May connections online

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MAY 2015





WORSHIP CALENDAR May 3 Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown STAYING CONNECTED John 15:1-8 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Lane Davis SOUL TENDING John 15:1-8

You may have noticed that the title of this month’s edition of Connections is “Celebrating Life.” One of the reasons for that is because there is a lot to celebrate during the month of May. You can begin with “Mother’s Day.” On Mother’s Day, we have a chance to reflect on the blessings we have received from our mothers and celebrate their lives. Besides bringing us into the world, in most cases our mothers nourished us, encouraged us, helped us with homework, shuttled us around to various activities, gave needed advice at just the right time, and a whole host of other things. No mother is perfect and undoubtedly yours has made her mistakes. Still, most of us owe our mothers a debt we could never hope to repay. We have the opportunity to celebrate that fact. During May, we also have the opportunity to celebrate with those young people who are graduating from high school. Even though it has been many years now, I still remember my high school graduation as if it were yesterday. I still remember the sense of accomplishment, as well as the awareness that my life was about to change in some pretty significant ways. I also remember what it meant to me to have a church that celebrated this fact with me and provided me encouragement as I stepped into the next phase of my life. We have that opportunity with the young people here at DUMC. During May, we will also be celebrating Pentecost Sunday. This year, Pentecost Sunday falls on May 24. On that day, we are not only invited to look back and celebrate how God poured out God’s Spirit on the early disciples and gave birth to the Church; we are also invited to look for all the ways God is presently pouring out God’s Spirit and how God wants to work in and through our lives today. It promises to be a day of great joy. We have the opportunity to celebrate all this and so much more! I can’t think of a better place for us to do so than in the Church. I hope you will make plans to be present with us for worship each week during the month of May. You will be glad you did! Blessings,

Dan 2 | May 2015

May 10 Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown FRIENDS? John 15:9-17 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. David Melton FRIENDS, FOREVER! John 1:9-17 May 17 – Youth Sunday Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall May 24 Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Acts 2:1-21 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Ashley Jenkins HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHURCH Acts 2:1-21 May 31 Traditional Service 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Rev. Dan Brown AN INHERITANCE FOR THE CLAIMING Romans 8:12-17 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Ashley Jenkins CATCH PHRASE John 3:1-17


Age 4 (by 9-1-2015) through rising 3rd grade

JUNE 8 - JUNE 11

Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Closing Celebration - Thursday, 6:30 p.m. $20.00 including CD and T-Shirt Registration Deadline: May 8, 2015 Contact Melissa Lerner at or 678-662-6416

Rising 4th - 6th grade

JUNE 8 - JUNE 11

Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closing Celebration - Thursday, 6:30 p.m. $60.00 includes supplies transportation Registration Deadline: May 8, 2015 Contact Polly Frederick at or 770-394-0675

After Care available Monday-Thursday, early drop off at 8:30am and pick up at 5 p.m. and Friday, 8:30a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sign up for VBS, GodSquad and After Care on our website at



We want to encourage more male volunteers to serve and help support G-force VBS. We have many jobs for men like being guides for classes, artists, scientists and carpool directors. Contact Melissa Lerner for more details at

All Volunteers for G-Force VBS are asked to attend a meeting and lunch on Sunday, May 3 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Coordinators from each area (art, science, recreation, music, snack, storytelling and guides) will break out and meet with their teams. Mandatory Safe Sanctuary and Emergency Training will be provided following the breakout groups. Please make every effort to attend this important session. Childcare is provided. RSVP is required to Melissa Lerner at or 678-662-6416.

TEACHER RECRUITMENT FOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday school teachers are a vital part of a child’s faith journey. Come be a part of that journey. If you have ever thought about teaching or know you want to, let us know. Summer Sunday school runs from May 31 through August 9. Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 begins August 16. Contact me at or claim your class on the children’s webpage at www.

WE HAVE 101 PEOPLE TO THANK FOR A JOB WELL DONE! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Children will decorate the library window this month. Make sure to stop by to see how they have honored their Moms.

The children have learned a lot this year in Sunday school. As the school year comes to an end, we want to thank all the ladies and men and teen helpers who have shared their faith with this next generation. They have served in ways that have impacted lives in ways they may never see or know. Our Children’s Team thanks them for their time and dedication. Their last official teaching day will be May 19, so Parents, use the Sundays until then to thank them personally. May 2015 | 3




Seniors and immediate family are invited to join us Sunday, May 10, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. in the Gym for a special breakfast to honor our seniors. There is no cost. Simply RSVP to Karen Bass at by May 1. Following breakfast, we will also be honoring the seniors in the 10:30 service.

