March connections online

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YOU CAN’T HELP BUT LOVE MARCH! Each year, as we move into the month of March a rather interesting, and to many people exciting, event takes place. March Madness: The NCAA Basketball Tournament that leads to the crowning of the National Champion gets underway. This year, the selections for those who will be in the tournament will take place on March 15. The Sweet 16 will play March 26-27, the Elite 8 will play March 28-29, and the Final 4 on April 4. On April 6, the NCAA Champion will be crowned in Indianapolis. If you love basketball, you can’t help but love the month of March. There is also another, even more important event taking place this month. As a church, we are already in the season of Lent and with each week, we are moving closer toward Palm/Passion Sunday, Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

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During this time, we join Jesus as he moves ever so deliberately toward the cross. •

We will mingle in with Jesus’ disciples and hear him challenge us to take up our crosses and follow him.

We will stand among the people gathered at the Temple and watch Jesus as he confronts the money changers.

We will listen in on a conversation Jesus has with a man by the name of Nicodemus.

We will observe an exchange Jesus has with some Greeks.

And, we will begin Holy Week by watching Jesus ride into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and listen to the crowds as they shout, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Holy Week this year runs from March 29 – April 4. As a way of observing this very sacred time in the life of

the church, we will have a series of Lenten Lunches each weekday during Holy Week. There will be a short devotional beginning at 12:05 p.m. in the Sanctuary and then we will gather around the tables to share a lunch in the Fellowship Hall. Also, we have some special services planned. We will have a Maundy Thursday Communion Service; and on Good Friday, we will have a Tenebrae Service. All of this, of course, will lead toward our Easter Celebration on Sunday, April 5. I hope you will make every effort to be at as many of these services as possible. I believe you will find it will add to your life in some wonderful ways. Blessings,




Looking for an easy way to assist the DUMC Preschool? Donate an item to the Silent Auction at the Ice Cream Social! Please support the church’s preschool ministry by attending the 22nd Annual Ice Cream Social & Silent Auction on Sunday, March 29 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall! The event provides a fun-filled afternoon for families with entertainment by Miss Gail of Miss Gail and the Jumpin Jam Band, ice cream from Blue Bell Ice Cream, and the all-important silent auction. Big ticket items in the auction this year include prime seating for the Hawks, suite tickets and a parking pass for Barry Manilow at Gwinnett, golf, 30-yard line tickets and parking pass for Tech/Clemson, a birthday party with Miss Gail, Dunwoody Police Chief for the Day, and a Chef’s Wine Pairing at the Capital Grille. Funds raised help the Preschool grow and improve its programs. The cost is $5 per person or a maximum of $20 per ,family. To purchase tickets in advance, donate an item or service to the silent auction or inquire regarding sponsorship opportunities, please contact Callie Parker at or Joely Nicholson at AUCTION DONATION FORM Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________ Brief Description of Item for Donation: __________________________________________________ : _________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated Value of Item:_______________________________________________________________ Please return this form to the Preschool in your child’s book bag, bring it to the Preschool Office, or email it to Callie Parker at A member of the Silent Auction Committee will contact you regarding your donation. Questions? Please contact Callie by email or at 678-296-4806.


PALM SUNDAY POTLUCK AND EASTER EGG HUNT COKESBURY G-FORCE VBS SHOWCASE Cokesbury Representative, Flo Sapp Martin, will present an inside look at this year’s VBS, G-Force Saturday, March 28 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in Rooms 258/259. In God we live, move and exist. Acts 17:28. All VBS volunteers are invited to come and see. RSVP to Melissa Lerner at

Sunday, March 29, 11:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Bring lunch food to share (12 servings). Age level hunts follow the meal. RSVP by providing 1 dozen filled eggs (taped closed) per child. Attach child’s name and age to the bag and leave in bins near children’s areas. Hiders needed during lunch. Contact Diane at diane.morgan@ March 2015 | 3


HIGH SCHOOL MISSION BAHAMAS TEAM MEETING March 8 - Room 255 at 11:45 a.m. after worship & March 11 - Room 258/259 at 6:00 p.m. Our second Bahamas Mission Team meeting will be held on 03/08 and 03/11. These meetings will be identical, so you only need to attend one of these. This meeting will be focused on the youth team members, so parents do not have to attend unless they would like to. Contact Michelle Ozier Wallace at Michelle.Wallace@ or 770-394-0675 ext. 105.

