MAY 2017
TO GOD BE THE GLORY If you are like me, it is hard to believe we are already heading into the month of May. Where did the first part of this year go so quickly? However, here at DUMC, May marks a time when some very exciting things are happening. It begins the very first week of May. On May 1, we will be hosting the World Methodist Evangelism Institute Dinner. This is an organization that seeks to share the good news of God’s redeeming grace with people all over the world. Dunwoody UMC has long been associated with this organization and again this year WMEI has chosen to have their Founder’s Dinner at the church. Also, that week, we will be completing work on our 27th Habitat for Humanity House. You may recall last November we had our Holiday Festival to raise the money for this build and this will be the culmination of that effort. On May 7, we will have Youth Sunday. The youth will take responsibility for the entire service. Once again this year, we will be hearing from our seniors as they share reflections and hopes. As always, it promises to be a very special service. Of course, May 14 we will be celebrating Mother’s Day. My own mother died many years ago, but would have been 101 this year. I never come to this day, but what I am reminded of how fortunate I was to have a mother who was such a strong influence on my life. Many can say the same. Some are not so fortunate, but still can think of women in their lives who made a lasting impact on them. Mother’s Day celebrates not so much the biological fact as the positive impact of the people who served as the maternal influence on our lives. I would ask that you keep the Church Council in your thoughts and prayers. Later this month, they will be making important decisions that will have a lasting impact on the life of our church. You will be hearing more about this in other places. For now, I just ask that you pray for them to have wisdom. As always, I want to thank you for being a wonderful congregation. The difference you make in the name of Christ never ceases to amaze me. Because of you, people are touched and lives are transformed. To God be the glory!!! Blessings,
Wednesday May 24, 2017
7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Francis Asbury Rooms At the heart of living out the Christian faith, according to the words of Jesus, is to love. We are to love God and - as an expression of that love - care for others as readily and eagerly as we care for ourselves. We may well ask, what does that look like? How do we give our caring legs so that our love matters and our compassion makes a difference? In celebration of 25 years of Stephen Ministry at DUMC, you are invited to an event which will focus on The Art of Christian Caring. We will consider how best we can take the compassion we feel and effectively express it in loving-kindness to others. Leading us for the evening will be Ron Greer, Director, has been with the Pastoral Counseling Service for over thirty years. He is a Fellow of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, a Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, and licensed by the State of Georgia as a Marriage and Family Therapist. He received his Master of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University and a Th. M. in pastoral counseling from Columbia Theological Seminary. Ron is the author of three books: Markings on the Windowsill: A Book About Grief That’s Really About Hope; If You Know Who You Are, You’ll Know What To Do: Living with Integrity; and Now That They Are Grown: Successfully Parenting Your Adult Children. Please contact Diane Rhea at 404.626.2534 or with any questions about the event. 2 | MAY 2017
There are still several places for people to serve. We are in need of a few more volunteers:
Not qualified, just called. That’s how I felt when I signed up. That was 5 years ago. I grew up in a church where I felt loved, encouraged, supported, welcomed, known. These feelings didn’t occur spontaneously, they were the result of inten�onal investment from adults all over the church. I had Sunday School teachers who showed up week a�er week... and at age ��, I s�ll remember their names. Ms. Diane, Mr. & Mrs. Williams, Ms. Nancy.... None of these people had kids in the program at the �me, none of them were on the staff at my church, they just knew that kids ma�er. They took the �me to invest in rela�onships with us, which ul�mately led us to �esus and a rela�onship with �im. Each week I can see now, I didn’t have to be qualified for anything more than wan�ng the kids at DUMC to know that they ma�er. My rela�onships with them are my investment into the future of the church. If just one child realizes the magnitude of God’s love for them through just one Sunday that I show up to serve, then I know I have fulfilled God’s purpose for me. My hope is that all the members of DUMC will choose to use their gi�s to invest in our kids in some way, so that they know they are always loved, always welcomed, and always known here. The faith that began in me as a child con�nues to grow by serving children. I am so thankful that God called me and that I said YES! ‐ Megan Batcheller
I have volunteered to teach my children in Sunday School since my oldest was three. It wasn’t my favorite thing to do because I felt that the lessons were hard to follow and the children had a hard �me ge�ng engaged. But now that we have rolled out PLUGGED IN my a�tude has completely changed! I lead a fourth grade girls small group, and I absolutely love it. I have commi�ed to lead them each week for the en�re school year. This consistency is so important to building rela�onships, and makes my Sunday mornings so much more meaningful. I love seeing the girls each week. I love hearing about their spor�ng events, vaca�ons, and birthday par�es. But more importantly, I love sharing my faith with them. The girls are so open, honest, and caring with one another, and I know it’s because of the consistency and model of PLUGGED IN! It’s been so much fun ge�ng to know the girls throughout the year, and such a rewarding experience for me as well! I am excited to lead my same group of girls next year when they are fi�h graders! ‐ Krissy Taylor
Spark Small Groups Leaders (once a month) Kindergarten Small Group Leaders (a
school calendar year)
1st Grade Small Group Leaders (a school
calendar year).
4th Grade Boys Small Group Leader (a school
calendar year.
Greeters Captains Substitutes AV/Tech Set Design Special Needs Buddy Special Needs Coach
Sign‐up at h�ps����forms�b�lfc��K�ozEaob�� or email Natalee Dukes at
MAY 2017 | 3
SUMMER FUN AT THE DUMC NURSERY! It’s going to be a great summer in the Nursery! We have the summer covered for children ages 6-months through 5-years with 10 weeks of themed camps and weekday Drop-In. Nursery Camps: For children age 2-5 years • May 22-25: Pirates & Mermaids Under the Sea (ages 3 and under)
• July 10-13: Dinosaur Detectives (ages 3 and under)
• June 5-8: Dr. Seuss and Rhyming Authors
• July 24-27: Police, Fire Fighters, and Emergency Vehicles
• June 12-15: Eric Carle and Collage Techniques • June 19-22: VBS Hero Central • June 26-29: Mo Willems, Teamwork, and Related Silliness
• July 17-20: Chefs, Farmers, and Food • July 31-August 3: Doctors, Exercise, and Healthy Bodies • August 7-10: Pet Patrol (ages 3 and under)
Drop-In: Regular weekday Drop-In will be available throughout the summer for children who do not meet the age requirement for the Nursery Camps. Drop-In will be held Monday-Thursday from 9am-1pm.
Confirmation 2017
For more information, pricing, and registration, please contact our Nursery Director, Usha Raghavan at usha.raghavan@dunwoodyumc. org or 770-394-0675 ext. 131.
Confirmation 2017
By Andrew Chappell
This past year’s confirma�on class has been a joy. This is one of the most enthusias�c classes we’ve had in a long �me, and they have no trouble expressing excitement!
Many students share, and it is such a cool moment as it is the first �me �for many� that they share about their faith out loud and in front of people.