All 6th-12th graders are invited to Dunwoody UMC’s first ever Avengers Night on Sunday, May 3, at 6:45 p.m. in the Youth Area. Come dressed up as your favorite superhero and ready to play some crazy games! Prizes will be given to the best dressed. Andrew will be dressed as Batman. Top that! Cost: $5.00. Contact Andrew Chappell at andrew.chappell@dunwoodyumc. org for more details.

BAHAMAS MISSION TRIP MEETING All youth going on both June and July mission trips to the Bahamas Methodist Habitat must attend the meeting after church on Sunday, May 3, 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. in Room 255. This is a youth-only meeting. Contact Michelle Wallace at michelle.wallace@ for more details.



We are ending the school year the way we started. BOX WARS. But this time, it’s gonna be wilder, crazier, and with better boxes. Come out to Box Wars: The Season Finale, Sunday, May 17, 2015, 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. in the Youth Area, and make sure you wear something that can get wet! All 6th12th Graders are welcome! Bring $$ for food! Contact Lane Davis, Lane.Davis@

To find out more about the Dunwoody UMC Youth Ministry, visit our website at or contact the Youth Pastor, Rev. Lane Davis at lane.davis@dunwoodyumc. org.



The Young Adult Sunday School class will be studying Rev. Adam Hamilton’s book, Christianity and World Religions, for the month of May. This class meets at 10:30 a.m. in the Young Adult Suite. We would love for you to join us!

Feed N Seed is the local soup kitchen for residents of Dunwoody and Sandy Springs in need of a free hot meal. Join the young adults on June 7 in feeding our neighbors. We will meet at Sandy Springs UMC at 12:30 p.m. RSVP to Ashley Jenkins at

4 | May 2015


NEW FRIENDS DINING OUT We are a group of widowed friends (men and women) who enjoy each other’s company and an evening out to dinner at various restaurants on the second Friday of each month. We always welcome ‘New Friends’ to join us. Our next outing will be on Friday, May 8 at 6:00 p.m. at Applebee’s, 130 Perimeter Center Place NE, Dunwoody. Reservations must be made by noon May 7 to Betty Moreland, 770-6418519. To be added to the mailing list or simply learn more details about our group, please contact Betty Moreland, 770-641-8519 or

Join those at the Lunch & Learn Programs of PALS on Mondays from April 6 to May 18, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Dunwoody United Methodist Church. Select from the following offerings: The Nugget Series; Jewelry Making Class; Heritage of the Southeastern Indian Tribes; Keys to Maintaining Your Home and Maximizing Your Homes Value; Revolution-Independence-Nation; the Art of Ancient Rome; Painting Bird Feeders and Bird Houses; American Roots Music Part 1; Travel; A View Into the Societies of Western Civilization Through Their Architecture; Bridge and Mahjongg. Brochures are available around DUMC or by calling PALS at 770698-0801 or online at www.palsonline. org. Join the fun and enjoy great catered lunches, available with reservations.

AARP DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE Learn the newest safe driving strategies, changes in traffic laws, how to safely handle problem situations like left hand turns, blind spots, freeway traffic. Wednesday, May 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Francis Asbury B Room. Cost is $15.00. Contact Exa Grubb at exa.grubb@dunwoodyumc. org or 770-394-0675 ext. 205.


BRIDGE GROUP The Thursday Afternoon Bridge Group will meet in the Young Adult Suite on May 14 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Men and women, young adults to seniors, are welcome. Please bring a salad to share. For more information, contact Betty Marshall, 770-676-5712 or Betty Daugherty, 770-390-0814.

Wednesday, May 13, 7:00 p.m. in the Wesley Room, learn about the many benefits this organization offers from Mary Louise Conner as she talks about how you can stay home, stay independent and stay connected with the assistance of Perimeter North Villages. There are free services and some discounted fee-for-service services from pre-screened vendors available through PNV. If you have a heart for seniors and time to give, you are welcome to volunteer. Call Mary Louise Connor at 407-223-2768 to learn more about the Villages and to volunteer. May 2015 | 5


PRISON MINISTRY LEARN ABOUT OUR MINISTRY WITH PRISONERS AND THEIR FAMILIES The Prison Committee would like to thank those who contributed through the Christmas Catalogue and want you to know how your donations are being spent. We take seriously supporting those to whom Christ refers in Matthew 25:36. We visit those who are in prison, we support female family members of those incarcerated and we help those who are transitioning back into society.

