16TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 8:45 a.m. 11:05 a.m.
A Dynamic Christian Community of Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ 1548 Mt. Vernon Road | Dunwoody, GA | www.dunwoodyumc.org
The Question In the sixth chapter of Isaiah, there is a powerful scene. A young man sitting in the Temple suddenly becomes consciously aware of God’s presence. It is a humbling moment for him. He feels his own inadequacy, yet strangely enough, he senses God’s ability to overcome his inadequacy. Then suddenly it happens. He hears God ask him a question that will forever change his life. “Whom should I send, and who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8) Over the years, I’ve known many people who have heard that same question. I know a dentist who heard the question. It led him to places he never dreamed he would go to quietly care for others and, in doing so, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. I know a teacher who heard the question and he started a ministry for the poor and disenfranchised in the northern part of Georgia. I know people in this church—and so do most of you—who have heard that question. It has led them into all sorts of ministries—from working with Habitat for Humanity to feeding the hungry, working in soup kitchens and supporting the homeless. Have you ever heard the question? Maybe it was a quiet whisper in your ear while a friend recounted experiences from a mission trip. Perhaps it was a shout when someone you loved went through a painful and difficult time. Or maybe like me, you heard it while watching the sunrise over a beautiful mountain landscape. It’s not how you hear it that’s important but how you respond to it—both for you and for the people to whom God wants you to be in ministry. Dunwoody UMC’s annual Great Day of Service is in three weeks. As in years past, the church will participate in various mission projects on-site and across our community. There is something for everyone—from our youngest to our oldest members. There will be 17 projects at the church and five offsite. We will have such ministries as Rise Against Hunger, the potato drop, care packages for troops, preparing food kits for the Sandy Springs Community Assistance Center, baking cookies and writing appreciation cards for our local first responders, Wesley Woods and much more. It all begins with a breakfast at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 19. The mission projects start at 9:00 a.m. For more information and to register, visit dunwoodyumc.org/great-day-of-service. Please contact josh.amerson@ dunwoodyumc.org or chris.mixer@dunwoodyumc.org with questions. As you can tell, the Great Day of Service promises to be an exciting one. In response to God’s question, Isaiah replied, “Here am I! Send me! (Isaiah 6:8).” I pray you will too! Blessings,
Rev. Dan Brown
We are glad to have you at Dunwoody United Methodist Church! Please stop by one of the Welcome Desks outside of the Sanctuary to pick up a small welcome gift. If you would like more information about how to become involved or how to join the church, please contact valerie.pitrof@dunwoodyumc.org.
Chapel Service Words of Welcome *Call to Praise and Prayer
Pastor: O Lord, open our ears to hear a word of grace. People: Open our eyes, O God, so we might see the face of Christ in our neighbor. Pastor: Come Holy Spirit and fill our open hearts. People: And then send us out with open hands to serve our brothers and sisters.
*Hymn #68
When in Our Music God Is Glorified
Mark 10:46–52
Diane Wallace Page 1231
Blind Bartimaeus
(Encounters, Part 2)
Rev. Josh Amerson
Prayer of Thanksgiving
New every morning is your love, great God of light and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.
Psalm 91, #810 Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
After each prayer, the Leader will conclude: Lord, in your mercy, and all may respond, Hear our prayer.
Tithe and Offering
One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.
Zion Hears the Watchmen Singing (from Cantata 140) Ryan Kingsley, baritone
Holy Communion #12 *Hymn #419
I Am Thine, O Lord
*Benediction *Passing of the Peace *Stand as you are able. Ushers: Sid Linton—Head Usher, Mark Hallenbeck, Glenn Hancock, Ken Loux Communion Servers: Mark Hallenbeck, Diane Wallace
Contemporary Service Songs of Praise
Blessed Be Your Name Wonder
Greet Your Neighbor Words of Welcome Song of Reflection
Psalm 126
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
Ben Welch
Children pre-K – second grade are invited to exit after the prayer to go to Children’s Church located in the Sunday School hall.
Tithe and Offering
One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.
