Saturday, October 21
OCTOBER OPPORTUNITIES Not long ago, I was in one of those conversations where the folks gathered were talking about their favorite seasons of the year. Different ones mentioned different seasons, although I don’t recall anyone saying winter was a favorite. At the time, I didn’t say this, but it started me thinking about some of my favorite months of the year. I have several, but one of them would have to be the month of October. There are reasons for this: For one thing, I love the change in the weather. Usually, by the month of October, the mornings have turned cool and the afternoons still have a hint of heat. Playing golf in weather like that is wonderful. I also like the changing color of the leaves. There is a beauty when the trees prepare for winter that you do not see at any other time of the year. Driving to work or driving in the mountains is like watching an artist paint a beautiful landscape on a canvas, only better. I like what happens in the Church during the month of October. Each year, during October, we have the Great Day of Service. This year, the Great Day of Service will be held on October 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. On this day, literally hundreds of members from Dunwoody UMC will gather to engage in acts of service. Aware of Christ’s great love for us, we go to share that love with others through everything from onsite projects such as the Potato Drop to Rise Against Hunger’s packaging meals for children who might not otherwise have food to eat, to preparing UMCOR flood buckets for the victims of the hurricanes, making mats for the homeless or Sole Hope’s shoes for African children made out of recycled materials. Some of the many offsite projects include Habitat’s Brush with Kindness and improving a group home at Wellspring Living. The Great Day of Service will provide you with 40 opportunities to be in service to others in the name of Christ. For more information, you can contact Jenna Kennedy or Samantha Faklaris at the Church office. Finally, we will be completing our “Moving Forward Together” capital campaign. I can’t begin to emphasize the importance of this campaign for the future of this Church. Through the completion of this campaign we will not only have an opportunity to enhance all of our worship services, but it will make possible growth for our Contemporary Service, enhance music in our Traditional Services, more room for Sunday School and Children’s activities on Sunday mornings, and it will help us to become stronger at being “one Church with multiple expressions of worship.” If you have not already done so, I hope you will take the first couple of weeks in this month and complete your commitment so that we can truly “Move Forward Together.” Blessings, Rev. Dan Brown
Please submit your pledge by October 29.
Your Commitment Counts! 2 | OCTOBER 2017
MISSIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 Register NOW at www.dunwoodyumc.org! We need 800 volunteers to support the 40+ projects we are serving this year. Join us in the community or here at Dunwoody UMC as we work from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.. Look for t-shirt sales (old favorites and new exciting ones too) and project sign-up sheets on Sunday mornings. Questions? Please contact Samantha Faklaris at samantha.faklaris@ dunwoodyumc.org.
We currently are collecting the following items for our projects. Please bring these items to the donation bin area located outside the nursery. Thank you! • Travel size toiletries - shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, lotion, etc for Malachi’s House • Peanut butter - any size for food packaging at Feed the Hungry • Birthday party items - plates, napkins, balloons, cake mixes, frosting, etc for MUST ministry birthday kits • Plastic grocery bags for Project Homeless Mats • Hand lotion, bodyspray, lip gloss for Partnership Against Domestic Violence
ATLANTA FOOD BANK Volunteers needed to pack food at the Atlanta Food Bank on the second Wednesday of the month. We meet at the church at 8:30 a.m. under the Wiley and Linda Stephens portico and are back to the church by around 12:15 p.m. Transportation is provided. Questions: contact Alan Shinn, 404-788-7389 or awshinn49@gmail.com.
PACKAGE OF HOPE Dunwoody UMC distributes non-perishable food that will feed a family of four for several days on the last Saturday of the month. Upcoming dates are October 28, November 18 and December 30 in the Youth Area from 9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Contact Cindy Hatcher at cindywhatcher@gmail.com.
FOSTER CARE MINISTRY DUMC is hosting the North Metro Foster Care Coalition meeting on November 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the Wesley Room. The Information Session is designed to be a 2-hour experience where participants learn about Foster Care, UMCH, what it takes to be a Foster Parent, and the needed Volunteer Roles. Contact Rosemary Watts at wrosemary@hotmail.com.