GRIEF AND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP Suffering the loss of a loved one - whether it is a spouse, a child, a parent, relative or a “forever� friend - is one of the greatest losses anyone has to experience. The hurt that you are feeling can seem overwhelming at times as you journey through grief. To aid in your healing and offer support and encouragement, Dunwoody UMC is offering a Grief and Loss Support Group. This confidential group allows you to express your feelings and to share with others the pain and anguish that you are feeling. Grief continues long after friends or relatives might think otherwise. This group meets the fourth Sunday of each month from 1 - 2 p.m. in the Thomas Coke Room.

Through Kairos Inside, some of us help provide a spiritual retreat inside the prison at Lee Arrendale State Prison for Women and Phillips State Prison for Men. Your money goes to pay for food and supplies for 84 men and 84 women attending this 3-day walk with God. Hearts and lives are changed and the prison becomes a more positive environment for inmates and officers alike. Jenny Mathis and Diane Morgan have served on several teams and can say their lives have been impacted by the experience as well. Kairos Outside is a retreat for female family members of those incarcerated. Their outside team meets here for team formation as the team prepares for their weekend to support family members who suffer a sentence of their own. Your contributions pay for lodging and food for these women, as there is no cost to them to attend. We also support a halfway house for male inmates who are transitioning back into society. The house not only provides a place to live with food to eat, but support services are also available to help men get back on their feet. In all three programs, participants learn to feel, to give, and to accept forgiveness that comes through a relationship with Christ. Your financial contributions help make that possible. Our next Prison Committee meeting is Sunday, June 7 at 11:45 a.m. in the Conference Room across from the main reception desk on the first floor of the sanctuary building. All are welcome to join us. Committee Members are happy to talk to Sunday School classes about what we do. Questions? Contact Diane Morgan at

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN SPIRITUAL GROWTH CIRCLE Spiritual Growth Circle meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in homes and/or at church with a light supper. Our programs are varied including speakers and members presenting programs of interest. For women of various ages, many of our members work. We are a very caring group with concern for each other and contribute to missions and community concerns. Each month through June we will be using the book entitled, One Simple Act, author Debbie Macomber for our programs. We invite new members to join our circle and experience the warmth and concern for each other while being a circle that expresses the overall meaning of United Methodist Women. For information contact Esther Randolph at 770-594-2595 or email 6 | May 2015

ONLY 2 Performances,

June 3 at 3:00 and 7:00 p.m.

in the Fellowship Hall Donations to benefit Performing Arts at Dunwoody UMC.

May 2015 | 7

MISSIONS TRINITY TABLE THANK YOU! Thank you to all who prepared food and served on Sunday, March 15 at Trinity Table. As usual, our Dunwoody UMC family did not disappoint. The delicious meal and desserts prepared by all and the generous donations of food and drinks for the guests To Go Bags have now become a Dunwoody UMC and Trinity Table tradition. The lines form early and are long for not only our food, but fellowship of those serving, as guests linger to enjoy the meal and conversation . . . among each other, our servers and at our prayer table. This particular Sunday, guests were treated to a special visit by the Easter Bunny too. It is heartwarming to see our Dunwoody UMC family come together to serve those who truly need it. Many, many thanks! Please mark your calendar for our next date of service - Sunday, August 23.


On Sunday, April 19, our own Jack and Bette Whitley were honored by Atlanta Habitat for Humanity as recipients of the 2015 Volunteer of the Year award. Jack and Bette have served as the build coordinators for Dunwoody UMC’s build for 20 years. As a result of their efforts, Dunwoody UMC has now built 23 Atlanta Habitat homes. Each year, they not only help recruit the volunteers for the build, but they also help secure funding for a full house sponsorship. To raise this money, they help organize Dunwoody UMC’s annual Holiday Festival which engages over 400 volunteers and raises between $70,000 - $80,000 each year. In addition, since 2011 they have been advocates of Atlanta Habitat in the Atlanta Roswell District of the United Methodist Church-having recruited 23 additional churches to help sponsor Atlanta Habitat homes. In April, Dunwoody UMC began construction on two new Atlanta Habitat homes, bringing our grand total to 25. Work continues on these homes this month on May 2, 9, 16, and 30. You may register at or by contacting Susan Anderson at susan. 8 | May 2015