Offertory Song
You Say
Prayer for Illumination Scripture Reading Sermon
Mark 10:46–52 Blind Bartimaeus (Encounters, Part 2)
Amber Rowe Rev. Josh Amerson
Invitation to Discipleship Song of Praise
I Saw the Light
Benediction Thank you for helping us keep our worship space clean by leaving food outside and keeping lids on beverages. Nursery care is available for children 6 months – 3 years. Children’s Church is available for children who are pre-K – second grade. Please make sure your child has been checked in to KidCheck prior to dismissal to Children’s Church. Listen for dismissal from the service. Children will be taken to their Sunday School classes following Children’s Church in the preschool hall. Ushers: Kevin Watts—Head Usher; Anne Hicks, Chip Hicks, Abigail Watts, Avery Watts, Rosemary Watts
Traditional Service THE GATHERING Prelude
Theme and Variations on Engelberg (When in Our Music God Is Glorified)
Bates, Callahan
Chiming of the Hour *Call to Worship
Pastor: O Lord, open our ears to hear a word of grace. People: Open our eyes, O God, so we might see the face of Christ in our neighbor. Pastor: Come Holy Spirit and fill our open hearts. People: And then send us out with open hands to serve our brothers and sisters.
*Processional Hymn #68
When in Our Music God Is Glorified
*Affirmation of Faith #881
ENGELBERG The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
*Gloria Patri #71
Glory Be to the Father
Child of Blessing, Child Sacrament of Holy Baptism Response Hymn #611
of Promise
Hymn 611 Child of Blessing, Child of Promise (v.1)
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Child of bless - ing, child of prom - ise, bap - tized with the Spir - it's sign;
GREATOREX Riddari Lochlan Freeman STUTTGART
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with this wa - ter
God has sealed you
un - to love and grace di - vine.
Words of Welcome
Children pre-K – second grade are invited to exit after the Children’s Moment to go to Children’s Church located in the Library.
Giving of the Tithe and Offering
One of the highest privileges we have as Christians is to respond to God’s grace by financially supporting the mission and ministry of Christ’s church. Through your gifts, lives are touched.
Psalm 121
Musica Gloria
*Doxology #95
Walden OLD 100th
Concerns and Celebrations of the Congregation
Silent Prayer Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Choral Amen
Chancel Choir
Mark 10:46–52
And the Glory of the Lord (Messiah)
Blind Bartimaeus
Joe Seegars Page 1231
Chancel Choir And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed. And all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. —Isaiah 40:5
(Encounters, Part 2)
Rev. Josh Amerson
SENDING FORTH Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn of Dedication #419
I Am Thine, O Lord
*Charge and Benediction *Response Hymn #431 *Postlude
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Final (Allegro) from Symphonie I
*Stand as you are able. Please silence mobile and electronic devices during the service. Thank you for helping us keep our Sanctuary clean by leaving all food and beverages outside. Nursery care is available for children 6 months – 3 years. Children’s Church is available for children who are pre-K – second grade. Listen for dismissal from the service. Please visit the Library for pickup after service.
ASSISTING TODAY Ushers: Meredith Barclay—Head Usher, Bill Benston, Janna Benston, Jennifer Burns, Press Hall, Greg Hammer Acolytes: Hannah Blanche Bouton, Kacie Bouton, Presley Bouton, Katherine Lamback
Concerns and Celebrations Baptism Riddari Lochlan Freeman, son of Jennifer and Jamie Freeman; grandparents are Wade and Virginia McGuffey. (Traditional) Christian Sympathy Kyle and Ivonne Mastin on the death of his brother, Darrell Mastin, on September 18, 2019; uncle of Alex and Nikki. Family and friends of Anne Key on her death on September 23, 2019. Prayer Concerns Jan Boyea, Mary Boyle, Rip Clark, Rhoda Collins, Nancy D’Ardenne, Brian DeChant, Dana Ellingson, Shirley Espy, Fé Hardee, John Jones, Doug Lackey, Courtney Lamb, Jan Marion, Rev. Melton McNeill, Ann McNeill, Sherri Odom, Gertrude Prager, Eleanore Schleicher, Sharon Stout, Ted Turner, Judy Wartluft, Joan Winter
Announcements WORSHIP
Encounters Sermon Series In the pages of the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) we see Jesus encounter a variety of different people. There was blind Bartimaeus, a wedding party, a tax collector, a man who lived in a cemetery, a woman in a crowd and a paralyzed man at a pool. These encounters became occasions of instruction, insight and inspiration. Join us as we encounter Jesus through the encounters He had with others. Oct. 6
The Tax Collector, Matthew 9:9–13
Oct. 13
The Man Who Lived in the Cemetery, Luke 8:26–39
Oct. 20
When We Work Together, Luke 8:43–48
Oct. 27
The Man at the Pool, John 5:2–16
Acolyte—Volunteers Needed Calling all fourth – twelfth graders to join the DUMC acolyte team! Serving as an acolyte is a unique way for children and youth to become more involved with the worship service. Contact ehlamback@gmail.com to sign up. Hearing Assistance in the Sanctuary DUMC offers equipment that will help amplify sound, plus special equipment that will work with hearing aids to clarify sound. Contact ed.trundle@dunwoodyumc.org for more information.