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MISSIONS (CONT.) HIGHTOWER HOMEWORK CLUB - VOLUNTEERS & SNACKS NEEDED The 2017-18 school year is underway and we are helping the elementary children at Hightower once again. Please join us in helping them with math, reading and/or free time after school. Homework Club is from 3:00 p.m. 4:20 p.m. for the elementary aged children. Volunteers should arrive by 2:45 p.m. to get ready before the children join us. Can’t volunteer to help after school? We need help with snack donations too. Questions? Contact Carolyn Staley at ccsggator@gmail.com or Samantha Faklaris at samantha.faklaris@ dunwoodyumc.org.
TRANSITIONAL HOUSING Did you know DUMC supports a family who is transitioning from homelessness to self sufficiency? In a partnership with HomeStretch, we have volunteers from our church serve as financial and family mentors. We also have a committee of caring people who meet every month to help, and are looking to grow this ministry to take on another family in 2018. If interested in joining us, please contact Linda Danysh at danysh01@yahoo.com or Rita Paschal at ritapaschal@att.net.
Please welcome Asheley Bumgardner to the DUMC staff as Missions Coordinator. Asheley will be working with Reverend Jenna Kennedy and Samantha Faklaris. Asheley has corporate experience from Turner Broadcasting, Inc. and is also the co-chair of this year’s Holiday Festival. She serves on the preschool board and has one daughter at the preschool and another in 2nd grade. She and her husband, Jase, have been members at DUMC for five years.
Visual Arts in the Library invites you to see “Still Life & Memories,” s e l e c te d wo r ks b y V i rg i n i a McGuffey, now on display through the end of October. Also, we hope you will mark your calendars and join us: our featured artist will be in the Library for an informal “Meet & Greet” on Sunday, October 8th, following both the Contemporary and the Traditional Worship services.
Purchase Your Upper Room Disciplines for 2018. A year of daily devotions drawn from the Lectionary with meditation, prayer and reflection to help you grow to spiritual maturity. Available at the Church office for $9 while supply lasts. Payable to Dunwoody UMC. Contact Mary Ruffin 770 394-0675 x112.
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NURSERY DROP IN PROGRAM As of September 5, 2017 our program is open to the Dunwoody community! Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Children ages 6 months through 5 years. We are committed to providing a loving Christian environment with personalized care. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me”, and we want even the youngest children to experience the love of God found in Jesus Christ. Our staff is a group of highly experienced, nurturing child care providers. We focus on cognitive, social, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of a child’s development through free play, story, art, music, and outside playground time. $25 Registration Fee, Maximum 8-10 children per room. Extended day is available up to 2:30 for an additional fee. Contact Usha Raghavan, Nursery Ministry Director, usha.raghavan@dunwoodyumc.org, for additional information or to register. phone: 770-542-1645
PRESCHOOL 2018-2019 PRESCHOOL TOURS! Preschool Director, Susan Hotchkiss will give an overview of Dunwoody UMC Preschool’s program and guide a tour to see the preschool day in action. Our SACS/CASI AdvancEd accredited program is available for toddlers (age 1 months by 9/1/18) through Kindergarten (age 5 by 9/1/18). Dunwoody UMC Preschool offers a developmentally appropriate education in a loving, Christian environment. Tour Dates: (All tours begin at 10:00 am and meet in the Youth Area) • Thursday, November 2, 2017 • Thursday, November 16, 2017 • Thursday, November 20, 2017 • Thursday, December 7, 2017 • Thursday, January 4, 2018 • Thursday, January 11, 2018 For more information or to reserve a tour date, please contact Susan Hotchkiss at 770-394-2555, or by email at susan.hotchkiss@ dunwoodyumc.org.