TAKE THE FOOD ‘N FUN CHALLENGE: A COMMUNITY-WIDE FOOD DRIVE! Gather your team and take the Food `n Fun Challenge, the largest community-wide food drive to ever take place in Sandy Springs and Dunwoody! CAC’s Food `n Fun Challenge pits rival schools, businesses, and organizations against each other to collect the most food! The food drive is critical to aid local families in the summer when the need is greatest and food pantry inventory is at its lowest level of the year. Challenge your rival on video and post it on social media! Consider creating a food drive theme (i.e. eat your veggies), take part in the can construction contest and send your pictures to CAC to be judged! Winners will be announced at the Food `n Fun Festival! The Food `n Fun Challenge is a team event of the annual CAC Food `n Fun Festival on Saturday, May 2. Find more info at www. or contact Pam Jones at CAC WELCOMES NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS CAC welcomes three new members to the 2015 Board of Directors. Christopher Reece of Northside Hospital joins as Treasurer, Reese is a Dunwoody resident. Nancy Berger, a strategic planner, also of Dunwoody, joins the board representing AT&T; and Luis Torres, a real estate expert, joins the board representing UPS. The new members will serve 2-year terms on the 16-member volunteer board. CAC thanks outgoing members for their years of dedicated service, Joan Gill, Judy Lehman, Eric Carlson and Myron Smith. Their leadership, expertise and hands-on volunteer efforts were great assets to CAC in the areas of event planning, finance, adult education and food pantry operations. The new members join returning President Catherine Lautenbacher, First Vice President Shelly Dozier-Mckee, Second Vice President Kevin Horgan, Secretary Villard Bastien, Assistant Treasurer Terry Hartigan, Past President Bob Levinson, Charles Crosby, John Jokerst, Judy Pollock, Brenda Rothschild, Stan Sonenshine, Rev. Michael Sullivan and Sally Wyeth. CAC FOOD PANTRY IN NEED OF CRITICAL ITEMS The CAC Food Pantry is in need of assorted vegetables (canned), peas (canned), baked beans, tuna & canned meats, cereal, mac & cheese, tomato sauce, peanut butter. Please help refill the pantry with these items for neighbors in need. With your support, CAC gives food to about 500 families a month. BECOME A CAC VOLUNTEER IN 2015! Join the more than 300 CAC volunteers that help neighbors in need in Sandy Springs and Dunwoody. CAC is currently recruiting volunteers for these positions: food pantry stockers afternoons/evenings, reception desk, Spanish speaking teachers for basic financial management classes (evenings), data entry, client interviewers and more! Volunteers are most needed M-F 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Contact Debbie at

TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME On Friday, May 15, we will attend the 7:05 p.m. Gwinnett Braves vs. Louisville Bats baseball game at the Coolray Stadium in Lawrenceville. We have purchased 30 field box tickets along the first base line at a discounted group rate of $9 each.There is a limit of 2 tickets for each family. Our entire group will sit together and enjoy some unique, fun experiences reserved exclusively for groups; we will also avoid the box office rush. Individual transportation is required and carpooling outreach is encouraged so everyone interested can attend. For those that cannot drive, the church bus will be available for the first 15 requesters. Those riding the bus are to be at the church at 5:00 p.m. Parking is $5 per car. The stadium is at 2500 Buford Drive. Go to for complete parking directions. Contact Exa Grubb 770-394-0675; you will be given the tickets after the payment is made, so bring your ticket and your glove if you have one, for a fun night.

May 2015 | 9


BOUNCING WITH THE BUMPS Tuesday, May 12, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Wesley Room. “Bouncing with the Bumps” facilitated by Chris Gilliam, Career Transition Coach - will help guide the participant to identify their unique abilities and how to stay motivated during this time of job searching. This workshop will encourage individual involvement and offer customized support resources. Chris is a highly motivated training facilitator who has a “heart of service”. Come and learn how to “control” your bouncing with the various “bumps” that come your way during job searching! Contact JoAnn Akers at or 678-352-8334.