#GROUP180 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE It’s a high school retreat reunion! James Savage and Adam Courtney will both be back for music and speaking, and we’ll have plenty of glow sticks and a few more 2 minute raves. Sunday, March 8, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. in the Youth Area. Come back to remember and relive our awesome high school retreat. Contact Lane Davis at lane. or 770-3940675 ext. 124.

#GROUP180 GLOW IN THE DARK NIGHT Join us for #Group180 for a game of intrigue, mystery, and flat out fun. 7th 12th graders are invited Sunday, March 15, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. in the Youth Area. Food before the game is available for only a few dollars. Contact Lane Davis at or 770-394-0675 ext 124.




Join the DUMC Youth for a trip to Phillips Arena to see the Conference leading Atlanta Hawks take on the San Antonio Spurs. This promises to be an awesome game and we’ve got great seats! Sunday, March 22, 1:45 - 7:00 p.m. Meet at the DUMC Youth Area. Register today at www. as tickets are limited. Contact Lane Davis at lane. or 770-3940675.

It’s a #Group180 game night featuring a blast to the past - like 10 million years ago past, for a brand new game called “Jurassic Park!” It’s just like the movie, except no one will get eaten. We think. March 29, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. in the Youth Area. Bring a friend - 7th - 12th Grades. Contact Lane Davis at lane.davis@ or 770-394-0675 ext. 124.

To find out more about the Dunwoody UMC Youth Ministry, visit our website at or contact the Youth Pastor, Rev. Lane Davis at lane.davis@dunwoodyumc. org.

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YOUNG ADULTS YOUNG ADULT MALES GROUP Calling all Young Adult Guys - The young adult guys have started a monthly meeting to have accountability, fellowship, and fun together. They would love to have you join them. Each month is something different. For example last month they played golf and went to dinner. For more information contact Steven Rowe at or Rev. Ashley Jenkins at ashley.jenkins@ DUMC YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY To find out more about the Dunwoody UMC Young Adult Ministry, visit our website at or contact the Young Adult Pastor, Rev. Ashley Jenkins at ashley.jenkins@

Thursday, March 19, 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (no children allowed)

Friday, March 20, 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (children in strollers or carriers only)

Saturday, March 21, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (most items half price)

Mark your calendars - the Dunwoody UMC Kids’ Spring/Summer Consignment Sale is coming soon! The dates of the sale are Thursday, March 19 from 5:00 8:00 p.m. (no children/adults only), Friday, March 20 from 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (children allowed in strollers or carriers only) and Saturday, March 21 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (most items 1/2 price). The sale is a great place to find gently used clothing, toys, books, baby equipment- anything you’d need for your precious little ones! Please visit to consign, volunteer to work the sale and for additional information.


NEW FRIENDS DINING OUT We are a group of widowed friends (men and women) who enjoy each other’s company and an evening out to dinner one Friday each month. We always welcome ‘new friends’ to join us. We meet for dinner on the second Friday of each month at various local restaurants. Our next dinner will be Friday, March 13 at 6:00 p.m. at Asian Cafe, 2462 Jett Ferry Rd., Dunwoody, GA. Reservations must be made by noon, March 12. To RSVP, get on the mailing list, or simply find out more about the group, please contact Betty Moreland, or 770-641-8519.



It’s here. The Perimeter North Villages is open for membership. Perimeter North Villages is dedicated to helping individuals continue to live in their own homes safely and comfortably and with dignity and respect as they age. Among the programs and services offered will be social and cultural events, transportation, and screened vendors or volunteers to help with home maintenance and personal care. Become a founding member of the Villages. Sunday, March 22, 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. at Plaza Square North Building, 4360 Chamblee-Dunwoody Road, Suite 320. Contact Mary Louise Connor at or 678-580-3505.

