4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 12, 2019 8:45 a.m. 11:05 a.m.
A Dynamic Christian Community of Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ 1548 Mt. Vernon Road | Dunwoody, GA | www.dunwoodyumc.org
A Chance to Serve Over the last several weeks, many of you have expressed great interest in both serving on the Leadership Team of the church and in how the nomination process works. I thought it might be helpful if I laid out the plan for our nominations this year. First, it might be helpful to know who is on the Committee on Nominations. As with most of the major administrative committees, the nominations committee is divided into three classes, with each class serving for three years. This ensures that two thirds of the committee has served at least one year. Those on this year’s committee are: Denise Chastain, Sid Linton, Patti Erwood (2019); Owen Bouton, Kevin Houston, Keith Hicks (2020); Susan Anderson, Ivonne Mastin and Sean Penn (2021). The United Methodist Book of Discipline designates that the Senior Pastor of the church shall be the chair of the Committee on Nominations, but this is the only committee in the church where this is the case. You may also want to know when we will be having our meetings. The Committee on Nominations plans to meet on the following evenings: Wednesday, May 29; Monday, June 17; Tuesday, June 25; Tuesday, July 30; Tuesday, August 6. All meetings are scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. In the interest of complete transparency, this year we are inviting people to self-nominate for positions in the church. You may do so by writing an email to danbrown@dunwoodyumc.org. While not a complete list, some of the positions we will be nominating this year include the Finance Committee, Staff-Parish Relations Committee, Trustees, Outreach Committee members, Stewardship Chairperson, Lay Members to the Annual Conference and members of the Church Council. When nominations for leadership are being considered every year, we make a point to vet all names. They are vetted for attendance, giving and involvement in the church. It is important that anyone seeking leadership in the church has previously demonstrated a deep commitment to Christ and to DUMC. This is done in a confidential nature prior to our meetings to protect each member’s privacy. Once the Committee on Nominations has completed its work, it submits its list of nominations to the Charge Conference. All persons who serve in a leadership role are elected by the Charge Conference, with the exception of vacancies that occur during the year which may be filled by the Church Council. This year’s Charge Conference will be held in midAugust. Nominations for any position may be made from the floor by a member of the Charge Conference. Once elected the service tenure runs from Sept. 1 – Aug. 31. One of the greatest callings that is placed on Christians is to be in service for Christ. Leadership is one way of fulfilling that call. There are literally hundreds of others who serve Christ and the church in a wide variety of other ways. Whether you serve by being in leadership or one of the multitude of other ways, I want to express to you my deepest appreciation. You are making a difference. Blessings,
We are glad to have you at Dunwoody United Methodist Church! Please stop by one of the Welcome Desks outside of the Sanctuary to pick up a small welcome gift. If you would like more information about how to become involved or how to join the church, please contact valerie.pitrof@dunwoodyumc.org.
Chapel Service *Call to Praise and Prayer
Pastor: We gather once again to celebrate God’s ever living presence among us. People: We gather to celebrate, for God’s love is persistent. Pastor: Whether the days are easy or filled with challenge, the road clear or filled with uncertainty; People: We are God’s people, and we will never be forsaken.
*Hymn #57
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Psalm 97, #816 Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all blessings, source of all life, giver of all grace in all things, thank you for the gift of life, for the breath that sustains life, for the food of this earth that nurtures life, and for the love of family and friends without which there would be little happiness in life. Thank you for the beauty of creation of this great Earth, for the joy that the ear may hear, for the unknown that we cannot behold filling the universe with wonder, and for the expanse of space that draws us beyond the definitions of our selves. Everything in life, and the life that surrounds us was drawn and created by Your own hand. For this, we are grateful. Amen.
Ruth 1:1–19
Ron Gallagher Page 333
Being Faithful When It Isn’t Easy
Dallas Pfeiffer
(Ripple Effects, Part 3)
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
After each prayer, the Leader will conclude: Lord, in your mercy, and all may respond, Hear our prayer.
Tithe and Offering
One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.