CHALLENGER BRITISH SOCCER CAMPS The #1 Soccer Camp in the U.S. returns to Dunwoody UMC for SUMMER CAMP! Players receive high level coaching from a team of international experts right in our own community. Each day includes foot skills, technical drills, tactical practices, small-sided games, coached scrimmages, and a daily tournament. Equally important, Challenger is committed to developing the whole child and not just their footskills. We teach Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Leadership, and Sportsmanship to create success both on the field and throughout their lives. • June 1 - 5 • July 20 - 24 • Ages 5 - 14 years • Half Day (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: $159 • Full Day (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.): $265 10 | May 2015

ART LAB SUMMER CAMP for rising K through rising 5th graders Taught by Lee Ann Brunson, an art and gifted public school teacher. Budding artists will enjoy hands-on lessons focused on color, form, shape, line, texture, sculpture, pattern, creativity, flexibility, fluency, observation, and elaboration. Artwork will be displayed on the final day. • July 13-16 • July 20-23 • July 27-30 • 9:00am to 3:00pm • $185 (supplies included) ALL STARS SPORTS CAMP Our multi-sports All Stars Sports Camp brings the wide world of sports to your camper! Kids enjoy active fun while learning the fundamentals, proper techniques and basic strategies for a variety of sports including soccer, basketball, fitness and gymnastics! We’ll build team spirit

through cooperative games and have good old-fashioned fun with capture the flag, kickball, and more! • July 13-16 • 9:00am—1:00pm • Ages 4-12 years (campers divided by age and ability) • $150.00 HALL OF FAMERS BASKETBALL CAMP Bring your rising star’s game to the next level! Campers will strengthen basketball skills while learning the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork. We’ll work on dribbling, shooting, passing, defense, footwork, balance, court awareness and more! • July 27-30 • 9:00am-1:00pm • Ages 4-12 years • $150.00

The DUMC 101 series provides you with information about our Christian and United Methodist history, our church programs, and a church tour. The classes are taught over a four week period by Rev David Melton and the Assimilation Committee. It’s a relaxed atmosphere and all questions are welcome. The DUMC 101 series is a good starting point for you wherever you are in your faith journey. You’ll meet other people in the classes who are curious about our church and want to learn more about it. We also share advice as to where you might find a place in our community of faith. The next dates are June 14, 21, 28 and July 12 at 10:30 a.m. in the Young Adult Suite. The suite is on the ground floor between the Sanctuary Building and Activities Building. Ask a greeter to help you find your way. Childcare is provided in the church nursery. Contact David Melton at 770394-0675 x114 or david.melton@ for more information. No reservations required, just come to the class. USED CAR NEEDED! The Transitional Housing Steering Committee is seeking a safe, used car for one of our families. If you have a vehicle to donate, please contact Your consideration of this request is truly appreciated as the benefits of this donation to this hard-working family are immeasurable. Your gift will allow the single mother to continue her education, drive to work, and transport her 3 children to school.

May 2015 | 11

DUNWOODY Dunwoody United Methodist Church 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, U N I T E D GA M E30338 THODIST CHURCH

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Ronald Barze – Mrs. Rita Paschal, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver Charles Burns – Mrs. Beverly Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trundle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Masecar, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bowen, Mrs. Gladys Rowley, Mrs. Anne Key, Mrs. Nancy D’Ardenne, Mrs. Eugenia McHugh and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Loux, Mrs. Kathleen Miers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Die, Wanamaker Woods Church of the Nazarene, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harrell Clark David Collins – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins Guy Hardee – Mr. and Mrs. James Lyster Mary Jones – Mrs. Pat Webster, Personal Growth and Sharing Circle Edward Mallory – Mrs. Rita Paschal, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miller, Mrs. Danella Jones, Mrs. Elva Johnson, Mrs. Marilyn McLeod, Mary Jane Thompson – Mr. Joshua Hatfield


Liz and Dick Thayer – Mrs. Nancy Wolff

Clergy and Office Numbers Dan Brown Senior Pastor Lane Davis Minister with Youth Ashley Fitzpatrick Jenkins Minister with Singles/Young Adults Exa Grubb Minister with Older Adults Keith Lawder Minister of Spiritual Formation David Melton Minister to the Congregation Sonny Walden Minister of Music Church Office: 770-394-0675 Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 FAX Number: 770-394-8492 E-mail: Website:

Minister After Hours 770-316-1935

In case of an emergency such as a death or critical illness.

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