Discover ways to thrive in mind, body, and spirit as you age. Thursday, March 12 • 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - $40.00. Workshops will include “Brain Wellness”, “Legal Issues and Documents”, “Nutrition for Better Health”, “Personal Safety”, and more. Registration includes full breakfast and lunch. Contact Exa Grubb at exa. 770-3940675 ext. 205.

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The Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club will meet on March 12 and March 26 in the Young Adult Area from 12:45 to 3:15 p.m. Men and women, young adults to seniors, are invited. We have a very congenial group so please join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship.

Soul Keeping, by John Ortberg - Book Study led by Rev. Keith Lawder, March 4 - April 6 (skip Holy Week) - 7:05 - 8:30 p.m., Francis Asbury Room, In Soul Keeping, bestselling author John Ortberg sheds light on the most overlooked, underrated, and leastunderstood part of your being. Anxiety. Depression. Fear. Loneliness. These are all the symptoms of a soul that has lost touch with its source of life. Come take this journey with Keith. Questions, call Cathy Wright, 770-394-0675.

DIVORCECARE AND DC4K DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people with whom you will learn and discuss important information on relevant topics (depression, loneliness, faith, anger, finances and others) through one of life’s most difficult experiences.

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We are looking for volunteers to operate a camera in the sanctuary during services. Requires a steady hand and good eyesight. Also someone(s) to operate an audio mixer in various locations around the church. Requires a knowledge of audio technology and mixing, as well as good hearing. Contact Ed Trundle at ed.trundle@ or 770-394-0675 ext 271 to volunteer. PARKING LOT GREETER


DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) is for children ages 5 – 12 to help them make sense of their world, which has been turned upside down. These 2 classes run concurrently and runs through April 8. All classes meet 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., Adults – Parlor; Kids – Room 140. Each class topic stands alone so you can join at any time. For more information contact Cathy at cathy. or call the church to register. Nursery is available at no cost for children younger than 5.


Join us March 11, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., as Andrew Chappell, seminarian and assistant Youth Director, will host a showing of this movie and lead a discussion following. What is a moral person to do in a time of savage immorality? That question tormented Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman of great dis-tinction, who actively opposed Hitler and the Nazis. His conviction cost him his life. More than a just a biographical portrait, Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace sheds light on the little-known efforts of the German resistance. Reservations not necessary. Contact the church for questions, 770-394-0675.

We are looking for volunteers to welcome persons who park in the Guest Parking Spaces on Sunday mornings; ask if they can provide assistance; escort guests into the Sanctuary or activities building. One Sunday/month for six months between 8:30-9:10 a.m. or 10:00-10:40 a.m. To help, please contact Samantha Faklaris at samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc. org or 770-394-0675 ext 117. RECEPTION DESK VOLUNTEER Greet visitors and answer phones during lunch hours Mon-Fri and on days when the church receptionist is away. Commit one day/week or one day/month or on as needed basis. Contact Mary Ruffin at mary.ruffin@ or 770-394-0675 to volunteer.




Noon services each day of Holy Week, March 30 – April 3, followed by lunch in the Fellowship Hall. Monday – Andrew Chappell Tuesday – Rev. Exa Grubb Wednesday – Rev. Ashley Jenkins Thursday – Rev. David Melton Friday – Rev. Keith Lawder

We are having grief support sessions through March 22, in the Thomas Coke Room, from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. These are Five-week sessions (Five Sundays) dedicated to men and women who are mourning the pain and heartache of the death of a loved one - no matter when that loss might have occurred. Sessions are designed to facilitate grief work in a confidential caring manner. Contact JoAnn Akers at or 678-352-8334.


DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP The Dementia Support Group is for caregivers - both local and long distance - of persons affected with any form of dementia - ie: frontal lobe, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s. The group meets the second Thursday of each month, from 10 - 11:30 a.m. in Room 254. This group is sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association and is open to anyone to come at anytime. For further information or questions contact JoAnn Akers at

We celebrate the recent commissioning of 7 caring members of our congregation as Stephen Ministers - Kathleen Brown, Helena Cochran-Jones, James Dovel, Patti Grey, Charlene Levinson, Richard McCraney (not pictured) and Denise Porter. They have the spiritual gifts to be Stephen Ministers and have participated in 50 hours of training learning to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing challenges in life - grief, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss, and many other life difficulties. Let us thank God for the love and the generosity that inspired their response to God’s call, and let us pray for the success of the ministry. To learn how to receive care from a Stephen Minster, please contact a pastor or Pat deBolt (770.396.6836).

During Holy Week only, our Wednesday Night Supper will move to Thursday night, April 2. The dinner will be followed by a Service of Holy Communion in the Sanctuary. Rev. Dan Brown, preaching THE EXAMPLE John 13:1-17, 31-35 On Good Friday, we will have a Tenebrae Service based on the Seven Last Words of Christ at 7:00 p.m. This is in addition to the service at noon that day. THE SEVEN LAST WORDS OF CHRIST There will be four opportunities to worship on Easter morning. There will be the Contemporary Service in the Fellowship Hall at 8:00 a.m., and three services in the Sanctuary at 9:00, 10:05, and 11:15 a.m. EASTER LILY HOMEBOUND DELIVERY Volunteer to deliver Easter Lilies to those that are homebound in our congregation on Monday, April 6. Take to one member or six, we welcome any time you have to offer. Contact Betty Chisolm betty.chisolm@dunwoodyumc. org or 770-394-0675 ext. 122. March 2015 | 7


Dunwoody UMC will prepare and serve lunch twice this year to over 300 homeless and working poor in downtown Atlanta at Trinity UMC. Sunday, March 15, 2015, 30 volunteers will be needed to attend and serve this day from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Volunteers will feed the guests a hot lunch and provide them with a “togo” bag that includes 3 sandwiches, a dessert, and a beverage. We also need people to donate sandwiches and other food items prior to the event. Visit our website at www.dunwoodyumc. org and search for trinity table to register or email Samantha Faklaris at to sign up!

The first organizational meetings for our summer trips are coming up in March. There is a lot of interest in the trips this year, so please plan to attend or contact the trip leader if you want to reserve your spot on a team. A short term international mission trip will provide an experience of a life time that you will always cherish. MISSION GUATEMALA 2015 Trip Dates – August 22-29 First Meeting – Monday, March 23, 7:00 p.m., Wesley Room For more information, contact Dick Murphy at or Guy Griswold at MISSION BRAZIL 2015 Trip Dates – July 10-19 First Meeting – Monday, March 30, 7:00 p.m., Wesley Room For more information, contact Dick Murphy at or Bob Snyder at

Seven Saturdays – April 11 – May 30 (will not build on Memorial Day weekend, May 23) 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. It’s time to register for our upcoming build! Due to the overwhelming success of the Holiday Festival 2014, we are blessed with the opportunity to build two houses this year. We will partner with other churches in our district in this effort. Registration opens March 1 at All skill levels are appreciated! You must be age 16 and up to build. Be a part of this life changing experience for two deserving families!

HIGHTOWER ELEMENTARY, OUR PARTNER IN EDUCATION January 22 was an exciting day at Hightower Elementary! A school uniform and coat drive was held at our church during January, and volunteers collected, sorted and displayed the donations at the school’s Family Night. Parents were able to do some affordable shopping for their students and themselves due to the generosity of our church members. Thanks to Todd and Amy Rohan, Cindy and Wade Hatcher, and John and Denise Pruitt for coordinating this effort! There will be more opportunities to help the Hightower community this year. 8 | March 2015



