October - November Connections Online

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CONNECTIONS OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING William Arthur Ward was a well-known writer from a previous generation. He was also an active Methodist layperson who not only served his local church, but also served in leadership roles in his Annual Conference. He once wrote, “Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you will miss them.” Inside this edition of “Connections,” you are going to find many opportunities. Some are designed to enhance your spiritual growth. Some will be an opportunity to witness to your faith. Still others will be an opportunity for you to be a blessing by being in ministry to people in this church, community, and beyond. However, each of these opportunities is a chance for you to experience the power and presence of Christ at work in your life and the world. I want to encourage you to make the most of these opportunities. If you need help getting connected or registered, don’t hesitate to call the Church office. We will make every effort to help you find the place where God wants you to get plugged in. Thank you for who you are and for all you do to make Dunwoody United Methodist Church a great church. Blessings, Dan


Dunwoody UMC on The City is growing! The people and groups in The City are the people and groups who make up our church. Every part of The City is designed to lead DUMC deeper into communities, with tools that build connection and help us live our vision to be a dynamic Christian community. Join us! Visit https://dunwoodyumc.onthecity.org/kiosk/157333/signup to request an invitation. If you are already on Dunwoody UMC on The City – thank you! If you need help with your profile, schedule a training session, or would like to establish a group, please contact Allison Fears at allison.fears@dunwoodyumc.org.

For more information or to reserve a tour date, please contact Susan Hotchkiss at 770-394-2555, or by email at susan.hotchkiss@dunwoodyumc.org. Dunwoody United Methodist Church Preschool 1548 Mt. Vernon Rd * Dunwoody, GA 30338 www.dunwoodyumc.org/preschool

POSITIVE DISCIPLINE Thursday, October 27 @ 9:15-11:30 a.m. Please join Kelly Gfroerer, Ph.D., LPC, Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, for a parent workshop on Positive Discipline. This workshop will help parents learn to better understand their children’s behaviors and develop effective tools for long-term results. Dr. Kelly has three children, who all attended Dunwoody Methodist Preschool. She not only works with parents, but she provides professional development for teachers in the Atlanta area. DUMC Preschool teachers completed a workshop with Kelly during pre-planning and are still raving about it. We promise you will leave with many new practical parenting tools you can put to use immediately.

FOURS AND KINDERGARTEN INFORMATIONAL MEETING Wednesday, November 2 @ 9:15 - 10:45 a.m. in the Wesley Room Please join Anne Trask, DUMCP Curriculum Coordinator and Kindergarten teacher, for an informational meeting about our SACS/ CASI AdvancEd Accredited Fours and Kindergarten programs. Topics discussed will include how DUMCP’s programs compare to public school Georgia Pre-K and Kindergarten programs, including a comparison of daily schedules, curriculum goals, objectives and materials. Also addressed, will be research based developmentally appropriate practices, the necessity of play in early childhood education and the importance of differentiated instruction. We look forward to sharing a comprehensive view of our Fours and Kindergarten programs with you and answering any questions you may have!

2017-2018 PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION IS COMING! Please join us for a tour of Dunwoody UMC Preschool. Preschool Director Susan Hotchkiss will give an overview of Dunwoody UMC Preschool’s program and guide a tour to see the preschool day in action. Our SACS/CASI AdvancEd accredited program is available for Infants (age 6 months by 9/1/16) through Kindergarten (age 5 by 9/1/16). Dunwoody UMC Preschool has served the community for over fifty years offering a developmentally appropriate education in a loving, Christian environment.

2017-2018 REGISTRATION DATES FOR NEW FAMILIES • Thursday, January 19 Dunwoody UMC Members • Friday, January 20 Community

2017-2018 TOUR DATES All tours begin at 10:00 am and meet in the Youth Area • Thursday, November 3 • Thursday, November 17 • Thursday, December 1 • Thursday, December 8 • Thursday, January 5 • Thursday, January 12


Advent starts Sunday, Nov. 27, and that means we need devotions for the DUMC Advent Devotional book. Stories can be short (150 words!) and about the Advent season, your faith or any other thought you’d like to share as we prepare for Advent. Devotions are due Friday, Oct. 21. Send your devotion to Anne West at awwest@mindspring.com, or contact Anne for a sample. 2 | AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2016


Saturday, October 22! Register NOW! Look for new t-shirt design/sales and project sign up, old favorites and new exciting ones too. If you are interested in being a project coordinator, please contact Samantha Faklaris at samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc.org.

DONATIONS NEEDED! We currently are collecting the following items for our projects. Please bring these items to the donation bin area located outside the nursery. Thank you! • Travel size toiletries - shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, lotion, etc • Peanut Butter - any size for food packaging at Feed the Hungry • Birthday Party items - plates, napkins, balloons, cake mixes, frosting, etc for MUST ministry birthday kits • Jeans - to be made into shoes for Sole Hope



FAMILY PROMISE Dunwoody UMC will host families for Family Promise beginning Sunday, October 9 through Sunday, October 16. We need volunteers to set up and take down guest rooms; provide meals and supplies; and host meals, evenings and overnight. For presentation, information or training on Family Promise please contact Samantha Faklaris at Samantha.faklaris@dunwoodyumc.org or Jenny Carter at jenny. carter@dunwoodyumc.org. Thank you so much in advance for your support of this wonderful ministry.