God So Loved the World (John 3:16) Sidnei Alferes, tenor
Holy Communion #12 *Hymn #593
Here I Am, Lord
*Benediction *Passing of the Peace *Stand as you are able. Ushers: Jack Eubank—Head Usher, Bill Barnes, Jim Knight, Geoffrey Nixon, Larry Price, Alan Raby, Phil Scott, Mike Wallace Communion Servers: Sue Cunnold, Ron Gallagher
Contemporary Service Songs of Praise
Everlasting God You Say
Greet Your Neighbor Words of Welcome Mother’s Day Offering Holy Baptism Response to Baptism
Susan Amick, Chaplain for Wesley Woods Ava Elizabeth Cessna and Ryelee Jean McDonald
Wash O God Our Sons and Daughters
Prayer for Illumination Scripture Reading
Ruth 1:1–19
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Tithe and Offering
One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.
Offertory Song
Hills and Valleys
Being Faithful When It Isn’t Easy
Song of Praise
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
(Ripple Effects, Part 3)
Rev. Dan Brown
Benediction Thank you for helping us keep our worship space clean by leaving food outside and keeping lids on beverages. Nursery care is available for children 6 months – 3 years. Ushers: Dick Santillo—Head Usher, Peggy Browne, Lollie DeFreese, Lucretia Farley, Karen Foreman, Brad Harris, Kim Harris, Bob Love, Mary Love, Bev Santillo
Traditional Service THE GATHERING Prelude
At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing
Hintze (1678), arr. Burkhardt
Chiming of the Hour *Call to Worship
Pastor: We gather once again to celebrate God’s ever living presence among us. People: We gather to celebrate, for God’s love is persistent. Pastor: Whether the days are easy or filled with challenge, the road clear or filled with uncertainty; People: We are God’s people, and we will never be forsaken.
*Processional Hymn #57
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
*Affirmation of Faith #881
AZMON The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
*Gloria Patri #71
Glory Be to the Father
Words of Welcome Mother’s Day Offering
Susan Amick, Chaplain for Wesley Woods
Children ages kindergarten – second grade are invited to exit after the children’s moment to go to the Children’s Library for Foundations and Traditions, a worship readiness class.
Concerns and Celebrations of the Congregation Silent Prayer Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Giving of the Tithe and Offering
One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.
God So Loved the World (John 3:16) Sidnei Alferes, tenor
*Doxology #95
Stainer OLD 100th
Ruth 1:1–19
Samuel Lamback Page 333
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need American trad., arr. Thomson Men of Chancel Choir My Shepherd will supply my need, Jehovah is his Name. In pastures fresh he makes me feed beside the living stream. He brings my wand’ring spirit back when I forsake his ways, He leads me for his mercy’s sake in paths of truth and grace. When I walk through the shades of death thy presence is my stay. One word of thy supporting breath drives all my fears away. Thy hand, in sight of all my foes, doth still my table spread. My cup with blessings overflows, thine oil anoints my head. The sure provisions of my God attend me all my days, O may thy house be my abode and all my work be praise. There would I find a settled rest, while others go and come. No more a stranger or a guest, but like a child at home.
Being Faithful When It Isn’t Easy
(Ripple Effects, Part 3)
Rev. Dan Brown
SENDING FORTH Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn of Dedication #593
Here I Am, Lord
*Charge and Benediction *Response Hymn #431 *Postlude
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Toccata from Organ Symphonie V
Dedicated to all the organists, musicians and organ builders of Notre Dame de Paris, past and present
*Stand as you are able. Please silence mobile and electronic devices during the service. Thank you for helping us keep our Sanctuary clean by leaving all food and beverages outside. Nursery care is available for children 6 months – 3 years.