Stranger Things: Faith and Science in Dialogue Thursday, Oct. 3 – 24, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., Young Adult Suite. This four-week course explores the relationship between faith and science, including why these two subjects are so often pitted against each other. Through interactive lectures and guided discussion, participants will discover ways of reconciling faith and science, and what it looks like to engage the scientific world with integrity—and without losing their faith. Cost: $10.00 per family, per session. The course is taught by Dr. Ryan Bonfiglio, Assistant Professor in the Practice of Old Testament at the Candler School of Theology. Open to the church and community. Contact susan.kee@dunwoodyumc.org to sign up. Write an Advent Devotional Contribute a short devotion to the annual DUMC Advent Devotional Guide. This collection of short stories, memories or simple thoughts written by members, clergy and staff is a great way to experience the true meaning of Christmas and to strengthen your faith. Stories can be short, and we can help with scripture or prayer if needed. Devotions are due Sunday, Oct. 13. Submit your devotion to Anne West at awwest@mindspring.com or contact Anne with questions or for a sample.
Fall Small Group Studies This fall deepen your spiritual life by joining a short or longterm bible study. Offerings include: • Present Over Perfect Women’s Bible Study • Making Sense of the Bible • Financial Peace University • Advent Study Visit dunwoodyumc.org/adults-small-group-studies or pick up a flyer around the church for more information. Contact susan.kee@dunwoodyumc.org or to sign up. For specific room numbers, visit the online calendar at dunwoodyumc.org/calendar. Discover DUMC Second Sunday of every month, 9:55 a.m., meet in the church office lobby. Join us for a single-session gathering to ask questions about the church in a friendly, casual environment. Contact valerie.pitrof@dunwoodyumc.org or 770-394-0675 ext. 136 to register for the class. VEiL: Selected Photography by Sophia Sparks VEiL (Visual Arts in the Library) invites you to enjoy selected photography by Sophia Sparks, on exhibit in the church Library now through the end of October.
Great Day of Service—Registration Open Saturday, Oct. 19, 8:00 a.m. breakfast, 9:00 a.m. projects begin. Join Dunwoody UMC for the Great Day of Service. This is a family-friendly event that organizes 600 volunteers in 20 different service projects. Most projects are onsite at DUMC, and some are within the surrounding community. Visit dunwoodyumc.org/great-day-of-service for a list of projects and to register. Please contact chris.mixer@dunwoodyumc.org with any questions. Panama City Mission Trip Join us for a four – five day mission trip into the hurricanedevastated area of Panama City. These UMCOR-coordinated trips will be in conjunction with Roswell UMC and are scheduled as follows: Sept. 26 – 30; Oct. 24 – 28; Nov. 21 – 25; Dec. 26 – 30; and Jan. 23 – 25, 2020. For more information, contact Brian Savory at briancsavory@gmail.com and Mildred Savory at mmsavory@gmail.com. American Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, Oct. 13, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Gym. DUMC is hosting a community blood drive with the American Red Cross. Please consider strengthening our community by helping to meet hospital and patient needs through blood donations. To donate, please visit redcrossblood.org, and use the sponsor code: dunwoodyumc. Or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Foster Care Ministry Saturday, Oct. 26, 8:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m., Wellroot office. Wellroot Family Services (formerly known as UMCH) has an opportunity that gives church groups a fun morning with children in foster care while their parents are in training. Volunteers are welcome at their Tucker office to do crafts and games with foster children. If interested, please email Rosemary Watts at wrosemary@hotmail.com. Holiday Festival—Gourmet Treat Bakers needed! Saturday, Nov. 2, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. is the annual Holiday Festival. If you love to bake, consider signing up to bring gourmet treats to the Holiday Festival. Contact Mary Ann Gardner at gardhome@bellsouth.net to sign up.
