This Week at Dunwoody UMC 12-26-10

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This week at DUNWOODY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH December 26, 2010 Highlights FLOWER CALENDAR 2011 - The flower calendar will be arriving soon. We are taking flower reserva ons for January and February. Please call the church office at 770394-0675. RECYCLE YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE AND SUPPORT SCOUTS Sign up today, go green and support the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts of DUMC. Just place your order at the troop website: The service is $10 and will save you from scratching your car and ge4ng pine needles everywhere. Just have your tree curbside on Sunday, January 2, and the scouts will take care of the rest. Thanks for your support and enjoy the holidays. INTRODUCTION TO DUNWOODY UMC: Dunwoody UMC 101 classes are an introduc on to our church and our United Methodist denomina on. Your clergy staff answers your ques ons about what we do, why we do it, what we believe, and how to get involved. Our next series of classes will be held January 9, 16, and 23 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the twenty30somethings suite. For informa on, please contact Rev. Zack Mar n at zack.mar or ext. 179. WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER - The menu for January 5 is sliced honey-baked ham, acorn squash, white corn, biscuits, salad bar, and apple cobbler. The children’s menu is ham, tater tots, and applesauce. Weekly reserva ons need to be made by noon on Monday with a pew card, by email or by phone (ext. 113). MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THE LEGISLATIVE FORUM, Sunday, January 9, in the Fellowship Hall. Times are 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Issues coming before the 2011 State Legislature will be discussed by our elected officials. For more informa on call Greg Presmanes at 770-396-6615. FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY - A new class starts this January! Classes will meet on Wednesdays, January 19April 20 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the twenty30somethings suite. Check our website for more details and to register. DVDs OF THE CHRISTMAS PAGEANT are available for $5 each. Please contact Diane Morgan at ext. 133 or diane, to get a copy.

COME AND JOIN DR. WILEY STEPHENS AND DAVID MELTON as they lead the study sponsored by the United Methodist Women en tled “For the Love of God: John’s LeƩers.” This study will be held Tuesday mornings, January 11, 18, and 25 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall and will be repeated on Wednesday nights, January 12, 19, and 26 from 7:05-8:30 p.m. MEN’S BREAKFAST, Friday, January 14, in the Fellowship Hall - The cost is $5 per person which will include a full breakfast star ng at 6:30 a.m. ScoJ Rigsby will be speaking at 7:00 a.m. and will be finished by 8:00 a.m. so you can get to work. When ScoJ was 18, a truck he was riding in was suddenly hit by a passing 18-wheeler. He was dragged 300 feet under a 3-ton aJached trailer. He suffered third degree burns on his back, his right leg was severed and his leL leg hung barely intact. In 2005 ScoJ decided to change his life, and the world, by breaking down barriers for physically-challenged athletes. FiLeen years aLer his accident, he has completed 13 triathlons and 5 road races on his way to se4ng world records for a double below-theknee amputee in the Full Marathon, Half Ironman, and Interna onal Distance Triathlon, earning him a spot on the 2006 USA Triathlon Team.

YOUTH 180° 180° - We will not be mee ng tonight and THRIVE will not meet this Wednesday. Enjoy the Christmas season with your friends and families. NEXT SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, we will have one joint Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. CONFIRMATION FOR OLDER STUDENTS begins on January 5. If you are beyond 6th grade and would like to go through the confirma on experience, please contact Stephen StreeJ ( for more informa on. OSWALD BROTHERS IN CONCERT - 180° will host the Oswald Brothers on January 9 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Youth Area. The cost is $5 at the door and includes dinner. ATLANTA THRASHERS - 180° will be aJending an Atlanta Thrashers’ game on January 22. Only a few ckets remain so register today online or by filling out a permission form in the Youth Café. The Youth Choir will be singing the Na onal Anthem at the Hawks’ game on February 12. Register now to reserve your spot.