ASSISTING TODAY Ushers: John Campbell—Head Usher, Scott Ackaway, Celeste Belville, Rick Freeman, Armand Glassman, Russell Henderson, Lynn Knight Acolytes: Ramsey Branam, Amelia Mutert, Claire Mutert, Katherine Lamback
Concerns and Celebrations Altar Flowers In memory of our mothers, Agnes Orred and Charlotte Williams, from Dale and Gwen Orred. (Sanctuary) In memory of Jeanette Winton from Bob, Sheryl and family. (Sanctuary) Baptism Ava Elizabeth Cessna, daughter of Lauren and Chris Cessna. (Contemporary) Ryelee Jean McDonald, daughter of Christine and Austin McDonald; grandparents are Michael and Jeannie Culver. (Contemporary) Christian Sympathy Stacy and Rick Parrish on the death of her brother, Robert Gregory Chalmers, on May 4, 2019; uncle of Alexandra. Patti Cox Erwood and family on the death of her brother, Bob Foster, on May 5, 2019. Prayer Concerns Bill Amacher, Laura Arrowood, Jan Boyea, Mary Boyle, Brenda Brown, Edith Chapin, Nancy D’Ardenne, Brian DeChant, Cathy Elliott, Shirley Espy, Trudy Guidos, Bob Hallenberg, Press Hall, FÊ Hardee, Carolyn Holcomb, Anne Key, Kay King, Rev. Melton McNeill, Ann McNeill, Dixie Moore, Bonnie Neal, Nate Nicholson, Sherri Odom, Gertrude Prager, Chris Rankine, Margaret Sonnier, Sharon Stout, Sherry Walden, Maxine Watkins, Jean Williams, Al Winegar, Joan Woods
Sunday, May 19, 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary. Enjoy an evening of traditional Irish and folk tunes, delivered by the internationally known musical artist, Emmet Cahill of Celtic Thunder. All proceeds from his DUMC performance (“Our Concert for Hope”) will benefit Action Ministries, a nonprofit that provides a network of community partners and volunteers with the tools and expertise to lead fellow Georgians out of poverty. Don’t miss this memorable and inspirational evening and the opportunity to raise awareness of the struggles our neighbors face every day. Ticket prices range from $30 – $45. Visit ourconcertforhope.org to purchase tickets.
Ripple Effects We’ve all had the experience of throwing a small stone into a still pond and watching the ripples from that seemingly insignificant act spread out until the whole pond has been touched by it. Life is like that as well. Seemingly small acts on our part can make a huge difference. We will be exploring some of these in our series, “Ripple Effects.” May 19 May 26
Inconspicuous Faithfulness Mark 12:41–44 The Legacy You Leave Deuteronomy 34:1–12
A Grace-Full Life May 22, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., Asbury-A Room. A four-week study led by David and Joy Melton. Join us as we discuss the book “A Grace-Full Life,” which helps us to discover how grace works in our lives and in our world by examining God’s Word. Contact Susan Kee at susan.kee@ dunwoodyumc.org to sign up. Environmental Stewardship Committee—Tomorrow! Monday, May 13, 7:00 p.m., Room 244. The Environmental Stewardship Committee, formerly known as Creation Care Committee, invites anyone with an interest and passion in responsible stewardship of God’s creation to join us. We will meet to discuss our priorities and goals for the year. For more information, contact kathy.brockman@dunwoodyumc.org. VEiL Featured Artist Meet and Greet Sunday, May 19. VEiL invites you to an informal Meet and Greet with our featured artist. Mary Pound will be in the Library following each of the three Worship services that Sunday. Her artwork is on display through the end of June. Discover DUMC Second Sunday of every month, 9:55 a.m., meet in the church office lobby. You are invited to join us for a single-session gathering where you have the opportunity to ask all your questions about the church in a friendly, casual environment. Please contact valerie.pitrof@dunwoodyumc.org or 770-3940675 ext. 136 to register for the class.
Habitat for Humanity—Thank you! A special thank you to all who volunteered, organized or supported our 29th Habitat for Humanity house. Visit dunwoodyumc.org/habitat-for-humanity to check out a short video recapping some of the great work. Venezuela Now Now through mid-May. In response to the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, an organization called Venezuela Now is sending a crate filled with food and supplies to a seminary in Venezuela that will distribute the items to locals in need. We are now half-way through our target date to fill the crate. Please visit the display located outside of the Nursery area for updates on our most essential needs (like dry beans, canned chicken, and infant formula). Contact chris.mixer@ dunwoodyumc.org for more information. Donations for Children’s Book Drive Our Transitional Housing Ministry is organizing a book drive for Homestretch, an organization that guides homeless families toward permanent housing. Books are needed for ages 0 – 18 years old and can be placed in a bin outside of the Nursery area. Contact Mary Batson mcbatson13@gmail.com if you have any questions.
American Red Cross Blood Drive—Today! Sunday, May 12, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Gym. Donate today and receive a $5 Amazon gift card. Plus you will be entered to win a $25 gift card to Chick-fil-a. Contact susan.kee@ dunwoodyumc.org with questions. Early Stage Support Group—The Alzheimer’s Association Second Thursday of the month, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Room 243 and 244. This program is sponsored by The Alzheimer’s Association and is designed to provide education, support and connection for persons with a dementia diagnosis and their care partners. Call the Alzheimer’s Association at 800-2723900 for more information or to register for this group. Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group Second Thursday of the month, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Wesley Room. If you have a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s or any of the other dementias, such as vascular or Parkinson’s dementia, there is a confidential caring support group. For more information, contact JoAnn Akers at 678-352-8334.