This year, a�er a number of students shared, one of our It has long been tradi�on here that we take our 6th grade boys stood up at the back, and declared in This pastJunaluska year’s confirma�on classretreat. has been a joy. This front ofMany students share, is such a cool moment confirmands to Lake for their big This everyone, “How canand youit NOT experience God as it is one of the most enthusias�c classes we’ve had in a in this place?!” is the first �for many� that they share about their retreat is a way to prepare each student for the vows It �me was awesome! they have no expressing faith out loud and in front of people. that he or shelong will�me, takeand when joining thetrouble church. His declara�on reminded me of the ease of distrac�on. excitement! This year, a�er a number of students shared, one of our If you’ve ever been to lake Junaluska, you know that O�en, we go about our days and weeks and months It has long been tradi�on here that we take our 6th grade boys stood up at the back, and declared in there is a large cross on the highest point overlooking without opening our eyes to the work of God around confirmands to Lake Junaluska for their big retreat. This front of everyone, “How can you NOT experience God the lake. The retreat cross isiscovered light bulbs that turn believeItthat we give ourselves a a way to in prepare each student foron the vows us. However, in this Iplace?!” was ifawesome! at night. The sight oforthe shining across is moment of pause, we will realize that indeed God is that he shecross will take when joiningthe thelake church. of the ease of eyes, distrac�on. truly beau�ful. workingHis alldeclara�on around us.reminded And if weme truly open our If you’ve ever been to lake Junaluska, you know that O�en, we go about our days and weeks and months we might be able to exclaim just like our confirmand, Every year at there Junaluska, on cross Saturday night of the is a large on the highest point overlooking without opening our eyes to the work of God around “How can you not experience God?!” lake. cross is covered in light bulbs that turn on us. However, I believe that if we give ourselves a weekend, wethe walk upThe to the cross at about 9:30pm. at night. The of the cross across moment of pause, weClose will realize God is This pilgrimage is done insight silence, and it isshining actually quitethe lake is Pause. Take a deep breath. your that eyes.indeed And listen truly beau�ful. working all around us. And if we truly open our eyes, a distance to walk. But once we get to the cross, we sit to the wisdom of a 6th grader. we might be able to exclaim just like our confirmand, in the amphitheater next to the cross, and we ask our Every year at Junaluska, on Saturday night of the “How can youcan NOT God?!” “How youexperience not experience God?!” students to share how we they have in 9:30pm. weekend, walk up experienced to the cross atGod about Pause. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. And listen the course ofThis the pilgrimage weekend. is done in silence, and it is actually quite By Andrew Chappell
4 | MAY 2017
a distance to walk. But once we get to the cross, we sit in the amphitheater next to the cross, and we ask our students to share how they have experienced God in
to the wisdom of a 6th grader.
“How can you NOT experience God?!”
Spring Cleaning Donations for HomeStretch
Time to purge your closet! The whole month of May we are collec�ng clothes and household items to donate to HomeStretch, a nonprofit DUMC partners with to help those in transi�onal housing. We will end the month by pu�ng together �cleaning kits� for the same residents.
MAY 5.2� Spring Cleaning Dona�ons for HomeStretch 5.23 BACON 5.23 GraceTime 5.27 Memorial Day Camping Trip at Amicalola
Grace Time is a UMW circle for 20-30’s young adult women focusing on empowering each other and finding crea��e and engaging opportuni�es to gi�e back. We meet the 4th Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Visit Calendar for details and contacts on all of these events.
MAY 2017 | 5
We are a Circle of women who gather together for fellowship, spiritual growth, and an opportunity to explore group projects which support the missions of the church. Our children are grown, and we enjoy programs designed to increase our awareness of opportunities to serve and to enhance our spiritual life. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from 1:30 - 3 p.m. in the Wesley Room. Traditionally, we enjoy luncheons at noon in December, February and May. We welcome visitors at all of our meetings. For more information, contact Ann Stone at 770-399-1887 or annlstone@bellsouth. net or Ruth Hewitt at 770-394-5788 or
Join the Older Adults on Friday, May 5 as we travel by bus to visit Liberty Hill UMC in Canton, GA. We will depart from the church at 9:00 a.m. and return around 3:00 p.m. Cost is $10 which includes lunch provided by Provino’s Italian Restaurant. Liberty Hill UMC uniquely holds their services in the Old Cotton Mill, built in 1900. We will have a docent as we learn about Canton and the Cotton Mill. The mill is rich with history and was a thriving enterprise which brought jobs and prosperity to Canton until it closed in 1981. We also plan on visiting the Old Cherokee County Courthouse, made of native Georgia marble. It has a small museum which has an interactive display of historical characters that guide you through the places and events that shaped their lives. In addition there is a traveling exhibit that focuses on the United States’ entry into World War I and Cherokee County’s contribution. Last day for payment is Friday, April 28. Contact Mary Ruffin in the church office, 770-394-0675. 6 | MAY 2017
Pictured here are a few of the ladies from Serving Together Circle who prepared a Mother’s Day basket for the mom who is the current resident in our Transitional Home: Suzanne Decker, Fe’ Hardee, Anne Francisco, Florence Fortenberry, and Vi Burney. Also contributing but not pictured were Kay King, Ann Stone, Ruth Hewitt, and Shirley Espy.