PARENT EDUCATION WORKSHOP DUMC Preschool is excited to offer a Parent Education Workshop with Brenda Fitzgerald. Brenda is a highly respected educator, recognized nationally for her expertise on literacy and early childhood education. She will be speaking to parents Thursday, October 19th from 9:15-11:45 in her workshop entitled “What Preschoolers Need to Know”. This is a very popular workshop and covers a wide variety of topics that parents of preschoolers need to know as they navigate the early childhood years in a changing educational system. She will also discuss practical ways to get the most of out the preschool years and touch on the impact that technology is having on our youngest learners. This is an interactive workshop and questions are encouraged! Nursery is available for DUMC members and DUMC Preschool families only. Nursery reservations must be received by October 10. Please email amy.rohan@dunwoodyumc. org if you need to make a nursery reservation. www.DunwoodyUMC.org
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HOLIDAY FESTIVAL 2017 MEET YOUR MEMBER ARTISANS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. also started as a project at a Girl Scout craft fair. “We did the craft show with our Girl Scouts one year and that was so much fun,” she says. “I entered it myself the very next year. It always puts people in a festive mood and gets you in the Christmas spirit.” Sara has always loved everything about the beach and her booth will showcase that love, featuring hand-painted ornaments made out of seashells as well as painted driftwood wall hangings.
Cady Carnes, Pitter Platters
While most of Dunwoody UMC’s members can be found volunteering or shopping during the Holiday Festival, a select few are there on business, showcasing their creativity and passion as one of the 125 featured Artisans. Cady Carnes, an Artisan for 14 years and a lifelong crafter, started working with ceramics about 15 years ago and has a booth (Pitter Platters) filled with ornaments, crosses, piggy banks, frames and cupcake plates that can be personalized onsite. This year she will also have one-of-a-kind platters and prayer bowls. “I love 6 | OCTOBER 2017
getting my hands messy with clay,” she says, “and I particularly like the Bible verse Isaiah 64:8 about God as the potter and we are the clay. I like the imagery there.”
Though a longtime member, this will be Cari Gustavson’s first year as an Artisan, after being encouraged to sign up by her Dunwoody UMC Knitter’s Group. Cari, a yarn spinner and dyer, takes raw fibers and spins and dyes them into one-of-a-kind yarn. “Because the yarn is hand-dyed – either by me or another artist – and then spun, each batch is truly unique and can never be duplicated, even by me,” Cari says. She loves both the history of spinning as the oldest independent profession of women, but also the future, as certain fibers such as cotton become scarcer and spinners are on the front lines of discovering
Artisan Cal Stowell only participates in the Dunwoody UMC Holiday Festival, selling driftwood Christmas trees. “My participation began as a daddy-daughter project and we enjoy making the trees for the Festival together. We only make 50 or so trees and donate much of our earnings to charity.” Sara Cote’s decision to become an Artisan (From the Sea to the Tree)
Cal Stowell, driftwood Christmas trees www.DunwoodyUMC.org
first festival as an Artisan, so it is super special that my own church is where it all began for Studio Z Soaps!”
Sara Cote, From the Sea to the Tree
new alternatives. Cari’s booth will feature not only her one-of-a-kind, heirloom quality hand-dyed yarns, but also a modern-day spinning wheel, on which she will give demonstrations. Teddi Zayas’ path to becoming an Artisan was through another Artisan. “I’ve been a soap maker for about four years. I was originally drawn to the craft after trying to find an Artisan from whom I had bought a bar of soap that my daughter loved. When I failed to find her, I thought I would just learn to make the soap myself!” www.DunwoodyUMC.org
After making a few hundred bars and giving them away to friends and family, Teddi decided to see if others would be interested, and Studio Z soaps was born. The booth features handmade soaps with a special blend of saponified oils, scented and unscented and colors – all designed to create a sumptuous bath time experience! “I can only think of pros of being an Artisan at my own church,” she says. “It is very exciting and gratifying to see people shopping not only for themselves but for a wonderful cause. The Dunwoody UMC Holiday Festival was my
