Aerobics Room on second floor. This class is co-ed, and includes low-impact aerobics, stretching, balance and strength training. Chairs are optional the entire class. No reservation is required. Contact certified instructor, Jean Kennedy at 770-804-1202 or jeanjvkennedy@ with questions
This Week’s Highlights Sunday, November 24, 2019 Bells Aflame Youth Handbell Rehearsal Youth Choir Rehearsal Disciple I Fast Track Middle School Night (MSN)
4:00PM 4:45PM 5:00PM 6:00PM
Monday, November 25, 2019 Women’s Choir Rehearsal NAMI Northside Board Meeting Handbell Choir Rehearsal Women’s AA Stephen Ministry NAMI Education Meeting
11:00AM 6:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM
Tuesday, November 26, 2019 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday, November 27, 2019 Disciple III Fast Track
Thursday, November 28, 2019 Big Book Study
Friday, November 29, 2019 Men’s AA
Saturday, November 30, 2019 No Events Scheduled
The doors from the south parking lot between the Chapel and the playground will be locked during church business hours for the safety of our children. Members and guests are kindly asked to use the Activities Building church entrance.
DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 After Hours: 770-542-1667 Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday Senior Pastor: Rev. Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Rev. Josh Amerson, Rev. Kathy Brockman, Rev. Calissa Dauterman, Rev. David Melton, Rev. Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem Audio Visual: Ed Trundle
STAY CONNECTED Subscribe to DUMC emails Friday morning’s eConnections includes a weekly message from Rev. Dan Brown and a listing of upcoming events. You can also subscribe to Daily Readings, Christian Sympathy, Children’s Ministry updates, Youth News and Seasonal Devotionals. Watch the 8:45 a.m. Contemporary and 11:05 a.m. Traditional Services at home with Livestream. Log on to Follow Dunwoody United Methodist Church on Facebook and Instagram.