PACKAGE OF HOPE Dunwoody UMC provides “Package of Hope” the last Saturday of each month. Distributing non-perishable food that will feed a family of four for several days, Dunwoody UMC’s goal is to make families feel welcome as they work through tough financial times to get back on their feet. In partnership with Action Ministries, Dunwoody UMC would love to have you join us (to volunteer or for assistance). Saturday, May 27 in the Youth Area from 9-11 a.m. We have complimentary coffee and pastries for fellowship available. Please contact Cindy Hatcher at with questions.
FOSTER CARE AWARENESS MONTH If you have ever considered helping a child in need, the United Methodist Children’s Home needs your help! Please consider babysitting, respite care and/or fostering a child today. Information & orientation sessions are held the first Monday of every month. We are looking for the right persons to start the process impacting the life of a child…whatever that should be. Every individual is different, every family is different, but there are hundreds of children that need YOUR difference in their lives right now. Please contact Rosemary Watts at or Samantha Faklaris at
JOIN US FOR MISSION MONDAYS THIS SUMMER June 5, 12, 26 and July 10, 17 and 24 - benefiting children of Cascade UMC and Action Ministries. We will meet at 5:45p in the Fellowship Hall for sandwich making and lunch packing. This is a fun way to serve as a family (all ages are welcome). We plan to make 400 lunches at each gathering, for a total of 2400 lunches to support Action Ministries “smart lunch, smart kid” program. Nearly 800,000 children in Georgia receive free or reduced-price lunch at school, a crucial meal that disappears in the summer. We can help ensure that these children are fed during the summer. On July 24, in addition to preparing lunches, we will also be packing backpacks with school supplies for under privileged children in our community. Donations are always needed of sandwich bags, individually packaged bags of chips, fruit cups and drinks (water or juice boxes) in the donation bins near the nursery.
HIGHTOWER SUMMER CAMP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Hightower Homework Club needs adults and teens to help with summer camp. DUMC is responsible for crafts and volunteers for the week of June 5-9. The hours for the camp are 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. daily. It is a great activity to put on your College resume… and lots of fun! Hope to see you there! Please contact Carolyn Staley at if you are interested.
Saturday, August 12 To register visit:
MAY 2017 | 7
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MEMORIALS In Memory of:
Joyce Amacher – Crusaders Class, Col. and Mrs. Bill Robinson, Mrs. Susan Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Browne Mindy Davis – Mr. and Mrs. William L. Miller, Mr. James Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sandberg Bertha Goff (mother of Carolyn Middleton) – Dr. Jimmy and Dr. Ruth Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid Marian Haga – Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trundle John Henderson – Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trundle Sam Sullivan – Mr. Craig Sullivan William M. Wedding, Sr. & Jr. – Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wedding Donald Vann – Mr. and Mrs. John Reid Virginia Vann – Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Freeman, United Way of the Mid South, Mr. and Mrs. John Osmundsen, Mr. Dan Tuttle
In Honor of:
Edward Trundle – Mr. and Mrs. David Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nall
Rachel & Adam Cianfichi
Clergy and Office Numbers Dan Brown Senior Pastor Josh Amerson Associate Pastor Kathy Brockman Associate Pastor Jenna Kennedy Associate Pastor David Melton Minister to the Congregation Sonny Walden Minister of Music Church Office: 770-394-0675 Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 FAX Number: 770-394-8492 E-mail: Website:
Minister After Hours 770-542-1667
In case of an emergency such as a death or critical illness.