Aspire to Something Higher—Discovering a Faithful Life of Meaning and Purpose Wednesday, Oct. 2, 7:00 p.m., Room 258. The Stephen Ministers are hosting an evening with Ron Greer, speaking on “Aspiring to Something Higher—Discovering a Faithful Life of Meaning and Purpose.” Ron is the Director of Pastoral Counseling Services at Peachtree Road UMC. Open to members of our congregation and the community. DivorceCare Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Parlor. DivorceCare is a weekly support group for those going through, having gone through or about to go through divorce. Sessions are stand alone; join when you find us. Book fee is $20. Contact Cathy Wright at 404-509-6656 to register. Free nursery for ages 5 and younger; register by calling Debbie Lowrey at 770-394-0675 or debbie.lowrey@dunwoodyumc.org.
Wednesday Night Supper Wednesdays through Dec. 4, 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. The menu for Wednesday, Oct. 2: chicken tenders, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, white acre peas, steamed carrot, salad bar and dessert. Children’s menu option: chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, white acre peas. Weekly reservations are required by Mondays at 12:00 p.m. Visit dunwoodyumc.org/wednesdaynights to make a reservation. Contact robin.yearns@ dunwoodyumc.org or 770-394-0675 with questions. DUMC Book Group Second Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m., Parlor. This group meets for group discussion on selected books. Fall meetings are Oct. 15 to discuss, “Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens and Nov. 12 to discuss, “A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles. Adult Sunday Morning Gathering Sunday, Oct. 20, 9:55 a.m., Gym. The DUMC Hospitality Ministry Team will host a time of fellowship with coffee, juice and snacks. All are welcome to join during the Sunday School hour.
Empower Fitness Classes A 14-week session running through Dec. 31, Wednesdays and Fridays, 8:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:45 p.m., Aerobics Room. Join us for a total body transformation with interval-based strength and cardio training. Experience boutique fitness at a fraction of the price. Session fee is $99.00. Register online at dunwoodyumc.org/leisure.
Early Stage Support Group—The Alzheimer’s Association Second Thursday of the month, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Room 243/244. This program is sponsored by The Alzheimer’s Association and is designed to provide education, support and connection for persons with a dementia diagnosis and their care partners. Call the Alzheimer’s Association at 800-272-3900 for more information or to register for our next session.
Youth Winter Basketball Our recreation basketball league fosters fun and fellowship while players learn the fundamentals of the game. Open to girls and boys in preschool – high school. Registration open to DUMC members, returning players and the community as space is available. Register early to ensure a spot by visiting dunwoodyumc.org/leisure. Spaces fill quickly and most divisions will be full by October.
Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group Second Thursday of the month, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Wesley Room. If you have a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s or any of the other dementias, such as vascular or Parkinson’s dementia, there is a confidential caring support group. For more information, contact JoAnn Akers at 678-352-8334.
Thursday Afternoon Bridge Group The second and fourth Thursdays, 12:45 p.m., Young Adult Area. Men and women of all ages are invited to play. Contact Alan Raby at 770-393-3293 for details.
Huntcliff Summit Assisted Living First and third Sundays of the month, 4:00 p.m., 8480 Roswell Rd. Join us for fellowship, singing and a brief meditation with the residents of Huntcliff Summit Assisted Living. Contact kathy. brockman@dunwoodyumc.org with questions.
Shows We Could’ve Done If... Friday and Saturday, Oct. 25 – 26, 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 27, 3:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall. Performing Arts at DUMC presents show-stopping songs from musicals we’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t! Tickets are $10 at the door.