Max Antinezi – Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis Jane Andrews (sister of James Davis) – Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Yates Ronald Barze – Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Adler, Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, Balch & Brigham LLP, Ms. Linda Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Newfield, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Young, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cox, Dr. and Mrs. Michael Landy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Browne, Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Golden, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith II, Mr. and Mrs. Tripp Johnson, Mr. Hollis Geiger Jr. Jones Family Fund, Mr. Houston Vaughn Clark David Collins – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins Margaret Dodd – Mr. and Mrs. David Schwenk, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scott, Mrs. Joy Edwards, Mrs. Susan Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Tod Berger Jean Gamble – Bible Study Circle Bliss Hatcher (grandmother of Wade Hatcher) – Mr. and Mrs. John Walz Roy Hendee – Mr. Roy Hendee III, Mr. Neal Hendee Bert Jones – Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scott, Mr. Walter Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pittard, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Millar Martha C. Jones (mother of Lisa Dickson) – Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dickson Mary Jones – Ms. Lois Ditty, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Yates, Mr. Dan Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trundle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guidos, Mrs. Kathleen Miers, Interpreters Class Janice Murphy – Mr. and Mrs. David Schwenk, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scott Sam Owen – Mr. George Owen, Jr. Frank Winton – Dr. Jimmy and Dr. Ruth Brown


Peter Booth – Infosurv, Inc. James Boyea – Rev. and Mrs. Keith Lawder Rev. Dan Brown – Mr. Neal Hendee, Rev. and Mrs. Keith Lawder Rev. Lane Davis – Rev. and Mrs. Keith Lawder Margaret and Ronald Gallagher – Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas, Jr. Rev. Exa Grubb – Rev. and Mrs. Keith Lawder Janice Hensley – Mr. and Mrs. Richard O’Harrow Rev. Ashley Jenkins – Rev. and Mrs. Keith Lawder Vickie and Sam Lott – Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris Rev. Jim McLean – Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thayer Rev. David Melton – Mr. Roy Hendee, III, Mr. Neal Hendee, Rev. and Mrs. Keith Lawder Sean Taylor – Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gallagher Rev. Sonny Walden – Rev. and Mrs. Keith Lawder Gil and Dot Yates – Mr. and Mrs. JosephYates



Ronald Barze – Mrs. Nancy Shaw, Ms. Marjorie Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Yeilding, Mr. John singleton, Mrs. Susan Scott, Mrs. Susan Cunnold, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Peden, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guidos, Mrs. Nancy Barze, Mr. and Mrs. Travis Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. Chip Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Akers, Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, Mr. Jon Lewis Marsha Chalden (mother of Scott Chalden) – Mr. and Mrs. Scott Chalden Clark David Collins – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins Maggi Dodd – Mr. and Mrs. Olen Akers Roy Hendee – Ethel Warren Spruill Estate Charles Higman – Mrs. Danella Jones Eugene Houser (father of Sarah Greer) – Mr. and Mrs. Richard Browne Bert Jones – Mrs. Nancy Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Akers, Mr. and Mrs. Chip Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. (Rip) Clark, Jr. Martha C. Jones (mother of Lisa Dickson) – Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dickson Edward Mallory – Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mills, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Garrett, Dr. and Mrs. Harrison Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harrell, Mrs. Betty Marshall, Dr. Jimmy and Dr. Ruth Brown, Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trundle, Mr. and Mrs. William Schuh, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Swindull, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brannan, Ms. Joan Gill Janice Murphy – Mr. and Mrs. Olen Akers Mary Richie (mother of John Richie) – Mr. and Mrs. Gene Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Akers Daniel Rose (brother of Theresa Dietz) – Mrs. Danella Jones Janet Smith – Mr. Jeffrey Smith Jack Walker (father of Cathryn Miller) – Mr. and Mrs. William Schuh Frank Winton – Mrs. Susan Scott


Bonnie and Les Brannan – Dr. Jimmy and Dr. Ruth Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Swindull

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CAREER MINISTRY CAREER MINISTRY ONE-ON-ONE COACHING One-on-One coaching sessions are on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Sessions meet in the Wesley Room from 7-9 p.m. Meet with individual team members who will help guide you during times of unemployment or career transition. Register at HOW TO CREATE A RESUME THAT GETS THE ATTENTION OF THE HIRING MANAGER Tuesday, March 10 • 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. • Wesley Room • Creating a resume that highlights your experience and skills which will get the attention of the hiring manager or recruiter is critical during job search. This program will provide an overview of different types of resumes, length of resume, gaps in work history, companies no longer in business, career changes, and how best to present yourself on paper. Facilitated by Barbara Blevens, Director of Talent Acquisition with Randstad US. Contact Career Ministry at or 678-352-8334.