Huntcliff Summit Assisted Living First and third Sundays of the month, 4:00 p.m., 8480 Roswell Rd. Join us for fellowship, singing and a brief meditation with the residents of Huntcliff Summit Assisted Living. Contact kathy.brockman@dunwoodyumc.org with questions.
Bottle Collection for VBS We are collecting empty/clean, wide-mouthed, plastic bottles (i.e. Gatorade) for VBS. Please bring your donations to the bin near the Nursery any day during the week or to a bin located by the soccer fields on Saturdays.
Flower Ministry Flowers in the Sanctuary and Chapel can be designated to honor special occasions, such as anniversaries, birthdays, graduations or in memory of a loved one(s). Cost is $100. Flowers are rearranged on Mondays and taken to members who are ill or who have experienced a recent death in the family. To schedule, contact Susan Kee at 770-394-0675, ext. 112.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) and God Squad Monday June, 17 – Thursday, June 20. Join us as we explore where God’s power can take you! “To Mars and Beyond” Vacation Bible School (rising pre-k – rising third grade) and Missions God Squad (rising fourth grade – rising sixth grade) registrations are open! Visit dunwoodyumc.org/children to sign up. Volunteers of all ages are needed—email jennifer.dees@dunwoodyumc.org for more information. Registration deadline is May 31.
Stephen Ministers—It’s OK to Be Human… If you’re sad or struggling inside, don’t suffer alone. Ask for help. Our Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers, ready to listen, care for and encourage you, pray with you and provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to help you through whatever it is that you are facing. Contact Pat DeBolt at 770396-6836 for more information.
Vacation Bible School Decorating Day Saturday, June 15, 8:00 a.m. Are you looking to participate in VBS, but unable volunteer during the week? Join us the Saturday before VBS to transform the halls and rooms of the church into a Space Adventure for this year’s theme, “To Mars and Beyond.” Everyone is welcome to participate even if you don’t have children in VBS. Contact tambryn.freund@ dunwoodyumc.org for more information. Vacation Bible School Volunteers June 17 – 20, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Interested in helping out with VBS this year? We are looking for volunteers from all areas of the church—from the youth group to young adult volunteers. All ages are welcome. Visit dunwoodyumc.org/ children to sign up and our volunteer coordinator will reach out to you.
Thursday Afternoon Bridge Group The second and fourth Thursdays, 12:45 p.m., Young Adult Area. Men and women of all ages are invited to play. Contact Alan Raby at 770-393-3293 for details.
2019 Camp Offerings From VBS to Circus Spectacular, soccer to cooking, there’s a DUMC camp for everyone. You won’t want to miss out on these exceptional opportunities to provide your child a safe, fun and educational experience. Camps begin in late May and run through most of August. Weekday Nursery/Pre-k/Kindergarten Summer Camps*, Mondays – Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., camp themes and dates vary. *Registration forms are available online and outside the Nursery area. VBS and God Squad, June 17 – 20, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Sports and Leisure Camps, Mondays – Thursdays, camp themes, dates and times vary. Visit dunwoodyumc.org/summercamps to view all offerings and registration information.
Youth Summer Mission Trips For more information about the Youth Summer Mission trips visit dunwoodyumc.org/missions/#youth-mission-trips. Stay Involved Visit dunwoodyumc.org/youth for more information about our weekly events and how to stay connected with us through our weekly newsletter.
Pickleball Open Gym Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Join us in the Gym for Pickleball, the nation’s fastest growing sport. It’s a great way to be active and social for all ages. Equipment provided. Open to the community. Contact michelle.spitz@ dunwoodyumc.org for more information.
DUMC Young Adult Kickball Team Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Games are one hour at Hammond Park, 705 Hammond Dr, Sandy Springs, Ga, 30328. Contact Blake Bibat at bibat2010@gmail.com for more information or if you are interested in coaching.
Plugged In Wrap Up Sunday, May 19, 9:55 a.m. Join us in the Gym for our last Plugged In of the year. There will be fun, games, snacks and fellowship. Let’s Power Up one last time before summer. See you there! Contact Jennifer.Dees@dunwoodyumc.org for more information.