Highlights Continued “BE A PAL…” - Join those 50+ at the Lunch & Learn Programs of PALS on Mondays, January 10 to March 7, from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at Dunwoody UMC. Select from the following offerings: The Fitness Club, The Faith Club, History of American Medicine, Great Decisions 2011, Beginning Spanish, Conveying a Spiritual Legacy, Airplanes, Financial Planning, The Concord Coali on, Reimagining Broadway, Bridge, and Mahjongg. For a brochure call PALS at 770-698-0801. Join the fun and enjoy great catered lunches, available with reserva ons.

Women of the Word (WOW): Studies - The Beth Moore Proverbs Study con nues in 2011 with the same casual format: no homework, just coffee, a DVD, and discussion. The study is Mondays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 258. Reserva ons are only needed for childcare by contac ng Rhonda Acarkan at ext. 131 or Topics are as follows: • January 10: A Wise Friend • January 24: Wisdom for Moms • January 31: How Wisdom Looks in a Wife • February 7: Wisdom for a Woman’s Sexuality A REPEAT OF BETH MOORE’S REVELATION STUDY, “Here and Now...There and Then.” - Coming Thursdays, January 6 through March 17 from 9:15-11:30 a.m. The study consists of a DVD, group discussion, and homework. Come and experience this compelling and mysterious, yet hopeful, last chapter of The Holy Bible. Class cost is $12 with scholarships available. Childcare provided. Please RSVP to Marty Chambless at or 770-668-0337. CROSSROADS MEN’S GROUP, January 8 at 7:45 p.m. Judy Dodge will speak about Greg Mortenson.

BOOTH WESTERN ART MUSEUM AND ANSEL ADAMS Friday, January 21, the Pryme Tymers will visit the Booth Western Art Museum in Cartersville, Georgia. A special Ansel Adams exhibit is featured. The bus will depart at 9:30 a.m. and return by 4:00 p.m. The cost, including bus and lunch at the museum café, is $30. The last day for payment is January 18. Contact Exa Grubb at ext. 205. ADVANCED BEGINNER BRIDGE CLASSES IN JANUARY: • Deadly Defense, making the most of your high cards, 6-weeks on Mondays star ng January 12, 9:45 a.m. • Planning to Win, reviewing basic bidding while focusing on improving declarer play, 6-weeks on Wednesdays star ng January 12, 9:45 a.m. Each series is $100 and includes the instruc on book. In addiƟon, Bridge Play will be available Wednesdays star ng January 12 at 12:30 p.m. Each session begins with a short lesson by Sam Marks and con nues with supervised play un l 3:00 p.m. Cost is $7 per session. To register contact Sta a Carey at ext. 281.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NO SUNDAY SCHOOL ON JANUARY 2 - There will be a special program for K-5th graders in Room 144 and preschoolers in Room 171 at both 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Drop off and pick up is in the classrooms. NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING on December 22 or 28. “Art with Lara Kitchin” begins on January 5. ROTATION SUNDAY SCHOOL - We cordially invite you to teach the next unit of rota on Sunday School (K-3rd). The unit is Timothy, Lois, and Eunice, and we need teachers at both 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Contact Kathleen or Sandy.

RegistraƟon InformaƟon for Dunwoody UMC Spring Sports Leagues Available: IN-House and Dunwoody Farm Soccer Academy Kick-a-Roos co-ed (ages 3 ½ - early 4’s) U6 Girls and Boys (ages 4 & 5) U8 Girls and Boys (ages 6 & 7) U10 Girls and Boys (ages 8 & 9) Academy Teams will be offered U10 and U12 Girls and Boys. U12 Girls and Boys (ages 10 & 11) Evalua ons for Academy teams. TBA T-Ball coed (ages 4 & 5’s) League age is determined by child’s birth date as of 1/1/11. RegistraƟon 0pens January 10, 2011 and closes February 13. Late registra on begins January 31, 2011. Cost

Kick-a-Roos (3 ½ - 4 ½ year olds) $85 per child $130 for the 1st child $120 for the 2nd child $110 for the 3rd child Late Fee begins January 31 - $150 & $100 ( Kick-a-Roos ) No discounts or requests available

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