WOMEN’S MINISTRY UMW STUDY : THE CHURCH AND DISABILITIES Join the United Methodist Women for a discussion on “THE CHURCH AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES” led by Rev. Ashley Jenkins. March 17 and 24, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. in the Francis Asbury Room. We will be making ourselves aware of how we can be more accessible and have an open mind. The class is welcome for all people, not just women. This class will be interactive so come ready to engage! You can buy the companion book for $10 if you wish. If you have questions contact Rev. Ashley Jenkins at NEW HORIZONS IN CHRIST New Horizons In Christ is a UMW circle full of caring Christian women. Our children are in high school, college and beyond. Many of us are empty nesters and some work and some do not. We have moved to a more flexible schedule that lends itself to members taking on the monthly service and or social gatherings. Over the last few years, our volunteer highlights are making sewing kits for the UMCOR, sorting clothes and helping at the Foster Care Support Foundation, cutting out and sewing bags for children in Guatemala, helping with the preparation for Vacation Bible School, serving Holy Week lunches and make lunches for kids during Spring Break. Highlights of this year’s social engagements include several social events at members’ homes, a pottery party, and hopefully dinner and a play. We also try and include lunch after our service projects. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Sharon Conway at 770-633-0556 or

WORSHIP CALENDAR MARCH 1 Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown IF YOU WANT TO FOLLOW Mark 8:31-38 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Keith Lawder TOUGH QUESTIONS AND TOUGHER ANSWERS Mark 8: 31-38 MARCH 8 Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown CLEANING HOUSE! John 2:13-22 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. David Melton WHEN THE WALLS COME TUMBLIN’ DOWN John 2:13-22 MARCH 15 Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown IN THE LIGHT OF GOD’S LOVE John 3:14-21 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Lane Davis WHY JESUS? – PART 1 John 3:14-21 MARCH 22 Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown TAKE A RISK John 12:20-33 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Lane Davis WHY JESUS? – PART 2

Hebrews 5:5-10

MARCH 29 – PALM SUNDAY Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown THE WAY HOME

Mark 15:33-39 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Lane Davis WHY JESUS? – PART 3

Mark 11:1-11

March 2015 | 11

Dunwoody United Methodist Church 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338

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Clergy and Office Numbers Dan Brown Senior Pastor Lane Davis Minister with Youth Ashley Fitzpatrick Jenkins Minister with Singles/Young Adults Exa Grubb Minister with Older Adults

BECOME A CAC VOLUNTEER IN 2015! Join the more than 300 CAC volunteers that help neighbors in need in Sandy Springs and Dunwoody. CAC is currently recruiting volunteers for these positions: food pantry stockers afternoons/evenings, reception desk, Spanish speaking teachers for basic financial management classes (evenings), data entry, client interviewers and more! Volunteers are most needed M-F 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.. Contact Debbie at CAC FOOD PANTRY IN NEED OF CRITICAL ITEMS The CAC Food Pantry is in need of assorted vegetables (canned), peas (canned), baked beans, tuna & canned meats, cereal, mac & cheese, tomato sauce, peanut butter. Please help refill the pantry with these items for neighbors in need. With your support, CAC gives food to about 500 families a month.

Keith Lawder Minister of Spiritual Formation David Melton Minister to the Congregation Sonny Walden Minister of Music Church Office: 770-394-0675 Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 FAX Number: 770-394-8492 E-mail: Website:

Minister After Hours 770-316-1935

In case of an emergency such as a death or critical illness.

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