PACKAGE OF HOPE Dunwoody UMC provides “Package of Hope” the last Saturday of each month. Distributing non perishable food that will feed a family of four for several days, DUMCs goal is to make families feel welcome as they work through tough financial times to get back on their feet. In partnership with Action Ministries, DUMC would love to have you join us (to volunteer or for assistance). Upcoming dates are October 29 and November 19 in the Youth Area from 9-11 a.m. We have complimentary coffee and pastries for fellowship available. Please contact Cindy Hatcher at cindywhatcher@ gmail.com with questions.

ATLANTA FOOD BANK - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We need Volunteers the 2nd Wednesday of every month to pack food at the Atlanta Food Bank. We meet at the church at 8:30 a.m. and are back to the church around 12:15 p.m. Transportation is provided. Questions: call or email Alan Shinn, 770-849-0719 or awshinn@comcast.net.

HIGHTOWER HOMEWORK CLUB - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The 2016-17 school year is underway and we look forward to helping the elementary children at Hightower once again. Please join us in helping them with math, reading and/or free time after school. Homework club will be from 3-4:20 p.m. for the elementary aged children. We hope that volunteers will arrive by 2:45 p.m.to get ready before the children join us. New this year - DUMC will be providing volunteers on Mondays & Tuesdays only - so please check your calendars and help us fill these slots up - smiley face (however that said, other congregations are not joining until after Labor Day so if you have availability to any days the week of Aug 22 and Aug 29, I’m certain they would appreciate it). We will be hosting an “open house” of sorts in September at the school as well – taking the church bus over for interested volunteers to see what it’s all about with Reverend Jenna Kennedy. Look for info on that soon & encourage your friends to join us. Thanks so much for your support of this ministry - these children are thriving in school b/c someone like you takes the time to spend helping them for a short amount each week - a little goes a long way! www.DunwoodyUMC.org





7:30 a.m. – Pancake Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. – Festival Hours www.dunwoodyumc.org/holiday-festival Facebook – “Holiday Festival” Twitter - @DUMCHolidayFest

DUNWOODY UMC’S HOLIDAY FESTIVAL CELEBRATES ITS 25TH ANNIVERSARY The Dunwoody community has come to know the DUMC Holiday Festival as one of the premiere holiday events in the area, but do you know how it all began? The roots of the Holiday Festival stretch back to 1967 when DUMC held a “Country Bazaar” – back when Dunwoody was truly in “the country”. In 1990, under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Wiley Stephens and co-chairs Molly Patrick and Sharon Edwards, the event grew and some of our favorite features of recent festivals came into being - Attic Treasures, children’s activities, concessions, the Gourmet Shop, a few artisans, and a luncheon all made their debut. Other areas, such as the Christmas Shop, Poinsettia Sales, and a DUMC cook book came and went during the course of the 1990’s. With the completion of the new Activities Building in 2001, the Holiday Festival as we know it today was born. Dr. Stephens tapped Sue Cunnold to take on the leadership role and she helped to provide the vision for a reimagined event on a grander scale. In addition to some of the old favorites, the new Holiday Festival introduced the Silent Auction, the Book Nook, DUMC logo items, pictures with Santa Claus, live and recorded music, Santa’s Helpers, entrance donations, “Angel Aprons” for the volunteers, and featured 105 Artisans. Over the last twenty-five years, the Holiday Festival event chair persons and committee members have worked hard to keep the event fresh. As one thing may be phased out, new ideas are implemented. Casseroles to Go, additional Artisans, the pancake breakfast, book signings, the addition of a parking shuttle service to accommodate over 3,000 shoppers, Sue Cunnold in 2001 – the debut of the Holiday Festival in the Chick-fil-A lunch, furniture pick-up and delivery newly built Activities Building. by a local moving company, and last year’s Friday evening “Pinecone and Holly Berry Café” are just a sampling of these innovations. The Holiday Festival keeps current with technology, recently implementing an online version of the Silent Auction and giving parents instant access to precious pictures with Santa by using their own flash drives. While the fun and fellowship of the Holiday Festival keep people coming back year after year, it is the fundraising for Missions that is this event’s heart. Since 1994 over $1million has been raised. During the 1990’s through the turn of the century, funds went to several missions with Habitat for Humanity being among them. In 2004, it was Dr. Stephen’s idea for Habitat to become the sole benefactor. The congregation of DUMC has built a total of 26 houses in the name of Habitat for Humanity including the “Blitz Build” in April 2016 when a house was completed in just seven days. The planning for the 25th Annual Holiday Festival is well underway, led this year by Mary Millar and Susan Anderson. In anticipation of the all-day event on Saturday, November 12, the church will soon be buzzing with the many volunteer elves who will transform our building into a Christmas wonderland ready, in Sue Cunnold’s words from a 2001 committee letter, “to promote Christian fellowship within our church and community”.