Sue Swensen has been making and selling jewelry for 14 years and loves her craft. “It has always been a thrill and a compliment when I have made a piece of jewelry and it is appreciated and purchased!” This year she will have new pieces, all individual and different. “I always want my jewelry to be on-trend but to have a special quality that can only be achieved through being handmade,” she says. Sue’s children attended the church preschool and enjoy visiting with old friends on the day of the Festival. “It is always a busy and fun atmosphere! My favorite memories each year are of catching up with old friends and seeing the children each year as they come by.” The only con? “I miss shopping at the Festival as I can’t leave my booth for long! I love seeing what people have purchased and am always in awe of my fellow Artisans.” Cady Carnes echoes the same sentiments. “Participating in the Holiday Festival feels like home. It’s fun to see so many familiar faces,” she says, “and I wish I had more down time to socialize!” Additional Church MemberArtisans include Sarah Greer (Needle-De-Dee), and Denise Pruitt, a doll clothesmaker. Visit these Artisans and more on November 11, 2017. www.dunwoodyumc.org/ holiday-festival OCTOBER 2017 | 7
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DON’T MISS OCTOBER AT PLUGGED IN! October Theme: Use It Or Lose It This month because we know that everything belongs to God, we are focusing on how to take care of God’s stuff! Week One: The Earth Belongs to the Lord Bottom Line: Remember, everything belongs to God Week Two: Teach Us To Number Our Days Bottom Line: Use your time wisely Week Three: Parable of the Talents Bottom Line: Use your things wisely Week Four: God Loves a Cheerful Giver Bottom Line: Use your money wisely Week Five: Treasures in Heaven Bottom Line: Live like you know what really matters
SPARK! PRESCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL October Theme: Zig Zag Zone For October we are focused teaching the children that God can help us during the ups and downs of our lives. He can even help us help others. This month, we’ll learn about the life of David and how even when his life zigged and zagged, God was there to help him. October Bottom Line: God Can Help Me. Memory Verse: “ We have the Lord our God to help us.” 2 Chronicles 32:8 Week 1: David Protects the Sheep 1 Samuel 17:34-37 Week 2: David is Strong in Battle 1 Samuel 18:7, 12-14 Week 3: David and Jonathan 1 Samuel 18: 1-4; 20: 3-42 Week 4: David Praises God 2 Samuel 6:5, 14; Psalm 149:1-5
FALL FAMILY FUN NIGHT! Save the Date for Wednesday, October 25th Look for more details in upcoming e-connections, Facebook posts and Sunday bulletins. Can’t make it, but want to participate? CANDY DONATIONS WELCOME! (Drop off in Children’s Ministry Office) Contact Megan Batcheller, megan.batcheller@dunwoodyumc.org with questions.
GET INVOLVED! Preschool, Age 3 - Young Fives, contact Katie McCann, katie.mccann@ dunwoodyumc.org. K-5th Grade, contact Megan Batcheller, megan. batcheller@dunwoodyumc.org. 8 | OCTOBER 2017
YOUTH MINISTRY 2017 YOUTH FLAG FOOTBALL Registration now open! Our Sunday-only co-ed flag football league helps players develop the fundamental skills of “America’s Game” in a fun, non-contact environment. Age group is determined by child’s grade in school for the 2017-18 academic year. Rookies: Kindergarten and 1st grade Junior Varsity: 2nd and 3rd grade Varsity: 4th- 6th grade PROGRAM FEES: Before September 15: $135.00 / After September 15: $150.00 PRACTICES/GAMES: Sunday-only league. 45-minute practice, 45-minute game held weekly between 12:30 and 6:00pm beginning October 15. Teams play on the athletic fields of DUMC and North Atlanta Church of Christ. Contact Michelle Spitz, michelle.spitz@ dunwoodyumc.org.
Turn’ up for turnips! We’ve loved partnering with Concrete Jungle and their urban farm. We’ve planted, harvested, and donated several hundreds of pounds to local homeless shelters over the course of the year. Talk about a unique and rewarding way to give back to Atlanta!
The Braves may have lost but we partied like they won! We had a blast exploring SunTrust Park and cheering on the home team.
First ever softball league JUST for young adults in the area. Can’t wait for next year! www.DunwoodyUMC.org
An interactive Ted Talk with a DUMC twist! Join us the 2nd Thursday of the month at Moondog Growlers for an evening of open panel discussion on tough questions. OCTOBER 2017 | 9
FIFTY PLUS NEW FRIENDS We are a group of widowed friends (men and women) who enjoy lunch out on the second Monday of each month. To RSVP or find out more, please contact Betty Moreland at 770-641-8519. • Monday, October 9, 2017 at 11:30 am, at Red Lobster. Reservations are due by noon on October 7.