Serving and Sharing Circle Tuesday, May 14, 11:00 a.m., Asbury Room. Join the Serving and Sharing Circle for a special program. Betty Ringley, assisted by her daughter Renee, will share their adventure of living in Saudi Arabia, 1978 – 1990. Contact Ann Stone at 770399-1887 for more information. All are welcome! 8
New Friends Monday, May 13, 11:30 a.m., Los Rancheros, 2090 Dunwoody Club Drive. We are a group of widowed friends (men and women) who enjoy lunch out on the second Monday of each month. RSVP to Betty Moreland by May 11 at 770-641-8519. Lunch and Murder Mystery Replay— Payment Due Tomorrow Thursday, May 16, 12:30 p.m., Young Adult Suite. Back by popular demand is a video of last year’s successful murder mystery, “My Alma Martyr.” Come for lunch and stay to enjoy this replay, or see it for the first time in the HD Theatre Room. Lunch is $8. Register online at dunwoodyumc.org/ senior-adults, or contact Susan Kee, 770-394-0675, ext 112. Payment deadline is Monday, May 13.
Seniorcizers Thursdays, 9:00a.m. – 10:00 p.m., Aerobics Room. This class is co-ed, and includes low-impact aerobics, stretching, balance and strength training. Chairs are optional the entire class. No reservation is required. Contact certified instructor, Jean Kennedy at 770-804-1202 or jeanjvkennedy@bellsouth.net with questions.
This Week’s Highlights Sunday, May 12, 2019 Flag Football Bells Aflame Youth Handbell Rehearsal Youth Choir Rehearsal Disciple IV
12:30PM 4:00PM 4:45PM 5:00PM
Monday, May 13, 2019 PALS Empower Fitness Women’s Choir Rehearsal Family Living & Giving Circle Mad Camp Auditions Youth Soccer Practices Adult Handbell Choir Rehearsal Guatemala Mission Trip Meeting Women’s AA Environmental Stewardship Committee Meeting Stephen Ministry Girl Scout Leader Meeting
8:00AM 8:15AM 11:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 WOW Bible Study The Next Steps UMW Group VFW Post 10822 Meeting UMW Bible Study Serving Together Circle Meeting Empower Fitness Pickleball Youth Soccer Practices UMW Spiritual Growth Circle Working Women’s Network—Potluck Dinner Worship Committee Youth Basketball Practice Book Club
9:45AM 10:00AM 11:30AM 12:00PM 12:00PM 12:45PM 2:30PM 5:00PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:05PM 7:30PM
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 Primrose Graduation Rehearsal Three’s End of Year Program Youth Soccer Practices Faith Focus Men’s Bible Study Faith Focus Women’s Bible Study A Grace-Full Life Chancel Choir Rehearsal
9:00AM 10:30AM 5:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM
Thursday, May 16, 2019 Seniorcizers Four’s/K End of Year Program World War II Roundtable The Church Network Pryme Tyme Lunch and Murder Mystery Replay Empower Fitness Youth Basketball Practice Youth Soccer Practices Knitting Women’s Basketball Big Book Study
9:00AM 10:30AM 11:00AM 11:30AM 12:00PM 12:45PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 8:00PM
Friday, May 17, 2019 Empower Fitness Youth Soccer Practices Men’s AA
8:15AM 5:00PM 6:30PM
Saturday, May 18, 2019 Youth Soccer Games
DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 After Hours: 770-542-1667 mail@dunwoodyumc.org www.dunwoodyumc.org Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 prayer@dunwoodyumc.org Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday Senior Pastor: Rev. Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Rev. Josh Amerson, Rev. Kathy Brockman, Rev. David Melton, Rev. Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem Audio Visual: Ed Trundle
STAY CONNECTED Subscribe to DUMC emails dunwoodyumc.org/forms. Friday morning’s eConnections includes a weekly message from Rev. Dan Brown and a listing of upcoming events. You can also subscribe to Daily Readings, Christian Sympathy, Children’s Ministry Parents, Youth News, and Seasonal Devotionals. Watch the 8:45 a.m. Contemporary and 11:05 a.m. Traditional services at home with Livestream. Log on to livestream.com/dunwoodyumc. Follow Dunwoody United Methodist Church on Facebook and Instagram.