FREE ADMISSION, 120 ARTISANS, ATTIC TREASURES, BOOK NOOK, GOURMET SHOP, CAFÉ INTERMEZZO COFFEES, CASSEROLES TO GO, LUNCH, CONCESSIONS, PHOTOS WITH SANTA, KIDS CRAFTS, KIDS ZONE WITH GAMES, PETTING ZOO, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, SILENT AUCTION (TEXT “DUMC15” TO 24700 TO JOIN) Parking: In the DUMC lot. Overflow parking and shuttle service located in the Ashford Center North parking lot (directly across from Dunwoody Baptist Church). www.DunwoodyUMC.org

The City – Join “2016 Holiday Festival” or https://dunwoodyumc.onthecity.org/plaza/dumcholidayfest AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2016 | 6


Mike McHargue (Science Mike) is the host of Ask Science Mike and co-host of The Liturgists Podcast. Mike is on tour to promote his new book, Finding God in the Waves. This one-night-only special event features a live recording of Ask Science Mike. Join us for a honest, fun, and often hilarious journey into the space between science and faith. There will be a special meet and greet with a book signing after the event.

STEPHEN MINISTRY On September 25, 2016 our congregation commissioned 7 Stephen Ministers. These dedicated people, Kenneth Abele, Glenn Conoley, Chris Cox, Elaine Edwards, Carla Rogg, Nicole Sullivan and Dixie Wedding have been in training for 6 months and are ready to begin their caring ministry. Stephen Ministry is a Christian lay ministry for anyone in our church or community during a difficult time and is a vital part of our congregations mission. We ask that you as a congregation pray for and show your support for this ministry and these gifted people whom God has called and equipped for this important role in our church.

WHAT IS UNITED METHODIST WOMEN? . . . a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to grow spiritually. . . . a community of women who turn their faith, hope and love into action onbehalf of women, children and youth around the world. . . . a community of women who provide supportive fellowship at each of life’sstages. From new mothers to grandmothers to working women or recently retired,there is a UMW Circle for you. Come and learn more about DUMC’s UMW Circles at our UMW Ladies Tea. Sunday, October 9 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Church Parlor. Contact Barbara Giametta, UMW Membership Chairman, 770-671-9813, giametta@bellsouth.net.

WOMEN OF GRACE DINNER Save the date for 2017’s Women of Grace Dinner! The event will be held on Monday, February 27th in the Fellowship Hall. We are excited to announce that Ashley Smith will be our speaker. Ashely will be sharing her inspirational story of how faith and Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life” book helped her survive being held hostage by a suspected murderer and how it changed her life. This is not Brian Nichols’ story. This is Ashley’s story. A story of the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.



December 6, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Save the Date for the Annual Green and White Banquet for all the UMW circles. All women in the church are invited to attend. Mark your calendars for an inspiring evening of good food, wonderful fellowship and beautiful music.


Dunwoody United Methodist Church 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338

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LAITY SUNDAY Please join us for our annual Laity Sunday on October 30. Thomas Kemper will be speaking on “Mission in Christ’s Way,” Thomas is General Secretary of the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church whose US headquarters, after almost 200 years in New York City, is moving in 2016 to Atlanta on Ponce de Leon Avenue. A native of Germany and a layperson, Kemper is the first person from outside the United States elected to lead a United Methodist agency.

Clergy and Office Numbers


Dan Brown Senior Pastor

Page Barnes (daughter of Bill Barnes) – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy Clark David Collins – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins Charles Crawford – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy Joy Edwards – Mrs. Edith Chapin, Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Robinson, Mr. Dan Tuttle, Mrs. Kathleen Miers, Crusaders Class, The Snodgrass Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Patrick, Mrs. Sarah Jane Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Madden Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Browne Susan Haun (daughter of Shirley and Leonard Sheppard) – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy Helen Martin – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy Kenneth Niemann – Mrs. Joyce Niemann, Rev. David and Rev. Joy Melton Charles Payne – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy Halle Scott – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy Christina Semeria (granddaughter of Elizabeth Crawford) – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy Sonya Smith – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy Anne Young – Mr. and Mrs. Carl Espy

Josh Amerson Associate Pastor



William M. Wedding Sr., Jr., III – Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wedding

Kathy Brockman Associate Pastor Jenna Kennedy Associate Pastor David Melton Minister to the Congregation Sonny Walden Minister of Music Church Office: 770-394-0675 Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 FAX Number: 770-394-8492 E-mail: mail@dunwoodyumc.org Website: www.dunwoodyumc.org

Minister After Hours 770-542-1667

In case of an emergency such as a death or critical illness.

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