Stephen Ministers A Stephen Minister is a layperson with more than 50 hours of training in providing high-quality, distinctively Christian care. In addition, they serve as Christian friends who listen, care, pray and encourage you as long as there is a need. When you are going through a life crisis, reach out for a Stephen Minister’s support. To learn more, contact Pat DeBolt at 404-931-5443.
Limited Preschool Openings Limited openings remain in our Monday/Wednesday toddler class. This class is available for children who are one year old by Sept. 1, 2019. Spots are filled on a first come, first served basis. Contact amy.rohan@dunwoodyumc.org for enrollment information. Visit dumcp.org for more information about DUMC’s accredited preschool. 8
Childrens’ Sunday Morning Schedule Changes— Special October Updates Due to Dekalb County’s Fall Break, there will be no Grace Kids on Wednesday, Oct. 9. Also on Sunday, Oct. 13, there will be no dismissal to Children’s Church during either service, and there will be a Power Surge during the Sunday School hour, rather than regular Plugged In programming. Children’s Sabbath Sunday, Oct. 20. DUMC children are invited to participate in both the Contemporary and Traditional Services in a variety of roles as we celebrate their role in the church. If your child is interested, please sign up at dunwoodyumc.org/calendar. Contact tambryn.freund@dunwoodyumc.org or jennifer.dees@ dunwoodyumc.org for more information. Children’s Spirit Wear Fundraiser The Children’s Ministry is selling spirit wear! Get our name out into the community by buying your child a hoodie or a tee shirt to wear to service projects, school events or just out and about. Proceeds go toward expanding our fellowship events. Pre-purchase your shirt at dunwoodyumc.org/children. Contact jennifer.dees@dunwoodyumc.org with questions. Children’s Volunteer Opportunities The Children’s Ministry is looking for volunteers on Sunday morning for Pre-K Spark small group leaders, Plugged In hallway greeters and Wednesday night Grace Kids support. Visit dunwoodyumc.org/childrens to sign up or contact jennifer. dees@dunwoodyumc.org for more information.
Confirmation Kick-Off Today, Sept. 29, 9:55 a.m., Fellowship Hall. Confirmation kicks off for sixth graders with a parent/student orientation. Sunday Fun-day! Banana-rama Fifth Sunday Event Sunday, Sept. 29, 6:00 p.m., Youth Area. All grades, sixth – twelfth and their friends are invited to the fifth Sunday event— Banana-rama. There will be a banana scavenger hunt, banana Olympic style games and extreme banana splits. Bring $5 for dinner and dessert! High School Fall Retreat Friday, Nov. 8 – Sunday, Nov. 10, Camp Lee in Anniston, Alabama. Ninth – twelfth graders are invited to attend the High School Fall Retreat. They will travel to Banning Mills Saturday morning to zip line! Sign up at dunwoodyumc.org/ youth. Cost is $250 with zip line and $150 without zip line. Registration closes Oct. 25. Christmas Tree Pre-Sales We are currently taking orders now through Nov. 28 for presale Christmas trees. Order today by visiting dunwoodyumc. org. The trees will arrive on Nov. 29 at 8:00 a.m. Sign up to volunteer for a shift by emailing youth@dunwoodyumc.org with the days and times that you are available. Tree lot hours: Monday – Friday, 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Sundays, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Stay Involved Visit dunwoodyumc.org/youth for more information about our weekly events and how to stay connected with us through our weekly newsletter.
Present Over Perfect—New Women’s Study Opportunity! Wednesdays beginning Oct. 9, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., Room 258/259. Join us for a five-week study of Shauna Niequist’s book, “Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living.” Books are $10 and will be available at the first class meeting. Please register by calling the church office at 770-394-0675 or by visiting dunwoodyumc.org/women. Contact susan.kee@ dunwoodyumc.org for more information.