PREPARING FOR RETIREMENT/RECENTLY RETIRED Are you planning to retire in the new few years? Have you recently retired? Join us on Tuesday, October 24 from 6:30 to 8 pm in the Wesley Room. We will have an initial (what’s another word for this?) panel discussion on what to anticipate as you retire addressing the areas of emotional preparation, financial planning for enhanced longevity, spiritual preparation and physical preparation. This is our initial session with future sessions to provide support as you plan your retirement and after you have retired. For more information, contact Kathy Brockman.
APPLE AND LEAVES EXCURSION Join us Wednesday, October 25 for a day through the colorful treelined roads of the North Georgia mountains. We will visit the Mercier Orchard in Blue Ridge for apples and fried pies. The bus leaves from the church promptly at 9:30 a.m.; will return around 4:30 p.m. Cost is just $20 with lunch an individual expense at the orchard. Last day for payment is Sunday, October 22. Contact Mary Ruffin in the church office, 770-394-0675.
SUPPORT SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS Surviving the Holidays is a helpful, encouraging seminar for people facing the holidays after the death of a loved one. This seminar features video interviews with counselors, grief experts, and other people who have experienced the holidays after their loved one’s death and who offer practical suggestions and reassurance. These people share honestly about: • Being prepared for surprising emotions that may hit over the holidays • What to do about traditions and other coming changes • How to handle holiday parties and invitations • Where to find comfort, strength, and hope in a seemingly hopeless time www.DunwoodyUMC.org
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WOMEN’S MINISTRIES PERSONAL GROWTH AND SHARING CIRCLE The guests of Barbara Cox and St. George Village, we dined in style in the large and beautiful dining room at St. George. Barbara Cox welcomed us and Pat Webster said the blessing. Grace Pyen offered remarks about her recent trip to Russia. Grace will assume the Presidency of the Atlanta-Roswell District UMW in September. St. George Village is sponsored by the Catholic Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Inc., and managed by Wesley Woods Senior Living, Inc., of Atlanta.
DUNWOODY UMW’S 47TH ANNUAL GREEN & WHITE BANQUET Save the Date! Mark your calendars for Dunwoody UMW’s 47th Annual Green & White Banquet to be held at 6:30 p.m. on December 5, 2017. All women in the church are invited to attend an evening of delicious food, fine fellowship and Christmas inspiration. Register through your UMW circle or contact Melanie Williams at 770-394-8977.
MEMORIALS FOR JUNE IN MEMORY OF: Eugene Curran – Mr. and Mrs. William Schuh, Mrs. Nancy Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Raby, Mr. and Mrs. John Head, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Danysh, Interpreters Class, Mrs. Joann Burns, Mrs. and Mrs. Edward Trundle, Mrs. Patricia Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foote Clara Danysh (mother of Donald Danysh) – Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trundle William Gorman – Crusaders Class, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love Ellen Halter (mother of Linda Hancock) – Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton, Mr. and Mrs. William Schuh, Ms. Tina Schuh Phineas Haq – Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton Jackie Vaughn Marler – Mrs. Sara Loveless, Mrs. Cathy Mobley Beatrice Robinson (mother of Donald Robinson) – Ms. Tina Schuh Lorraine Russell (mother of Penney Swanson) – Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton Thomas Thompson – Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton, Mrs. Nancy Shaw Les Washington – Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton Harry Watkins – Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Linton William M. Wedding, Sr. – Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wedding William M. Wedding, Jr. – Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wedding
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Dunwoody United Methodist Church 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338
Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAI D Atlanta, GA Permit No. 3607
NEW MEMBERS Clergy and Office Numbers Rev. Dan Brown Senior Pastor Rev. Josh Amerson Associate Pastor Rev. Kathy Brockman Associate Pastor Rev. Jenna Kennedy Associate Pastor
Keeli & Carl Schmidt
Rev. David Melton Minister to the Congregation Rev. Sonny Walden Minister of Music Church Office: 770-394-0675 Prayer Line: 770-671-8239 E-mail: mail@dunwoodyumc.org Website: www.dunwoodyumc.org
Minister After Hours 770-542-1667
Benjamin James Welch
In case of an emergency such as a death or critical illness.