New Friends Monday, Oct. 14, 11:30 a.m., Red Lobster, 1050 Holcomb Bridge Road. We are a group of widowed friends (men and women) who enjoy lunch out on the second Monday of each month. RSVP to Betty Moreland by Oct. 12 at 770-641-8519. Apples, Leaves and a Fried Pie Trip Tuesday, Oct. 29, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Mercier’s Orchard in Blue Ridge, GA. We will depart from the church at 8:30 a.m. Cost is $10. A reservation for lunch will be made at Mercier’s. Fried pies and other pastries can be ordered one day ahead to avoid the long lines by calling 706-632-3411 on Monday, Oct. 28. Please register and pay by Friday, Oct. 25 by calling the church office at 770-394-0675 or by visiting the online church calendar at dunwoodyumc.org/calendar. Contact susan.kee@ dunwoodyumc.org for more information. PALS Fall Session Mondays through Nov. 4, St Luke’s Presbyterian Church, 1978 Mt. Vernon Rd, Dunwoody. Join PALS for the fall session. For more details, visit palsonline.org or call the PALS office 770-698-0801.
This Week’s Highlights Sunday, September 29, 2019 N GA Conference Discipleship and Advocacy Bells Aflame Youth Handbell Rehearsal Youth Choir Rehearsal Disciple 1 Fast Track
3:00PM 4:00PM 4:45PM 5:00PM
Monday, September 30, 2019 Disciple I Fast Track Disciple II Fast Track Women’s Choir Rehearsal Soccer Practices Basketball Clinic SPRC Orientation Session Handbell Choir Rehearsal Women’s AA SPRC Meeting
10:00AM 10:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 6:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM
Tuesday, October 01, 2019 Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association Empower Fitness Class AVVBA Board Meeting Pickleball Soccer Practices Basketball Clinic Cub Scout Pack 266 Meeting
11:00AM 12:45PM 1:00PM 2:30PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 6:30PM
Wednesday, October 02, 2019 Empower Fitness Class Disciple III Fast Track Leadership Roundtable Pryme Tyme Council Meeting Li’l Lambs Rehearsal Tone Chimes Rehearsal Cherubs Rehearsal Carol Choir Rehearsal
8:30AM 10:00AM 12:00PM 3:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 5:00PM 5:00PM
Crusader Choir Rehearsal Soccer Practices Wednesday Night Supper Grace Kids Making Sense of the Bible UMW Board Meeting Midweek Prayer and Communion Service Divorce Care Enneagram: Nine Spiritual Paths Chancel Choir Rehearsal Financial Peace University Stephen Ministry Event
5:00PM 5:00PM 5:30PM 5:45PM 5:45PM 6:15PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:15PM
Thursday, October 03, 2019 Seniorcizers Empower Fitness Class Soccer Practices Basketball Clinic Summit at Dunwoody Counseling Meeting Knitting Stranger Things: Faith and Science in Dialogue Big Book Study
9:00AM 12:45PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM
Friday, October 04, 2019 Empower Fitness Class Soccer Practices Basketball Clinic Middle School Fall Retreat Men’s AA
8:30AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 6:00PM 6:30PM
Saturday, October 05, 2019 Middle School Fall Retreat Soccer Games North GA UMW Annual Meeting
12:00AM 8:00AM 9:30AM
The doors from the south parking lot between the Chapel and the playground will be locked during church business hours for the safety of our children. Members and guests are kindly asked to use the Activities Building church entrance.
DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 Phone: 770-394-0675 After Hours: 770-542-1667 mail@dunwoodyumc.org www.dunwoodyumc.org Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 prayer@dunwoodyumc.org Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday Senior Pastor: Rev. Dan Brown Associate Pastors: Rev. Josh Amerson, Rev. Kathy Brockman, Rev. Calissa Dauterman, Rev. David Melton, Rev. Sonny Walden Organ: Mary Ruth Solem Audio Visual: Ed Trundle
STAY CONNECTED Subscribe to DUMC emails dunwoodyumc.org/forms. Friday morning’s eConnections includes a weekly message from Rev. Dan Brown and a listing of upcoming events. You can also subscribe to Daily Readings, Christian Sympathy, Children’s Ministry updates, Youth News and Seasonal Devotionals. Watch the 8:45 a.m. Contemporary and 11:05 a.m. Traditional Services at home with Livestream. Log on to livestream.com/dunwoodyumc. Follow Dunwoody United Methodist Church on Facebook and Instagram.